Episode 100 | Live From On Air Fest 2025

Published Mar 18, 2025, 11:00 AM





Yeah, you've seen the first. Jason overlaps with The Chronics's Stacey. He is now into the gangster mode.

Now light of lictory light like a lictory light light.

Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to Loew's. Tonight kicks off with a voice that cuts through the noise, bringing raw truth and infectious energy to everything he touches. Born and raised in the Bronx, he's gone from local legend to national treasure, hosting hit shows, opening up your third eye and keeping it a buck every single time. You know him as one of the sharpest, funniest minds in the game. For those of you who know you guessed it, it's Victor interjecting and here to introduce the one, the Only, the kid Merrow.

Whoa Yeah.

Last time I was on stage, I ended up an that's a lie. Welcome everybody, Thank you for being here for our first live show. We appreciate you, the fans, thank you.

You know what I mean. I know, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, the fuck I know. It's his victorylie with the kid Merrill. But that's not all there is.

Like She's so eloquately stated, I have two very high source co hosts, Bro I'm like the forty year old Lebron with like the two young gunners Luka Doncic and Luca and Doncic.

You know what I'm saying.

So, without further ado, I want to introduce my esteemed illustrious co hosts Liz Bell.

Arties, Oh, super Picture, New York City, damn it?

And Yeah and of course the Yep God, the rap God, mister d had Tad, missus steell your girl.

You know what I'm saying.

Sauce levels is incredible, more sauce than Dave's Hot Chicken.

You know what I'm saying, is the one the only Rayney? Oh my dad? Yes, sir, thank you so much? Everyone where where the CEO is? Hat right? No reason if you ceo? What's up? Really? We just want to see song? Wait wait wait, make sure anybody target acquired? Yo, thank you, dang you, thank you, thank you for coming. Uh.

You know, for those of y'all that have our habitual listeners, you know you will you will, you will understand that dear Sister has been a way for a total of two episodes, which means that we have started to drift into rogan territory and but she's back.

Now you know what I'm.

Saying, and now they're quiet.

That's right.

They've been misbehaving since I've been gone. They've been talking bad about women. They've been talking about foreskin and pig cheese.

See, these are the lies women come up with when you give them microphones. Do you see what I'm saying? Do you understand now?


Right, this is why, See, this is why we need another woman on the show.

Bro, Because they be gased like me. They be gased like me. They put their bold heads together and then you start coming.

Up from that static electricity, bro, the follicles.

You know what I'm saying. We go like this and then we shut.

Onto a wall.

Yeah, yeah, we love my sister.

But now that she's here, we can have the conversations that we shouldn't just have as two ball bitches in the studio.

You know what I'm saying, First and foremost.

The fifty to fifty discussion, Oh, men and women in relationships?

You know what I'm saying. That's right, because it's not like it's been talked about before, not at all.

Break a new ground here today at on AFS talking about, hey.

Should men and women split bills? Probably not I think. I don't think so.

I don't think so at all. Nah, I don't think so. I think that men are the breadwinners of the providers, and women, you know, stay home and do things that are domestic, you know, such as like you like, uh.

Fucking murder you in your sleep. That's how we should do. Poison your coffee. Yeah, watch you de in war.


You know.

I was like, I was just saying, it's got to have a bad yo.

So yeah, okay, so moving on, uh yo, listen, man, So we, like I said, we got a little we got a little rep hill. I apologize.

I want to apologize to me, apologize to them. I'm sorry they don't want who had to listen to the foreskin jokes?

Makes the noise if you're fucking with a foreskin joke, Yeah, like what the fuck?


Makes the loose if you got a foreskin Yeah.

Yeah, damn, bro, I didn't know the victory life fans was strick.

Listen, listen, We're gonna have all the foreskin bros. We all gonna have a Chinese finger trap session after this. After we're just gonna roll it over each other's thing, and then that's how we bond that's it. Circum They don't get it circumcised, throwing off the fox y'all are cut your cut, bro.

It's like when you go to the deli and you're like, yo, thin sandwich, meal cut.

I'm not any of those. Yeah, you know what I'm saying. I'm just ham And.

Then and then, and then we asked God where is he? Sometimes?

You know, sometimes sometimes we pray and we say God, where are you?

And then you look at your life and you say, oh, I see you answer.

Rights who I'm what?


I see you in the absence of his presence? What that shit is about? Goddamn? Oh shit, Listen.

I personally, I feel like I have no say in this, the discussion of this at all. You know what I'm saying, Because I've been married for thirty eight thousand years, you know what I'm saying. I don't know what the fuck any of this is about. You guys know, because you're out there in the world being young and sexy. But that's what it's about.

It's about unqualified people giving you opinion. So you should be giving single men advice, right.

Yeah, yeah, that has a successful married father of four, dude, You should telling people who've never had a girlfriend, how to how to acquire, how to move around? You know what I'm saying.

Well, the problem is that I'm forty one, so I can't I don't understand technology. So like I listen and you look at me like, oh yeah, hell yeah, yop. He's right back in the day. I could just be like, yo, what's up man, Yo, Yo shorty in the red Yo, what's up?

My name is Merro? I would I would talk like this too, what's up? My name is Merro? I hold my hand out like that, what's up?

My name is terrifying?

Bro. Like it's like powerful, Like it's like drawing you in.

It's like you're trying toize me that I don't know.

I don't know what you're talking about. He got me up here, sweat. I'm like, I'm like, okay, talk to me. I feel like, yo, y'all told me. I feel like that ship is overwhere. Like you can't go and be like, hey, what's up? My name is so and so? You can You just gotta be really hot. You gotta be me.

What is what is?

What does the guy have to do?

Not the fuck up? That's no.

The reality is is that women don't be feeling safe around men. If we're being real serious, women don't feel safe around men. So when they see a man approach them, their guard goes up instantly.

Even if you.

Find even if you even if she's interested, her immediate reaction is hold on back the fuck up, give me three feet.

I don't know you were from New York.

Bro. You know Matt crack hands over here, Bro, they look regular. You gotta you know, you gotta. You gotta pay attention to body movements and ship. So if you do this to me, I'm gonna be like, Oh, he wants my money, he wants my soul.

Yes, I get the fuck away from you.

