Hour 2: Jonas & LaVar – Dinner Manners

Published Mar 25, 2025, 1:10 PM

The guys wonder if there’s anything a Draft prospect can do at dinner to hurt their stock. Tom Brady admits tension with Bill Belichick and it’s wild we still talk about it. Plus, dusting off “Would You Rather…?”

Hey, thanks for listening to the Two Pros and a Cup of Joe podcast with Brady Quinn, Jonas Knox, and myself, LeVar Arrington. Make sure you catch us live weekdays six to nine am Eastern or three am to six am Pacific on Fox Sports Radio. You can find your local station for the Two Pros and a Cup of Joe show over at Fox Sports Radio dot com, or stream us live every day on the iHeartRadio app by searching f s R.

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Two Pros and a Cup of Joe, Fox Sports Radio, LaVar Arrington, Jonas Knox for you here, No Brady Quinn, he'll be back on the show tomorrow, man, but stix now, I will be taking you all the way out again at Eastern time six o'clock, so really, and we're doing it all live from the tire rack dot Com studios tire rack dot com. We'll help you get there at unmatched selection, fast free shipping. He wrote Hazard Protection at over ten thousand recommended installers tiraq dot com, The Way tire Buying should be.

I did want to ask you this, though, what'd you want to ask?

So this was sort of an angle to this whole thing that I thought was kind of interesting. We were talking about the cam Ward discussion. The odds would say cam Ward is going to go number one overall to the Tennessee Titans. He had his pro day yesterday, and it was mentioned, according to NFL reporter Paul Kaharski, that the Titans and other members of the organization had dinner with cam Ward over the weekend ahead of his pro day. Right, So, what would have to happen at a dinner for you to be like out, can't can't do this, guy, can't do this? Like what what happens at a dinner where you're like, f this, that's disgusting or that's out of line, or I got to distance myself from that guy because of the way he behaved at dinner. Is there a certain think.

That that's a it's a long shot for somebody to be that repulsive or you know, turn somebody off that much at a at a dinner where you're clearly wanting to get to know the prospect better and the prospect has the opportunity to to show that you know, they can they can bring a value. I mean, what uh be be? You know, do lude acts to the person serving your table, you know, slap them on ass or something like that, or you know, like spit your spit your bones on the floor. And even then I don't even know that that's bad enough.

By the way, could you imagine if like cam Ward's like, man, I don't want to go to the Titans. He's at dinner and he just decides he's gonna grab some guy's ass when he walks by some bus boys.

They might get I mean, they might get pumped up, like, oh, he's encouraging the bus boy, you know, like, hey, good plate, like wait to grab that plate? Like, don't I don't know. I think you would have to be over the top, just it would have to be bad.

Jonah, right, So what about you?

Like what would be a all right?

This is not because I was thinking about it. I think what would like if I had like a plate of fries, Yeah, and somebody just reached over and put their hand in my plate of fries and pulled out some fries and started eating it without even asking.

That would bother me off a.

Plate or a uh you know, a la carte type of a family style, no bowl of fries even though they're your fries.

Off my pluff. You're like, if if it's obvious that these are my fries, like you could say, hey, can I have a fry? No problem here. But if they just reached over and put there, and there's something about putting the whole sweaty, dirty growth.

Why would you have a sweaty, dirty hand out to dinner at a nice place to eat? I mean, are they at a burger shack? Like did they just leave the you know, the workout? Because if that's the case, then you know people share things like that at burger shacks and stuff like that.

It's meant to share your fries.

Yeah, but I'm talking about like sweaty, warm, disgusting, filthy hands.

Why would y'all Why would y'all be out eating if that's how sweaty and filthy he was? Wow, I'm playing that way. I hate to be judging you hypothetically. I need to be judging you the organization for even not allowing me to have the opportunity to clean myself up because it's a it's a business and it's a job interview. Why would you not give me the proper opportunity to clean myself up?

There's a bathroom right over there, go wash your hands.

Oh, come on, man, slob, come on man. Oh, I'm just entertaining you.

But you know you have all you of all people, if I wash my hands, I know, but if somebody, if somebody's got a sweaty palm, you know that bothers me.

I don't like that at all. I'm not going to judge.

But I'm not going to judge them because they have a moisture saturated hand. I'm just I just you know, I just don't like shaking sweaty palm hand.

