Woman Evolve with Sarah Jakes RobertsWoman Evolve with Sarah Jakes Roberts

A Valuable Currency w/ Victoria Washington

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Friend, are you low-key stressed without even clocking it? If that's the case, this episode opener will teach you how to be stretched while still coming into agreement with God. During the "Mind Your Business" segment, SJR broke out the mic to drop a truth bomb. And that's to go where you are welcomed, Sis! Switchin' gears — April is Financial Literacy Awareness Month, so wealth activator Victoria Washington pulled up on the podcast to help women prosper. She and SJR are taking us from stability to overflow by helping listeners understand the value, stewardship, and character of wealth. That's right! It's time to come out of survival mode and release your grip of scarcity. Victoria breaks this thing down in a way that no one feels ashamed about their finances. Take a FREE quiz to determine your wealth archetype at thehouseofwe.com!

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Woman Evolve with Sarah Jakes Roberts

In a world of mixed messages, the Woman Evolve Podcast is blending faith with contemporary culture a 
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