Devin and Carolina recap the latest episodes of The Valley and Summer House before discussing a very important announcement about the future of the show.
Oh, I watch.
Hello and Welcome to True Romance. This is Carolina.
Barlow and this is Devin Leary.
You guys, Bravo has really been showing up for me lately, and I've realized in a few social outings a few I say, because I still hide from the world due to severe trauma and not recovering from if you guys can recall the twenty twenty COVID pandemic, I have still gone outside a few times, and I meet people I do, and once in a while I meet someone who watches Bravo and it is like two shipwrecked sailors uniting on a desert island. I just feel like, here is someone who speaks my language. And with this current season of Summer House with you know, the second half of the season of vander Pump Rules with you know, the new show that's really given my mood to boost the valley, I feel like we have a lot to talk about.
I think there's very few things to talk about in general. And one of the reasons I like being a woman is that we don't have to talk about like sports and movies all the time, right, And I agree that when you meet someone who watches Bravo. It's like, okay, so we are probably similar types of people and we have so much between us, and it's like a whole new world is about to begin. Also, I'm rewatching old episodes of Summerhouse, as everyone knows, and like it's you would think I had never seen it before, Like I'm hanging on every word of every episode. I think it's a really underrated franchise. Like I know everyone's watching right now because of Carl and Lindsay, but it's actually always been giving a lot and the dynamics have always been hinging on this level of it's actually a show about like codependency and alcoholism, and samely between Carl between it's like Lindsay and Kyle are like the suns that everything else orbits around, and like either Danielle or Carl or that random hobbit man Steven who was briefly there, Like they're all like entering the orbits of Kyle and Lindsey and they just continue to kind of be like tornadoes with a lot of damage in their wake. And it's really fascinating. Like I forgot how fucking bad it was between Amanda and Kyle right before they got married. It's like so stark and awful, and like she's like constantly nagging him and being like, Kyle, Kyle, don't do this, don't do that because she hates him. And then he's calling her a bitch and saying they have nothing in common, and then she's saying he didn't get me a birthday gift and my parents. The first night they get to the summerhouse, he blacks out and stays out till four am, and she's like, my parents said, if he can't control his drinking, then we're not getting married. And then he has to pay for the wedding, which is two hundred and fifty thousand.
Dollars, which is insane.
It's just like so much.
It's two hundred and fifty thousand dollars in her parents' backyard, by the way, Like she's like, we're actually having it at my parents' house, so like that's really nice, and it's like, but then why is it so expensive when also, by the way, they own an alcohol brand, like you would think a lot of the alcohol is also like not being paid for.
I just like don't understand how that's happening.
I don't even drink, but I do feel bad that the whole house has to drink lover or boy, do you know what I mean? Like, I'm like I would hate having to drink some shitty, sugary beverage.
I think it's like just water to them. It's like they're never not having something. By the way, I do have to say something about Lindsay, which is she is toxic and she has a lot of superit issues. But like my overall headline about Lindsay is like she's iconic. Honestly, I'm like she is screaming a man is working from home that her boyfriend's working from home and says like, can you make me a sandwich?
And she screams at him.
How many fucking sandwiches have you made for me? Like the way that she goes off is actually so iconic, and like her saying like if I want to have sex with Austin, I will do that. Like she just I kind of am like obsessed, But I also think she's so not a girl's girl, and that sucks.
It's fascinating how obsessed.
Danielle is with her, and like Danielle, like Stephen wanted to like leave the house because Lindsay screamed at him for not Lindsay got so wasted that she could barely talk, so she went to bed and he stayed awake, and then she like came up she like returned from the dead and like shot up in bed and like came up stairs and was like, you need to hang out with your fucking girlfriend. And they get in like a huge fight, and he's like I want to I want you to drink water, and she's like you're not having fun and you never have fun, like and what you think is good is not good enough for me, so whatever, and so then he's gonna leave and Danielle takes his suitcase from him because she's like Lindsay has abandonment issues, Like you can't.
It's like so sick, it's so sick.
And then like the next season, it's Lindsay's birthday and Danielle's trying to be like, Okay, Lindsay has to have the most fun possible on her birthday and like if anyone steps in away for having fun on her birthday.
Like this is what I'm gonna do, Like I'm gonna stop.
