Today on 2 Pros and a Cup of Joe, celebrate St. Paddy’s Day by filling out your Bracket. Aaron Rodgers wants to head to Minnesota but should the Vikings want him? Plus, the GOAT’s spring break and big wins at the slots.
Two Pros and a cup of Joe. Fox Sports Radio, LaVar Arrington, Jonas Knox with you here. Coming up on this Saint Patti's Day edition. Of course, we're gonna talk Saint Patti's Day. We got a special Lee's Leftovers dedicated to the quote unquote holiday, and we're also gonna talk about bracket bitching. That's right, it's happening. North Carolina got in God forbid. We'll discuss. We're gonna give you details on how you can be a part of our Fox Sports Radio bracket Challenge. By the way, we're also gonna talk about the very latest on the Aaron Rodgers sweepstakes, because apparently Russell Wilson's waiting around. The Pittsburgh Steelers are very desperate, the Giants are kind of whatever, and the Minnesota Vikings are thinking it through. We will find out the very latest on Bill Belichick. Congratulations to the Cincinnati Bengals, they finally get it done. Miles Garrett had some thoughts on winning for Super Bowls, and we've got the usual fun stuff. It's all yours. Coming up next here, Two Pros and a cup of Joe on a Monday, Fox Sports Radio.
Givest need to Fox Sports Radio.
Yeah maybe maybe two pros and a cup of Joe Fox Sports don't matter, LaVar Arrington, Jonas NOx with you here. Is that how Jonas say? Is it? We will it don't matter, don't matter. We will get to the whereabouts of one Brandon T. Quinn coming up here momentarily. But we're going to take you all the way up until nine am Eastern time, six o'clock Pacific. You can listen to this show was always on the iHeartRadio app. You can find us on hundreds of affiliates all across the country, and we're doing it all live from the tire rack dot Com studios tire rack dot com. We'll help you get there at unmatched selection, fast, free shipping, free road hazard protection at over ten thousand recommended installers tire rack dot com. The way tire buying should.
Be Happy Sat Patti's Day. Everyone out there, hope you can make it into work like I did. And no, no, I didn't mean it that way. I didn't mean it that way. I mean I meant it because I had a late day. I grilled out yesterday, had a great time.
What you grilled brouh uh?
You know, we market house meets is a part of our shows now. And they sent some meats for me, cooked them yesterday. I still have a tomahawk left. I saved that one. But I cooked a strip yesterday. Uh, some pork chops, and they sent the lobster tail, and that bad boy was ginormous. It was really good. So it was good man. I enjoyed it. We hot tubbed it up. I sent the twins back to State College. So it was just you know, Penn and Trish and myself. Mister, I'm paranoid of skunk now like and and they are clearly waging war on our neighborhood because I SMELLT when I went out this morning. Somebody else was victimized last night.
Oh it's probably the same one. It's like the uh Bro, the Richard Ramirez. I've started from home to home. I've started carrying my burner.
When I go outside, I have my burner next to me in the hot tub, and when I when I come to work, I have my burner with me. If I see him, if I see him moving, if I see him on the stroll, I'm gonna pop them.
I am.
I'm gonna pop him I'm gonna pop them. I got vendetta. I got vendetta, and I ain't trying to throw a rock at it or anything like that. If he's anywhere near me, I'm a busted cap in his ass. It's a rap, it's a rat.
Yeah, but will I kill it though?
Uh, it's less lethal, it's less lethal. Well, and have been around spraying.
Well, look that I do imagine it exploding to be honest, like.
No, no, I won't. It won't.
It'll do the same type of damage. You know, you might break the skin.
Just so we're not taking any chances based on him. You know, I'm going to shoot more than once. We'll shoot more than once, and then I would just recommend maybe lighting it on fire afterwards. Oh no, I ain't take your match too. I ain't going to burn it up, but I'm a burner it up, getting down there with a big lighter. We got him, daddy, hold on, can't take any chances.
Hey man, smelling skunk hits you differently after you've been sprayed. Bro, That's all I'm gonna tell you. Yeah, well, it's a little traumatic.
So Brady Quinn was scheduled to be with us here obviously it's to Saint Patti's Day. And uh he's an irishman. Yes, he was always old. Real travel issues. I spoke to him yesterday. He was uh making the commute from one airport to another to try and catch a flight to get out of town because it was a disaster in Florida and so he is unable to do the show here today. He may call in at some point. We'll get the update from from Brady, but or.