Okay, Now now let me ask you. All right, so, because we can go down the road of grooming and like you know, body odor and things like that, but is there a is there something that they could eat in front of you that you would be like, I'm out, Like I can't be a part of this.

No, because I'm not judging them based off of that. I'm judging them based off of what they bring to our team. Can can we win games with this guy on our team? Now, you are going to take into consideration characteristic traits, how they speak to people, how they treat things, because that's ultimately going back to how they process things and how they execute things. That translates to the field. So you're gonna look at how he's speaking and how he's doing things. And we heard cam Ward's interview. We did a SoundBite in the first segment. He's well spoken, he's well spoken, he's thoughtful, and that's not cam Ward's not going to mess up his opportunity to get drafted off of a team.

Dinner, Lee, what were your you said, ketch up?

Now, Lee could come up, Lee could probably give you some good stuff.

Well, I can think of a few things that you could do at a dinner to screw it all up for what you've done well that anyone could do, but not that.

Necessarily not, but that you've done well.

Here's one.

I would never have put my staking ketchup.

But if all of a sudden, you know, his quarterback prospects putting just putting, just dousing his steak and ketchup, that'd be a red flag right there.

Okay, but what if the steak sucks, well, then put some some.

I don't care.

I don't care if it's a five star restaurant with extra credit. If that man wants to put ketch up on his steak, what like that's you're gonna You're saying that's a rip? Why is that a red flag?

You know, I think he's got some character issues.

What if all of a sudden, you know, we're worried about his weight and he's putting down just breadstick after breadstick, can't control himself.

Yeah, but if he's you know, finishing a fast, you know he can get away with that.

How about how he handles his booze.

Maybe he's ordering a little too much, maybe uh, and maybe that steak goes through him a little too quick. Maybe he's just letting him rip left and right at the at the dinner table.

It feels like you're talking about yourself projecting.

I'm I don't know if you could ruin it or not.

That is that if if a guy is so irresponsible that he's actually going to have beverages with alcohol in them, then nature played its course. I would never I would never drink with somebody that I'm job interviewing with.

I wouldn't get a drink at all.

So so the thing about it is, though, that's still is not that's still not like that's a red flag. If he gets a glass of red wine or something. Sure, if the dude gets drunk like straight faded at the table and he's out with the team. Of course, that's I mean, we could throw out the most egregious stuff.

Go ahead, Josh, I got one. All right, Now I'm gonna paint the picture for you.

Oh god, all right. You're sitting at dinner, things are going well, and a white woman comes up and sits with.

Yeah, red flash, Now you're not taking this guy?

Well, you know what way to make it unrealistic to the show, But so imagine this. You're having an interview. You're sitting there at the table. You know things are going well, you know, dinner's about to wrap up, and all of a sudden you notice that this prospect is looking around for something.

He's looking around you can't find.

Hell, he sees eight can I grab that, reaches over, takes the straw out of your water, folds the tip of the straw, and starts picking out a giant chunk of food from his teeth in front of you while talking with yes, and then flicks it to where you can see the food projectile a La kingpin into the bathroom mirror and land on the table, and then continue the conversation as if nothing happened. You LeVar Arrington, who have a weak stomach, you tell me.

I would gag, But that wouldn't be enough for me.

I just would never go out to eat with them. I would gag. That would gag.

If it hit me, if the if the food particle hit yeah, I might, it might come out.

I might.

I might vomit right there.

Do you imagine that, like it just just like a like a two centimeter wide piece of ribbie just hits you right in the cheek.

That that would be revolting.

I trade out of the pick. I literally would trade. I'd call somebody and say, I don't care what you got, send me a bag of footballs and uh and and a and a pack of rolled golds and take the pick. I don't care. I would trade out of the pick immediately. Other than that he's gonna go.

I think it'd takes some very very I would give me some very extreme things that would have to take place for a dinner with a prospect to turn off.

By the way, nothing makes me laugh more on this show than when you actually gag when we have conversations about stuff, because it's legit.

That's not something I play around that's definitely not for fake. It'd be very hard for a dinner to ruin a prospects chances. If he's a top, top prospect, he didn't ruin his chances of going number one. Now he probably could improve them. He could improve them because if you if people get smitten with you, then that could probably make a difference. But it's still I would still say.

It's kind of it's.

