Episode 55 | "Vietnamese Laughing Gas"

Published Jun 21, 2024, 7:09 AM








They told me to keep this shit on the lower man, but fuck that. You know what I'm saying. I don't follow no rules, man, I'm a rule breaking ass motherfucker man. Listen to me. Go over to my new YouTube channel, y'all. That's right, The new digital home for your boy is live right now. Go subscribe before even anything pops up on there, because when they do pop on it, you're gonna be the first one to know. So go on over to YouTube dot com slash at according to the Kid, YouTube dot com slash at according to the Kid Bro the little at sign. According to the Kid, you're you know what I'm saying, because that's where all the new shit's gonna be at. All the new VL or the new victory like heat, all the visuals. If I want to shoot a fucking indie movie, you know what I'm saying about. Flamingos, Nigga, that's where it's going. You're hurt, So tap in locking tune in your pledge a boy.

So legitary like like legit.

Yeah, I don't know why it's in the like favorite flame. I'm sorry, fifty five. You know the fucking vibes.

The whole gang is in here.

You know what I'm saying. We got lizpel like the old idea. You know what I'm saying, the yap god in the building. We got Victor, his hair is luscious as ever. You know what I'm saying behind the lens. And of course we got the young God our doodle doodo. You know what I'm saying, is on the building. You know what I'm saying today. And of course the young prodigy. You know what I'm saying. Forrest piano playing. You know what I'm saying. He probably could dunk and he don't even tell us. You know what I'm saying, times sixty eight, Yeah, men training, The God is in the building. You know what I'm saying behind the lens. You know what I'm saying. That's a single. So you know what I mean when y'all leaving the comments saying how better Liz looks than all of us is because men is behind that camera and of course behind the boards making it happen. Glazing everybody. You know what I'm saying. It's the gods. You know what I'm saying.

You know what I mean.

The vinals are sold out. Stop asking if you want one. They're on the secondary market. Okay, it's the one the only side insane, that's right. You know what I'm saying. Again with the Blur's basis episode fifty five, Yo, we got a lot to talk about because episode fifty four, you know what I'm saying, we was a little manic. You know what I'm saying. We didn't get We didn't It was fun.

It's fun. I mean it's like three public school kids, bro.

That is exactly what we are.


There's there were one, two, three, four, five. There's eight public school kids in it. And I counted wrong because I went to public school. You know what I'm saying. First off, man, I feel like I talk about this too much because I'm washed politics. You know what I'm saying, Politics in America, which is a fucking joke. It's again, it's like a it's a reality show, you know what I'm saying. Like, I realized how America works because Heather ran for to be president of the PTA and she's been vice president all year, right doing the work, going in there, lunch duty, playing and ship doing newsletters. Then here comes this other lady out of nowhere, and it's like, I want to run for president. So now she has an opponent, so it was her spot to have yea. But now this person came in and basically YO was like Yo, all my homegirls like got no jobs, come to this place at nine thirty while everybody's at work and vote for me and have the loss of vote nineteen to ten. So but she's still the vice president and my wife is Ray Petty, So she's gonna make this woman's life.

Bro, have they hit me up? Bro, we'll jump the shit out there. I mean, you're just gonna pull up shorty.


What's her name?

What's name?

Don't piss me off.

What's fucking pissing me off is blacks for Trump in Detroit, Bro, Because not only was this motherfucker trying to like harness the power of the black community doing the wrong thing that wasn't a black pure right. Why do you go to Detroit and find one placereed, Bro, Detroit?

And then they're trying to literally gaslight us into thinking that there there's black people there. Motherfucker. We see you see you, bro? Yeah, you know that I can see you radio. Yeah.

No, when you post like it's so funny, like people oh my god, like people on the internet will just say something that just isn't that.

Blacks for Trump? Where are they?

Also? Who you know this? I don't know one black person who calls himself a black. That's so telling. Every single time I see that, I'm like, Okay, now we know who was not in the room when.

He did exactly Remember that one guy that vandalized his house spread rule?

Bro, somebody check his car?

Are you a Simpsons character?

The blacks?

He's one of the bullies. And God, but we're fucked, Bro, We're fucked either way, you know what I'm saying, Because Joe Biden ain't no fucking better than goddamn it. I mean in terms of, like you know, certain things, I guess, but like we're just generally speaking, we're fucked because Joe Biden keeps going out in public with two percent battery and then like turning off mid thing. And then it's it looks crazy because people would starting rumors about Martin when the bad boys think because they were like, yo, what it looks like, wells holding him up?


Obama let this man off stage yesterday, Like wait, not yesterday when it was fucking They don't even matter.


We're in a time like like everybody in YO the other day. Day the other day.

Like YO last year the other day.

Bro, not the level was crazy. You know, you gott hit him with the YO Nigga's some tame you motherfuckers on stay somewhere. Yeah, but it's now. Are y'all concerned? You know what I'm saying, Like, y'all gotta I might die in the next twenty years, you know what I'm saying, Like I'm concerned for my kids future. Yeah, y'all.

Like I mean, I said a couple of episodes ago, like it's getting cruel, Yoe, it's getting cruel watching this man get wheeled around and shit and like and like know that like the future of the country hangs in the balance between like one guy who is falling apart in real time and another guy who's just batshit fucking insane and very orange and like it's it's like, you know, it's like, say.

Bro, you want to vote for the Joker or you want to vote for the Riddler, like we vote for elections.

I always say this, this country itself. I always used to say this, but now it's so bad, Like within the last eight years, it's turned into such a shit show, Like before there was at least some level of decorum, right because I'm not saying Obama was the best president ever. Even Obama was as ship and we were like sensationalized because he was black. So like to see this ship in real time, see politicians literally not give a fuck. Bro. They were at the at the White House. They were having there was some pro Palestine protesters in front, and the White House was playing crime a River by justin timulating like this is what I'm saying, Like now they're so now politicians don't even lie to you. Before before it was like Yo, I'm gonna get into office, I'm gonna work on your rights, We're gonna get everything. Okay. Now they're literally saying that in word, saying misogynistic shit, being the worst possible fucking example and person that they could be and still being elected into office. Like we're looking at this ship in real.

