It’s a Football Friday on 2 Pros and a Cup of Joe, and the guys are already measuring their brackets. The contract expert explains how the Tee Higgins isn’t what it seems on the surface. Plus, a record setting day in sports on ICYMI.
Two pros and a cup of Joe. Fox Sports Radio, LaVar Arrington, Brady Quinn, Jonas Knox with you here coming up on this football Friday. Of course it's a football Friday. We've got plenty of football stories to talk about, like what the hell is going on in Pittsburgh with the Steelers. We're also gonna talk about Shador Sanders, Dion Sanders, why are people so scared of them? Inside details on the t Higgins contract. And we're gonna talk tourney. We got the NCAA Tournament. We are one day in whose bracket is busted. We're gonna look at upsets on day two and it's all yours coming up next here, Two pros and a cup of joe on a football Friday, Fox Sports Radio.
Let's give this.
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Oh yeah, two pros and a cup of Joe. Fox Sports Radio, LaVar Arrington, Brady Quinn, Joe to notch with you here. You can hang out with us as always on the iHeartRadio app. You can find us on hundreds of affiliates all across the country and wherever you are making us a part of your Friday morning. We appreciate you doing so, we'll be taking you all the way up until nine am Eastern time, six o'clock Pacific, and we're doing it all live from the tire rack dot Com studios. Tire rack dot com. We'll help you get there an unmatched selection, fast free shipping, free road has a protection, and over ten thousand recommended installers. Tire rack dot com the way tire buying should be. All right, we are one day in to the NCAA tournament whose final four is already butchered. As far as your results.
Probably yours, ease, please, I'm sitting pretty I think you had you had Clemson going far.
No, I did not.
I did not you did.
I had? I had uh. I didn't have Clemson going far, but I had them getting out of the first round. It was uh, I had Louisville making it pretty far.
Oh nolting. I mean now they're making fun of you with.
Me. It was a sticks p. I had Missouri. Oh no, no, no, I did it. I did it. I didn't. I'm looking at who I had going pretty far. The teams that I that lost that I picked, I didn't have them going very far. So I will call Louisville's the Furthest. Yeah, Louisville is the Furthest. So I'm still in I'm still intact. I'm still intact.
Yeah, do we have a ranking between our group?
Like Lee is first, you are second, Jonas is third, and the only group I'm.
Saying it it's called a group. You're not in it.
Oh dang, Sorry, Well, I'm I'm just looking at our brackets between the three of us, which that's all I care about is beating y'all. Damn. Yeah, I mean they're just saying.
You've got eleven points, you're not that far off. Jonas has twelve thirteen where it's a tight race so far.
Okay, Yeah, yeah, you're in second there, Brady right there with Rich Davis and Jason Martin and Steve Cavino and Doug Gottlieb.
But who's sitting at top is Steve Hartman at sixteen.
That's wild.
That's all lead lap. But what did I tell you I wasn't gonna win this tournament or what I mean?
That's that's quite quite a roster of names that's up there in the elite. Huh.
Jonas is tied with Coward, I mean there was you know, there's only one.
LA team in there, so I went in tough one A couple, a couple of boats just hanging out to each other.
In the standings, Alex Curry has surfaced. She's in third, also tied with one Jonas Knox and Colin Cowner.
Look, I mean everyone likes to get caught up in the first day, like how am I doing? Today? Is really where things start to separate. Yeah, I feel like there wasn't a lot of I mean, there's good games, but there wasn't a lot of crazy moments yesterday, and that leads me to believe that today is going to get a little bit more wild.
As far as somebody, why can't I find Lee? Yeah, well, because if Lee was on here, he'd probably be like.
It's it's pretty like Lee's brackets blacked out.
Producers aren't allowed in the VIP this year for some reason.
It's just messed up.
Dude that that shouldn't be Why not not VIP?
Dude, I'm not very important?
Why not?
That sucks?