You want some metro can that bitch I see him? Yeah, God damn it. Meryl. Meryl was dangerous and oh four, he would have brought you a pell first date.

Oh yeah, I was a disgusting savage back in those days, nasty being outside sixty.

Twelve days ago.

First of all, y'all don't know this, but Meryl got new Ports in the fridge at the studio.

He got two packs of cigarettes and a fridge. He count them too. You can't even touch I'm the dad.

I'm the irresponsible dad, dude, you know what I'm saying, like like, Yo.

Yeah, shot the nigga go damn on the camera.

Yeah, freaking man, goddammit.

Yeah bro.

And he's like, Yo, don't don't put me on blast.

No, don't put me on So I have a girlfriend and she's rainy sister, so this can get really awkward.


Yeah no, one time, I don't be doing his job right, he'd be going crazy. He edit in two fucking hours, posted video. He did a great job. He posted a mad fast and I said in the studio, Yo, our dudo did such a good job.

Bro, I hope he get his dick sucked tonight.

I completely forgot that was this motherfucker sister.

Yes, I'm literally I'm literally stood in the studio after she said that.

He stood there for like five minutes in silence.

That Meryl stupid ass goes what it's true? Damn fuck I transformed now sometime onin I like to funk what I do it though. Sometimes he'll like he'll FaceTime me and he'll be at my sister's house and be like, Yo, did you finish that?

Is that my mom?

What are you doing at my mom's house? You'll sick. Freak, what are you doing there? I'll be with you.

Do you think that your moms believed in the fifty to fifty though? Do ya think?


No, no, how was your mom's how old?


How was sher mom?


She was like, Yo, you're paying for everything. Get the fuck out of your wanting. Yeah, bro, my my parents, My parents linked up as like a contract is they both Dominican. Bro, I swear that's how it is.


It was like an episode of Atlanta.


They fucking like my my pops. He parked outside the restaurant and he ordered some food and my mom's walked over and she like served him whatever, and he goes, you cook this. She goes yeah, and then she looks outside. She goes, that's your car and he goes yeah, jesus. And then they're like, let's do something about it. Like fuck, that's the most un romantics fucking meet up ever.


That's how you know how easy that's the fact.

And then you know Dominican couples will sit down together, like Lady was saying, formulate a contract and then get married. And then in every wedding photo, the husband the groom is standing there like.

This, yo.

If you listen, Dominicans, if you an immigrant child, go look at your grandparents' wedding photo. Bro.

I'm just standing there like, yeah.

Come only, I'll call you.

But you don't see.

It's the mother in law holding him by the back of the neck like you can smile, pussy. All you see in the picture. All you see is wrinkles right here. You can't see the fingertips, Like God damn it.

Listen. We're in New York City. The Bronx is home for me, for Rady Ridgewood, Brooklyn. You know what I'm saying. Wood, That's crazy, I said, Richard, that's crazy, Yo.

York in the yes a disrespect I face as a woman up here. Where the fuck you get Ridgewood from? Bitch? Then I tell you I was an East New York rat road in on the sea trade.


I it Yo, that's the fact. But where is home for us? Right? You know what I mean? Because you just you just came back from d R felt very homey.

Absolutely when I'm in DR I feel at home. When I'm here, I'm like, oh, what what's this?


I got home last night and flip flops.

Everybody told me.

It was this fucking cold. Nobody told me ship but DR is home for me.

But it's like, yo, we was raised in New York this, you know, we first generation immigrants. I'm like six months removed from being a compass now.

I was supposed to be born in Dr. My mom came over Hend right away.

It was like.

She could climb a tree barefoot. I seen it.

Yeah, but you know what's crazy, it was fucked up to me. It's like, I live in New Jersey now. You know what I'm saying, is anybody Jersey house?

Yeah? I live in Jersey now, and it's cool. I love it, you know what I'm saying. Bagels are great. You know what I'm saying. Like the mall is amazing. I go to I get super high. I go to the mall. That's what you do to hell, Yeah, get super high, go to the mall to try and jeans. I love how he said all two things there already doing Jersey over and over. He was like, you know, begels, the mall. You know what I'm saying. I get a bagel sometimes I go to the mall. You gonnat high? You know what? Trash my car and Wendy's on toll You know what I'm saying. Now, we do. But the reason that I moved.

There is because I literally could not afford to live in the place that I was born.

That to me is fucking crazy, you know what I'm saying, Like as anybody, Yes, thank you? Who here is the native of New Yorker Mason noise?

Oh nice?

How many roommates you got? Make some noise? If it's more than two exactly, exactly exactly.

So I'm outside seeing das get hit by trucks and I'm paying less than y'all are doing here in Brooklyn.

This is crazy, but I have to do it. I have to make the move because I had all these kids. You know what I'm saying.

So what is home?

What is the government doing to our housing? Yeah?

With the flock, it's crazy because we live.

We live in the city, and as you get older, the city gets better, and then you start to see less of your people. It's like, wait, so yeah, making it's better for who it's not for. It's not for Stefana Salon owner. It's for fucking Chad from Wisconsin and Ohio. What the fuck are we doing?


No, my best friend moved to Brooklyn, and like I would only see him like when a bus passed, and then he would disappear when the bus. That's like I went from seeing him every day, Bro, this city swallowed him home. Bro. Bro, I would see a bus and I'd go and he's gone gone.

What the follow you?

Bro? Shit is fucked up. Oh, it's fucked up. You know what they're doing. They're doing satanic black magic, fucking housing. They're doing six ship and.

We can get away from it, bro, because I just came from dr And if y'all don't know the situation, there is a gold mining company in the Dominican Republic call Barrett Gold that has been destroying the Dominican Republic. And I just recently find out found out that they are trying to buy my family's property. And there was a protest two days ago in the town that we're in, a very small town. The pastor himself went up to the mountain and said, y'ah, not building shit over here. Don't even try it, because once you do that, you get rid of the animals you give, you get rid of the rivers.

It drives out.

You're killing the old people, you making the children sick. So where what is safe for us? If the United States of America is so ready tough, I'm not gonna do it. But they want to do Roman salute and shit right, they want to rename the Nazi salute, so they want to do that.

