Glide into this episode of "Two Cool Moms" as Steve recounts his unforgettable time at the Mario Lemieux fantasy hockey camp, skating with legends and enduring the aches that followed. Meanwhile, Joe shares his takes on family life and the quirks of using public bathrooms. The duo tackles listener questions with their usual humor, offering advice on everything from relationship labels to managing anxiety. Get ready for laughs, aches, and a whole lot of fun with Joe and Steve!
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There was a problem where taking money.
All right, here we go. We are doing a virtual two Cool Mom Stevie buckle up goes. Here we go.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for another episode of Two Cool Moms. I am your host, Joe Gatto, along with Via Zoom, my friend, Oh, Steve.
Burn, Steve Burn, that's you, yes, st that's me.
Yeah, thank you so much for joining my own name.
Yeah, everybody, I love that. I appreciate you guys. Stevie.
I appreciate you taking some time to make this happen. I know we couldn't get together in the same room. We don't like to do this because we hate the distance between us.
That's right, yearning for each other. But I am in Pittsburgh right now at the Mario Lemu Fantasy Camp and it's a wonderful The Mario Lemu Foundation, obviously they raise money for cancer. They do these things called Austin's Playroom, which are you know, rooms for children that are dealing with cancer. So they I think they have seven or eight different locations. A lot of them are primarily in Pittsburgh. But it was a lot of a lot of money funded towards cancer research. Et cetera, et cetera. So there they have a fantasy camp where normal guys it's like pros versus Joe's no more guys like me get to come and you get to skate with famous alumni Hall of famers, and it's it's one of the greatest, coolest experiences I've ever had in my life. And the very first one I did, Mario Lemieu was still skating and I got to skate a shift with Lemieux, and I skated a shift against Lemieux, and I came back and I said, this is the greatest day of my life. And like me, better than our wedding. I'm like, and I looked at it and the I go, yeah, absolutely better than our wedding.
The only thing that con made our wedding better was if Mario Lemieux walked you down the island.
That's right, if she walked me down to Mary Mario. Yeah. And I mean the guy is just hockey royalty.
And I mean I even know him, which means he's somebody I know. Most people well, no, yes, Lemieux, most people do not know is French French Canadian?
Yes, So there you go. Does that look'd bit for you for all our French listeners.
Uh so, I wanted to say, so do you on the when you're on the ice and you're skating.
After you get off the ice, how long do you hurt?
How sorry?
Are you okay? So we're so we're we get to play in the arena, which you've played the PPG arena.
Well, let's be clear, I've I've played as a comedy show on the stage there.
I haven't say hockey.
You were That's right, You're not a New York Island or a ranger or saber New York State. But but the whole thing takes place in there. So we skate where the penguins play, and they have this Casamigo's lounge and that's where we eat our meals. So so we we've been ah skating, We're gonna go eat lunch. And I pull up to the bar and they have all these mango smoothies, like fresh whipped, nice smoothie. And I go to put my foot on the little step up that's maybe four inches up at the bar and as I put my foot, I'm.
On ah and two of the camera has heard me like burn, are you okay? I'm like, they look like, dude, it's like three inches, Like, what are you complaining about. But it's just a fun experience and it's the closest like I'll ever feel to like being a professional athlete.
They have equipment managers, you're decked out in jerseys, you're playing the game like your face is up on the board. They do the things where you're like, go like this the camera, so you film all this stuff and you literally feel like a pro athlete, and your whole day is regimented around playing practicing games. And every team has two pros with them. So we have Max Talbot and Tyler Kennedy, former Penguins, and our team is coached by Kevin Stevens, a Hall of Famer, and Pierre LaRouche who is a former New York Ranger legend and he played for the Penns four while too. But it's just amazing and the camaraderie get from hanging out with all these so fun, you know, grown men from all over in Canada and stuff. It's it's it's cool.
I had I had a similar experience.
When you're talking about the face being like on the jumbo tron in front of the huge arena. I took my kids bowling yesterday and then the bowling alley had a new feature. He could take a picture and it would like animate you on a thing when it was your turn.
Oh that's awesome.
So I had me of my kids faces up on the bowler rama.
There you go. I'm just curious, what did you bowl?
I got to the elbow was in a rough shape last night. I only hit like one forty. That was rough last night.
That's a bad day for you.
It's a bad day. Yeah.