That's that's just more like formalities of what's taking place in the process. It's not like, yeah, you're getting to know them. You get an opportunity to sit down with them. You could turn them off, or you could turn them on with how you are. But but it would take a whole lot to turn them off to wanting to draft you, if they indeed were high on wanting to draft you.

Did you have a pre draft dinners with.

Anybody predraft dinner?

I did so. I did a couple visits. I went and I visited Cleveland, I visited Washington. I don't recall. I don't recall all the things I did. I mean, it's been too long, but I certainly had an opportunity to sit down with the decision makers. They also had players like I remember Irving Fryar was in one of the meetings that you know, I took part of. So they were measuring and they was gaugey you know who I was as a person, and you know what my belief system was.

Am I going to be a problem?

Like they just flat out asked me like are you going to be a problem to us? And stuff like that, And I'm like, you know, I don't understand what type of a question that is. You know, what do you mean? Am I going to be a problem to you? I don't what what? What? What about me made you ask that question? So I kind of felt like, you know, like you offended me. You know I'm a prospect, but you kind of offended me. Like I come from a strong family, a two parent home. My father served our country. Now he's a a minister, ordained minister in a Christian church.

We're as we're as solid as it gets.

As a as an American family, and you're asking me, am I going to be a problem?

Like what do you mean?


I honor my parents, I get up, I go to work. I'm not I'm not late for anything. There's there's no there's no history of me doing things that I get in trouble or anything. So I don't understand what you mean by asking me. Am I going to be a problem to you?

You know? So when people.

Say certain things, I feel like, you know, it could go one way or the other, and it could be handled in certain ways. I'm not like this militant dude, right Like, it could have easily been a racial thing. You know, I could have made I could have made it a racial thing. They could have made it a racial thing. And that generally seems to be like the hot button way of getting things popping is if you make it, you know, give it racial undertones, like like what you think I'm a gangbanger? You know, like like what what? What exactly?


What are you getting at? What are you hinting at by asking me these questions? But I think if you just you handle yourself a way that you're who you are, you'd be true to who you are.

You know. I didn't.

I didn't go into any of those those meetings that I had with any of those coaches and act as though I was like on my best behavior. Because I was there, I was just who I was, Because I felt like me being who I was is the reason why I'm here in the first place.

So why am I going to be somebody different? Now?

So I go I'm supposed to come walk in. Hey, everybody, how are you doing? Is everything okay?


I'm so happy to be here, Like, that's not how I am. Wait, say, is that your white voice?

That's just my like cornball voice.

I don't think it connected to It is just I'm being a cornball and I don't think being that's If being a cornball is your deal, then be a I'm just I just didn't happen to be one. I don't happen to be a cornball. That wasn't my approach. So if the way I was turned you off to me as a person, I mean, I'm not for everybody, right, I was say that about anybody. You're not for everybody. Plus I play football, Like I'm interviewing you for a job to play football, Like, what exactly are you looking for? How difficult is this this business meeting going to be? I gave you all my like you have all my film, you know what I mean?

Like, what is this?


What am I going to do to really really mess this up? Could you could mess it up? You could I'm not saying you can't mess it up, but I think it's more so you can more solidify much more than it just being something that you mess up. Like you could come in and your clothes could be all like ratty or something like that. They're not going to judge you off of how you're dressed. It's like, oh, he just doesn't have much or you know, whatever their conclusion may be.

It'll take a lot for.

You to turn off a franchise, you know, in those moments, because they're already.

Very high on you.

The first time I met my wife's family, so we had we've been dating for a little not too long, and she just said, you know, hey, do you want to meet you know, my family? Well, yeah, what's going on? She's like, Oh, we're having a King Signetta for my cousin.

I didn't know anything about those until I moved to California.

And I was like, okay, so which is for you know.

But not not Ken Signeiras.

Yeah, I mean it's every week, especially right now is Kin Signetta season. It feels like so basically what it is is, you know, fifteen year old's birthday and it's a big celebration like a huge, huge celebration, and so I said sure, And back in my mind, I'm thinking they're probably thinking of themselves. There's no way that this white guy is going to walk into that room and not be intimidated. And I literally just walked in there, like fitt, what do I get to lose? Get in there, meet everybody, don't remember anybody's name. There's forty eight hundred cousins. I was about to say, just like, you're meeting so many people, and it's in giant room, a giant ballroom that had overflow seating because there were so many people there.

And so at one point I get up to use the bat.