Shit over here. But then you also don't want to let us go home and build out there neither. So what are we doing?

What do we do? I'll tell you what you gotta do. Ersey, Nah, we move to Jersey for all two of the things that Hegel's weeding them all. Yeah, but yeah, I'll tell you how to know you know what, you know what you do that same pastor you get them right? You take you take a speaker with you. You take like seventy eight speakers and you stack them all on top of each other, and all day you just go at full volume forever. These construction guys are gonna be like, I can't work under these conditions. I can't read that there where there's no gold, No gold is worth this. Listen. Yeah, yeah, I don't give a ship. If you have emeralds, yeah, I don't, all right, I don't. I don't care if they have lithia. Yeah, elon be damned fucking all right, we're out of here. Yeah, god damn it.

Liter literally like.

You lies, no, you know what's crazy?

This shout the Willisburg Brooklyn people makes no noise Brooklyn? All right, Yeah, Brooklyn is crazy, bro.

I fuck with Brooklyn.

I love Brooklyn.

I'm a bronze dude. So Brooklyn is like another planning, you know what I mean. It's a five hour train ride, six buses.

It's worse the Queens. You know what I'm saying, Like, sorry, shots, you know what I'm saying, shot the queens.

Yeah, chill, chill, I'll activate stewnway, nigga, don't gave, don't get crazy, relax, but will this break is ill because it's like, yo, over here, you got a building that looks like a Lego set.

You know what I'm saying with like, you know what I mean, like everything is the whole front is glass.

But then you turn around the corner and Poppy's making homemade drinks in the bull danga right there, Like, Yoppy, I haven't drinking you like, oh yeah, you like it that they don't only mons.

So free? No, it's so free's for sure, you yo, yo, bro. My favorite ship Hey, that's the Spanish lesson of the day for you guys. You know what I mean, yo yo right yao means she's like, I don't know what the fuck you talking about.

Yeah means my beautiful woman. It means on credit. If you go get something for out, that means I'm getting this. I'm gonna get this bottle on credit, all right, bet, because I know Rady was a store.

He got me, he got the little tie with the paper. Do not do that on a target, bro, Yeah you gotta.

But that's a that's a connection built throughout years years.


Yeah, you know what I'm saying.

And if you are Mala, that's right, somebody who don't pay people back so they you can't get a fire.

That's right. You know what I mean.

You try to get a scratch off so you can pay off your debts and get further in that call one hundred gambler if you have a problem, Bro.

That was the That was the method before before Michigan. That was the method, bro, going to the store, getting a fucking getting the scratching for the FIAU. They're using your earnings to fas.

Like yo, yo, his fin out is broy eight oh yeah, oh anything, motherfucker.

You're me four hundred dollar. You give me twenty suits, twenty two dollars right here, look right here, look Mayda.

Yo, yeah, Huang and Wang one hey one, listen, listen, tell me that now it wasn't a.

Fucking bodega owner twenty.

In his past life. Bro, that was way too perfect. What the fuck I wasn't I feel like I reincarnated, Bro, I was. I was just to run a shitty bodaga with Dusty Tuna fish. And now I'm through comedy. You know what I'm saying. With these superstars, You know what I'm saying.

They can shout out to Marrow. Merrow is the fucking best. He'd be trying to pick us up, and usaid.

Know, yeah, yeah, oh this, and I'm so happy we're live. You guys have no idea what a safety you guys are. Tell Hassan all the time. I'd be like, y'all, guys, wait, hold on, Hassan, cut, we can't run that, we're not absolutely yeah, person, now listen, man.

Like I was saying, it's New York, you're in New York. Unfortunately, the mayor of New York is a humunkous dick eater. You know what I'm saying, That's why he got those veneers. Yeah, that's right, dick.

Chomp them up.

I mean yeah, not human dicks, like elephant dicks, bro like huge, the biggest mammal cock you could think of ever. Adams is just like I'm like shaving it like Sharma, like yeah, tyro me like yeah, going crazy doing tricks on it. My god, But this is this is a question I don't want to ask y'all because y'all still live here and I'm like maybe two years away from like got that New York New York City, god par even I'm in Jersey. I don't why I got to act.

What was that? That's that's the when you get mad money and now you start now you start saying, oh, I can't even be around those colors anymore.

Like colors, you know, shit is up. Something's wrong.

I find them from Bobby Cup, like the colored sections over there. Sorry, there's there is the bathroom outside. I'm sorry I want to offend you, but listen, there's a question for y'all getting used to New York City without the fucking Venia. God, big ass head wish to rant swagger, dickhead.

Eric Addos, what does New York City look like? Think about it.

You close the eyes a picture of city without when you could go to the club.

I feel like the party promoters will get their jobs back.

That's right.

Like Eric Adams, he he done took over the whole party section. He didn't took over every he he.

Hits every little community just to It's like a little a little a little.

Serpent just seeps, seeps his little fucking face into the culture and say, yeah, let me get that I need those votes.

Yeah, if you're going to if you go in the bathroom at Brown Sugar and turn the lights off and say teeth three times, and he goes, looks like you got some swagger. You say swagger three times in the mirror. Yeah, you bald as I was like David, it's alright, he's more bald than us. Yeah. Fun fact both of us can't not wear a hat at the same time. It would pause, Uh, there would be too many. There's too many variables that when you put two mics together and then you get mad feedback forever.


Yeah, it's like that one of us has to be added at all times.

That's what she was in the Actually it was the escape because she got ten ofs from us being not wearing hats.

It's bad, It's very bad. Yeah, I know the tinfoil fitteds were protection for her. Actually, yes, bald way, that's what it was like, bro, both waves.

You know what.

Listen, I got a hairline, but I've got no hair on top. That's it, you know what I'm saying. Yeah, Yo, my ship come up to right here. It's valles. I ain't fuck it. I'm gonna get the reverse fade and ship.

The ball does not. The ball is not an insult. Both bitch is not an insult. I only call that Rick adamsach because he is a bald bitch. But it's Eric Adams. You know, like if he was Harry, if he had a hairline, I'd call him a hairy fucking asshole. I don't like that the slant of my bald brothers beginning that ball. Crack that ball, crany and be looking nice on.

