Mayorkas LIED: Explosive Cross-Examination In The Senate Judiciary Committee

Published Mar 29, 2023, 8:00 AM
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Welcome. It is verdict to a Senator Ted Cruz ben Ferguson with you, Senator, it was an unbelievable moment for you yesterday in the Senate as you were going back and forth questioning the Department of howand Security secretary my orcists, who really clearly after you went through this with him, proved he doesn't know anything that's going on at this border. Was he lying to you or do you actually believe he really doesn't know what's going on. I think he doesn't care. I think he's a political operative. I think he's willing to follow the orders of the Biden White House. I think he's perfectly fine with open borders. Not only perfectly fine, I think he've used his job as expediting and facilitating open borders, enabling illegal aliens to cross faster, maximizing the number of illegal aliens coming into this country. And I think he has no concern about the human tragedies, about the suffering that is resulting from his manifest their election of duty. I've never seen anything like it. I want to play some of the highlights for this and just some of the basic questions that you asked him dealt with basic things that this man should be able to answer. One of those was you ask him a question of is there a crisis at the border? Take a list and for everybody that missed it, this was incredible. Is there a crisis that are Southern Border Centator? There is a very that's a yes or no question. Is there a crisis? Centator? There's a very significant challenge. I think your microphone is not on. There is a very significant challenge that we are face. Yes or no? Is there a crisis? I believe I've addressed that question. So you're refusing to answer, cent there is a very significant challenge, and will you answer if there's a crisis? Therefore we are dedicating the resource. Okay, so you're refusing to answer, Well, Secretary may Orchis, I'll tell you someone who is willing to answer, which is your and President Biden's Chief of the Border Patrol. In a sworn deposition in July of twenty twenty two, when asked, would you agree, Chief Forts that the southern border is currently in crisis? Answer yes. Notice none of those wiggle words, none of that equivocation. One word, one syllable yes. Are you willing to speak with the same clarity, as Chief Orts, as there a crisis at our southern border? Yes or no? Senator, I'm very proud to work alongside. So you refuse to answer, let me ask you the next question. Has the crisis at our southern border made Americans less safe? Yes? Or no? Senator? We are dedicated to the safety. Has the crisis made Americans less safe? I don't want a discourse. It's a yes or no question. Senator, we have a challenge of you refuse to answer the questions seconds. Secretary, let me show you how someone doing his job answers a question in a straightforward matter. Chief Orts, is the crisis that is currently ongoing at the southern border making the border less safe for Americans and aliens alike? Answer? Yes, one word, one syllable, three letters. That's how someone answers a question and does their job. You're being a politician, misleading the American people. Let me give you a chance again. Will you show the same integrity, Chief Ortiz shows, is the crisis at the southern border making Americans less safe? Yes? Or no? Senator, we have two hundred sixty thousand You refuse to answer the question. Let's move on. You hear it? And it's shocking, Centator, because when you hear this, this is the guy in charge of the border and he can't even answer this basic question. And his job is not supposed to be a political operative job, right He's not supposed to be like, I'm a Democrat who's in charge of the Department of Home in Security right now, That's exactly right. What's utterly maddening is Mayorcus is a witness. He may be the worst witness I've ever seen. He will not answer a single question, doesn't matter what you ask him. You could ask him what day it is. You could ask him what time of day it is, and he will say, Senator, we want to protect America, blah blah, blah blah. He just reads his talking points and it doesn't I've never seen a witness. This was true in all of my questions. Had a ten minute round. He wouldn't answer a single question I asked the whole time. That was true of every other Senator I saw. He believes his job as a witness is stand up and just read his political spin and look. One of the things that shows is it shows a contempt not just for Congress, but for the American people. The reason you have an oversight hearing is under the Constitution, under Article one, Congress has the legislative authority and has oversight authority over the executive branch. And when Senators are asking those questions, it's not just me sitting there like asking some questions because I'm curious. I have a job to represent thirty million Texans. So what I'm asking that question, I'm trying to do my very best I can to represent what those Texans are feeling, what they're facing. I could tell you texts know the answer, is there crisis at our southern border. Hell yes, Actually Texans, it would be two