Brew your pumpkin spice lattes, the moms are ready for fall y’all! On this episode Joe and Steve recount childhood memories ranging from getting into trouble in school, favorite teachers to unlikely college majors. Which of the moms can’t remember a single teacher? Who was the better student? What lead Steve to his first acting role? Plus, find out the encounter that lead to Joes first improv show.
The moms answer questions on how to handle a relationship pickle, favorite seasons and how to rediscover self motivation. Do the moms love or hate the McRib? This, and other burning questions, on this hilarious new episode of Two Cool Moms!
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The one.
We're taking money.
Thanks for joining us on two cool mobs.
I'm Joe Gatto, I'm Steve Burd.
Thanks so much for joining us. I appreciate it. I love your baby.
Hey, how you've been long week?
This week? Long week? Kids are back in school?
Yeah? Man, else man, tell me kids are back in school.
Back to school time? Fun time in yours at your house? Or is it sad times? Yes? Very fun time, fun times.
Kids love it. Got a great neighborhood, great kids in our neighborhood. Bus kids, you kids? Bus kids? Yeah, my kids on a bus.
No, only bad things happen on a bus. Have you seen speed? Bad things fifty five miles and over?
I think that's public transportation, is what we would say that. But yeah, school bus is the best.
I don't Yeah, I'm mean I was growing up. I got some trouble on the bus back in the day.
What did you do?
Me and Frankie de Francisco?
You blew a guy in the bus?
No, that's just a bad joke we.
Did you have those science kits when you were in eighth grade that had like you dissected a frog and whatnot? You know, So we had one of those kits, and in it was the little razor blade thing. So we carved our initials in the back of the back seat in the leather at of the bus, and it was our straight up initials and it was only one, JG and one.
It was stupid.
So we got we got pinched, and I remember my dad had to replace the leather leather right on them.
I got in trouble.
But that's where they just take the green duct tape and put it on a Yeah, did.
You ever get in a Did you ever get in a fight on the I never saw a There wasn't really a rowdy bus that we got in a fight.
Do you remember your bus driver?
I don't remember any of them.
You don't remember any of them.
I barely remember teachers really like people. Was like I do so and so in third grade, I'm like, third no clue, really, no clue. You could put a gun in my head and on my family in front of me. Tell me your fifth grade teacher back, I'm gonna miss you guys like I have no clue, really no idea.
Missus Galliada.
Really third grade?
Third grade was mss Msscarra. First first grade was miss I don't know. First second grade was Miss Marilino. That's where I start.
Kindergarten teach.
Kindergarten teacher, Nobody Matthew.
I remember my principal of my kindergarten because the principle of my kindergarten was actually my mom's teacher at Portrmand High School.
Really yeah, so he like loved me.
Uh, favorite teacher in high school.
First teacher in high school.
That's pretty tough. But mister Cummings was great. He was he taught, Yeah, he was, he was. He's actually pretty famous with it with us and the and the Jokers.
We used him. Oh you know what, missus Lonza, my Spanish teacher.
We had a great time, but it was only because I wasn't really good at specially just liked me and I used to pract fall coming into her class every day.
Every day he said prof will coming and everybody would just wait for it.
But the first time I did it, she thought that one of the football players tripped me and she gave attention to him and she was like she and she like.
Yeah, she's like, you don't pick on people like that.
Well he's smaller than you, and like she was like she was like he's like a nerd, like and you're like a cool kid, and like you can't pick on people.
He's not getting all. He was filled up with girls. He's got no shoulders at him, look at him. Yeah.
So she was like ripping me apart, like to defend me, which is really funny. And then at the end, I was like, I was like, I just I said, I'm just he didn't do anything.
I trip myself, and she was like, don't cover for him, and I was like, no, really I didn't.
And she goes She's like, well, you don't think I could tell a fake trip and whatever. And so then the next day I did it again and then she was She looked at me and I said and she was, and then she like laughed and then I just every and it just got more and more. Like I would take out desks, I would like flip over the desk, I would make up, and like everybody await for me to come in, and like she wouldn't even start class until I like finally took a seat. And I did it every day, and then one year after I graduated, I came back to visit her and I did it out side her door, coming in and everybody in the class laughed and was like, oh he fell and she's like, nope, he meant it.
Yeah, I did it when I got my award going up on stage.
I got a not my diploma, and my mother made me promise I wouldn't do it when I got my diploma. But I got an award for something and I bid it on and as I was coming down.
There was like trip, trip, trip, and I fell down the stairs coming off the stage. I remember that. Yeah.
Yeah, prat Phone was my thing still it still is in life. But I did a in high school that was like that was the thing that I would do. I think she was my favorite teacher because she embraced it.
Like sure, and she was like, let me be myself, and she was, and.
She was just a really nice lady. How about you have a favorite teacher? Now you don't even remember any of them. You weren't a good student or.