Some of your ship. Yo. I'm saying, like, you know, I bean, I be around, you know, I be I go outside. You know what I'm saying. I'm not just I don't just be in Jersey like like Jadakin said, like I'm the New York, the real New York. Yeah, you know what I'm saying.

You might see your one ninety six bars with no shirt you be honest, drigging the warm bottle of Paul Maissan.

You'll be on one of these second in Creston, like Jersey was gone. Y'all bar is snotting off.

Yo, let me get two candies. Like candies, Bro, I think I think I don't think candy means Lucy's. Bro.

He's like, I know you don't have to tell you that. I don't think any mayor has been likable in the history of never Bro. But I think we could get one likable one, and it's gotta be fucking speedy Mormon man. Beedy Mormon mayor of New York City would be incredible.


Crazy don't feedy Mormon bro. Fucking sweety dude.

But realistically, Bro, it's New York. Nobody is saved, nobody gets saved.

There's nobody mayor and they're still.

Gonna call it. I mean me included, I'm sorry.

You could be the man I fuck with you. You could be mad people and be like nah, funk this. You could be the mayor. I fun with Lizabell. Yeah yeah, I like that. I would be like this bitch out of here. Yeah everybody else will be like.

Yeah, Long Island will get me out of head too.

Yeah that's a fat brown fab bitch is the bitch from Guatemala.

You talked way too much.

You know.

Some motherfuckers don't even want women to speak.

Bro, that's crazy opinion.

I mean, you know I'm goody call Heather right now, right now, just like this.

You can't reache. I'm about the demon time y'all. Fuck er gotters, bro.

I think the only yo nobody could be made of New York and be successful, be not like shout somebody out there you think of, be successful in may of New York.

Jay Z, I don't know, Yo.

They own something like killed a billionaires shiite. He's like, Yo, I'm the CEO.

I'm not. I'm just playing.

I'm the chief operating officer of frock Nation. Uh it's uh Blue Ivys the CEO, not me. That's crazy, YO, stand right here.

You know that I think that they would jay Z.

Fry him up. They fry him up, now, you know what I mean? You might as well double down you feel me. Have you ever seen jay z do anything athletic? No?

I saw him jump off a boat one time, That's what it is.

And he looked crazy. It look like somebody pushed him off the boat. He ain't by himself. Jay zet doing anything looks like they photoshopped him into that situation, like like him falling off the boat. I'm like, what, why does he look like he's in zero G right now? This motherfucker looks like he's It's like this, there's a picture, I know, you know this picture. There's a picture jay Z throwing the football.

He's like, yeah, I was like, yo, my man, I got hit by a car, shot and stabbed and I can still throw football better than that.

Yeah, that is crazy. He snapped him in my arm my throwing of did you that was my mistake? Of a billionaires walking club? J z Z. He's one of the billionaires. What theyre go on walks? The billionaires walking club?


Who somebody put a talk on these motherfuckers. Man, you can just carpet bound that ship one time.


Also, where do you do that at man in the forest?


Yeah, yeah, that's oh my god, you sick freak. That's where you were in the forest that time on the walk. You sit my people, not too much of my people? Why didn't sound like jay Z a little bit? Yeo, yo, not too much on my tell. Liz is from Brooklyn. She got me.

I met jay Z, I'd bite the funk out of him one good time. I want to hear him yell. I just I've never heard him. Yeah, you never heard jay Z yell?

I want to see him on comfor you wouldn't even yell. He'd be like, ow, whyt you do that? Why would you bite my EARLB you Mike Tyson. She's crazy, bro, Liz, well listen. I think it was an episode, the episode before you left, Bro. She was we was all getting ready to go right, and then Liz Belle under her breath, Bro, she goes, I feel like biting one of y'all, and then she leaves, don't say a word to nobody, and I'm like, She's like, nah, my fault. I just really felt like biting one of y'all, and I just had to remove myself.

Yes, it's a complication I have.

I haven't figured out how to control it yet, So I gotta bite a bitch once today don't.

Start no beef. Okay, let's go with each your e lo.


Now you know why we waited to dive into our red pill bag exactly. We didn't want to get bit Yo. You haven't seen that episode of Oprah where a monkey ate the lady face. Yeah, that's what you'll do.

That's what should happen to y'all after after the last few episodes, it was just entertainment.

Liszt. Yeah, I just I feel like, you know what, list I feel like maybe maybe you're taking this a little too serious. I feel like you should understand that it's.

Yes, so didn't The opening statement was women should shut up.

Well, that's whoa. That's neither here nor there. That was taken out of context. I was out of context absolutely, you know, you know, explain it. Yeah, what I meant was women should shut up? When when when I want to talk? Yeah, listen, we love women, yo, that's how you know we funked up. Well, we gotta be like, guys, come on, we love we love him so much, we love them, we love your ariolas. The big ones bid stop y'all like big ariolas. I was coming out.

I'm not gonna make me up here, feel stupid. You like big ariolas, nigga, you laugh, you laughing a lot. He liked the big ariolas with the peanut butter. You know what I'm saying.

You know what I'm saying, yo, real quick.

A tip for the women. The perfect lipstick shade is the color of your nipple.

Trust me on now, oh Ship, I don't even know that. I know you don't because you don't get no bitches.

He's married. Yeah, she's right, She's right.

It's true. I did that middle school ship where I just side with whoever's winning. I'm like, oh, that's crazy. Damn, Liszen, that was crazy. You cooked them. I don't know what you're talking about.

That was walling.

Why did you just start doing this?

It's only my third day out here, pretty nick, Oh man, I can't wait till some of the Adams.

I mean, oh damn, oh ship, fuck, I mean until he's out of office, so.

Fuck fuck him. First of all, he could sell New Yorker's house so that he could get out of a fucking free out of jail car.

But we can't make a joke him and his fucking veiny forehead.

That's true, right, I gotta catch straight. I'm a ball bitch. Now he got a vandy for it. Tell me how you really feel, Liz.

Pell, you know what, I'm gonna write a book about it. I'm gonna do it. Tell all, yo, you know what.

It's crazy. It's gonna be like surviving Victory Life. I liter.

I was literary.

Like, tell me how you really feel, Liz Pell?

You know what, I'm gonna write a book about it.

