Best of the Week: 2 Pros and a Cup of Joe

Published Mar 22, 2025, 10:00 AM

This week on 2 Pros and a Cup of Joe, the crew recovers from St. Patrick’s Day festivities! The Old P, Petros Papadakis stops by to talk about the Tokyo Series and the guys measure brackets after Day 1 of the Tournament.

It is the best of two pros and a couple Joe with Lamar airing rating Win and Jonas Knox on box or radio.

Woo. Hell yeah, did you make it back home?


I did? Which boy? That was?

That's something let me tell you. When you were taking the.

Cattle call of the air Southwest round up. Sometimes you get stuck out in the pastures and you get left. You get left a kind of fend for yourself, so you have to venture to new frontiers. Sometimes you have to take a discount airline that doesn't have Wi Fi, doesn't have seats that move it all or do anything other than just cramp you back in a row of twenty twenty three A and you're just purchasing everything, your bags, to go to the bathroom, coffee, air everything, it's whatever.

It's whatever you got to do to get home.


No, By the way, you people can judge spirit all they want, all right. I will defend spirit till the day I die. Okay, you can get great Wi Fi on that plane. You also can get access to a potentially a big seat, maybe maybe not. And there is free entertainment.


People will throw down on that plane or get into different arguments. You don't even have to have an iPad to watch something. You can just watch the people get on that plane you take frontier. Trust me, you're just praying to God you get to point A to point B safely.

That's the only thing you're really looking to do.

Well, glad you made it back to ye, thank you.

It was.

It was my son's birthday yesterday, so that was a big thing, and I was I was mostly upset that was not to make it back for that.


Nice, well him, no, and and it hits different.

Man, my Saint Patty's days will never be the same now after that.

So I'll just.

Put it that way, a little more tame.

I would say, they're as tame as they possibly could be. And it's like, here's a sad thing for my family. Like we we would wake up and obviously my dad comes from an Irish heritage, so we would celebrate the holiday. He would educate it, educate us on the holiday and it would be an all day affair. And since the birth of my son, now now it's like trying to make sure we got everything prepared for the birthday. You know, obviously we're celebrating a little bit but it's more really about his birthday than anything else, and then trying to incorporate, you know, that with Saint Patrick's Day. So it's just it's an entirely different experience than what it used to be. And I usually feel a lot better, at least the past two years on March eighteenth than I did in the past.

I wasn't aware that it was like an all day thing until I remember talking to you one Saint Patti's Day. It was maybe eight in the morning, and were on the treadmill with a beer, like wait what yeah, and you sent a picture and I said, okay, I had no idea that's how that's that work.

Some people call it a fun run, you know. Other people, you know, I'm not sure what they call it.

Used to get.

It in, I mean, what is since since Brnos Yeah, I mean I've never done that one. But he was trying to get it in. Like, why did I not think of that before?

Now since the since the birth of your child? What's the hooligan Jeff Darlington doing with the Saint Patty's Days now?

I don't know.

I'm not down around Jeff for the past two years doing it. So it's it's tough. That's what I'm saying is it's changed dramatically. I mean, there have been some absolute battles on this.

Show on March tenth.

For me, if there's ever a time where I felt close to Lee, It's been on March eighteenth. I would say, Starting from March eighteenth, twenty twenty three, and then moving backwards, I would say those those days, those singular days throughout the calendar year were the only time I think I could ever.

Relate to lead a lap.

I mean Lee took took part.

Well, yeah, about to say, but it's a great segue to Lee.

Yeah, I got my beads on my green my green beer beads.

By the way, what do you do to get the beads?

Lee got to show them goodies?

By the way, your balls?

Did you show your goodies or were you with the homie and they showed that? Because I'm sure you have a ton of beads. What do you mean if it was a team effort.

Once you get like a second Guinness or a green Beer, they just hand them out to you.

That comes with the beer basically.

So yeah, by the way, LaVar, how about the lie that Lee told yesterday?

On the air with all you know.

Sat Patty's Day's Amateur Hour. Yeah, I usually stay away from the bars, can't. Yeah, I want no part of the bars. Not only did he take part in the bars, he had a shot of beer, he wore some sort of like uh like Irish hat, like a peaky blinders in.

The Peaky Blinders like it.

Just went like, tried to convince us on the air that now he was he was above all, that he was better than Saint Patti's Day, only to find out you went to some Irish pub and dressed the part as well too.

Yeah, I guess who who?

Who were the rest of the blinders? Were you there with the boys or were you there with the you know, with the other.

Yeah, you know, out with the boys.

I got a call and I probably would have just stayed in, but I got a call from the boys.

Couldn't resist.

And then I went to my usual spot, and like I told you to expect a cover, there was a cover. Could hardly get they had they pulled out the velvet rope.

So he had had to really they had to really convince you to come out.

I just couldn't resist.

You just you didn't want to go with the cover.

And then what was the cover league?

It's only seven dollars, which was weird. I tried to say, like, I got a five on me. They're like, oh, yeah, well we've got venmo. I was like, nah, I'll go to so there. I went to the other one across the street. Yeah, and then I forgot that.

I had to negotiate the entry feed.

I did, well, hey man, I'm here every day. I shouldn't have to pay an entry fee. And then uh, I forgot that I had a baseball draft. So I pulled that up up and that gave me an excuse to say for a little longer, and uh yeah, got a few reals.

Why would anyone have you be a part of a baseball draft when you don't even pay up on your fantasy football league.

