Today, this is what's important:
Chest and shoulders, Boxing Helena, Julian Sands, celebrity sex tapes, celebrity dick, printers, Vanna White, game shows, and more.
Welcome to This is Important, a production of iHeart Radio, the show where we talk about what's obviously.
Both critically crucially important.
Today on This is Important.
I would love to take like great minds and look at their dicks. That's what it is.
But what makes the world interesting is nerds with huge dicks and dorks with perfect hits.
It's crazy how many of our heroes quote unquotes dicks we've seen.
If people remember anything about my career in showbiz, I want it to be this episode of This Is Important podcast.
Let's go, oh my, go, oh my.
Welcome back to This is Important. Joining us today is Hey, Jack Blake Anderson.
What's up, guys?
What's with the no shirt? You're just decided to get a little sexy for this one?
Dude. It's just a hot California summer. You guys know how it is.
Oh, it's hot, dude.
It's a that's a sexy frame. Thank you, like cause I don't know what's happening below the frame.
Oh my god?
Whoa Adam thick? Grandma?
Feel free to everybody take your shirt off if you want.
Who ordered the beef beefcake?
Let's see it?
Kai guy? Oh my god, alright, hold on, look at that chest hair. What's your guys chest hair doing it?
It's freezing?
Yeah, dirt, you're in like long sleeves.
What's good?
Look at this diamond?
Yeah, Blake just has the little little pooch in the middle.
Look at this. You see this thing? You see what's going on right here? Damn it.
I said I wouldn't do this. I said I wouldn't do this.
Come on, dr show the chest.
What do you think?
My name is?
Come on der Kyle? Your physique is insane.
Do you see this line? What is this line?
Bro? I think that's uh like sagging titties? I think is what that is?
Yeah, hi, high gut.
Hey did you pull it off like this though?
Kyle? Wow?
Okay, there's hairless like a.
Hairless like a dolphin.
Yeah, dolphins don't have.
Hair, Yeah, exactly like a dolphin.
See you guys? Wait do you don't You don't have any chest hair? You don't have any hairders?
Yeah, what's up?
They they're Hollywood, dude, They're they're laser in that ship's see about there.
I have hair. I'm a hairy guy.
It's barely seeable. Look at mine. Mine's very very prominent.
You have the most Czechoslovakian chest hair I've ever seen in my life.
You know, I don't even think Czechoslovakia is still a country. But you are waving that looks like he's straight.
Yeah, this is from them.
You look like old world chest hair.
If you told me that that chest terrace is in World War One, I would believe it.
Or before this is not. This is part of the Ottoman endpire.
Looks like to be behind like chain mail. Yeah, man, right, like a steel breastplate.
Throws chest arizon. King Arthur's court baby.
Sat at the round table?
Damn son, where did you find that?
I feel like that wasn't sitting at the round table. It was outside like asking to get in. They're like, no, we're good.
Yeah, No, that had the plague. That chest hair had the plag.
Oh man, I'm just like, all right, I'll go Google to try and make some bread or some.
Try to make some bread, try to make some brand.
Was just said, I get that makes up goola how wide Kyle is.
And then Kyle just caught the bubonic plag right there with.
The god man.
All right, God, Kyle, your shoulders are so wide.
Same same with you, buddy. No look yeah, oh oh yeah, what's going on?
You make me look like a child. He has a female's physique compared to you.
Yeah, and they're so bony too, Kyle, you see the bones.
He's just like a fucking coat hanger.
Dude, it's crazy.
Yeah, that is crazy.
You're fucking I don't know a second.
Let me just you guys don't care if I turn off my camera.
Okick, do you You're good?
You shoulders are trying to crank down.
The only way Kyle will pay attention is if one of us is jerking on.
Truly, I'm getting closer. I'm gonna get a little closer to the camera on this one. So then like I can't.
Set dude, I want to put a level across your back? Look at that thing?
What do you mean you want to put a level across? What does that?
Even Blake doesn't know.
So let's just what does that mean doing?
Because when he does this, it looks absolutely like a straight line.
Yeah, well it's not. Look at that, it's definitely not.
He's got great posture. Although I think your collar bones is supposed to be flat.
Collar bones are like true good posture. Your collar blones are supposed to be level.
I'm gonna move my mic. You guys tell me how to move.
I think you don't have whatever. These muscles are called lats of them.
Then he walked right into his trap trapezoids traps traps?
Is it trapezoid?
Can you guys level this one's for the people listening. Can you guys level your collar bone so that they're flat?
Like right?
I don't know? Am I doing it?
Like you're pushing You're pushing your shoulders down.
So that you're am I doing it?
And do you see how jack you look?
Now? Do I look extra jacked when I do that?
Like you look when you do that? You look great?
I literally I literally can't.
Oh, Like, like, is this a wolverine pose? Is that what that is?
What do you mean? Push your elbows down?
Just throw your shoulders down, don't.
Stick your tidy You're not you're not doing this. Just put your shoulders.
Blake's trying to look like boxing Helena or whatever that movie?
Dude? Can we talk about boxing Helena?
Who's boxing Helena?
I don't know?
Why does Blake look exactly like her.
It was a movie where the nineties, the nine in the nineties, where is about this dude who cuts this chick's arms and legs off and puts her in a box, And that's the whole movie is like him, like keeping this girl in a box.
It was like, Oh my god, is it played by the guy who they found out the hiker? The Hiker?
Hey, maybe AI should start to write our movies. Okay, you can do something a little bitter than that.
What I just remember, like that was one of the first movies where like my mom was like, Yo, this movie's fucked up, but I gotta watch it. And my mom's not really that kind of person.
That was your mom said, yeah, first in a long line of fucked up movies, Human Caterpillar, my next new ship.
She's like, that's not it.
Your mom came in and was like what, dude.
I know your mom and your mom isn't like that at all. Your mom was like, dude, this is some fucked up ship.
I got it.
My mom was like, dude, you gotta watch c Ky and then also you need to watch Boxing, Helena Faces and kids.
Yeah, I don't that doesn't even ring even a all bell for me.
Yeah, me neither.
Ye, that was about that.
Normally, like when you guys talk about labyrinthine ship that I haven't seen, I at least know that it's a thing. I have no recollection of this movie.
I think it was.
Yeah, it was the dude. It was Julian Sands, who I.
Know mostly from Donkey Boy. What.
No, that's the hiker who just was his body was? He disappeared outside Los Angeles wentz and then his body was just found like a little bit ago.
So the guy who wrote it, no, the actor.
The guy put Helena in a box.