From Lee, which one, because if it's from Lee, that is a is a guaranteed. Locke, We'll talk to Brady tomorrow. If it's from Brady, then there's a chance there's a small there's a slightly more chance we may hear from you.
But just take the day. I mean, we got you know, if you can, if you can call in, you can call in if you is what it is. Uh now I'm not crazy going on in sports. Yeah, we got the we got the tournament. We'll have details on the Fox Sports Radio Bracket Challenge, by the way, that'll come up here shortly. Uh so anybody out there can get that work this year, I will win. Uh just did that beat you last year? You know, I don't even like want so I was eliminated from the competition. I think the tournament just didn't matter at that point. You mean, like the total competition. Yeah, because I don't. I don't think I was in it to win it.
I think Plexico or TJ were from the other show, you know, were a little bit ahead of me. But I think on this show I was ahead of you and Brady.
From what other show? What you mean you said, Oh, you know, I.
Give you great plugs too, by the way, not familiar with that. You know, we never give plugs to the next show ever, We just leave out of this show. You know what I do on Saturdays, unlike you, as the driver of this show. When I'm driving the show, I make sure to one remind them that you're coming up after our show, at midpoint of the show, and then at the end of the show, I make sure they know that while you may want to, you know, tune out and go do something else with yourself, now that our show is concluding, you should stick around and see if you like the guy that's coming on next.
You should see if you like his show. But yeah, that's that's standard operating procedures. But we don't you don't ever do that. We don't never do that on this show. You always plug the main event. Like for people that aren't familiar with this, you always plug the main event. So you go, DP isn't the main event to our show. So when you guys are on our you know, fighting in front of the people that are just showing up to the to the fights early, like the prelimit, they're like, god, Dan, like, let's get to the main hang. I can leave now.
That got to be reminded, like, oh there's another tho after that that kicks off at two East show.
It was kind of like when them girls fought before Tyson and uh, what's his name? Are you trying to say that I'm the Mike Tyson's ass?
Yes, yes, that that that would be what I'm saying.
Really until time, okay, and listen, Dan Patrick, you know there are you know, you never give a lead into Dan. I always ever take us to the always give a plug in a tease to the next show on Saturdays. Oh on Saturday. But for Dan, there are certain affiliates that may not be carrying Dan Patrick and so not quite sure.
Oh so now you're trying to say that you have more affiliates than then, so you don't so you don't get into saying Dan Patrick is up next. It's just like I don't give anything because most of y'all listening to us won't hear Dan Patrick because you only syndicate our show because which is a slight that's a humble flex.
But no, it's we're just promoting the podcast and letting people know. But it doesn't the podcast doesn't. That exists on Saturday too, though, yeah, you can do that on Saturday.
Also because everybody who listens to up on Game isn't listening to Jonas Knox right.
Well, no, that would be more people listen to that show afterwards. But again, I mean, you know, we're just splitting it.
I mean, up Boy Game is a show on the weekend. It's like the only show on the weekend. The rest of it is Fox Sports Weekend with with titles connected to all due respect the jks, some would say MS. Curry is the you know, the second best show on the weekends as we check out Alex Curz.
So you so we're gonna now I'm getting skipped to go to Alex Curry and Karma Batality.
I'm not saying you get skips messed up. Man, I'm just saying, you have a dope ass show, then you get a filler, then you get a filler dah, and then you get another dope show. Damn Well, Saturday's fellas, That's that's Saturdays people.
I do know this that we can argue about shows. You can also argue about which team should have gotten in that didn't get in North Carolina, which got in that people weren't thrilled with. And I just look at the whole thing and go, dude, who cares. Like there's sixty plus teams in the tournament if we're gonna argue about one team here and another team there, like we're just gonna this isn't the college football playoff where you've got twelve teams or before you had four, And it's like, let's really argue about this exclusive class. There's sixty something teams in the tournament each year. So like people that sit here and argue and bitch about, well, so and so got in and this team deserved dude, don't worry. We're gonna have plenty of time for it to get figured out. If North Carolina was rightfully put in and North Carolina got in, and people could say, well, it's because the name whatever. Then they're gonna get to play it out and then we'll figure out whether or not in North Carolina after the fact deserve to get in. But ultimately they're probably not winning a national title. And whatever happens in the run up to the final four, people just get caught up in this drama and they want to argue about this craft. Can't you just enjoy the tournament, enjoy the brackets, especially when you know you're going to get your ass fed to you by me this year in the brackets.
