Episode 102 | "Brawling Papers"

Published Mar 21, 2025, 3:40 PM






Literally like.

Literally like, oh my god, yo, Hey, whoever made that Playboy CARDI soundboard?


Thank you soon. We love you. Thank you so much. Bro. I'm jogging my head. I'm just going. Hasan was like, Rayny, can you count the time for me too? Yeah?

Yeah, yeah, bitch, how you doing?

We're back?

Episode one or two.

A victory like boy that came out of human direct flip.

Oh, Queen has returned.

My god, I'm listening to Bitch to New York.

You know what I'm saying, of course, Yeah, I'm God, Ram God Rainey Oh by getting the building. You know what I'm saying, is back there men turning, Freaky Man's back there, Sam, the God is back.

There are the dudes in the crib playing with his meat. You know what I'm saying. And you know who's buying the decks, good Son and Si.

Yeah, we're back, fucking God damn it. One or two.

Let me ask you what are we doing in Dallas?



This is this is what I'm saying.

You know, I mean, we we elevated, Bro, this like so we couldn't we couldn't have got here without you.

So Bro, first time I got you to thank yeah, don't even know. I'm bad from this bitch oh ship. When I was fourteen, fourteen.

Papers you went to the school office, you know, let me get my working papers and my fighting pros list.

Bell got jail paperwork from Dallas. She got order.

This is a merchant.

I'm over. Heare mad? Quiet?

What it bro What are the servants? Walk over?

And that's that's that faverage?

Right y, you come quick, you're come up? Question from home familiar.

We missed the y'all mis back for a week.

But that week feel like it like it was a dream because I was gone for two. I left for one and then I left for two again, so it feels like I was gone for four weeks and then you'll visited me in my dreams and then we visited.

We were just.

You know, yeah, yo, this is this is so this is so necessary.

Because everybody was just like yo.

Yo, yeah yo, Cashcow based school and everything they can winter.

They were like, oh my god, the memager what else I told you?

When we we got to hang out the other day, we did an interview with a mess You guys will see that it's.

International women's you know what I'm saying.

That's what I love, we love thoughts and horse on this time.

Yeah, we gotta yeah, having children and ship.

I gotta beat them. You gotta bring up old ship.

That's crazy, nah, but I forgot what I was saying. Bro. They dead pressed me.

That's crazy that bro came. I was just like, yo, come on yo.

They got my picture back there, bro, And it was when I had a perm so it was a fund up.

That's oh my god. Yo.

You know they got they got Liz Scott in the back over there like that.

Y'all need to see this pick yo, can you send that? I'm gonna see Liz Scott talking about let's to cross back.

For too long, we've been over there and freezing dick off.

No, damn paradise, bro, dr is not paradise where you don't go for vacation. I was over there with the nine days for a burial, saying himself had me by my fucking ponytail.

Yeah, it just happened to be warm.

But I was losing my fucking mind out there, bro, I was. I was getting so used. I'm used to being waking up by police sirens, crackhead running back and what the fuck I get it. I'm not used to the fucking d yours bro.

Waking me up. So I dealt with it right.

But closer to the end, which is why I needed to come back, I started to lose my fucking mind.

I said, oh, y'are not gonna let me sleep? Watch this.

I waited until they all went into the tree to fall asleep, and I started blasting Grizzly. Not only was I blasting the fun out of Tea Grizzly, I was rapping to them bitches.

At the top of my life. This is when there was one point where I'm like, Yo, maybe I'm not okay, Maybe I need to go home.

I need to go home and just killing yeah, yeah, and get because why why am I wrapping Tea Grizzly to a bunch of fun It's like a group of ten.

And they all that asked. What made me really think.

About it is that they're looking at me like I'm fucking ridiculous.

And you don't know, yo, And you don't know if they feeling it or not, because they don't go like this anyway, you know what I'm saying. They're like, I'm a light in my head.

Any all creatures are white business man.

It doesn't matter if it's a Dominican god you oh this tea grizzly follow all.

Yeah, this is fantastic. I like it. Yo.

So you had to come home, so you're to the gados that you consented to.

Around. Yeah, it's like.

Now I'm glad to be home. I'm glad to be back, glad to be here.

It's you had to come back. I mean, lokid.

You know if we did this whole month and you only appeared like once or twice during Women's month, Yeah, that's what it is.


I have to be here for you guys to disrespect.

Your Yeah, yeah, precisely.

Yeah, damn, I didn't think about.

It like that.

It only matters the month of March, you know what I mean, and looks offer most of it.

Yeah, we got a few days left.

You know what. It's probably better because it was like a vacation.

It was like you ain't got to deal with you know what I mean, You ain't got to deal with with two with to screaming gudios, to deal.

With forty of them, not only the forty chickens in the yard, I also got to deal with my entire family.

All out that or did it work or did or did the chickens just start singing t grizzly back.

Like I was ridiculous. I ain't never seen this before. I never heard this language.

To hell. Really, yo, musch, you'll be quiet, but I'll try to sleep in this tree.

It did not work. I think they got mad.

They got mad. They over became Assan Campbell. You'll worried about to sleep for ship, Yo, turn that teams off. I don't wrock with none of that. All I did for y'all pregnant in his head every time I woke y'all up, do all ready for work? Don't ask me for nothing? What a mess?

The flex star? Where was he?

You know what I'm saying? Man, Every rooster got Hassan Cambell and.

Him something somehow.

What's been going on since I've been gone?

A lot of ship man? Fucking uh.

Somebody on the internet said that Sabrina Carpenter is sexually red for white people.

Yeah, you know what I'm saying, because you know it's women's one. So what better time they cannot have fun at all than the month of March.

Come on, I saw that it was coming at her because she was she was throwing a little bit of ass.

I was doing a little bit taken, a little bit of a little hyper hypothetically.

It was a performance, guys, a little never heard nobody she was. She was doing a little Pablo.

That's not that bad up.

And she's mad little too. When you're mad little, it's like it's like stature.

Yeah, you know what I'm saying. When you like short, I mean like age wise, freakery is stored.

In the frame.

That's why taller women be real, you know what I mean, they be mad normal. You know, Sabrina like five, Sabrina like five. It's a lot of freak, you know what I mean.