words, not one, and I would forgive a hell yes instead of a yes. But when he just shows contempt, he will not answer because it's all political spin and he is not willing to answer to the American people. It's not just that he won't answer you in the oversight or the American people. It's the fact that he's sitting there almost like he thinks this is beneath him to be questions yes. Arrogance that he showed, and I was watching, By the way, Merritt Garland does the same thing. The Attorney General. Merritt Garland likewise won't answer a question. This Biden cabinet embodies hubris. They embody dripping contempt and arrogance. Look the last podcast we talked about John Carey defending billionaires flying private jets to Dobe, was saying, well, you know, they work harder to save the world from climate change than most people, so they ought to be sitting there having gray poupon and champagne with their Corinthian leather fancy private jets. I mean, is it is contempt that characterizes the Biden cabinet. It also reminded me a little bit of Faucia, the narcissistic attitude of this is my world. I have to check a box and come deal with you today, and I don't have to answer to you or any of the American people. In other words, I'm not working for the American people. That seems to be what he thinks is that he gets to do what he wants to do and he shouldn't have to answer to anyone. He works for Joe Biden. He is a political operative. Joe Biden has handed the immigration agenda over to the radical open borders extreme left. They want as many illegal aliens as possible in America. And the amazing thing is they do not care. I have to tell you you spend time on the Southern border. I spend a lot of time on the Southern border. The suffering, the deaths, the misery that comes from this, the fact that, look, this official, Alejandro may Orcas is responsible for that suffering in death. And I don't think he stays awake at night thinking about it. I don't think he worries about it at all. Even though Americans are dying, even though illegal immigrants are dying, even though children's are suffering. He's got a political, partisan agenda, and sadly that's all the matters to him. Yeah, you mentioned that he doesn't seem to care one of the questions you asked him. And I want to play this for people where how many migrants died under Joe Biden. But before we get to that, I want to tell you about our friends over at Chalk. If you're a guy and you're getting a little bit older and you feel like you've lost a little bit of that edge, there is an answer. 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Smugglers are exploiting. Has the crisis made aliens? Yes? Less safe? Are you willing to answer it? Senator? The smuggling organizations Okay, you're you're filibustering again. Let me ask you this question, how many migrants have died under President Biden? Senator, you're phrasing of the question is actually quite mislead. How many migrants died in twenty twenty two at our approaching our southern border? Yes, precisely why we are seeking to do you know the answer? Do you know how many died? I do not. You do not, of course you don't. I know how many died? Eight hundred and fifty three, eight hundred and fifty three. And by the way, here are the numbers that have died every year. You go back to nineteen ninety eight. You see it's consistently between three hundred, four hundred, three hundred four to three and four hundred. Suddenly twenty twenty one, what happens you get in office and that red line are dead bodies. I've been on the Rio Grand and I've seen dead bodies floating there who drowned because of your refusal to do your job. You don't even know how many have died. What do you say to the Texas farmers and ranchers who find pregnant ladies dead on their property, who find toddlers dead on their property. What do you say to them, I say, that is why precisely we are taking it to the smuggling organiza. But you are not. That is simply not true. Number two is let me read from the Wall Street Journal. The Wall Street Journal two weeks ago ran an article entitled It's like a graveyard record numbers of migrants are dying at the border. The story begins with this chilling line quote Eagle Pass, Texas local officials keep a refrigerated truck to hold the bodies of migrants who drown in the currents of the Rio Grand while trying to cross the border into the US. This Chairman, I asked you aunanimous consent that this article will be entered into the record centator. It is like he just doesn't care, which is so shocking to sit there and watch its facial expressions. He's numbed to these stats. It doesn't matter to him. I don't know how a Secretary of Homeland Security could not know the answer to that question, how many migrants died last year? It's eight hundred and fifty three. It's the highest in history. And he doesn't know. He doesn't care. I don't know that he's ever asked I don't know that anyone's bothered to tell him he feels no responsibility for him. And I got to say, look, when you go down to the Rio Grand Valley, when I'm down there, I try to sit down with sheriffs. I try to sit down with law enforcement. I always sit down with border patrol. I sit down with farmers and ranchers. When