Oh wow, how's that feel? I love Robert Morris's in shouts out to the hometown. Good luck to you guys. Hopefully they make a little bit of noise. I believe they're the Colonials. Are they the Colonial Robert Morris? Yeah, I thought it was a law for them. It sounds like that, right. That's not what they are though they played sports at Robert Morris.
Yeah, they played basketball, that's for sure. Do that, Romo. Their their mascot is the Yeah, the Colonials. Yeah, I remember it. I'm a little rusty on some of my stuff, but I got that one. Yeah, shouts out to Robert Morris. Yeah, they played some basketball.
Look, it's a good time. It's a fun time of year, and people just want to find something to bitch about and complain. I'm not going to complain. North Carolina got in. And if you don't think name value adds a little bit to it, of course does. North Carolina's got a huge fan base, They've got a national following. Yeah, there there's business. There's a business side to this whole thing. I don't have an issue with it whatsoever. So people can cry and.
Complain, and that's how it's always been though, Right, the blue bloods are going to always get the benefit of the doubt, and the Cinderella teams are is it sad to say they're a dime a dozen, but the Cinderella teams are a dime a dozen and they can change from year to year. So it's just kind of it's the nature of the beasts. I think when you get to this time of the year. Obviously, sports fanatics and sports fans they're really into it, probably at a different level, in a different capacity than most others. So they tend to get irritated or bothered if somebody hasn't put in the type of work to know how good a Robert Morris is going into it, or a VCU going into it, or you know a UNC Greensboro who obviously is a sixth ranked on in the bracket. But you know, it's I think, I think for what it's worth, if people are getting irritated about you know, who got in and who didn't get you know, get in, it just serves the purpose to have the conversation. Really, I mean, what other purpose does it truly serve to be outraged about what team didn't get into? Like you mentioned a sixty team brackets Like, dude.
Like, well, I'm outraged? Why you outrage because so and so was one of my last four to get in of sixty eight teams? Like what what are we talking about here? North Carolina got in it. It is what it is, dude, That's what it is. They just fill out your bracket and shut up. That's it. Let's just play the bracket challenge and if you want to do that, it's all brought to you by Tractor Supply this year. So, just like basketball, Tractor Supply knows that a winning season takes practice, teamwork, and a can do attitude. It's Bracket Challenge season and the Fox Sports Radio Bracket Challenge is live. Be sure to complete your bracket at foxsports radio dot com right now. The winning bracket in the Fox Sports Radio Bracket Challenge will win a twenty five hundred dollars gift card Detractor Supply, and a perfect bracket will win you one million dollars. So fill out your bracket now on Tractor Supplies. Portion of this on Foxsports Radio dot com. It's up till this Thursday morning. So Thursday morning, that's the cutoff point. Don't do what I did a few years back, where I was trying to fill out my bracket and I got about halfway through and realized, oh, it's nine o'clock Pacific time. The other half my bracket won't count. Now, just get it done now. But you have until Thursday morning before the games begin, So visit Foxsports Radio dot com to register, to get rules, and to fill out your bracket. It's all sponsored by Tractor Supply for Life out here. So we are gonna have the usuals coming up. Later on. We will have another edition of in case she missed it. It's a Monday, so we'll have an FSRIR as well too, and we'll close up shop with Lee's leftovers. All of it is yours here from the tire rack dot Com Studios. Coming up next here though, apparently we're all just kind of sitting around all just kind of waiting around. But somebody has a preference in the National Football League and we've got the details for you right here on FSR.
Be sure to catch live editions of Two Pros and a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn, LeVar Errington, and Jonas Knox weekdays at six am Eastern, three am Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.