I'm gonna do it. Tell all yo, you know what's crazy. It's gonna be like surviving Victory Life.

Merrow, keep pissing in the sink, O morning, it's.

Gonna be It's gonna be a chapter just called dicks. It's like this. I didn't want to know about everything I learned against my will. Bro, listen, is it crazy to piss the sink?


Yes, thank you, bro? Like not your sink, like a like a sinking like McDonald's. Why.

That's that's more crazy. That's either why y'all are crazy. Fuck y'all, I'm ten toes down. I'm pissing my sak yo.

That's it. It's almost a New York ship ever used just be wrong on purpose. Brom just staying yo.

Fuck that.

Oh fuck they trying. We try to make anything cool. Yo, you're not pissing in the sink. Bro, I don't know about you. When I'm built different, Yo. What so moving walking in the toilet? Bro, that's crazy. It's sink, yo, it's right there, like higher up makes more sense. Ergonotic, Come on dog, Oh I'm bad. You got a little meat I skill issue. You know what I'm saying. Gotta get a lower sink, you know what I mean. I can't even suit this man smaller. I can't even sit on the toilet because my me hit the water like make a bubble noise. Yeah, that is the worst. And me hit the water and if water smash back up on your BODYO, do you feel that what I'm saying, the cold water? You know what? I call that Russian? You know I call that the kiss of death? That's what? Yeah? Yeah, welcome back, bitch. True story. Because of Liz, we all sit down to be in the studio because she opened it up, like yo, you see it down?

I bet yeah, stay there and then she'll smack us in the Facebook. We pet pee faster. I gotta be up by one thirty long.

That's not true. I don't smack you, I'll punch you in the chest. There are two different techniques. Please, Yeah, holy.

Holy rocking boy. I don't know why I just said the no rephrase. But here we are. You know what I'm saying. Fans, God damn it.

Oh Man, New York without Eric Adams will be a dream. I hope I live to see the day.

Damn. I said that. It like the motherfucker had ten years left.


I mean, with the way we're going, they might do that.

Hey, listen, youybody say if you go on the beach in dr with my dick out, you know what I'm saying, night and scoobas.

You know what I mean, doing something like that on a jet ski looking like you got a tail?


Yeah, Now would you would you have a live in d R though? Would you have a live in DR?

I would? I would love it? I love it?

Would you live there though?


Yeah? Would y'all wouldn't? Man? Fuck no? He said they don't got pay blade over there?


What the fuck?

They don't got they got pissed five over there?


Oh you gotta take it though, Yeah? Got WiFi?

Alright? Fucking yeah, we outre that's that's so crazy. I'm a forty one year old man. Bro, I don't need nothing. I just need Wi Fi weed and like water bro and all the water bug fights. Yeah, that's it. That's it. That's shown me weird shit on YouTube, Bro, Like let me beat my meeting piece. Bro. You know I'm saying. That's it, y'all A man complicated. Oh's y'all, I'm damn females. Ship.

Do you want to say females?


No, no, no, no, no no no Yo.

I hate that princt of all?

Can I say that? I hate that? I don't. I hate when people like yo, females. I'm like, that's how a fish. Females key like worse than bitch yo. You know what I'm saying. I've been like yo before. I be like Yo, that's yo, that's what female. Yeah, that's my bitch right there?

You come here?

You know what I'm saying, Hey, that's my betch right there? We go wait, but yeah, but then you're really man, I'm sick of these females.

It's the capital F hard F.


I feel like a slur bro, it's very slurry. Ship. You know what I'm saying. Ship? She was slurred than me at four a m of the.

Allegedly allegedly legedly legedly broun too all people doing drugs.

Man, y'all be believing this ship. Y'all remember a perk thirty off the floor, bro, That was one time, memo. You looked at me crazy when I didn't eat a shroom gummy at ten am. Y'all on a Tuesday in the studio. Yeah, this is what it's like working with a motherfucker that made it already give a shit about nothing. He's like, yeah, fucking let's roll. Wow, y'all, I'm in Dumbo now, not Brooklyn the movie.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, tweaking, tweaken, God, damn yo, shit, New York City, goddamn it.

Oh man, I'll thank you for y'all selves, man, thank you got so much. Thank you guys so much for fucking.

For real, y'all listen, since we love y'all, and this is an interactive vibe.

You know what I'm saying, because you're not just gonna sit up here and let us talk the whole time.

Me two men yapping, you know what I'm saying, barely letting Liz get a word in edgewise, you know what I'm.

Saying as usual.

So now I'm gonna turn it over to y'all the fans. You know what I'm saying. We got a little fake Q and A, and we're gonna.

Start with women. I know when I say it like that. We're gonna start with these females.

No, do we have any questions?

Yeah? This is step Mike all right here there is walk up over here for questions. Do you want to go first? Yeah, that's right. Oh god, the pay minimum. This is my little sisters. Hey, what do you want sea my ten dollars? Do you owe me?

Let me know where you're gonna send it.

Brother, that's who said this shirt was a gift. That's crazy negative.

So you see what they do.

They come up here, they slam the women, but they owe us money. I think you should pay her extra just for the convenience, also for female reparations. Somewhere in there.

I thought there was one fake bitch here.

Turns out, first of all, you know what, let me not.

I was gonna ask about that alleged UFO that landed on the White House and middle was supposed to get on that said UFO.

Why do you keep saying that why you keep putting it up? Talk about that please?


So, so here's the thing. Marrow wouldn't get on the ship. He just needed to get on the ship to save his family from certain doom and admit he's gay.

But otherwise, just get on the ship, Marrow.

It's no big deal in Brooklyn.

Say they make gays. That's what I said. People make noise.

Noise I'm saying. But you know what I'm saying, I can't claim to be part of your community. I will be taking up. That's like Lebron in the All Star game. Merrow, let me let me land his plane. Merrow, let me land his plane. If I got on that ship, I would be taking the spot of an actual game.

Making his hips.

Look at his hips, Look at his hips. He said, let me land this plane. Hold on, he said, Yo, Merril, h Meryl hit his pick. Let me land this plane.

Bits. But yeah, yeah, to answer your question, ultimately, Merrol did not get on the ship, and his family's doomed. Yeah, they're cooked. You know what I'm saying. Yes, he said the Chris ben Wall. You know what I'm saying.