Now? I will say this big fan of John Calipari getting it done. I thought he's been a totally disrespected, totally belittled by members of the Fox Sports Radio family, uh several times over, including on this show, and it was good to see him persevere. It's also good to see it.
Why do you pause for a second so I can just go ahead and dissect a few things there at the end of.
Could I just point out a couple of things. First, Arkansas has somebody named Jonas and the last name Knox on the team. All right, so there's A and a Knox on the team.
It's the same way.
No, it's two separate guys, but it's knock spelled the same way. Yeah, okay, yeah, but.
Again that's like, okay, you got some of the last name knocks.
And take it over.
Up top to point out what you got, Q is all you got Jonas. That was the point that I mean, that was an important point to make, which it's so first first thing I'd point out is they want to watch Kansas this year because I actually, as I was watching this game, recalled watching.
Them a fair amount.
And one of the things that shocked me a bit was they were preseason number one. Weren't they?
I would I don't know, you know, I.
Think they were a preseason at least one of the top teams in the preseason, and This is like I don't know if it's a curse under Bill self or what you call it, but they seem to like whenever there's too much hype around them, there tends to be a first round exit that comes with them in the tournament. So I wasn't surprised by it. I've watched that team this year. They are just not a great Kansas basketball team. I don't know how else to put it. I feel like Hunter Dickinson is a bit overstated, overrated as his impact on the overall game, and watching that game, I kept thinking, like, even if they win this, they're probably gonna bounce in the second round. That's just for KU standards. That is not the type of team that you know we've seen throughout the course of history. But what really stood out to me was one of the greatest recruiters in all time, I mean a Hall of Fame recruiter in one Jollick John Caliperry once again, at the end of the game, can't seem to figure out how to coach his players to inbound the ball. I mean again, tight game. Towards the end, the inbounder clearly has the ability to run the baseline. I mean hell, we taught our six, seven and eight year olds this okay, And instead of actually running the baseline finally way of not burning their final two timeouts, he stays static. They can't inbound the ball. It becomes a bit more stressful than it needed to be. And it happens twice, not once, twice burning both timeouts, causing them to have to finally go to their final timeout, finally put something together to then inbound the ball to win the game. It's just like when it comes down to it, John Calipari will get out coached.
It's just a matter of when. He's never do he ever won a championship? Yeah, yes, well in Kentucky twelve one and by the way, go yeah one exactly.
For all the all the number one and number two recruiting classes, all the one and donees, he had one championship to show for it. And by the way, I think most people too would think during that era where they did. I mean, if you compared it to Alabama during their run of recruiting with Nick Saban, they were one of those teams that during that run, run multiple national championships and were never worse than number one or number two in recruiting, and that was what they got from it. Now I will concede that March madis that tournament's much more difficult to actually win a national championship.
But the lack of final four ks.
You know, you know, appearances and and even like towards the end, I don't think they've made the Sweet sixteen. It has been five years his last five years, I don't know if they've made it more than maybe once.
With all the talented rosters he's had. I'm just saying he's an.
Unbelievable recruiter, unbelievable, one of the greatest all time, maybe the best. But in regards to coaching, I mean they're taking on a Saint John's team the next round that I don't believe is as talented as Arkansas. I mean, doesn't have as many resources as Arkansas. And if in just Saint John's, who's the higher seed. If they win that game, it's because of Rick Patino. It's not because they have more talent. It's because of Rick Patino. He's a better coach and he's probably Kentucky's best coach at least between.
The two of them. Comparing Calipari to Rick Patino.
I mean, we wonder why John Calipari struggles late game because he knows he's gonna get buried alive if something goes wrong. God forbid, He's got a player doesn't realize he can run the baseline to inbound the ball.
Okay, okay, So what after the first time, you don't think the coach says to him.
Hey, Bud, hey, Jonas, you can run the baseline. Is that like oversight or something.
I would have been on the see.
