
Ep 236: The Super Bowel Hangover

Published Feb 14, 2025, 5:05 AM

Today, this is what's important:

The guys recap their New Orleans / Super Bowl experience. 

Welcome to This Is Important, a production of iHeartRadio, the show where we only talk about what is most obviously, very crucially important today on This is Important.

My body is my pimple.

The people need their news. The elastic and my underwear is struggling. Let's go.

Allegedly allegedly, you guys, what love you guys? The post super Bowl come down? Owatchie Machi.

We survived, poles. Still feeling it, dude, I just got home. This is my first full day back, right, No, I was all back. I was back yesterday.

I was intoxic eate.

It was a brutal I left the day after the super Bowl because I went You guys left a little squirrel early.

By the way, good call, dude. It was fucking chaos.

It takes like twenty five minutes to get from our airport, our hotels to the airport.

It took right normally legitimately almost two hours. Yeah not sea. That's not a unlegitimately, And.

Uh, that's not as bad as I thought. You're gonna say.

It took us like an hour forty five.

And then and then you go in and the lines were crazy.

By the way. It flew southwest. You're I mean you want to you're a disaster.

That is exactly right, because the line for Southwest was so and then everyone's just elbowing each other for like jockey position to get in there.

Thanks. I was American, and I usually hate American. Okay, well let's clip that.

No, no, no, the airline, no, the airline out.

Uh. It was it was a great experience. We were a little delayed, but it was an eleven hour travel day for me. That's a long time to get too. Ye.

Blake would say, Oh, and now.

You're stopping your stopping somewhere.

No, that's a crazy part. You went straight shot, straight shot to lax. That is crazy.

What the hell?

Why did it take so long? Why was it eleven hour?

Because I had to leave at two o'clock to make a yeah flight, the flight was delayed for like an hour, and then the flight and then the drive home eleven hours.


You do?

I told you do. Usually you go a little more hardcore about airlines and all that, so like, do we just sign a deal with American airlines? What's going on here?

I would love that. Give me a billion points?

What's going on here?

Give me a billion point?

It was a little tragic watching like football players we were hanging out with retired who were there, like hopping on the PJS and scooting home, and you're like, yeah.

That's the way different, that's so, that's the way to do it. And then and then they punk you a little bit. They're like, oh, you don't got a PJ. Huh, you don't got a PJ. And I'm not doing any sort of race with that voice. I want that to be clear. That was just a voice. That was just a voice. But they're like, so you hop.

On black PJ. It wasn't.

It was just a voice I was doing. I was doing a specific person in my mind, but I'm not letting you.

I'm wondering who it was it was. I'm wondering who.

Are they black ish.

I wouldn't say what color they are. They're just a human because I don't see color and I just see humans.

But they said, they said that you're just going on the PJ. Huh, And I'm just used my voice that time. That's good, Like, you're not going on a PJ. And it's a way too. They're punking us a little bit. And it was a little bit like, well, maybe that's why the statu is like one of all NFL players go broke in like this five years or something crazy.

What is thatt, Isaac. I know you're not on it.

I know you're just petting your dog and yelling at your kid. I know you're not on looking up what that status you were or if our producers were then we had had that stats. But we're not going to.

Yeah, no, we're not number crunch.

It's it's out there though.

Look at this, Todd.

There's a stat sixteen percent, sixteen.

Percent of retired NFL players sixteen not quite one hundred, and that's a little less than one hundred.

But that's a lot. That is a lot. Yeah, Okay.

Sports Illustrated article reports that seventy eight percent of NFL players and sixty percent of NBA players face serious financial hardships after they retire.

So that's that is a lot danger.

Yeah, I mean, but you gotta put it that, you gotta remember this.

I'd love to remember the majority of.

These guys get fucking kicked out of the NFL on purpose before like they got to pay the pension to them and all that. Yeah, I think it's five years and if you're like just a guy who's making let's say four hundred thousand dollars a year, you play five, you've stacked some coin. But you went to for one year, you played pro football for five. And now if you didn't give a fuck about school like me, what are you doing? Now? What are you doing? You're not getting like.

Car dealership, you know, commercial?

Yeah, you're not. You don't have that kind of coin.

Well, only the stars can get a car dealership. You're not just going to freaking Blake Anderson's car dealership. And Blake Anderson was just some fucking tight end.

I don't think that's a horrible idea.

Well for Blake, that's a great idea.

But Blake, you know, had had a shining moment on Workaholics and so Blake, I think a spinoff, thank you so much.