The guy was, can someone put this in the chat so I can follow along to what the.
He was the dude, Yeah, producers please. He was also the dude from a rachnophobia that was like, okay, sounds familiar. He was in a bunch of ship.
Yeah, I know who you're talking about.
And so they just they found him in the woods.
So he fell or died or killed himself. I don't know the deal. What very recently like hikers found his Yeah, guy's Julian insane.
Okay, Yeah, but you're saying like this is a huge story. No one heard.
It was a huge story. What it was a huge story.
Hiker who found Julian Sand's body said he had wrong tools for the job.
Okay, water No, he showed up with one of those hammers that when you hit it at squeaks, so he was fucked. It was kind of funny. Yeah.
British actor went missing in January while on a hike in California.
Man, yeah, it's a bummer. Never hike.
Never hike, yeah, never hike, not by yourself, never by yourself.
He was dressed like a ninja, according to the hikers. He said he was dressed like a ninja.
Okay, I read that, and I'm like, well then have what so then what happens?
The weirdest story ever?
Not if you know the guy, I bet he was hilarious.
Sam's was wearing micro spike shoes, not crampons, which are I guess the thing which I believed to provide more grip.
Crampons are the spiky things that you strap onto your shoes.
Was this dude like like, uh like climb shit or what's like.
Ice climbing and then like they found him after the.
Snow as a ninja.
He was ice climbing like a ninja, which is a good way, which is in California.
Oh yeah, in the mountains, the mountains. Were you not here this year when everyone was losing their minds and jizzing about them?
No, that's right. It does snow in California. It snows right by my cabin.
It snowed in like lockag yacht. You're right, it snowed in my house here. You're right, you're right, it snows.
I like how Kyle's finding new things about the state that he claims and he repped super Hard.
Yeah, okay, I believe you.
He's busy jerking off? Is what's happening?
I'm I'm getting thrown back super hard to Blockbuster video right now?
Okay, go ahead, go off. King.
This guy was in the movie that I've never seen, but I remember the cover so well that as soon as I saw this word. You do you remember the movie Warlock?
Yes, I was waiting for it.
He was Warlock, dude. Yeah, I've never seen this movie, but the cover great.
Great movie cover.
Let me look up this guy.
Every time I saw it, I was like, Oh, this movie is about to kick fucking ass, but maybe it's too demonic for me. This guy is a legend.
I didn't remember it, but I definitely rented it a few times because of the box.
Yeah, dude, he kind of looks like Kevin Entton.
Well that uh that sucks. Poor guy to go on you try to be an epic badass and do ice climbing, which just seems I.
Think he had done it a ton and then uh didn't do it after.
That sucks, dude, Right, that sucked.
Damn well. Boxing, I feel like Boxing and Helena was kind of like the first like Human Centipede, like where it was like, oh, you got to watch this ship because it's so what.
Is the premise of this movie? So it's just like he chops her up into a box and just keeps her in.
He loves her and he doesn't want her to leave, so he cuts off all her limbs and keeps her alive.
Okay, relatable like one at a time, Right, It's like, oh, now I gotta cut this one off, man, I'm cutting this one off. I don't a dream. I can't remember either, but I have seen it because I was like, this is right up my own.
This seems like Dursy's perfect movie.
Yes, it seems like something you would.
Do you might reboot it, might reboot it.
Yeah, oh there you go.
Rebuild Yeah, dude, but make like the comedy version of it, like it's pretty funny.
Well, I might have to do a crossover like Taco Bell five dollar box that they have or is that dark boxing hell a Tacos?
Yes, boxing, hell Tacos.
I might have to do that.
There, we got that fourth Meal, that's.
It into it.
We had to do that, Dearyl.
Yeah, the horror movie of the century, Fourth Meal. That would be good. I'll be into that.
Well, we ate breakfast, lunch and dinner. What's fourth mail?
You are?
And then they just start eating.
Fourth breakfast, lunch and dinner ship Taco Bell Vampire. Remember remember remember breakfast, lunch and dinner was when and Ferrell from his sex tape when he was talking about eating the girl out.
Could eat this for breakfast, lunch and yo.
Shout out to Colin Farrell. You had a sick ass sex tape? Did people don't talk about it enough?
Turn it around?
Yeah, yeah, I don't. I don't remember his sex tape.
You don't.
It was dope.
Yeah, it's weird that Blake has seen it so many times.
No, we used to watch that. It was on in the writer's room, like it was like early morning show.
No, wouldn't, wouldn't, couldn't, shouldn't, didn't.
Right outside in our cars.
Yeah yeah, it was property off premises.
I remember now, I remember a target parking.
Lot, breakfast, lunch and dinner.
So what So he just says like I'll eat your pussy like break for breakfast, lunch and dinner or like he.
Liked it something. Yeah.
Well he's like down there doing it and he's like, oh yeah, like I'm gonna I live here, I'll.
Will you make it more? That didn't happen.
Oh no, no's doing lines. These are real lives, he said.
I'll build a I can build a four thousand square foot house.
I'll build a nice condominiumdmium right here, multi family.
I want to be a landlord or cliff side manner.
I'll rent it out, rent controlled so everyone can live here.
I'm not even to charge you rent, baby.
I won't even charge. I'll give you the flat for free. Slip slur.
You'll put your coochie juices in the moat.
You gotta cover taxes, and the little.
Alligators will be the puper cares all you have to pay for is utilities to cover taxes, and you gotta cover utilities that's not included, mate.
Buttholes in the garage, a squatter's rights. We share the workshop, I must Yeah, I think I'm about stay here for a while.
So when did this sex tape come out? I don't remember this one A while ago, two thousands, you guys talking about it. I remember, I kind of remember it being a thing, but I don't think I ever saw it.
It was two thousand late.
I think it was after when he was Bullseye for Daredevil. He was like his star was rising hard two thousand and five.
He's got my star rising.
Two thousand and five. That's that's that's really, that's really early in the in the Colin Farrell.
Uh, I wonder what what is the sex tape dropped? Timeline? Like, I would love to know the years. So, Pam and Tommy was one, Kim Kardashian ray J was two, right.
Paris Paris Hill, Paris was Paris before? Oh yeah, Paris was before Kim Kay for sure, not.
Before Paym and Tommy.
No, no, no, no, no, Kim.
So Pam and Tommy Paris Kim then Colin was, and then I feel like people try to get theirs in there, but like it's like Vince Neil or whatever, and you're like, I don't want to see this guy.
Did China have one?
There was some wrestlers China went full on thing?
All right, she came to China?
Was it it was China and six? Right? Wasn't it? Was it them?