Time and it's crazy to me because it's like it reminds me it's it's I always call it caucasidy. You know what I'm saying. Like any motherfucker that thinks that I did I invent that word, please go to Victory Late the blog circa two thousand and seven, and you will see how decided to work. Cacacity is a level of audacity that only white people can reach. The caucacity of this motherfucker running around you know what I'm saying, malfunctioning at every style. Then you got the other bozo. You know what I'm saying, who, like you said, just is just like lock bro, Like I don't care what I tell y'all, it don't matter. It's the same type of energy that like the same look that I gave my mom when she called me sixty nine on the country, I mean, and I was just like, Yo, it is what it is, y'o. I mean, and this pussy whether you say it or not. You know what I'm saying, Like, ye, hey, you got me. You know what I'm saying, Like, Yo, I'm I'm finishing. You know what I'm saying. That's what these motherfuckers, that's the energy they on.


It's just like, yo, fuck y'all, nigga man, y'all got niggas gonn vote anyway. There's enough old people that only watched one TV show. Fuck y'all young motherfuckers.

Man. Yeah, they really owned some Like fuck everybody. We don't give a fuck. We're gonna be as violent, as racist, as sexist, as just anti everything. All of the progress we've probably made within the last fifteen years has been Yo, I don't even know what has happened. It like fast forward and then it rewinded sixty years and now now we were back at square one. It's not fucking worse.

It's the pendulum, bro, because now.

It's like it's a lot more normalized. Now people are just saying right wing grift or ship in fucking living rooms. Bro, you're fucking like I say all the time, your immigrant uncle be talking about immigrants like, bitch, bitch, you are saved because I'm shutting the fuck up. You're legal exactly. You here because you married somebody else, Bitch, that's not legal.

You kissed the Chinese man on the cheek the city hall. Yeah, that's why you got your That's why you got your citizenship. This is nuts, This is fraudulent.

Yeah, that's crazy, but it's insane, broh where we're going.

Yeah, grifting is a I think that right wing grift ship is. It's it's a telltale sign of like I think most of the kids are all right, Like I guess what I'm getting at is it takes more work to indoctrinate this essentially, like it takes more work to indoctrinate like racist, like weirdo like right wing grifters than it does to create like a more progressive, leftist kind of person, because like, if you want to be like progressive and leftist, low key, all you got to do is like is maya business and like sign into like TikTok for like half an hour.

You know what I mean.

But that the pipeline of like racist right wing shit, it also starts online. But it's not they they like now, they're the reason that they're acting the way you said, which was like, oh they're they're just out in the open with it.

They don't care anymore. It's because they're desperate. It's because they're desperate.

It's like a lot of these a lot of these like streamers and these like faux internet celebrities that these kids look up to are for the vast majority leftists, you know what I mean. So like now this right wing grift is getting into this position where like, yo, we got to start being loud, We got to start being really fucking loud, really fucking soon, because it's getting to a point where, like, I think we're losing the kids.

Yeah, there's too many little short black streamers out there like that, you know what I mean, Like they they only want to talk about his music, yeah, and positive things. Yeah. I think.

I think, I think just right wing politics in general, I think are losing the kids for for a vast majority of them.

I could be wrong whatever, but I'm saying it with my chest.

So it's true.

You don't gotta agree because they you know, even with the ship that's going on around in the college campuses in Columbia, it's like, bro, a lot of these kids are on the right side of history. Not literally the right, but like, yeah, literally the fucking right side of history. You want to be a good person. I feel like maybe I'm wrong, but again I don't think I am, because there's a mic here. We got telephones, bro, there's a light here. Like, obviously I gotta be right, literally no, but I think that damn I fucking train of thought talking ship.

But listen, it doesn't. That is the point that you that that happens, because it happens to me all the time. Now I don't feel bad. So this is this is team building because I.

Love dy Nah, I was gonna say that. I think it's easier for kids to like drift into being right wing or just having that like racist mentality, because that's how you become when you blame the world for everything, when you blame the world for all of your personal shortcomings. Also everything else is just like yo, fuck women, fuck the gay people, fuck fat people, fuck up those blue people, like fuck everybody that isn't just like me. So I feel like you, for you to be a right wing racist, you that has got to be dumb. You gotta be dumb. And then you also have to take no accountability for your life.

You also got to deny ship. That's like right for your face, right, you know what I'm saying, Like you know, And it's crazy because like a lot of older people, like I met, like you know, it's funny because like what's not funny, but it's funny. I met like a like an older gay couple right and through like my mother in law and Ship, and they are like conservative and I'm like, motherfucker, like you're gay, Like you know what I'm saying, Like you know what I'm saying. Yeah, Like and I keep telling them I'm like, I sat down to have a conversation with them. I was high as fuck. Like they didn't know because I had shades on. But I was just like, yo, listen, they outlawed abortion, Doug. You know what I'm saying, Like, they don't give a fuck about you. You know what's next, bitch? Yeah? Your health insurance? Yeah, because you're married now, right because Obama said, yo, y'all could get married yeah, and share insurance and have like everything that that that enjoint bank accounts and accounts and like real like real life ship that like.

Actually, yeah, yeah, that's next on the chopping.

That's next. So I don't know if you want to change your tune, bitch, yeah, you know what I'm saying, Like, come on, speaking of speaking of changing tunes.

Uh, the Maryland, the governor of Maryland, Wes Moore, is pardoning one hundred and seventy five thousand marijuana convictions to him.