That's a good point.

I don't know what Berto was thinking, especially having it during Saint Patty's Day in my league.


I still don't feel I still don't feel like you answered the question though. How many of your homies were you out with? I mean, you said you couldn't resist going with them, but then you said I went to the door and they said seven dollars, So I went across the street to another place where your boys in both locations, Like how how does this work? Did they say, Hey, that's way too much for us as well. We're going with you, Lee, Like how did that work?


Quick, Jonas, could you say what LeVar just said?

But you know in the voice that may be at that particular baseball fantasy league, what would have.

Been specifically, like the cover charge like Berto a lefo a, uh forget the cover be in my league?

Hey you take pesos?

It pretty accurate. In fact, I haven't paid him. Ye, I don't know when he's collecting, but.

Oh god, by the way, Berto will collect just so you know, all right, Like he's not like your other friendsly all right, he might knock him your door in the middle of the night and be like, woo, get your ass up, pay me.

I know where you work, dude.

By the way, the video Berto sent the other day, I don't think any already responded to, but with some.

Soccer player had it short scrabbed and they like.

I saw it.

Why would Bert send us a soccer clip?

And then you watch it like, oh that's why that's you know, Berto, he's a big fan of all that. But By the way, Berto is probably fired up right now because baseball's starting up here momentarily and we've got Dodgers cubs from Tokyo, you know, a live sporting event while we're on the air. So enjoy these moments, boys, because they don't happen a lot while we're doing this show in this time slot.

There you go. Yeah. I wasn't finished with Lee though, I still I still wanted to know how did it how did the bar changing change and who was the crew and how did that all play out? Did you get lucky at the bar? Because he seems to be a chick magnet. I don't know if you guys know this about Lee, but Lee seems to be a chick magnet, man, I was I just want to know, in the midst of all of the Guinnesses, how how did like, how did you and your crew move? Where y'are karaokeing? Like? How did this happen? How did it all go down? Well? Did your face still intact? Did you did you not fall or anything like that? Did you wabble? What what took place? Because Saint Patti's day is almost like being on Bourbon Street right right right?

No, I was drinking Wisconsinly. I have my drink Wisconsinly shirt on, so all good. There went to the one spot.

You were drinking Wisconsinly.

Yeah it's a it's a phrase.

It like, for Christ's sakes. Yeah, I got what you were.

Saying, Lee, So I got my green shirt on. Yeah, first spot, like I said, cover was there. I poked my head in, said like, gave the head nod to a few people who were in there who were the bartenders, went across the street, got the met wept with the buddy. Then I started playing the fantasy baseball.

So you're continuing to be vague about the buddy though. Was the buddy a dude or was the buddy a girl? No, it was your gut. It was the home okay.

And then we went uh.

Then it went to the good night and they were playing Leprechaun in the uh there was doing a back to the future, back back to the hood, leper Con back to the hood, and then lepre Con in space said, hated the buddies there. Todd hadn't started yet, so just kind of gave a salute and then went back home and drink Wisconsinly.

You know, now, did you go back home and drink wisconstantly alone or did you meet back up with the buddy at home.

I met up with the girl at home.

Okay, all right, that's possible.

What the hell are you saying Wisconsin?

I'm like, I never make.

This like a phrase.

Lebar knew what it was. I never heard it in my life.

I mean, he's got a Wisconsin shirtle. You know he's he's a Green Bay Packers fan. So you got to put two and two together. He's a Packers fan, he's drinking wisconstantly. I get, I got it.

What does it mean?

Well, if you go to Wisconsin in the airport, Milwaukee or either one of them. Yeah, they have these shirts everywhere that you go. It's called drink Wisconsinly, like drink responsibly, but drink Wisconsinly.

Yeah, here's what's happening. So Lee revealed the demographic of.

It's been there what one time the last five years and you'll come back with shirt.

Lee revealed on the show yesterday that when Brett Farv went to the Vikings, he actually ditched his Packers allegiance.

And rooted for the Vikings for that year.

And I think he feels guilty about it because he got shamed by people over that comment, and so he decided to really double down and go now, I'm a true Wisconsin guy. And that's why he's wearing the shirt and it's still wearing it. That did you feel bad about it?

Does? People?

We'll eventually realize that one Farv was there for two years, Lely, so it could have just been one year, because I know he only had one really good year there and the other year wasn't.

As great good.

That is true, but also your habitual liar, So who knows what you actually did and you actually and how that all went down?

Had I have my farv jets Jersey? I did not get a far vikings Jersey couldn't bring me.

Buy the crocs as well as I would?

Yeah, I would and the g shock No, No, I did not, But got out of there just in time to COVID changed my allegiance back to Green Bay for the Super Bowl.

You remember the day of the watch? Yeah, far word shot.

I mean, if he's that big of a fan of bread far he might still.

It's a screensaver, Lee.

Did you get faded last night?


Are you faded? No?

I'm good to go, ready to run? Yeah, Guinness go down like water. You know that, So I.

Don't know about water, but they I mean, it's it's heavy, it's like a meal.

It's actually not.

You think it's heavy because it's dark roast, but it's actually a pretty smooth light beer.

Is Guinness.

It's a stout you I'm saying, if you look at it, it's and consider it.

Guinness is considered a light beer.

Yes, it's a stout, but it's a it's it's considered like yeah, abv wise.

But yeah, yeah, it's not feeling.

I tried yesterday to later on to tell me what that looks likely. Okay, you got it like coffee.