Now? Where was she gone?
Where was she? Where was China? Did she have a six? She have like a hiking death or what? What?
I got my take back?
So I'm sorry I brought that out to die.
I don't know.
I'm gonna see how she passed.
Is she a Hall of Famer?
You want to go in like a like a pretty exciting way, Like I feel like, if you're about to die, you should go on a quick.
Ice hike success.
Yeah, you know what I'm saying. You want you want it to be like at least a shocking thing to read.
If you feel a heart attack coming on, get to the top of a building.
Mm hmm quickly. I could get to the nearest ice ledge.
Yeah right right, No matter what, even if there's a defibrillator next to you, don't risk it.
China had a cocktail in her she was like she had anxiety drugs, she had a what China had a bunch of drugs in her system. When she passed, it was an overdose. It looks like that sucks.
Yeah, I mean that's that's This is the tales allest time for wrestlers. I mean, what they put their bodies through. Tragic, Yeah, the pain it.
China was a freaking leg gin. She didn't even ever talk. She didn't even have to talk. Oh, she was just a her first like I want to say, like her first five years in like the WWE, she just didn't even say a word. She just stood there, buff as fuck, just holding the bell.
And being a woman and wrestling is just She's.
DX that You can't get cooler than that. She's freaking d X dude.
Yeah, I know she's read. Yeah, she was DX with Triple A.
Well, she can get cooler because she did a spin off featured centered around her. She her Hulk character titled She Hulk Triple X Yes and was released to video in April twenty thirteen. So she could get cooler.
Okay, I've got my copy. I've got my copy.
I don't know where my copy yeah, she went porno.
Oh wow, look at this.
Do you guys know Fred Durst uh sex tape?
Yes, yeah, bred Durst directed pornos. I think he didn't stop the sex tape. I think he directed porn those days.
No, he believes, don't stop a sex stage.
It's just one of those I think that's tight.
He had a video of him and an unknown woman having sex and it leaked onto the Internet by a repair man who had been repairing his computer, and he later sued Gawker the website.
Oh wow, Goker.
And nine others for seventy million dollars for publishing. Damn, that's a lot.
Damn Gawker didn't they didn't learn after that.
It's just one of them days leaks.
Wait, yeah, Dowker didn't they get Hogan as well?
Yeah, so like, what are they doing? Which was first? Which game first?
The Chicken or the Gawker was a trash track, Dowker was a trash ass fucking publication or website or whatever. Oh, yes, they they were just stealing.
I don't know anything about Cocker.
They were they were making a movie. I read a script about it when they were green lighting every movie, about every company that started in the last of fifteen years.
Yah yea yea yah yeah, yeah, yeah, they are good.
During that wave, I read a script about specifically the Hull Kogan incident in Gowker.
Yes, yeah, that's the one that has the documentary. There's a documentary out on that. Yeah, follows the case.
I'm sure it's good.
That's the one where Hogan's like I was in character or that was his Like, there's like a his.
Character says the N word, what the hell?
Yeah, his character is pretty racist.
I think we've done this exact thing on the pod before, and they'll probably put up a side by side of the exact like okay, okay, yeah, okay, okay, okay.
But was it different because we were probably wearing shirts in that podcast and so this is slightly yeah.
A little bit, So it doesn't care.
You'll be able to tell the difference. That's right, that's right.
When we go on tour, I wonder which show we will decide to take our clothes off for. Do you think it's early on?
I'm thinking Salt Lake City the last off.
I wonder too, my clothes will be staying on tour, they will be staying.
Think so, Kyle, you don't know, dude.
We'll see. We'll see once the crowd starts chanting. Free the nips, Free the nips.
Unless it's hot.
If it's really hot, I might have to rock suspenders just to like lose everything on top of the suspenders, just to have a little variety on stage.
I bet, I bet Arizona. I bet We're going to get it out of the way pretty pretty quick.
Pretty hot.
Arizona is a live nude show. Arizona is completely nude. We're billing it that way live dudes.
Yeah, you won't even need to buy the n f t of our buttholes. We'll give it to you free.
Well, one of you guys have to make them, and we'll do it.
You're gonna have to push it off your note.
We're not gonna make it. That's that thing.
We're not We'll have my doctor do it. Well, do it, law he's already back there. You can check all of your buttholes for hemis.
Oh, dude, your doctor could snap a pick, yeah.
The doctor from last week. Yes, okay, doctor that it.
Would be cool to have your doctor snap the pick for the quarter butt NFT. Yeah, can you help me out, hey, doc?
While you're back there.
Can you just get a full frame it right in the center center? Punch that thing.
Is there a doctor in the house?
Yeah, what if we get a doctor on stage? They take us backstage, they do a lot nude inspection backstage, they come back with what's wrong?
Physicals and and yeah, we do live physical backstage.
This is called physical. That was called live nude inspection.
This is just a physical blake.
What if Hey, it's Adam, come on in. You're due for your live nude inspection, your yearly live nude inspection.
Yeah, I like that.
Here's here's one. In two thousand and two, Nelly apologized after accidentally posting a video on his Instagram of him receiving oral sex. Oh god, which I like that.
Oops, been there, done that.
But wait, I feel like this. No, this was twenty twenty two. I thought it said oh two.
Yeah, didn't that happen? That happens a lot like didn't the who played who played Captain America? Who's the guy who played Captain americaweetheart?
Oh yeah, Chris Chris how.
He posted like a story and it had an image of his Just a fucking raging hard dude.
It's hard. Sometimes, yes, yeah, sometimes your text in your homies, the group text gets into the Instagram. You fucking post on the wrong place. Yeah, it sucks.
Wait, I've never sent I've never is.
This You keep saying this when you send me dick pics and I'm like my bed again and you're like, it's sorry.
It's like sorry, I thought I was posting this.
What do you think though? I thought I was.
I thought I was sending this to my doctor.
What do you think of this?
Doctors? Is normal?
Fuck it it's a boner. Yes, this is interction. It's a direction.
Yeah, it's working. I knew it. I knew it.
I thought you were talking about the insurrection. I knew it.
Okay, you could have some points for that insurrection.
Oh, there we go, the insurrection, the interaction.
I'm like, there's something here you want to know about January seventh.
That was my injurrection.
The insurrection never happened.
Not here, dude, here's a good one. Do you guys remember the Scott Staff, the lead singer of Creed and Kid Rock sex tape.
Okay, they pumped.
Each other together on the bus, threesome on the bus. Yes, By the way, all these all these people are, like, everyone just forgot about.
All this What a weird reality.
