Today on 2 Pros and a Cup of Joe, the Tournament tips off, while fans across the country find excuses to get out of work. Aaron Rodgers is at the bar with the Vikings, Steelers and Giants, but who’s taking him home? TheMMQB, Albert Breer talks Rodgers landing spots, the Bengals working with Trey Hendrickson, rule changes and more!
This is the best of two pros and a couple with Lamar Airings and Rady Win and Jonas Knox on radio.
All Right, we are one day in to the NCAA tournament, whose final four is already butchered.
As far as your results, probably yours, please, I'm sitting pretty I think you had you had Clemson going far, and you know I did not. I did not. I had, I had. I didn't have Clemson going far, but I had getting out of the first round. It was I had Louisville making it pretty far.
Oh no, stick insulting. I mean, now they're making fun of you with.
It was I had Missouri. Oh no, no, no, I did it. I did it. I I'm looking at who I had going pretty far, the teams that I that lost, that I picked, I didn't have them going very far. So I will call Louisville's the furthest. Yeah, Louisville is the furthest. So I'm still in. I'm still intact. I'm still intact.
Yeah, I mean, do we have a ranking between our group like a show itself?
Lee is first, you are second, Jonas is third, and the only group I'm saying it's called a p grouple. You're not in it. Oh dang. Sorry, Well, I'm just looking at our brackets between the three of us, which that's all I care about is beating y'all. Damn. Yeah. I mean they're just saying you've.
Got eleven points, you're not that far off. Jonas has twelve, I thirteen. Where it's a tight race so far, okay.
Yeah, yeah, you're in second there, Brady right there with Rich Davis and Jason Martin and Steve Cavino and Doug Gottlieb. But who's sitting at top is Steve Hartman at sixteen.
That's wild lead lap. What did I tell you I wasn't gonna win this tournament or what? That's That's quite quite a roster of names that's up there in the elite. Huh.
Jonas is tied with Coward. I mean there wasn't you know there's only one LA team in there, so I went in tough one.
A couple a couple of goats just hanging out to each other.
In the standings, Alex Curry's surfaced. She's in third, also tied with one Jonas Knox and Colin Cower.
Look, I mean, everyone likes to get caught up in the first day, like how am I doing? Today?
Is really where things start to separate, and I feel like there wasn't a lot of I mean, there's good games, but there wasn't a lot of crazy moments yesterday, and that leads me to believe that today is.
Going to get a little bit more wild. As far as somebody, why can't I find Lee? Yeah, well, because if Lee was on here, he'd probably be like, it's it's pretty Lee's brackets blacked out?
Yeah, producers aren't allowed in the VIP this year for some reason.
It's just that's messed up, dude, that that shouldn't be. Why not not VIP? Dude, I'm not very important? Why not? That sucks? Now?
I will say this big fan of John Calipari getting it done. I thought he's been a totally disrespected, totally belittled by members of the Fox Sports Radio family uh several times over, including on this show, and it was good to see him persevere.
It's also good to see why.
Do you pause for a second so I can just go ahead and dissect a few things there at the end that.
Can I just point out a couple of things First, Arkansas has somebody named Jonas and the last named Knox on the team. All right, so there's a Drill and a Knox on the team's.
The same way. No, it's two separate guys, but it's spelled the same way. Yeah.
Okay, yeah, but again that's like, okay, you got some of the last name knocks.
Up top for to point out what you got Q is all you got Jonas. That was the point that I mean, that was an important point to make.
Which so first, first thing I'd point out is they don'tant to watch Kansas this year because I actually, as I was watching this game, recalled watching them a fair amount. And one of the things that shocked me a bit was they were preseason number one. Weren't they? I don't know, you know, I think they were a preseason or at least one of the top teams in the preseason. And this is like I don't know if it's a curse under Bill self or what you call it, but they seem to like whenever they there's too much hype around them, there tends to be a first round exit that comes with them in the tournament. So I wasn't surprised by it. I've watched that team this year. They are just not a great Kansas basketball team. I don't know how else to put it. I feel like Hunter Dickinson is a bit overstated, overrated as his impact on the overall game. And watching that game, I kept thinking like, even if they win this, they're probably going to bounce in the second round.
That's just for KU standards.
That is not the type of team that you know we've seen throughout the course of history. But what really stood out to me was one of the greatest recruiters in all time, I mean a Hall of Fame recruiter in one Jollick John Caliperry once again, at the end of the game can't seem to figure out how to coach his players to inbound the ball. I mean again, tight game. Towards the end, the inbounder clearly has the ability to run the baseline. I mean, hell, we taught our six, seven and eight year olds this, okay, And instead of actually running the baseline finally we have not burning their final two timeouts, he stays static. They can't inbound the ball. It becomes a bit more stressful than it needed to be. And it happens twice not once twice, burning both timeouts, causing them to have to finally go to their final time out, finally put something together to then inbound the ball to win the game. It's just like when it comes down to it, John Calipari will get out coached.
It's just a matter of when he's never do he ever won a championship? Yeah, yes, well in Kentucky twelve one.
And by the way, go yeah one exactly for all the all the number one and number two recruiting classes, all the one and dons, he had one championship to show for it. And by the way, I think most people too would think during that era, where they really did. I mean, if you compared it to Alabama during their run of recruiting with Nick Saban, they were one of those teams that during that run run multiple national championships and were never worse than number one or number two in recruiting, and that was what they they got from it. Now, I will concede that March madis that tournament's much more difficult to actually win a national championship.
But the lack of final four ks you know, you.
Know, appearances and and even like towards the end, I don't think they've made the Sweet sixteen. It has been five years. His last five years, I don't know if they've made it more than maybe once. With all the talented rosters he's had. I'm just saying he's an unbelievable recruiter, unbelievable, one of the greatest all time, maybe the best. But in regards to coaching, I mean, they're taking on a Saint John's team the next round that I don't believe is as talented as Arkansas. I mean, doesn't have as many resources as Arkansas. And if in just Saint Johnson's the higher seed, if they win that game, it's because of Rick Patino. It's not because they have more talent. It's because of Rick Patino. He's a better coach and he's probably Kentucky's best coach at least between the two of them. Comparing Calipari to Rick Patino.