It gets it's like it's a concentrated.

You know, when you buy the ship that comes in like a two, it's ultra concentrated because it's small.

Yeah, well you buy that big gallon ship. It's just like you could just drink that ship up.

That Short women are whores because of their.

You see that makes sense, you see you see how I said, I don't understand why you got to look at one woman always and it's always depending on whoever's either on the stage or in the room.

And you're you know what we're gonna zone in on this one.

Yeah, this is this is going to be the representative of all women, and she has to be like, why would you do that in front of.

Why would you do that? In front of kids?

Why would you? Why would you? Why would you do any of this in front of the world. Aren't you a grown adult woman? But it's like, bro, why you can't let vits live?

Also, why we.

Can't just exist in one And it's Sabrina Carpenter on stage fake yeah, iled, yes, that was the thing. But it's like, why can't she just be doing that on stage and getting eye fold for the performance? Why does it have to be like, yo, you see, this is why I never want to have a daughter, because they're gonna be fucking whoores. Like they put the entire women, like the our entire fucking thing of women into one person. And it's like, oh, look at what you're teaching the girls. Look at what you're teaching other women. And it's like, bro, why do you think we're looking at Sabrina Carpenter for like life advice?

Like, Bro, she's singing and she's doing the dancing performance. Let her do that. I'm not asking her to read a book to the children. I don't need her to do anything else.

Is different.

I like to me, when you're on stage anything, you can do whatever the fuck you want, you know what I'm saying, Like within reason, you know what I mean.

Like Janit text, you used to bring motherfuckers on stage and play what they meet. You know what I'm saying.

Time up, Romeo Santos.

You know what I'm saying, Bring short these on stage.

You know all that. Sobrina covers do a thing. You know what I'm saying. You know, they do a thing.

You know, let's sexy, red be sexy. You know I'm I'm like, I sound like I'm not convincing to convince myself, you.

Know it is.

It's just that I like for me, it's like, yo, you got to allow people to do what they want, you know, and if that's what you want to do, now you also get to decide what you want. If you don't want your children watching a Sabrina or a sexy concert, guess.

What remove that? No but the ticket?

But yeah, they are they are not parents like Sabrina. If I'm not mistaken, she's not a mom. She's even her music is about sex. It's about adult shit. You just make it sound like different, but that's what it's about.

So she's not trying. She's not trying to to to raise your children.

That's crazy. But she's just like, let me teach them to two girls, and she getting I also, let's keep the same energy across the board.


That's like, okay, here's it. Because here's the thing with me.

This is probably going to be a very old and obscure reference to a lot of people. But Doctor Dre has a song called explosive. Oh yeah, if Nate corrupt, and I believe it's corrupt, whose verse goes a little something like, don't tease, strip tease, eat a bowl of these gobble of Yeah, I forgot to eat it and shut the fuck up camp slap backwards and left stranded, just popped my collar.

Pimp convention holds for a dollar. No one had anything to fucking say.

What about childress?

What about the children? Nate dog? Won't you think of the children? Like this?

This, this, this argument only ever gets leveled at women. That's the ship, that's that's the ship that pissed me off.

Bro. It's like, where was all that energy for pimp Convention? Holds for a dollar.

Crazy, it's crazy to be fair, the nigga's name is corrupt.

I'm just like, I'm like, yeah, if I'm looking to a catalogation to play for my kids, corrupt with a.

Keke you know. But I'm saying, like, let's keep the same energy. So like, it's not.

As a father, you also as a father, it's my job to monitor what my kids cancer.


I never once in my life will I blame a YouTube, like like, my kids are super into YouTube right now.

Never once in my life will I blame the YouTube. This is case. Yeah, Like, bro, like this is Phantom's fault.

No, it's your job, somebody says some weird ship for it's your job as a parent to go, hey, I don't want you watching this because x Y and z H.

Don't fucking blame Sabrina Carpenter for want and to have fun on stage. That's true, you know what I mean.

And Samina is a perfect example because my daughter loves Sabrina Carpenter. We listen to fucking anything Vaca and the car whatever. That's cool, but that's it.

It ends there.

You're not watching her get ipld on stage. You know what I'm saying because you're seven years old, and you're gonna ask me what that is, and then I'm gonna have to explain it to you because I don't have a filter. And then I'm gonna realize I'm explaining a sex position to a seven old and I'm like, this is this is wrong?

Yeah, yeah, you know what I'm saying.

So we're just gonna keep it to the dunkin Donuts coffee that she did shout up to her direct to consumer. Very smart young woman, you know what I'm saying. And the music that's it Brown Sugar Espress So and the song you.

You know what.

I've noticed that works though with kids if you just play the censor version, some ship still gets through.

But if you don't mention it.

Yeah, they don't know what is going on.

I remember, bro, when I was a kid, I was listening to Little Kim. I was listening Oh damn, yeah, yeah, what you mean, hold on listen?

I know you seven. I was listening to.

How many licks does it take to get to the center of the I heard her say she could make a sprike can't disappear, she said fast, Why is she doing that?

She could take her time as a child. If you don't understand the lyrics that.

Time, you're right, yo, because my kids be telling each other suck my dick, and then my when my now nine year old was seven, he started saying that ship and that is a very bronx cloak.

You know something I did funk out of here.

Yeah, so he started saying that ship and I'm just like, bro, what does that mean?

He was like, the hands folded is crazy. I've never seen Merril do that ever in my life. Because I was like, Yo, you keep saying something, what does that mean?

Yeah, what's the dick?


I don't know what you say?

You know what I'm saying, like, yeah, allegedly.

I'm pump fake.

I'm waiting for the.

Day that they're like, Yo, you lying ahead, nigga, because I'm be pumped faking like a bitch.

Bro, Like I never doing it.

I'm like, bro, it's a it's a it's a reflex from watching your dad. That's what it is.

Like, I checked this sway every time though.

Li Pops never hit me.

You never hit none of the girls he did hit and he wants of course he didn't naiel on the rights. That's one thing one time, because you know, speaking of censorship, we got called watching Martin Pops. We love Martin bro, but we he didn't want us watching because sometimes they would have sexual references, but.