No, horrible, really horrible student, one of the worst pick up.
I wouldn't pick up that vibe from you, awful.
Be No, I still have. I saw that memes somebody somebody made where it's like this old guy he's like in his fifties, like this and he's like, oh, and it's like when you have a dream that you that you missed a college finals and you're not going to graduate but you're in your fifties. It was like this, Oh my guy just looks so and I was like, oh my god. It was so funny. But I do have those nightmares where me too, I'm like, I'm not going to graduate, and I have it all the time. And even when I graduated, I was like, how did I do this? Because I never went to class. I like I would have finals. I'd be like, I didn't go to class at all, Like, how am I going to do this?
Did you do college? Yeah, Kent State, that's right? And then you graduate?
What was your degree?
Again? I forgot the theater and I'm sweating a theater degree. I'll tell you how bad I was. I never got cast in one play. I can't you had a sitcom? I I know, I know it's crazy. I never got I auditioned, but I never got cast. One didn't even make it, like.
You know, background background, actor number four.
Nothing, You couldn't eve get number four. Nothing with a theater, get anything with a theater?
Agree with my goodness, man, you picked the wrong thing you do age.
I did the monologues, I did all the things. I was always like rigging lights and like doing set design and building everything. And I was like, can I get on the stage ort someone never got it. And then like I graduate and there were some really talented kids in my in my class, like really like hard working.
Way to make itself feel better about it.
There's a lot of talent. I was going up against a lot of talent. Barry was great.
God, Jennifer, Lawrence, Denzel there. He just pop in and be like, hey, Steve, can you want to see it?
Like now, dude, actually making me such a better actor.
Everybody, but uh, you never got cast anything. And then like I think three years after that, BT's Comicview was my first, which was kind of crazy, but that was my first TV stand up appearance because Will Sylvans and talent ran this room at the Boston Comedy Club, so they had me. They were so kind. I would get to go up and do like these urban shows, and so I felt like those were the only shows that I was I was like doing my first year or two in the city. So then somebody had seen me at one of those and I got Comic view, and I was like, Wow, I got a I got my first TV thing. And I was like kind of looking around at everybody else. I can't nobody had gotten anything. And then yeah, to get a sitcom, and you know, it was like.
Wow, I couldn't get on that stage.
I couldn't get in college nothing.
So you made the jump to stand up. But when you went for your theater degree, what was What did you think your future was? What didn't wait? This is great, this is fascinating to me.
So what did you think you were going to.
Be when you grew up? When you were in college.
I did think I would be involved in theater in some capacity. I really did enjoy scene design. I enjoyed rigging the lights and working on the grid. I thought I thought it was fun.
So behind this was school.
But then I also wanted to act, but wasn't given the opportunity to do right. And I'll never forget this. I moved to the city. I was doing stand up for maybe three months, and I'd read a thing about in backstage. Backstage they were hiring somebody. They were looking for an actor for a play about the Chinese Mao's Revolution.
Okay, and so.
I was given some guy had just quit, and I had forty eight hours to learn the whole play. Because I got I showed up, I did the thing. They're like, great, you're hired. Good. I think they just needed somebody. So they're like, here's a VHS tape of the show. Memorize it. Here's your line. And I had to watch the TV in a mirror so I could get the blocking right. Yeah, so I was watching it in reverse. But I I forty eight hours, I memorized the whole thing. I was ready to go, and I had zero clue what I was doing there. I zero idea what the show is about. I was like breaking during these like dramatic parts because I'm like, I am, what the am I doing here? And they're like she's dying, Like why you.
Lights out?
It was like Jimmy Fallon on SNL, Like, I'm like breaking character in this thing. And I'll never forget the guy who was the who was the director, producer? Whatever's off off Broadway. So it's it's kind of like Broadway. It's kind of like a big deal. It's a big deal here. Yeah, for sure. He goes, uh, we're all having a cast dinner and he looked at me. This is when I started breaking, by the way. Prior to I was very serious about it. He looked at me across the table while we're eating and he's like, I just want to thank you guys all for doing such a great job. Thank you The show's great and I'm very proud of it, and I hope you guys are too. And he's like, you know, you're you see the talent and a mass to the table and he looked at me. He goes, and you know, there's just some people that just shouldn't act. And he looked right at me, and I just went you just feel the blood drained from you. And I was like I was twenty one or twenty two at the time. I was like, oh my god, we got five more weeks of this. Yeah, And so then I just stopped taking it as seriously. And I think that's when I made like a full, full tilt towards stand up because I was like, I guess I'm not good at this. And then you know, years later, you get a sitcom and there's like, you know it's a sitcom, but there's still like dramatic noises you've got to and I'll never forget the first pilot, the pilot episode I did with Dan Laurio where I leave New York City. I'm gonna stop being corporate attorney. I'm gonna buy the bar from my parents and this is my new occupation and I'll be a lawyer part time at the bar. Right and Dan Laurie and I are doing the last scene where I'm closing up, and he he said something along the lines like do you need help? I go no, I got it, dad, And he had a like a really sweet line. The pilot ended on a nice note, and he went over and pulled the Sullivan and sun Neon signed to signify we're closed for the night, and he delivered something and I got like misty eye, like I got choked up.