Uh yeah.

Also I put a little note in there, us Moore, who is going to be the next president. I didn't say that. Victor said that, And because he said it, I believe it wholeheartedly. And he said it his chest.

He said it was chest, So it must be true.

It must be.

Remember people off mic go like, no, please, we have microphones.

But yeah, that was fire because there's so many people that got jammed up for some bullshit weed shit back in the day, bitch by the way, like PTSD all that bullshit like smoking weed. As a forty ero on year old man saw smoking weed at thirteen fourteen, every session of weed was like some clandestine, fucking cloaking dagger ship. Like yo, yeah, we gotta go hide in the basement. We got to go on the roof and hide under a tent. And again this guy sleeping in here, but who cares like he smells Okay, you know what I'm saying. He didn't shut on himself, just go smoking there and then just like running around, bro, And now I'm like, motherfucker, I could smoke a bloot while I take my trash out. Yeah, you know what I'm saying. So, like, why is a dude who got pinched with a dime bag has been serving a ten year sentence for intent to distribute? Yeah, why is that dude in jail?


He could be the society. Y'all don't taught the motherfucker how to make chairs? Yeah, craft. It sucks.

Like in the world, I imagine how shitty it must feel to be like somebody convicted on marijuana chargers watching uh, white people benefit off an industry that has criminalized them.

You know what I'm saying.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, whah yeah.

Like that's got a fucking sting, bro Like sitting up, sitting up in a cell, bro, Like watching all these people benefit from some shit they got you pinched, Like yeah, it's like, let these motherfuckers out, Like you know what I mean, Like, what the fuck?

Like they deserve an opportunity.

Right, I feel like it's insane, bro, that they are even locked up. The fact that we could have a fucking bud ball daga. They got all kinds of stores where they sell infuse ship.

They got I see a bro, I've seen more zaw cities.

Yeah, in my in my burrow, and I've seen pediatricians. Yo, it's getting ridiculous out of hand, it's getting ridiculous.


I could get my shun high before I could cure an illness.

What's going on now?

You'n't even gonna get them because you get gins some sprayed ass black ass.

Yeah, some fucking grab a bullshit I'm gonna get I'm gonna get Ajax in a fucking bag.

Fuck that. But it is insane. Bro's saying that, motherfuckers. Could that ass go to jail over a fucking nickelbag and be in jail for fucking twenty twenty five years?


Bro, That shit don't make no sense. And then you got people making fucking uh infused avocado toast. They got whole stars, bro. Yeah, and you have black people still black and brown people still in jail for this ship.

Bro, he's got a weed latte, nigga, Yo, niggas in jail still, We'll be fuck we hey, speaking of weed lattes.

We'll be right back after this ad for infused condoms.

We'll see you.

Guys, Ligitah.

We're back, y'all.


I love your topics the best. You know what I'm saying because they always make me laugh, dog in my chair at three am. Please put the victory light gang onto this situation.

Yo. I already know that the victory like fans have watched this because we are one. We are one. But there was this NFL player who went out found a shorty you know, who wanted to provide a sexual service.

The transaction.

Yeah right, A transaction means you give one thing and take another. Right, he had his transaction, he fulfilled his proceedings. Yeah he Well she transacted, is the best way to She put that pussy on him. And can you believe this motherfucker tried to run out on the bill, Bro, that's crazy. He fucking booked it. But guess what she was not. She was not far behind him. She was running out that hallway butt ass naked.

Listen for yall. For those of you and I have not seen this video, We're gonna put a link to this ship in the bio in the Lincoln bio. What the fuck I'm an I g model now, Yo, The link is gonna be in there because this was incredible. B This is a National Football League professional player and Shorty closed on him like a blue chip cornerback.


Like by the way barefoot booty butt naked run through the whole way of a high place or Mariott, Bro.

She is in the wrong profession. She needs to be out there with Krashan. She needs to be she yow is she trailing his ass? This is a professional football player, Bro, and she is on in his ass and I don't know what happened, but I really hope she got her money. Oh, because number one, how fucking dare you?



You number one? You reached out to this woman because you need something from her. She'd give you what you need, and you're going book it on her.


Like, if you number one, you're not famous, that's another thing. Like you're bro, you're famous, You're in the NFL. You buying pussy? Do what you need to do, My brother, I ain't judging you, but paying for the pussy? What the fuck? What kind of thief? You know? What kind of thief you gotta be?

Bro? Listen, man, I'm y'all know how I do in the airports and ship. I'm like, I'm not paying for those drinks. Like, but bro, running out on pussy is crazy. Yeah, running out on pussy is crazy because it's like running out on a meal. You know what I'm saying, Like, if you run out on a meal, there's a high chance that at the owner of the restaurant, the hostess, the waiter is going to try to run you down. And that ship is embarrassing, bro, because like, what do I look like getting tackled in the whole way of a fucking ramata. You know what I'm saying, buy some short it's five foot three with the BBL. You know what I'm saying, Just Bro, that's that's a different level. Yeah, like embarrassment, Bro.

Are you a sick, twisted motherfucking because I could. I could, even even though it's sucked up. I could understand somebody going to eat and running out even though it's so fucked up. I could understand you being poor and literally yeah, yeah, I'm starving. Bro. Let me get some Let me get a tune of sandwich your sound. I could understand that. Bro. There is no there is no vicinity in this world, in this realm of this earth where your body needs to fuck so bad that.

Getting stuffed. I don't get dastand Bro.

You know how sick you sound? This motherfucker? Is that as living that life? His dick curtainm Bro's dick curts him. It's I don't know what's worse. Is it worse for him to be that way or would you prefer the Elon Musk. Elon Musk is like the weird o who just walk by and smell you because you know he he got a little lossuit going on right now, and one of his ex employees said she text him. Well, he text her I'm sorry, like fucking seventy eighty times, bro, and she was just not with it. Yo.

