
Bend It Like Beckham: Supportive & Girlies

Published Mar 5, 2024, 9:07 AM

Goooooal!!! A movie for UK & Ireland lovers, football (/soccer) lovers, and lover lovers. The person most confused by the film this week was: England every four years, convinced it's coming home.

Toss Popcorn is a production of iHeartRadio.

Hi. I'm Sienna Jacob and I'm Leanna Holsten.

And welcome to Toss Popcorn, the podcast where two idiots watched every film on the AFI's one hundred Greatest American Movies of All Time, the very slightly Less Racist tenth Anniversary edition, and are now watching.

Films of our very own as well as listeners. Choosing this podcast is a safe pitch for people who don't know anything about movies. Today, we're watching Bend It like Beckham.

All I'm saying is there is a reason why Sporty Spuis is the only one of them without a fella.

Football football warning, there will be spoilers about this sporty old film.

Heck yeah, let's get right into our predictions.

I would love to do that, please, Yes, what's some? Did I even record one? Okay, here you go, Hi, Leanna. I am about to watch Bend It Like Beckham. I've seen this movie before and I love it, so I predict I'm probably gonna love it again. Sorry.

Also, I'm in an office right now due to unforeseen circumstances, so it'll be a corporate viewing.

I love you, but it's so funny. Did you have to watch it snippets or were you able to watch it all? It was sort of snippets. It was only me in the office, but people were stopping by to pick up items because it's this office move so I was the only one in there today. But every now and again I would have to pause, bend it like Beckham to hand someone like an old coffee maker's or a framed print of a compass. I'd love to hear your prediction. Alrighty Okay, I feel like I'm probably too close to the mic. That's the vibe. Thank you. I appreciate you stealing me for that. Okay, I'll try to not have an outsized reaction to it as a result.

Okay, hello, Leanna, I'm about to watch that's really close. I know it's about soccer, okay, but I haven't I haven't ever seen it. Oh my god, never seen it at the Blockbuster back.

In the day.


I never did anything about.

Not to be that guy. But I predict that maybe there'll be a romance or a crush. Seems like that era of movie. But it'd also be cool if it was literally all about soccer. That was Okay, I love you, goodbye.

And there's all right. That's nice. That's how I felt about love and basketball.


Yes, it's like it'd be cool if it was just basketball.

Yeah. Too much no love? Yeah, far too much love, not enough basketball. That's your letter. Too much love, not enough basketball.

Oh my god?

Oh wow.

Okay, and now I've seen it. Okay, Well, before we get into any of it, including the synopsis, let's let's avoid spoiler town with a little fear into Hey girl, Hey girl, is your sister in the room with us right now? Yeah, she's asleep. Oh my god, have a lot of visitors. The weirdest thing you've ever done on a recording is have your sister also be in the room sleeping.

She sleeps, she's just completely out when she's out. Okay, I guess fine, should I tell you she's gone?

I yeah, okay, she's leaving. Okay, cool. It's just so weird for there to be a third person in the room.

Hm mm hmm.

But I have no control over the situation. Normally have to be fine with it.

My life is actually often like this, people being like that's there's too many people.

Why do you there's a lot of people in your it's interesting. But now she's also in my room. She's in this podcast episode. We're gonna have to credit her as a co host. That's true. That is the rule. God damn it.

Well, can we start with your hate girl? Okay, hey girl, girl, you're we going.

I have a little work. I Oh my gosh, I had a party with so many bisexuals and it was baffling. The vibes were unreadable. It was so not clear who wanted to hook up with whom. Oh my gosh, everyone's at the day one. It was such a waste. Everyone was on the table and nobody was in a bed. Oh my god, Siana. No one would leave. It was seven hours long. Holdly started at seven pm. People did not leave until two in the morning.


One person at one point was like, are you having fun? And I was like, I want to go home and I was in my home. That's too long of a party. I think no one would leave. I had work at nine thirty the next morning. I was like, could you all fuck off? Please? Thank you so much for coming, but could you have please left three hours ago. It's tricky when you're the host, right because you want to be like please enjoy the space. I'm so happy you're here, But at a certain point it becomes I'm doing my skincare routine and changing into my pajamas and you're still in my kitchen.

And I don't want to say it's on you in any way to not have a party when you have work at nine thirty the next day.