We like, we don't catch them because we don't know. And now I watch Martin and I'm like, because we would.

We would sneak watch it and then we would wait for his card to pull up and then we would turn it off, but like fucking dragon tails and he will come in and he'll just be looking around like, yeah, we were breaking rooms, but he monitored that and we just hit it. But again, we didn't catch noneother references because we were kids. We didn't know when none of that shit meant. Now I'm watching, I'm like, oh, I get it, But that don't make it like it just doesn't you know.

I feel like they used to kind of like back in the day, like they used to kind of like hide ship a little bit better, you know what I'm saying, Like you're talking about explosive, Like that's for me, that's I'm I'm washed.

So that's an in the building, you know what I'm saying.

So to me, that's kind of recent.

I'm thinking about like more like nineties where it was just like they would they would talk about sex and all that type of shit, but it was like kind of talk around it until Kim.

Until Kim Kim, I was like, I used to be scared of the day.

Now that's what the women scause. See I've been Dud's been rapping about pushing.

Oh yeah, this other ship, there's the I like, this is the ship.

Don't make it when I say I'm talking about like Rick James and ship.

Bro, because it has a student of the game Bro.

How can you see Sabrina Carpenter genuinely having fun, centering herself and her pleasure and think that that's somehow worse than itches ain't ship.

But oh the tricks and what's done.

It's it's ridiculous.

It's it's fucking ridiculous, And like I know, it's just women can't catch a break, man, fucking Sabrina. Sabrina Carpenter getting getting bullied for having fun forever twenty one bankrupt, Like we're losing recipes.

Where are you gonna get your leggings from now?


Likes yo fashion Ova, got a fashion over, got a monopoly on the bitches.

Was a vibe bro.

It was like a thing you will go to forever twenty one and American apparel and steal. Yes, it was beautiful white man and like spring.

Beautiful white Yo.

That star used to I used to walk back to this stng and be like, Yo, what is going on in there?

Because why is it like a fucking coffee shop at like a fucking New Yorkan poets cafe at fucking midnight?

You know what it is.

I'm gonna tell y'all, yo, forever twenty one, I'm gonna tell you'all where yall went wrong.


Y'all would make the cutest little top right, the cutest little top of, like a little star or something on the chest right, and then I would funk it all up by on the back riding.

I hate Tuesdays or something. Yes, rules you would not have to do that. It was fine with the graphic on the front. It was a cute little purpose. I would have bought that ship. You got to funk it all up.

They also started doing the motherfucking where they where they would have like artists like Tupac.

They started white girl versions.

Yeah, tangy with holes in it on purpose?

Yeah, weathereds just weather none of my clothes look weathered.

Yeah. No, I'll go on deepop for all that. Bro, Like, we're not doing that.

Yeah, I know that some white some white girls just morning. That's how it was when yellow rab bicycles.


I want that what they're doing? Did they did they rebred?

Did they do?




Come come home baby, Yo?

You know what I just found out was still around? Skull candy what Yeah? Yeah, I've seen that ship, you know. In another thing that I forgot was still around. I saw a pair of skull candies in a PC Richards. That was the most two thousand and seven sentence I think I said.

The Richard was bro listen, I was. It was sidewalks, shorty.

We was returning to TV and we forgot the remote and I immediately hit the Dominican dad though.

Knocked. I was like no, no, bother saying no, no, come come hand there. Yeah. I just I just walked over to the appliances, bro.

Like, I started looking at vacuum cleaners and I'm like, I'm like, yo, does this come with a remote?


All right, but I like this, this is this one. It's nice.

Remotes for fucking yo, Yo, stop doing this Yo, Stop making remote controls for fans for everything, for everything, bro, please stop, please, because it's used to be on the wall and I would just go and then the fan will go on and that's it and then we're done and now everything is cool.

You cool? You cool?

I'm cool.

There's a nice breeze, no nigga. Now I gotta go look for the ship. Open the drawer, hit six buttons, put the settings.

I should not have to sign into my vacuum clean? What the fuck?

Why do I need to step gratifications for a fucking warming?

Do I should not have to make an account to use my dicon? Come on?

What are we doing?


Controls for everything?

It's like, bro, we already have we already have an issue with the TV one all right? That one is already getting lost all over the place.

Why do you get smaller? Yo?

I bought a stupid as little fucking moon just for the room, just to set it up. It changes colors. Why did actually come with a remote? Shouldn't just have an on and on button like you bitches? Is doing too much, too much, And that's why the world, that's why I see it. I see the midigan Mama blame everything.

Like, so, what's d R like a breath of fresh air in that sense that like you because like I feel like there's like a tech.

Overload over here, like in the States, whereas like over there, they kind of they still like they're a little.

Yeah, people don't don't be It's not too much of that at least where I'm at, Like I'm I'm in now, so I'm in.

You know, they still they still.

Yeah, they put the one, They still regular, they still do all of that, but they one thing I did like about DR that it always centers me is the community. Yeah, And like, bro, you could be in a different hood and a completely different city and everybody who walks past you is your neighbor.

Everybody says hi, everybody's like everybody. There's just such a beautiful thing when you know that you can count on the people who live around you. And you could see that everywhere in DR.

I got back to New York and I'm just now I'm getting used to people just walking past it because I'm so.

Used to be.

It's hot today, like you know, just just a regular banter that I'm not used to because I was raised in New York and you raised to think that everybody's a black head and look and you're not supposed to talk to them. You're not supposed to you know, like in New York, you know, we'd be raised, especially you're a girl. It's like they teach you how to defend yourself. You don't look at people, you don't you know, like if somebody does come up to you, you got to defend yourself.

So exactly, so everybody you come across, it's kind of like you have.

That guard up, and in dr that guard is always removed because it's like, oh yeah yeah. Another thing is that in full out where we live, that's where my entire family was raised.

So that entire fucking strip is my family. Try to go on a little smoke sucking walk. Nobody in my family to know I smoked.

We all of a sudden you're here.

They only do that if you broke you Once I'm in the r I'm looking at my family. I'm like, yo, hold on.


We handling all this ship. I don't give about.