I've never done that as a man. As a woman, how do you perceive a motherfucker that does that? Are you like automatically like, oh, this think is crazy? Block?

Absolutely? Bro, that to me, that's crazy. You text somebody they don't answer. Give him a fucking second. Bro. It relaxed, yeah, Bro, But you know I didn't. I didn't think that shit was real until one day I was with my homeboy and he just pulled up on me because he was around the neighborhood. He shorty start blowing up his phone and I'm like, yo, bro, just answer it like we smoking a blunt. You're about to be out like me and you it's not happy like you're my boy. Yo. He picks up the phone. Bro, you just hear where the fuck you act? You think I'm fucking stupid? You hear her pieces piercing voice, bro walling on him, and he shout out to my boy, I'm not gonna say his name because she gonna fuck him up. She is blacking on him, and he's like, YO, Like YO, just relaxed, Bro. You know, I'm with my homegirl. Him wholesomely like, Yo, I'm with my homegirl. You know the girl who I told you who was an author, she wrote a book like she's doing big stuff. She's like, I don't care, MO, fuck about that, bitch. I'm on the ship.

You need to go.

You need to go, Bro, this is serious work. I didn't know people do that, Bro, Like they'll call hang up. If you hang up on them, they'll call back. That's some sick, twisted ship, bro. And to know that the richest man alive is doing that and he still can't get no pussy. Oh my god, lame dog.

It no't matter if you are quadruple, quintemple billion are like, you're still a fucking laying Doug. You're still gonna send them that hundred round drum of text Bro. No response that ship, Bro. I can't evene I will never do some shit like that. The more because I've been married one hundred thirty seven years. Number two. I if I said two texts, Bro, it don't matter who it is. I can text victim twice if you don't respond back. After them two texts, I'm like, because she's busy. You know what I'm saying, Because it's like, bro' I'm not gonna keep banging your line because I had a girl like that, bro, And this is next to Chirp days. But it wasn't no I gotta pick this up. It was just coming through. So like the ship is like, yeah, where the fuck you at? I'm like, oh, man, like, bro, here comes Tiana. You know what I'm saying. Like, and that's what it was, that type of energy. Bro, I don't got no room for my life. Man, I'm about peace and love.

You know.

It's even worse with Elon because Elon it was an employee of his. You know that crosses a different from that.

Shit people and people talk about the show power dynamics, like even if Shorty was just like yo, I'm kind of feeling you, but I'm not sure. It's like, bro, Elon Musk Nigga like yeah, you feel me?

Like and look, eventually she got fired. That's why she saw him. She got fucking fired.

Get your coinss. You know what I'm saying. You know what I mean, because you didn't have to the good thing is you got away without having to see that fucking like pale ghost dick.

You know what I'm saying, right, Elon Musk, Bro, he like, if you look at him long enough, I feel like there's like a small person in his brain controlling his But I don't think he's real.

Like the fucking little just pulling two levers and shit.


And he got like four words that he said. Elon Musk is terrifying, Bro. He scares me so.

Bad, he does. He scares the shit out of me. And I seen that nigga alive, like in person, and he looked like not like a human, he looked like a fucking weird AI creation because he's like a shade of white that I've never seen before. Yes, Like, it's not like he's mad, like.

You kind of looked like SpongeBob's mom. You remember, yo, that shade.

Of white, Bro. It's crazy.

I'm just like, no, this is not this is not.

A you know when Puerto Rican show, He's down in here like a crazy color that doesn't exist in nature. I did it again. Yeah, I'm sorry. You know what I'm saying.

You know it's Puerto Rican mom, bro, you know listen, Puerto.

Rican moff I'm sorry. Elon has an unnatural fucking epidermis shade.


Yeah, days ago, and he you know, he's drinking juices and stuff, so it's bringing him back.

You ever seen them zombie movies and ship when when they like turn into zombies and but then like the veins stop popping up, Like did you see the veins getting darker on their face?

That's what wait for.

I'm waiting for that selfie that he takes me. He's just like and then you see like a one big ass black vein across his face.

I'm like, okay, I'm just tied.

I'm fine, I'm just really hungry for brain, Like nah, Yeah, Elon.

Is is fun because Elon he's the first person I saw and I'm like, wow, bro, rich people can be fucking stupid as hell, just dumb on a basic level, like just ridiculous.

And Yo, the wizardy about him is he thinks he's the man. He thinks he's the man because there's at least twenty five thirty people being like, yo, you're the man. And then he goes online and he got his little fan boys and shit being like, oh he's a genius. He invented the cyber truck, which, by the way, I got my kid a dustbuster because he's a little nasty motherfucker beating talkies at his desk and shit. So I'm like, listen, you little dirty bump, when you make a mess, use this little dust buster and fucking cleaning shit up and end up it in the trash. Can that cyber truck look exactly like that little vacuum. Yeah, that's it's a weird ass shape. It's ugly, it is. You know what I'm saying. And I'm not just saying like being a hater, like, oh, you can't affordable. I got my ten of them. Shit's tomorrow for the crudo. You know what I'm saying, Like, you get a truck, like Oprah, you'll get a truck. You'll get a truck. I thought it's a truck truck.

I can't wait to physically jump you, bro. That's gonna be rich.

Yea drowning to my pool, y'all know what happened?

Drowning? You pull you out, mad bruises on your body. What happened to Barrel? I don't know.


It wasn't me.

He's doing being exercises.

Oh my god, brow her.

So going back, let's this is a call back to an early episode. Who is the worst thirsty nigga? Is it Elon or is it the Maroon five guy? Oh?

No, I do remember him.

Yeah he was.