It was Scott's staph in two thousand and six for a nineteen ninety nine sex tape featuring Staff and Kid Rock receiving oral sex from groupies on a tour bus. Well, I guess Staff was there in the.
Tape crushing bud lights.
Hey, we're just watching him saying, it's good to be king.
Wow, it's going to be the king of beirs bud light.
Hey, I did allegedly, and that's why Kid Rock is fucking This is the most allegedly episode ever.
Dude, It's it's pretty allegend. Yeah, this is very alleged.
This episode's thirty seven minutes long, brought to you by allegend.
Be evident, I mean evidently. Uh, it's it's real. It's on Wikipedia.
It's fucking crazy. Crazy sex tape culture is fucking nuts. It's crazy. How many of our heroes quote unquotes dicks we've seen like that just didn't used to be said. Sorry, quote unquote hero quote.
Quote unquote dicks.
I think we haven't seen enough.
Yeah, I'm I feel like I feel like I haven't seen any of their dicks.
Quote unquote dick.
I've seen Brett Farb's dick. I've seen Draymond Green's dick.
I've seen when did you see Brett Farb's dick?
That was the fame. That was a classic. That's a classic.
He posted his dick. He had a really small dick. It was crazy.
He had a really small one.
Brett Farv Well, you know it was fine.
Dude, Stop judging them. The problem is is just judgment.
And you saw Draymond's like in person.
Draymonds was huge.
Hey Blake, come here, dude, check this out.
Wait you saw Draymond greenstick.
I'm just resting on your shoulder.
He posted it on an instant story one time.
He didn't know just his limp cock, like why.
He meant to send it to his doctor and then yeah.
Oh yeah he was. He was sending his photo of his hardcock to his dock.
Dude, that is so wild.
It was a zoom.
That's a move, right, the accidental post.
It's I don't know, man, slow news day, right, that's I think so especially especially if it's if you got a big one, if you're packing some heat, you're like sorry.
About it, Oh my bad.
Drops interesting.
Interesting, We saw Arnold's right, or do we see dolphs?
We saw Dolph dolp.
But that was messed up. That was paparazzi. That wasn't that's okay.
Although rocking the North Pole.
Guys, I don't remember any of these dicks. How was dolfs?
I remember them all.
That's not okay. That's rude, that's that's that's invasion of privacy. I wish I never saw Dolph Lungren's dick in that in that way.
In that way, I'm not even saying I did.
If he wants to show it, I'm happy to see it. But if he doesn't want to show it, I don't want to do that.
Thrilling is electric.
But this whole like, oh I got a picture of your dick. That's fucking We can all agree that's ethically wrong.
Well, so so how did that happen? And Doulph Lunger and how did it?
Well, this is like fappening style.
Yeah, the fappening. Fuck the fappening. That ship was fucked up, man, that's right.
What's worse the f happening or the happening?
The movie? The Mark Wahlberg, Mark Waller.
Yeah, It's a toss up for me. I think one is disgusting and immoral and the others.
There was a bunch of mature.
Oh boy, that's how you write comedy.
Let's go that's a that's a style of like jokes I would submit at real time with Bill Maher back in the day, the old bait and switch master, bait and switch master.
How much time did you have one on one with Bill Maher? Did you have any experiences just chatting them up or.
Yeah, a little bit. We're talking out of the year and a half or so that I worked there eight hours to ten hours a day. I'm thinking thirty minutes.
Yeah, thirty hot ones. That's cool.
Of you and him fixed this BlackBerry one time of you alone talking to just Yeah, the door was open.
What did you fixed his Did you say you fixed his BlackBerry?
Yeah? He had something going on with his BlackBerry. Like he goes, you're young, can you fix this? I'm like, yeah, you were.
In two thousand and six, Bill Maher when someone was repairing his BlackBerry released a photo of him getting there.
That's one year after calling Farrell. Second date was two thousand and five documented.
This is documented.
Did you see it.
Yeah, I think that was about it thirty minutes. You know, I was like a grocery getter. I was like a sandwich shopper, you know.
Yeah, I remember. I remember we got to go into the offices one day. It was like a weekend.
Oh dude.
Yeah. We would go in there and steal snacks.
Yeah, and you were like you had to come. It was like you were going to get us like printing paper. You're like, hey, we're going to print some scripts and.
A date ourselves. This is like before iPads, right, and printing scripts was not you had to like go to you to go to Kinkos and like and to print like a few scripts was like thirty dollars.
Have printers gotten way better? Or am I do? I just have noney money now? So I bought a good print?
You've gotten rich?
Is that it?
You got a laser one, you got a laser doggy.
Get a laser doggy or what?
I don't know. I just my printer now just works fine. It prints very well.
I mean not everyone's paying like six hundred bucks for like a laser printer that prints like eight twelve pages a second a minute.
But uh yeah, how big is it though? How big it hang on me right now? How big is it?
A big ass printer? But I remember remember our old printers where you had to load the paper on the top and it would take like literally like half a day to print a fucking script. And you'd be like, oh, if you.
Like accidentally like printed an image, it would be like, oh, fuck all my like, tear it out, tear it out.
I will say, though the printer I have currently has been me for probably a year and a half or two years that I'm low on telling your boobs are huge, and I'm just I'm still rocking with it. And it's fine.
Oh that's a racket, dude, because they like auto do that.
Ship it totally is because that shit's expensive and I but let's go, I go, I go, well, I'll buy it until it really starts to run out. And now I have like all this ink from two years ago. It's a racket and it's probably gonna go back and shacks schlepping this new stuff where you're just.
Pour it in yourself and you pour it in.
That's icy hot. What are you talking about.
Sha dude, that's gold pond. You put that on your feet and ship.
No, Shaq.
EPs printers or whatever Epsen printers. Oh, when we're in Atlanta, we have to go to Shaquille O'Neil's Papa Murphy's. That's the best.
Wait, Shaq has a Papa Murphy's.
Ye. I mean, by the way, isn't Shaq the person who's dick. We want to see the most though out of everybody in the world.
Only if he wants to show it, I'll come back to it.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
I don't want.
I don't want to. I don't want to forced.
Him to whip it out. I just want I just want base level. We all know that that's base level.
I want before Shack dies, I just want him to be like, guys, everyone's been thinking about this here it is.
Yeah, the big repeal. He's eighty five years old. He's like, I've got one last thing to do.
Yeah, you're saying you want him to post to his story.
And accidental you asked for it, you got you asked for This has got some shock.
I mean, how disappointing would it be if it's just like because even a regular like seven inch cock would look way small.