The I'm just like, are you okay? Like what is going on in this dynamic? But the thing is it's so addicting because I'm like, oh, I know what's coming. Like then I know Lindsay and her are going to have a falling out. I have to see that. I know Amanda is going to have like her dramatic weight loss and everyone's worried about her. I have to see that. Like it's just so addicting and it it does give me so much, but also to the extent where I worry about myself because I'm like, why am I doing nothing besides watching this?
And it's like all I can really think about to.
The extent that I'm worrying about myself is the correct answer. I you know, come home sometimes from a stressful day of work, and when I say stressful, I mean stressful because of my inner shinan against aka mental illness. And the thing that helps me decompress is Jack screaming on vander Pump Rules or the Valley. So I understand what you're saying. I also want to go back to what you're saying with Lindsay being iconic. So this most recent episode, Lindsey drunkenly is so honest with Carl it's actually humbling because I think, Wow, I have dated people, and I've rarely been honest with them, at least to this extent. She as if she's talking to a child. She's like, so, you know what turns me on is someone who's like killing at life. And Carl goes, you don't think I'm killing life and she goes, no, I know, I know, and she's not wrong. It's just crazy. She's having this conversation on camera, but she's like, I want to be a stay at home mom. I want to take care of my kids. I need you to figure out what you want to do. And she's like, sorry for like being awkward. I'm not saying this correctly. I don't know, but at the same time, you're like, no, you know exactly what you're saying. You're like, sick of him not making any money, and I mean the elephant in the room is that they're probably all making money on summerhouse or they absolutely are, but it's all, oh, I'm sure the pressure is okay when we're not shooting this, like how are the bills getting paid? And I'm sure internally they're probably spiraling because it's like we're all we're all going to be forty five soon, and will this show still be going when you know we're walking around the Hampton's house with babies. I mean, God willing it will be. But Lindsay's right, She's right to be concerned. Carl is not, you know, the smartest guy in the house. I would give Page that honor. And I just found it wild to see someone being that honest with their partner.
I will say, I think she's she's right to be concerned, but like, I also understand where he's coming from. Where like every other season she's like, I'm an independent woman, like I don't need anyone else, and like I'm a publicist in my business and I'm opening Hubhouse Publications or whatever. So it's like a little bit surprising to then be like, oh, actually I want to be a stay at home mom, so I need to be like soul breadwinner. And also I'm like it is like I think, what, Like, I think she's being honest, but I also think like the more honest part was just like her being like I'm not turned on by that because like I think being with someone who's I actually was with a thirty year old man who was unemployed when I was twenty and even that, like when I got a job. I was like, Okay, this is like not attracted to me at all that you're at Central Park on like a Monday afternoon, Like I'm just like, what are you doing? And like the fact that he wasn't motivated really bothered me. And I can see that being like a turnoff where you're like, what do you even want in life? Like and then the even more turn off to me would be like coming up with the fucking cock a Maimie ideas like I'm gonna have a sober sports bar, Like it's like the little things that he thinks are like really smart and cool. Like I feel like she was more upset that he's like, Oh I found my thing. It's actually just gonna be Kyle doing me a favor again. And it's like, oh, Kyle's gonna let you like represent and the I don't know, I just like I feel like, you.
Know, I love that he's like it's a huge opportunity. It's like yeah, the post and it's upper boy on Instagram, I know.
And then they're talking about like how he's like she makes more money because she's a woman, like getting brand deals. I'm like what, and so that sucks, But I agree that she was honest, and she was like, we actually had a great conversation, like I'm really happy about it. Turns out somebody else was was not super happy about that.
So he goes to his parents' house or his mother and stepdad's house and basically says, you know, it's hard sometimes. But Lindsay recently commented on a post about Carl going to his parents and talking about the relationship and said he should be a gardener, meaning he was planting seeds for their breakup. Yeah, I don't think she was wrong. I do think that there was a part of him that wanted to get out. But it's hard, Like it's hard. It's so hard to be in a relationship where you know the people around you are judging it and there's a part of you that knows that it's wrong, but you can't get out. And I feel like I do see him in that predicament.
Oh, it's interesting because in season five or six or whatever, when I'm on a sort of a bunch of sort of similar conversations are happening with Kyle and Amanda, but it's so obvious that they're not planned at all. Like Kyle goes outside it's not funny. It's actually so fucked up. But he goes outside and he's like, oh my god, she's such a fucking bitch sometimes, and Danielle's like what And he's like, Amanda, like, we have nothing in common and she's such a bitch to me.
And Danielle said something like.