It's like it's gonna look like someone shoveled mud in your toilet.

So it probably looks like that every time anyway, though, jeez, what's the difference.

He's like, it's this is Guinness. This this one is more name brand than the Tuesday big deal.

So how many how many Guinness do you think you could have in one in one night if you had to?

If I had to, Yeah, I mean I don't know, I'd lose count if I had to.

There's it's the same.

It's the same alcohol as like a Miller light, Yeah, exactly, But you can drink a Miller light because it's less filling than a Guinness is. Yeah.

I get sick of them after about three or four. I think I had about three or four.

Yeah, he said they ran out againness glasses that he couldn't split the g. Right, there you go, couldn't split the g. You know, if that gives you an idea of how indicator of how many he was drinking, you know, switch it up.

You don't want that to happen, that's for sure. Well, that happens every once in a while. Yeah, when does lead to lap though, sometimes it just lead to lap though.

Be sure to catch live editions of Two Pros and a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn, LeVar Errington and Jonas Knox weekdays at six am Eastern three am Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

So it is a Wednesday tradition here on the show, it's the old p He's Petros Papadakas. He's the co host of The Petros Money Show, which you can hear on the Blowtorch and five seven e LA Sports Fox College Football Analyst and you can get him on X at the Old p Petros. Good morning, the Doyers look good up three in the seventh.

Yeah, we're being preempted in Los Angeles at five in the morning.

So enjoying the Tokyo.

Regalia, all the fanfare in Japan, all the cool people are there. Everybody else is doing the work that the cool people aren't able to do because they're in Tokyo, and it's a pretty exciting thing. I think people are a little tired, the ones that are there, ready to come home, but this is it. This is They're going to come home right after this. And they've been out there for about a week and two things kind of jump out to me about the Dodgers in Tokyo. Number One, it's a lot different than Korea last year. It just feels like everybody wanted to be involved.

In this and it is a big, huge story wherever.

Anybody goes out there, no matter who they are on the Dodgers. And the fact that I mean, shoey Otani has been a Major League baseball player for a long time. I mean, the guy is thirty. He was with the Angels for six years and nobody cared. I mean, it's just amazing to me still that this guy was in spring training, was in all these different places, and yeah he won MVPs and all that. But something about the clash of the brands and the World Series and all that stuff. But the Dodgers plus Shohyo Tawni, plus this Guggenheim group that owns the Dodgers and the money that they can spend and the global kind of approach that they have is pretty impressive.

And Otani hit a home run and he's coming up again.

Petros I don't know if you had seen this, but Rodney Pete, you know Fred and Rodney They.

Yeah, so the cool all the coolest people, right.

So Rodney Pete took a foul ball away from Max Munsey in the game and was seen on television. Max Montsy was trying to make a play on the ball and one of your family members on AM five to seventy LA Sports, Rodney Pete swiped that foul ball from and didn't look apologetic at all.

Well he's not a big fan of mine, but yeah, look at it. Look now that you said, I'm just tech checking my phone and Rodney Peach just caught a foul ball and screwed up.

Max Munsey's cats. Look at that?

How about that?

Oh, so your people are out in droves. Look at this one.

It's over Rodney Pete with the cat caught fly ball.

Why you're not at COSM man, Yeah, you didn't want to get up and go to COSM.

Well, I have a job. I'm on with you guys.

But we did give away yeah, because I want to go to Inglewood at three in the morning.

Yeah, I was looking for idea. I was looking for more of that.

No cent trip and let me park four blocks away.


No, we did give away tickets for that, So I wonder what that scene is like Cosm. And it's funny because we mentioned it and the phones blew up and all that, and everybody wanted tickets and we gave away tickets for the first night and the.

Second Nightood it's in Inglewood, Yeah right, we're right down street.

Yeah, and it's uh, it's supposed to be a really cool experience.

A lot of people texted.

Like, what the hell has caused them? And that's a great question if you don't know. It's like, I guess they get more than one camera feed for from the from the the TV people from the truck, so I guess they are able to create this really crazy like dome like interactive screen experience.

Have you been there, Brady, No.

But I've I've looked into it. They've got multiple camera angles like right, some are some are basic positions. So it makes you feel like you are sitting courtside or you know, right next to first base, third baseline, or the sideline.

If you're in football, it's supposed to be cool. I mean, it's not looks. It's not just football, baseball, basketball, soccer. I mean, they do circ disobey, they do different kind of municipals.

Yeah, so it's a big thing.

I mean the only the first time I ever heard about COUSM was Colin Cowhard at halftime Penn State USC right at USC had been beating Penn State, and I have some of it memorized. He was like, I guess these East Coast teams can't come out west. Can they handle the sun and all the excitement of the coliseum.

Probably not? And then of.

Course, you know, USC plows in the second half, and then Penn State ends up winning the game and making.

The College Football Playoff.

Lincoln Lincoln Riley still seems like one of the worst hires in and they're under a one hundred million dollar contract. But I got callin, Yeah, standing there with a mohedo.

The East Coast teams can't. First of all, you're not from You're not from LA. Would just shut up?

These East Coast team teams are coming out west and coming out to probably not Chicago.

Can you yeah?

He Can you claim l A if your kids grew up in LA, Like I have an l A baby that she she's only lived here. Should I still claim the East Coast? Or have I been here long enough? If I've been here for over a decade to claim the West Coast? What's the what's the proper etiquette there?


Well, what do you want to do in your heart?