Yeah, but we we had fun. The kids were The kids were great. My daughter got very frustrated and my son was using the ramp and he was doing like the one two three every time.
I was just.
Roll it down. Yeah. We didn't do the bumpers, but we did the ramp.
But it was it was fun the fifteen seconds to see like you're just waiting for it to like slow.
At the last minute, it seems like there's an earthquake and it just a whole blake shifts and it just goes right to the gutta like it's dead on then boom right to the gut of the port.
The most it's the most gratifying strike because it'll topple one by one and then it's just the one swirling like.
There's no speed. There's no speed to the ball. You might as well like roll a tennis ball at it. But yeah, we had fun. So how long it's a fire? How many days is this thing?
Five days? So today is like the playoff round and then tomorrow's the championship round. We're going to see how we do. We're two and oh so far. We have a ringer on our team, this guy Yuri, who is just like skating through everybody. But then you have guys like Pierre Turjehon, who's you know again, another like legend in the game, and former Buffalo Saber And I mean, the guy's got to be in his late fifties and he's just serpentining through everybody and they still have these skills. Bernie Nichols is on our team. Former La King legend, another Hall of Famer, and he's on our team.
Cousin to Frankie Quarters. Yeah, we don't know that he was a he was on the Blackhawks. I believe.
I'm glad you knew the Blackhawks.
Yeah, yeah, that was my team in a NHL when I used to play on PlayStation. That's the only reason.
I dude, I gotta tell you so one story. Okay, So we all go out to lunch or dinner last night. Again, everything is first class, right, they do a fancy steakhouse. Mike Young, another great comedian out of the Comedy Store, is with me. So Mike and I sit in a booth and there's this great guy named Uh. It's like Andrew Ko. He's the only other Asian here. And so he go, no, we're not on the same team, but I was like another Asian and then Uh. And then he and his mom sat down with us. So he brought his mom to camp, and she h, I got to learn the story he came over from. They came over from Shanghai and he was like nine, and they moved to Saskatchewan, I think, and they they turned on the TV. They had no idea what hockey was coming from Shanghai, and she said, who do you like. He said, I'll take the white team. She's I'll take the green team. And that's how they got into hockey. So they would just look and watch it. And then years later his favorite player was marl Lemeux. He ends up playing at the camp and playing with Lemieux. Anyways, we're sitting at the table. There's a guy doing magic and then he he's like and it was great, and he's like, you know, I do some mentalist stuff too, and Mike Young's like, oh, can you do one? And the guy goes, what would you say if I had a credit card with your name on it? And Mike's like, oh my god, that'd be amazing, and so he goes, what's your name? He goes Mike Young. He goes, Mike Young, I'm going to give you a credit card with your name on it. So he gives the credit card to Mike Young. It says your name. Okay, Mike doesn't have his readers, so he's gone, how the fuck did you do that? How did you Mike? Mike, it says your name. He's like, I know, it says your name. He goes, so if it says Steve Byrne, Like, how would you do that?
How would I go?
It says your name? He goes, I know, it says mine. It was like literally, who's on first, right?
And he didn't admit he couldn't read it, and he's like, so if it was like her name I'm like, Mike, it literally says your name. He goes, I know Steve, and so I like.
I go it says, why oh you are name?
He goes, oh shit. And so I'm sitting there and it's me Keith Coo, missus ko and I go, I go, like, you're sitting with three ations like this.
This white boy so stupid, he's dumb.
He had dumb white boy.
So missus coop.
After that, we're going to the ring today and I go, missus Coo, how are you? I go look on, but she goes, oh, stupid white boy.
Amazing. Oh have a T shirt that says your name on it. I should change his jersey to it.
I couldn't believe he wouldn't get over it. It was unbelievable.
That's so funny. Did he uh?
Did you you play? You played hockey growing up? When was the first time you started playing, like on a team though?
I was six years old, well five years old. I my father played. So we'd go to the rank and he just hold his jersey and he'd pull me around. And then six I started. That was my first season. And seven was the first time I felt like, oh, I can skate now, and I think I got the hang of this, and I played all through high school. I played on two different teams travel high school. And I was fortunate enough to grow up during Lemieux's peak era, so ninety one ninety two, I was a junior and senior, and they won the Cup back to back in those years, and it was so great to be in the city and again just to just know that, like he knows who I am, and you do this contract signing and you know, you sit down with him at the table and you sign a contract with each other and you talk for a second. It was like it's still surreal. It's still surreal, Like.