Are you guys happy, like it just seems like maybe you guys aren't happy, and he's.
Like wait, what, Oh my god, what.
I don't want to talk about this, like this is a lot of pressure. I'm getting married in six weeks. And then similarly, the girls talk to Amanda and they're like, okay, so you know you don't have to do this and you don't seem happy and she's like no, no, I like crying. It's like they are people who so clearly shouldn't be together, but they when people bring it up to them, they cannot deal at all. Like Kyle says, there's not a bone in my body that's questioning whether we should get married. It's like okay, but you say, shut the fuck up, and she's a fucking bitch about the person you're supposed to marry.
Got it. And then with Kyle, I mean with Carl.
It did seem like, Okay, you're going to your parents' house on the Jersey Shore, you're going to a different beach destination. And he wasn't really emotional. He was just like, yeah, just stressful. It's just a lot.
I don't know. I don't know.
I could see a world in which Carl has known this for much longer than we think, that he doesn't want to be with her any more, and that the whole season he's kind of trying to plant the seeds because he doesn't have the guts to say something sooner. But I also can see a world in which he's doing the best he can. I also think watching old seasons, like Carl constantly does this thing where he.
Gets so excited about a girl.
That he's like, this is my girlfriend, like, and everyone's like, we've met her one time, what are you talking about. So I think he has attachment issues and he is desperate to be in like a secure relationship, and maybe that's what rushed him towards things with Lindsay, and they both just have kind of these deep seated issues and it's stark.
Well, we're going to see on the next episode that he basically tells lindsay like, oh, my stepdad said he wouldn't marry us, And you can see lindsay like frozen, like what the fuck? And I think that is him rocking the boat a little bit. But I think that they're in love with their story. I think that if you're, you know, sometimes stuck professionally, you go to your love life in terms of like what's happening here. I feel like I have the opposite problem, where like all I think about is work because my love life is so barren. And I guess I think that you can sometimes fluctuate from like one spectrum of your life to the other, or area of your life to the other in terms of like what do I have control over right now? So maybe he's just putting all of his eggs in this basket because he's like forty and doesn't know what he wants to do. Yeah, I think that just like Scandabal, it's an interesting season because we know where we're going to end up and we're watching it slowly happen.
I know it's really it's kind of a gift to be able to do that.
Meanwhile, in the worst neighborhood in the La aka the Valley, we get to see some more forty year olds acting like sixteen is like too mature of an age. I would say fourteen or thirteen. And what I mean by that is we finally get to the screaming Hallway fight between Jesse and Michelle, Jesse, Michelle, Kristin, and Kristen's nameless boyfriend Luke. So basically what has happened is that there are rumors that Kristin has brought up surrounding Michelle. And one of my favorite things about Kristin is that she keeps telling Michelle like, don't worry, I'll protect you in front of people, which I think is so funny. It'd be like if we were at a party, Devin, and I was like, don't worry, Devin, your secrets are safe with me in front of everyone.
Kristin is just so sick actually, like she's so powerful that I feel like she has controlled this narrative. By the way, Lindsay similar to similarly to Kristin who said like, I'm an mpath and that's really hard for me. Lindsay also says that in like season five of Summer How, She's like, well, I'm just an mpath and that's like really hard for me.
Meanwhile, She's like meanwhile.
Then in season six, Maya's like, Hey, can I go out with you guys? And Lindsay's like, no, I'm trying to get fucking late, so no, and she's like, I'm just an mpath like I feel everyone's feelings too much.
I think we all and the throes of my drinking career in my early twenties definitely had that feeling when like girls would be like can I go out with you? I'd be like no, because we're on We're in different lines with different goals. I'm not having a girl's night.
That's the thing with Lindsay is like it's iconic and you have to like admire her for that, like just being like no, and the fact that her relationship with Danielle is exclusively like this is what I'm doing and what I need, so like if you can come along, great, and that's all I want to talk about. Like Danielle never once talks to Lindsay about like what's going on with her. It's always like, Okay, so now who do you want to hook up with next? Like that's their whole relationship. When Lindsay is single, is Danielle saying like, how can I help you hook up with who you want to hook up with? Meanwhile, Kristin says she's an EmPATH and she has somehow like she has made herself in my eyes, especially rewatching the Scandaal episodes where she like comes arian his house, I was like, oh, you know what, Like she's just kooky, Like I you know, Kristin is mentally ill and that's charming and like whatever. And then this episode I was like, oh, you are sinister, but so is everyone. Like I don't think there's a good person on the show besides Brittany, as I've said, who famously just went to Biden's White House for the White House Correspondence dinner. Other than Brittany, I don't think there is a single good person on the show.