you look in the eyes of farmers and ranchers, I've had them put photograph after photographed after photograph of dead bodies. They find dead bodies one after the other. Imagine this, I get them. They send me texts if I was out of my ranch today, here two dead bodies I found, just abandoned on the ranch. Because these human traffickers, they are vicious criminals. They don't care if some in is week, if someone's frail, if someone's sick, if a woman is pregnant and she's not able to keep up. You know what, They just abandoned them to die in the heat. And Majorcas's view is, oh, well, tough luck. You can tell he's not doing anything to stop it, and in fact he intends to continue it. So next year that number is going to be higher than eight hundred and fifty three because when you open up the border to the worst illegal immigration in the history of our country, you make the drug cartels in human trafficking cartels into massive, multibillion dollar global enterprises. The election of Joe Biden, Joe Biden becoming president is the single best thing that has ever happened to the Mexican drug cartels in their lives. And Alejandro Mayorcas is the happy lackey, turning these vicious criminals into billionaires and forcing the border patrol to essentially be the travel agents, to be the last aisle of the human trafficking network, facilitating this, this horrific oppression. Senator, there was something else that was interesting as I was watching this, and I want to get your take, and that was it seemed that my Orcas came in not necessarily ill prepared, just not caring. Most of the time you get a briefing if you are going before Congress, you would have the numbers that you just mentioned, you would have some stats and data, you would prepare for this. It was almost like he showed up and says, I don't have to prepare for this because I know ultimately what I'm doing now is going to keep happening regardless of what you asked me today. Yeah, no, that's exactly right. I mean it. Normally, a cabinet member preparing for a Senate oversight hearing spends real time, spends several days, spends maybe a week preparing, normally to have a briefing notebook in front of them with all sorts of stats. And so if you ask him a question how many migrants died, they flipped to a tab. They may not know the number off the top of their head, but they've got a tab and they say, oh, well, in twenty twenty two, the numbers eight hundred and fifty three. That that happens in in Senate hearings every day. That that's what Actually a witness, who is testifying, who's providing testimony, providing information, that's what they do. May orchis just sat there as a smug, content potentate with no sense. He owes nothing he believes to the Senate, he owes nothing to the law, he owes nothing to the American people. He is there to be a political lackey of the president, and nothing else matters to him. You talk about the border, the borders are was supposed to be obviously the vice president of the United's America Biden, you know who? Basically say that again, who who? I'm sorry, who's that person? Oh? Yeah, right, exactly, yeah, that the vice president, I said to America. Wouldn't she supposed to be in charge of the borders? Are right? I'm sorry, I don't know who that person is. She she is not involved in the border. I mean, it's sad that you're joking this way because it's so it's so factually accurate. I'm satzing is I'm not joking. May Orcus doesn't talk to Kamala Harris. Merrick Garland doesn't talk to Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris doesn't go to the border. She did, she made a brief little photostop in Opasso, but she's never been to the Rio Grand Valley. She has no idea what's going on. I mean it. The only reason she was quote borders are is because Joe Biden can't stand her. So he figures, okay, the borders a mass, Let's give it to Kamala and make the blame fall on her. But you know, she's not clever enough to understand, Okay, they're screwing me. By making me in charge of this. And she's not even if she did figure that out, she's not good enough to say, Okay, well, if they're going to stick it on me, why don't I do something about it? Nope, you know what, she has the same hubris as may Orchis, the same hubris as Merrick Garland of I don't have to answer the American people. It doesn't matter that I don't know anything about the border, that I've never been to the border, that i don't care about the border, that I'm doing nothing to solve it. Oh well, no one will hold me to account. And it's there's a consistent thread that runs through this entire administration. It's not just a consistent thread, it's a fact that this is their policy that as we look at it as a failure, they're looking at this as a success. And the success is for the border to be able to run and to remake this country. Is that your take on this? I mean, this was done by design. This isn't by accident. This was a deliberate decision they made to open the floodgates to this country. The fetnol, the human trafficking, the sex trafficking, everything else, that comes across the border. They knew it was going to happen, they then saw it was happening, and have not changed course one time since they got