I see y'all do all kinds of ship, all kinds of ship that I would absolutely never like be broke.

And exactly like.

People who do know I know somebody with a choke out there, That's what I'm saying. Like I see them do all other kinds of drugs, I also.

See them be terrible people.

So when I'm being a good person and I'm also providing financially, let me smoke my motherfucking joint. So I was walking down the strip thinking I didn't know nobody because I left my family's house. Bro I ran into six different other family members that I don't know. Yeah, and I'm not that no, But at that point, i was already two weeks into dr and I'm like, yeah, literally, I'm just like, yo, there's there's nothing you can you can put on me.

Oh yet I'm beach. Okay, do you see me asking you for money?


I asked you to pay for my weed. You ever see me smoking weed? You ever seen me acting out of order?


Am I in control of all of this ship? Pussy?


Am I not the one delegating all of this? If I can't have my little joint, You're gonna see who you wake up too?


Wait, hold on, hold on, So are you conceding the point that Merrow should be able to do whatever he.

Wants in his household because he bought it and he pays the bills. Is that what we're saying? Women's history month?

Man had offul.

I'm like, I'm like evil, I'm like, hold on list.

Second of all, yes, but because you married, and I'm not all right, you gotta you know, you got some leeway. You sure, you gotta know what to do, especially if she taking care of them as Yo.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

You're right a lot a lot of different.

You know who I'm talking to you.

They're gonna grow up, They're gonna grow up, sign and sign a deal with Network.

Surviving, They're gonna makes Surviving.

Surviving. The dad married, Yo, and the princess.

It's just like the fire Frincet document.


I was like, listen, man, yeah, we had to get water.

We had to I'd rather be that bro.

I'd rather your kids do a documentary on you and not somebody else.

He was.

He used to smoke so much weed.

That was crazy.

It's insane rather do that.

It's just it was just those fucking fish.

And he would always bring ready in the spell and he would just told him to stay in the pool.

It was so weird, so strange, so strange time.

Man. He would walk them in.

The guest house. I don't even know we had a guest house. He made them slip in her bed.

I was like, you know what, whoa whoa.

So speaking of children, I'm curious, like how did you uh did you name your children yourself or did you have like a family member name them.


So it was like, I was like, yo, I need all these kids to have names that my family can say, you know what I'm saying.

So I did not think of that.

Yeah, I was like, Yo, we're not naming any of these.

Kids the name Walker, Yeah yeah, or like Parker yeh fucking Apple.

You know what I'm saying. Yeah, you know what I'm.

Saying, We're not imagine Dominican uncle and.


Yeah, Pop doesn't even try Doddy, Daddy man. And I'm like, it's we're not We're.

Not crime Mom, dad, Godric, Daddy, Giffy, Naddy, Naddy man.


I say that.

Because and then what what.

I say that?

Because Mark Mark Zuckerberg tried to get cheese and thin the Minister of the name of his kid and he said, funk out of here child.

He said that is yeah, yeah, he did the councilman.

He said, nigga, what Yeah, he.

Was like, hold on, I'm more confused as to why he would ask him that.

You know what, he's trying to get it. He's trying to get it good.

Like he's a dick guy.

Also shout out to freaking men his wife is Chinese, has a little bit.

To do to get a life and stop looking for culture through his wife.

That's right, look at it, bro, looking for legal purposes. That was a joke, you know what I mean? Yeah, it was like this Chinese is.

Crazy, Like yo, yo, you know what I'm saying. You wouldn't know my son.


That's that's so.

Close, Like, hey yo, you Chinese, Chinese, my seed Chinese.

Yeah you feel me?

Like he reminds me other people who will take pictures with like with celebrities in the club and be like, yeah, were working, we work.

Yeah yeah, yeah yeah, y'all get only building with the bro.

You're not in the studios doing and they're just like with the yeah yeah, it's like with the bro.

You active with the bros.

I didn't even know you took that photo. We do not rocks like that. I will yeah, I don't know you at all.

If you died right now, my life wouldn't change no one, not at all. So while you're not with the bros, actually we never met. What the fuck are you talking to me right now?

The bros is crazy point of niggas, Like, bro, remember like he want the bottles, yo, my favorite ship.


We followed the whole girl.

We all did this, Bro, we all did this.

Everybody took turns taking pictures with the bottom one, the one that we can't agree how to split, by the way, we cannot agree on now your hold on, but put in the most.

Chill chill chill you don't even drink, Greg Goose like that.

Oh that's crazy, bro, because it was literally your list.

Tell him, bro, he had two of them ships that he put the ship in, the crabbery ship, trying to trying to f like it's.

Your birthday of liter like.

Ligity, like didn't you miss this? I did you miss getting flanked by two hours? I really did?

Oh my god, ye ridiculous.

I'm never I've never shared a bottle with you though, I've never been in the club and been like, yo, I'm taking you.

Will we ever be?

But we can't ever again because then you'll awaken forbidden Rainy.

O yan Raindy.

Oh yeah, about.

Ten point five percent alcohol by volume.

Raining Rainy hit me with the day after once we hung out. He was like, Yo, Liz tell Iris want to text me because she didn't like. I told her to text me when she got home, but she never did, and I don't think I saved her number, like she mat who sent me her number?

I'm like, all right, bro, are you trying to suck my sister?

Well, let's not know, but I'm just saying, you know you said if you fuck my sister, I'm gonna be so mad, like I don't want no what I I.

Go to Iris cripping on each other and she's like, she shows me a text message that Rainie sent her. I'm like, this motherfucker was so fried. He didn't even realize he had text hers at her Selfie I was he was time and by Rainy and hope he comes out because he only gonna do it once every every thirty every thirty four, not every blood moon.

That's what that's when every Harvest movie, that's when I come out. That's when I pop out.


You can't like, you can't, Yo, you could have sent me on a drill that night would be out. I did look yeah, like he was.

He was super into he did. He did the photos the whole night. Yeah, last child, YO, shout out to my la last child.


He held down the photo the video for.

That whole night and then like he he saw that I was fried and like made he not only made sure I got home safe. He we stopped on broad We stopped on Tremont at one seventy nine in front of him, in front of what used to be the Walgreens that is now a tagged up wall with the gates down permanently.