And then I took get right back to that stage.
And then Dan Laurier started laughing at you.
But Dan. I went over to Dan. I go, I go, Dan, I got you choked me up. There he goes, I didn't do it. I think you're you're an actor kid, And I was like wow, And that was like that was the tailwinds for me to hear from him, to hear it from him. And there was one other line in there where Jody delivered a line and I didn't say anything and I just drew it out and the director came over he goes, you can't teach that. I was like wow, And it was just the comic.
Time at Kent State.
Yeah, but I did two more shows a Kent State as a comic, so I got I got money back. So I remember going over the checks. I was like, well, I think I got a semester back is what I got. So I got a semester back in my pocket. But but that was the time where I was like, Okay, maybe maybe I could do this.
That's really cool, pretty wild.
Yeah, but you guys came and visited our set, and Owen Benjamin who is who is not someone who enjoys like poop, humor all that stuff. He's got to be by himself.
You, I needed to use a restroom and his his dressing rooms and closest shut the door.
Took ship Owen's in Owen's dressing room, and Owen was.
Like, oh God, it's disgusting.
Yeah, and he literally had the stage manager called the janitor clean out. No.
I really I wasn't a bad one.
I mean, I would have loved to see the multiverse amdness where Steve Byrne stars with Hugh.
Jackman, like on a Broadway show, Like I would love like that.
Because was there a part of you when you were doing like when you were doing the theater because you said you wanted to act, did you imagine that you'd ever be a serious like.
I really did think? Yeah, I mean that was something I was pretty passionate about when I first came here, especially well to.
Go to commit yourself to like college I get your degree in it. Ye were your parents supportive of it or did you berry? Really your mom even yeah.
Which is uh straight the norm in the Korean community at all, But my mom was very supportive, and I think I think it was like the first time I did. I mean, they came to all my shows when I first started, but the first time I did the Tonight Show, that's when it was like, I think for them it was like.
Wow, thank god it worked out.
Yeah yeah, yeah, but you know it's like wow, they I mean, the Tonight Show was such a big thing. I mean for kids of our generation of course, So your first.
To Night show because you did it multiple times, right, did ten times?
Sometimes that's great so your first time, do you remember who the guest was.
I remember it was Laura Logan. She's a CBS correspondent, news correspondent who I guess went off the deep end recently, but like a gorgeous like news reporter, but she worked for CBS. And then I think it was I think it was.
James Spader, Yeah, was the lead. And then who's your third grade teacher?
You said it all up there.
Oh, but that had to be like because for me, like I knew graduating college, I'm not going to be an accountant, got an accounting degree.
I was like, there's nothing for me. I'm not doing this.
I figure out I'm gonna do after it, but I'm just gonna get this degree and I'll figure it out. So you graduated with a degree that you went to chase for a minute, and then you're like, well, this isn't going to really necessarily work out for me. Let me figure out which because you don't need a theater degree, becomes a very a successful stand up.
Come, you don't need a theater degree at all. Right, let's tell you right now, save your money, don't do it.
Yeah, I could see, like, just get to.
Work, but you wanted to say that.
I assume I would say that about it, but I would. I would.
I would just say about that, like all that set design stuff and all that that all came full till for you were looking at your set of your show. You had notes there, you were looking at a very specific guy. You were enthusiastic about that part of it. So you don't need the degree, but the degree fed a passion for you.
Sure. But I also had a great show runner, Rob Long. I also had an amazing producer, Vince Spawn and Peter Billings lead that oversaw a lot. So like, what do you think It's so funny like when you get a show too, when like you're constantly auditioning for things and never getting a thing, and then all of a sudden, just because you wrote a script with a showrunner who wrote like ninety percent of the script at the time, and now all of a sudden, I'm on the other side of the camera, like like here with Rob and Peter and we're watching people audition and people leave the room They're like, what do you think. I'm like, what do I think? Here's what I think. I think if I audition for my own show, I won't fucking get it. So how am I gonna judge? I have no idea if these guys are good or not. I don't know. And after like the second year, that's when I would watch so many submission tapes and I was like, that's when I really kind of started to be able to discern the difference between somebody that was like really great to or yeah.
Okay, yeah.
I mean because when I had my degree and I graduated again degree, all right, so I hit this now it's mayam.
But you had a limited mouse comedy though, right.
Yeah, But I always did it on the side. I was always on the side, even but not in college. In college, I wasn't doing anything college. We took our time off, like we performed A ten one still after college, like I liked making people laugh.
But it was never like I was gonna be like, oh, this is what I'm gonna do in my life.