Yeah, it's regular there's a lot of things. It's problematic about that, and I'm like, sorry, I.
Didn't mean to offend you. Guys.
You didn't offend. You didn't offend at all. It's just I'm wondering where your reality, Like, what's your what's your reality?
You know what? That's about how big my dick is, and so that's what I consider a regular size.
Well, we're in two different universes, buddy.
Okay, so what is you got? I mean, I don't want to speculate on how big your dick is or not big.
But you're Marvel, Kyle is dc K.
I'm not saying a damn thing. We're just saying a couple different, couple different universes.
Sticking up for the every man. You can't say.
I'm over here, like, no, well, I thought that's about Isn't that about average seven?
I don't think seven is.
Six and a half.
Average can't just be like regular seven. You can't just say that on air in public. You can't just do it.
I don't think that's obscenely big.
It's definitely not regular. You said regular, science like, that's fucked up, Kyle's I.
Thought that was I thought like six and a half seven inches was the average. I think you might have a small penis, Kyle. And that's what I don't care, Adam.
I think I think your national average is off. I think you're let's look up, that's what I'm saying. I think that's all data. I think that's two thousand and five data. That's callin feral data, right, national.
Yeah, we like to embellish. I just don't think that this should be something that we embellish, because I think that people need us for solace, They need to hear that.
You know, what Adam's saying is that even if it's eight.
Or nine inches, it's a big penis.
I'm disappointed.
Okay, now we're now we're if.
It's a big oh dude, then the average is so fucking small, goodbye. Signs of an erect penis is five point one inches.
Yeah that's weird.
That's my.
Yeah what oh yeah?
Right? Yeah?
Then why aren't there funnier movies?
Yeah? Yeah, that's fucking weird.
That's weird.
That's a that's a trip. That's a trip, dude, Wow, are you kidding me? That was like me and fucking fourth grade?
Probably, Okay, where you going with this, I want to follow you, bud, What are you talking about?
My dick's gotten bigger?
Oh okay, by the way, but like we're all joking, but that's definitely like a pretty cool confidence booster.
Yeah for some I'm feeling pretty good over here.
Yeah, some pretty cool. That's cool.
If you had one wish bigger dick to reveal a penis of someone, who would it be small?
I feel like that was the whole beginning of this conversation, is that it's shack.
Well, Blake just decided to.
Here's a shack.
Everyone's a shack. Who else do you want to see besides shack?
Yeah, I think shack is the right answer because it because like I was trying to explain, and then you guys teed off on me for some regular size seven inch dick.
So even if it's even, if it's even, if it's twelve inches, even if it's a monster fucking crazy cock that you only see in porno movies, it would look small on shack. Sure, So if he has a five point one inch cock, it's gonna look like a goddamn micro.
Which is fucking great. Anybody listening. That's a great it's beautiful.
And you are somebody. But to be honest, yes, thank you. What's cool about Shack is that there's no way it's five. There's no way it's seven. It could be nothing yet, which would be the biggest let letdown of my life.
Letdown? Why is that a letdown?
Shack has a small penis for his spot for Shack. For Shack, he would be disappointed with his nine inch cock, would he though? Because proportionate proportionately, that would be very small for him. So if he was a small person, he would have like a three inch cock.
You want to see it, you keep asking about it, I might as well show it to you.
Yeah, I don't think no matter what size shacked dick is, I do not think he's disappointed at it. All right, he's not. He's chilling with his dick and that's what he's been doing his whole life. Bro, He's all good.
I am so glad that I'm able to control my penis now. Like, I wouldn't be shocked if it turned out to be fourteen inches. I would believe it if he didn't show if he didn't show it, he's like, I'm not going to show it. But he said it was fourteen, I'd go, I.
Think from I mean, for sure, I think Shaq is the correct answer.
You're saying if you had one wish to reveal a male penis, you guys are saying.
Shacks, it's shack, or it's you. It's like me, I want to see what you're working on.
It's me.
It's like see, I would want I don't know if I could pick one person, I want to be amazed. I want someone. If you said, like, uh, I want to like if Michael Sarah is just like, actually I have a eleven inch cock. That's what I would like to see someone that you that you're doing.
By the way, if Michael Sarah had a eight or nine, I'd be like, holy shit, oh yeah yeah right, But if Shaq had a nine, I'd go, oh really.
Poor guy. Yeah.
I'm not revealing it. I'm not impressed.
Until you get to Saint Louis.
Live on stage the vip TA.
I'm not revealing it to be impressed. I'm not revealing it. I'm revealing it. I'm trying to think of the person that I want to like. I'm like, huh, I wonder.
You're thinking about men's cocks all the time.
Don't make it weird. You're making it weird now, don't do that.
No, dude, I've talked about this before. I think historically it would be one.
Of these historically, go ahead, what about him?
If you would, actually, I think it would actually add a lot of important information to how society was formed, how people come to power, if we revealed historically historicals men's penis sizes.
Yes, yes, so you you you want it to have historic ramifications to reason interesting in Washington because of his eleven in.
Can you say ramifications?
I like that?
Okay, Yes, I'm saying does Elon Musk have a huge cock? Or or is he is it? Is it super small? And he's like just out putting so much to get over his small cock.
I think he's above average. I think he's big because isn't he like six or five?
Yeah, he's a big guy.
But you don't know, I don't know, like what dry?
No, I think you're right.
And so he's like he's also king of the nerds, you know, So I feel like he had that confidence.
Yes, which is weird, but nerds. You tend to think nerds have small, small penises.
They don't.
Don't. I don't think that they don't.
They don't. They don't think that.
This is what makes the world interesting. I tweeted this a thousand years ago. This is what makes it interesting. But what makes the world interesting is nerds with huge dicks and dorks with perfect hits. The fact that that exists just keeps this crazy world true. Yeah, where did he get what she? Where did she get those?
And where did he get that?
You do?
What are you doing with those on her?
There? What keeps this whole damn world swirl?
It does? I think that's good?
Yeah, because if everything was as you expected, you'd be like, well, for sure he's gotten she well we see what she got? Well wait a.
Second, right, yeah, hold on a minute, what's he got on? Sweetheart? Take your glasses off?
Who do you think has a big cock? Historically? Since you want to bring history into this, oh Historyjers and I were just thinking, like, it'd be cool to see shocks giant.
Cock John Wayne? Does John Wayne got a big old dick?
Or that's a great question. That is crazy.
He's a big man. He's a big man.
No, I'm saying, like Gandhy is hauling around a fucking hog.
Dude, right, because he just had big, big dick energy, is what you're saying, Like just.