Well, that's why you do that big charity event. We do that every year, right, you do the You Foundation, You do that.
You're doing again this year.
Yeah, we're doing it this year.
Friday, July eighteenth, Mark you count his friend. Save the dates, Save the dates, Save the date. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, July eighteenth. We're doing the Comedy Jam. As you know, it's a to a comedy show where comedians come out. We do ten minutes of material and we sing any song we want with the live band. It becomes a comedy concert and this year, it's you.
You have a few friends coming. You is joining Murray, is joining Frankie Kees, who's one of my favorites, Lace Larabee and josh Adam Meyers in the comedy jam band.
So it's gonna be.
To be a killer line.
It's always so much fun. I'm really excited.
So yeah, and I've been asked about it quite a bit since i've been here. People like you.
Well, they're looking for they're looking for the scot all these people you raise a lot of money for that.
That's right, that's right.
Yeah, the golden Goose to.
Make sure nobody checks him too hard.
Look, well, you got a good haircut. I got a good little haircut. You gotniced up for the little muse. Just in case you know.
I hit a point Joe where I cannot I've always been able to lose weight. So two weeks before this, I know I can put on my so on a suit, I'll jump my rope and then and I'll eat right, and I'll trim it down. This is the first time in my life I eat right. I put on the saw suit. I'm hydrating, and I just hit a wall. For some reason, I cannot get below one ninety. It's never happened in my life. Really, it's the first. Yeah, I've always I wanted to come in at like one eighty, and for some reason I just couldn't. I couldn't drop the way. I don't know what it was.
That's what happens when you turn fifty five. All this giving, when you in your early sixties, all these things shut down on.
Wow, we went up, we went up.
Okay of kidding.
So you hit the five zero and you can't drop under the one. Azh tough you're at okay, yeah, that's my goal weight. We're on different pages there.
Okay, Yeah, yeah, I'm not happy.
I'm ten right now. I went away. I'm ten. I got that always makes me look more trim. I got a nice You look fantastic.
You think it fantastic. The last few years though you lost, you lost quite a few LB's.
Yeah I did drop some lbs. Maybe, Uh, I don't know.
I I think the tanner I get, the fatter I can be, though, So I've been really hitting the doughnuts.
Pretty odd now. It's like when you wear up black, everybody's like, oh, you look so good. Yeah. I turned down No, I put on an Excel black T shirt and that's that's my diet.
We were just hanging out with fat people.
Right, that's what I do. I mean, I was the fact that everybody hung out with. We used to have this thing, me and the.
Boys, we had this joke of who's number who was number two, who was the second fastest, It didn't matter who first battest, and it was the number two spot would always fluctuate between.
Us for a while. Sal held number one for the longest.
Sal was the raining champion and me and Q would be fighting with another of the two spots.
So like when we were on the road.
I'd be like, hey, you want to ant Like I would feed him to fatten them.
Up or whatever. It'd be really funny. The number one has always been skinny, right, he was always a skinny kid.
Yeah, always skinny. But then he got like jet.
No, he got well, he got chat a little bit, he got he chubbed up a little when he got when he got hitched, he got a little bit of a round face, he got a little bit, a little chunk of dunk. And then because he was like you could always drop weight. And then he started working at it and working out with him and his wife and they put the the gym in the house to really hit it home and he has to work at it now.
It's always weird though, when you're like, I mean Murray and I love him, great guy, but he's like a seven, right, He's like a seven. So even if you work out and you're shredded, like if you're Chris Ham's Worth and you're like a nine and then you get jacked, you're like a ten, right, But if you're seven and you get like Murray got in great.
Shape, yeah, he's still a seven, you know what I mean. Like, it's just so some people, you know, the Jack I wouldn't know.
I was always I always had this joke that I was gonna do and I never got to do it because I didn't have the discipline. But I was like in the off season, in between seasons, I was gonna get in the.
Off season, like, dude, you're not mahomes Well, we.
Filmed that way. I used to film like nine months out of the year. I had no life.
I was consumed by this thing, right ten months out of the year.
So I was like, oh, you know what I'm gonna get.