Guarantee you you could have took a guess and you would have been you might have hit at some point, you might have hit, but go ahead.

Good. See.

So I get up at one point to use the bathroom, and I as I walk into the bathroom, the mariachi are at the urinal and one of the mariachi members right as I walk in the bathroom pants, No, he pants is the other guy. So my first meeting with my wife's family was seeing some mariachi guys ass while he's standing in front of the urinal cake and his buddy turns around and goes, oh, so Sadi so Sai. I said, hey, no problem, just the door.

It's like, no problem. I came back and it was just pants.

I told her. I came back and told my my wife. You know a girl I was dating at the time, like, hey, uh Marriochi's getting after it. She goes, what do you mean and she was MORTI fied like that, Oh my god, there's no like, he's not going to come back for more. And at that point I just realized, well, that's how it is. I'm gonna fit right in. And so we were off and running, but nothing happened for them to scare away or be scared away from taking me number one overall in the draft.

You should always put your best foot forward. I'm not saying don't put your best foot forward. It's a job interview.

I don't, so I don't want people to interpret what I'm saying is you do what you want to do and you're going to get rewarded for it.

That's not what I'm saying.

You asked me to question what could a person do to take themselves out of being in consideration for the fact yeah. I mean, you could show tendencies of a killer. You could show tendency of a deviant, you know, you name it, fill in the blank. You could say and do things that go so far against the grain of what a normal, logical, sensible person would say or do, and it could be a tremendous turn off to them, and that.

Will play a part.

But will that be the reason why they wouldn't draft you, I don't know. I don't know that. I don't know. Well, it's a hard one to answer. I think they already have an idea who they want to draft. I just think that they're still continuing to kind of measure out, you know, and collect information. A lot of this is collecting information you may have an opportunity to trade for them or or pick them up as a.

Free agent later on.

So there's a lot more to it than just if you're going to take the person with the draft pick that you have.

It's two pros and a cup of Joe Here on Fox Sports Radio of Arrington Jonas Knox with you here coming up next here, though, we are going to tell you about a story that just will not go away. Apparently there was more to a breakup so to speak, in the NFL than we realize.

We'll get into that for you here on FSR.

Be sure to catch live editions of Two Pros and a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn, LeVar Arrington, and Jonas Knox weekdays at six am Eastern, three am Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Two Pros and a Cup of Joe Fox Sports Radio, LaVar Arrington, Jonas Knox with you here. Coming up, we are going to have an oldie but a goodie. We're going to dust off another edition of would you rather? It's been a long time since we've done that. That'll be yours here again a little over twelve minutes from now here on FSR, speaking of an oldie bit of goodie. Who knew this story was still out there? Tom Brady apparently he's got a weekly newsletter. Why wouldn't you know? Like he doesn't have enough going on, he's got a weekly newsletter. And he spoke about his split from the Patriots, more specifically Bill Belichick and said the following quote. After twenty years together, a natural tension had developed between where Coach Belichick and I were headed in our own careers and where the Patriots were moving as a franchise. It was the kind of tension that could only be resolved by some kind of split or one of us reassessing our priorities. Me and Coach Belichick. We did what we loved and competed for twenty years together. But I wasn't going to sign another contract in New England, even if I wanted to play until I was fifty, based on how things had gone, I wasn't going to sign up for more of it.


Quote from Tom Brady in his newsletter about the split with Bill Belichick, which I would just say this, I am shocked that this is still being discussed, that this is still a storyline in the NFL.

Well, he will always be asked about it. I mean, it's the greatest run of a coach and a player in the history of the NFL, And maybe some would say in all of sports. Why now? It was the first thing I thought about, like, what, what?

What made it?

What made right now the time to put that in your your newsletter and push that out there and listen. I don't think that that comes as some type of military secret surprise, right. It's not like, oh, you went into the vaults and went in and grabbed out information that no one knew. I mean, I think everybody assumed that the relationship was, you know, kind of going the direction of what Tom Brady, you know, kind of.

Expressed in his newsletter.

And those things happen, you know, those things have They happen in personal relationships at home, they happen in work relationships in the workplace. I mean, these things happen, and so there's no reason to take a negative approach to what he's saying or anything like that. But my whole thing is, you could have said that while it was going on, right like why wait until now to say it like, Okay, it's safe, the coast is clear. What what? What's the reasoning for now? I almost feel like a guy like Tom Brady's got so much going on and there would have to be a reason as to why he specifically released that in particular, That's what I would say, is newsworthy, what's the setup? What's it setting setting up for? Is there is there a documentary coming out? Is there a book coming is there?