The biggest dick energy, like nothing fucking he was inflappable, can't fly that ship was.
My man is unflapping.
That ship was like mine, body, soul, everything.
Yeah, but he's wearing the little like kind of the dress I want to say diaper, but like, but you couldn't see wouldn't you have seen it flop out?
Exactly? That's why he didn't war. He didn't wear traditional garb because he just had to design.
I think it was pretty traditional guard.
I thought he wore like the most traditional garb for for post for post colonial uh India.
Yeah, but how often was he kicking it with them? I feel like he was a bit of a journeyman. He was like what and I wanted I.
Wanted to finish your sentence and then tell me what this is?
Basically what I feel like, my.
Dude, Just like no, Gandhi had a one of one style. Nobody was wearing that get up. Nobody was wearing what.
Do you mean every every fucking they all wear that little fucking.
Like if you're out in like the sticks and like you weren't part of like the British bullshit that took over and like.
Thank you were like bullshit the wrap and over the shoulder like that.
Yes, he was the Ralph Lauren of that era and made that ship up.
I think he was saying, I don't need any look.
At like monks. Every monk dresses like.
That great show, Great show.
He had a little more steeze. I feel I feel like he was like, I don't.
Huge stick, there's there's.
I don't know. I feel like part of what Gandhi was right, Like his thing was I don't need earthly possessions. So I'm just gonna like tie this like kind of curtain around me and then like that's what's up. But also I'm gonna hide my huge lap hot it.
Can I just say that, I don't want to offend anybody. He was not wearing a curtain.
I know what I know, But I'm just saying like just materials.
Wearing material yes, in a way that I think was pretty traditional for India. That was hearkening back to what they wore previous to the Colonne Neil.
Yeah, that being said probably.
Be said Adam, I'm right.
There with you.
Yeah, I could see.
That pulls it back so cool.
That's so, that's who you want to see is Gandhi's dick just.
Like Okay, a religious figure?
Sure, okay, Kyle go. And by the way, it's just good to be back. It's good to be back.
Yeah, it's good. Interesting you think when we.
Get the Phoenix, come on stage and show us your hammer.
Yeah, I stayed by wanting to see, like, I don't know who I would call out. I would like to call out whoever.
It would be the most like the ice bucket challenge, the most.
Surprised, the most surprised, somebody who's like not known for being a cool, big tough guy, like Shock, you expect him to have a huge cock, but like.
Like what about Timothy Challame. Maybe that if he doesn't, maybe you want to see Timothy Challa may I Shall.
Has like a David Bowie styled dick where he's like so thin that he set.
The thinner the thinner you are. The bigger it is it is. I think it actually is bigger.
Yeah, And when we get to Medford, we're gonna we're gonna see it. He's joining us on stage.
I think your dick is actually bigger when you get skinnier. I don't think it's it appears just skinnier. I think you're uncovering when you I think you're uncovering like parts of your dick when you get skinnier.
Either half diarrhea.
Does that make sense to anybody else?
It does not.
I think I think exactly what you're talking about is your pubic mound as you gather fatty tissue, and so then the base of your dick is stuck in the sunken place.
That's right, and then you uncover and then you uncover that.
That's what's been happening to you, Kyle. That's why it's so top of mind. You're like, you're going like, oh, look at it. It's growing.
Your penis is unfurling a couple of nice months, yes, okay, you are you at a point where you would look down and not.
See your deck?
No? No, no, no, hey, hey.
Nice And you're up to two seventy So that tells me something about you.
Yeah, yeah, seventy yeah, yeah.
You know, let's just say, how big is it? Regular?
Sixteen inches over here?
Regular sixteen dog flapping basis unflappable.
My dick's on flappable pile.
Who is your guy? Because I agree with Adam. I agree with Adam, who is like the person you'd be shocked to see. But like, the cool thing about shack is that you're shocked. If it's nine inches, which is a nine inches is fine.
Well you're you're shocked to eat anyway with shock. That's why I think he used the perfect choice.
He has the least disappointing penis.
No, because if you if you said a foot, I'd go.
Yeah, but that's still a huge cock and admittedly kind of cool to see.
Yes, I know, but it's not surprising.
Yeah, but that'd be cool. Dick your arm.
Well that's Adam Harty said, Adam Harty said. Adam's looking for a surprise, right, you're looking for it.
I love the like, Hey, so did you watch last night?
Unbelievable, very cool. What's your favorite part? Just the part where he pulled it out. I know it. It was just like, Okay, that's twelve inches, right.
That's twelve inches of just just meat.
He's just like me.
Yeah, don't care.
He's just average.
Are just like us.
He's just like me. Okay, So Kyle, Kyle, Kyle who who what who?
I don't know. I don't know, I don't know who do I want to see. I don't want to see anybody living. I would want to be digging people up to understand what.
They would want. Did the same thing.
Yeah, but that's also a dangerous game because like I think they got like Jimmy Hendrix cock and it's kind of small Napoleon.
Really they found Oh yeah, Jimmy Hendrix. There's a woman who made mold.
We didn't they there was yeah, the plaster, yeah, and.
She needed like tight she ran out of fucking paper mache.
Of all kinds of celebrities, which is really cool. I wish there was like someone in the comedy community that just wants to plaster everyone's cocks and John Mulaney's cock, Andy Dick's yours. No, no, no, he was doing John Lovetz's dick.
You know, I've never seen this Hendrix dick. I don't know what you guys are talking about.
You can find it. It's on It's called.
The plaster casters or something, right, wasn't that.
She was like a woman, Yeah, yes, she was a very famous Do we say groupie a bad word now?
But like, well now it is but then it was a badge of honor.
Oh, it's a whole documentary, dude, it's a whole documentary documentary.
How do we pronounce this?
Pamela the Bars, Yeah, Bar, the bar.
She was in the bar cast of Jimmy Hendrick's Penis Goes On Show in Iceland, latest member of Museums Phallic Collection. So I think we got to take the podcast to Iceland to specifically go to this.
Let's go, Let's go.
Yeah, So Jimmy Hendrix had the big guest plaster cast, that's what it's saying. Yeah, was the biggest of the documentary to be crushed.
What a bummer. By the way, I like that.
And Penny Lane in almost Famous, who is a Kate Hudson's character, that's who it's based on. Pretty pretty radical, that's so cool.
Got to be an amalgam, got to be like an amalgam, right, Yeah?
Probably? Wow, that's a fake incredible.
Yeah, it is, obviously, But like I feel like that that woman was not young or maybe she's old now I don't I don't fucking know. Anyway, you're right, we should have the comedy plaster.