I mean, we wonder why John Calipari struggles late game because you know he's gonna get buried alive if something goes wrong. God forbid, He's got a player doesn't realize he can run the baseline to inbound the ball.
Okay, okay, so what after the first time, you don't think the coach says to him, Hey Bud, Hey, hey, Jonas, you can run the baseline. Is that like oversight or something?
I would have been one. He was trying. He was trying, He was.
The problem is is that the fan base, the ungrateful Kentucky fan base, all of that aura has now been bleeding over and so now they've got to deal with the pressure.
Yeah. I mean, and it's and it's terrible, and I feel bad for the guys.
This is an awful take because this is also a take that doesn't include hearing some of John cali Perry's end of game conversations or he's.
Talked about he's talked about. I think it was recently too this season.
He talked about the end of game if he's got a player on the free throw line up three, and how he will with like two seconds left, and he will try to tell him to miss the free throw because he thinks it's hard for the other team to get a rebound and go down the court and shoot a three to tie it, to extend the game. So he will tell his player to miss a free throw, said, not to go up four. Not going four, what's a two possession game. But to miss a free throw in that instance, like he's it's an all timer. Okay, he's a great recruiter, Hall of Fame, no one's gonna take that away.
But as far as in game like scheme, he is not the guy. I can't believe Kansas bon't he liked that though. Man, did you have him going far? I didn't have him going far. I had them losing after they got out of fird, I had Saint John's beating them. There you go, but I'm but still, I mean, they should have won. They won. I feel like people root for Rick Petina.
You know that was a that was an achilles injury. I'm assuming that the kid from Kansas suffered, and it seemed like the game kind of tilted the other way because it looked like Kansas was going to figure out a way to pull that game out, and then that injury happened and Arkansas got a couple of stops on defense.
There was turnovers. I think at Kansas had like six turnovers in a four minute span down the stretch, and then they just there. There wasn't enough there. Despite the let me ask you that she got this, you got to think that there's a mathematical equation to getting a perfect bracket, right, Like if you fill out x amount of brackets with the different combinations of teams, you could potentially fill out a perfect bracket.
There's also equations to win the lottery that.
Lottery is going to say. There's a great story about a guy.
He used to drive from Michigan and I don't know if it was going to Massachusetts or New York, but he was figured out mathematically, like how many tickets he needed to buy in order to win some of these big lotteries, Like and he was a multiple lottery winner, and he would like lock down these stores and like be like pretty tough tickets all day. But he figured out what number that was. I mean, it was thousands of tickets to win it, but he did it. I think I think he eventually got caught and they like shut it down because it was more of a loophole than it was anything illegal. But there there's I mean, you can fill out a bunch, but it'd be a ton in order to do that.
But how many numbers are in the in the lottery, Like what's the highest number is it? Does it go up to ninety? Does it really that's a lot that's you think there's an easier equation to win the lottery than there is to have an equation for the final four. Well, like the pick six is winning for the tournament? What's that? So fifty nine highest on the pick six? Yeah? Oh and that's is that the same for like there's still a lot of numbers powerball? Yeah, that's still at.
Sixty four I think is for uh, I think that's the mega or that's the power ball and then mega is also I think sixty.
Four m interesting. If there's a mathematical equation for that, that's you are a freaking dork. You know what, dork? A massive proportion? You know what I heard works if you want to win the lottery and are looking, okay, here we go. You know what I heard? What got the number for you? And here's it's called get a job like that? That works as well too, Get a life, you know, get a get a real job. Do you guys want to hear the odds? What are they?
I think this is this is what chat Gibt came up with because I wasn't trying to do this math, all right, So this is saying that the odds of getting a perfect back bracket are one in nine point two quintillion quintillion. I never even which is which is over one million times harder than the power ball. And this is saying because they're it's hard after six games in the tournament, after the first four, so that's it's not even including the first four, which, by the way, I wish it would include that because I think I can be a good tie breaker. But most people are concerned about not getting the bracketed zign.
But people do perfect brackets though, right, No, never happened. No people doing perfect brackets.
The closest a woman who picked like all dogs, and.
It's never happened. This has never happened ever before I could have sworn, I've heard that.
Dog mascots or under dogs all, yes, dog mascots.
A woman who had no knowledge about Well that's how I picked horses. Is about a color, Yeah, but I mean you know the color they're like whatever that is they're jockey.
By the way, the other day it's pretty good too. I got a mega millions in a power ball the other day. I just looked at it.
I mean, not the not the color of his kids, the color of his shirt. You look at their ass. No, the color, the color of like his colors, like what he's wearing. You look at their their ass, their LeVar. I don't know. There's nothing about ass that says it should be named LeVar. All right, Laura's like, I don't do that. Yeah, what you betting here? I'll give me five bucks on the Mexican all right, I've got some. There's a reason why he's going to be faster, sir, the horses from Kentucky. I'm not talking about him. I'm talking about the dockey. He knows how to go fast. I say, his nickname is speaking. Nickname is nice. He's got a nice ass.
Oh god, okay, So the only person this is, this is the longest perfect streak verified on record.
Is a guy named Greg Nigel. In twenty nineteen.
He picked the first forty nine games correctly before his bracket finally broken in the sweet sixteen MM.
Dang, remember of perfect brag No one's ever gotten a PRIs. That's why they'd be offering a million a million dollars for a perfect braget. Get out here. You know, I ain't nobody getting no perfect bracket soup. There's still somewhat of a shot though, Lee, What were you saying about your lotto tickets? Yeah?