You never thought in the back of your head, in the deepest recesses, never I'm gonna make a living.
I still have a desire to perform and be in front of the camera, like I love. Yeah, it's always like I love. I always knew like I wanted to make movies like I have filmmaking.
I loved movies.
I love films extroverted as you are. I never on camera. You still really you know.
I never thought of myself as an actor. I never thought a traditional actor. I never thought of any of that.
So when I was when I graduated college, I was like, okay, I was living in my mom's basement. I had an accounted degree, and I'm like, okay, what am I gonna do.
With myself here?
All right? So I'm noises?
What headphones?
So, because we had events, so I didn't want my mom to hear the points I used to wear headphones and true sorry yellow yellow, yeah, because you want to surround.
So I talked about the time the laundry showed up.
I told you about that time the laundry just showed up, which.
Meant my mom was in the room at one point.
It was in the same basement, and I had the cans on facing the corner.
When my desktop.
But anyway, so I didn't know what I wanted to do. And I was like, and my mom came down. I remember this vividly. My mom came down and I was.
I was writing something and my mom comes down and she goes, uh. She goes, so this is what you're gonna do what your life. You're gonna sit in my basement and write, she said to me. And I was writing a short story, like I always love careative writing.
And I was like, I said no. I was like, you know, I'm just I was like, I don't know what I'm gonna do.
Mom. She goes, well, we got you gotta do. And I said okay, and then she said, why don't you go figure out how to get a job, as she said to me, And I was like, I was looking at the classifieds and that didn't work. And I was like, I gotta get in front of people for me to get a job. I was like, you know, that's what I was feeling. So there was a job fare at the Marriott Marquee in Midtown Manhattan, and I was like, I'm just gonna go to the show time.
I was like, I'm just gonna go this job fair. Put a suit on.
I went to this job fair and I walked out with a job offer from Eccenture. And I came back home and then she goes, she goes, I said, well, I got I.
Got a job.
She goes, really a real job, real job.
She said, yeah, I got a job, and I was like, and I had graduated in three and a half years from college, so I had to go like do my my my walk for to get my you know, and I was like, yeah, don't trip.
And I was like, I was like, oh, I said.
They want me to start, and I was like, but I'm gonna I'm not gonna graduate that, I'm not going to go walk and she goes, oh, you have to walk.
I said, well, you just told me get a job. Now I have to walk. I was like, they told me this is when I started. She's like, well, see if you could go.
So they put me in the next class, which because you went to like a three week training for accenture and they shipped out to Chicago with this facility they had, so I was like, I was leaving the day after and I was like, I was like all right, I said, all right, so I'll wait and not start my job. So then I just lived in their basement for like another month, and every time she came downstairs, I was like, you wanted me to be making money? Yeah, So yeah, it was it was really interesting just to have to like, no, I wasn't going to use my degree. And it's kind of scary, right, Like I had this degree and I was like, but I don't want to do this. I just wasted three and a half years of my life all this money. It's like, what am I going to do with this? And then and just try to figure it out, and then comedy just happened. Met Murray on the on the ferry and it was like, hey, we're doing this. I always thinking about doing improv shows in Manhattan.
Do you want to do them? Sure? And that's how it all started, really just bumping into each other. And then he had bump No.
I was always talking to Mary. Murray met up with Sal. He was on the ferry with Sal and Sal and another friend of ours, and he was who Who's Mike Baccio who was the first Enderloine?
And he was like hey. He was like, you guys want to let's do some standing.
We came to my mom's same basement and we practiced for six months.
Really, how do you how do you practice improv?
You just you just keep doing it, You just keep doing scenes for no one. We watched, we would videotape it, watch it back for.
Ourselves heatik it.
Yeah, and I think that was a weird step that we necessarily didn't need. But in the hindsight, I guess it worked because it made us really good improvisers.
Yeah, you know.
And I think it took away a lot of the nerves more than anything, because the first time I got up on stage, I've been doing it for six months, so I think it wasn't like it's the first time I get up on sand.
And then that room we're just filled with family and friends.
It was fifty people at the Producer's Club right here in Midtown Manhattan.
We went watched the room.
Yeah sure, yeah, but it was like it was your friends and family. Yeah, that's who came. It wasn't like, you know, people were selling tickets.
On the streets. Yeah, yeah, hometown crowd, you know.
But then we started doing bigger shows. I mean, we did a show in Staten Island and we actually like ticketed all the all the cars in the parking lot with little flyers and they just said Jennifer Lopez's ass, it said like in big print, and then it's and fine, Prince said, is good, and so is this comedy show? Like really grant attention, like of everything. It was really really like funny to do that kind of marketing. Like we were like literally trying to sell tickets to the show we were doing at the College of Staten Island and we had this sold out like sketch show.
Oh you did it.
It was great. Wow, Yeah, it was fun. So it worked well yeah, I mean I guess so here we are.