I'm gonna get Jack I'm gonna get abs and everything. And I even talked to the production about it. I was like, listen, there's between seasons six and seven. I was like, listen, I'm gonna get jacked and I back and I'm like, take for the funny, they're gonna take my shirt off of the first challenge. Like I'm gonna try not to see them in the off season or as you would say, the downtime, try to avoid.
Them as best I could.
And I was like, three days in, I was like, it's not.
Worth a joke. Yeah, donuts, It's like forget it.
Well you could you could? You know, don't you think you could?
Well, I'm doing this thing now. Then I'm trying to get a little bit more trim.
I started picking up some of these vitamins and things like I've never done, like, uh, these probiotic y kind of things for gut health because I think I think that's part of my issue is at all my fats and my belly, and I'm trying to see what I could do there. So I've been doing some of that stuff and I have to say I feel better. I don't necessarily look any better yet, but I'm starting to feel better, and I think that.
We talk about out well, I mean, you see me in the square. We're on zoom right now, buddy, anybody looks good.
You don't have any glasses on, and I'm two by four in your window, right, anybody could crush this look. But yeah, no, I don't look bad. I just you know, I feel like I'm starting to feel better. When I feel better, I feel like my body loses.
The weight a little morning, right right, Yeah, yeah, well I I got the chubby cheeks.
Well it's okay, you got you know, you're but you're out there, You're you're hoofing it on the isis.
They say, I'm hoofing. I'm playing two games a day. I'm sweating my I bought a I bought a travel scale. Really so I bring this travel scale, but he put.
A luggage one by accident, so you just hang.
Yourself out to give myself a wedgie, I'm like, can you send a made up I'm stuck. Yeah no, I I finally bought a travel scale. It was it fits in your travel you know, your your carry on, and uh, it's pretty accurate. It's pretty darn good, and it's not giving me the results. I want. So I'm a little angrily broken.
But it's broken.
Yeah, now I know it's broken. Yeah, it has to be right. I'm gonna chuck it off this floor. But uh, but should we get into this?
Let's get into it, but something to have.
Some questions here. This is coming from Debbie. Okay, Debbie says, I'm fifty six, my significant other is seventy. We've been together for fourteen years. We're not married by choice. I don't know what to call him. Boyfriends sounds strange at our age? Am I overthinking? What should I call my person? Thanks?
Okay, boyfriend does that strage? But the way that you read that question is even more strange. Because you said we're not married by choice. It sounded like she.
Was forced into a marriage to me.
When you said that they're not married by her choosing, she means right, they decided they don't want to get married. I thought you meant that she had to marry him by like gunpoint.
Like wife.
Yeah, so what do you mean?
Yeah, you see boyfriend a seventy year old boyfriend.
Yeah, we've been she's fifty six, so he's fourteen years older than it, and we've been together for fourteen years and are not married by choice.
Yep, yep.
So they just wanted to be So that's that was my mom. So my mom would just date. She always said I had my husband, I had my family. I don't need another husband. So she want to be married. But she had boyfriends. She always called them her man. She said, you know, this is this is my man. When she would introduce people around, you know, she wouldn't want to say friend, she didn't want to say partner, she wants to say anything of that, and she would just say my man, you know, because that that just brings in you one that you're together, you know.
So I would recommend that. I remember my mom. Everybody wanted to marry my mom though. All the guys were trying to lock it down, and she's like, let this birdy fly. I was locked in this cage for twenty something, twenty eight years or whatever. It's time for me to go.
Baby, got you know, my mom was just flying around town being a hot mom.
So she didn't you know, she was a silver fox at fifty. She became a fifty four I think she was when she became a widow. So she still had a lot of life left in her you know.
So she was so she was dating all these guys and they were always trying to lock her up. Man, And I remember she was always like my mom was like a play at at fifty four years old. It was so weird because me and my mom were both in the dating scene. I'd be dating, she'd be dating.
You know.
It was we'd connected about that stuff because I was in my late twenties, early thirties, you know, so it was it was really interesting to see to have that perspective. But I would definitely recommend you know, my man, this is my man, this is you know.
But if they if they are married, right, I mean they aren't married.
She said, they're not married by choice, meaning they don't want to get married. They both have been. They're older enough, they've already been husbands and wives to other people and are not married by choice. Okay, yeah, so my mom.
My mom's stance on that was, you know, you get married to have a family, and she was like, I already had my family or I already had my husband. And she also didn't want to have to deal with She wanted to get buried with my father, so she didn't want to.
They bought the double plot.