Well, I mean I know what I want to do in the heart. I just don't want to. I don't want to influence your answer. I'm just I'm curious as to how that will work. Because Colin's been here for a while, Like, you know, it seems like he's been adopted by the community.

You know. No, not with the questions he's asked on air, they're terrible.

Well, Colin Cowherd has said, and God bless him, He's like the top of our industry, and I do.

I do a lot of punching upwards. But well, don't counch down. No, Well, what's the point of the.

Colin Cowherd once said that the coliseum is right off the four oh five on on air, which.

Is not the case, guys, It's not the same freeway.

Uh the Sherman Oaks Galeria.

Yeah, uh, he said that once on air.

What else did he say on air?

Oh, he asked Joy Taylor or one of the people his his whatever co host. He asked once like are you more of a Montana person or a Wilshire person, Which is like a question about Santa Monica, which which came off to me still as one of the douchiest questions anybody's ever asked in the history of sports talk radio. I guess I would say that Colin Cowhard is Los Angeles in the same way that somebody that makes a lot of money and moves to Manhattan Beach and then moves to Brentwood is Los Angeles. I don't think he understands anything about the infrastructure of the city or what the people that work in the city are really like, and what places like Santa Clarita, East Los Angeles, San Gabriel Valley, Orange just came from there North Orange County.

So I can claim it then, right because I coached that long beach I coached in Pasadena.

Well, I would say that you have.

I coached that Charter Oak so I coached in San Gabriel Valley.

Like I'm the Chargers.

I would say that your your fingers and toes have more legitimate roots with legitimate real people than to Yeah, are you more of a Wilshier person or a Montana.

You know, I'm more of a person, man, I like, I like, I'll keep it pH on there, you know, because I could get to Santa Monica from uh and I can get the wheelchair from from both.

So who would ask that on the radio unless you're just a huge douche anyway.

I would say, I would say, Suir.

LeVar, I'm cool with Colins, so I'm not jumping in on as one.

But I'm not.

I'm cool with everybody. I love everybody.

I'm just saying Co Sandy, you I'm not.

I am not co Sandy.

But it's funny as that.

Well, I mean, Colin made this huge point for years coming here and then telling, lecturing the country about what la was like.

And it was comical.

It is comical to most of us that have worked and been in the city, our whole lives to be lectured by a guy who just arrived.

Here and is going to tell everybody what it's like. Uh, and and it is.

It is a difficult place to know what it's like unless you have a long mark twain, so to.

Speak, or a giant dipstick to stick in the river of the city.

Because just hanging around with a bunch of rich people in Manhattan Beach and Santa Monica ain't gonna.

Do it and ain't gonna do it. No, you got you gotta hit it.

May cause them at three in the morning will get you.

I mean.

Maybe some.


That's good. I'm going in fight it.

Have you ever been to Tokyo?

By the way, I'm kind of no, no, no.

My little brother lived in Japan for a couple of years and he has a Japanese wife and Japanese kids, and they all speak Japanese, but they live in Lomita.

Uh. But you know, you go over the house and they're like, and.

Uh, what is that?

You know, it's very cute, you know, and uh, you know.

The Japanese men and the women they speak very differently, you know, the language.

You know, you hear the.

Men sometimes, especially in like the Yakuza movies and stuff, and they're like you know, realme right, you know, like Sato and Karate too. No, And then you know the women, you know, it's like it sounds a little more like.

Ha you know, like rhythm.

Yeah, very nice. So just but a fascinating place, unbelievable attention to detail.

The culture is.

Really really unique and celebrated all over the world because they have such a unique and interesting culture and it's just crazy. I mean, when they had those terrible Tsunamis and this guy that was pitching for the Dodgers, the guy who started Roki Sasaki has a terrible familial tragedy connected to the big Tsunamis. But when that happened, uh, you know, the global news I remember was like, well, you know, there's going to be an issue with looting, and now Japan's you know, martial law and blah blah blah, this and that, and the Japanese don't even have a word in their language for looting. They don't I mean it just doesn't even occur to them when people are suffering to go and steal, you know little. And then here on the other side, you know, Colin Coward's neighbors are running around the palisades stealing from stealing from burned out houses.

Not Cowards neighbors. But you know what I'm saying.

Here here in other countries we have we have that issue all the time.

There's just so many things in Japan.

That are just so drastically different reading up on it, just like reading Japanese books, Like there's a Japanese author that I really came to love and Haruki Murakami, same last name as the guy that does all the art, but a different writer and very famous Japanese man. And I read a bunch of those books. And what's really interesting about uh these things and Asian books and literature especially the plotting is totally different, Like the storytelling is not the same as like our western kind of uh what we would expect things to have a beginning, in a middle, and an end, and in a Japanese movie, things just kind of happen, you know, in a weird way. Uh So it's just a very interesting and then of course there's all the anime and the tentacle, sex and the perversion.

You know that they have so much going on.

It's very interestingles you've never seen the cartoons.

There, sounds interesting.

There's all kinds of crazy cartoons. Some of it very very sexual in nature, others very violent.

Some vocals very into that.

I can dig it. Oh you're into that. Well, no, some people are not my thing for real life. For some reason.

Jonas gets on me. He dresses like a Japanese schoolgirl.

Wow. Interesting, puts on the bob wig right.

Interesting platform, you can see. I can see that too, now that you say.

It, I'm looking at it. I can see that's funny. Do you ever did see the march madness?