At four thirty in the morning.

He was like, Okay, I'm gonna play your song at twice the speed, so when I slow it down.

It'll be normal speed, but it'll still be slow motion. And I said what and I said and I said, Bro, that idea sounds fucking crowd was a yeah that is we bro. We shot that shit in like fifteen minutes.

Everybody that walked by I was like, yo, just very slow, very slow reactions, and it was a it was fun though, it was fun, but yeah, no, no, y M Rainey cannot pop out that often. Yeah, it's dangerous work. We must keep him, we must keep him locked away.

Wait till we're going to him, bro, Yo, I need the fans help.


I'm trying to get Victory Light to d R. I'm trying to get the gang and I'm to shoot an episode in DR.

Come on, we don't I tell you we do that. We want time about life. We know the time of our fucking life. If we do that, ship bro, so.

Do yo blog and all that. Yeah, yeah, like that'd be so cool.

No, no, you know yeah, like yeah, we bring flat, we bring the the Indian guy who runs SI Cheese, We bring U t TV the whole night everyone. Media take out, yeah take.

You know, wasn't mean to take out the first people of post Kanye's meat.

Hold on, why do you remember that?


Oh? You know what it was before we were talking about Kanye crashing out, which he continue to do.

We're never gonna go there.

Because it's not even funny anymore. Those those dots is connected in my brain. Media takeout being like, Yo, it's Kanye's.

Meat, and I feel like they used to do it.

Was it them?

Is it them?

Or boss?

That all the headlines had like a rhyme like a literation.

Far he's slinging sausage or whatever, like, Bro, come on dog, like who wrote this?

Yeah? Yeah, yeah yeah did YABOOKI write these heads? Yo? Jabuki's good man slide through? Bro, you know what I'm saying?

Or as you are, also affectionately known the official CIA Twitter account.

They you remember when they banned his.

Ship five times? Here's the damn No, this is why we need men. Bro got terrified. I'm saying it's verified in real life. Yeah, they got a blue check in real life. Yeah yeah, blue still black nineteen Yeah, yo, Liz Liz, come on, bro, you gotta talk to us man like we missed you, baby.

You know what I'm saying. We needed your energy over here.

I was coming to set scared, bro, wow, because because I feel I feel like we're we we We're like venom, Like we're like a symbio. I feel like, if it's not all of us, then I'm like, oh funk, what.

Do I do?


Yeah, I get what you mean, because I remember when you went to Japan.

I was, I was.

I remember what the first day I said. Bro, it's looking a little spooky, like I'm just so used to with us three being there that when one person is not there, it's you know, it's a little in balanced.

Yeah, but DR was dr was insane.

You know.

I had to go bury my grandmother. So that was really really tough. But I got to spend time with my family. I got to be there for my mom and my aunt's I got to I became a godmother again.


Yeah, so a lot a lot of like it was a lot of.

Turmoil, you know, because she passed away, but also we had a lot of good moments like and I thank her for that too, because my whole family wouldn't have been out there if we would we were you know, I had my best friend come out there with me, Tossy. I wanted to talk about this because I think it's cool that he grew up with me. You know.

So he he's a Muslim from Bangladesh and he like literally grew up with my family. Bro family parties.

They don't understand English or Spanish, but they would still communicate. I don't know how, but he would talk to my grandfather and my grandfather they knew they would smoke the guards together. Like so same thing with my mom. He wanted to come with me to go bury her, but it was right at the beginning of Ramadan. Oh, so he had to switch out his entire schedule of fasting. And then he also just went and attended Mass and did all of these things with us that usually you never see because we're from two completely different religions, two opposite sides of the world. But having his support there Bro just really showed friendship, and it showed the beauty of like having people when you're grown, Like when you're a kid and you grow up with these people, you get to kind of see like different chapters of each other's lives. And I think it's really fucking cool to have friends that long in life where you're just like, oh shit, Like we used to sit on this on the stoop as fourteen year olds talk shit about the hypocrisy and our religions, the things that we didn't like about our parents, so you know, all this other shit about just growing up and fulfilling our dreams. Now where like I'm doing the show, I've gotten my book. This dude is running different halls now, like he has his own properties. He's in a beautiful, healthy ass relationship that something that he's struggled with most of his life, so to see us like in full form, like, yo, this is us as adults now.

That shit is beautiful.


And I think that we don't focus a lot on friendships and the beauty of just having people next to you, like you know, like we either focus on family or relationships and relationships. I mean either your husband, your wife, your girlfriend, you know, yeah, romantic relationships, but I think platonic relationships and you having people who are.

In your corner is so important, bro, And I want everybody to have that.

Yeah, Bro, I say this shit all the time. I don't trust nobody that's our age that doesn't have a ten plus year friend yeah at least, like yeah, that's crazy, Like.

Yeah, unless you go from Sweden or something that's.

Different, but still you still have at least a ten year friendship over there over there yet somebody I know some people who like they alternate friend groups every.

Two years, a couple of years.

Yeah, it was like, I'm sorry, I can't I can't trust that. I can't trust that not one person can vouch for you growing up. So what the fuck was you doing when from thirty to fifteen.

It's like a resume, Yeah, what was you doing?

From fifty that is that gay you was in jail, nobody never seen exactly, Like it's like Dominican eleven from Stranger Things like ain't nobody seen you before the age of twelve?

Bro, Like yeah, what are you doing?

I need to know you got even if it's just your relationship, it's your wife or your husband whatever, to know that you have held down a friendship or a relationship of any source for a really long amount of time. That's important because guess what we are now adults, and that's what you needed. If you are in a long relationship, that means you have some sort of emotional intelligence or conflict resolution.

To me, that part, that's what I was about to say, Like when I see somebody that it's like yo, y'all been friends for ten to fifteen years, twenty years? That means fail, no human beings interact with each other for that amount of time and don't have like an exacts of opinion or I'm.

Yeah coming out and then being like yo, like you know what, what, bro, Like fuck that and you mean too much to me to exactly to let this get between us. But like her spots like her spots, like you know, my my squad, my conglomerate.

For those of you that don't know, like half.