Two Pros and a Cup of Joe, Fox Sports Radio, LaVar Arrington, Jonas Knox with you here. Coming up in about twenty minutes from now here from the tire rack dot Com Studios. We are going to find out what the Goat is up to. It has been a resurgence for somebody in the world of football. We'll have the details on that for you again a little over twenty minutes from now here on FSR. So there is this game that's going on, and it's the waiting on Aaron Rodgers game. Now, some people have speculated well, as Rogers has taken his time, is he just trying to try and figure out whether he wants to play, etc. Etc. Apparently Rogers has a preference, according to The Athletic, that would be Mike Silver, Diana Rassini, and Alec Lewis. Rogers is hoping to sign with the Minnesota Vikings and is seeking an annual salary in the range of Sam Darnold's, and that the Vikings are strongly weighing the possibility of Rogers. They also note that if Minnesota turns down Rogers, there's a possibility that Rogers could retire as opposed to play for either the Giants or the Steelers. But it does appear that maybe this waiting is Rogers waiting to figure out if Minnesota is all in on potentially bringing him in to be the quote unquote mentor but starter in Minnesota obviously with JJ McCarthy there, and that's where we're at when it comes to Aaron Rodgers, whether or not this deal is going to get done and he's going to be playing in the NFL.
This upping now you're saying that's coming from a media source, it's not the Athletic. So here's my thing, right, how often has the athletic reported things prior to it coming out with Aaron Rodgers is what my first curiosity of it would be.
So Mike Silver and Aaron Rodgers know each other. There's a connection there because I think Mike Silver went to cal and Rogers and him know each other from that. So that's why people look at this report and go, well, there's validity. Yeah, there might be something there to it.
I'm not gonna I'll say this even if there is, I'm going to say I look at this from a loosely absorbed and consumed perspective. I'm not going to go overboard and say this makes you know or this is the validity of it is there, This is what it sounds like it should be, and that's what it's going to be. I don't think that it's a good play to put it out there this way, even if this is what your end goal is, what you want your end result to be. I do not think that at this moment in time, that is the best decision to make, especially knowing that this has been a conversation that has kind of lingered on because we continue to talk about in the media how every other quarterback that could be available are kind of in a holding pattern until the air quotes Aaron Rodgers' domino falls. So I don't think that this is even necessary, Like, why is this even necessary to report and put out there? Now, If you're putting it out there because that's that's what you think you got to beat on, that's fine because media does media. But if I'm Aaron Rodgers and this is Aaron Rodgers team, sure, sure you could have that one person that's the person to the next person to the next person that's far enough away from Aaron Rodgers where you have plausible deniability to what it is that's been said, and and so you put that out there just as a feeler, because that's just kind of what's done in these types of situations. But you know, Jonas, I don't think that it's a horrible thing. Again, and I've been ringing the bell, and I'm not really big on, you know, saying, you know, somebody fits in Pittsburgh at that position in particular, But I do think that Pittsburgh should be looked at as as a valid, valid spot to end up. I know some people are are, you know, beginning to come out and kind of debate again that I don't. I don't tend to look at it and feel as though if you're looking at at Minnesota, Minnesota had a very good year, they had a very good year.
They lose their.
Quarterback, Sam Darnold has a year that rejuvenates and revitalizes his career, it pays dividends for him, he goes to a different team, and so now they're back to what do they have with JJ McCarthy. But if I'm the Minnesota Vikings, I want to see what I have with JJ. I want to see what I have with McCarthy, and and I want to see if if he can come in and be that player that we need him to be, void of paying a starting fee to another player. Like you could say, Okay, Minnesota's kicking it around and that's fine. But be clear, in my estimation, if Aaron Rodgers, if the report has accuracy to it, and Aaron Rodgers is basically saying it's Minnesota or bust, I don't you're closer to retirement than you are to playing ball, because you're basically saying, if I can't get this one team, if I can't get to this one team, I'm done, And my estimation of that would be even if I'm that one team, I still got to take it into consideration that if those reports are true, this man is basically saying, if I can't get on this team, I'm going to retire.
Yeah, I mean I don't.
I don't want that to be the conversation of somebody that I'm going to pay Sam Sam Darnold contract to.
Like, the going to Minnesota makes all the sense in the world for Rogers, and we laid this out last week first of all of all those teams, like that's the best roster as far as what to work with on offense. Sure, absolutely. And Kevin O'Connell and the you know, the respect he has around the league. Is a play caller and a coach, defending Coach of the Year, reigning Coach of the Year, makes all the sense of the world.
Aaron Rodgers, that makes sense. But do you make that type of declaration? But does it make sense for Minnesota? And I just wonder if the Vikings are looking at this and maybe there's a thought that like, yeah, well, you know, if we bring him in for a year and it goes well, then we find ourselves in the same spot we were in this past year, where at some point you got to see what you got in JJ McCarthy. And there was speculation up until the final couple of games of the regular or final couple of games of the year for the Vikings, the finale and then the playoff game that hey, maybe maybe we'll just keep Sam Darnold. And so I just wonder if the Vikings look at this and go, at some point, we've got to find out what we've gotten the guy that we drafted as we did a quarterback and so or not. But here's the thing, right if it's a or not, if it's not find out what we're going to do with JJ McCarthy, then why do you not just keep Sam Donald?