I got a I got a Mega and a power ball the other day randomly. I don't do it often, but I got two out of the seals.
Did you get? Uh?
What else did I get?
What? I got the box and a tall.
Across from the Philly Cheese steak.
But you didn't get a Phillip cheese steak. You just got the alcohol.
I got the Philly cheese steak.
Oh there you go, Like you have like a Hostess pie in your mouth when you're doing scratch offs, some type of a like a twinkie, or you got where you had the chocolate island? What it is like? Always in my mind, like people who do scratch offs and stuff, they always got to have like something to drink. You gotta have something to drink in your arm, and then you gotta have something in your mouth, like then you gotta be scratched. Wasn't that his last meal? Before? I was his last meal? That was his last meal? So can we can we quickly vote all right?
Because I do believe before we cap off this segment, we got to give an award away and we need a drum roll in order to do it. But you guys can pick between these two teams. Okay, which team was I guess the worst at showing up for their first round because there's two to come right to mind that really weren't competitive at all in this game. But we're heavy, I would I would say heavy favorites. But favorites is that fair to say?
Uh, Clemson thirteen points in the first half, That's that's rough. And I would say Georgia, who had an all time awful performance and at one point, i think with like ten minutes to go, I'm pretty sure they had more turnovers than field goals made at that point in the game.
I would say Clemson. And I don't know if we have time to get into it now, Brady.
Oh, we do. It's not that long the story. Brady Quinn's partly responsible for what happened in that game for somebody.
One of the worst beats you'll ever hear in the NCAA tournament. So the meat wagon asked, me, Hey, should I bet on this game? I'm like, I don't know, Yeah, I laid the points with Clemson like not really paying attention, just kind of like saying like, yeah, sure, that's why I picked in the bracket, picked Clemson. And as the game starts off, he's like, my god, like you're the worst, Like what a terrible pick. And I was like, well, look, they haven't played this battle season, probably never in.
Their entire lives. And at halftime it was like.
Thirty one to thirteen, and he goes, I'm gonna lay the points with McNeice, which at that point the liveline was minus three and a half.
And I told him, I said, kind of feel like that's dumb, because.
You can't expect Clemson to just play that bad for the entirety of the game, like they're probably gonna come back. I was like, I wouldn't put the bet on. I was like, oh, I'd actually take the points with Clemson. And so, sure enough, as that game goes from Clemson being down twenty two with six minutes to go, it tightens up in the final moments and there's a layup made with basically no time left to bring Clemson to within two, which, again horseshoes, hand grenades, whatever else you want to throw in that category, but highly significant for the case of Jake's bet the meat Wagon because he was either gonna to split or he was gonna.
Lose both bets, which he subsequently did. Yeah that's now. Did he go back to the window after that or did he quit? Did he quit on? He did?
And he did exactly what I told him not to do. I was like, he gets so enamored with these like big heavy favorites Tennessee, and I did, dude, it's really hard to win by that many points when you're playing in a place that most people haven't played against, a team that you probably haven't matched up with against. So he laid the points of Tennessee and lost that one as well. Yeah, well, I mean he's got a whole another day to play with. So he told me though his his idol's Live bet Jesus. So it all makes sense because that guy can't buy.
A win again mine in his own business, sitting this one out and gets attacked on the air Live bet Jesus. I'm starting to figure out it's like John Calipari, like he can't catch a break.
Especially I don't think they have anything in common.
I mean, whe's a Hall of Famer that everyone's just you know, some debag that shows up every.
Once in a while Wow, Wow, I do know this. We've got something in common. Uh, it's a football Friday. Yeah, it's a football Friday. Come on, come on, bar Saturday.
Sunday ball rusts.
We got some pro day week, got some some Priday Day. Russ Rus woke up, come on, come on, come on. Yeah, alright, alright, let's do it right. Let's do it right. Eddie, this one for you, Eddie. Friday nine is off a ball Friday. Yeah, ball Friday to Friday. Yeah, come on throw away Friday. Here on. Two Pros and a Cup of Joe.
Be sure to catch live editions of Two Pros and a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn, LeVar Arrington and Jonas Knox weekdays at six a m. Eastern three am Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app Latest.
Uh, I know, let's mess up my algorithm. Just check it out. Just work work out for you guys. Know it's a day singer.
No, We're know you stop because I know where this is going. I can look at I can look at the first thing on on what you sent and I'm not.
Clicking on it. What do you mean it's John say? What do I mean? You sense a dirty.
Ass Instagram is it's a fitness you're a dirty old man.
It's a fitness person. What do you mean it's chest day. I don't want I don't want to see whatever you guys are trying to make me see. All right, it's a it's a it's a fit.
I don't want to share in whatever gross stuff you guys are letting your eyes see.
I don't know what you're at least just check to see if the form is good. There's nothing wrong with what's going on here. I don't I don't get it. But whatever, I've never seen you guys anything, get it. I never send you guys anything else.
I was sending anyway, John, my kids, my kids grab my phone to look at stuff, and they're gonna be like, dad, what is that Like? Oh sorry, it's it's a fitness said this, I'm gonna throw you under the bus everything.
That's why Why would why would do that?
This time?
I said that. I don't think this time what We're good this time, Sloan, we're good. We're good, guys, we're.
Going it's a blippy video. I understand what what King I mean?
Jonahs said to send it, so I sent it like, it's not wrong with it. Just look at it. To part take it's a muscle, it's it's it's a it's a what's that called a byset? Yeah, you know inclined flies pressure. To me, that's what it is. A yeah, it is, it's a I yeah, yeah, I love script. You looked at it. Yeah, I looked at it. You go, no, it was nothing crazy right, decline press you know you know it was nothing that bad. Go ahead, go ahead, Jonas, tell them what swimmer? Yeah, I found that picture recently. I'll send it over. It is two pros and a cup of Joe.