Oh my god, whoa, whoa too far, too far?

Yeah, yeah, y'all want to marrow? Yeah, got merrow? What's up? Why are you booing him? He's right, damn brow all right, we got another one. Oh what's up, guys? Captain Ron from La represented La La. Oh welcome LA. Keep looking at my good. Situation's like I.

Kind of feel like Brooklyn in LA because of the Dodgers. Yeah, that's the same shit. There's a tunnel that goes under Wish. Okay, So you guys mentioned about the club promoters, that New York thing about the clubs.

I don't know what's going on with that. We have that thing with Sunset Bulevard. I don't know if you guys heard about it. It's dead.

There's no more clubbing out in Sunset Boulevard. I'd love for you to catch me up on this New York club thing. And if I should go this weekend? Listen, where should I go this weekend?

You should go out? You know what I'm saying. Just get damn.

Maybe I'm the wrong person to do this, Yeah, bro, I would just be like, yo, just go in your neighbor's house, act like you're going in for like some coffee whatever, and then go in the medicine cabinet. And if you see anything that says benzo, yeah take that, take that and then take it with you and then have a good time. Just walk up and down Ludlow the pianos.

And after you take the Benzo, I want you to find your nearest convenience store. And I want you to walk behind the pass that's right. I want you to open the cast reds saying put your hand in there for no reason. That's New Yorkshire. That's New Yorkshire, that's New York. Ship. Will I get away with it? Yes? Hell yeah.

You don't get away with anything, or you can find Let.

Me tell you something. Let me tell you. Let me tell you a secret y'all might not notice.

As a former criminal, former alleged criminal, I'll tell you one thing right now that NYPD does not do NYPD. They will fuck you up, They will harass you. They will not run right. They will not do any aerobic activity. So if you jump over a fence that is this high, you're gone. You could just it's like a it's like a little dog. If you jump over this fence and you just stand on this side like, yeah, they don't even they can't do nothing.

I've done it. Trust me. I did on the West Side Highway allegedly. Allegedly. I'm saying I did not evade the law, the long holm.

Of the law.

But you're not doing bro, that's a that's not that's a real night in New York is what. You don't have a fucking destination, ye.

Said new York night, right. You just let the day take you. You just go everywhere and then you're to be jumped by like four am.

That's it.

It's the night life.


You'll never forget.


That's it.

You get a sloppy ass chiemy at two am.

Come back, Bro, that's not that's not late enough. Yeah, you're right, three am, meet the love of your life on the line.

Bro. The later is yo, this ship always pucked me out.


The later it is like the closer the sunrise it is. The harder the chimmy hits. It makes no sense, Bro, the closer the sunrise it is. Oh yeah, I'm saying that's real. It's real, yo. Be careful, Maro. Hold on, your tip is looking a little creamy. Hold on, wait a minute, it's a it's a button fly, Bro, it's a button fly. I might take one of your eyes like boxing it. Bro. I had a chiemy at like four forty five am.


After like I'm washed. So I went to a concert and I was standing the whole time because it was like hip hop, real hip hop, hip hop, hip hop pop. You know what I'm saying, Like that ship like hip hop fiftieth anniversary. Like I'm like, yo, every being rocketing word. But I'm washed, you know what I'm saying. So I left out of that motherfucker and started doing graffiti because like yo, hip hop.

And I was like, shit, it's mad fucking late. And I was with my man's rigs out the rigs and fucking ridge.

And we went to the chivy truck that's on one hundred and seventy fourth and Jerome that doesn't even it's so it's so crack that it doesn't have a name. It just says food truck on Google Maps. If you try to Google map this shit, it just says food truck. You know what I'm saying.

That shit hit like crack. WHOA. I almost crashed a call four times.


Driving home after ate that shit, I was beating up. Listen all right, okay, next quest, Jesus Christ. I turned into like a form. I turned into like the whitest foreman on a construction yard. Whenever, whenever Merril says anything, I'm like, y switch the samples. God he's having Christ Merrill the son of a bitch. What are we gonna do with you? All right? Next question, Jesus Christ. Two short ones. First ones, when we're bringing back the five pillars of hip hop? Uh huh? Second one? What's the grime issue you ever seen on the train?

What was the first one?

What was the five pulls? And hip hop?

He's in, Yeah, when we bringing it back? When we bringing it back? Listen, man, I'm like, nobody want to hit me?

Do that ship? My man Riches he shot the kinsman where rich at? Yeah?

He bringing hip hop back? He could he can still hit the bet boy ship. I'm not gonna sart break Dancer right now. I got a fighters in my knees. My gee, I cannot do that. And my doctor I was like, yo, so how do I cure that?


He's like, he's that's just that's just your knee now, that's just it, bro, Like you can't dunk on the five foot rim no more, Champ, that's it over. You gotta go. He gotta lower the rim in his crib at like four in the morning when everybody's asleep crazy, So his daughter will come outside like daddy will see what are you doing?

What are you doing?

And he goes, huh nothing, go back inside. I'm trying. I don't have the no, you know what I'm saying. And then the second part of the question was what was the grimey.

Grimy ship I see bro? And this one this was on Twitter, like when it was Twitter. You know what I'm saying, show and viral. Two fiends on the d train smashing cheeks, bro, smashing bro like small not giving a fuck.

You know how you funk when you're home? You know what I'm saying.

Yeah, like what it's just like, Yo, it's just us. We just it's just us, fucking we in the house going crazy like a Yeah, guys say whatever you want.

It's his house. Go crazy. Are you are yours? Yeah? I'm so hold you gotta do it again. Do it again, Do it again, Do it again. You can't stop.

Just express script every stipple stop that you were trying to stop at were you stopping?

We're not stopping? The fuck you up? By dick?

What dog, What the fuck is he saying? Fucking I said, so, we are not stopping at any stopped that you would like to stop that fuck you and this bell. I know he's going to Brooklyn. We are not going to Brooklyn. We're going through Queens first.

And then then Yo and then and then the person next to you'll be like he's saying, the next stop is one forty nine.