But no, dude, unfortunately, I've work at nine thirty every Sunday. When am I going to have a party Friday. I've worked at eight thirty on Saturday. Oh my god, I know, Oh my god. The other thing I quit that job? Really, Yeah, this weekend is my last happy for you for I mean this honestly was one of those reasons why it was just so shit. Oh a weekend of unclapped cheeks and fatigue and what else is new? Nothing, that's my life, that's my autobiography. I'm really excited that you're leaving this job that you didn't like. Thank you. Thanks. I feel very very blessed and privileged to be able to quit a job that I don't want to do anymore. Way, too vibes have been off into your own hands. Yeah, let me specify, it's one of the jobs that I have. I'm not no one our age has just the one job. That's not really No, that's not a situation.


Oh, so that was my weekend.

That's crazy.

Hey girl, Hey, my big update is I went roller skating this weekend.

It's the thing that I'm going to do. I'm gonna be upsessed with it now, obsessed with it now.

It's it's so interesting because in my mind you already were somebody who did roller skate in mind too. Is that just because you have roller skates in your car? Yep, I've had them, been wanting to use them for a very long time, haven't.

Okay, I will say it's one of the few things in my life I've been naturally one of the few.

Athletic things I've been naturally good at. Say, I am not usually.

Naturally good at physical acts. I can get better at them, and I've worked to get better at them.

But oh my gosh, I wonder if because you're aesthetic is very seventies core and roller skating feels very seventies Yeah, maybe it kind of it fits on your body.

Yeah, And I like dancing, and it's kind of like dancing with stuff on your feet, So.

Yeah, there's music. I just had so much fun. I had so much fun. Oh my god, that's great. It was so awesome. The whole time was like, that's wonderful. All So hopefully I'll do that more now, will I?

I probably will do it once a year, but I'm thinking about it on stop oh.

And that's honestly half the battle I saw.

There was just like a number of like older people are like just like mature people who were doing and I was just like, that's what I want to be when I'm your age, continuing to roller skate on an evening, like to take take the edge of.

Of an evening. It's fun to you probably.

Feel this like I love a fun activity that makes you sweat a little bit, but is it too boring? Yeah, or like you know, it's fun and yeah to work and get better the whole time.

Yeah, I think so that is very dancing well Leanna, speaking of getting better an activity, Yes, your sweating, sweaty activity.

So we talk about this film, bend it like Beckham, bend it like Beckham stop it. Oh.

I should have put a moratorium on pronouncing it that way last week. It feels good. It feels good, Sienna as somebody who'd never seen this movie before, Could you please give us what I feel like? Might be a telling synopsis of Bend It Like Beckham. Bend It Like Beckham.

Jess is a sporty young soccer and David Beckham lover with strict and highly traditional Indian parents. Kiera Knightley discovers her slaying on the soccer field in the park and Jess ends up on a women's soccer.

T with Kira.

Unfortunately, she has to hide it from her parents. All kinds of drama ensues, and Jess navigates improving at the sports she loves, reconciling her view of her own future with her parents' concerns about her future cultural clashes and racism and homophobia and being a teenage girl in the boob obsessed landscape.

Of the early two thousand yees. This movie is cute as heck. The end, yay yayy. The boob obsessed landscape is so real.

It's such a funny backdrop to the movie where they're just like there are so many bras and not.

In a really gross way.

Again, clearly clearly directed by a woman, but it's just sort of like it was a boob obsessed plan.

It was boobs, yeahs and boobs, And do you guys that whenever a man was objectifying a woman it was specifically the which is at this point in time a little bit like quaint. Yeah. It was almost like, oh yeah, I exactly remember that those big boobs. Look at her big.

That's pretty much what they said. Yeah, I love those boobs. You're like, okay, oh so cute.

I really also, I believe you hadn't seen it before. I feel like I've seen it like five times.

I could not believe it. I don't know why it was never it wasn't around my wow, little childhood experience.

I have thoughts, but let's get into them in the phone notes. Okay, wow, how about that?

Well, everybody, welcome to phone Notes, where we talk about the notes that we took on our phones while watching the film.

Uh huh. Your first note is, OMG, I didn't expect this to be British. Why didn't I expect that? I don't know. It started the a b announcer. I thought that too. I was it was Gary Lineker. I was like, what is wrong with me? Oh, it's a real guy. He's a Yeah, he's a famous football commentator in the UK, which I would not have known. I didn't know that until I moved here and saw a literal play about football called Dear England and a guy came out playing Gary Lineker and the audience was like ah. And I turned to my friend and I was like, what is this? They explained, who's that person? What's going on? So cute?