She was already in. She already spent the shuttle, so she was like, I'm not gonna double dip on this thing.
A little uncomfortable with the pearly gates.
It's like, hey, hey, hey husband, this is my man.
Well that that's It's still great though, that she because I always think that, boy, that what a what a weird conundrum that is, But but that she was still respected your father, you know, in that aftermath of never going there again.
Yeah. Yeah, she would always call out his name during sex, which I thought was very nice about you don't matter what the guy's name was. She was yelling Joe very very boy mother.
It was funny we let you just left because a bunch of old boyfriend would named Joe. Yeah, And I was like, that was just out of convenience. You didn't want to call somebody the wrong name, not.
Even during that. Just because she was older. He liked to be like, hey, Joe, what time you picking me up? That would be okay to say she.
Isn't it cool though, that she was saying your name during sex?
Yeah, that was my favorite thought.
To be honest, you're playing Intendo at eleven thirty're like.
Mom, Oh yeah, Mom, yeah Mo. Like the first one, you think she's just calling you, like yeah Mom, what do you need?
Like doctor Xavier, I feel her calling me in the universe somewhere.
The boys and I, because I used to live my mom's basement.
We had one of our first scripts and we actually filmed this see for a pilot that never made anything. It was the end of it is I have the headphones on in my mom's basement and I'm playing video games as you hear just sex sounds coming through the vent.
Oh no, no, no, no, Usually it's the other way around, right, Yeah, I know you worry about that, Joe, turn that down. Jesus Christ were lying the VHS.
If we have a broad dates home at the same time, the house would be a rock and don't come a knock.
And stave you.
You know what I'm saying, Oh my god.
Yeah, it's good. I would say. Man. I would say, man, that's my answer, final answer.
There we go. That's it. Yeah, this is coming to us from Sherry. Why do men? Why do men use urinals instead of stalls when in public? They don't have urinals at home? I always wondered why, Thanks Moms.
Iry I literally this is interesting.
I mean, you take this one first. I have I have a perspective though.
Well it's not it comes down of money, right, it's breast text. If I put a toilet down and I got to throw the the stanchions up and the wall it off and then the door, it's like you just like quadrupled your costs as opposed to just all those stalls. And sometimes you have stalls without the little even like the little thing you.
Know, so the blocker, yeah, the blocker.
Yeah. My thing is anytime you and your buddy go at the same time and you have the blockers and your buddy goes. I was wait for my buddy go first, and then I tap him like can you move over please? Like come on, man. But that's one of my dumb favorite jokes to do.
I kissed you once when you were paying. Remember I came in the back of your neck. That's one of my favorite jokes that do. I let you go in for vincent.
Breath, and then.
I think anybody whispered, how's it going the urinal? Would you have a urinal at home?
If you could.
Just be in the toilet and then yeah, yeah, I.
Think the urinal really for the The thing about the urinal that it does versus the stole is speed. It's turnover, right, and if you've got people going through quick. I mean I find urinals actually kind of really disgusting. Have you ever like stepped up to urinal it's always it's always damp on the floor, but like and you notice your shoes untied.
That is one of the worst things in the world. Yeah, right, I hate that.
But I think the urinals just for convenience of time, I think it got built. You used to go into some of these dive bars, I'm sure you did in college that they just have a trow. Do you ever have those that's disgusting, disgusting.
Pee trow where people just line up, wang's out, there's no diviners, everybody's all wasted that peeing on each other. It's disgusting because I was my worst part about like not drinking.
I would always walk into those situation it's sober.
Okay, and there would be guys back there wasted peeing from six feet back thinking they're hitting it.
The only redeeming thing about a trough is is when you're there and you get your you're peeing ten eleven ten m pm because then you're melting nice. Yeah, and that was kind of fun. It's kind of fun to see like that ice cube slowly just melt from your body heat. And I know that was my own sometimes.
Ur That's why I peed in drinks at the bottom, you know that the urinals sometimes they put that.
Little b there's like a bo. There's like a little be that you can like a target. It doesn't move, doesn't do anything.
They have targets on some of them. Yeah yeah, well then you get you get the uh the cool bar that has like the big wrap around picture of like fifteen hot girls looking down.
Like ye to get it. Yeah yeah, yeah. So I think the urinal just is at a convenience and speed in public.
But I would if I go into a stall and p a lot too, you know, if they're if they're you take a dump.