He was like he was cringe, That's what it was. He was cringe. But Elon Musk, I feel like he would he wouldn't eat your skin if you let him. Like yo, there was a story about some dude who was like she was. She went on a first date and he was giving her a massage and she was just like, yo, I'm not feeling this, let me go. Her skin started acting up. She went to the doctor and the doctor was like, yo, we need the address of the person that you went to go see because the lotion that he put on you is a flesh eating bacteria. It's what It's what cannibalists use to basically break down the skin. Yeah people, Yeah, she went on on a full thing and the cops went over to investigate and they had found like bodies in the in the in the house.

That's fucking yo. If I go to fucking massuits and the nigga starts putting like rub and hit me with the little mallet come on, I'm.

Bro, I'm out of it. I don't know this. You know that's your same to life. She was like, yoa, I feel weird. I guess she felt like whatever they're like yeah, but he was on something like nah, relax like it's fine, relax, But Bro, not like that. What's sick?


Bro? I'm telling you this is why you know, This is why they say men should be born in jail and like work work. You gotta see, bro, what's happening because because you know, first of all, first of all, for first of all, bro, who the fuck making a lotion? Who said, yo, maybe we could make something to break that tough skin that's not supposed to be that ingested? How can we break that down a little, simplify us? Motherfuckers is marinate in the meat?


I can't with this country and the people in it. Man, I don't know what's going on.


That's crazy because they put niggas in barrels like nigga is this heads? What are you doing?


Why you put a nigga in and an aged oak barrel?

Get this? Need got to send whatever flood he did when Moses built the boat. I need him to do that again, but take over the whole world. Have one, have marrow, build one boat and just put the Victory Light and our families in it. And you know what, and we'll take three seals three three three two to procreate and one because I like them and I just I want one in the crib. I like them.

The Bronx, you know what I'm saying.

You see, the Bronx won't exist anymore. When when the flood comes is We're gonna, We're gonna, We're gonna fix all this up.

Ship Damn, no more Florida. Oh yeah, Florida, Florida.

Florida's out of here. New York could stay. But just like I don't know, I feel like if I could rewind to New York maybe ten years ago. Yes, we we figure out this situation with the transplants. Get them the funk out of here so they could be back in Utah or West Bubblefuck where they came from.

You ever played the sims, the video and the sims?

No, No, I like violence. I'll be in the streets. I'll be killing people. I'll be stabbing. I honestly, bro, I have a fascination with punching. The elderly. I have serious. I don't know why I'm here.

Bro, that's I know how you that's.

You're talking about your grandmother. That was me been out here, it's coming through.

I love it.

You want in New York, shorty, Bro, New.

York crazy talking like New York City.

Speaking of New York, Bro, did you see whole opening up for mister Tom Brady?


That's nuts because who is from New York and Tom Brady is a Boston icon, which is like, you know, Boston.

New York. Why he couldn't take a Boston legend and have him sing over there? Who from Who's famous? And from Boston?

Bobby Brown? Bobby Brown over here with the coach draw?

Damn that has don't know no famous Mark Wahlberg, Ben, Oh, Mark Wahlberg didn't oh no vibes bad?


Transformer was cool? But Bro, six hours for what it's caused turning into people? How long that story got to be? I'm sorry? Speaking of Tom Brady, motherfucker retired.

Yeah, and.

I didn't know. I didn't think it was gonna be Like I knew they're gonna do something right. It's like Michael Jordan retiring. Bro, They're gonna do some type of party, some type of whatever. I did not expect Hove to be like, you know what I'm saying the opening acts, Yeah, you feel me like he and his boss ship, like he got the big dreads and ship, like it's like, bro, you're artist now, like you're not.

You know what I mean. I love jay Z Bro, I love them, I love Hope.

I just I hope it's not wrong hole, I hope hope it's just being quiet, laying low. Yeah, for good reasons, raisons, kids, no crazy, it's gonna come out because.

Yeah, hopefully bro, because that would be that would be really sad. But I fuck with I just I just wish she would perform for people that want to see him, like people who love him and were there when he dropped the fucking blueprint, like reasonable doubt, people who enjoy his music. I hate that. Like sometimes the celebrities are the people that we like. They get so big and they remove themselves from the actual culture of the people that love them. It's like even when Beyonce did when she did the Coachella you could tell the performance itself was made for black people, for Black Americans specifically, but the crowd was full of white frat boys, because those are the dudes who could spend six thousand dollars on a coach ticket and.

Flower crowns exactly.

But you wouldn't have like a day one Beyonce fan front and center, you know. And it's like the same thing with with Jay or even with Yay, like all of the big artists, once they reach a certain thing, it's like, all right, now I got to y'all, but now I really want to perform for the people that I want and it's like you're performing for the Princess Arabia, be like, y'all and they don't know what the fuck you're talking about? What are you performing for?

I know for a fact that Tom Brady has no idea, He doesn't know any songs of reasonable doubt.

Like he just knows that jay Z is a fucking legend in the music. That's it.

He knows now, he knows the New York you know, that's it.

And even then it's it's the Alicia Keys, It's not even verse. It's sick. But what I hate that because it's like, Yo, we did have a living legend, who is this whole that is we consider him the goat of hip hop, but you don't see him anywhere. You don't see him anywhere. You know who who do get to see him, like the white billionaires who don't give a fuck about him. And I'm just kidding. It's just so disappointing, Bro, when you know that the culture loves you so much and people who like were raised and on your music to now see you just like, nah, fuck y'all, this.

Is what we're doing, yo, nigga. Bro. Niggas had arguments Bro, like for hours, Yeah, for hours, Like, Yo, I don't even know you be, but I'm defending you against another motherfucker that I don't know in a lobby full of twenty dusty niggas, Like, Bro, come on, man, come to fucking come to fucking Kratona Park unannounced. You know what I'm saying, Go to motherfucking just pull up, bit Broke, do some crazy shit, use the rich people to shut down Broadway Junction and some shit or gainst security in there so that you can perform right there on the platform of Broadway Junction instead of the motherfucker playing the flute.