You get involved, you can do a bracket. You excited about it at all.

I haven't filled out a bracket in a long time, okay, because you know there's those idiots at work that fill out like four brackets and they'll be like, I had Marquette on Tim Brando, free on Tim Brando. Three, I had Marquette. You know it's like, okay, well, you know how many chances he's supposed to get, you know, just throw Brando into the box. He used to fill out a bunch of brackets and then yell about, how, well, what about Coward?

How many does Coward fill out?

I have no idea.

I don't interact with these people, but I'm sure Coward fills them out for his neighborhood friends in Manhattan Beach and Santa Monica and now suburban Chicago. But but no, I don't. I mean, I don't flip out that way, and I don't sit here and act like I know all about you know this Saint Francis or wherever these obscure schools are. It's fun to look at once the thing gets started. There's always great stories and you and most of them you don't know. There's always weird look in college players from the mid majors and stuff like that, Guys with goggles, white guys that are bald, and you know, just weird looking dudes, hud shouldered, big men, stiff legged, non need endings.

Especially, it brings up a question I have noticed, And maybe it's just because I'm getting older, but I look at some of these kids and I'm like, how.

The hell are they twenty two? They look like they're like forty five.

Do you feel like they watching basketball in the seventies, Well, ask you, like, do you guys look like a bunch of high school principles?

Okay, yeah, No, I think that was worse back then.

I mean you just getting some of these dudes on a team with like a full beard, and you're like, okay, well, you know, he looks like a big ass, you know, a real man.


And and some guys, you know, they look baby faced and they go through their NBA career like that.

You know, people do look different in the face. Brady, I gotta say, uh, you've always had a very youthful vibe. Hold on, hold on, hold on.

Do you have different categories for how people look in the face.

Well, I mean there's sharp faceded people. There's people's face looks like a hound. You know, there's smash faced people.

Uh. The other day I had a co host him George Reister. You guys know George.

Yeah, and uh George, George's daughter joined him at the station and she said a new word for ugly. Uh, and she defined me as ugly and that word.

Was chopped, stop damn chopped.

So which would be considered crashing out? She crashed out on you, right.

That's another word.

The kids like, why are we inventing new ways of saying something that's been around forever?

Because of stibbity, the kids say all kinds of stupid. I mean, the kids stuff now was terrible.

You know.

When I was a kid, I remember saying like, that's the bomb or I'm down with that, and then your mom starts saying that, you know, is that something that is down you know?

And it's just like, no, that's not you know, Is this also the bomb? You know?

And and now I find myself being like, is that skimmedy? What is skimmedy me? And the kids are like, what, shut up, you idiot?

You know?

What's a guiachtang? Have you heard all that stuff?


Alpha damn energy, Cringe is running wrong, Cringe is very strong.

Rampant Petros. Have you heard the due Jello ball song? There's two I heard. Yeah, he's got He's got a new one out.

Guns up on my head because.

Can we play this for we play for Petros Gangster at a Chino Hill.

I mean that's what they're saying.

Maybe stole my catalytic converter tang no oh what.

It's been very similar to the first Petros, Petros, what type of music is it?


Yeah, what type of music is it? Where's it belong?

Terrible modern hip hop?

What do you make it?

What did he make it for? Who did he make this for? Who do you make it for?

The beat?

The lyrics, I would say.

Uh, come on, come on, Petros, come on, come on, Petros.

Who's it for? Yes, well, I'd say it's for white chicks. But it doesn't sound like Drake. It sounds like it's just like music for like suburban boys, stripper music, stripper music. Please please welcome Ginger to the man.

Here you go.

Get it.

Jonahs, this is this is your expertise.

Jonas yah yo yo yo yo yo.

What up?

It's about to be you Lou Ravens on the stand a raven?

Why are you so? You know? You know? All right? So here's the difference. So that's that's the black strip club.

That's the way like the tropical, like the tropical layand appletim come on.

Yeah. Yeah.

But but if he does it in a white strip club the way he does, do we have a different song for are we cute up with a different.

Cherry? Like?

Do we do we hear that way? Like here comes the rain again, you know, something like real.

Give us the thumbs up when you got you know you're good. Let's do it here. Let's hear Jonas in a different one. Here we go, right, y'all.

She ain't just Lisa, She's mona Lisa on stage three?

I got they don't make it rain when the music like this is playing, though?

Do they?

Are they rainers in this though?

Some guy's gotta got a Copenhagen and he's got a horseshoe in?

How do they give money to to the to the to the stage to this type of music? How do they do it?

Do they throw it hits sitting?

They make a paper airplane of adult? Do they make a paper like? How do they?

What is the etiquette of giving money to this music? Because I could tell you to the other one.

You put a bunch of quarters in a shotgun and shoot. The worst part about this is I interviewed the guys from Buck Cherry in stut.

Good guys like.

So hear the guys from Buck Cherry.

I should have asked them, do you know how many strip clubs love your songs? You know there's a there was a strip club, uh that that we used to have to drive people to that. It was far away, and there was a rule that said you could wear track pants, you know where, other words, you couldn't. A car full of guys in track pants all geeked up taking them to upland dang, I mean they let us play our own CDs. Come on, I want to play Wu Tang forever while these trippers.

November Rain who danced to this, Petros, we appreciate it. Always a good time at the old p on X's where you can find him.

He is the There was a difference between the Black Strip Club in the White Strip.

I did. I just kid, all right, this is.