Yeah, soccer players are really they seem like they're really a major type of celebrity over there.

Yeah, football is so so big here. It's and I think across the globe, like I think it's weirdly small in America. America is weird for sure about it. America is weird about globally it's massive. Ooh did you I'm curious. So you've asked at the very beginning, what does bendit mean? Have you now learned? I mean I can kind of guess.

It's kind of how you tick it. Yeah, but yeah, I didn't really understand that term even by the end.

You know, in all the training montages where she and Curnately just and what's jewels is jewels? Jess and Jewels are kicking the ball and they're trying to curve it over those blue uh set pieces like the wire mesh figures. Sure, okay, it.

Happens a lot. Okay, truly, like almost every montage. I really watched the movie, and yet I don't anyway.

I think it's the way that they kick it, like practicing for that type of goal or for a corner kick, which is like, oh something Beckham is great at. So is it like the way the air bend it? Is it in the air on the ground that it bends on the ground you kick it from the ground, but it'll curve in.

The air in the air. Wow, yeah, bend it like Becca mecham Yeah.

Great, great title for a film.

Oh interesting, Sienna you okay, these two notes in a row are very funny next to each other, Sienna, You've written, can we talk about the power dynamics and not just the cultural implications please?

And then he wrote, oh I'm g gay. Okay.

So the coach the whole time they keep being like, I don't know if I can date you because you're white, and you're like, are you in high school? How old does this mean? So he's your coach and you guys are gonna kiss.

I don't really know what viewing this was my first viewing of it, where I was like, I don't think this is I actually think this is inappropriate.

How old is he supposed to be? Do you think he's supposed to be really close.

To their age?

So it's like, chill, like he just you're absolutely right, like these girls.

Are maybe eighteen optimistically. Yeah, it's a charitable read. I think she's like I just got into university. Yeah, she's starting UNI in the fall, and it's like she just finished her A levels. Stop trying to kiss her. Stop trying to kiss her.

Yeah. I thought that was so funny, Like how is nobody asking about this?

I know when I was a kid, I was like this is hot, But today watching it, I was like, this actually is inappropriate. You'll excuse us.

I have a championship game of sorts that I need to play that was scheduled at the same time as this episode, so I've just been three minutes going and getting the winning goal.

But I'll be right back. Leonna, you said, is this ever happened to you?

You said, having your body measured publicly is such a fucking nightmare.

Yes, dance, Yes this has happened to me. Yeah it was for dance. It was for my dance dress. We used to get dance dress's second hand on this website, and they would post the measurements of the dress, like the the bust, the waist, and the hips. Usually they'd post those inches, and so my mom would have to measure me so we could see if it was going to be a fit. And I once passed out while that was happening. I think I was really dehydrated or something, because we were still living in the mountains at that point, and all I remember is hearing a very distant clang and then I came to and apparently what that sound was was my head hitting a trash can on the way down. Leona. That's crazy, So I do not have a good association with measuring tape around my body. You heard it, Clanne, and it was your head hitting a trash can. Oh my god, a metal trash can.

I do think we don't talk about enough how many teens are passing out. And I think it's a combination of I think it's a combination epidemic our teens passing out. I think they probably are because a yes, like eating disorders are a thing, and that's probably part of it. But also, oh, my god, look, the thumb dumb thing happened. But also on top of that, teenagers just haven't like figured out their their bodies yet, because I remember I used to feel really dizzy all the time in high school, and it's because I realize years later I didn't drink any water. Yeah, like, suddenly your body needs a lot more like water and fuel, and you still might not, like you don't necessarily catch up with that. Now that I'm older, I will be like, oh, I'm quite thirsty. I can identify, I can identify those things. But as a teen, you can't identify stuff like that yet. You're still you're still new to your body, and so so teens just be passing out. People aren't talking about.

If you're a teen and you fainted while listening to that, you may be entitled financial compensation. Try water, not from us, but yeah, definitely try water and.

Food and food. Leonna, you have said, uh, the look he gives her rewired my brain chemistry. Okay, when can you guess?

No? Okay? At the club? Yes, when when she's dressed up to go out in Germany after their game there and she comes out in her very satin outfit because it's too too. She looks so good and he turns around and he sees her and the look that he gives her ignoring for a moment that he is her coach and it is not appropriate. Yeah.