I would appreciate that, Bro. I don't like when people get so far from from the core of what you started, because it's okay for you to grow and change and move as a musician. I'm not saying he got to be on the same gun tote and crack dealing, you know. You know, it's like stabbing my brother in the chest. I'm not saying you gotta still do that. I'm just saying that we listened to that, and we love you too, bro, and we don't want to just see you be performing in front of these white crowds and nobody, nobody's rapping along, nobody even really knows the legend that you are, or like really appreciate you as a musician. With the house, well, he's drinking water, heney, you know, when he got the when he got the gray suit on, yes, with the rag, he's like on the couch. That's when I was like, yo, Beyonce, I get it.

I understand.

I understand. I didn't understand before sometimes still, but with that fear, I understood.

Yo, I'm telling you, And he's done. He's a dude that had me as a foty year old man being like all right, cool, Like I spent thousands of dollars on these throwback jerseys, I'm not wearing them no more. I'm gonna wear this button up from Express to go to the club because he told me to stop the nigga with jerseys be thirty plus I was twenty one, so you know I should still be wearing my Julie's Irving Triple Excel jersey. Bro, Like I did not need to have a French cuff at China Club. You know what I'm saying. In fucking two thousand and three, you feel me?

That's bad vibes. Bro. You know, I think something wrong with us because even my generation bitches was going to the club with cardigans on. Bro, Like that was I remember when you had a cardigan. Bro, you're the Illis bitch in here. But now I look back, somebody asked, yo, what was clubing like back in the days, and I'm like, Yo, bitches used to put on the Illis cardigan, put their hair up in a little you know, a little one to go terrible makeup. But guess what you have the night of your fucking life. Me sweating, damn saying, singing, doing all kinds of ship. Then motherfuckers used to hop on MySpace and upload one full fucking photo album seventy pictures of one night. That's unheard of. Now, Bro, the most you'll get right now is a photo dunk four five.

One and this whole mad different ship. Yeah to bai yo, this is me and McDonald's eating my chicken.

Relaxed, bitch. I'm trying to see what you did yesterday. He was all over there. That's also how you to find out if your man's or your shorty was cheating on it and all the pictures. Yet you know what, matter of fact, the Internet was set up by the c i A. You see how if you leave a mic in front of me long enough, I will take it to Alex Jones.

Say, bro, National Security Association of America. Your nigga, yo, yo, how you spoke von Bismarck. Yo.

By the way, I don't know if you peat that.

But like as New York City public school students, they dead in the regions, the regions is a rap. They're getting rid of it.

I think it wasn't New York like the last one. Didn't we fucking have that. I don't think anybody else out of state takes regions right, But it's like, fuck you, nigga.

I had to do it. So you gotta do you had to do it.

No, why would you say that. I think the youth should have things easier. I don't know which bald, mean, old spirited.

Man this is here.

I think things should be easier for y'all. So fuck the regions, bro, fuck school. Actually don't do anything America.

I don't know what the Alejandra Jones put me on.

So it's crazy.

Yeah, so I gotta take about this and you give me your take because Kaylen Clark has been like obviously like the topic of the fucking basketball. Like niggas don't even give a fuck about the NBA Finals, damn, like they k Angel Reese is like of the caliber, you know what I'm saying, Like they came up. The whole reason Caitlin Clark is like a thing is because of the static with LSU and they was in college and yo, you're the best player over here and I'm the best player over here. And I feel like the media because not necessarily the league, the league is just the league, like they just like you know, they're just trying to make money. I feel like media people are really trying to do and this I'm this is this is the washed portion of this. I feel like they're trying to do some magic and bird and I'm like, I'm looking at my TV and I'm like, bro, don't magic and bird the hose, my nigga, don't do that, Like, don't magic and bird the hose. Don't do Like, Yo, you're the great white hope and you're the black person that's like they're foil Like, nah, bro, let's just let them hope. Man, what the fuck? You know what I'm saying, And that's my shit. I was just like, Yo, y'all are trying to create some shit. Yeah, but it's not How is it helping the league?


You know it's not. Which brings the question.


I love that the w NBA is now like super popular. The women are making money. Like, It's just it's a lot different than it was back I would say four years ago, because even four years ago you didn't really hear about it. But the thing is that society has not progressed. Right, we're moving along, but we're dragging our feet society. I don't think that people realize how much like certain dynamics work in your brain. So you cannot I say this all the time. Yes, you can just watch basketball, right, But you have to understand how your mind works if you live in America, right, which is a country that loves propaganda, and it has taught you from the moment you were born that black women are automatically the aggressor in every situation. There is no point in any time in history where they can actually be the victim. And if they are the them, they deserved it. And then you also have the same society teach you that white women are this like docile little creatures that you can't disrupt their like you can't you can't even make them cry, bro, you can't disrupt their life exactly. So I don't think that people understand how these dynamics work in their mind and how they can see somebody playing basketball and have those dynamics work for them. There's a reason why you can like find and feel so much sympathy for Caitlyn Clark whenever she falls, and it's because you have that programming of like, yo, this is a white woman, she needs to be protected'. She's in this room with all of these aggressive, mean black women and they're gonna they're gonna destroy her. Yeah, Like, oh no, we have to defend her with all of our mind, like with everything we have to defend her, and then you don't even realize, Wow, this is how I'm treating Angel Reese because this is how I feel about black women. There's no way she can just be playing basketball. She has a vendetta against Caitlyn Clark. Caitlyn Clark is white, and she's beautiful, and she's a docile. She's just so much fucking better.