Of us have been locked in that long, you know what I mean, there's like there's people, there's and I don't know. I just as far as her sports like a business thing, like a media thing, I would not go into business or any sort of negotiations, bring anything to a table with people that I haven't known that.

Long, unless it's y'all you know what I'm saying, Because it's like that is that ship.

That shit is the foundation of ye of everything. It's like, you know, I need to know that I can. It's like how you say with Victor all the time, like yo me, like you and him be getting it like not funk out of here, like like you need somebody that you could be not perfect with exactly.

You know, you said it so beautifully.

I think that like for for me at least, that was always the main thing, Like with most of my my friendships, which they have thank God.

The people that I've known the longer so are the people that I've like, yeah, those people.

It's not that we are perfect, bro, we begin like we have gotten into it because guess what, we grew up together.

We were teenagers. We were not emotionally intelligent, we.

Were not perfect. We were doing dumb things, and we did things to offend each other. We did things to disrespect each other. And I remember sitting down with Jody and she's one of my best friends, tossy and and losiness, and I remember saying, Yo.


Happens, we need to be stable, meaning you know that I will never do anything to you out of malice. And this is a priority in my life, Like our friendship is a priority in my life. So if that means that sometimes we need to sit down and have a conversation. Sometimes we need to discuss. Sometimes I will need to apologize, sometimes you will need to apologize, like just to have that ego list based of like, yo, we thats just want to enjoy our lives together. We just want to have a good time. But sometimes unfortunately we offend each other. We do things, we step over each other to each other's toes. But nothing can nothing cannot be fixed without like a conversation.

Yeah, yeah, conflict conflicts, Yeah thing. Men are not taught that especially, and it's because it's because like I think, you know, women are taught to center men in every aspect of their fun in lives. So like, uh, you know, conflict resolution comes easier to women because they are conditioned to like do that, whereas men are just like yo, as long as you get into the bread, you find you a nice girl that's canned, do your laundry and cook for you, and be your mom.

And be your mom. That's crazy and you good and so what fun?

What anybody got to say? And like that shit doesn't work. It doesn't fucking work.

Not in romantic relationships, not in platonic relationships.

Like you gotta have some type of you know what I mean, you gotta you gotta have room for you gotta have room to be wrong, but you gotta have room also, like I don't know, I think if you really wrong, if I think, if you really care about somebody, you gonna like you're gonna make space for them to be not perfect, all right, especially in a media landscape through where anybody. That's another reason I don't trust my fuckers that don't got that ten year plus locked in relationship with somebody, because anybody could get.

Online and say anything. You need at least one person be like.

He was nine, Like no, like that's not what we're doing just yo, you're just in a you just in a shrunk ting by yourself if you if you ain't got that type of you know what I mean?

That's how we support.

I remember saying some ship on the fine and fucking somebody in the comments on YouTube was like that niggas lying like he ain't doing all that, and one of my homegirls jumped in right under.

He's like, yo, I was there.

He did that show allegedly. I've seen him spray the fire singers. Bro, you think you think? Like Bro, how do you think of these things? Bro?

Because the average like the average person that I grew up with, that's very similar to like I feel like culturally like you're a decade over me, but we're not that far off, like because it was always like yo, he said this that we're gonna go to his lock and we're gonna see about it, right, but you like this you His comedy brain is just like yeah, he's like yo, nah, he said what fun that, Yo, were gonna go to his block? Yeah, we're gonna see about it. Yeah, and we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna let him know. Yeah, what we're gonna do to a marrow. I'm gonna spray his ass with this fire ship.

Is embarrassing. YEAHA walk home with.

Look crazy.

Everybody like, yo, what hell have?


That's worse up because you're losing a fade.

There's nothing walking home with tall blocks, walking talk blocks with flame returning, phone leaking off.

Of it, room, everybody and everybody got to see it. You're literally walking home and guess what in six months, they're gonna see.

Yo, yo yo, they go pham alone, they come over, they come on with yo big smoke.

Yeah, he was just talking about that off camera.

Dominicans will take the worst fucking thing about you and make that your nickname. I was saying that I have a cousin named Pacha. That's his nickname. Pitchaw is like popped. We just call him that because that's his name. So recently I was said, Mom, why why are we doing that? We why we call him chaw. She's like, because he got stabbed one time. When you when you lift his shirt up, he got a little hole on him and it looked like he got like he's a pop balloon?

Is he is he skinny? Yes? That just makes the lord. That makes the lord that.

I remember there's a similar thing, uh in my family, Like, uh, my step pops is from like a really small like kind of like country town. And uh, there's a guy missing a leg because he because he he worked at a he worked in a grain he worked in like a grain field or like some type of thing he worked. He worked at a place where you need a wood chipper, a lumberyard, let's say. And like I don't know how, but I guess he slipped on some mud or whatever or he was he was he was he was running like maintenance on top of it. Like he lifted the hood, do something, put the hood down, slipped, got his leg caught in the show, had to amputate from the knee down.

Had an amputate from the knee down. Soon as they get as soon as he get home, what they call him? Oh, yeah, if you wanna go ahead?

No, if you translated means one lesser leg.

Yeah, means less foot. So they call him us foot because he got one. And what are you gonna do with the whole town called? What are you gonna do? You just accepted it's a democracy? Maybe bro, you out numbered? Like whatever you look like, sound like, smelled like whatever, happened.

To you, Yo, they're gonna call you that. I don't know why this. There was a guy in my town called Now.

I don't know why that was.

His name now means calm to Vagina.

I don't know why. Maybe he looked like a fucking styles vagina.

I know this is the thing.

You gotta find out why. You can't understand When I was a kid that got slept him out.

They can't tell you because he was a kid.

It's different.

Now you gotta ask good questions.

You need to know.

I need to know what they called him.

I think I think I forgot what. Like, I think it's was like when the Dark Knight dropped in d R. Yeah, and like there was there was a guy like I feel like we grew up like in my mom's neighborhood.


His ship wasn't even crazy like that. He just had like a cleft lip, but he never got the surgery. It was like kind of like on it was just on one side. They called him how to be. Then they called him Harvey Dent two face from the Dark Knight because he had a cleft lip.