The whole one of the new ones. That's the old one exactly. You didn't even know.

Tell uh Petros, you Tim Kates, Matt money Smith, you guys will be uh be up and firing away later on today.

I like not being on in l A and just doing your show and just knocking all the ass.

That's the new one. That's the new one.

She switched.

She switched it up to the new one. You wouldn't even know if if she switched it.

I'm gonna go to seven and eleven and get some nerds and Chino Hills.

Dang apparent as well. They must have a strip club out there too.

Oh yeah, the Tropic LA and upland.

Man there you Petros. We appreciate it. Let's do it again next week.

All right, guys, the Great pat.

Be sure to catch live editions of Two Pros and a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn, LeVar Errington, and Jonas Knox weekdays at six a m.

Eastern three am Pacific.

All right, we are one day in to the NCAA tournament, whose final four is already butchered as far as your results.

Probably yours.

Please, I'm sitting pretty I think you had you had Clemson going far?

Didn't No? I did not.

I did not.

I had I had Uh.

I didn't have Clemson going far, but I had getting out of the first round.

It was uh.

I had Louisville making it pretty far.

Oh no, insulting.

Now they're making fun of you.

He knew it was.

I had Missouri. Oh no, no, no, I did it. I did it. I did.

I'm looking at who I had going pretty far. The teams that I that lost that I picked, I didn't have them going very far. So I will call Louisville's the furthest. Yeah, Louisville is the furthest. So I'm still in I'm still intact. I'm still intact. Yeah, I mean, do we have a ranking between our group?

Like alf Lee is first, you are second, Jonas is third, and the only group I'm.

Saying it it's called a P group. You're not in it.

Oh dang, Sorry, Well, I'm just looking at our brackets between the three of us, which that's all I care about is beating y'all. Damn. Yeah, I mean you're just saying.

You've got eleven points, you're not that far off. Jonas has twelve, I thirteen, where it's a tight race so far, Okay.

Yeah, yeah, you're in second there, Brady, right there with Rich Davis and Jason Martin and Steve Cavino and Doug Gottlieb.

But who's sitting at top is Steve Hartman at sixteen.

That's Wild's lead lap. What did I tell you? I know I wasn't gonna win this tournament or what I mean?

That's that's quite quite a roster of names that's up there in the elite.


Jonas is tied with Coward. I mean there wasn't you know, there's only one LA team in there, So I went in Tough.

One, a couple of a couple of goats just hanging out to each other.

In the standings, Alex Curry's surfaced. She's in third, also tied with one Jones Knox and Colin Cower.

Look, I mean everyone likes to get caught up in the first day, like how am I doing? Today is really where things start to separate, and I feel like there wasn't a lot of I mean, there's good games, but there wasn't a lot of crazy moments yesterday, and that leads me to believe that today is going to get a little bit more wild.

As far as somebody, why can't I find Lee? Yeah, well, because if Lee was on here, he'd probably be.

It's it's pretty like Lee's brackets blacked out.


In Producers aren't allowed in the VIP this year for some reason.

It's just me up, dude that that shouldn't be.

Why not not VIP, dude, I'm not very important?

Why not? That sucks? Now?

I will say this big fan of John Calipari getting it done. I thought he's been a totally disrespected, totally belittled by members of the Fox Sports Radio family uh several times over, including on this show, and it was good to see him persevere.

It's also good to see Why do.

You pause for a second? So I can just go ahead and dissect a few things there at the end that.

Can I just point out a couple of things. First, Arkansas has somebody named Jonas and the last named Knox on the team. All right, so there's a Ris and a Knox on the team's same ways.

No, it's two separate guys, but it's spelled the same way.

Yeah, okay, yeah, but again that's like, okay, you got some of the last name knocks.

Up top for.

What you got, Q is all you got.

That was the point that I mean, that was.

An important point to make.

Which so first, first thing I'd point out is they don't want to watch Kansas this year because I actually, as I was watching this game, recalled watching them a fair amount. And one of the things that shocked me a bit was they were preseason number one.

Weren't they.

Would I don't know, you know.

I think they were a preseason at least one of the top teams in the preseason.

And this is like I.

Don't know if it's a curse under Bill self or what you call it, but they seem to like whenever they there's too much hype around them, there tends to be a first round exit that comes with them in the tournament. So I wasn't surprised by it. I've watched that team this year. They are just not a great Kansas basketball team. I don't know how else to put it. I feel like Hunter Dickinson is a bit overstated, overrated as his impact on the overall game, and watching that game, I kept thinking like, even if they win this, they're probably going to bounce in the second round. That's just for KU standards. That is not the type of team that you know we've seen throughout the course of history. But what really stood out to me was one of the greatest recruiters in all time, I mean a Hall of Fame recruiter in one Jollick John Caliperry once again, at the end of the game can't seem to figure out how to coach his players to inbound the ball. I mean again, tight game. Towards the end, the inbounder clearly has the ability to run the baseline. I mean, hell, we taught our six, seven and eight year olds this okay, And instead of actually running the baseline finally way of not burning their final two timeouts, he stays static. They can't inbound the ball. It becomes a bit more stressful than it needed to be. And it happens twice, not once, twice, burning both timeouts, causing them to have to finally go to their final timeout finally put something together to then inbound the ball to win the game. It's just like when it comes down to it, John Calipari will get out coached. It's just a matter of when he ever won a championship. Yeah, yes, well in Kentucky twelve one and by the way, go yeah one exactly for all the all the number one and number two recruiting classes, all the one and dons, he had one championship to show for it. And by the way, I think most people too would think during that era, where they really did. I mean, if you compared it to Alabama during their run of recruiting with Nick Saban, they were one of those teams that during that run run multiple national championships and were never worse than number one or number two in recruiting. And that was what they got from it. Now, I will concede that March madis that tournament's much more difficult to actually win a national championship. But the lack of final four x you know, you know, appearances and and even like towards the end, I don't think they've made the Sweet sixteen. It has been five years, his last five years, I don't know if they've made it more than maybe once. With all the talented rosters he's had, I'm just saying he's an unbelievable recruiter, unbelievable, one of the greatest all time, maybe the best. But in regards to coaching, I mean they're taking on a Saint John's team the next round that I don't believe is as talented as Arkansas. I mean, doesn't have as many resources as Arkansas. And if in just Saint John's, wo's the higher seed. If they win that game, it's because of Rick Patino. It's not because they have more talent. It's because of Rick Patino. He's a better coach and he's probably Kentucky's best coach at least between the two of them. Comparing Calipari to Rick Patino, I mean, we wonder why John Calipari struggles late game because he knows he's get to get.