Here, we are right, yeah, but I mean those flyers always worked. That's awesome. Man. Well shall we get to work here?
Let's get into it. Two Cool Moms at two Cool Mom's Pod.
At gmail dot coms how you submit your questions or you go ahead to our her Instagram.
Thank you for submitting. We're here. We're here to answer some dilemmas.
Yeah, we're here for you. You need us, morons, you can't figure things out for yourselves.
So somebody's ungry.
I got to fly to New York to answer your questions.
It's lunchtime.
Unbelievable, all right? From Nolan Nolan, Hey, guys, I got a girl issue. Well, there was there was girl that I There was a girl that I Nolan. Can you guys spell god? Well, there was a girl that I was talking to before I met my girlfriend, and I haven't told her that I have a girlfriend now, and she's still thinks I single. What to do? Tell her? You moron?
Good god, that seems like an easy one. Tell the girl that you have a girlfriend. I don't know. I do you think he's asking because he still thinks the other one's better?
I don't know. I mean that's look, if if you're gonna read the tea leaves here, obviously you still kind of like this girl. You never gave it a shot, but you're committed to a girlfriend now, So be a man of principal and ride it out with your girlfriend. Give her the undue attention that she deserves. Uh and uh, And that's on you, and make sure take it to.
Make sure that you make sure that you let this girl know that you're you're off the table.
Yeah, don't make it like you know, well, we don't know what's gonna happen with this one, because then you're just you're just making the other one fail.
You're making the relationship you're in fail.
You're setting it up for a disaster to be like, you know, if you're gonna commit, commit, If you're not, you're not.
And Nolan believe me. I know the girls are hankering for a sample of that sweet sweet.
Nolan, sweetweet misspelling Nolan. He's dropping, He's dropping charm all over the streets.
In your name, use it before a boy.
Here he is, he's he's crushing the streets of Akron, Ohio, just making them, making the street shiver, oh.
And sharing in then over there.
I mean, how many times you bringing girls to Long John Silver.
After We're gonna go see a double feature at the AMC.
We're gonna go see two movies, only pay for one because we live on the edge.
And crazy, You're crazy guy.
Yeah, I'm bringing the snacks from home. I'm not. I'm going to the Kroger's and I'm buying them in bulk. The popcorn. I'm making a little zippy bags, putting it in my pocket when I'm buying this.
Do you sneak candy into the movie there?
Animal? Of course I do.
You can take them out of here, paying forty seven dollars for bagging M and M's No, I'm stuffing them my daughter's pockets.
My wife and I used to go to Coldstone Creamer in Pasadena and we get the ice cream and like put We're like to go please, and we get the things in a bag please with spoons, and then we put it in the in the purse. Oh, in a purse, and we go inside and that's cool. In the movie theater.
I remember I got into it with a with a worker at a Uh I've never said, you go at it with anybody.
Well, it wasn't.
I just got into a tet a tet because I wanted. I got a coffee before we went in. And I walked in and this is, you know, years back, and I said, uh, it's actually in the grove, the movie theater in the grove. Before we went to go see a movie after our shift and I was with some friends. I was like, I'm gonna grab a coffee. So I stopped at the farm that was there and I grabbed the coffee and we're walking in and.
The guy goes, uh.
He goes, hey, you can't bring that in here.
I said, oh, I said, I just want to drink a coffee while I'm watching. I said, you know, I'll buy something else. I said, I just wanted a coffee and he goes, you can't bring it in here. I said, do you sell coffee? He goes no, I said, I want coffee, yeah, and he goes, well, you can't. I was like, well, it's not like you're losing out on the sale because you don't sell it. I said, I gladly would have bought a coffee if you sold it here, and he goes, makes sense, but I still can't let you take it in and I said oh, I said okay, So I.
Just stay stood in front of him and just drank the whole coffee.
In front of him, and I just said to the so I'll just finish it out here, and I just tran just a lot. And it was so awkward because nobody else came to You had to rip a ticket for anybody at that point, so it was just me.
I was and I was doing.
Them like that, and you think maybe at some points he's just.
Going that's what I was gonna do. He didn't. He stood his ground and you stood your which was crazy.
My cough both did it.
That's it.
I missed the previous but fine, and that was it, and I went in.
What was the movie? Do you remember? I think it was a teacher?
Well done? She transferred?
Do you really remember that?
She actually I got her I had her two years in a row because she transferred. She was my third grade teacher and she transferred to fourth.
It's it's astounding you remember that stuff.
I don't really remember much more though.
Okay, let me here we go. Sorry, this is coming to us from Alexis High. Too cool, Moms. I hope you had an amazing summer. Yes, my question is simple. You all ready for fall? You already?
I'll say.
Some people get excited for fall in a big way, the Pumpkin spicers, they all get ready for it.
I'm just you know, like fall. It's just another season.