Here on Fox Sports Radio, LeVar Arrington, Brady Quinn, Jonas Knox the Live from the tiraq dot Com studios tyraq dot com.
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Unmatched selection, fast free shipping, free road has a protection and over ten thousand recommended installers. Tiraq dot com The way tire buying should be. So Yesterday was Colorado's pro Day. Of course, the big conversation around Colorado is Shador Sanders his draft stock, where he ends up going in the draft. Shador spoke on the NFL Network about his sort of the perception around him, some of the storylines that have been about him leading up to the draft.
Let's take a listen.
We always understood to block out the noise, even from Jackson State and Colorado. It's a lot of critics, it's a lot of hate, but.
We know what to do.
We know how to handle that in every way, so we remain happy.
So he apparently just focused on the task at hand. His dad, Dion, though, spoke about the situation and although he wouldn't call out anybody by name, and he's aware that there is somebody who's out to get his son.
We like to call this stuff out. I know what it is. You make me call him out? You know what? Team? Yeah, yeah, we don't. We don't get to understand it, I know, but get don't make people behind the courage to stemp in that thing on the high road. I've got to be honest. I keep it on the high road. But I don't know the address. Don't know that address to the high road.
So what's the There's not a shot in hell that Shor Sanders falls out of the top five.
In my mind, it's possible.
Well it's it's possible. Yeah, I mean, it's possible. It's not that it's possible. Anything's possible. It's the NFL draft. But did you fall to top ten? Probably not, you know, or maybe I'll.
Just possible yeah, top, but I'll get you top fifteen, top fifteen, I'll get you top fifteen. To think he would? Can I ask you guys this though, like outside of.
The Dion chadure, this conversation around like the hate or whatever else, like what's the buzzer on the draft?
It's the least interesting draft in a long time. Long time.
I mean, in all seriousness, Like I asked that question because I can't think of another draft where you're like, man, I mean, Travis Hunter is an incredible talent and we're not really talking about it.
They didn't jump behind that. Yeah, they didn't get that. They didn't attach the horse. No, and and you could go talk about Abdul, but like they haven't attached a horse. This is this is.
Really dominated the headlines like the cam Ward or Shad or Sanders, but in most cases people are like, all right, I think the consensus is cam war. But it's like okay, then there's just like hate towards Shador. I think some of this stuff is fabricated honestly. Yeah, And actually I'll make the case that almost all of it is because every time of year, like we get to this point, there has to be someone who's dropping the draft every year, someone's following everybody's rising and every year yeah, or or something like that, like or someone's just kind of staying, you know, put where they're at. I look at it and say, what most people don't realize is a lot of the fluff bs that goes on around the draft, around these topics and conversations are done by the agents and the teams, and they do them because if it's a competing agent, they're trying to try to try to prop up their guy, at least in public perception. Because the teams think what they want and these these the agents don't. They're not gonna persuade them one way or another. They have their process of looking at it, and ultimately, in most organizations, whether it's the owner, general manager, head coach, whoever, is the ultimate decision maker.
He's got his mind made up.
And he's sure as hell not talking to anyone in the media about it, and he's sure as hell not talking to an agent about it. So that that decision if they're taking a quarterback, actually taking a quarterback has probably already been made, or they have a really good idea of who it's going to be and it's not going to change and it's not going to get out. So all this stuff we keep reading and hearing, to me, it's all fluff. It's all dramas, all bs because it's either an agent who's trying to, you know, take shots at Shador Sanders so it makes his guy look better, maybe a team saying we can pass on Shador and get a quarterback in another round, or it's a team it's some guy who's like kind of knows the plans, like well, you know, maybe they wanted to follow him, you know, maybe the Jets wanted to follow him at seven. And so there's people who want to bad mouth and right, because remember the whole comment about well there was a quarterback coach from a team in the top seven who said he didn't have a Really it's like, well why top seven?
Why not just top ten? But why would Dion say, let me ask you this, if it's fabricated, why would Dion say he knows the name of the person doing the talking, because he might make it be an agent, see because to me, the way I mean we've experienced with the guys like David Mulligeta, we've experienced that where they go on these campaigns and try to protect their client or or the perceived protecting.
Of their client, because they're so scared or so concerned about losing out it. Like we've seen guys who this happens with, and they'll they'll try to deny it, but like all these insiders will tell you, they won't say they won't say it on air because they don't want to hurt that relationship.
And there are so many.
Politics behind the scenes that go on with this stuff. So I'm sure Dian has a good idea of who said what or who's saying what.
I can I knowing him if he said I know who it is, you all want me to call it like I am I going to call his name out. My take on it is it just further perpetuates the narrative when when Prime does that, which they don't care. They don't care if it perpetuates the narrative of the pressure that will come with drafting Shador Sanders. They don't the Sanders family, they don't like they're going to be who they're going to be. They're going to handle things the way they're going to handle them. And for Shadoor to feel as though he's being unfairly, unjustly criticized, scrutinized, whatever it is, hated on, he's basically telling y'all, look, I'm I don't I don't pay attention to it. I'm focused. I've had to deal with it all along. I'm good with it. I think where the whole issue of all of this turns into like a bigger deal as it applies to Shador Sanders is the influence of Dion Sanders. It has to it has to be that you're going into a situation where things do not go the way that they are supposed to go with Shador Sanders, whether it's getting him on the field, Imagine Shadoor Sanders goes to a team and doesn't win the starting job. What pressure are you going to feel? Deon or Shador Sanders goes to the team and he's not very good? What pressure are you gonna feel? And how do you get through it? How do you get through it? The difference between a David Mulgato or any other of these agents out here or any other you know prospects out here. They do not have one of the most influential figures in all of sports as a father and by the way, an involved dad, like he'll tell you I'm his dad. He does not play around with the idea of being a protector of his kids. I'm their dad. This is a compromising position. No matter how you look at it, you are putting yourself in a compromised position. If you take Shador saying, unless unless there is a relationship of trust and respect between Dion Sanders and people within the organization of which Shador gets drafted to's not that relationship. You're You're you're at risk.