elected. Well, I think that's right. I will say this. I do think some Democrats are realizing that the utter disaster at the southern border is a political liability. So what has happened when we talk about this a lot on the pod, This White House made a political decision on every issue, let's give the agenda to the radical left. So on immigration, it's the open border, radical left. On law enforcement, it's the abolish the police and George Soros prosecutor's radical left. On gender policy, it's the transgender mutilate children to change their gender, radical left. These are all views that have you know, a tiny percentage of support with the American people. These are not center left views. These are not center views. These are ten fifteen percent fringe views, and on every issue, that's what they follow. What is interesting is I do think a couple of White House aids and I think some Senate Democrats are realizing, Wow, this border has gotten so bad, we're vulnerable. And here's some of the evidence of that. You know, Biden tweeted out this week, we need to do more to fund securing the border, and it's just it's a deranged tweet. And of course what he tries to do is blame it on Republicans. It's Republicans that don't want to secure the border, which is it's the most bizarre loot. But the fact that he's saying it shows vulnerability. I'll tell you one of the things that I found very interesting in yesterday's hearing as I was vigorously questioning may Orchis and he started to get into real trouble and he started to panic, and he looked over at Dick Durban, who's the chairman of the committee, and he said, mister chairman, would you help me? And he kind of looked helpless and plaintiff. And I've served eleven years on judiciary with Durban. Durban and I go round and round and round. Durban is I think the smartest of the Democrats on the committee is the most effective questioner on the committee. He and I have battled a thousand times times in the Roman Coliseum arena. Dick Durban is not remotely shy to come after me, and I'm not remotely shy to come after him, and so often at these hearings he and I go round and round. I found it fascinating that when Majorcas pleaded to Durban to come in and save him, Durban just looked at him and didn't do anything. And what it said to me is Durban was like, dude, you're on your own on this one that I think Senate Democrats are not eager to get in the mud pit with Mayorcas. And I got to say, it kind of felt like and by the way, it's the only time I can think of it eleven years when Durban has refrained from coming after me on that sort of questioning. Usually it would feature Durban jumping in because he likes to do that. And I actually took it as at least for some Senate Democrats, they're getting fed up with Mayorcas and they're looking at him saying, Okay, this guy needs to be the sacrificial lamb. He needs to go down. Let's blame this whole border disaster on him, have him fired, and and focus on the midterms. I thought that was in many ways the most revealing quiet moment of the hearing. Nobody on the outside watching noticed it, but for sitting on the committee. It screamed from a mountaintop. Yeah, there's been talk about my arcas possibly being impeached for literally not doing his job, and that goes back to the most heated point of your back and forth, and I want to play that for people because it was also very telling when he got angry that you were coming after him with the facts and he was losing with those facts and then not being bailed out by Dick Durban. I'm gonna play that in a second, but let me tell you about our friends over to Gusta Precious medals. If you've been saving a long time and working really hard for your retirement, then you understand how important it is to protect your hard earned money right now with what's going on the economy. You've seen what's happening with interest rates, You've seen what's been happening all over the world with investments. Now it's a time for you to take a look at your portfolio and make sure that you are doing everything you can to preserve and protect your hard earned dollars. That's where precious metals come in. 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One of the most contentious parts of the back and forth with you and ma Orcas was clearly after Durban wasn't going to bail them out, and this was one of the most brilliant moments I've seen in a long time. Take a listen the photograph from just one day along the Rio Grand of hundreds of thousands of people walking across the border. You have allowed this to happen the photograph that was before. What are these risk fans? I don't know what they are. You don't know what they are, mister Secretary. You have just testified to the American people you're incompetent at your job. Because I've been to the southern border, and if you go to the southern border. Along the southern border, you see thousands of these wrist bands because the illegal immigrants wear them the drug cartels. Every color corresponds to how many thousands of dollars they owe the cartels. You've turned these cartels into multi billion dollars criminal organizations, and these are modern day leg irons because these are children being sold into