Is there a car dealership that's also a dispensary? And Blake, what do we do?


Like like you go through and hot boxes the RR for you dude?

Oh and what if it's green cars where it's like only only electric cars yds. Oh, it's hybrids, hybrid weed and hybrid?

So what other businesses obviously just dispensaries. That's that was the layup, And if Isaac was it was a little more on it, maybe we would have had a dispensary. Maybe we would have if Isaac was just a little more on it. But he's not. He's currently hitting his kid and during his cat me.

That's based on a true story. What not about him?

Go ahead, allegedly allegedly it's not about him? Uh? What other?

What do you think other businesses would make the most sense for us to own?

Maybe like a newspaper stand like, because you know, I have like a paper out as a kid, and I just feel like that heritage.

Yeah, it's like a strong pivot. Yeah, it's a very strong pivote newspaper. What a horrific first thought, very bad idea. I just wanted to say something as quickly as he possibly could.

The people need their news, Adam.

I came into this podcast today being like, not picking on him today, not pick And he's laying his own traps.

What is wrong with that? As the lowest t maneuver? What is wrong with that?

There's nothing wrong with it?

Well, first of all, by the way, no one reads no one reads the newspaper anymore.

Come on, well, yeah, no one reads the newspaper anymore.

Well, that's because the newspaper stands aren't cool like mine would be. Mine would get people back to the paper.

I bet, I bet you would have a very cool newspaper stand.

Okay, so are you working there? Yes, there's like you're taking incense everywhere, dude.

And vibe. But like you're saying for for what we should own right now, you're willing to go to a newspaper stand every day and sit there all day, and you know it's just going to be the old Russian guys who sit there and you know, I want to play chess and chug coffee.

Yeah, and like DraftKings dot com, we just sports gamble and read the paper and sports illustrated it.

You could sell a sweptance too to those guys and sit there like, hey, we got the new ones.

In that would be see look at it? Well, and I say we need Workoholic branded slot machines, which remember we tried to make happen and we put that in Isaac's score and then that and then he was kind of fingering his.

Dog and yeah, that's it and that is a true story, man, that's a true story.

He's like, here's ah.

No, here's a lot of machine is cool.

But the pinnacle in my mind would be if we could have a pinball machine that would be so cool.

That would get a bad business idea because they're really expensive to make, and not that many people would want a pinball machine. I mean, I think a lot of people in theory.

Would want a pinball machine.

But then hard but then it's like two thousand dollars and then two thousand bucks.

No, dude, are ten thousand?

Ten thousand?


Well, but you know I want before I die is an Adam's family is a pinball machine at the crib. That's the one or twilight zone.

But have I told people I used to have the tails from the crypt pinball machine in.

My own dream is so strong and why don't you anymore?

Well, it's an old machine and it started to kind of, yeah, kind of started to crap out, and I wanted to upgrade to a Metallica one.

But upgrade they're expensive.

They're expensive, dude, pricey.

There'ricey is there?

There's got to be a service where you can like rotate that would be sick. You pay like forty thousand dollars a year. Okay, just swap in an out. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm sure.

Nothing easy like that obtainable is real. Damn super Bowl man, I feel like I'm just dude. The day I mean, I got back.

I can't believe you just got back a day ago.

Yes, dude, and also like a durs.

I hate to say it.

You you dipped Friday day, but Friday night was kracking.

I think that was my most favorite night. That was a banger of a night. Yeah, that was a bang, I believe you. Well.

We pulled up Ambassador of New Orleans, so that was really cool. We went to the Post Malone show. Backstage, we met Posty Finally.

That was dope. I finally met post He seems like a sweet guy. Broke down with Jelly roll a little bit.

All the bud lights, all the bud light folks were there.

All the bud lights you could drink.

It was a blast.

Kicking with our boy Shane Gill. Okay, yes, Billy, kicking it with Gilly.

We had a silly little car ride ATIBA pulled up.

Wait a second, you guys had a fucking car ride without me?

Yeah yeah, I know. We told him, are like, honestly, this is very rare but yeah, did he replace me?


Yeah, I mean hard would be Shane. If we replace anybody, I think it was.

Sea could work.

Yeah, it was very very fun that night.

I ended up staying out I think till around six am, which.

Was Yeah, that was that was a real club banger.

If we were replaced Dr Shane, I feel Blake, it would be Bobby Lee and okay, uh and then who.

Would who would you replace me with? I feel like you're the Shane Gillis replacement.

I'm the Shane Gillis. I feel like you're the Bobby Lee. I think you're the You.