What? What is it?

What is connected to that that made it relevant for Tom Brady to want to release that that statement in his newsletter.

Yeah, it was part of a you know, he's got different sections. This was called reflection as part of the section in his newsletter. And just felt like, hey, you know, maybe i've I'm viewing it from a different lens at this point in my life, and maybe that's it's better too, And.

It could be that simple. It really could be that simple, to be honest.

It's also look, they were together for twenty years, Like it's not.

Just celebrated twenty.

It ain't easy and I'm sure it's been, you know, just it ain't easy, been simple the entire time.

That's that's a different type of setup.

But you know what I mean, that's not Some would say it is an employer, but I mean, you know it's not twenty but an employer has been twenty with the situation.

Like you know, when when Shaq and Kobe broke up, you know when that was the when the Lakers, you know, they like one of the big discussions afterwards was, man, think about how many more they could have won had they not split, And that was because Shaq went and won another one, Kobe went and won two more, Like there was still tread on the tires even though Shaq, you know, was towards the back end of his career. At that point, there was still tread on the tires that you could win more that I understand why there would always be a discussion this one. Dude, you had twenty years, like you got it, Like there was a lot done. You had twenty years. I know Brady went on and won one in Tampa Bay, but New England didn't have the roster that Tampa Bay did at that point. That's just a fact. So I look at it and go, that's just the natural course of evolution, if you will. And they got to a point in their relationship where it was just not tenable anymore, and he went to a place where he could compete for a super Bowl again and he did. Sony won. Like it feels pretty cut and dry to me. I don't know that there's anything salacious to it, to be honest, I don't.

Think there's I don't feel like there's any new information that would have surfaced that says, Okay, this is why Tom Brady left again. I think that we all knew that the Patriot Way was the Patriot way, and we tried to figure out was the Patriot way the Bill Belichick and Tom Brady way or was it the Bill Belichick way or was it the Tom Brady way. I would assume whoever you're asking would dictate what that answer would be. You know, some will say one, some will say the others, some will say both. I mean, that's just that's how that relationship unfolded and how it finished. But make no mistake about it. I mean they had a brilliant run together. And when you have so much brilliance connected to what it is that you're doing and what you've accomplished, that's always going to be the question if things don't end in that storybook manner. It didn't end in the storybook matter. It ended, uh in a way where you know that it was there was contention. There is that the right word. My brain has kind of sleep today. Yeah, it was a little contentious, and and so obviously when you've had that much success and you see things kind of unraveling the way that they are between two people that were the main the main figures, the main characters in what what played out, you know, during the duration of that time, you're going to have a whole lot of conversations and you know, for what it's worth. I mean, I still have reflective moments over my career. Uh you know, I think that to have reflection over what you've done and where you've been is natural.

I think it's necessary.

I think it's responsible, and I think it's pretty cool that Tom Brady shares it in his newsletter and is you know, in that certain section. So, but I don't think it's a military secret, Jonas.

No, Here's what I do know. Though, there's no one size fits all mattress.

Well that's true.

At Mattress Firm, they're sleep experts will match you with the right one. So upgrade to a premium mattress during the upgrade your sleep sale and sleep at Night's bad Coming up next year though, we are going to it's my best Meathead impersonation. Coming up next year, though, we are going to dust off an oldie but a goodie for the first time in a long time. It's would you rather starring Lee to Lap? Right here on FSR.

Be sure to catch live editions of Two Pros and a Cup of Joe with Brady, Quinn, LeVar Errington, and Jonas Knox weekdays at six am Eastern three am Pacific.

Check your text two pros and a cup of Joe. Fox Sports Radio Leaviar Arrington, Jonas Knox with the air coming up top of next hour a little over ten minutes from now here from the tire Raq dot Com studios. Apparently the end is near for somebody in the NFL. We will explain that'll be yours here again a little over ten minutes from now before we get to another edition of would you rather?


First time in a long time you are listening to us?


Did you know you can also see us? Be sure to check out the Fox Sports Radio YouTube channel. Just search Fox Sports Radio on YouTube. You'll see a whole bunch of video highlights from our shows. Be sure to subscribe so you always have instant access to our Fox Sports Radio videos on YouTube. Let's make history and now would would you rather your random topics? Sports or otherwise? All right, so we have not done this in a long ass time. Lead to lab.