slavery and you don't even know what they are. That is astonishing, mister Secretary. How many children have been sold into sex slavery under your administration? Senator, we are taking it to the cartown. How many children have been sold into sex slavery? Do you know how many children have been sold into sex slavery an unprecedented degree, Mister Secretary. I want to say to you right now, your behavior is disgraceful and the deaths the children assaulted, the children raped, they are at your feet, and if you had integrity, you would resign. And I will tell you the men and women of the Border Patrol, they've never had a political leader undermine them. They despise you, mister Secretary, because you're willing to let children be raped to follow political orders. This is a crisis. It's a disgrace, and you won't even admit this human tragedy is a dis crisis, claiming in one minute chairman time, mister secretary, would you like to respond to any of those questions? What the senators said it was revolting. I'm not going to address it. Your refusal to do your job as revolting. I don't think you could have ended that any better. Your refusal to do your job is revolting. And all of the carnage that you just mentioned and everything that this man doesn't know, How does he not know about the wristbands? And do you believe that he lied to you? Look, I'm sitting here now, hours after that cross examination. I'm still furious. I'm angry because I spend a lot of time on the southern border. I've I've seen these kids. I've seen little boys and little girls who've been raped by the human traffickers. I've seen the tragedy. I've seen little girls who are pregnant because they were raped by the traffickers. I've seen. Let me tell you something horrific. When I last brought a group of senators down to the border, the border patrol agents told us about a phenomenon. I'm sorry this is graphic, but a phenomenon they're seeing that they call rape trees. And what happens is the traffickers bring women over to the United States and on uish soil, they rape those women. They then take their underwear and they hang them in the trees. And border patrol or sheriffs they encounter trees that'll have ten, fifteen, twenty women's underwear hanging in the branches, and they do it as a taunt, a taunt to the border patrol, a taunt to the police. You can't stop us. And so when I look at bay Orcus, that human suffering, I've seen too much of it, and he doesn't care. And the reason I know he doesn't care is if he cared, he would act to stop it. It is in his power to stop it. We had the year before he got he became a Homeland Security Secretary of the year before Biden became president. Twenty twenty, we had the lowest illegal immigration in forty five years. We know how to solve this problem, but majorcas and Biden made a political decision. We want every illegal alien possible in America and we don't care. We don't care about the suffering. And I have to admit at the hearing the answer he gave that surprised me the most is the one you just played a minute ago when he said he didn't know what the wristbands were. I was startled at that, because I gotta tell you, when you stand on the banks of the Rio grand As I've had that they cover the grass. They're everywhere because it's look it's like a QR code. The You gotta understand these cartels. In twenty eighteen, the drug cartels made roughly five hundred million dollars from human trafficking. That's in twenty eighteen. Last year they made thirteen billion dollars. That's a two six hundred percent increase the thirteen billion dollars they made. They have these these wristbands and every person who comes over, they collect the money. They send the boys to work for gangs and cities all across America they send the girls to work in four sex slavery. And I look at these these I have a number of the wristbands. So what you couldn't hear when I said how do you not know? Is I had a Manila envelope full of wristbands that I collected at the border that I just dumped out on the dais and held them up because I picked them up, and some of them are tiny. Some of them obviously were on a little child four or five, six year old. And as I said in that questioning, I look at those wristbands as modern day leg irons. I mean, we have today human slavery, just like the horrors of human slavery in the first century of our nation's history. We have human slavery today, except today the people responsible for the slavery are Alejandrome Orcas and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. And for him to say I don't know what those are like, I was genuinely I flabbergasted, speechless, like how do you do that job and not go down to the border, not talk to the border patrol agents, not got and by the river and say, hey, what are these things? How do you not listen to the men and women on the front lines who tell you what's happening, and any person with a hint of morality, Okay, fine, if the White House gives you a political order, we want open borders. We don't care what happens. You know what a person with integrity does, says mister President. I can't do that. I can't sit here and turned a blind eye while people are brutalized. I'm not going to be responsible for