So do you think, say, for example, the Giants at three, do you think there would be hesitation to take him if he doesn't get an opportunity to play right away, because the thought would be, well, Dion can come take my job, and they would want to pair these guys up.
Do you think there's I don't think that's the hesitation.
I think the hesitation in New York is more of they feel like they're in a spot where they have to win right now. They need a veteran and it's not so much they're like worried about deon take. It doesn't matter not gonna have a job if they don't win games. So it's not about like, oh, we are old taken and if things don't go, we're gonna get fired. Like it doesn't matter who they take if it doesn't go while they're fired. So I think the concern there is more like, do you want to go the potentially through the growing pains in having a rookie quarterback and you know, not win as many games or not be as competitive as you ultimately could be with a veteran.
I think that's what's potentially at stake. It's amplified so much more if its Shador Sanders, Like.
The whole idea of him dropping, like because the only thing that we've heard is well he would drop because well, he came across as arrogant he came up.
That's not that's I can understand.
Listen, there was concerns about Jalen Carter because of the accident and all that that happened. I could kind of understand that Laramie Tunsils smoking weed out.
Of a gas mask and being like I could kind of drop. I mean that's that's age old. Like you said, there's age old storyline like play out. So he's over confident.
We heard the same thing about Caleb Williams. We've heard the same thing about so many other people in the draft. The idea that.
You do not drop for being over he's too jacked up, or he's got to like look at how yoked he is, Like he doesn't even look like a quarterback. Yeah, I mean he drinks Mayonna's with his coffee. There you go. It's like, it's silly, Like I agree with that. That stuff is. Man, that is manufacturing that guy.
Because girlfriend's his girlfriend's so hot, it's gonna be a distraction.
It's like, okay, and that's crazy because that has been a part of it. Hey, that guy is too confident for what he does for a living. Boy, God forbid. We interviewed his mom. His mom didn't pass the test. We interviewed his mom.
This mom passed the test, maybe too much, maybe she was she wants to be on the team.
I agree with that. I agree with that sentiment. But the one thing that differentiates this one from the others is that you're Hey, you know, it turned out to be a couple of times, Man, didn't I play out in Arizona anyway? Anyway? So I'm just saying this is a different scenario. What is wrong with I just think that that's a lot like so you take New York, for for instance, and you make them make them the example they take should Sanders and you are now in a scenario unless you have a relationship with Dion Sanders and Dion No, if you don't think for two seconds that Dion Sanders is gonna want to know the plan for Shador Sanders because Dion is still going to make sure that he's ultimately orchestrating Chador's success. Now, Shador ultimately has to go out there and do what he has done, which is he has to deliver on the field. So make no mistake about this. This ain't no daddy's little boy type deal where Schador can't hoop or can't play ball and Daddy is the reason why he's hyped up. Like No, Shador is a player. He plays ball like he can stand on his own. But I don't I don't. I don't think people understand the level of of of what Dion Sanders feels for his kids in terms of the amount of love that goes into what their what their achievements are going to be. He is super involved, super involved, so they're going to have to explain to him what this plan is. Every like that's going to be You gotta believe that this is going to be problematic for any franchise unless there's a personal relation, And even if there's a personal relationship, it still might end up being problem problematic.
But that's that's what I was gonna ask. Do you think that Dion's been in these discussions, if there's been discussions, had teams talking to Shade or talking, like, do you think he's been brought in? Because if so, I don't see a problem with that. Like, if he's involved and he's been there every step of the way, Like like, don't.
You have a problem that's problem? Don't you for any other prospect you're gonna take Like there was stuff out that, well, you're going to talk to their coaches they are so I he says, you're going to talk to the coach about who they are. But what I'm saying to you is is if he's involvement is different than interviewing about the character or about the skill sets, what does this guy mean to you, like in that regard that's very different than your child. This is my child. I want to plan for my child.
I think one of the things I've noticed about Coach Prime of the course of his transition from Jackson State to Colorado is he seems very concerned and aware of the narratives and aware of what the conversation is, even if it comes his way, right, because he popped off one writer before, right, like, you can't even come around here anymore, right, And I think there's a reason for this, You know, when you have the perspective of a player and then you're talking about young people and then you're talking about in this case, his son, I think one of the things. And maybe this is just coming off as more of a father too, So you guys can relate to this, and our listeners can maybe relate to this.
But like, one of the things.
I think you grow concerned by when I look back at, like in my career when things went south for me, is like is when you lose confidence and you start putting your weight in what other people think or say. And I think that's one thing that he's done an unbelievable job of of not allowing whatever some of the naysayers or narratives are that are out there to impact Schador, to impact many of the young men he coaches and mentors. And I think he's still protective of it, even though he's you know, he's not their coach, he's their dad, and he's still aware and protective of it, because that's that comes along with you, like, you know, we can say whatever we want, Like you mentioned about Jalen Carter and now looking back after his rookie season, you're like, my god, he might have been the best rookie right, Like he was phenomenal this year. But at some point, if some other altercation or off the field thing happens, what are they going to bring up? They're gonna say, well, yeah, he had some issues too when he's at Georgia, or yeah he has like they're gonna bring up past events and and if anything whatever happened with Shador, the narrative in the media is gonna be like, well, do you remember the combine he had a bad interview and you remember, like.
Like that's that's how this all works.
And so I think he's super aware of how those narratives can kind of stick with guys and stick with players whether they're true or not.
They do right, that's the truth. Absolutely, they do well. And well, here's the reality is everyone can be victim of that. To cert a certain I'm not a victim of it, but you know, but the narrative always stay with me.
Yeah, exactly, And and and here's the thing is he knows that because he experienced it firsthand as a player as great as he was, a Hall of Famer at every flipp and level, he he still knows that. Like there's probably things that people said about him that he was like, this was never true, but people said it, so other people believed it and it got out there.