Ask me if I like fall.
Hold on, you're already for fall?
Ask me twice.
Okay, you're already for fall.
I'm so ready for fall. I love going to Florida in the fall. Do you know why? Because I love seeing the leaves on the ground still attached to the trees. Guys, hurricane season. Hit me again?
Do you like the fall?
I love the fall? You know. I love going up to Canada because I love seeing the Prime minister change colors. Guys, Justin Trudeau, you put on brown face when he was Aladdin.
That was in the fall. Who are you pointing at? They know who asked the question. That's for Alexis.
Oh you guys got some fall humor? Am I ready for fall? Yeah?
Of course? Of course it might be my favorite question every you all ready for the fall? Yes, I'm ready for fall.
I will say that some basic, some basic white bitches get crazy for fall though. They get the ugs out, they put on the double scarf in it, they get the ear muffs that have the bows like the speakers in them so they could walk and talk and drink their pumpkin spices.
Where's my scar Yeah.
Pumpkin spice lattes have revolutionized the fall. The flavor pumpkin spice. You get pumpkin spice. Everything gross.
Well that that's like a seasonal thing at start.
Puplkeet spice. You get a pumpkin spice, You get a punkin spice.
What you get a donut?
You get a donut, you get a latte, you get a candle, You get a pumpkin spice candle. It's it came in hot.
So the way the girls respond to pumpkin spices like boys football season. It's like, guys, when you get the MiG rib, Oh yeah, right, the meg rib comes back for like a month every year.
Is that in the fall.
I don't know, alright, but it's like a month. I think that you can get the McRib.
They bring it back, bring it back, you'll bring it back. Yeah.
Have you ever had a mccrib?
Yes, I did back in the day.
What do you think?
It's gross? Disgusting? What are you talking about? Can I tell you anybody I said that question delicious? Anybody answer that question on the line.
The mcgriddle, the mcgriddle. Okay, So I go to uh, I go tech first comes out right. I go to McDonald's and it was like one of the rare times I get breakfast and I go, uh, I go to the mcgriddle. Uh is that good? And the girl goes to me, she goes, it's McDonald's. I was like, it's McDonalds. Don't loose, Ronald, don't lose, Ronald, don't lose.
I will say this, the mcgriddle unbelievable technology that the guy thought, oh so so, and it tastes like syrup.
I'm like the one cake bun with the syrup in it and a sausage patty.
Be invented, and that we can't solve all the problems in the world drives me insane.
No, that's that's I look at it the other way. It's like, we can't sell camp, but guys, look.
At look at age.
But look, yeah, that's that's in our corners. Like, hey, it's our silver lining. You're saying, like, hey, you know what, going through a crazy economic crisis right now, but mcgriddle right, at least we got the mcgriddel inflation sky.
Guys, who's ready for the mcgrid?
You're all ready for fall? Oh, you're all ready for falls? Gonna be a T shirt I'm going to make and wear way. She said it all caps.
She's definitely ready, she's ready for it.
Yeah, I will say I don't mind fall. I like fall out of the season. It probably ranks third for me.
What's your number one?
I love to come back. I love a comeback story.
I love a blossom, and I love you know you look desolate and all of a sudden, boom, sunshine, rainbows, flowers, blossom.
What's that a bumblebee? Hello friend, it's been a while.
I'm saying, I've never heard anybody refer to a season as I love a comeback story. I do Welcome home, screen, Welcome back, baby, welcome back.
You know what is cold?
I love it, of course you do, because you're your soul is empty.
Jesus my god.
You like winning. I love it.
I would say this too. You haven't really had no you did. You lived in New You lived in Pittsburgh. They had rough winters, right, yeah, Pittsburgh's a pretty rough You had la winters, which doesn't make sense.
My wife Minnesota, I mean that's oh late. So she's a Kodiak bear.
Yeah, oh wow, it's crazy.
She loves winter or hates she hates it now, yeah, but she grew up with it and she I mean, it's miserable in Minnesota.
You get seen snow.
Yeah. Where Miami, guys, cocaine, cocaine.
Joe cocaine. Joe guys, we get it. You're already for cocaine, did you.
By the way, I started off a zoom one time. Here we go, we did like six zooms in one day, and we're pitching a TV show and I was just like, I'm just gonna do this. I think it was like with it might have been with TBS and uh, and I just you know, I have the the thing and as soon as the executives come on, we're like, all right, where and I go like this, what's up? Guys? I thought it was gonna be funny, and I was like, I'm totally joking, but then it looked like maybe I did cocaine.
And I was like, because you were excited during the meeting.
Oh no, not supid, not a good joke, absolutely stupid.
Stevie, Stevie, Well, we're ready for fall. I think the moms are ready for fall.
The answer is yes, absolutely ready for fall.
There go, y'all's ready for falls.
That sounds like it sounds like a sounds like a shirt at the heart.
I got hearts too.