So it's hard.
But it's like she is throwing very damaging information around about people on a whim.
And that's uh not that she's also getting wrong. I am a Christen apologist, I think, just because like I've been with her for so long, like I want to root for her. Unfortunately, like she's done so many damaging things to people, But she does tell Michelle, your husband says he's going to divorce you in two months. Jack even Jack's like Jack's being the voice of reason is insane. Jackson's like, no, that's not what happened. Jesse thinks Michelle is going to leave him, and finally Kristen's like, I'm not gonna say anything that would affect your family. By the end of the episode, she's like, guess what, Michelle has a boyfriend. There it's all out there, and I do believe Michelle has a boyfriend. She just very much has like a distant vibe from her husband. By the way, as Kristin puts it, Kristen's like, I don't care because I think Jesse's a piece of shit. I'm like, good for Michelle, you have a husband, Like I mean, sorry, good for Michelle, you have a boyfriend, Like your husband seems like an emotionally abusive, terrible person, Like you should have a boyfriend. There are worse things than cheating, and one of them is being Jesse Lally but a yeah, I'm more fascinated by Luke at this point, Like I'm just like, how are you in a relationship with Kriston? He seems like a drama queen.
Yeah, and I'm like, ew, like.
How he's like I have a secret that could blow everything up.
Yeah, it's like he's one of those guys who's like sort of like remotely attractive and like nice seeming where you're like, oh, like we can trust this guy, and then he like kills the babysitter or something like I feel.
Like, I, oh, that's interesting.
I don't trust whatever is going on there.
Well, I'm very excited again to see the slow motion train wreck. That will be Brittany and Jack's breaking up, that will be Jesse and Michelle separating. It's a lot, and I were privileged to be able to watch it. And I do think Nia and it's Nia, right, Nia and Danny. You know, it's impossible to know. Nia and Danny, the beauty queen and the former hand Montana actor who dyes his hair jet black, are like seemingly a very nice couple, even though he did tell her like why don't I have dinner on the table when I get home? And it's like she has three children and his nursing twins, so like be respectful.
And he's like, I'm the sole bread winner though, like he's like, oh, Nia has a sponsorship deal with a crib brand, but I'm the sole bread winner.
Like, how about it's mostly off my checks or whatever. It's like, what do you even do?
What do you even do?
I when I keep replaying in my head, it's him in his closet doing monster noises for the Walking Dead supposedly, and then going, hey, what are you doing here? In like a horrible New York accident and you hear You're thinking, like what could that possibly be for?
Yeah, no, I don't want to know. Oh yeah, I forgot he's a voice actor, though I guess he probably does make a good amount of money. I should be okay, but anyone hiring let me know. Okay.
So that episode ended in an ultimate showdown, where isn't Zach the gay guy?
Or Kyle Kristin Kristen Christen.
He gets thrown in.
Someone put it in slow mo and like it is just like adults, adults falling or flailing around is like actually so funny and so bad. That's why, Like when it happens on the street, it's like everyone just wants to pretend that didn't happen because it's so funny and it's so bad, and like that's what I watched a slo mo of that like eight times.
I'm not gonna lie.
I need you to send that to me because that will make me so happy. I now I'm just thinking about Zach yelling Kristin Krestin, Kresten Christen, it's so good. Yeah again, I'm so grateful. I can't wait. I saw a review of Jacks's in Studio City that was terrible, and there was a picture of Jack's holding up crews on the bar with a pile of diapers next to him, and they were saying they just he just changed his son's diaper on the bar where he serves food.
No, no, that's gonna be a no.
So that's a just another update about you know, like one of my favorite TV characters of all time, Jack's. Speaking of Jack. Oh yeah, you will not catch me ordering a meal at Jackson's in Studio City. You will not catch me in the valley unless I'm supposed to be there for work. I do want to speak about vander Pump Rules briefly, because I do believe this season is getting better. La Law is unfortunately becoming a villain, which I chalk it up to her just wanting to support her children. And so you know, take that with a grain of salt. Katie and Schwartz are currently quote unquote dating the same girl, which I think is like complete bullshit and so scripted, and it really bothers me. Like the girl sits down with Katie and like, within like twenty seconds, it is like I really want to kiss you, and You're like, give me a break. This is like the worst fake. This so faker than poorn.