Who the plaster caster woman?
Yeah, that would be cool.
She passed away in twenty twenty two.
How was she?
She was seventy seventy seven? I think sixty sixty nine.
D he's right there for you, Blake.
You want to make it to eighty. You want to make eighty.
But you want to make it to eighty, you want to make it.
To eight nine.
I mean, I'm sure she lived a pretty radical life. If she's casting all of these famous.
Cocks, you know, Yeah, that's really crue.
You live pretty radical life. I bet she out at seventy eight or whatever. I bet she was like that. That was a good life.
Seventy four seventy.
Four, yeah, seventy four good years.
I want to make it to eighty. That's that's my goal.
By the way, you have to keep a boner for all that time, because she's doing the plaster on you. That takes hours to.
Know it's it's it's your limp cock.
I think, no, it's not.
Your boobs aren't.
It's a hard I think it's hard, I believe, so why would you want lems.
Think it's hard? But I also think that plaster is pretty fastting. I think it's fast atting plastic, how fast?
I think it's and it's warm, and it's warm, so that probably feels pretty good.
I'm just telling you. I imagine there was some sort of technique.
Now I did in art class in high school. I did paper mache, and it sets pretty fast. I don't want to be well.
This isn't paper mache, this is plaster, it's not paper.
Well, I go around paper mache. My favorite comedian's cocks. I've got Will Sasso, I've got honors.
That's gotta be big.
Oh that's got to be Sasa.
Well you did it, you said so.
Red arms in He Yeah.
Fred Armison's dick for sure has like a style to it, you know what I mean.
Yeah, it's cool.
Yeah, Or if you saw it in a lineup, you'd be like, it's that one style.
Look at that cool.
Yeah yeah, we get the lean that one's leaning too.
Cool, the Honda Ridge line. You know, it's his dick's doing an impression of someone else's dick.
That's kind of I.
Think this episode is just going to be the guys talk about other male penises for fifty five minutes. Let's go.
We've done it before, never for this like part two, never for this long. Who would you be.
Shocked to see if they had a big wing.
Let's come.
I don't know these are these are great question?
Nothing is nothing shocking anymore, you know.
Yeah, I think you'd be shocked if, like if fan of white pants pat say Jack on the Wheel of Huge whoa, I think that'd knock you on your ass a little bit.
Like a very meaty It would change the trajectory of his career.
Uh huh.
Yeah, he's been doing Wheel of Fortune for what forty years?
He immediately is a is in the next mission? Impossible? Yes, dude, he's immediately a giant movie star.
He's inexpendables.
Yeah, Oscar nod, he's got the Oscar nod.
They just.
As soon as Vanda pulls the pants down.
Yeah, like we get it now.
I will say I saw Van of White at some charity thing a few years ago.
I was like, what a poll uh?
And I was starstruck by her. There was other like really famous people there, and Vana White was the one I was just I kept like just looking at her.
I thought she was like, so sorry you recognized her. Without somebody being like, hey that's Van of White.
I don't know if i'd recognize her.
Yeah I recognized Vana White, Yeah, you would, and knock you on your fucking ass pants.
I think if I was in the dairy section of the grocery store and she was like, excuse me, Like, can you get the fuck out of my way so I can grab some ben and char I don't think.
I mean, it's like there's a lot of celebrities there, so it wasn't like, yeah, I might not.
I think I would.
Yeah, it depends on if you're in the middle of Wisconsin, I would be like, well, that's not Pana White. But like if you were in Beverly Hills at a grocery store, I might be like, that's why.
I don't think I do. I'm looking at her face now and it's not even registered.
She has to be turning letters.
Dude. She was stunningly beautiful person.
I would have never ran.
I was truly starstrup right. I did not see that coming.
Did you watch a lot of Wheel?
Are you dead?
As a kid?
I think I never liked watching Wheel.
I love Wheel, dude, I never liked it.
I went to a Wheel taping what McCormick Place of Chicago. Yeah, some a kid in elementary school. It's like, hey, do you want to come to a Wheel of Fortune taping? They came to Chicago and we went and we sat in a gigantic auditorium at this like convention center, so far away that I was like, Okay, sucks. I'm not exaggerating when I say like it'd be like watching a basketball game in like a football arena.
It was that far away that you're kind of are understanding what's happening, and there's no speakers. It's just kind of happening way over there. But you're there.
They you know, they asked me to do Wheel of Fortune and I backed out. I said yes, and then I backed out, using the strike as an excuse. But but really I was like the strike happened, I'm like, good, I can back out of it because I can't spell worth ship.
Dude, dude, I fucking like I'd like to buy a bowel pee.
Yeah, totally.
I don't know.
I was like, I know for myself, I would just eat ship up there.
Man, that's a bummer that.
I know I would do. I would do better on Jeopardy, I know.
I really, yes, Oh, I would wheel over Jeopardy all day.
We Okay, when I watched Jeopardy. I'm okay, but when I'm guessing the thing, I never did it, I never get it. It can be fully written up there and I'll be like, I don't right, but what Jeopardy I can I can do that. I don't think I would sure lose, but I would embarrass myself less in Jeopardy.
I think I'm the opposite.
Right. What do you think is you're like, what's your bread and butter?
As far as trivia, as far as trivia goes, Yeah, I.
Mean so Jeopardy is a trivia show essentially. Yeah.
Yeah, but they talk about everything on that show.
Every but they talk about they talk about, I mean anything pop culture I'm pretty good at, and history I'm pretty good at.
And so like pop culture. Okay, how many world wars have I been? We've been talking about this quite a lot. Okay, so pop culture, pop culture, I feel like, but that's do you think you have like a specialty that is like.
Massachusetts will be trivia night on the too, or do.
You have like a surprising like, oh, I didn't know Adam knew about that, because most people would say pop culture because that's kind of unavoidable. Yeah, unless you're like, yeah, living in a lighthouse.
What's your super specialty? What do you deep deep dive you know the most about?
I mean nothing. I think I would be pretty bad at the game. I don't think i'd be great. I think I think I would suck.
Look better there than Wheel of Fortune.
I think i'd be better than will Ford.
Where you just have to spin a wheel and say letters and stuff.
Yeah, we was so much easier than Jeopardy.
Jeopardy is You're like, I know, music in movies for the last twenty year party is so hard? Letters and words?
Letters? Nah, I can't do it. I can't do it.
What's a P phrase?
Well, I knew. We just did Family Feud, so I'm like, I'm I also was like, well, am I just gonna do every goddamn game.
Show so brutal episode.