And here's the thing is in today's society.
Today's world, and we've seen this and I'm not trying to get off into a certain tangent, but more often than not, people have to prove their innocence instead of proved their guilt. And so it's become now we're like if someone says something, then it's like, well, it must be true, be true because someone said something on social media or someone said something coming out of the combine, so it must be true. And it's like, well, dude, now we have to go on a campaign to defend something and waste energy on something that isn't it really true, or maybe it was just a.
Bad moment for someone or an awkward run in.
Like not to sound weird, but like I was coming out of a dental appointment yesterday some guy stopped his car in the middle of traffic to like say hello and say you know, He's like I got my jersey from my son all stuff, and I was like talking to him, and meanwhile there's like some cars started to line up because he's blocking traffic, and one of the guys behind him is like, hey, cross the get out of it. He's like yelling at me, and I'm like, I'm sorry, I'm just trying to talk to this dude. This that guy probably thinks I'm an asshole now, right, because I was like, buddy, just relaxed for a second.
Like always you signed two hundred. But but you get my point. It's like, it only takes in this society, it only takes one person. No, I'm just it only takes now more than ever one person. No, You're like change all of that, right, You're right, b.
Also, I thought I was gonna have a list this morning. I'm not sure if I sound like I have one or not. Like after yesterday, heard it loud clear, Yeah, yeah, A list a little bit. No, you didn't list, but you shout it out there loud and clear.
I was like, hey, hey, pal, let's lift it up over hair. You let this guy here talk with me for a while.
You got that invisive line and no, My whole the whole side of my face was no, hey, pet pole, lift it up over here.
You getting a game, though, you definitely give me a game. And I'll say this. I'll say this, it's that one hundred and one person's autograph you don't sign that makes you that a hole, right, that's the one hundred and first person that thinks you are the worst person in the world and will tell people how much of a d bag you are because you didn't sign one hundred and one you know, autograph, that's one thing, But gotten one hundred and one autograph before you know what I'm saying, Oh, bro, I've signed. I signed. I signed until I'm done because I've been told When I was a kid, I was told no by a guy that was like my biggest hero, and it was a high school guy there's a high school basketball player. I ran off on my dad. You know, my dad ain't got no feet. I just ran off while you got prosthetic gloves. I just ran off on my dad. My dad can't keep up. I didn't ran up the bleachers to go get the autograph from this dude's basketball player. A big fan of asking for the autograph. He was like, later, kid, I'm watching the game. Wow. My dad was like, hey, come on, you can't sign him. Take a picture to the sign an autograph. When he's like, I'm just I'm focused right now, I said, don't worry about it. Dad. I said, if I ever make it in life, I'll never be like him, and walked away. So I always I never say no ever, I'll never say no anyway. That's sidebar, just super quickly with Dion Sanders in the scenario. What you're saying is so relevant, Q, because Dion can take and make Dion has made his narrative from day one, since he was a player until present day now, and make make no mistake about it, this is about Shador. This has become about Shador Sanders the storyline. But Shador or excuse me, Deon Sanders would be this advocate for any of his players, just so we're clear on that, if you're playing for Deon Sanders and you're a part of his his team, he is going to fiercely advocate for you as much as he's doing for Shador Sanders. And that's interesting in itself because we're not hearing this about Travis Hunter, and you're not seeing a ton of interviews by Travis Hunter, and you're not seeing any thing really being said from Dion about Travis Hunter because they've left. They're not messing with him. Nobody's messing with him. They're choosing, like for somebody to come out and say what they said about Shador Sanders. You chose that, So let's not look at Shador like he's a problem for addressing it. Let's not look at Dion like he's a problem for addressing it. Y'all chose to put that narrative out there on him. You just happen to do it to somebody that's like a manning like, you know, you don't want to mess with the Godfather. You mess with Arch, you you gotta come make an appearance, you gotta kiss the ring. Deon Sanders is on that same level you mess with the Godfather, you gotta make an appearance, you gotta kiss the ring. That's the type of influence and power that Dion Sanders wilts wilts and at the at the pro level, in the college or in the football space, in the sports space, in the media space. He's everywhere. He is everywhere, and he's respected and hated and most likely i mean most people like him. That's the situation, that's the position that they're in. And he don't have a problem with with engaging, no problem. And that could be a problem for Shador Sanders because these teams may not want to they may not want to have that smoke.
Last time, there was something similar to this with the questions about whether or not you want to remember LeVar Ball, like, oh, do you really want to have to deal with him?
It's like, man, that's it's even different from that. But but the point is, like, these kids aren't getting in trouble. You know, he's a good dad. Man, he's a good dad. He might be considered to be able the top, but he's a brander.
Yeah, And it said that you don't hear his stuff about oh he's a terrible father, he's this and that like I have no I.
I mean, Lamello grabs some sunglasses. Yeah, and he's a gangster rapper now primarily, but you know, but him there you go. It's it's you know, inspirational stuff like that, at least to the quality lyrics he puts together.
I just I look at I go oh. People are trying. People are trying to find something wrong with every one of these prospects, as opposed to like, hey, maybe he's just a really good player who believes in his abilities. And if that's the case, I don't know what separates that him from anybody else who's been a great player in the league.
Like it's just get everybody wants a Barry Sanders. Nobody wants a Deon Sanders. But yet you love watching Deon Sanders just as much as you like watching Barry Sanders. Like some guys are talkers, some guys aren't. Just different, that's all.
I don't think there's a shot in hell he gets past either the Giants at three.
Or the Raiders at six. I don't know, man, not a shot in hell. I don't know.
I'm possible. I'm willing to take bets here on the show. He doesn't get past three or six and all that doubt that you're throwing.
I'm not throwing any I hope, Dian, here's that doubt for me.
