The Self Deportation Proclamation, Justice comes to Antisemitic Campuses & COVID-era Loans to Children Week In Review

Published Mar 15, 2025, 7:45 AM
  1. Immigration Policy and Self-Deportation App:

    • The Trump administration has repurposed the controversial CBP One app, initially used by the Biden administration to facilitate migrant entry, into a self-deportation app called CBP Home. This app allows illegal immigrants to register for self-deportation, with the promise of potential legal re-entry in the future if they comply.
  2. Anti-Semitism and College Campuses:

    • We highlight the rise of anti-Semitism on college campuses, particularly following the events of October 7th. It discusses the lack of action from the previous administration and the current efforts by the Trump administration to address these issues, including holding hearings and taking action against universities that tolerate anti-Semitic behavior.
  3. Fraudulent Loans During the COVID-19 Pandemic:

    • We reveal significant fraud in the distribution of loans during the COVID-19 pandemic. It mentions that the Small Business Administration (SBA) granted loans worth millions to children and extremely elderly individuals, highlighting the lack of oversight and the potential misuse of funds.
  4. Political Commentary and Criticism:

    • Throughout the document, there is a strong political commentary criticizing the Biden administration's policies and actions, contrasting them with the Trump administration's efforts to prioritize American citizens and restore integrity to various systems.


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It is Verdict with Ted Cruz Week in Review, Ben Ferguson with you, and two things I gotta tell you before we get into the big stories you may have missed, and that is this on Monday and on Wednesday. This coming week we will be joined by Elon Musk, So make sure you do not miss Monday's episode or Wednesday episode. We did the interview at the White House on Friday and it is going to be one hell of a show.

You're not gonna want to miss it.

There's some news is broken as well and some big things from Elon Musk that will blow you away. So again, make sure you hit that subscriber auto download button. And on Monday and Wednesday we will be joined by Elon Musk on Verdict. Now here are the big stories you may have missed that we talked about this week. First up, it is a reverse Uno card as the app that used to let you just run into America the Biden administration use is now a self depor app.

I'll give you those.

Details in a moment. Also, the Biden administration did nothing to stop the anti Semitic protests on college campuses. Well, now some of those students are being arrested. We'll have the difference Maker and what's happening in the White House behind this. And finally, Elon Musk and Dooje have uncovered unbelievable amounts of loans going to children, young children during the pandemic. It's the weekend Review and it starts right now. Let's deal with a really fun story and it deals with an APPU it is.

I call it the reverse UNO card.

You remember that app that allowed for accountless people to come into this country and just walk in knowing they were here illegally, and it was an app that was exploited by the Biden Harris administration. Well, we got a reverse UNO card now, center because we've got a new app and it does actually the exact opposite of that, which is you can hurry up and self deport yourself.

Oh it's beautiful. So the Biden administration launch launched app called the CBB one app. And here's what Bill Lugan, who's the best reporter on immigration for Fox News, here's what he reported, quote scoop, the Trump admin has repurposed the controversial Biden era CBB one cell phone app into a self deportationed app. Called CBBB Home that launches today. DHS tells me any migrants who had prior CBBB one app will have it auto update to this new app, and DHS can use data from prior CBB one registrations to track migrants for removal. The new app allows illegal aliens and migrants in the US to register with CBP to self deport. They fill out biographical information including their countries of citizenship, which country they plan to return to, their alien registration numbers, contact information, and it allows them to upload photos of themselves to confirm their identity. All of it then is submitted to cbb as they leave the country. You may ask yourself, why would an illegal alien want to self deport? In a statement to Fox News, DHS Secretary Christy Nome answered that the question quote. The cbb Home app gives aliens the option to leave now and self deport so they may still have the opportunity to return legally in the future and live the American dream. If they don't, we will find them, we will deport them, and they will never return. Nome said. The Biden administration exploited the CBB one app to allow more than one million aliens to enter the United States. With the launching of CBB Home app, we are restoring integrity to our immigration system.