Yeah, he is cute in this way, or like they do have a cute dynamic. Yeah.

What do you think about Jonathan Reese Myers?

Is that a famous person?

Yes, he is the actor who plays that. He's an other movies like what he played name. I've never seen him before. He played Henry the Eighth in the TV show The Tutors Boring Next, very famous one.

You know.

I actually don't know if I've seen him in anything else. I think I just saw Bend It. Like Beckham at such a young age. This man is imprinted on my brain forever. Maybe he is, I don't know. And God, that acts nice.

Yeah, I mean it was irish, so points for that. But sure he finds him hot. You're saying nice. What do you mean by that? I did for that vibe? Yeah, I mean it's one of those things where he's not He's not really my my type generally, but you know, but being that being said and him being outside of it, Yeah, I think he was you know, it's a charmer. Happy to see him.

Okay, and I could identify.

I think he was a good heart throb in that way, like he's like, it's sort of us, he's not too heart throbby. Yeah, he's a realistic heart throat. He's a realistic heart throbs and he's not thrown it in your face.


Yeah, he's a gettable heart throb. He keeps a subtle what about you? So he imprinted on you?

Oh? I thought he was so hot, And watching it again, I was like, no, he's still my type because he's so haunted by.

A perfect me and his father and his dad and his cursed Irish heritage.

Oh, Leanna, I forgot that.

I said this earlier that you pointed out, and you are saying here this is exactly what my thought was as well. You said, finally a gay person gay. You're waiting for the film to be gay because they kind of it's very two thousands, and that they're like lesbians. No, they're not lesbians. That's such a funny idea. There aren't lesbians.

They're footballers.

There are lesbians out there somewhere, but most of them don't exist. And it certainly wouldn't be these two women who love each other.

I'm sorry, a semi professional sports league of women.

No, no, no, they're no lesbian. When there is a lesbian you'd think you think there might be, but don't worry. They're safe. That love to boink men and they chat about it in the changing room.

Huh. Yeah, so I forgot that he was gay. I forgot that there was that really sweet scene.

I really like beck It was really sweet. They had a cute friend. Everybody when coming out should have to should just say that sentence as a way of coming I really like David Beckham should be code for I am gay. Listen, let's just say, and not just a friend of Dorothy.

Oh do you really like David Beckham? Yes, so funny. Yeah, that was sweet that. I'm glad they did that.

Yeah, someone here had to be gay.

It was insane that nobody had been statistically okay, okay in her parents' defense, why did they kiss them now? It's so yeah, funny, it's fair enough European. It is confusing.

So the two girls are keep being like they're gay, they must be gay, and you as a view where you're like, sure, I mean if maybe, yeah, absolutely, but I don't think so.

Right now.

But the final straw for them is that they're watching these two girls and they've been all these kind of funny mix ups like this one family thought that kier Knightley was a boy because she had short hair, and they desarved them back. And then like the mom hears them talk about love and she's like, oh, must be about the two of them. And then the final straw is that they see them. They got so happy that they kiss on the mouth. And I'm like, okay, that one. You kind of lost me. I don't really do that with my friends when I'm happy. Ever happened to me, I would stop being happy at once, it's just so anyway, I'm like, well, I see why they were confused with that.

When I gotta say, I don't know how to actually in their defense, you did kiss. I don't know what else to tell you.

So funny, so fun You kissed on the mouth and then declared your love for David.

And we all know what I'm we know what that means.

It's true. It's true, Leanna. You said a very you sentence, which is nice, hug but inappropriate.

Sure, when uh, I can't remember which hug it is, but when Jess hugs her coach, it's a really nice hug. And I'm also like, oh no, no, stop doing that, totally stop one thing that needs to be stopped. Something is wrong there. We need to we need to read re uh take another look at that as a society. Yeah, that is not that's not good.

Absolutely, And after you're saying that, I'll also read these notes. This man is so hot to me unfortune. And then the next note is even with his gollum eyes.

Interesting, he has the eyes of somebody who's been trapped in a cave for centuries. Oh yeah, you know, well sometimes something there's like a little gollum about him. Europe they're so there's so dark, it's so dark. Their eyes they adapted to just very very little light. All of Europe is so dark.

Or or.

Yeah Ireland.

Yeah, specifically it's there wasn't much sunlight for many generations. And truly, you know, uh, it's sort of fresh from the source.