that. That's what someone with integrity in that cabinet position does. And majorcas the idea hasn't even occurred to him. And notice his response at the end when Durban said do you want to respond to any of that? He didn't say, oh, of course, I know what the wristbands are. He had no idea what they were. He didn't say, oh, the children being assaulted as tragic. He said, those questions are revolting. It's that same contempt, that dripping arrogance that says, how dare anyone question what I'm doing? And you know what, if you're a mom of one of those children who've been assaulted, I got to say, you watch this testimony today. I don't know if you're filled with more grief and tears or anger or both. But what's infuriating He intends to change nothing, which means he intends to allow more people to be killed, more people to be sexually assaulted, more people to be brutalized, and more Americans to die of fetenol overdoses as a result. Well, let's talk about the fetnol for a second, because this has been an issue that has affected so many families all over the country. Is the oding and we know that the fetinol's coming across our open border. We've seen it skyrocket. The number one killer of young people in American today is now fetnol overdoses. I know. I don't know a single family now that doesn't know someone who's died from a fetnyl overdose. In in my extended group of friends, It's happening now on a more regular basis. A week ago, I got a phone call of somebody who I worked with. He was at an event and they thought they were smoking marijuana. No intend to die. Three of the people collapsed right there. Two of the three died. These are individuals that were older they thought they were having a time, you know, just smoking some weed. And and that's now how my point is how much fentanyl's coming across It's in everything, it's all. It's being shipped in massive quantities in this country, enough to kill every man, woman and child. You and I have talked about this before, But just from a drug standpoint, does he seem to even care about that at all? Either? No, he has empty talking points. And listen, when it comes to fentonyl overdoses, they're not even overdose doses at this point. I think poisonings because they're different. You think of someone who has a heroin overdose. You think of someone that says a heroin user, and it's tragic, and they're injecting, and they injecting, they accidentally inject too much, and that's a tragedy. But it's a tragedy based on a really dangerous, slippery slope of conduct. What's happening with fentanyl is a different beast. Last year, there were over one hundred thousand people who died of overdoses, the majority from Chinese fentanyl coming across our southern border. And what happens as you describe your friend look as you know, my sister, Miriam died of an overdose about twelve years ago. It was not fentanyl, but it was painkillers, and she took too many of them. We don't know if it was on purpose or not, but she took a whole bunch of pills at night and never woke up in the morning. And I love my sister. My sister was nine years older than me. She was an amazing person who tragically made a lot of wrong decisions and ended up paying for those decisions. The urge of drug use has been massive, but with fentanyl now it's qualitatively different because it's it's one guy at a party who smokes one joint. And listen, when we were kids, when I was a teenager, I smoke pot. I've admitted that I smoke pot. I tried it as a teenager. I haven't smoked pot, says I was a teenager. But as a teenager, when I was in high school, in a little bit in college, I smoke pot. At the time, you know, you got you got high, you had fun, you wanted some cheetos, and then you were done. There wasn't really a risk of Okay, if I smoke this joint I'm going to fall over dead. There is right now that very real risk because they're lacing marijuana with fentanyl. You look at parties where a kid, a teenage kid, will will say, hey, take take a pill. Have have a value of have a purpose at, have a riddling. And you know, look, kids experiment, they do stupid things, and so some kids says, oh, that sounds like fun, and they take one pill. Now, it used to be if a kid at a party took one pill, they might get a buzz or something and it would be fine. Now if they take one pillet and it has fetanol in it and a little too much, the kid drops over dead. And if that queer, what a little too much is, it can be the size of the end of a ballpoint pen granular. To put it in perspective of what too much is what can kill you is. So let me tell you an illustration that a D agent told me. I was visiting with a DA agent and a mom whose twenty two year old daughter was at a party took one pill and fell over dead from fetenol. And the illustration this d agent did as he said. He brought with him some packs of sweet and Low and he said open the pack of sweeten loan, so we all did. They were like a half dozen of us round the table. We all did. He said, dump out all of the sweeten Low. So we dumped it all out on the table. He said, okay, now, stick you're pinky in the packet, the empty packet, and we did. You pulled it out and there were a handful of little flecks of sweet and Low on your