This may be one of the simplest yet biggest turn of events for a win on law and order in our southern border dealing with the issue of immigration. I just got to say well done to the Trump administration on this one. And they keep paying off on their promises to the American people.

So Ben I got to say, I don't know if this is going to work or not, but I got to say, if you're an illegal immigrant, you came to this country, you went to a human trafficker, you were coming from, say Central America. You came up through Mexico, and the Biden administration said, hey, we've got an app. Fill out your information. You can come here and we'll let you in. And you filled it out. You came to America and suddenly over your cell phone you get oh crap, wait, they want me to go home. And if I don't go home, they're going to find me. They're going to arrest me. They're going to send me home, and the consequences are I can never come back. I don't know how many people are going to respond to this but I think this is fabulous. Listen. My view on immigration is simple. I have some up my immigration view in four words, many times legal good, illegal, bad. For the people who are here illegally, the Trump administration is leaning in saying we're going to secure the border, we're going to remove you. And by the way, going back to our first story, if you were a pro Hamas radical and anti Semite protester and you're not a US citizen, bye bye, You're going to be deported. You're going to be expelled. You're going to be thrown out of this country. That is a view that makes an enormous amount of sense to me. And we will see. And by the way, if we get the data on how many people have used this app, we'll report on this data on this podcast. But the simple act of saying, all right, the prior administration opened up our borders and let you in, we're now enforcing them, I say, bravo, bravo, bravo.

Now, if you want to hear the rest of this conversation, you can go back and listen to the full podcast from earlier this week. Now onto story number two. And this is something that you guys have also been focused on on Capitol Hill when it comes to calling out the Biden administration for doing nothing about the anti Semitic protests that took place on our college campuses. And part of this is you gotta have a spotlight on it.

Yep. So this past week the Senate Judiciary Committee had a hearing on anti semitism. Now, you might think given the massive rise in anti Semitism, particularly following October seventh, given the acts of violence against Jews across America, you might think the Senate Judiciary Committee would be looking at this. Do you know how many hearings we had on anti semitism? When the Democrats at the gabble.

I'm going to go out and a lemon say zero.

Wow, you got it precisely right to the one hundred decimal point that would be zero point zero zero zero. They do not listen at all.

If you listen every day, I don't get these trick questions right.

So even a blind squirrel not a one. So a month into the new Congress, Republicans have the majority. We held a hearing this past week on anti semitism. The Democrats were terrified. They didn't want to talk about it. But I took the opportunity to listen. I got to say this issue pisces me off what we've seen happen to our schools, and so I want you to listen to my questioning of the witnesses and what I had to say last week at the hearing on anti Semitism. Give a listen. Anti Semitism is evil, It is wrong, and it is flourishing with the acquiescence and in many cases active participation of student of students, of faculty, of administrators, and government officials. And sadly, the Democrat Party has a deep and pervasive problem confronting this evil. For the last two years, in the wake of October seventh, this committee held zero hearings on anti semitism in the United States, despite the fact that Republicans repeatedly called for it the acts of violence. Prior to October seventh, two thousand, six hundred and sixty nine anti sentemitic incidents occurred in the United States. Following October seventh, in less than three months, that number spiked over five thousand. In twenty twenty four, that number skyrocketed to ten thousand and five anti Semitic incidents. This problem is particularly acute on our college campuses Columbia University. Columbia University was a major epicenter where they encouraged, tolerated, and celebrated this vicious and vile anti Semitism. Rabbi Eli Buehler emailed every Jewish student on campus and said, quote, the events of the last few days have made it clear that Columbia University's public safety cannot guarantee Jewish student safety in the face of extreme anti Semitism and anarchy. I would strongly recommend you return home. This is the rabbi at the university saying your school will not protect your safety, and Colombia didn't do a damn thing about it. No, you what, the rabbi wasn't crazy. Here is one picture taken on the campus of Columbia. In the back are Jewish students waving American flags and Israeli flags. In the front is a Columbia student wearing a mask because these cowards are oh so brave, they cover their faces holding a handwritten sign that says al Cassam's next targets al Casam is the military branch of Hamas understand what this student is saying. She is calling for the murder of her Jewish classmates. And by the way, this student, the internet being what it is, she's been identified now on the Internet. This is not a Palestinian who's subject to oppression. This is a rich, blonde girl from Atlanta whose parents are multimillionaire real estate developers. And they got so proud. I'm sending my child to an Ivy League education where she'll be indoctrinated to dress up and advocate Hamas murdering Jewish students because they are Jews. Now, if you agree that is evil and vile, let me ask you something. We're the Democrats. Not a one is here, and it's because the Democrat Party has decided the pro Hamas wing of the party is more important than protecting Jewish students in America. And if you don't believe me, maybe you'll believe Chuck Schumer. Chuck Schumer, texting with Columbia, said the following On January fourth, then President of Columbia's Shaffik explained to Shipman and her fellow co chair David Greenwald that she had met with majority leader Chuck Schumer, who advised Shafik that university's political problems about anti Semitism are really only among Republicans. We the Democrats, we don't care about this anti semitism stuff. Ms Lewin, am I the only person that has noticed that these anti Israel, Prohomas antisemitic protests, that the tents all match.