Blue eyes. I'd say he was buried and peaked sounds in a peat bog. Yeah, it's it's mystifying because from in certain scenes I'd be like, this is the hottest man alive and in other scenes, I'd be like this man was found in a peat bog.

I really would, he's a bog person. Yeah, Leona, you this is what I was exactly as I was saying earlier or put better, you said this white woman called her lesbian, stole her shoes and left, Like that's a hate crime. I'm sorry, it's gotta be. I just rewatching every time I see it now, I'm like, this is just hilarious. Like to show up as a white woman to an Indian wedding, call a woman a lesbian, steal her shoes and leave. That is so funny. That is such a funny thing to do. And imagine watching that happen and just.

Being like, what.

It's such a funny was that when someone calls out this like Karen on TikTok hm, you know it's like watch this Karen call a woman a lesbian, steal her shoes and.

Then leave the wedding. White Karen interrupts Indian wedding, call someone steals her and leaves. Wait till the end, You're never You'll never believe what happens next, not steals her shoe. Yeah, so funny, hmm, so so funny. It's a period piece in that way, really is.

It is in many ways a period piece. It is so two thousands, the gaggles of women in very boom squeezing.

Tank tops, then tank tops, the hair, the hair that dye jobs that were one color on one side and a different color on the other. It was screaming von dutch uh Leanna, you said we might still have something. Shut up, Joe.

By the end of it, by the time they actually kissed, I was like, you know what, stop, I don't I'm not for this.

I'm good. Actually, we'll do this. See the The last note you bolded was wait, okay, what's the age difference again?

It's just also by the way, I am like, I was pretty pissed off, to be honest, after all they put us through because I love this movie.

But there's like a lot of there's a.

Lot of drama and confrontation, like people are always mad at each other, and she's always doing something wrong. He's always going on yeah, and after all she went through to be like as chill with like to like really slowly try to acquaint her parents with her her new life and all the high she had to do and everything and then she's like, no, she made the kind of an interesting wise decision about being like I don't think we should do this right now, like I have other stuff to focus on, and then at the very end to be making out in front of everybody. I'm like, just you could have kissed on the soccer field, you know what I mean?

Everybody else was looking at David Beckham. It's true, Posh Spice, it is true, but she didn't know that.

I was just like to throw it all to the wind like that just is really is very stressful for me, like you put in so much work for two hours.


But yes, by that point that I'm like, oh, okay, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait till nobody's established. I don't know if they ever said like is he in UNI, like you know or I guess I know, I know. I feel like I need to go back and rewatch the beginning. But it also was two thousand and two, so no studio was like, you need to clarify exactly what their age difference is and the fact that this is actually okay totally ill just were like, yeah, totally he can kiss that team gissar, that's fine. Did a white woman just call you a lesbian, steal your shoes and leave. You've got three minutes to unpack what just happened. We'll be right back, Sianna. Shall we move on to badges and trages. Let's do it? Welcome everyone to badges and trages, where we award badges for bending it like Beckham.

Yeah, and trages.

For tragic bean accidents.

Taking a penalty kick and missing Great.

My first badge is for I love her. This starts and I'm like, oh, this is a protagonist.

I love I'm on board her. I love her so good.

Her reaction shots are so she's really good, super endearing. I love all of her wants just so good, so happy that this was going to be our protagonist.

Yes, badge for a montage. Oh, they'll put a montage in this film throughout shopping. I love a montage.

Yeah, they're gonna have a.

Child of the two thousands. What can I say?

I'm a child was a montage badge for badge for Kira finding her. I love that her. This friend like an equal. And another girl, Yeah, another girl is the one who's like, this girl's got chops. I'm gonna watch her in the park. And then tell her that I think she's got something, you know.

Yeah, it's women supporting women. Badge for the soundtrack. Really enjoyed it. Yeah, it was some very two thousands, some absolute bangers.

It was. Yeah, I really liked it too. Actually, Badge question Mark for for the uh the phrase paint doesn't decorators are in the pink doesn't decorators are in as a euphemism for one's period.

Oh wow, I didn't hear that.

The captain the team captain takes out a takes out a tampon, is like paint doesn't decorators are here or.

Something like that, And I was like, you guys are crazy over there. Can I be honest?

You guys are crazy the things you say.