In a stall, I take a dump in a urinal, which really and.
That's what I meant in the urinal for the funnies, I mean.
And you know it is what it is. You know, judge, if you want, but the bathrooms you.
Gotta go, you goetta go. I knew, uh this girl I had dated, she had called me like a year after I dated her, and she's like, I got to talk to you. And I thought, oh, like is this something? Like, like what's wrong? She's like, you know, I always appreciated that you've been a friend since we broke up, But.
I think I want to break up with somebody.
And I'm like, well, okay, And she's like, but is this a dumb reason to break up with somebody? I said, well, what is it? She said, well, he peas sitting down, and I was like, yeah, a hundred percent. I mean, unless it's avoiding you, like I don't. I never understood that. I know it's a handful of guys that do that out there, but I don't understand ping sitting down.
Listen at three am, p if I'm stumbling and bumbling to the bathroom, I'll sit down.
Yeah, I'll tell you why.
I still Yeah, this is the reason, this is the reason why I will. I'm lazy. I like to sit.
Also, I'm like slight, sleepy eyed, I got the aim and everything. It takes away a lot out of the equation. You know, I'll sit there, but it's it's I don't do it on the regular. I mean people do it on the regular as a choice. It seems little lot to me.
Yeah, And are you uh do you do the night time pee getting older?
I'm yeah, I'm pinining. I'm pinining all the time. I wake up and peel all the time. Yeah.
Yeah, I poop standing up. That's a choice. Most people find that interesting. I mean I do a I do too. I call it a two footer stand up there, Tim, Yeah, I think it's more fun. Uh No, I I yeah, I've been doing that for a while though. I just get up. I don't sleep much though, you know, I'm five hours. Yeah, it's kind of nappy thing.
No, I mean, I'm a little crip keeper. I go down for the count and that's it.
So and then you wake up and you pee for forty five minutes.
I do the Austin Powers. Yeah, I'm at it well, Sherry, I think for me, at least, I think it's a Joe says turn and burn I say it's a it's a financial issue. So probably both of those are this someone knows from Bobby. Bobby says, my girlfriend hasn't left her basement apartment since Thanksgiving twenty twenty two. I want to help her with her anxiety, but nothing seems to work. I know some people go through moments of social disconnection, but this seems too long. How can I get her out of her literal comfort zone?
Yeah, that's tough.
I mean that's that's two years. I mean technically three, but two that's all in that she hasn't even left, Like, how do you work? I guess she works at home?
Yeah, yeah, remotely, I guess.
Or but he didn't say why she's not leaving.
Well, he's anxiety anxiety, social anxiety.
But I know a lot of folks, like I know a lot of people you know, friends with in LA didn't leave their homes for a good year and a year and a half from COVID, So I don't know if there's some anxiety due to that, but there's.
Definitely a tipping point though.
That seems a long time, and it seems like she may need help with her mental situation for the anxiety be so crippling that she won't leave the basement for almost three year. I think that's too long, you know, I think it's too long. I think anybody would say that, any rational person would be like, that's too long to not leave your home.
Of course, especially you know, health.
Reasons and you know, getting out and about and just getting some fresh air and whatnot.
I mean, that's that's tough.
I would probably seek assistance with this one. I mean that feels like there needs to be a professional pulled in right for this one. I mean you can't, like you could, but you can't like chloroform or drag rat the house and that she wakes up in a field and be like.
Got yeah, Like that's probably not the right move. Although I'm not gonna take it off the table.
You got to pull a mister T on the A team, right yea milk. And it's so funny that we're at a point where like we're here to give advice, but we're like, you know what, we can only take you so Far's time to get a professional here. It's it's called I do wonder what the source of social anxiety is if? If it is social, is it like COVID is a bird flu? Is it? Like there's a multitude of reasons people don't leave their home. So I'd love to know more about that because if it's like you know, you know, it's like it's also like what you're being filtered, right, Like what are you watching that's keeping you home? Because I know some people get news from one source left and slight, and that dictates a lot of a lot of how.
They It might be trying to block a stimulus or something like that. Like I had a couple of friends who like deleted Twitter for a while and whatnot because things are they felt like there was too much.
But that might that might be a that's actually a very it's.
A very very good call there, Stevie's very proud of you, Joe.
I can only take you so far.
As good as that is, there are times you got to call in the pros.
Yes, I would say that, So either here's your options.