finger. Tiny. He said, that's enough fentenel to kill you. The residue from the inside of the packet after you've emptied it out. And I got to tell you. You know, my girls, as you know, are are fourteen and twelve. I sat down with both girls. I had them take a packet of sweet and Low, open it up, dip their finger in. And I'm trying to that they're reaching an age where they may go to a party and some kids says, hey, try this, and I hope their answer is no. But it used to be if their answer wasn't no, the consequences were one stupid night and we're not you die right there. I mean, it is terrifying. And so the Biden administration has a talking point. The Democrats have a talking point. So much of this hearing, the Senate Democrats were trying to say, we think the fentanyl is terrible and we need to stop it, but it's not our fault. You know. Corey Booker said in the hearing, this problem was here long before Joe Biden. No, no, this the explosion of illegal immigrants was not here before Joe Biden. In twenty twenty, we had the lowest rate of illegal immigrants in forty five years. Biden caused it. It's why I had these charts that showed over and over again the explosion, and here's what happened. So their other talking point is they say the bulk of the fetenol and drugs we find or at the ports of entry, not crossing the border, outside the ports of entry. Now notice the keywords we find. Yeah, they've got hundreds of agents at the ports of entry, so they find drugs there. They pulled most of their agents off of the border. So you know, one of the things I questioned may Orcus about in the last eighteen months, they've been over one million gotaways. What's a gotaway? An illegal alien they spot somewhere running? Who gets away? I asked Mayorcus. All Right, of the gotaways. You don't know how many of them are murderers? Of course, the answers, no, they got away. He doesn't know anything about him. He refused to answer that, of course, because he's Mayorcis. I asked how many of them are rapist? He refused to say he didn't know. Of course, he doesn't know how many or child molesters. Of course, he doesn't know how many are terrorists. Of course he doesn't know. But the one that's relevant to this line of questioning, how many are drug dealers? How many are carrying fentanyl? He has no idea, and he doesn't care. He just says, no, no, no no, it's the ports of entry. And here's what's happening. And i've when I go out on midnight patrol with the Border Patrol, here's what they tell me. They do. So, the cartels will send several rafts across the river and their portions of the river where the current runs pretty fast. Now, the Border Patrol does not intercept the rafts in the river. And some people say, oh, you should stop him. Well, there's a reason they don't intercept the rafts in the river, because if they do, the Border Patrol, the cartel members will flip the rafts over, will deliberately capsize the rafts, and the rafts have women and children, and suddenly you'll have little kids. You'll have a four year old kid getting swept away in the current and drowning. And what happens when that happens is the border patrol agents dive into the water and try to rescue the vulnerable immigrants who are drowning. And the cartels do that because they know that it consumes are all the border patrol resources dealing with the humans being trafficked. And then a half mile down the river they send another raft across loaded with fetnah and so they draw all the resources over there by tipping a raft over, by having and by the way, we had border patrol agents. We had a National guardsman drowned trying to save illegal immigrants who are drowning in the river. It is incredibly perilous. But these cartels don't care because they don't even view these people as cattle. They are less than cattle. They are objects to be discarded. They view them like garbage. But the infuriating thing is, even though may Orcist gives professions, I care, If you care, you would not continue to allow the suffering to happen. And he does not intend to change a damn thing, which means, at the end of the day, doesn't care. Let's talk about impeachment quickly, and I want to get your thoughts. There's been a lot of talk about impeachment of my archist, that he is someone that should be impeached for literally not doing his job. Before we get that, let me tell you about our friends of Patriot Mobile. Look, you've got a cell phone, you listening have a cell phone. Majority of you are actually probably listening to this podcast right now on your cell phone. If you're going to have a cell phone, why not have it with a company that actually stands up for the values that you believe in. 