He was trying. He was trying. The problem is is that the fan base, the ungrateful Kentucky fan base, all of that aura has now been bleeding over and so now they've got to deal with the pressure. Yeah, I mean it, and it's and it's terrible, and I feel bad for the guys.
Take because this is also a take that doesn't include hearing some of John cala Perry's end of game conversations where he's.
Talked about he's talked about I think it was recently too this season. He talked about the.
End of game if he's got a player on the free throw line up three and how he will with like two seconds left and he will try to tell him to miss the free throw because he thinks it's hard for the other team to get a rebound and go down the court and shoot a three to tie it, to extend the game. So he will tell his player to miss a free throw, said, not to go up four, not going four, what's a two possession game, But to miss a free throw in that instance, like it's an all timer.
Okay, he's a great recruiter, Hall of Fame, no one's gonna take that away. But as far as in game like scheme, he is not the guy.
I can't believe Kansas bon't he liked that though, Man.
Did you have him going far?
I didn't have him going far losing after they got out of fird, I had Saint John's beating them.
There you go.
But but still, I mean, they should have won. They should have won. I feel like people root for Ripetina.
You know, that was a that was an achilles injury. I'm assuming that the kid from Kansas suffered, and it seemed like the game kind of tilted the other way because it looked like Kansas was going to figure out a way to pull that game out, and then that injury happened and Arkansas got a couple of stops on defense, there was turnovers. I think at Kansas had like six turnovers in a four minute span down the stretch, and then they just there there wasn't enough.
There despite the let me ask you that, you guys this, you gotta think that there's a mathematical equation to getting a perfect bracket, right, like if you fill out x amount of brackets with the different combinations of teams, you could potentially fill out a perfect bracket.
There's also equations to win the lottery.
That lottery is going to say. There's a great story about a guy.
He used to drive from Michigan and I don't know if it was going to Massachusetts or in New York, but he was.
He figured out.
Mathematically, like how many tickets he needed to buy in order to win some of these big lotteries, like and he was a multiple lottery winner, and he would like lock down these stores and like be like pretty tough tickets all day. But he figured out what number that was. I mean, it was thousands of tickets to win it.
But he did it.
I think I think he eventually got caught and they like shut it down because it was more of a loophole than it was anything illegal, But there there's I mean, you can fill out a bunch, but it'd be a ton in order to do that.
But how many numbers are in in the lottery? Like, what's the highest number.
Is it?
Does it go up to ninety?
Does it? Really? That's a lot that's all? You think? There's an easier equation to win the lottery than there is to have an equation for the final four?
Well, like the pick six is one for the tournament? What's that fifty nine is highest on the pick six?
Oh, and that's Is that the same for like, uh, there's still a lot of numbers powerball? Yeah, that's still sixty.
Four I think is for uh, I think that's the mega or that's the power ball and then mega is.
Also I think sixty.
Four interesting If there's a mathematical equation for that, that's you are a freaking dork. You know what? Dork? A massive proportion?
You know what I heard works if you want to win the lottery and are looking there we go you know what I heard?
What? What?
What got the number for you?
And here's it's called get a job like that That works as well too, Get a life, you know, get a get a.
Do you guys want to hear the odds?
What are they?
I think this is this is what chat Gibt came up with because I wasn't trying to do this math, all right, So this is saying that the odds of getting a perfect back bracket are one in nine point two quintillion quintillion.
I've never even which is.
Which is over one million times harder than the power ball. And this is saying because they're it's hard games after sixty three games in the tournament, after the first four, so that's it's not even including the first four, which, by the way, I wish it would include that because I think that can be a good tie breaker. But most people are concerned about not getting the bracketed zign.
But people do perfect brackets though, right, No, never happened. No obvious people doing perfect brackets.
The closest are like a woman who picked like all dogs.
And it's never happened. This has never happened ever before. You mean I could have sworn I've heard.