Be sure to catch live editions of two Pros and AUP of Joe with Brady Quinn, LeVar Errington and Jonas Knox weekdays at six am Eastern three am Pacific.
I'm not saying that this is the wisest thing to do. I just want to present an opportunity out there, all right, courtesy of our friends on DraftKings.
All right, just want to point this out. The biggest underdog.
In the tournament later today is Mount Saint Mary's plus thirty one and a half against Duke in a forty minute game, plus thirty one and a half. So at the start of the game, you're up thirty one to nothing. If you're Mount Saint Mary's and you like that underdog, why would you not at least just look at that and go that's a lot of damn points. Point Cooper Flag says, Hey, I'm paying free and he's going to try and get back, but that's a lot of points.
To me?
Why not?
Why not just look at Mount Saint Mary's there, they're not gonna win again, but just keep it within thirty one points.
So hold on, hold on, hold on.
Is your segment to bet on a dog, but not to win, but to cover. I'm just because my my interpretation was we were supposed to bet at a dog to win outright, Like that's where the money's at. Not not Jonas's style where he's afraid to pick a winner and live. He just wants to pick someone to cover the spreads it. We're saying a dog a dog right now to outright win.
I'll give you two, give us two. Vanderbilt. I think they take out Saint Mary's today. Vanderbilt is a good team. The SEC has got a lot of teams in the tournament. It's a tough conference. This year.
Vanderbuilt outright beat Saint Mary's. They're getting four and a half. Depending on where you look, I like get yah. I like Vanderbilt to win out right. There's another one that's a tighter spread eight nine seed. I like Baylor of Mississippi State.
Neither one of those is gonna hit. Okay, looking through I'm sorry you're mumbling. What are you saying? One of those is gonna hit? For sure? Based on what you did yet, I wouldn't be surprised if Robert Morris. Now you know I'm ahead of you Alabama. How about I'm ahead of you, right, jo Jonas, you know you're still like bringing up the rear. What else is new? Points? I like Romo, like the colonials. Yeah, I just brought them up the other week, so it might have been like foreshadowing. I'll take they might, they might roll on the tide. You know, I'll take my chances plus thirty one and a half. Why can I give you another one? I should look at who's this.
Memphis is a two point underdog versus Colorado State because Tyrese Hunter is questionable.
For the game.
I believe he's their guard, and that's that's sending you some signals that he is probably not gonna play. I still think Memphis is the better team if they're getting to first Colorado State. I'm glad they take those two points.
Well, you guys don't have the guts to pick a sixteen.
H Robert Moore not to cover, dude, pick one the outright win. Jonas, give us give us something, Jonas, I.
Don't need to do that. Plus and a half. Hey, I'll go with got we've got plus Is it true that, uh, the team managed plus and a half? Who are you looking at, Robert Morse? Okay, oh, Bobby Moll I didn't kid that, clus I think that.
I mean, well, I've actually seen it at plus twenty two and a half, so that means it's coming down a little bit beyond the man Colonials play basketball lead. Did the the team manager from McNee state?
Did he? Uh?
He got nil deals because he carried out some boombox before U before the game.
Yeah, he's the star of the tournament so far, a mere con right.
The cheerleaders were wearing socks with his face on it. He's got T shirts, He's uh, he's already got an ni L deal, getting endorsement deals with Buffalo Wild Wings, tick pick and Insomnia.
What type of huh tipick? What tick picks? Tick picks? You better say that slower. Hey what he said sticks picks?
Yeah, he's getting that i L deals from walking out with a boom box.
The boom box was sponsored by Buffalo Wild Wings as uh as the logo on it, by the.
Way, brilliant.
Well it looks it looked like he uh, he's got free reigns to say every lyric to those songs.
Oh really, Oh really.
That's how it works, all right, nobody nobody appeared to have a problem with that.
But good forever.
It looks like he doesn't say it. It looks like he stops during those moments.
Oh yeah, I mean from what I what I saw. Yeah, I like to get Levar's thoughts on this. I haven't look. I've watched.
I've watched a couple of videos, like there's one going around now that's like the game was over when Nickneice walked out, and it just shows a video of them coming out of their locker room with him playing the boom box.
I don't think he says every word. I don't what was the song playing? Lee? Can you find out the songs they're playing during the viral clip that went out there, because Joan's clearly knows that that, uh you know that the word is in there? So what word are you talking about? They all say it? Did? They all say it? Headed?
Yeah, So it seems pretty obvious there. I'm just curious what the the nil deals look like for him, Like what's he get? Is he getting like a two hundred dollars gift card from Buffalo Wild Wings. Is he getting like a free bottle of mango Hobnaro sauce?
Like? Can I be honest?
Some of these cats are just happy to say that an NIL deal to make it look cool, like yeah, I've got a stick on the boom box from Buffalo Wild Wings, Like they send me a boom box to carry out, But the reality is they don't actually have much more than that, you know what I'm saying? Like it just it sounds cool and looks cool to be a college kid that's not an athlete, But to have an NIL deal?
Does that make sense?
You have the details on the nil Well no, I'm sorry, I had the details on the song. Yeah, it's in and out lud Foe l u d f o e lud fox lud fo in and out, in.
And out by ludfo All right, there you go. He definitely is not pausing, that's for certain. He ran the red light there, he's not pausing, and he's in it like he feels it. But there's nothing wrong with that. Why can't he do it? Hey? No, pro can't you do it? That's fine? She's a minority too. Why can't he do it. He's he's on the approved list. What you try and make a beef? He approved? Yeah, he's on the approved list, approved a little bit of the list. You are way off, yeah there, way off you are? You are so yeah, well that's not what you said a super Bowl. I mean you got a little upset about it. You are right, would be you guy? I know you know you got a little upset about my pigment. Oh yeah, you are darker than that. You know that. People may be what do I need to do about you? Will never be approved? Why not? You will know?
Okay, what if I sat in the tanning bed for like three weeks.