No, you are not the only one to have noticed.

Is it clear that there is significant money funding these attacks on Jewish students and attacks on America.

It is clear that there is coordination and there must be some common funding.

In the last two years under the Biden Justice Department. Are you aware of any investigation to follow the money behind these protests?

I am not.

Are you aware of anyone who has been indicted for funding these protests?

I am not.

Are you aware of any university that has had their Title six federal funds cut off because they've tolerated welcome, celebrated in the center, Holly put Out, had their own officials cheering on anti semitism. Has even one university lost their funding?

I am not aware of any university having actually lost their fund And.

I'll point out also some of the defenders say free speech, free speech. You're right, you have a free speech writer as an American citizen to say vile, hateful, bigoted things. Let me ask you something. If a university student went into the public square dressed up in a clan outfit, burned across and said we should murder African American students, do you have any doubt the university would expel that student.

I'm secarely certain that the universities would take action and ensure that they're politic.

They should expel them. If they're foreign students, they should be deported. And mark my words, if you were horrified at the anti semitism, you will see the Trump Department of Justice. Follow the money, prosecute the people who are paying for this, Prosecute those engaged in violence, and cut off the money from universities that are tolerating and celebrating this. That is the rule of law. And ask yourself, why did the Biden Justice Department do absolutely nothing about this horror that is unfolding Center.

It was unbelievable to hear you call it out, and I do think we just have to remind people this is systematic on our college campuses, especially the IVY leagues. I go back in my head to Harvard and just defiance of some of these individuals when they were testifying before Congress. They had no problem standing with these anti Semitic protesters.

Look, because they believe the same things the administrators. They have been teaching the same poison. The faculty has been teaching the same poison. And I'll note that clip you played while I was questioning at the hearing of anti semitism, as I noted, not a single Democrat senator was in the room. The hearing room was empty, and that really spoke volumes that they don't want to talk about this. And the problem is a political problem in today's Democrat Party. There is a real and meaningful pro Hamas wing of the Democrat Party, and the Democrats are terrified of that pro Hamas wing of the Democrat Party. The question I've asked repeatedly, and look, most of the people who listen to Verdict are I think politically right of center, are conservative or libertarians. But we actually have fair number of reporters to listen to Verdick, And you know, I'm hoping we have a handful of open minded, free thinking liberals, people who consider themselves left of center, but recognize that if you want to actually have an intelligent understanding of the issues, then you want to hear from a wide spectrum of views and try to process and ascertain what is right. If you at home are one of those. Let's say you're a Democrat who lives in New York City. Let's say you voted for Kamala Harris, you voted for Joe Biden. Maybe you voted for Barack Obama. If you disagree with the Prohamas wing of the Democrat Party, if you don't like the viole anti Semites that have flourished on college campuses and that have threatened the safety of Jewish students, you ought to ask yourself very seriously, what happened in the last week. Columbia got its money cut off. A one of the organizers of the protests is going to be deported. Why didn't any of that happen under Joe Biden. There was nothing to prevent the Biden administration from doing this. They had every bit of legal authority. As far as I can tell, they didn't even investigate it. They didn't ask where the money came from. I certainly asked the Attorney General in the FBI repeatedly if they were doing that, if they were investigating it. They refused to tell the Senate. They refused to tell me. And we do know that no one paid any consequences for it because no one was indicted, and that ends up encouraging more of this. And you have to ask yourself, was that an accident or was there a reason? Listen, if Kamala Harris, god forbid, had been elected president November, Ben, let me ask you this, what do you think of the odds Columbia would have had that four hundred million cut off if Kamala Harris were president?