I did Prices right, which was my favorite game show, So I already already was like, well are.
You good at knowing how much things?
The first Dude, I didn't think I was going to be good at it because I haven't like grocery shopped in forever. You know, I don't, But I uh, but I was so good at it. I want one hundred thousand dollars. They were like, this is the most of celebrity is one on the show? Whoa my Yeah, it was just great.
At it for who? For?
What? For?
I get some children's Miracle Network?
Let me get some money?
They matched what the contestant want. So it's basically I'm paired with the contestant and I helped them. Guess he said, contestant.
That's fucking dope. So Drew, so you wait, was that before Family?
It was.
It was. Uh, it was the first thing I did back from the pandemic.
You did the Prices right with Drew Carrey, but still couldn't remember Bob Barker. Yeah, loose Yeah, dude, Hey the spotlight burns hot?
Yeah it does.
I couldn't think of a word that started with antonia.
I could not believe. I couldn't get Bob Barker. Yeah, I couldn't believe it.
If anybody who has seen the Family Feud episode between On and Adam's families, the divines for something.
Between us, it's with us, what do we between?
Your mom served up Drew Carrey. I'm like, I know who it is now, Yeah, your mom pulled it, and I'm like, that's what it is. But was that the last guest? It was a great episode.
Well it was Bob Barker. It wasn't Drew Carrey, but you're.
Right, I know, But was she the last guest of your family?
No, Chloe guessed a good one, which was Regis Yes, yeah, and.
Then it was from a millionaire, didn't even, And then it was Drew Carrie.
And then it went to you.
Had already had Bob Barker in the.
Pocket, and I fully blanked. I said, I just don't know, which is so embarrassing.
Dude, you said you don't know. You didn't put anything out there, no, because they.
Only give you a few seconds to say something.
And I was like, right, yeah, it's hard. Family feud is hell of Like that's gotta be a gotten hard.
I wouldn't. They had the easiest ship for us.
Yeah, it was not hard.
I think it's gotten way harder.
They're like, what's a thing you know? And you're like, air thing name waters.
Well, it's definitely got way more sexual, Like the answers are hellosexual.
My god, I couldn't even let some of my kids watch that ship.
You couldn't.
Yeah, it's got Hellisex.
No, I couldn't watch your dad talk about a ball your dad talk about ballgags that it's important. I mean, our manager Isaac's kids watched it and they were like, what's a vibrator, Daddy?
And he was like, and over, I'll show you the coolest thing about when your dad said ballgag is he followed it with Steve. He's like a ballgag, Steve.
What he didn't say ballgag? Ballgag would have been the home run He goes, rubber ball, Steve.
I love, he says, Steve, I love.
The gray is them cutting to your mom being like, I don't even know what that is or what that because if your.
Mom was like, this was a ballgag, O, your mom.
Looks Hella guilty.
Yeah, my mom just goes, yeah, let's go.
You know what, I think, I know the I think I know my wish for the dick reveal. I want I want that Steve Harvey dick Man, what is he got?
You know, you know.
It's got to be good. It's got to be good.
Let's go. It's got to be so good.
I don't think it's shocking, but I think it's it's healthy it's vibrant, and it has six buttons going down the front of.
It and cool.
And his cubes are his mustache. It's just his mustache.
His dick is just his face, but his nose is extra long. What, let's good?
That's what about Einstein's dick? Dude? How about how about there?
You go? There?
You not impressive?
No? I like that that No, but I want to know. I want to know he's a European, right, it's probably not. I want to know because he's a genius.
Yeah, okay, okay, and it's I'm just looking for answer.
Yeah. Do you want to see Stephen hawkingstick?
Sure, kind of Yeah, that's another answer.
Yeah, I would rather see Stephen Hawkings dick.
I would love to take like great minds and look at their dicks. That's what it is, exactly.
That's Kyle gets the game.
Yeah, well you know who's packing my boy? Oppenheimer, that guy built the atomic bomb. You gotta have a big swinging cock for that kind of work.
Or the exact opposite. And he's just trying to blow up the world because he's so mad at how small is Dick is good point, right?
The bomb is a metaphor.
Well, that's like Napoleon. Napoleon had a small dick that's in a jar somewhere like and you're like, oh, yeah, Napoleon.
Can we see it?
You guys it with you? You have it or.
Somewhere let me get it a pile bought it off of Nicholas Cake.
Are there any takeoks, apologies and epic slams give?
I mean, I guess we got to take back this whole thing.
Probably should. Yeah, it's just.
I liked it. I'll stick by this one. I want this one to be if people remember anything about my career in showbiz, I want it to be this episode of This Is Important podcast.
I want to apologize to anybody who was defended by Adam saying the national average was seven and a half.
I didn't say seven and a half. I said seven, and I thought that was fairly real. I thought it was six and a half or seven rage.
I didn't know it was he said regular.
I would think it would be over.
Since yeah, it has never ever to five and a half.
Seems low end, but.
Yeah, and I would love to apologize.
No, that was some bullshit. That was on some bullshit, because if never in any conversation have you ever been like, the average dick in America is seven inches? There has never been a conversation that has that. And Adam decided to say that right now for what reason? Huh, for what reason?
That's what I thought.
He just said. He was like, this is what I have, and like, I feel like this is sixteen nine.
I think it was a put on.
It was weird, dude, Hey, And you'll find out in Arizona. In Arizona, you gotta find out now that Adams got it out.
And I see it. You know you want to see it? Hey, Actually that's who I want to see you. Go to Massachusetts.
If you're coming to the Medford show, you might see Come to Medford, get your tickets.
Baby, it's gonna be a hot one.
If you're gonna go to Medford, Massachusetts the fifteenth, you might see it. Chicago, Illinois, Phoenix, Arizona, Long Beach, Denver, Saint Louis, Cleveland, Ohio, Columbus, Ohio, Indianapolis, Louisville, Atlanta, Salt Lake City, and Seattle.
You want to see it, Yes, I mean, that's gotta be the fucking You want to see it.
You want to see it.
You've been talking about it. Might as well show it to you live TII Nation.
Show at some point. It's coming out.
Yeah, so buy tickets at TII tour dot com. Uh, t I tour dot com.
Anything else, Kyle, anything, Kyle. I just want to make sure we've it's been it's been said. Uh, all these stones have been turned over.
I'm good, you guys, it's good. It's been nice talking with you guys. It's been good.
Blake, what are you drinking out of that glass?
I think it's just a cutwater, a cut water.
It was just wax. That was a candle you drank out of.
Yeah, just drinking wax.
Okay, and that was another episode.
This is important, yeah,