That dog mascots or underdogs all, yes, dog mascots.
A woman who had no knowledge about.
Well, that's how I pick horses is about a color. Yeah, but I mean you know the color they're like whatever. That is their jockey. By the way, the other day it's pretty good too. I got a Mega millions and a power ball the other day. I just looked at it. I mean, not the not the color of his kids, the color of his shirt. Look at their ass, the color the color of like his colors, like what he's wearing. You look at their ass, their LeVar.
I don't know.
There's nothing about ass that says it should be named LeVar. Alright, la, I don't do that.
What you betting here, I'll give me five bucks on the Mexican.
All right, I've got some There's a reason why he's going to be faster.
The horses from Kentucky. I'm not talking about him.
I'm talking about the jockey. He knows how to go fast. I say. His nickname is said. Nickname is nice.
He's got a nice ass.
Oh god, Okay, So the only person listen is this is the longest perfect streak verified on record.
Is a guy named Greg Nigel.
In twenty nineteen, he picked the first forty nine games correctly before his bracket finally broken in the sweet.
Sixteen m dang member of perfect brag.
No one's ever gotten a PAS.
That's why they be offering a million a million dollars for a perfect braget. Get out here. You know it ain't nobody getting no perfect practice, So.
Up, there's still somewhat of a shot though, Lee, What were you saying about your lotto tickets? Yeah?
I got a I got a Mega and a power ball the other day, randomly. I don't do it often, but I got two out of the the medas did you get? H? What else did I get?
What? I got the box and a tall.
Across from the Philly Cheese steak.
But you didn't get a Phillip cheese steak. You just got the alcohol.
I got the Philly Cheese steak.
Oh there you go, Like you had like a Hostess pie in your mouth when scratch offs some type of a like a.
Twinkie or where you had the chocolate Island. What it is like always in my mind, like people who do scratch offs and stuff, they always gotta have like something to drink. You gotta have something to drink in your arm, and then you gotta have something in your mouth, like then you gotta be scratched.
Wasn't that his last meal before it was his last meal?
That was his last meal? Can we h Can we quickly vote? All right?
Because I do believe before we cap off this segment, we got to give an award away and we need a drum roll in order to do it. But you guys can pick between these two teams. Okay, which team was I guess the worst at showing up for their first round because there's two that come right to mind that really weren't competitive at all in this game. But we're heavy, I would I would say heavy favorites. But favorites is that fair to say?
Uh, Clemson thirteen points in the first half, That's that's rough. And I would say Georgia, who had an all time awful performance and at one point, I think, with like ten minutes to go, I'm pretty sure they had more turnovers than field goals made at that point in the game.
I would say Clemson. And I don't know if we have time to get into it now, Brady.
Oh, we do.
It's not that long a story.
Brady Quinn's partly responsible for what happened in that game.
For somebody, one of the worst beats you'll ever hear in the NCAA tournament. So the meat Wagon asked me, Hey, should I bet on this game.
I'm like, I don't know. Yeah.
I laid the points with Clemson, like not really paying attention, just kind of like saying like, yeah, sure, that's why I.
Picked in the bracket, picked Clemson.
And as the game starts off, he's like, my god, like you're the worst, Like what a terrible pick. And I was like, well, look, they haven't played this battle season, probably never.
In their entire lives.
And at halftime it was like thirty one to thirteen, and he goes, I'm gonna lay the points with McNeice, which at that point the liveline was minus three and a half.
And I told him, I.
Said, kind of feel like that's dumb, because you can't expect Clemson to just play that bad for the entirety of the game, like they're probably gonna come back. I was like, I wouldn't put the bet on. I was like, oh, I'd actually take the points with Clemson. And so sure enough, as that game goes from Clemson being down twenty two with six minutes to go, it tightens up in the final moments and there's a layup made with basically no time left to bring Clemson to within two, which again horseshoes, hand grenades, whatever else you want to throw in that category, but highly significant for the case of Jake's bet the meat wagon because he was either gonna to split or he was gonna lose both.