It would never help you. At this point, he turned red. Yeah, it would never help you, bro, You would burn immediately. The lobsters can't say it. No, no, they cannot stop. Man. No, Karen's either all I wanted for Christmas. B but my man was on it though. He definitely he definitely was dry. He had his foot to the game. So on that on that song, it's his name Khan. Yeah, yeah, around, I ain't will let it slide. I mean he's on the approved list, man. You know, they got a different day and it ends with the same word. You gotta put another word in front of it. You know, we'll keep that off. We'll keep that I tell you off air. Yeah, I texted to you. Is Lee on that list? He approved? No? Okay, nope, Sorry, Lee, I can't approve it like you know, No, I just know. I'm just trying to help you all out, you know. Well, yeah, there you go. Some people get everything. Apparently I just said, y'all you know approved. That's why Ay from that one, That's why they're approved.
Can we can we acknowledge, by the way, not that you transition away from what was just text, but can we acknowledge that the matchup everyone was hoping for is going to take place in the second round? The John Caliperi, Rick Beino, Hey, yeah, you're doing squaring.
Off first one another. Is there a live line for that game yet, Jonas? Because I've got a sneaky feeling it's gonna be a tight line. And I wouldn't be shocked if Arkansas was favored.
All right, try and guess the spread. I don't think it's more than two and a half points.
Give me. I mean again, just saint John's minus six and a half? That many? God, I would take Arkansas.
I mean, outside of being a poorly coach in the sense of scheme, I think that the more talented team.
But now you don't want to take Arkansas because they have a Jonas and a Knox on the roster.
That actually is the reason why I'm rooting for Saint John's. But I also just want Rick Patino to plan his flag that he's the best Kentucky basketball.
Coach of of my time.
That's what I'd like him to do, just because I feel like there's some Kentucky games who'd like to be going.
How how far you guys have you got them in the final? Oh? I have them? Oh gosh, I think I did pick Arkansas to beat him. Oh yeah, you love Calipari. Man. Here's the thing is, I don't. I just know they're a more talented.
Team, and I think Patino's a better coach. But I think in this instance, your stars got to show up, and if they do, I mean, I'll tell you that's much. I'll take the points gladly. Now I've got Arkansas losing ultimate of Texas Tech. I think they're more talented, but I just.
Love the Saint John's is good again. I love it. Too throwback? Does does Patino stay though? Like?
Why is a blue blood like Ohio State he's got so many resources or some of these other.
Schools, why they not go after them? Some would say Saint John's is a blue blood basketball school. Yeah, I mean like your old school, like Big East. Yeah, old school, Big East. Saint John's is, like that's a name that's mentioned amongst the annals of definitely historical school. He's seventy two. How many more moves he got in them? Pang, Well that's what I'm saying. You probably got one. But basketball you can rebuild in a year. Doesn't take a long time. That's what he's done. Yeah, it's not a long time to build in basketball. And I I.
Guess here's my perspective looking at it is there is a group of haves and have nots. And the haves are like all the spending that's done in the SEC some collective other teams that are that are bigger programs, right, bigger athletic programs that have bigger budgets. And then there's like a select few of schools that like don't have a football program. And so men's basketball is you know, they're they're you know, that's everything to them. That's you know, you could put Xavier right, Exaviers in that category, Marquettes in that category. There's a number of schools that if they don't have a big time college football program, you're they're gonna lean heavily on basketball, right. So that's where you kind of look at it and say, like Saint John's falls in that category.
And I can understand why, well.
People would say, oh, that's a that's a big job or that's you know, that is a that is a big you know, blue blood, but not in the sense of having the resources that I'm talking about right, Like the resources there are not the same that they're going to have that's at you know, Auburn or some of these other SEC schools, you know, or Ohio State for example, and as far as what they're gonna spend on their roster too.
We just love an earthquake, man. I felt something building just shook.
I didn't feel it, but I'm always you know, shaking.
Don't worry, I've got the earthquake app Let me go ahead and check this out right now.
I'll get back to you guys on that are we are we underneath something? You know?
It's one of those buildings where sometimes if a big truck is coming through or like a certain part of the building, then it kind of shakes.
Know. That was like a boom, Like that was like a I don't know. I felt it too. That's interesting. I might get up out of here, y'all. I might catch y'all. I have to check y'all final well, you know, you know, brothers know when to get up out, you know what I mean. I don't that that felt a little weird. There have been a lot of earthquakes here lately, which is good news, by the way, because it relieves the.
Pressure everyone's waiting for the big one. You get a bunch of four point two's mixed in, you know, maybe you're not going to get that ten point eight that everyone's uh doom and glooming that's.
Going to break break California off. Yeah, just thinking going separate California.
Just for the record, though. If if there is an earthquake, I'm staying on the air. You know, some people are built different. Yeah, I was about to get up out of here. Man, I'm still thinking about it. Like I felt that, I kind of felt it and I kind of heard it.
There was a Aska. What what's that? Where are you going to go? John's back to your coffin. I mean, you know he's gonna fly away to a to a safer place, Like, what are you gonna do? He's got it, he's got an advantage. He's got a clear advantage. He can turn it to a bat damn. Yeah. The most recent what I'm seeing was in Greece, So you think we felt that here? Just it was a one point too. I think it was Lee. I think let one Go is called an earth quake. You know, the quake could have shook us here. Yeah, I don't know. Hey, I just felt something, That's all i'm gonna say. And I felt like it was above me. I don't know, it's it's kind of weird, but I felt it all right. Maybe it was them next door, what they got going on. I mean, I don't know, two pros. And maybe it was that dude in the bushes the other the other week. You know, maybe it was them. Maybe. You know, they get real strong. When you you hit that pipe, you get a little bit extra strange, hit the wall, you know, we might have felt it. Yeah, that's Jim equipment. They get speed too, get a lighter and a spoon. It's like dumbbells.