Guys are kind of the same, Like you guys are from the same stock.

Okay, that's sort of fat, kind of fat. I don't know.

Do you think I'm from the same stock as him?

Also just going like kind of tall guy, Yeah, kind of tall.

Oh he's tall.

He's tall, honestly to me, you guys are let's get into it. What he's pretty way taller. Yeah, he's pretty tall. Yeah, he's a big man.

I think he's six spot six five or six six.

There's no I don't even understand taller than me.

Yeah, I don't really, And you know, I've never seen anyone stand next to you and have you be shorter.

Until we got to the fucking super Bowl.


Yeah, that's literally unless they're a profertional athlete bananas.

Yeah yeah, yeah, but Shane is just a comedian, just like just like us, you know.

Yeah, funny, funny, funny, funny guy, tall funny for a tall guy. Funny.

So who would you replace me with? Bobby? Bobby Lee's obviously Blake.

Yeah, Okay, I like that. That's a good one to one.

Yeah, yeah, that's perfect, that's a perfect lay up. Let's see, Adam, I'm gonna go with Joe Rogan for sure. Yeah yeah, yeah, to the left for you, buddy.

Yeah, you're you're out of here.

You're a pracable We got.

Joe, We're in the Rogan verse. That really good, that'd be tight.


So yeah, Friday Night was an actual.

So wait, if we replace every one of us, we got to hit just a different group of friends. I think they're already all friends. Yeah, yeah, we're just talking about another group of friends.

Yeah yeah, yeah, but I'm just saying yeah, yeah, uh, in it like a different universe, it would be those guys.

Doll fucking you're so, like metaversed out, I forgot about that about it.

So universe, that's trick, that's sick. Yeah. So Friday night was a real banger.

And then we went to this po boy shop at like three o'clock in the morning and uh had a full blown.

I mean Blake didn't eat, but yes, I did you ate? What did you have? Had a shrimp po boy? Oh? Wow?

Blake likes to finish other people's unfinished meals.

Yeah, I did do that as well. I probably ate more than anybody there.

Oh fucking costumers.

I honestly can't. I can't stop thinking about that shrimp po boy. That was so good.

It was a good one. It was a good one.

Now, what's going on in a po boy? I understand that there's shrimp, but.

Like shredded legs, mayonnaise and treads and tomato and pickles, and it's so just tasty.

Yeah it really So it's like a hero with shrimp. Yep, with fried shrimp. That's a hero sandwich, not a hero. A hero.

That's kind of exactly what it is. Yes, yeah, that's it, exactly a man, which is a meal.

It was actually weirdly, it was like the freshest thing I felt like I had all all.

Week besides your shirts. Yes, points, yes it was. I gained eleven pounds almost twelve.

Oh, you clocked in. We should have clocked in.

Yeah, I clocked in. That it is a lot, and I feel why did we do a weigh in? I did? I did my own weigh in and it was eleven almost twelve pounds, and my underwear doesn't fit.

I'm gonna repeat the question why didn't we all do a weigh in as.

Like a bit like a weigh in's brother. Yeah.

Next, what would have been really cool is if all three of us stood on one scaled and okay, sorry, well it's hard. It's it's hard to do all this stuff at once. All right, get off my back? Could wait, where the fuck is this thing?


We should have done something where all three of us get on one scale and we weigh as a collective unit.

I love the idea of Adam. We each of us are like, you know, you can ride a thigh like a horse around each of Adam's thighs, kind of like going this way.

It's exactly how we would have.

To do it, and we weigh like that. We have to do it that way, and we'd say permission to come aboard absolutely before we travel, I'm gonna come.

And then we went to that Po Boys shop. But guess who showed up? Who was?

It was very tight, a New Orleans legend who made an appearance at the Super Bowl.

I already know where you're going because I was stoked to see.

Him, the one and only Trombone Shorty, which if you don't know Trombone Shorty, he is an absolute legend. I became friends with him when we were shooting Adam Devine's house party in New Orleans. And the guy is just a fucking man, Troy, He's the man, super nice guy. Yeah, and like went out of his way to come link up with us, which, by the way, we were so drunk at that point he linked up, he didn't seem as drunk as we were, or if he was even drunk.

I think he had been performing all week.

Yes, and his girlfriend, you could tell, was probably a little annoyed that she had to sit and talk with us. Yeah, she was like off the side, and I respect the fact that they even rolled with it was it was very cool.

It was I feel like Trombone Shorty could replace you in the group.

