
Published Nov 12, 2024, 6:00 AM

Do you ever feel invisible and unnoticed? You're not!

Do you ever feel invisible? I'm Lina Abujamra, and this is today's single Christian. More often than I care to admit, I feel sort of invisible and not in the cool Wonder Woman sort of way. I mean, sometimes, no matter how hard I try as a single Christian, I wonder if anyone really notices me, especially in the church. When I get in that place. No one speaks to me like Hagar does. Remember Hagar? She had Abraham's son, Ishmael, until she was kicked out of Abraham's home by Sarah, Abraham's wife. I get it, it's complicated, but lonely and dejected. She wandered in the wilderness, and just when she thought she was completely invisible, God saw her and poured his love on her. God opened Hagar's eyes and helped her see water, a symbol for life. Hey, you might feel invisible, but God sees you. He will find you even in your loneliest wilderness. He knows you by name and he's never going to let you go. And if you're feeling invisible, I'd love to be your friend. Email me Lina at todesengel. Christian Comm.

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