Dominicans are ruthless individuals. I don't understand. I don't understand I'm trying to like.

I'm trying to keep it to yet and like they and in some sick, fucked up way, that's like a term of endearment.

Yeah, because it's because it's like you know how like you see coming down the black.

It's because it's and you know, I think in a weird way, that's like Dominicans in their own way, trying to get you to love, claim to claim your.

Your disability or whatever it is.

You know what I mean, Because if everybody calls you something that would be offensive but affectionately, it like changes the dynamic low key like it's like you don't have to be ashamed of that part of you anymore, which is like weird, like because like nobody talks about it, but somehow Dominicans like figure this out absolutely.

And you have one eye and we called you one I WILLI.

Yeah, one I will or it.

Would be really fucked up. Depends on who you talk you know what I mean? First, Yo, Yeah, I guess it.

I think you explained it perfectly perfectly because I think because it's family and friends, it comes off as like it's like empower yea, instead of it being like a stranger, but child.

You're looking at me, bro, after fuck, I got so many of these, dude. She was at the corn Model chilling bro and I was like, yo, where can I get another doom boat? Like uh yo all through bow and he's oh.

And I was like what.

And it was just this very very dark skinned man and they just all called him because Bablo Pete is also very dark skin and I was like, yo, who, I was like this Bablo pe here. He's like no, no, I'm like, y'all just call him that, not American, don't be the Asian guy.

Yeah yeah, yeah.

Well, now the Chinese people in DR be sucking me up because they speak Dominican Spanish.

Bro, you go into a Chinese spot.

A lot of Chinese people migrated to d R, and they have their own shops, they have their own restaurants. Remember the first time I went into like a Chinese restaurant, thinking it was gonna be overhead, a little manage it. All they had was pick up yeah, and I'm I'm looking at them. I'm like probably eleven at this point, and I'm like, all right, so you know, can I have French fries and chicken in mama?

I'm like.

Ye, give me a motherfucker. Yeah yeah, Like I'm literally my brain is loading, like wait, hold on, We're not in New York, We're in DR.

What's happening? Like, what are we doing?

That's why I want us to go to DR BRO because I know that we will have so many different experiences. I know just now being in DR I said that I left two assholes and went to forty.

Now, but those are actual assholes. They all are a good time of litery, like.

Of lixury, like like I.

Was talking to me about this in the car the other day that that being in DR for such a long time kind of reminded me the different cultures and how over there they still very much like protect and goddle a dude, especially like abusers, like that's the main thing, like due to hit their women, due to alcoholics, like all of that, they still very much protect them.

And there was somebody who was.

In our vicinity that I said, Yo, we should kill him normal for me, and everybody's looking at me like, oh my god, how could you say this?

And I'm like, I can't say that.

We should beat him over the head with a broom until he doesn't breathe anymore. But he can steal from us, he can choke his wife, he can put his hands on a woman and try to kill.

Her and literally throw her down the steps, and y'all look at that like that's normal. And then it got to a point where I said, you know what, fuck all of y'all.

Like first it was just fuck him, but now it was fuck all of y'all because y'all making excuses. Yeah, y'all, y'all complete say, I'm making room for this bitch that's more important than anything. So I was like, at one point, that's why I was saying earlier in the episode, like I kind of lost respect for a lot of people because I'm like, I don't care what you respect from me, because I see what you respect. I see what you were appllause, Yeah, I see what you are like impressed by. So yeah, me and you are on two completely different pages. And I remember sitting in a room with a lot of Dominican women of different ages and the conversation that they were having. Jesus Christ, it got so bad that I got up and I said, every time I come to this country, I get dumber.

Every time I sit around you bitches, I get dumber.

I didn't bring a book, I didn't bring audio book, I didn't bring shit.

I just got to sit here and listen to you.

Was this you were saying, it's like more shocking when it's a woman.

Yes, yes, that I was saying that.

Like, I've been around dude who will say nah, like you know, they make excuses for the dudes, but I've never been around so many women that that do the same thing, but also like blame the woman. So I'm like, yeah, it's insane because i feel like here.

I'm not around that.

I'm around women who understand the structure and understand have have read, have learned about it.

But over there, and that's not what everybody. By the way, this is just one specific.

Group of women, but they completely just disregard women like they don't give a fuck about And I'm just like, how could you like you are I'm here defending your life too, not just in that, in every other aspect, there's so many things that they have to do and accept that I'm like, Yo, this is insane, And I don't like when people look at me crazy when I feel like I'm being the rational one. I don't think that people who are abusive. I don't think that if you are a terrible fucking mother, I don't think that any of those things are acceptable and you should be shunned. Yeah, I don't think that people should have like oh yeah, I know, yeah, I know you stole from like our tired family.

I know your abusive ship.

But bro, it's it's control, Like it's it's that unfortunately, like it does come back down to like religion and like using that as like a load of control for the for the for the general population, because like going back to d R, I will never get used to how Christian and how like how almost like militantly Christian and Catholic they are, and like everywhere you.

Go it's big ass billboards that like that and that ship that shit freaky as hell to me because I'm like and like because to me.

Like religion has only ever been used as a tool of control, Like because it's like yo, if if Lizbell telling you, oh hey, maybe don't maybe you should leave that guy, you know that means a lot less than like the Bible being like no divorce is a sin, you know what I'm saying.

So it's like that type of ship is like control. It looks like control to me. It is like no, like no, no, like you like no.

It's lesson of the day, by the way, it's it's a little dark, but we've all is a sin, sin, sin, sin under God.

So Dominicans love using that as an excuse.

It's very Yeah, it's also fished.

Strangely, but yeah, Dominicans love using that ship as an excuse.


It's definitely a culture shock, and I like that, Like I kind of leave a little bit of me every time that I go because my main thing is, like I only y'all are grown, y'all get to decide. But I have a god daughter here. I have cousins who are younger. I'm not going to raise them to be I'm not going to raise them to be like that, you know. I want to have a hand in their lives and how they grow up. But it's a culture shock, bro. And it's also a culture shock when you have like people doing this machies small patriarchy thing of like women need to be submissive and you need to shut the fuck up and you shouldn't. Like I understand, people still believe in the patriarchy, and if that works in your house, go crazy. Go crazy over there, but.