Oh wow, I've lived here for a bit short of a year now and I've never heard anyone say that. But I'm gonna keep an ear out. I feel like the trend now is just to not get a period, so everybody I know that is the trend. Yeah, having a uterus became illegal, so we're trying to not have a weird A Badge for me a ham sligh, Absolutely, yes, lay me a ham.

Unfortunately, it really sounds like you're saying me a ham you. A judge for chudge for someone's actually gay, badge, badge for tudge.

For someone's actually you homophobe.

Badge for someone's actually gay when her friend comes out.

It's very it's very cute and nice. Yeah, yeah, it's pretty sweet. Badge for wearing the same shirt more than once. Kiera Knightley's character Jewels wears the same shirt in more than one scene, and I said, thank you for the realism.

Yeah, that's so that's so true. Yeah, so does so does Jess's character. Everybody has a favorite shirt, especially.

As a teen.

Are you kidding? Oh yeah. Badge for teammates. I loved the teams, as we said, this was a real tea like they.

Didn't even really have rivalries on the team.

And then especially the shot of everybody dressing her backup in her sorry.

I love that. A badge for all the hugs. I love how much people hug in the film, especially the team. They'll just hug each other when things go Yeah, like, that's so nice. It's a very supportive movie. Badge for her dad at her game. That really that really always so sweet. A badge for Jules's mom's outfit for the final makes me laugh so much.

Well, she wears in like a.

Full garden party attire, including an insane hat. It's so funny and it's so good, so funny.

Badge for the dad playing cricket again at the end. Yes, I just love that concept of like the child also inspiring the parent.

Oh, I love that about life. I love that. A badge for women's football. Yeah, generally, yeah, sleigh sligh.

Women in sports. A badge for written and directed by a woman. I didn't know that. I didn't think about that, and then by the very end I'm like, oh, yeah, obviously.

Yes, also a woman of the culture that the movie is about and is like great. While I was watching that, I was like, oh, I hope it's not problematic to really enjoy this, Like, I hope this actually feels to people of this culture, representative of this culture. And then who made it? I was like, oh, thank god.

Yeah, because also so much of it, there's so many specifics to it that are what make it so funny totally that of course, of course it had to have been written by somebody who was I assume raised in this culture.

Uh huh, but you never know. Yeah, So it was it was wonderful to see that that was the case. My final badge is I love this movie. I just love this movie. Yeah, I love it too.

My final badge is similar to the ones who were just saying such cute end credits, because those credits tell you everybody had fun making this movie. And I loved at the end they're singing like a Punjabi song of some sort, and I love that she just went around.

A Punjabi version of Hot Hot, Hot.

Did she went around and had everybody sing It's so cute. It's so cute, everyone like trying to sing in and I don't know it just it clearly was so fun to work on this.

That's the vibe. Okay, trages. Tragis a trage for none of these women are lesbians, I know.

Yeah, And just the way they talk about it is very two thousands, where it's really like it's as if lesbians don't really exist most of the time, where they're like, oh no, no, no, oh no no, no, of course we're not one of those. I mean, they're incredibly hard to find, especially on a sports team.

It's like Hannah Gatsby's line about them, that's like lesbians, what are they what they do? They really? If no one's watching to they even exist? Really, That's exactly what it felt like, just very two thousands.

It's like, would it be so bad if I were one of those rare because.

They're very impossible to find, they don't occur in nature.

Trag for this mom being racist, So again it's like, yeah, in a very I'm sure, very real way that she's just keeps being like, your Indian friend is here. Hey, I made a lovely curry the other day. Can you imagine know.

Like, hey, look, your Indian friend is here. Oh my god.

But again, like as you were talking aboutanized about the details of like the creator making it like I'm sure that's yeah, legitimately how it comes out a lot of the time.

I made a lovely curry the other What the fuck? A trage for making me watch a penalty kick? Penalty kicks make me so stressed out? And maybe this is a direct result of having seen the play Dear England twice? Is it mostly about penalty kick? Greamely about penalty kicks because Gareth Southgate lost England the World Cup in nineteen ninety something in Germany by missing his penalty kick, and it wasn't just him who the game and that's what the play is all about. Well, it's not all that the play is about, but psychologically that's a big part of it anyway. I guess they're one of the most dramatic parts of a sports put it in but it's so stressful, and I hate watching somebody miss a penalty kick when you want them to make it. Sad.