But she ain't even listen those shots. But like if we were gonna do like the pretty white girl thing, there's a woman who was drafted lottery, Cameron Brink. She plays for the La Sparks. Tall, blond, blue eyed, you know, American beautiful girl. Right, why don't y'll you know what I'm saying, Like, because that's what's sucking me up.

She probably don't hoop the same because I heard Caitlyn Clark is nasty.

With it, like she's nasty. But the other shorty camera she was in like the final four too, like she's she's a dog, you know what I'm saying. So it's just like all right, bro, like what do we like? What are you trying to do? I think they really because if you put I think it's the Kaitlyn Clark shit. They put her in that spot because it's like a Yo, you're you're a white woman and that Gardner's like what you were saying like that, But you're not, You're not You're not like a super batty you know what I'm saying. Like, so you're not like super batty. So like they'll be like a discourse here, you know what I'm saying, which is.

Insane in itself, bro, because first of all, you're talking about a fucking hooper. This bitch plays basketball. This bitch does not want to fuck you, all right. She does not care about having sex with you. She don't care about looking attract them. She is there at the ball so that shouldn't even be a topic of conversation. It don't make no sense, bro, you know you know, I mean women we do look at like ballplayers, but that's not a defining thing. That's not like, oh he's ugly, so fuck him, Like he shouldn't even be in the drive. That's crazy, bro.

Got to get you a woman in a combine? Bro know, yeah, fast, but he's ugly.


Second round, that's insane work bro, But im that's what women gotta go through. They gotta be good at what the fuck they do. They gotta be emotionally strong to withstand being fucking verbally abused basically because even Angel rees right now is constant Yeah, bro, it's just constant, flagrant, disgusting, file nasty shit. And it's like, Bro, these girls came to ball, why are you making it weird? And also, can't bitch just fighting peace?


Can women exist?


Not every woman is a girl power kind of bitch. Sometimes a bitch is working your nerves, Bro, Sometimes a bitch then said some shit to you a few too many times. Sometimes you gotta cave a bitch chest in. Sometimes not all the time, but sometimes women can piss you off exactly how a man will meet a man and be like, Yo, yourbe is terrible, bitch, I'm not feeling you, your bald fucking head, your weird tattoos. I'm gonna beat the shit out you. You're a bad person. Women have that too, bro. Of course you want to have like the solidarity of of women, like upholding, Like this is the thing. I will never not fight for your rights. I will always stand even if I don't like you in a room. If you're being done wrong. I will stand up for you. Will I also punch you in the fucking mouth if you disrespect me. What does that make me? Crazy?


I think that Caitlyn Clark and Injury should be allowed to be women in sports, be competitive, get in each other's face, because from what I've seen, they are okay with that. Even Kaitlyn Clark defends angel well, not defense, but basically says how good of a basketball player she is? And Angelry same thing with Kaitlyn Clark. So all of this shit is being made up by fans and media like bro, let the ballers ball and let the people who really enjoy basketball enjoy it.

And they said the same shit too. It's like like, Yo, this is basketball, bro. We talk shit like we talked shit, We foul, we play hard, you know what I'm saying, Like, especially us, because we don't get the spotlight is not on us like it is on like fucking Lebron and these dudes. But now that we get a spot like y'all getting to see the game, and now all you knew niggas just came and started watching us. Oh, y'all just play basketball. It doesn't matter that, you know what I mean? You're a woman and he's a man. Y'all playing the same sport in the same way aggressively. Bro, you know what I'm saying. So it's just like, bro, if you if you, you know, you got guards that play, the smaller players that play the back court, and then you got the front court. Those are like the big tough motherfuckers that It's like, yo, box you out get the rebound that happens in basketball, Bro, And in basketball, if I hit you with a whip wop, has he splash and your girl and be like, ah, bitch. You know what I'm saying. So, like you saying, just let him fucking fight bro in private. Bro, Like, let him fucking do the same shit that the niggas do. Yo. Draymond had a nigga in a full Nelson on national television. Bro, for like eight minutes straight.

Bro, I saw motherfucker get elbowed into oblivion.


James Harden, Yes, Queens Bride. Yeah, I saw his face overhead. Yeah it was like on this side it went away. So just let yo. Let these women come to do what they are being paid to. Let them enjoy it, and you, as a fan, just enjoy it. But also try to realize why your mind is working the way it is if you understand, Wait, why do I feel so Why do I feel so much hate towards Angel Reese? What's the reason? Unpack that. Is it that she's an aggressive player? Is it that you don't like how she treats Caitlin Clark? Or is it because you have a bias towards black woman. Let's be honest, let's unpack and let's do.

A little bit what it is, bro, and I listen, I say this shit will my whole fucking chest.


Ninety percent of this vitriol that's that's coming to Angel Reese's shit is just motherfucker's hating and assuming, like, Yo, the WNBA is black lesbians, that's a black lesbian league. So they put that in their brain and now it's like, oh, we got to protect this princess Peach.

You know what I'm saying?

Who shots forty three? Protect?


Unfortunately, and before we're going to break, I just want to say it's unfortunate that she hasn't like said anything yet, because Angel Reese is getting a lot of vioo like nast the racist, fucked up ship being said to her and just he's all all these fucking news outlets doing the most. So I think it would be cool for Kaitlyn to be like, Yo, get off out of our dick, like stop, we're playing basketball, get out of here, you.

Know what I'm saying, which is wild. But also another thing I want to point out is Kaylor Clark's team.

Is really Also she's the one like kind of like keeping them on.

They're as like they've won like two games I think this year. And Bro, don't nobody talk about the teams that suck, you know what I'm saying. But in this case, you know what I mean, they happen to have, you know, like I said, Princess Daisy on the team. So we're gonna talk about that. But man, let the ladies hoop, y'all, just like man like the dudes the fuck. I like elbows, but I like violence in my sports. Man, let it happen, bro, you know what I'm saying, Yeah, let it.