Okay, it's faker than porn.
But I will say, like Katie dusting gay?
Oh no, Katie's definitely tracked to women.
No, no, no, Like I'm like the way that she has really fallen into that haircut, it makes.
Me think that she's probably gay.
But and the way that she like so happily lived in a sexless marriage for so long, although I think a lot of people probably do that, and you sorry, you can.
Be sexlessly married and not be gay. I'm sorry I ever said otherwise.
But I think, yeah, that was awkward and weirdly a forced storyline, but luckily it did seem to bring her and Schwartz back together as friends.
Question Mark with like a weird blirty vibe.
Do think they want to be friends? They have an ease with each other, which I think just happens when you know someone for twelve years, like even if they're disgusting like Schwartz is, and she's clearly still upset about him, you know, regarding things that happened in their marriage. But I think because she's so independent, she has like a cute apartment, she seems to be living her best life and seems so much happier than when she was married. I think she has like this good, detached relationship with him, which you know, I wish I could have with my ex. But oh my god. I went to an art opening the other night and it was hosted by mutual friends I share with an ex, and I was so hopeful that he would show up, just because I wanted drama interesting. I was just like, I don't even I'm not like a fight or anything, not that kind of drama. Just I wanted intrigue. I wanted to like see if I could like gauge how he felt about me. I'm fully like I journal every morning, and every time I journal, I'm like, I want to let go of this person. I want a new love life. I have some crushes, Like I think I'm moving on from this person, but I still love, you know, just something to think about. I was very disappointed that I didn't get to like run into him and his new girlfriend.
You mean, something to think about.
But we have a great moment where Sheena yells at Tom Sandoval saying that she's having fucked up thoughts about Laala and Brock, which you're like, no offense, but who would want to be with Brock? And that's all because of Sandoval. And then Sandival goes, you were the other woman once and everyone goes insane. Lala is like, oh hell no, in her black scent, and Sina just like hysterically screams at Sanda Bal like I was fucking twenty one. And you know, I just felt like, oh, I felt like a sense of calm in my body. And it was because vander pump Rolls was back to being what it was supposed to be, which was, you know, like people screaming at each other.
Also, I forgot to mention how much I loved that when everyone called out Jacks were constantly saying he's a dad, like I'm a dad now, I'm a dad, I'm a dad now. But that was okay, this is what I'll say about that, like I and I think this moment was this episode two where like James is like, oh, I can't let Graham Cracker stay with like a stranger and you guys don't understand and Lala is like, you think I don't understand about like having your child stay with somebody you don't want it to and it's like, all right, he wasn't thinking about that, And like say, when she jumps up at Sheena the Mistress thing, she's like, this.
Is about me because I was.
It's like Lala makes everything about her in a way that's like really bothersome.
And I also love.
That Sina was like, yeah, I was twenty one years old, Like that is the whole thing is like, yeah, we all. By the way, Sandoval was also cheating on people when he was twenty, but now he's still doing it and he's forty, and that's what the problem is. It's a problem anyway. But I hated when Lisa vander Pump said that too. By the way, rewatching the Sand of All Seasons, where she's like everyone in this group has done something like this and.
It's like right, But that was when they were in their twenties.
Yes, it's still bad, but like they were like getting blackout drunk in their early twenties, It's different than being a full blown adult in a nine year partnership with someone and sharing a house with them.
Like, it's not the same thing.
That's Lisa vander Pump. The fact that, like Lisa vander Pump, Let's be honest, is like one of the more immature like women in her sixties that we will ever meet. Like she weirdly sexualizes like twenty year old. She's always making a joke about sex. She you know, what's her house called again? It's like Villa Rolla Rosa. It's so crazy. I just don't really understand her. I do want to interrupt this broadcast to talk about some news. Devin and I have wait.
Before we talk about the news, I have to make a statement, which is that I have never received such backlash in my life as I did for the comments I made about Tortured Poets Department on the podcast last week, and I was it was brought up in my Taylor Swift group chat that I should be kicked off the group chat, and it was also said that it's obvious that I didn't really listen to the album, and one thing I will say is I stand by that the album could have been edited down. I stand by that I wish it was like a little bit more sad or a little bit more fun, and that it was like repetitive. But I will say that I do think this album is more genius than I initially thought. Like when I did listen to it again, I was like, Okay, this is like kind of amazing the talent she has to like write these allegories.