Okay, call a professional, buy some chloroform, delete their Twitter.
That's pretty much what we've gotten you here.
But I also think it's like you are a good friend to her. There's got to be something she misses, right, Like if you said, hey, right, let's go get a deep dish from Pizza Hud and have like a nineties night, I'd be like, let's have like a yeah, let's get an old fashioned deep dish pizza. Like the one thing I would leave the house for. What would that be, whether it's a concert.
Or something live. Yeah, for sure, some entertainment right tow. Steve Burne is in town.
I mean you could go to tickets, you know, punch Up Live live dot live, and you can search for Steve burn find out where he is a go to joke ottofficial dot com and see where I'm at.
I mean, you know, I'll take you. Here's something.
If you get the this person to come after the show, we'll come back.
Let him come back and say hello and realize there you go. There we go. If that's not tantalizing enough, don't tickets? Yes, and you know what, I'll throw a t shirt. Let's see it says your name on it. Welcome back to life. There it is your name.
That's right, all right?
For one more, let's do one more. Here we go.
Okay, this is coming to us from Maggie. I'm looking at getting professional help from my anxiety, but struggle with telling my mom and her reaction. I need advice for my cool moms on how to approach my real mom. Thank you well. I think it's a healthy thing if you feel that you have anxiety and then you're addressing it with a professional I don't know a parent in the world that wouldn't be supportive of it. I would think that that's something that any parent could get behind. I mean, certainly if my child, you know, twelve, but let's say she got a little older and she said, hey, I'd like to seek professional help for X, Y Z. Of course, what do you need? And I think it's so admirable that you know that you have something troubling you and the fact that you want to address it and you're willing to take the right steps. I mean, that's so much better. What a pendulum swing from the other one, right of somebody who has anxiety but won't address it, or won't confront it, or won't look for help. You're actually looking for help. So I think, boy, what parent in the world wouldn't be happy for you or supportive?
I think a lot of it comes from, uh, you know, it's just happen to tell your parents. Why don't you want to tell them?
Look at that?
First of all, do you feel like you're a disappointment because you have anxiety, You're not able to handle it yourself, You're afraid of their reaction? I mean that's all You're putting that all out there on yourself. You're setting up barriers for no reason, like you don't know that's the outcome, right, You're I guarantee like there might be a little bit of oh, why, what's the matter? What can't why can't I help you? Or some defensiveness as a parent that they might be like what what can And then that's going to immediately dissipate when they realize that it's helping you, because everybody wants their child helped.
So you just gotta get over that first thing.
And I would say a lot of it's probably self inflicting barriers that you're giving yourself. So I would say, you know, get over yourself, check yourself for your wreck yourself. Then on the ones and twos, talk to mom and pops and be like, here's the delio.
And I would use that exact sentence because the mom and dads wanted another dilio. Yeah, but I think that's the part of it. I think you need to just get it. Fire them up here we go. Listen you say, mom, here's the remix Wicked. I got issues. You know, I'm dealing with desieties and I need some help. Please, that's what you're gonna do. You're gonna take it to the mom and the pop. Maybe you'll have it over a Deep Dish pizza like we talked about earlier.
You know, Steve didn't have lunch yet, clearly because you brought up the Deep Dish twice.
Actually, yeah, I would.
Yeah, Well, I wish her all the best and I think I don't even think she needs any any good luck because she's doing exactly what you should do. That would be like.
And also bottom line, if my dad, mom or dad or whoever is upset with you about it that you're taking care of yourself, they could go scratch and by that they're asked because you got to take care of yourself.
So go ahead and do it. So there's there's no there's no problem here, there's no yes, no, there's no loose. It's all win. So good luck to you. Joseph Sebe, we did it.
Can you tell me? I love that It's not me, This is not me going Quad to quad, this is me. I'm not that I know.
Jean Claude Van dam I thought you were stretching out the next big game. You're stretching out before the next big game. But well, I love you.
Thank you so much for taking the time to do this with us via via zoom.
We all love you and appreciate you. Pow yeah, love you body. All right. So you know, if you got questions, we got answers too.
Cool Moms Pod at gmail dot com, follow us on Instagram at two Cool Moms and to c Stevie live, you're gonna go. To Punch Up Live yep, and to see Me live, You're gonna go.
Joe atoficials dot com. All right, guys, love you, Love you, guys.