Bets, which he subsequently did.
Yeah, that's now. Did he go back to the window after that or that he quit? Did he quit?
He did?
And he did exactly what I told him not to do. I was like, he gets so enamored with these like big heavy favorites Tennessee, and I did, dude, it's really hard to win by that many points when you're playing in a place that most people haven't played against, a team that you probably haven't matched up with against. So he laid the points of Tennessee and lost that one as well.
Yeah, well, I mean he's got a whole another day to play with.
So he told me though his idol's live bed jesus.
So it all makes sense because that guy can't buy a win again mine in his own business, sitting this one out and gets attacked on the air, I bet Jesus, I'm starting to figure out as like John Calipari, like he can't catch a break.
I don't think they have anything in common.
I mean, one's a Hall of Famer, the every one's just you know, some dbag that shows up every once in a while.
Wow, Wow, I do know this. We've got something in common. It's a football Friday. Yeah, it's a football Friday.
Come on Saturday Sunday. But we're playing basketball stale football, stale football.
Russes, Thanks, Russes, Thanks, we got some pro day, we got some some Pridays days now, russ russ woke ups.
Come on, come on, come on, Yeah, alright, alright, alright, let's do it right, Let's do it right. Eddy. This one for you, Eddie. Friday Night is a football Friday, Football Friday, June Friday. Come on, throwa checked in.
Story Friday. Here on, two pros and a cup of Joe. We are gonna have the usuals coming up later on. We have another edition of In case you missed it. We've also got Lee's Leftovers. All of it is yours here on this three hour extravaganza coming up next here. Though, the devil is in the detail, The devil is in the details in the NFL, apparently, after further review, not as great as everybody made it sound. We'll explain right here on FSR.
Be sure to catch live editions of Two Pros and a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn, LeVar Errington, and Jonas Knox weekdays at six am Eastern three am Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.
Stop doing that, Brady, Come get your guy.
What's he doing now?
His algorithm's doing it. He's not doing anything.
Oh right, right, I mean he's not clicking. That doesn't count.
Oh, I don't know what the f that is? Oh oh, that's so cross.
You know what I noticed after LeVar sent me something, my algorithm was also like messed up for a bit.
I was getting some weird, weird things to pop up.
Maybe that's what it is, because I got I have homie sending me stuff all the time.
Yeah, but this was after you sent me stuff.
But that's what I'm saying, that's probably that's probably why my algorithm is all over the place.
So you're blaming your friends for the stuff they send me that you will generally.
So I get like I have I have at least like four friend groups in my you know, and my messages, and they'll send it like to all of us, you know, Like I got a crew that that we're all linebackers. They send they send different stuff. I got dudes I coached with, I got dudes I coached with in high school. They be sending stuff. So I'll be looking at it. I'd be clicking on it, and I think that's how, now that I'm really thinking about it, that's how I get my algorithm. I almost cursed. That has to be real. It'd be real. It'd be funny as hell to me, So did my algorithm. I guess my algorithm alive with what I be clicking on. There you go.
You've claimed that you've got a weak stomach and that you your god, you will gag easily.
It's certain things, and I don't know how, but I just showed you that's not that's it's like certain things that get me, man, certain things will get me. Like I was watching a movie. What movie was I watching the other night? I was watching? I was watching hood cinema the other night, Like I went on a straight hood tear?
So what does that entail? Like helped define with movies?
It's like black movies. I got got like, you know, certain stuff, and it was a movie with I want to say King King Vaughan King king Batch, king Batch want a comedian.
But yeah, okay, yeah, yeah, he's the dude that's on. He's on social media.