Why do you not just keep Sam Donald?
If it's if it's really about, okay, we're going to kick the tires on bringing in bringing in Aaron Rodgers, and Aaron Rodgers is saying this is the amount of money he wants. It's kind of like two things you don't say if you're where Aaron Rodgers is at this point in his career. One retirement, You don't want to hear retirement in the conversation more often than not, a guy who's throwing out retirement is already close to retirement, like they're one foot in, they're one foot out.
You can't you can't have, you can't.
Be I'm almost to retiring and you're heading out to the battlefield like you got to be all in and and so to me, it's the same thing.
With with with football. You got to be all in.
So if you start throwing out retirement, then now you're you've already sent out like an SOS signal that you know, this could this could go wrong. You know, guys who are closer to retirement they handle things a little differently. You don't have the type of you know, let's just say this type of influence or control in those situations. So that's one and then two. If you're saying, hey, I want to come in, and that's being reported, I want to come in, but I want you all to pay me the same amount of money is is Darnald, you're basically saying, Okay, I'm Aaron Rodgers, I'm better than than Darnald, and but I'll do this.
I'll play for you.
At the same price that that's that dark just got going to Seattle.
I just don't. I don't feel as though.
I don't feel as though if I'm Minnesota, it's like, do I take a chance on a guy that has struggled the last couple of years. I mean, we can debate his stats at the end of last year or this past year. Oh, he didn't do too bad, da da da they stink. The New York Jets stink. This year they sucked. So if you want to, if you want to look at his stat line and make yourself feel better to try and justify the move, then you go right ahead. But you're not paying attention to what the total sum of what their season looked like. And he played a major part in that period. So I'm not going after Aaron Rodgers to pay him the same amount that we could have paid to keep Sam Darnold after having the type of season that we add doesn't make sense. That doesn't make sense, doesn't add up. So if that is indeed the situation, I would be more willing to lean towards the side of it doesn't seem likely that Minnesota signs him. If that's the number, if that's the going rate for them to bring Aaron Rodgers in, you just let Sam Donald go and there had to be a strong reason why you let him go, and that strong reason is not to bring in Aaron Rodgers for the same amount of money that you would have been paying Sam Donald.
Yeah, I'm I'm you know, I don't know that I would bet money on Rogers going to Minnesota. I would love for it to happen. I think it'd be fascinating just to see how it worked and out played out, because I would like to see him get an opportunity to close his career in an organization that's not a clown show, like like, I would like to see that.
But he turned the organization that is in the clown show into a clown act.
Damn. I mean, let's just be clear. That's that circus tent was up a long time ago.
Okay, man, they had moments, Brett Favre had created the carousel act. But yeah, but be clear, like the Packers organization has done things the right way for a really long time. I would argue that that was a clown show. The Big Top is all based around the popularity of how good their quarterbacks have been playing in Green Bay.
That's it.
Look at anything else, what else plays out in Green Bay what else. In fact, they were so good such a model a model franchise that Reggie White made it a thing as a free agent to actually consider going to Green Bay, and then it turns into like this thing. Then Charles Woodson goes to Green Bay. I mean, it's a good organization. I've interviewed with Green Bay. I told you I saw picket, you know, dang there butt naked with five.
Trades of food. See, Reggie White did have some great momentum going with free agents picking Green Bay. And then you got there and decided you were above it.
And well, I just didn't see very much there. I just went there and I just didn't see very much there, Like like there was a casino. I was in the casino and that was not very much there casino, and it just wasn't just it just wasn't very much there. And I thought about going there, and then I thought about the cold. I thought about there not being very much there, and it was like New York cold, a whole lot there, you know. I just I chose the market. I chose the media market over probably over. I mean, both of them won a Super Bowl within the time period I would have been on the team one, one two.
You know, so I think that you might have brought this up or touchdown it last week. But one of the thoughts on why he may not want to choose the Vikings Rogers that is, is because he doesn't want to create an issue with the fan base and the people in Green Bay.