About love that we can like all relate to.
And I really see myself in a lot of the songs, such as and I.
Hate to say it, hate to say I relate to a song.
With this title, But but Daddy, I Love.
Him is deeply meaningful to me.
And so is down Bad, where she creates an allegory of being abducted by aliens and relates it to being love bombed in the sense of like I was like brought up into this world that I didn't know, and now I'm back on the earth and like nobody understands me, and also like I'm waving at the ship.
Come pick me up.
I will say, like I think that if anybody else wrote this album, I would think they were a genius. But it's just because Taylor is so talented and because so many of her other albums are so genius that it was like slightly like oh, but if anything, it's a testament to how talented she is that we feel that way, and I hope I get to stay on the group chat.
I was contacted by Beth Jacob's friend of the pod, who did say that she was going to report our podcast. I truly can't remember what I said that was so offensive, because sometimes after recording these podcasts, I have you know what I used to call a blackout where I can't remember a word I've.
Said, specifically in reference to the podcast.
Yes, I just don't recall like anything I've said. Well, it's not also a really bad memory. I was almost kicked out of middle school for getting lost all the time. I just like have a little bit of an airhead quality. Some might say Devin's nodding.
I mean, I'm just saying, yeah, if you're not remembering any statement you made and can't be if you're saying you can't be held accountable to.
Anything, I can't set on the podcast for four.
Years, then okay. But speaking of four years. There ain't gonna be four more.
We like to give a news in that abrupt fashion with heavy hearts pumped full of blood. We would like to say that our podcast only has a few episodes left. It's coming to an end. We could have done this podcast for the rest of our lives. Unfortunately advertisers did not agree. And you know, we're sad. But also it's so hard to look back with anything other than gratitude.
Yeah, you know, it was bound to happen.
As it became more consistent that the only likes on our Instagram were me and Carolina's mom, not even Carolina, by the way, just me and Carolina's mom two likes. The more consistent that became as a pattern, the more I thought, like, you know, I don't know that this is the next pod save America.
I don't I don't know that maybe not.
It's you know, it is really sad.
This podcast has changed my life because I really didn't think of myself. I had such low self a scene when it started, and I didn't think of myself as like a funny person or someone who could like perform in any way in this capacity. And it's been such an adventure to be able to do it and like talk to so many people that we both admire and also about so many things that we love to talk about. And the fact that anyone ever wanted to listen to that is like life changing. And also that we've been able to like hear from listeners who we like relate to, like all the emails and messages we've gotten is something that I will always value.
Yeah, it's like truly cherished to me.
I completely agree, and I think that this podcast is something that I will be forever proud of. And I remember when the third episode came out, and I don't want to go to in the Weeds because I think we'll save that for the last episode, but I remember when the third episode came out, I had this feeling of, no matter if it's as a success or a failure, this is exactly what I wanted it to be like.
And by this you meant something that you couldn't remember the contents of at all because of me.
I don't remember what I said in the third episode, but I remember feeling like, this is exactly the tone I want to be, This is exactly what I want to be talking about. This is exactly who I want to be doing it with. And you know, I think that's really rare to be able to have creative control over a project and feel like it's really your own. So you know, we don't again, we'll be talking more about this and more about the legacy. But I agree with Devin, just to echo what she said. You know, like the messages we've gotten about sobriety, about breakups, about depression, about you know, parent relationships, you know, boundaries, just all of our favorite topics. They've been profound and I've I've felt connected to a lot of people that I've never met and never will meet, but I connected through these common human experiences. And I'm grateful for devn and the vulnerability that you know, we both decided to we both decided to go out on a limb and just talk about our love lives. And I remember, well, the comment I get the most about it is from listeners saying, like, you guys are so open and just put everything out there, and that's something I'm really proud of.
I'm really grateful for you too, and my legs and my heart remain open.
Mine too, well kind of. I did a Tara reading today and I said, I was defensive about love, and I couldn't agree more.
All Right, well your metaphorically, our legs are open to opportunities.
My legs are open to opportunities.
Let's say that.
And until next time, we have a few episodes left, so don't worry. We will continue to talk about the main characters in our lives. I love you, Devin, love you.
Care Involunted was a little love. I want true.
It's true, true, it's so romantic. Love me, baby, don't leave me, haggin. I want true