That's how you know you're in real New Yorker, bro, because you got him before the computer voice on the train, and you understand what the fuck they were talking about. That ship was like win Talkers, nigga like that. Yeah, next top is one twenty fifth. It's called Express. Great, I'm sending a letter to my loved one. He's fucking saving proper quite on the rest of frost ship.

You know what I'm saying. I'm in a foxhole on the full train. You know you're in a foxhole, just catching booty fumes just from the from the fiends.

Fucking You're just like, all right, would you would you rather the booty fumes or the or the crack fumes?

Like Mike said, Mike, we just had a guest on the show. He just revealed to us that he go. He used to go on the train. There used to be a crackhead hot boxing on the train.

That's crazy.

And he sat there every morning.

He said, Yo, that's the most New York ship. Though. It's like not making a scene, no matter the scene. What mind in your fucking business, bros, Just like you see this, This is real.

He's mine his business right, He's gonna train minus business. They on the train of mine his business right. I'm not I'm the I'm the weird. I'm the weird out of train right.

I'm just in here. Jesus is coming. Jesus is coming. Jesus is coming. You got you. Jesus is coming. My name is Jesus. My name is Jesus. I'm coming.

Oh my god.

He don't care.

He's lien in a mac and cheese fall with French fontana. You know what I'm saying. I mean, yeah, I'm listening. I'm listening to Coke Wave to just my business. I'm just we're here is al.


No, no, I imagine yo. I'm eating a plate of free throw down a.

Got us and.

So hold on a little bit. Listen. If you ever go to a Cheeta truck it's not, Bro, it's it's actually very good sauce. It's a very good sauce.

Not spur stop saying the worst sauce.


After you just said that, nobody gonna go home and want to order a chimy ever again, even.

Me, I'm like, you know what, I'm good off that ship. They keep it, Yeah, they keep it, right of Ligit.

Of lig.

We can't let what happened with the fucking big and Nigga cheese and the chopped cheese that have fucking AOC and all these other motherfuckers eating chopped cheese, bro, going through the hood like it's a fucking zoo exhibit.

Over here, you'll see a wild Puerto Rican in the world.

You see the snake, You see the sneak around his neck.

Mm hmm.

This is a Puerto Rican grandfather's holding an iguana on his head.

You gotta hit the you gotta hit the werner herzog. And here we have a.

Wild Puerto Rican getting a coffee light and sweet. This is their sustenance every day for their opening shift at the Low's.

Yo's no dialogue at all, It's just burner over the seat. My god. Now, very rare fifty year old Puerto Rican great grandmother, great great grandmother, incredible.

And here we see a right of passage, an eighty year old Puerto Rican boy buying his first Lucy incredible feet here missed only in New York City.

So grib me shit you seen on the train? Grab me shit you seen on the trade, because I've had another story.

About grib me a shit.

Honestly, I don't have nothing grimy because I didn't really used to go on the train that bad. What did used to happen? One time I went with my brother because he to be a bum ass sneakerhead, and they used to sell sneakers to Yeah, bum maass sneakerhead because they would buy sneakers and then sell them for more.

You're not even wearing the joint, Yeah, not even wearing the ship. You just reselling.

So I used to take the train with him to go and I remember one time he was going up the stairs to make the cell. He didn't want to pay for my train fare again, so he was like, Yo, just wait for me right here, right, I'll be right back downstairs. But you gotta be careful because it's the train.

It's weird. Shit, it be fucking clowns, it be crackheads, just be weird shit. You just gotta keep your third eye open, Like all right, bet, I got you. As we are.

As I'm watching him go up the steps, a fucking clown comes out of a train, card Bro and I look at him and I say, wow, but ever, it's not calling you. When I tell you, I started fucking crying.

That's the weirdesth A literal clown, a clown.

I like, at this fucking clown.

There was a clown. He had makeup on, he had on the colorful wig. He was payanhandling. He was looking for money in the train.

It was Uncle Magic. It was Uncle Magic, that hip hopmatician shot.


Yeah, that's who should be mayor of New York City, Uncle Magic and shot him.

The clown bear, the owner of Yogi Bear, one of them, one of them to one of the I don't know nothing about Yogi beary has some bronx rats.

Oh we gotta brought another. Oh my fuck?

What we say Yogi Bear. It's a little you know, it's a little little Brooklyn baby.

Yeah, yo, she got baptized by Uncle Murdy. All you know what I'm saying. It was at the Church of Brooklyn.

Hi, fuck you fat Joe was your pastor?

Oh yo, he gave He gave the WAW sermony that day. He was like, do you want to live my lifestyle? But you've never seen a brick, never seen a crack house. I was like, yeah, that's a song, bro.

That Yeah, what are you doing? It's not in the Bible. Yeah, fun out of here, bro, fucking Puerto Ricans.

Oh my god, we got the Puerto Rican shoot is here today?



And I'm not getting jomp. We're not doing that today. But we have another question, do yo? What's up y'all?

Uh again?

Are you familiar face?


How's the banana bread?

By the way, Oh my god, this man made me banana bread the other day. Fantastic, absolutely delicious. There you go, incredible. Now, I'm that's what It's so funny. I can't praise my man's banana bread.

I got, I got the go bananas.

Yo. It was no really, it was fire, thank you.

But my question is, so actually got lost here, but a nice couple actually helped me get here and they actually asked me interesting question. So for y'all, what makes y'all like or what is like a quintessential like New York woman that makes you realize, like that makes you separate like a New York like person from like anybody else or like a transplant whatever.

My ship.

For me, it's like, Yo, you went to public school here, and everybody in New York City knows. What do you go to for the class trip of public school?

You go to the.

Bronxials Liberty, you go to the aquarium.

Botanical gardens.

If you went there and as a as a class trip and you did some fucked up ship, you're.

In New York. Yeah, you know what I'm saying. You know what I mean.

If you went to potanical gardens and you pissed on the lilies or some ship. Oh you picked a fowl and said, yo, do not touch this rare extinct and you picked it was like yo, yo charise, yo, yo yo. You think like I could like touch a titty on the bus on the way home, so much take that lily?


That's just it, yo. That ship is stink bro Oh my god, dude, I think it's the it's the aggression. It's like it's like there's ship you do here that's like rude anywhere else, you know what I mean. It's like you go to You're going to a piece of shopping, be like, let me get a slice, Like that's that's like normal here, you know what I mean. But like I feel like anywhere else I've been like small town America, like in fucking Ohio to be like, so, how you doing today? And I'll just be looking at him like the fuck fucking me? How am I doing?