Yeah, it's good emoji work. Thank you, Alexis.
I love you, Alexis. Thanks for bringing some energy.
Okay, this is coming to us from I don't know how to say this because it D three D three x D three sinks is a.
Droid D three D three s thirse, okaythers, let's call it dithers dithers rights.
We have to say something.
Oh here it is ready is the name in that You're dumb ship high cool Mom's I'm Jay.
You're trying to solve a National Treasures. D three would like Nicholas Cage.
That's a handle. Yeah it's a handle, Okay, but I know, but most handles Okay, Okay, God, it feels like winter in here. It's really cold. I've recently been We'll make it back. Jay says, I've recently been struggling to have motivation to to anything anymore. I basic happiness in life, but yet seems to fall short of internal happiness. Most people hold, what do you recommend I do to help benefit myself in a positive way? Thanks, moms, love you. I have the basic happiness in life, but yet seem to fall short of in Okay, gotcha?
So those people so basic happiness meaning content versus happy, right, That's why I interpret that right. People could be confused being content with being happy sometimes and he doesn't have he doesn't feel joy.
He's looking to feel joy.
Just not motivated to do anything anymore.
Yeah, So that there's no joy there, no joy for life? Right? Right? Been there?
Been there for sure? I've had a rough, rough couple. Sure, you know. I love a good comeback story.
Though he's ready for fall.
No, he's not ready for fall. No, No, it felt sounds like he fell almost pick that boy up. Yes, what I would say is you need.
To find little things that give you real happiness, not superficial happiness.
So for me, like making people laugh and spending time with quality people that brings me your joy in a real way. You know, superficial happiness is like you know, a cookie or you know, watching a movie or something like that that just makes you feel okay on the outside.
But send us Yeah, exactly what I meant. H So you get me, Steve. What I think, what I think is important.
Is like, do you have to get something to feed your soul? Feat your soul? That's what you're talking about, Like what makes you? What makes you truly happy? What makes you truly happy?
So spending time with me, well, I love doing stand up.
Yeah, it doesn't make other people happy.
I didn't ask you what makes other people miserable?
Did last night at the charity. I'm fortunate enough to have an occupation that I truly do love. Like I loved my job. My family absolutely right, the kids, time with them, that makes me happy. I love nothing more nothing, And I say this all the time when I'm home. If we have a pizza, if we order Chinese whatever. We'll sit in the TV room, we'll eat. I'll have like a Reese's wafers waiting for me afterwards. Like I have my foods at my family's there and we're about to start a movie, and I just go, this is the best the moment, this is the best. And I say it all the time, but I think it's like these little things, Like the other night I finished my shirt at West Nayak, I pulled my the sheets over me. I got a movie ready to play and watching a documentary, is watching a doc and I'm taking a bite of this pizza and I'm just looking at myself. I'm like, this is the best. Like I love like little moment, Like I absolutely save with this moment. I'm just like not doing a goddamn thing, and I'm just churning off. I'm watching something and I'm eating something fantastic, and I'm either with my family or friends at a movie theater or whatever, and I constantly say to myself, this is the best. Yeah, all the time, that's great. Yeah I haven't said it once in studio today, But that's not true.
You enjoy this job, it's job, you love it. You come all here all the way from Nashville, Tennessee.
Just a cera time help people.
That's great.
Yeah, I will say this, Like for our friend here to three Ski also known as Jay, Yeah, I think because what we're giving him is he's like, well, he's like, I'm not going to pop a kid out right now.
Maybe I hate my job. What could I do right now?
And what I think the big part of it is like identify what gives you joy? Is half the battle, like and what like take stock and when you're smiling, take stock in those moments. Is it spending time with a friend, Is it one friend that gives you a lot of joy? What's happening in that moment? I think it is identifying the moments that make you happy. Fill your life with more of those moments, and you're going to get yourself. You're going to fill up the tank of happiness. And I think that's really important because it's only going to get depleted when you're unhappy, so you need.
To I think there's something to be said too for forcing yourself to like it's so easy, especially like comics laziest laziest people in the world were just like it's so easy, just sit in the hotel room all day and do nothing right. And I'm like, you know, I'm going to force myself to go out. Yeah, I'm gonna. And I was talking to Jiggy about this. I went to Nayak and I was like, I'm gonna get out of my room and walk around downtown Nyack and I went. I found a great bookstore. I found this great pizza shop. I was like, I'm so glad I left the house. I'm so glad I left the apartment, got out or the hotel. Yeah. But even when I like I'm home in Nashville, there's been days where I'm like I don't have anything to do, and I know if I just sit on the couch all day, I'll just do it. So this is showing my age, okay. But I looked up like antique stores. Ah nice, and I found this massive one that was like rated five stars and it was like a huge like warehouse. I was like, all right, let me get the car and just do this, and I went and I had an absolute blast. I was there for two and a half hours.
How much did you buy?