It's something to think about, okay, but like, would they really care? It's something to think about, that's all. I'll say. They've got their quarterback of the future. It's been a couple of years. So he goes in place for the Vikings. I just I don't know that that would piss Packers fans off that much if Rogers decided, Hey, I just you know, I'm gonna go back and play for the Vikings again. You know, understanding the traits of your fan base is, in my estimation, a true asset to what you bring to the table. It's a value to what you bring to the table. Understanding the market that you're in, understanding what makes them go. It's just it's an asset. And so to me, when you leave a team, if you've had the type of career that Aaron Rodgers has had, you think about you still continue to think about your fans, which is interesting because people will sit there and say, well, you went to a divisional opponent. I hated Dan Snyder, geez, and I did not have a Hall of Fame career, an undeniable Hall of Fame career in Washington. I was not of the level of Aaron Rodgers when I left town to go to a different team. So when I had the opportunity to go to a team that would play against my former team twice, I wanted to stick it to Dan Snyder, not to the fans, But it still was received. You know, as I was disgruntled FM, people were burning my jersey Da DA DASA on and so forth. If I'm of the level and the stature of Aaron Rodgers, I don't know how volatile, you know, the Green Bay fan base can get or be towards former players. You know, obviously Brett Favre broke the ice on that by going to Minnesota and play from Minnesota at one point in his life. But I don't know if if Brett Farv is as beloved he could have been more. I would assume he could have been more beloved had he handled the situation a little differently.
You go to the New York Jets.
You go to a different team, it's a difference conference whatever. Like I think fans tend to look at it and it's like, it's okay, you go to a direct competitor where you know this is the team that you're talking about. You know, Aaron Rodgers pulled out the discount double check belt and was like, I own y'all, you know what I mean. That's how big the rivalry is between Minnesota and Green Bay. Maybe not as big as the Beers in Green Bay, but obviously Minnesota is more competitive right through here than the Beers are. So I just think that it could be an overstated deal to think that the fans play a super major part in the legacy play of it for Aaron Rodgers. But it is, however, something to think about when making your decision.
You're a Packers fan. If Rogers signed with Minnesota, world to piss you off? No, not really, Like it just feels like it's this one feels different than far for some reason, Like, are are you asking the right Packers fan?
Well, it sounded it was really premeditated with Farv, Like you knew he was going to the Jets to get to the Vikings because they had the whole clause in his trade says you can't trade him within the NFC North. So he actually had to play out the contract with New York. But you knew all along when he left that he was gonna go to Minnesota to stick it to Green Bay. Like it was pretty premeditated. This one seems just more serendipitous.
Did that make you feel any type of way towards Brett Farv.
It made everyone feel a certain way. I was far right or die, So I rode with him. I became a Vikings fan for a season, which he's really Yeah.
What kind of packers you? I was a far loyalist. Isn't that what? But isn't that what fantasy football is kind of doing to the fan? I feel like.
Fantasy football is taking fans away from being, uh, this is my team.
More so, I'd agree with that sentiment, but I wouldn't say that for me specifically.
But yeah, all right, Well I don't know that lead to lap is the proper fan?
How many leagues were you in last year? Uh? Four or five? How many of them got paid? Uh? Three? Everyone that you didn't hand I.
Didn't win the championship but I was in the finals.
But you won because you kept the money I paid out. When did that happens?
Three weeks? Yeah, it took a while. I paid out. He's a fantasy football whore. Like one's not enough. He's got to have more league.
Berdos forcing me into his baseball league tonight. I got a draft tonight. Why, I don't know, because he I don't know what.
I don't know.
He has like twenty five players in this league. I don't understand it.
Hey join my baseball league four I need you, dude. That's cool blooded. It is two pros and a couple of care on Fox Sports Radio, LeVar Arrington, Brady Quinn, Jonas Knox Actually not Brady Quinn. Sorry, that's just a habit. I have my apologies. I know Brady Quinn, just LeVar Arrington and I and we will take you again all the way up until nine am Eastern time, six o'clock Pacific coming up next here though, from these tiraq dot com studios, there's a goat. There is a goat and a goat having a resurgence. If you will in the world, the football will explain right here ont FSR.
Be sure to catch live editions of Two Pros and a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn, LeVar Errington, and Jonas Knox weekdays at six am Eastern, three am Pacific.