What do you do?

Can I get?

He? How?

How how am i? And you're lovely and your lovely girlfriend?


I don't want to make I don't want to be presuptuous?

What are we?


You guys don't has everything? It's a beautiful weather today, Yo, let me get an oat milk latte? Bro, what the fuck is going on? Okay? So we have three types of oat milk. We have oatly, we have oat uh, we have oat like oat milk, bro, like just goat but oat yo. I'll be channeling in those moments. I'll be channeling, Oh Bro, I'd be like miss Miller, Amando rafin Bro. I'd be like, God damn, can you just give me this? That's like that's like New York shit. It's like that it's like that aggression, but it's like non it's not. It's like it's non confrontational aggression. That's what it is, you know what I mean? Like from here, like we don't mince words, we don't. So I feel like that's a telltale sign of like you said a couple episodes ago, right where you were like, uh, you met Shorty in Florida. You knew she was from New York immediately.

Yeah, yeah, I met somebody in Florida, and right away you could just tell when somebody is born and raised in New York, they just got that energy. Cause it's like, what would you consider here aggressive? To us, it's just normal, Like I talk with my hands. That's just how I talk. But if you talk like that to somebody else, they're like, wait, you're gonna hit me?

Are you?

I offend you? Like what's going on? But no, it's just that.

But I realized that we have that that trade of like it's straight to it, but we're very helpful, like yeah, you you won't like, yeah, we do mind that with business, but there won't be some shit happening where motherfuckers is gonna let it rock, you know, Like if you need help.

New Yorkers will help you. They're gonna be fucking tight about it, but they gonna, they gonna, they gonna, they gonna show up for you.

You know, yo, son, Yo, leave Shorty alone, bro, put your think away for fuck you up.

Then they stopped the fucking training. They got thirty minutes slake the.

Fucking best spot about the five ass I need that PS five.


There's no there's nobody more dangerous than a New Yorker who's late for work. Yes, nobody, nobody, nobody. Let me tell you something.

If they have like a corporate pole, like a Target polo, Best bypolo, any type of like big box store polo, they'll kill you.

Yeah, fucking kill you. Though.

You gotta remember the dude who tried to kill himself in front of the trainer and.

They was like, Yo, what the fuck is doing wait till I have to fucking workout?

Was you?


I look for anybody in a Best Buy vest Yo, my man, my man, my man, uh huh uh my man, I don't even have time for my coffee. My man, We're gonna have to Yo. They hit you with the man it's three, it's three. My man's in a row. That's my man, My man, my man, that's it. You're fucked.

That's the last thing you are ride yo.

For me, the thing that gives me that New York energy is the friendships that you build on the stoops. I feel like in New York, when you're born and raised here, you make fun out of nothing because you broke, you don't got money, You on the block. You know, you want to stoop, you at the deli, y're at the park. So you gotta build actual friendships or y'are cutting ass, you know, like it's a It's a friendship that's based out of conversation and struggle and relatability and not having the means to go to a fucking mall and splurge two thousand dollars of your dad's money. But you know, you youre on a block with your friends and you build a relationship like that. So to me, that because I realized out in the world people don't prioritize that much of a French like and I'm like, I don't.

I think that it was the stoops. I think it was the fact that we have anything else, so we had to talk to each other.


Yeah, Plus you know, I'm saying it's one hundred and twenty degrees in your apartmentide.

Yeah, because we because for some reason, yo, is this like a Dominican thing? But like we could only turn the eight c's on at night? Yeah, when the when the sun was down, it's already cold. God's already like that's the see the huh. It was like no, it was like a thing, yo. You know, Yo, what's math funny?


When we live in my grandma real quick, when we lived in my grandma, right, uh, my uncle's like my grandfather, he'd be like, I don't want to see no fucking light song in this place, all right, because he's a provider, paid all the bills whatever. But every time they lived on the sixth floor, but they had a front facing apartment so you could see the lights, right, So he would come, he would come. He would see the lights like from the first floor. And when you hear the keys my uncle's house, turn the lights off the shit all right, and then my grandpa will walk in the door and go. It was a sixth floor walk up, so you go, don't turn the shit off now already here God damn it, no, no plucking Yeah, the type of sit you don't see that's the fact I mean, except for like in a major city, like in New York type shit, you know what I mean?

Come on, man, yeah, listen, first and foremost or last than last most. I want to say thank y'all for coming out, because this has been episode one motherfucking hundred.

Mar merra, hold on, hold on, hold on hold.

Before we send you away, we have one final present, oh from Hassan because he couldn't be here today.

Oh that's right. Did we get a little help bringing it to the stage? Holy so cool yo, Oh my god? One chocolate blazes, doughnut and bro.


This is insane.

I can't believe it's only been one hundred episodes of these two well three maniacs because Jon, I just don't.

Got a cock and balls. But you know equally, you know I elevated and going to the top floor.

So you talk about you got the biggest dick in the room. What are you talk?

No, But I do want to say thank you guys for not only holding it down while I was gone, but holding it down for the last ninety nine fucking episodes.

Yeah, man, it's this is this is like I don't I don't feel nervous next to y'all, like, like, you know what I'm saying, Like what we're doing up here is families and what I'm saying so you guys, yo, thank you.

Everybody listen, make some noise if you have been locked in with Victory Life, yes, make some noise if this is your first exposure to Victory Life. Okay, those same people that just say, who are you gonna subscribe and like the YouTube channing.

Hell yeah baby, old baby saying sir, Victory Life.

You know what I'm saying. It's on YouTube. Go fucking check it out. Subscribe. It's some at According to the Kid, I got you right now. I got you right now. Be sure to like follow it. Click the bell icon for notifications for one way upload. This has been episode one hundred of Victory Lights, starring The Kid, Marrow, Liz bell Or Teas and Radio Voye. We'll see you guys next time.

Hey, yeah, you seen the fosters and overlaps that the chromate sustain. He lin to against the.

Belongs life.

Look, yeah, a break up

Victory Light with The Kid Mero

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