What do we got random? Sports or otherwise? That is indeed the theme today. Well, we've got MLB Opening Day on Thursday long with the Sweet sixteen tipping off, and the draft is right around the corner. Would you rather attend MLB Opening Day of your favorite team sweet sixteen or the draft in green.

Bay Sweet sixteen.

Ooh, I did the other two. I do the draft. I haven't been to Green Bay, and I would say that feels like a fun event. And also Opening Day just you know, there's a lot of games, doesn't have to be Opening Day, but I would say the draft probably be my pick.


There's a little bit of something in the air on MLB Opening Day though, but I agree with you drafting green Bay.

Sweets exactly pretty what's in the air?

Yeah, oh, just the vibe, you know, oh, booze and food.

Yeah, I've done it. I've done Opening Day for the Nationals before. It's exciting, but there don't be a whole lot of people there.

Hey are you like hot dogs?

I do? Yeah.

I love getting a half smoke from a from Ben's Chili Bowl, shouts out the Bens. Yeah, man, that's a mix between a hot dog and a what is it?

I forget?

I mean, I just sent you.

Some type of a sausage. I saw what you.

Talk say your picture of a full smoke, you world half and half? Sadiel l a street dog or a Chicago dog. Chicago dog l A street dogs are good, though, dog. What's what's a d C dog?

A half smoke?

I mean they just do they just sell them on a cart. Is it like La where they got these? Uh? The l a string dog.

Chili bowl is uh? You know it's it's like a famous place you go to to eat. It's a mix between a sausage and a uh and a hot dog though, and they put chili on it and it's really good.

Man Man Kim and Carlos, this little hot dog cart out in front of a soldier fields they do Chicago dogs dios meal so good?

What else we got?

Would you rather never eat meat again? Or never eat vegetables again?

Never eat me say that again?

Never eat meat again? Or never eat vegetables?

Never eat meat?


I could go with never eat meat, because that means I could eat I could still eat.

Fish, right.

Fish doesn't fall into that category shrimp, So I'd.

Rather have I go, I go seafood, I go fish. What they call that? Yeah? There you go, guys.

Would you rather drown to death or choke to death?

Jesus Christ, that one's from lorraina X what oh boy, there's a stunner.

I almost choked to death. I didn't like that experience. And I almost drowned too. I didn't like that one either. I'm not I'm not really sure.

Well, I just want to be honest.

I was choking on a peanut and then I was thinking.

I was like, I thought drowning would be the worst way to die, but I enjoy eating so much that if I died doing something I loved, that would really be the best tragic thing.

I don't want to I just I think, like, man, yeah, I really almost drowned one time, really too.

We were playing chicken. Is that what it's called chicken fighting?

Where they get on your shoulders and stuff like that, and I was underwater and I just couldn't.

I stopped, like I don't know, I couldn't.

Get from underneath his legs, my brother I was I was holding my brother, and it.

Got kind of interesting.

They knew I was under there for too long, and my dad was like, get off of him. Like I could hear I was going into I was going into like the great out, you know, beyond, and then my dad he finally like jumped off of me, and I was able to make it. But it was bad. It was It was a close one and then a jolly rancher. I generally don't let my kids eat jolly ranchers because I almost choked on a jolly ranch.

It was a red one. Not a bad way to go cherry one. Yeah, I mean if it was grape, that.

Would have sucked. They were sticks. Well, I like grape. They were sticks when I was younger. Jolly rancher sticks, you know, you get them and it was like a long, thin stick.

I like those ones. But then they start making them into them like little brick sticks.


Yeah, I don't know which one I want to do, though that those are both very bad.

That's very bad ways to get up out.

It's an awful thought. I don't want to partake. Guys.

Would you rather hire Dion as your next head coacher?

Brian uh or Brian Belichicklick?

Going with Belichick? Jeez, I'll go Belichick. All right, I'll go Belichick.

Would you rather want only Would you rather watch only Schwarzenegger movies or Stillone movies?

Oh now that's a good one. That's a good one.

Stomacho stallone Arnold, come on alone.

Yeah no,

2 Pros and a Cup of Joe

All-American football stars & 1st Round NFL Draft picks LaVar Arrington and Brady Quinn along with J 
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