Buried alive if something goes wrong. God forbid, He's got a player doesn't realize he can run the baseline to inbound the ball.

Okay, okay, So what after the first time, you don't think the coach says to him, Hey, Bud, hey, Jonas, you can run the baseline?

Is that like oversight or something?

I would have been on the line.

He was trying, He was trying.

The problem is is that the fan base, the ungrateful Kentucky fan base, all of that aura has now been bleeding over and so now they've got to deal with the pressure.

Yeah. I mean it, and it's and it's terrible, and I feel bad for the guys.

Because this is also a take that doesn't include hearing some of John cali Perry's end of game conversations. He's talked about he's talked about I think it was recently too this season. He talked about the end of game if he's got a player on the free throw line up three and how he will with like two seconds left and he will try to tell him to miss the free throw because he thinks it's hard for the other team to get a rebound and go down the court and shoot a three to tie it, to extend the game. So he will tell his player to miss a free throw, said not to go up four, not going four, what's a two possession game, But to a missing free throw in that instance, like he's it's an all timer.

Okay, he's a.

Great recruiter, Hall of Fame, no one's gonna take that away. But as far as in game like scheme, he is not the guy.

I can't believe Kansas bon't he liked that though, Man, did.

You have him going far?

I didn't have him going far. I had them losing after they got out of fird, I had Saint John's beating them. There you go. But but still, I mean, they should have won. They should have won. I feel like people root for Rick Petino.

You know, that was a that was an achilles injury. I'm assuming that the kid from Kansas suffered, and it seemed like the game kind of tilted the other way because it looked like Kansas was going to figure out a way to pull that game out, and then that injury happened and Arkansas got a couple of stops on defense, there was turnovers. I think Kansas had like six turnovers in a four minute span down the stretch, and then they just there there wasn't enough there.

Despite the let me ask you that you gots this, you gotta think that there's a mathematical equation to getting a perfect bracket, right like if you fill out x amount of brackets with the different combinations of teams, you could potentially fill out a perfect bracket.

There's also equations to win the lottery.

That lottery is going to say.

There's a great story about a guy.

He used to drive from Michigan and I don't know if it was going to Massachusetts or New York, but he was. He figured out mathematically, like how many tickets he needed to buy in order to win some of these big lotteries. Like he was a multiple lottery winner, and he would like lock down these stores and like be like pretty tough tickets all day.

But he figured out what number that was.

I mean it was thousands of tickets to win it, but he did it. I think I think he eventually got caught and they like shut it down because it was more of a loophole than it was anything illegal. But there there's I mean, you can fill out a bunch, but it'd be a ton in order to do that.

But how many numbers are in the in the lottery? Like, what's the highest number is it?

Does it go up to ninety? Does it?

Really? That's a lot that's a you think there's an easier equation to win the lottery than there is to have an equation for the final four?

Well, like the pick six is winning for the tournament?

What's that?

So the fifty nine the highest on the pick six? Yeah?

Oh that's Is that the same for like, uh, there's still a lot of numbers powerball?

Yeah, that's still sixty four I think is for uh, I think that's the mega or that's the power ball and then mega is.

Also I think sixty.

Four interesting If there's a mathematical equation for that, that's you are a freaking dork.

You know what, dork? A massive proportion?

You know what I heard works if you want to win the lottery and are looking, okay, here we go.

You know what I heard?

We got the number for you, and here's it's called get a job like that that works as well.

Too, Get a life, you know, get a get a real job.

You guys want to hear the odds?

What are they?

I think this is This is what chat Gibt came up with because I wasn't trying to do this math, all right, So this is saying that the odds of getting a perfect back bracket are one in nine point two quintillion quintillion.

I've never even which is.

Which is over one million times harder than the power ball. And this is saying because they're.

It's hard.

After six or three games in the tournament, after the first four, so that's it's not even including the first four, which, by the way, I wish it would include that because I think I can be a good tie breaker.

But most people are concerned by not getting the bracketed design.

But people do perfect brackets though, right, No, never happened. No people doing perfect brackets.

The closest a woman who picked like all dogs, and.

It's never happened. This has never happened ever before I could have sworn I've heard that.

Dog mascots or under dogs all, yes, dog mascots.

A woman who had no knowledge about.