Zero percent?

And I bet you the airplay Semitism would explode on college chemises because would not have any worries at trunction.

She might be marching with the Prohamas protesters. And by the way, this organizer who's being deported the odds of his being deported of Oma we're president are zero. Elections have consequences, and this issue, this issue matters.

So center, let's take people back in time to a campaign promise from the President. He made it clear that if you were one of these students that is from overseas has gotten a special special invitation, the ability to come and study in America, and you are on campuses and you're you know, act actually going out there and advocating for violence and taking over buildings on college campuses. We're going to kick you out of this country. Well guess what, there was one radical on a college campus. This is exactly what happened. Is Ice detained and they said, look, we're going to revoke your green card. And now Democrats are protesting the arrest of the Syrian radical in New York.

Yeah, it really is astonishing. And let's look at what happened in the United States following October seventh. Following October seventh, we saw protests on college campuses across this country, predominantly in left wing college campuses in blue states, where radical pro Hamas protesters stood up and they denounced Israel. They chanted things like we love Hamas, we are Hamas. They threatened Jewish students, they engaged in acts of violence, and they threatened even more acts of violence, and astonishingly been the Democrats were silent. You know, there's some folks who said, in the wake of these protests, well, gosh, it's terrible, but they're happening all over the country. That's not right. They were only happening in blue states with blue elected officials. They happened in New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Illinois, California, Washington State. They didn't happen to Florida. They didn't happen in Texas. Actually, in Texas, we briefly had protesters at the University of Texas and official sent in police officers that arrested them all and it was done within a day. The places that had happened, it happened because the university administrators agreed with the protesters and the elected officials. They had been indoctrinated in the leftist ideology that said Israel is the bad guy and Hamas is the good guy. Now, one of the things you and I have talked about at length. And by the way, if you did not listen to Monday's podcast you should listen to Monday's podcasts because we did a deep dive on the Trump administration rightly cutting off four hundred million dollars of grants to Columbia University. Colombia was probably the single worst actor in all of these universities in terms of tolerating and celebrating these anti Israel, anti Jewish protests, but not only that, arresting a pro Hamas protester and let me be clear, this is the first of many. I believe we will see many more of the pro Hamas protesters are rested and deported. And what I've said from the beginning, if you are threatening other students, if you are attacking America, if you are embracing terrorists, and you're a foreign student, you should be expelled and you should be deported. And what happened Mahmoud Khalil, who is from Syria, he came to the United States. My understanding is in two thousand and twenty two. He came to be a student at Columbia. He married a woman from the United States. He got a green card, So twenty twenty two is three years ago. It's not very long. He got a green card very quickly. And in his time in America, he came into America and he organized anti America, anti Israel, anti Semitic Prohamas protests. Now it's interesting there have been a number of people online, number of leftist whore saying, well, this is free speech, this is allowed. Let me be clear. Under US law, American citizens are protected by the First Amendment. Foreigners are not a visa to come to this country as a student. That is a permissive decision, and you do not have a right if you are a guest to this country to actively undermine American Let me be clear to anyone. If you hate America, if you want to undermind America, do not come to this country. And the Trump administration rightly arrested and plans to deport Mahmoud Khalil for organizing anti Israel, anti America pro Hamas protests. And what's stunning, Ben, what do you think the reaction the Democrats is to this? They stand with Khalil, they stand with the anti Israel pro Hamas protesters. So if you want to know where you stand, if you stand with Israel, if you stand with American Jews, if you stand with freedom, if you stand with the right to be free from oppression and violence, that ain't the Democrats. They stand with those engaged by as before.