For you, no bitches.

Finally absolutely now.

But you know how there's some people who like have traditional house like they do the trad wife, they do all that, and I guess what if that works for you, that works for you, you know.

But my thing is to be in DR.

And to see how they react to women, which is very like, yo, stay in your fucking place, don't care about your opinions, don't care about nothing, and then they are so fucking broke that shit.

It's crazy.

It's absolutely insane to me that I have to be the nurturer, which I was like the nurturer taking care of my grandmother, being in the hospital for thirteen fourteen hours, doing all of these things, and then once I leave the hospital, I also have to go to the bank, pay the bills, put gas in your car, feed you, put money, put.

Food in your children's mouth because you can't do that.

But then you're gonna turn around and tell me that I'm the stupid person, that we are the lesser gender, that women here need to learn how to respect respect what.

Yeah, like, who are you like? That's what yo?

I spent four weeks in d R saying, yo, who the fuck are you talking to in Spanish like conking like conkin.

Bro, that's that's my brother shirt you were from five years ago.

Yeah, yeah, it's like it's it's just your life with these blue life is crazy.

But not even because I will never throw things like that in their faces. I'm just saying.

I would, I would never, But I'm saying in this specific moment of our lives where we have to put everything on the back burner for this lady, the specific my grandmother who has done so much for us, and to be in that position where I've seen, like my mom and her sisters, what they have gone through, and it's like, yo, the women in my life have always been nurturers and providers, like they've always played both of these parts, and to see it in real time, but to still see like the disrespect of the disrespect of like yo, this person has to watch this person clean, cook after them, bathe them, be in the hospital, come home. Also now feed you, like, clean up after all of y'all that have been here, Cook for you guys now that we're here, cook for the children that have been.

Waiting, and all of this. And not only do we have to do all of that, we also have to pay for all of it too.

Yeah, So I'm telling you.

I was in Was I was like, yo, I gotta get out of here. Andy was like, yo, is it's time.

I'm sure it's a fucking exhaust thing, bro, because you because like you, you know, you're not gonna just let ship slide.

But at the same time, you're not gonna like it's like you can't let your slide.

But at the same time, you're not gonna undo two hundred years of patriot misogyny and crystal fucking fascism by yourself.

That's not and it's not gonna happen overnight.

That all that ship you just described takes a great deal of patience and like it's it's fucked up because like you being a woman, like they it's like they take you like less serious than like if yeah, was doing it, which is like also, yeah, the fucking problem, Like yeah, it's like you almost need Andy next to you, just so that these like these these older men who are stuck in their ways and women too, like you said, actually yeah, and like no, I guess.

But it's true because even when Andy was out there, when he finds when he came out there like they treat him so differently. They treat him so differently, and Andy when he's there, it's yeah, and I feel like it's just it's just insane. And I'm glad that Tassi was also there to see, like he was able to witness a lot of the things that sometimes when I'm there by myself, I'm like, yo, am I bugget? Sometimes I'll be bugging. Sometimes I do be bugging. Nobody got to tell me. But actually I think I'm not bugging, but maybe I am. So to be there in real time and have them also like Andy's watching, Andy's reacting like and they're just like, I'm seeing what the fuck you're talking about?

Bro, It's insane, but it taught me a lot.

It's also it also is it's it's a very beautiful thing too, Like I I think about it like this, Like my grandmother and just to wrap because she lived such a long life.

She was eighty nine, and her thing was always have a fun life. Yeah, that's what she always occurs.

Like when I was younger, she used to say, like, yo, if you don't want to have kids right now, don't feel pressured to do that.

Because my grandmother was bro her, wasn't. They had an arranged marriage, like they were both sixteen.

Their parents knew each other, so they come from that time. And she when my grandmother was born, bro, women didn't even have rights to own a credit card. You couldn't own a credit card when she was born. So she came here and she saw all of the opportunity and the things that were that were happening here shout out to the black panthers, but all of the progression that was happening here. And she was like, yo, I want you to capitalize on for this, like I want you to have a good time. I want you to enjoy yourself. Don't feel tr now that you don't have children, travel like when you don't have these responsibilities, have a good time.

And because she instilled that shit into.

Me so young, I always reach for my dreams like no matter what, because I was like, what I'm gonna do, not do it, and this lady has been through so much like I have to do it. So now it's like I can go to a place to d like dr I can take off two weeks from work, thank you guys, I can I can do that and still be able to be present financially and take care of the things that need to be taken care of. And like, if you think about it, those are my grandmother's fucking wildest dream.

And like you can come back and pick up right where you left off, baby.

Yeah, and and and we home man. Grandma used to call it. My grandma said, like yeah, she called everything our project. So like everything moving forward, everything you will always be blessed, You will always have good things come to you. And all of this are like things that she wanted for us. Beautiful right, So yeah, we up here we talking ship. We were joking and we call we you know, we do all kinds of crazy ship on Victory life. But you really think about it, bro, we came from three immigrant parents.

And we're really doing this ship.


Yeah yeah, three yeah, three yeah three because no three because my dad wasn't around.

No, this is why.

But like, yo, speaking of speaking of which, you ever noticed that like a lot of when I I I grew up, I grew.

Up with what is it, miss mall?

Are you.

Uncomfortable? Do you feel good?

Your mothers?

We're so fucking.

It's not important. It's want money off, Brady.

That's at least guys, one small victory everywhere fun whatever.

This episode one on two, that's twitch again. You know what I'm saying, I lose that out of thought that baby. You know what I'm saying, I'm so whatever the funk, it don't matter.

And I'm saying, we hear at bb q's that was hues, but we're not in Dallas with the New York City bitch. You know what I'm saying, it's list with a those these it's Rainio miya issue boy came murdering people during that flap. It's Victor, it's men training, goddamn it, people easy in the middle of Hassam and saying that's not how you say it. It's the sun, insane an trade, the faky man, goddamn it.

He's in the woods in Central Park.

We will see y'all next time.

Lock in hit the subscribe button if you did, All right, come to us my Manyama.

Literally like.

A luxury light light like like like


Victory Light with The Kid Mero

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