Well, that's how I picked horses. Is about a color? Yeah, but I mean you know the color they're like whatever that is.

They're jockey, by the way. The other Yeah it's pretty good too. I got a mega millions in a power ball the other day. I just looked at it.

I mean not the not the color of his kid, the color of his shirt. To look at their ass, No, the color the color of like his color is like what he's wearing. You look at their their ass, their LeVar. I don't know. There's nothing about ass that says it should be named LeVar. All right, Laar's like, I don't do that.

Yeah, what you betting here? I'll give me five bucks on the Mexican.

All right, I've got some There's a reason why he's going to be faster, sir, the horses from Kentucky. I'm not talking about him.

I'm talking about the donkey. He knows how to go fast.


His nickname is speaking. Said nickname is nice.

He's got a nice ass.

Oh god, okay, So the only person this is this is the longest perfect streak verified on record is a guy named Greg Nigel. In twenty nineteen, he picked the first forty nine games correctly before his bracket finally broken in the sweet sixteen.

M dang, remember of perfect brag No one's ever gotten a PA. That's why they be offering a million a million dollars for a perfect braget. Get out here, you know, I ain't nobody getting no perfect bractet.

Sot up.

There's still somewhat of a shot though, Lee, What were you saying about your lotto tickets?


I got a I got a Mega and a power ball the other day, randomly. I don't do it often, but I got two out of the cit Did you get?

What else? Did I get?

What? I got?

The box and a tall.

Across from the Philly Cheese steak.

But you didn't get a Phillip cheese steak.

You just got the alcohol.

I got the Philly Cheese steak.

Oh there you go.

Like you have like a Hostess pie in your mouth when you're doing scratched offs, some type of a like a twinkie or where you had the Chocolate Island. What it is like always in my mind, like people who do scratch offs and stuff, they always got had like something to drink.

You gotta have something to drink in your.

Arm, and then you gotta have something in your mouth like and then you gotta be scratched wasn't that his last meal before it was his last meal? That was his last meal?

Can we can we quickly vote, all right, because I do believe before we cap off this segment, we got to give an award away and we need a drum roll in order to do it.

But you guys can pick between these two teams.

Okay, which team was I guess the worst at showing up for the first round because there's two to come right to mind that really weren't competitive at all in this game. But we're heavy, I would I would say heavy favorites. But favorites is that fair to say?


Uh, Clemson thirteen points in the first half, That's that's rough. And I would say Georgia, who had an all time awful performance and at one point, I think, with like ten minutes to go, I'm pretty sure they had more turnovers than field goals made at that point in the game.

I would say Clemson. And I don't know if we have time to get into it now, Brady, Oh, we do.

It's not that long.

The story.

Brady Quinn's partly responsible for what happened in that game for somebody.

One of the worst beats you'll ever hear in the NCAA tournament. So the meat Wagon asked me, Hey, should I bet on this game. I'm like, I don't know, yeah, I lay the points with Clemson, like not really paying attention, just kind of like saying like, yeah, sure, that's why I picked in the bracket, picked Clemson. And as the game starts off, he's like, my god, like you're the worst, Like what a terrible pick. And I was like, well, look, they haven't played this battle season, probably never in their entire lives. And at halftime it was like thirty one to thirteen, and he goes, I'm gonna lay the points with McNeice, which at that point the live line was minus three and a half.

And I told him, I.

Said, kind of feel like that's dumb, because you can't expect Clemson to just play that bad for the tired of the game, like they're probably gonna come back. I was like, I wouldn't put the bet on. I was like, oh, I'd actually take the points with Clemson. And so sure enough, as that game goes from Clemson being down twenty two with six minutes to go, it tightens up in the final moments and there's a layup made with basically no time left to bring Clemson to within two, which again horseshoes, hand grenades, whatever else you want to throw in that category, but highly significant for the case of Jake's bet the meat wagon because he was either gonna to split or he was gonna lose both bets, which he subsequently did.

Yeah that's now. Did he go back to the window after that? Or did he quit? Did he quit on?

He did, and he did exactly what I told him not to do. I was like, he gets so enamored with these like big heavy favorites Tennessee, and I did, dude, it's really hard to win by that many points when you're playing in a place that most people haven't played against, the team that you probably haven't matched up with against. So he laid the points of Tennessee and lost that one as well.

Yeah, well, I mean he's got a whole another day to play with, so he.

Told me though his his idols live bed Jesus. So it all makes sense because that guy can't buy a.

Win again mine in his own business.

Sitting this one out and gets attacked on the air, I bet Jesus.

I'm starting to figure out.

It's like John Calipari like he can't catch a break, especially I don't.

Have anything in common.

I mean, one's a Hall of Famer that everyone's just you know, some dbag that shows up every once in a while.

Wow, Wow, I do know this. We've got something in common. Uh it's a football Friday. Yeah, it's a football Friday.

Come on, come on, bar Saturday Sunday basketball football, rest.

Thanks, we got something road Day. We got some some Fridays pro days.

Russ, Russ woke up, bless walk, come on, walk, come on, come on. Yeah.

Alright, alright, alright, let's do it right, Let's do it right.

Eddy. This one for you, Eddie.

Friday Night is a football Friday.

Jam Football Friday. Cune Friday.

Yeah, come on, Strawway checked in Frosty Story Friday.

Here on, two pros and a cup of Joe

2 Pros and a Cup of Joe

All-American football stars & 1st Round NFL Draft picks LaVar Arrington and Brady Quinn along with J 
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