He's on social media and it's great him has Michael Apps is his dad in the movie. Who's the diesel dude that that does? Uh, America's got talent? Come on? He on White Chicks. The everybody knows Terry Terry Crews, Terry Crews, and that's the uncle. And they hid a million dollars in the wall of a frat house, a white frat by the way, and so King tries to infiltrate the house, right, he tries to infiltrate the house to get the money out of the wall. Anyway, long story short, When they was getting in there to try to get the money out of the wall, his homeboy was downstairs and he was digging into the wall. One of the frat dudes comes down the stairs. He had to hide so they ain't see him. They had a vomit filled hot tub, oh god, with a cap on it that they made the enroll Lee's or whatever whatever they're called that they have to clean out, Like they got to grab their two brushes out of the water. It's like all kinds of it's just despicable. And in order for him not to get caught by the duke coming down the stairs, he jumps inside of the hot top. I was gagging all over the place. I had to run to the restroom. I had to fast forward turn it off. I didn't know what was happening. I didn't know. I didn't know what was happening. All I know is in my mind, it went just like it went real slow motion, Like he's about to pick up the top of the hot tub. Wait, he's going to jump into the hot tub. He jumped in.
Eighteen year old Tracy Morgan's just letting it fly on.
Hey, bro, I almost let it go, almost let it go yesterday. Yeah, so there you go. I do have a weak's stomach, But my algorithm, I think it's pretty I mean I think it's pretty consistent. You know, it's got sports stuff on there. It's got cannons, it's got hammers, it's got mountaintops, it's got lasers, it's got planets, it's got guns, Zepplins, it has zeppelins, it has lions, tigers hunt, it has birds of prey hunting, it has mma, it has people getting arrested. And food, Yeah, food, a lot of food.
What else could you need? Right?
And dogs and dogs definitely in the dogs.
So there you go.
Yeah, well yeah, hey, there's nothing really else.
You need to I mean, what else, what else do you need?
I'll tell you what you do need, what you do need to find out and in case you missed it, about it.
Oh and and runners with batons too, you know, oh, wrongfully accused of wrongfully accused? And worry about what their mental health is? Everybody concerned about all this other stuff? What about my mental health? Forget about her headache? What about what's going on? Fractured skull?
But on inside of me? Okay, all right, So coming out in about twelve minutes from now, we did have a record set in the world of sports. We will get into that for you here on FSR. But so apparently this celebration and song and dance for t Higgins deal is not exactly what it's all made out to be. I know, Jordan Schultz had posted the picture with the guys. There was a lot of celebratory moments for Jamar Chase and t Higgins. Braden Quinn, you are an expert at this, so much so that you hit up Veto and Ricky to make sure that this was on the table before we start this.
Take it away.
And now for more on this. Two pros and a cup of Joe, NFL contract analysts and tea quick.
All right, So I had nothing to excited for this record, I'm excited for this. Come on, Brandon T. Quinn.
What happened?
I think the original report was it was a four year deal and I think over one hundred million dollars, maybe one hundred and twenty something like that. This is not that, Okay, This deal is essentially a two year twenty nine point four to.
Five million dollar contract.
But they're not The Bengals are not fully committed for a year two, meaning there's actually no guaranteed moneies that are involved in the first year of this deal. And there's a reason why for that, and I'm gonna tell you in a moment, but basically, with incentives and everything else to come along with it, it could essentially be a one year, thirty five.
Point nine million dollar contract.
Okay, Now again, that's nine point seven million more than he was estimated to make under the franchise tag, so he has the potential to make more money. And there's like ten million of insurance in twenty twenty six because there's a ten million dollar roster bonus and there's an injury.
Guarantee on that.
So if you're looking at the deal, there's one or two ways t Higgins could have gone.
He didn't have to agree to an extension.