I spent three hundred All of course, Jess was like, what the thought would you? Oh?
You bought other people's garbage, and I own I take, so that'd be the name of it, other people's garbage.
That's one hundred percent. I think I would love the name because I call it what it is.
Main street Candles and bullshit. That's the name of my store. Every every main street in America has a store Candles and bullshit. It's got candles, stupid fucking bullshit. It's got your dumb coosters that say I Heart me. It's got your stupid fucking towels. It's got your wine tasting flights. It's got little figurines made out of silver and it looks like a puppy. It's bullshit, candles and bullshit. I go in there, drop.
Three hunt though you you you love it.
I love a candles. I love the main street.
I love it because I've been going to all these little little I j walk main streets bing bongo, bing bongo.
I go in all of them.
You support, I think more than anything. You like to supports venue store or the employee. Because one of the thing you always say to individuals, do you get commissioned?
You always ask.
Yeah, And I'll be your time at norm and I'll buy more or I won't force myself. That will teeter me if I'm gonna buy these jeans or not. If I like them, they're okay, all right, do you do you work on commission?
All right, you were great. I'm gonna buy them. You don't, that's okay.
I'm not going to get them right because it doesn't really take anyone. I don't want to take money out of people's pockets at the time they did.
So to Jay, I would say, maybe force yourself to get up and just like even take a walk for sure, get.
Out of the house. Happened doesn't happen by yourself in a hotel room.
The best ideas I've come up with have been when I've been walked taking walks, and it's only the last like ten years I realize I'm like, go take a walk, figure it out. And that's when I just for some reason that's I don't know, it's the activity that I just work. I get all my work done. When I get a walk in, I'm like, okay, I got to do this. I gotta do that. So if you're not motivated, I think, force yourself to do something where you can at least give yourself, the thought of what you'd like to accomplish. Maybe get a dog, care for something, get a dog there, you go.
Get a dog. Dogs change your perspective on everything. Just moment take away loneliness.
They give you love you feel like it. Or go if you don't want to the responsibility of a dog. Go like, spend a day volunteering at the local shelter, be around dogs. It's crazy. Like, we just went to a shelter yesterday in Huntington and around all these these pubbies. They found astray that we wanted to help get it, find a home for him, these cute little puppers and Broccoli Rob we named him. And so like we got this dog and we were just spending time there and I met this gentleman who works there and he's he's he's it's a municipality. He's a straight up dog catcher, right, that's what he does. And he just loves animals. And we were talking about it, and I was like, it's got to be hard for you. He's like, yeah, he's like, but we you know, he's like, I work extra hard to find these dogs homes and stuff.
He's like, because I just really do. He's like, I love what I do.
I love being around dogs, and I just thought about that and it just is like infectious if you're around dogs and stuff.
So I would say it doesn't even necessarily have to be dogs.
But like if you go volunteer at a place or something you're passionate about, that's going to give you purpose fill you with some joy too.
So and it's ghetto Pups and Friends.
Got Pups and Friends. That's us. We're out on Long Island doing doing the damn thing. If we can.
You can follow us on Instagram or if you want to go to get Upups and Friends dot com. Find a dog you know what, Jay, come on by, come help us out here. You go, volunteers, come on, you have.
An open invite, Yeah, to go to because you you have the storefront now and you help. And I literally was in Tampa and uh Laurel Ray came to a show with her mom and told me that they not only got one dog, they got two dogs with you and within within a week of each other, and they made two trips.
Up to uh up to the Yeah. Yeah, there's great. We got a they're great. They're great. Yeah. I love when fans it's good.
It feels nice that besides just spreading comedy and joy, I actually get to do help these puppies out. And I love them when my fans support me in both ways, not just laughing at my jokes, but also helped me help these dogs.
So speaking much, Piscotti has joined us on set here. That's beautiful. That's my puppers. I love my Viiscotti, Queen Bee.
I mean, if if if the Aliens came down.
If they're here, they have you not read have you not read the online reports? They've puked at u abs and they're out front?
Ask me what I think about the aliens?
What do you think about the Aliens?
Well, Joe, I hope the Aliens don't land here on the planet because it's one more identity we've got to learn about. So it's going to be l G B T Q E T. Guys.
Well, thanks for joining us. No you're not. We're done. That's it. Thank you guys, and we're out. Thank you so much for listening to Too Cool Moms.
I've been Joe Gatto, I'm Steve Byrne Still.
And uh we love you guys. Thank you for the follow subscriptions. Listening to us, supporting us. Yes, yeah, you want to submit your queries for us to help you with these dilemas because we're clearly so good at it.
We're the best. Yeah. Yeah, you go to nobody better at.
Too Cool Mom's Pod on Instagram or submit questions Too Cool Moms Pod at gmail dot com.
Yes, and we are thrilled to be here at iHeartRadio. Love it, Thank them, and I thank you guys.