It's devastating, devastating. I have a treach for Oh my gosh, hangovers. I don't think she had one exactly, but watching her drink and fumble around when they were at that club, I was like, oh god, oh I started feeling.


I drank a little bit the other day and I had like three drinks probably like not very much over the course of the night, like not very many, but they were all different types of liquor. And I knew when I was doing it. I knew I was being absolutely insane. But I haven't drunkn so so long that I was like, whatever, maybe it'll be fine.

I mean, I don't know why, I.

Don't I know better, but I felt so horrible the next day, so watching her do that, I was like, no, gorl uh, trage for this relationship is inappropriate. Sorry, the coach teammate relationship. He should not be doing this, he shouldn't be so loose slipped.

It's definitely it's.

Definitely so free with his lips and his gollum eyeballs. Yeah, definitely. The biggest trage of the movie, i'd say, is that unquestionable relationship dynamic trage for so much drama.

I'm sorry this movie had me stressed out.

Like every time she does something, she does something a little bit worse right after, Like they'll be like, please, don't play soccer, and she'll be like okay, and then they'll catch her again.

And it didn't play soccer so hard.

She plays it so hard, and then they catch her again and then it's like, okay, well, you ruin your sister's wedding, like please be done. And then she does it again and you're like, yeah, stop. Like every time you think the stakes can't get higher, they do, and they get more and more angry with her, and it stresses me out so much, Like I wish everything could just be nice for a second. It's not like a movie where things are there's a lot of breathing room for yeah, the nice.

Paste like a football game. No, yeah, she's uh, she misbehaves.

Quite a bit, and I get it, I do. She needs to follow her.

A trage for that guy motor boating that woman at the wedding, did you see that? Didn't But when people were being they were being kookie, A guy picks up one of I want to say the aunties and motor boats her. And I was like, uh uh. If that happened to a relative of mine at my wedding, none of us would speak for ten years, not just to each other, I mean out loud at all. If one of your if someone in my family go publicly by a member of my wedding party, well it was all going well. Then one of my relatives got motor boated, was on the dance floor, suddenly motor boated, and none of us abruptly motored probably evacuate the dance floor. Someone got a prouptly motor moted. I don't want that to happen, and I wedding help. That never happened. I hope so scared that's gonna happen. Was that your final trage? Did you say?

Okay, my final trages are the homophobia which again was like can you hear that?

Is that very loud? That's right?

The homophobia, which again was was like I was gonna say sort of a bit, which was like it was written in there to make a point. But also there's still just a little bit of like two thousands so homophobia, which is to say, pretending like they gay people don't really exist usually. But then and then my final trage is just the trope of moms being bad guys.

That's a really good point.

Happens a lot, and I get it. It's like, again, it's it's interesting the way they're pushing back on gender stuff. This happened in love and basketball as well. Though, Uh, it's just kind of a sad thing. I'm like, I wish the moms would be a little bit more supportive, but it's often the dads who are like.

The understanding ones.

Yeah, and it's it's sad to see, but it's it's true for people. That's that's true for people at times.

So anyway, but a bit tragic. It's a tree being sawed down outside your window, jeez.

Anyway, Yes, so my final trage is for moms being bad guys and the and the dad's being the savior trope. It's just it's disappointing to see yes at times. Yes, yes, Well, Leona, we've badged and we've tracked, so we move on to our next segment, which of course, is how to pretend you've seen the film mm hmmm.

This is for you are lining up to take your penalty kick, and you've placed the ball on the pitch and you're backing up to run up to it, and Joe mm hmmm sneaks up behind you and says, hey, it's me, your coach. I'm gonna let me sniff your neck. Sniff sniff, Yeah, I let me let me. I'm gonna breathe on your neck.

Yeah, I'm gonna breathe on your neck, talk to you about soccer or talked about football, and talk to you about a movie actually that you probably haven't seen. I'm guessing a lot of girls haven't seen it just because like, it's about soccer, but it's also there's a lot of cool chick stuff in there too, you might like. But it's a lot about soccer. Yeah, uh, And I think I'll tell you about it right now while breathing on your neck.

And in order to read card Joe out of this conversation. We're going to give you a few sentences you can say to pretend you've seen the film Bend It like Beckham.

Yes, Joe, I've seen Bend It Like Beckham. It was written and directed by a woman, and particularly a woman from the culture that the protagonist is a part of, and it shows and it's really good.