Now, right the deadline for that is in July, so this could have dragged on for a while, But obviously to some degree, he wanted the security of being able to be under contract for the long term and having something that was potentially going to pay him more than the franchise tag. But the deal, all right, it's got a total of eight million that's tied into basically Higgins suiting up every week because he's missed ten games over the last two seasons. So for example, if he had had this deal in the past, he would have lost a little over a million bucks in the amount of games that he's missed. So at the end of the day, it is at Jamar Chase and Tee Higgins the other sure, but this deal is nowhere close to what was advertised. And honestly, if I was representing Tee Higgins, I might have said to him, Hey, just play the franchise tag out this year. I know you're gonna be upset with it, but it's a fully guaranteed one year deal. Anything happens to you, you're good. And then moving on from there, you hit the free agent market, You're gonna cash in big time.
How much of the difference would that have been if he took the free agency tag versus taking the contract?
What's the what's the franchise tag?
Yeah? Yeah, so what's the difference in the amount of the franchise.
Again, it's it's hard because he's got incentives that he can make up to nine million more, but none of it's guaranteed.
What's the guarantee.
That's what I'm saying.
None of it, none of us for this year is guaranteed based on what I've seen so far. So that's what I'm saying is I don't get a stolely guaranteed deal for less under the franchise tag. And now he's into the first well because five days after he signs, he gets a bonus. Okay, so the thought is, you don't need a bonus. It's like ten million bucks or something like that, and what would the franchise tag be. Well, again, you'd get in your salary. You don't get a bonus, but you'd get paid every bit of that. Let's say you slipped and fell training. Yeah, you're guarantee once you sign the franchise tag, you're guaranteed that dollar amount that money.
Okay, if that's the case.
Now he's not guaranteed those moneys because this first year contract is not guaranteed for that. But so what I'm trying to point out is that what they were banking on, all right, him and his agent are banking on the fact that he's going because they'll be sending him a roster bonus five days after signing that they're not going to cut him after a year. And they're right, they're not going to cut him. But also if he's not healthy, he's not playing, they're not going to pay him either.
I'm still trying to what is the what is the franchise tag number four receivers? What would he have received like twenty four and change. Yeah, so that's way more than what he's getting with his bonus of ten million, that's fourteen million more.
Well, again, he could make then this.
One year with some of the incentives and so forth up to thirty six if he's healthy thirty five point nine mins.
If he's health.
Only money he's getting that's guaranteed to him is that roster bonus that he's signing that's going to give him ten which technically wasn't even guaranteed a signing. But yes, which is technically not guaranteed at signing. Yeah, but the headlines were great. I mean, you know, sounds like some ish to me. Man, that's that's that's interesting. I agree, I would have took the franchise tag. If you're getting twenty four for the tag, but you're only going to get ten million, You're only going to get ten million bonus to sign. I mean he must feel like, Okay, let me ask you this before I start judging. Are are the incentives or the escalators that he have, Like, what are they built into Are they easily applainable?
Playing time? It's sixty five percent playtime incentives.
I mean, I take that. I'm sorry. If I would take I'm a play I'm ana play now. I know you can't you know, determine if you're gonna get hurt or something like that. But if it's not an incentive that's based off of something that maybe isn't like legitimately obtainable, then that's different. You know, if I got a win Receiver of the Year or something like that, or I gotta have X amount of yards like maybe sometimes you can't you know, control that you can control if you play, I'm incentivized. That's that's what you call a pure incentive. I am purely incentivized. I'll give you a great example. I never was an off season workout dude. Never Like I never I worked out in the off season. What I'm saying is I didn't work out with the team. I didn't stay to work out. I worked out with you know I personally, they gave me an incentive for two hundred grand to make sense.
Screw that.
I was there every damn day. Oh okay, I was there. I say, screwed that. And it was two hundred grand and I.
Was making so it was a workout bonus.
Yes, yeah, And I was incentivized. And I was like, I'm not leaving two hundred grand on the table. There.
You go not say for some of us, we didn't have to put that in the contract because they knew.
Were going to show up. Yeah, you could kiss myss I. You know what that shoe says. That shoe says Adidas. All right, I do.
It's twenty million, not ten million, that it gets guaranteed five days after signing, So big difference there.