Two Pros and a Cup of Joe, Fox Sports Radio, LeVar Arrington, Jonas Knox with you here coming up top next hour a little over ten minutes from now. Congratulations somebody in the NFL. They're finally growing up a little finally growing up a little bit. We'll tell you why. Here again a little over ten minutes from now from the tire rack dot Com studios before we get to another edition of In case you missed it, Delaway. Reminder that you can stream this show and all of our Fox Sports Radio shows live twenty four to seven and the new and improved iHeartRadio app. Just search Fox Sports Radio in the app to stream us live. Then, one of the newest features in the app is that you can select Fox Sports Radio is one of your presets, just like the presets on a radio dial. So be sure to preset Fox Sports Radio in the iHeartRadio app and it will always pop up at the top of your screen.
Sometimes you can't get to everything in the world of sports or entertainment.
Good thing.
The guys are here to bring you in case.
You missed it, and for that we turn it over to our executive producer, Lead.
Lapp good more than everybody. Good morning, Jim's Good morning LeVar. Guys, In case you missed this, the Goat as you so proclaimed. Bill Belichick is enjoying his call days. Hey Brady obviously out with his twenty four year old girlfriend Jordan Hudson out at Jupiter Beach in Florida. They're enjoying their spring break, including posting pictures of them doing some some cool yoga and cheerleading posts. I don't know if you caught this or not.
People love fellow Check's love life man, big fans, you know, I mean that is wow, twenty four wow, love it. I have a son older than that. Listen. Love doesn't count age.
I mean all right, and as long as your legs still stay strong, you know you could do cool pictures and posts of.
I think cropping.
How old is his How old is his youngest son? Our youngest kid?
Like fifty eight? Like that? Give or take give her take.
You know, I saw I saw that she was Steven Belichick's thirty seven.
All right, is that all he's got so basically, so basically, and that's his youngest. No, he's got three.
He's also got Brian and Amanda. I'm not sure the.
So Steve's thirty seven though, Yeah, all right, Just to put that into context, when Steve graduated high school, his father's girlfriend was in kindergarten.
To put it in context, if he were to have a child with this young lady, that child would be what the uncle to which I'm sure his kids have kids. I'm sure he's a granddad. His child would be the uncle or aunt to somebody that's older than them. That's old school. That's what you call old school. You hear that from like country folks that I'm just sad. Damn, I'm counting folks to be having they be having uncles and aunts that are the same age as as their their cousin or their nephew or their niece. I told you I became an uncle two years old.
Yeah, but you were two years older than the kid.
It's close, but and it's questionable at least you were still older. Imagine if you were two years two years younger.
My little brother's younger and was an uncle to my nephew. Yeah. Yeah, that was always straighte. That was my favorite. We would tell people in school. I'd be like, oh, that's my nephew, and the teachers would look at me like no, you mean like your cousin was like, no, my nephew, if you well, you're not an uncle. That's not how No, No, I'm an uncle. Trust me. I learned that I'm a.
Third grade uncle. Like what, yeah, I'm in kindergarten. There's my nephew right there in preschool right there. You know what better, Yeah, there's my nephew in the fifth grade right there. Like nah, hey he must be confused. Hey, nephew, can you get me an extra chocolate milk?
You must be confused? No, no, no, you must be confused. Hey can you get me one of the breakfast donuts? Nephew, get over here, like my older brother was nineteen got to work and it created that's.
Hey nephew, listen, man, my car is out. You know, in fact, I don't even have my driver's lis is Uh can you come pick me up.
For school tomorrow? Come on mapping up, Chris, bringing the time, damn break, bring these fools gonna start tripping? What else we got guys.
In case you missed this, Dendy Hamlin had a big weekend out at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway. Maybe not so much on the track. He was finished twenty fifth on the track. But no, but get this. On Friday night he won a jackpot at the slots for one hundred and twenty five thousand dollars.
Are you serious? Back to back to nights?
He goes back the next night, same same machine, puts down a three hundred dollar bet, wins sixty five thousand dollars, and then a five hundred dollars bet wins him eighty five thousand dollars. He netted over two hundred and fifty thousand dollars in bets at three jackpons.
Really that that machine was malfunctioning. Somebody somebody's in trouble.
Oh yeah, you stair us Casino.
Somebody's in trouble. That's all I'm gonna tell you. That's the way you ran that thing off, right there. Somebody somebody's going down. Yeah, good for Denny Hamblin. But as a come up, yeah, it's gonna cost somebody