If you want to hear the rest of this conversation on this topic, you can go back and dow the podcast from earlier this week to hear the entire thing. I want to get back to the big story number three of the week you may have missed.

I want to move to this other story, and the headline is one that is not a joke. It is real.

DOGE has now said that they have uncovered three hundred and twelve million senator in loans that were given to children during the COVID pandemic.

Yes, to children like nine year olds, eleven year olds.

There was three hundred and twelve million that was approved and given to children.

Well, you said this is not a joke, and sadly I wish it was. Here's what Fox News has reported. Quote Does said it identified this Small Business Association administration I assume granted nearly five thousand, six hundred loans for three hundred and twelve million dollars to borrow b errors who only listed owner was eleven years old or younger at the time of the loan. The loans were issued in twenty twenty and twenty twenty one, and it is unclear what they were used for.


While it is possible to have business arrangements where this is legal, five hundred and ninety three loans, as they all also used a social Security number with the incorrect name. DOGE and the SBA government are working together to solve this problem. This week. While making the announcement, Does shared a post on x from Tuesday where it also revealed that in twenty twenty and twenty twenty one, the SBA issued three thousand, ninety five loans for three hundred and thirty three million dollars to borrows over one hundred and fifteen years old. The borrowers were still marked as alive in the Social Security database. In one case, a one hundred and fifty seven year old individual received thirty six thousand dollars in loans. The agency said, Look, this is I feel very confident that nobody is one hundred and fifty seven years old. And if they are and they're getting thirty six thousand dollars, that is fraud.

It's fraud. And we all know this. And look, this goes back to what President Trump said is addressed to Congress on Tuesday, when he talked about he said there was millions of people aged over one hundred that were listed on so Security databases, with one being as old at three hundred and sixty years of age. And I go back to Trump's quote there, I know some people.

Who are ready.

I want to know, is that guy the vattireless statt is he like literally an age ageless vampire who like flies with the bats.

Yeah, right, exactly.

And this goes back to Elon Musk and a job that he's doing that I got his say rarely in my life.

I thought there's a job that only one guy could do. Well.

It seems to be dojen Elon Musk because finding this type of waste fraud abuse is exactly what Donald Trump promised, and they're paying off on it. But every American that pays taxes should be enraged by the fact that we're giving this much money to people that are children, or this much money to someone that's as old as three hundred and sixty years of age.

To be clear, if you're giving millions of dollars to a five year old, you're not that is an adult engaged in theft. If you're giving millions of dollars to someone who's one hundred and fifty years old, you're not. That is an adult engaged in theft. What this report indicates is that the Biden administration didn't give a damn about whether the money was actually going to real people who had real needs, who were engaged in the purposes for which Congress appropriated the money in. Instead, they were just shoveling money out the door and tragically, the fraud was rampant. In many instances, the fraud was going to radical left wing Democrat groups because the Biden administration believed in paying off their buddies. In other cases, they're just lazy. They don't care. When a six year old puts in an application for government money, the answer should be no, because you're six and you ought to be playing with blocks in kindergarten and not trying to get millions of dollars from the government. But if you're a corrupt Democrat, you give the millions of dollars and let the parents use it for the political purposes they want.

As always, thank you for listening to Verdict with Center Ted Cruz, Ben Ferguson with you don't forget to dial with my podcast, and you can listen to my podcast every other day you're not listening to Verdict or each day when you listen to Verdict afterwards, I'd love to have you as a listener to again Ben Ferguson Podcasts, and we will see you back here on Monday morning.