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Go to Patriotmobile dot com, slash verdict, Patriot Mobile dot com, slash verdict, or call them eight seven eight Patriot that's eight seven eight Patriot. Use a promo code Verdict when you call them, and you will get the best deals of the day. Patriot Mobile dot com slash verdict. Senate, there's been a lot of talk about impeachment. Obviously, my orchist is carrying out the wishes of the President of the United States of America. The presidents whiches are clearly just fled the border. Let everything in. Whether that's because he's compromised by the Chinese or send the fetinol, or he's compromised by some of the deals that his family has done with people in Mexico. I don't know, but it does seem odd to be going against Americans and protecting Americans. So when you look at my orchists and the job he's doing, should the Republicans move to impeach him in the House and see what happens after that? So I have three answers for that, Yes, yes, and hell yes. I believe they should impeach out one hundred of may orchis. I think it should be one of the very top priorities. I think they probably will. The one impediment is they have a narrow four member majority, so they can't lose. If they lose five Republicans, they're in trouble because no Democrat will impeach, and the Democrats don't care. It doesn't matter what facts you put forward. But it's not just that majorcas is not doing his job. He's actively an aggressively defying federal law. He's flouting federal law. One of the other talking points Democrats had at the hearings today is Congress has failed. We need to pass new laws to fix this. What a load of crap. We have laws, We have laws that make it illegal to cross into this country illegally. We have laws that mandate that you deport people who are apprehended. Those are the existing laws that Congress has passed. What our Constitution did not envision is a president and a cabinet secretary who utterly ignore the law. They don't even pretend to follow it, and in fact, they affirmatively aggressively frustrate the law so that instead of deporting people who come here illegally as the law requires, the Biden administration puts them on planes and buses and ships them to every community in America, pays for it themselves, and gives them essentially fraudulent work authorizations, give them documents to go get jobs illegally. Federal law says they can't work. The Biden administration is essentially producing counterfeit work authorizations, and they're doing it at the scale five and a half million people. That's bigger than a lot of the states in America. And MAJORCA. Should be impeached because he is utterly flouting and defying and mocking federal law, and he is causing death and suffering. He is a direct cause of the hundred thousand overdoses we had last year. He is a direct cause of the children who are abused. He is a direct cause of the women who are sexually assaulted. He is a direct cause of the murderers from murders from MS thirteen and other gang members, the illegal aliens who come and murder people here. Yes, he should be impeached, and you said, see what happens. Listen, The reason to impeach Mayor Orcas is not because we believe he will be convicted and removed from office. He should be. I would vote in an instant to do that. But impeachment and House takes a majority. If Republicans hold together, we will have that conviction in the Senate, which is what is needed to remove someone from office. Takes two thirds of the Senate. The chances that Senate Democrats will vote to convict are zero because Senate Democrats do not care. Look, most of the Senate Democrats in Judiciary skipped most of the hearing today. They'd show up and throw some softball questions. They'd say, gosh, shouldn't we get more H one B work visas. They don't care the Democrats. There was not a single Democrats saying, hey, wait a second, how many kids are being sexually assaulted. How many children are sold into sex slavery. If the Democrats were really the compassionate, humanitarian party they claim to be, wouldn't you think at least one of them would be worried about the modern day slavery that the Biden administration is responsible for. None of them cared, not have am asked about it, not have ever worried about it at all. Instead, they had a political spend. Oh, this problem is here before Biden. It's not his fault. The reason may Orcas should be impeached, the reason we should have a trial is to put these facts before the American people because the press is complicit. The corporate media does not want people to know these facts and bend the thing to understand. No Democrat defends these There's a reason may Orcas won't answer my questions. You can't defend what is happening. It is crossed the point to being indefensible, and so their only defense is hide. It is keep the American people ignorant and in the dark. And the purpose of the impeachment is to force the press to cover some of these facts so people understand the horror that this administration is produced. Well I'll say it because I think there's a lot of people listening that are gonna agree with me on this one. Thank you for your tough questioning of Mayorkas today, coming in and challenging him being prepared something that he clearly didn't have time to do because it wasn't a priority to him. But these are real questions that people want to get answers from Centator, so I appreciate you leading on this issue. Don't forget we do this podcast three days a week. Make sure you hit that subscribe or auto download button wherever you're listening right now. Also, you can help us grow by sharing this podcast episode on your time on on social media. 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