Let them cook. Bro, we're gonna be back after this little break.

You know what I'm saying. It's for fucking Algerian rugs.

Nice bit. She sound good. I want to run literally like Meryl's the uncle we don't talk about.

He just becoming with his friend every Thanksgiving, his friend Pedal. Yo, listen, bitch, we're back, and you know what time it is, man, It's time for the motherfucking meal bag. Dog men hit us with the queries.

The first question, Hot Dog of Doom asked, Okay, what is the most obscure drug you've done?

Oh, this one's gonna be a short answer, because I'm a good boy with a good heart. I just started smoking weed after I moved into my whole ass crib that I purchased and that I live in by myself. That's how terrified of my mother I was and of weed that I was before I started smoking.

So that's that's my fine.

I haven't touched ship else besides drink and some bud so yeah, yeah.

Same here, bro. I literally I've only smoked weed. Wow. I've never even I never touched not even a black and mouth, and you would. I'm from Brooklyn, bro, that's they give you that. Yeah, that's not for me. That's when I was born. Yeah, but I've only smoked the weed, that's it.


Wow, that's cool, guys, Yeah, that's cool. I got your back, Marrow.

I think I guess the most obscure drug I ever done was probably d MT. You know what I'm saying. I smoked d MT, and what the is that it's like a psychoactive. It's like acid that you smoke, if that makes sense. It's like a psycho You know when you put sugar and lemonade and you don't want it to be crunchy, so you put like you heat it up to like melt it. That's what d MT does to your brain, to reality, to your perception and reality. It turns it into simple syrup instead of king sugar. You know what I'm saying. So you're sitting there when I swore the ship, I was just sitting on the twin bed staring directly at the wall in front of me, and Omech from Legends of the Hidden Temple came out and he opened his mouth and my grandma came out. They said it. My great grandmother came out and she was just like, dudeo me and your singing.


I saw it, Sali the pro I mean he dang fait dang fit and I was just like yeah.

For our non Spanish speakers, his grandma showed up and was like lock in lock in have faith.

She came out of old mex Mouth, Bro, like the motherfucker his tongue rolled out like a cartoon a carpet. Yeah, like a carpet, and she walked out with hat and had this conversation with me and then like, but the high is like fifteen minutes, so like this is happening, Like you're having this episode in your brain for like fifteen minutes, and then it's just like wow, bang to life, nice sang to you know what I'm saying.

So yeah, you give I'm not gonna try that one. I'm a pass.

Next question, yo, man, back up, Yo man. I know you guys are with D M T poppers, Like what's the.

Before I go to the next question.

I feel like mine is more like context dependent, like like street hash and Portugal or like laughing gas in Vietnam or I'm not you out, you're.

Mac cool, Bro, get the funk out of here.

Street hold street hashing Portugal and.

Portugal and laughing gassing Vietnam.

Yo, dog Yo, mean fuck you bro?

Was it?

Jay Z?

That's a lot of life you could write a book on.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I ain't this memoir dog house Yeah fun fact man, is actually twelve years old.

God damn yeah myself taking away usage.

Okay, computer his arts asks if you could have any animal launch out your ass and self defense, what animal would it? Do?

You know, launch your animal ass and self defense? Bro? God bro, yo, not you know what it means for me? Them big ass spiders. Everybody's scared up. I don't know if they're called spiders huntsman spiders like huntsman. Yeah, you know what I'm saying. Yeah, an orb weaver that like a foot long that I'm sure and that's just straight out my asshole. Yo, yo, if they if I'm getting jumped, bro, I'm going like this, Oh man, I would stop.

I would stop instantly. Bro.

You know what I'm saying about, like the alien from Aliens and just face huggerh wait, so what what what your animal?

Dominican centipede? The Dominicans the peace bro then bitches is first of all, they like this and those are the babies. You ever seen a centipede that been feasted on? Just country boat, I see that. If it's not aggressive, it's fucking ugly. So one way or another, it's going to distract you. You're gonna stop beating the ship out.

So if okay, if my is my butthole a portal or is it a physical storage that I will where I will feel the animal in there and on its way out.

It's just a portal, I would saying, okay.

Because I'm I'm shooting out a whole ass sperm whale and then I'm causing several blocks of property damage.

You want to fuck with me?

You want to fuck with me, I'm there.

Get you acause.

A sperm whale come out that?

Yeah, exactly, a whole ass You know why because whatever problem was in front of me is gone now bro, shut it.

Out, radius, Bro, nothing exists anymore. Afro.

Yeah, it's every time.

It's an Avengers level event and everything and News twelve the Bronx shows up like and here the latest Here at Fordham Plaza, a random sperm whale just seemed to have come down and blocked all of East Fordham Road leading to Southern Boulevard.

We have no explanation of this.

No one knows where they're coming from. And it's just me.

It's just my launching whales out of my bootyhole portal.

Oh man, First of all, what is wrong with the person who said that question. Yeah, I love but they just like me for real. Yeah, that that was Rady's favorite question.

Shake listen, shout out to all the sick freaks.

Out there, yeah, you know, criminals. Shout out to all the freaky criminals that do panic, black.

Magic, sick ship.

That's right.

Actually know, please please don't do the fucking queers, please don't.

Man, that's traight. Yeah, that's right. Now it's it's Puerto Rican.

Yeah, that's right.

Said. This has been up fifty five. But victory like the most illustrious art ever.

On the building.

That's right, baby. You know what I'm saying. You know what it is, man, it's radio while Elizabeth or teas Victor. You know what I'm saying. You know what I'm saying. Men who we learn something new about every week. Man, what I'm saying. And of course you know what I'm saying, record room, record holder. You know what I'm saying. God himself insane.

Yeah, bitch, see you Monday.

Literally like a luxury light light night night mhm

Victory Light with The Kid Mero

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