That is a tremendous difference.
So long story short, he's getting more with this, but not the amount anywhere.
Close to what was reported. That's not necessarily not okay.
Again, again, I want to be clear about something. All I care about is signing bonus and guaranteed its signing, because that's the only guarantees you can't have. Yeah, yeah, Like what LeVar is saying is true and great, But this is a guy who's awesome miss ten games over the past two years, and he would have lost a million dollars under this contract. And let's say, for example, one of these injuries is so debilitating that he's not the same player, can't play again. Like that's what ultimately your agent is helping you put that, and you've got to fight for more guarantees his base salary for this upcoming season. On thirteen, million is not guaranteed as signing. That's a problem. You know, he's got an active per game roster bonus of two million in total this season, So yeah, when you add it all together, like it adds up over time. But he's got to be healthy, he's got to be playing, he's got to be on the team. You know, there's there's a ten million fully guaranteed roster bonus in twenty twenty six, but it's got offset language, meaning like someone else can end up being on the hook for that if he's traded else elsewhere. So like there's there's a number of things that are built with in this contract that again it's the players, it's you know, prerogative if he wants to sign the deal. But this is a deal that was you know, thrown out his four years a hundred fifteen million dollars, the highest paid number two wide receiver in the NFL, which I think Higgins said he didn't want to do. But when you look at the guarantee it sign and says thirty million, Yeah, but those guarantees aren't anywhere really.
It's like they're.
Basically saying that twenty million is getting five days after he signs is an essence of guarantee because they're not going to cut him after they just agree.
To the deal.
So you understand how that makes sense?
Yeah? Well, hey, good for anybody who reported on it and broke the story. Good for them, they got it done.
Here's what we know.
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Be sure to catch live editions of Two Pros and a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn, LeVar Errington, and Jonas Knox weekdays. It's six am Eastern, three am Pacific.
Two Pros and a Cup of Joe, Fox Sports Radio, LaVar Arrington, Brady Quinn, Jonas Knox with you here. Coming up a little over ten minutes from now, we've got more draft noise and people know about it in the NFL. We'll get into that for you here on FSR before we get to another edition of In case you missed it, though a reminder, you could stream this show at all of our Fox Sports Radio shows Live twenty four to seven and the new and improved iHeartRadio app. Just search Fox Sports Radio in the app to stream is live. One of the newest features in that app is that you can select Fox Sports Radios one of your presets, just like the presets on a radio dial. So be sure to preset Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app and it will always pop up at the top of your screen.
Sometimes you can't get to everything in the world of sports or entertainment. Good thing, the guys are here to bring you in case.
You missed it, and for that we turn it over to our executive producer, Lead Lapp.
Good morning everybody, Good morning Jonas, Good morning Brady, Good morning of our guys. In case you missed this, a record Haylely, Hey Brady, record setting day in the world of sports yesterday.
The previous.
Let's say high price sale of a professional football team was, of course, six point oh five billion dollars for the Washington Commandos. That was surpassed yesterday by the purchase of the Boston Celtics. For evaluation of six point one billion dollars to Bil Chisholm, who's the managing partner of Symphony Technology Group.
Damn Jesus, and they're gonna get How about your Celtics, Jonas, how about your Celtics?
Well listen, and everybody wants to be a part of it. I mean, they've got a couple of three hundred million dollar contracts on the roster. I guess somebody I got. I want to give credit to them. But somebody pointed, I didn't even know this that they don't even own the building they're in. The Bruins own it, and the Celtics are tenants, much like the Clippers were tenants at Staples Center. And so there's some thought, are they going to go ahead and now try to build their own their own venue. That's crazy, Man, make a couple of coins, and you know, like what would that go for? Like, so these prices are just gonna go up, Like the Cowboys were valued at ten billion. But if the Cowboys are valued at ten I wonder what the actual price would have been if they would have sold right now