Yes, Joe, do not speak to me about Bend It like Beckham. Of course I've seen that film. Stop speaking to me about it. You're going to kill my garden. Look at the state of my fuchias.

Look at the state of my fuchias.

The state of them.

Yes, Joe, I have seen Bend It like Beckham. It brings up an interesting point about UH football internationally, which is the America, as we know, has a very strong sort of women's soccer presence. But I didn't know before watching this that it wasn't that it was one of the first to really have a professional league. So one of the few times that I can proudly say USA US slay her.

And I'm proud to.


Please, I've seen bend Att like Beckham. Stop distracting me from my penalty kick. Otherwise, I'm going to lose. And it's, as they say in the film, lose into the Jerry's on Penalties comes naturally to you English, which is a read of Gareth Southgate, and do not explain to me the play, dear England. I will explain it to you first.

Some of us here have seen it, so.

Between the two of us, we've seen it twice.

That's crazy. Why have you seen it twice? Okay, Joe, it's not I have seen the film Bend It. Like Beckham, that movie is a very interesting and kind of in depth exploration of uh's what one's parents' ideas of your future versus your own ideas of your future. Specifically, this lens is one that is thinking about it through a cultural, traditional lens. But yeah, it's kind of the lesson. It comes down to the lesson that your parents don't always know exactly what's right for you, even when they're trying to be supportive.

Yeah, oh, Joe, I don't need to hear from you about Bend It, like Beckham, Joe, I'm irish, of course, I understand what that's like.

And now that you have Penalty kicked Joe right out of the conversation, we can move on to our next segment, which is designed to save you precious, precious, precious time. This, of course, is our segment should you watch this or when we tell you if you should watch this film or if you should do anything else? Yeah? What do you think?

I this is a should you watch this? And? For me this week? I think yes, you should watch Bend It like Beckham. It's very fun and good. And watch a women's football game. They are so good, They're so fast paced, they're so tough. I love them. Go out and support women's professional sports. Please. Yeah, Sianna, how about you? I'd say watch this movie. I loved it. I loved it.

It was great. I love movies about it's women in sports, it's cultural clashing with and generational clashing, and it's just it's fascinating and fun and super cute.

Ah yay yay. Do you recommending it to Leon Helcom?

What would you rate this film?

Leanna? Do you see it again? I'm gonna give this film five boots as in soccer cleats out of five. I love it. For me, It's got pretty much everything I want, people singing, people dancing, women in sport. A haunted boy England with the UK and Ireland. Wow, he throw International Airport. That's yep, that's you.

That's all. You know what.

I'm also going to give this movie five.

Oh my Beckham posters out of five. It was just a delight through and through. I had no idea. I had no idea it was going to be this fun and this this engaging. Oh my gosh.

Okay fuck yeah, I loved it. It was great. Hell yeah, incredible recommendation. It's one of my favorite movies. I really think I loved it. If ever, it's like whenever I was just a scroll in the channels in the past, It's really I'd be like, yeah, watch the rest of this. Friendships are cute. The friendships are cute, great performances is lovely. It's so good. Hooray, hooray, hooray.

Well, this has been our review of bend At like Becka everyone, a classic film that not everyone has seen.

You gotta watch it. Thank you everyone so much for listening. We have been tossed Popcorn. We are on social media at tossed Popcorn, on Instagram, on TikTok. We have a Patreon, Patreon, dot com, slash toss Popcorn where You can subscribe to see bonus content, and we do a one week free trial if you want to see what you'll be getting yourself into before you take the full plunge and join us next week when we will be watching.

Spirited Away.

Oh for the second, I was thinking Spirit the Horse movie, and I was like, oh boy.

It's the sequel to Spirit Spirited Away. When Spirit goes away, Spirit is Away, Spirit is Away.

It's so funny. I love that so much. All right, thank you, we love you. Bye bye.

You can find us on Instagram as at Sienna Jaco and at Leanna Holsten. Please check the description for the spelling of our dumb names. We put out episodes every Tuesday, so make sure to subscribe so that you don't miss an episode. See you next week on Tossed Popcorn. For more podcasts from my Heart Radio, check the iHeartRadio app.

It's beautiful that your sister's in the room for the episode on a movie that is very focused on a relationship.

Yes, they really help each other out. Can I just say that I know for each other they were sisters

Tossed Popcorn

Idiot alumni of Stanford University, Lianna Holston & Siena Jeakle are dear/old/close/funny-but-in-a 
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