Oh that would be cool. I mean, i'd be a totally different vibe. But I like that the cooler vibe for sure. You know, Yeah, he's still cool. I was stoked to see him at the super Bowl. Unreal.

I was like, there he goes.

Friday night was a good one, Chloe. Uh was on a good one that night. That was that was Mama's first night away. And she was she was bumping and grinded. Dude, she was very good.

Okay, I was okay, all right. Yeah, at that bud Light show she was getting loose, she was, Yeah, she was just it was great.

Well, she has to do.

She's kind of the ambassador of the city to us though.

That was huge. She's shown us what to do.

Is that right?

Yeah, you can't come week to your home hometown and gotta come in guns ablazing. Yes, especially at New Orleans.

She had guns. She brought guns.

She she did. She showed me a gun. Yeah.

She was playing Russian that with herself and you guys are.

Like whoa And she's like, come on, Blake's where She's like, I'm.

He's putting the gun at me again.

Yeah, And I mean a true, true, banger. I kept going back to Lafitte. Yeah, Lafitte's Blacksmith, which is the oldest bar in New Orleans.

It's it's one of my favorite bars. Pirate parts. We kept making our way back. It was a lot of going there so much.

So like the bartenders are like, you're back, and I'm like, yeah, I know, I know.

There's more stuff.

Yeah, there's new there's newer bars. You see other bars that are around here, and I'm like, I know, Well, I want to know how was well?

Okay, so, like the actual Super Bowl was pretty uneventful in terms of pretty pretty pretty boring game.

Super boring.

The Eagles beat that ass.

I mean absolutely.

You watched the defensive the defensive line on the Eagles, they kind of were like man handling. It was wild. I couldn't believe it.

Oh, they were destroying. They put Pats Dick in the dirt a few times. Okay, okay, I'm not gonna be able to get that visual out of my mind, Like had that wasn't ready to go.

That's always that tip of the tongue, the teeth of the tongue.


Yeah, what a bummer, What a real bummer, because even going into the second half, it's like, Okay, they just got out of the locker room. Sure there was some pep talks. Here we go, they might come back.

What did Andy Reid say to them to light their.

Ass on fire? Hey, Pat, and wipe your dick off. It's not going in the dirt anymore.

There's dirt all over, dirt all.

Over your dick, Pats.

I know, we got dick in the dirt.

And then and then right out of the gate, it was.

More digs and dirt were right back in the dirt like otriad what do they call it, errating the soil.

Yeah, they were just you know, we walked. It looks like goose shit everywhere. But somebody just went through with one of those things.

Yeah, that's exactly what happened.

Yeah, it was an absolute, absolute brutal beat down.

We should know, I could describe it. It was like his dick was in the.

Thank you, there's no other way to put in. Yeah, but we should have known. I know, we were claiming like, yo, we kind of we're all on the side of Casey was gonna threepeat. But the Philly fans were.

Out and about.

They were the way way more raucous crowd they showed up.

Well, that's well, debscribe it. That's kind of part of the course, right.

Well, yeah, yeah, I think I think fans well yes, but also I think it was Kansas City fans have won two times in a row.

Yeah, so they're not going to.

Drop the same like ten thousand dollars to go to the game or whatever they cost and and go like, yo, we just went last.

Year and the year before. Yeah, we we're living out of a van.

By the way, I think median price, like average price of a ticket fifty six hundred dollars.

So you're you're not just going by yourself. You're going with your your a significant other or buddy or something.

Yeah, you gotta pay for a sitter, no, Yeah, but like most of us, it's got to be almost all corporate at this point, like we're really pushing it here. Yeah, it's almost dropping that kind of coin.

I think.

I think there's some some average average folks that aren't corporate American eagle maniacs that are just like dropping you know.

Diehards that are dropping the coin and going to the game. I would hope so crazy, I agree that exists.

What I'm saying is like where where is this going to go? At what point is it just going to.

Be like all corporate like that's a lot of money elites. Yeah, oh yeah, it's crazy.

Well okay, So how was the vibe in the streets after the Eagles won the Super Did it go completely nuclear in Philly?

Yeah, they're lighting fireworks at each other in.

Philly, they they of course, yeah, like toward the city. Yeah, Philly, No, I'm saying in New Orleans.

In New Orleans, yeah, yeah, it was. I mean I was wearing red, so it sucked for me, dude, it sucked and what and what really sucked?

On purpose?

Wearing red?

Like let's go Yeah, it.

Was like I was like, I'm rooting for the Chiefs.

I want the cheese to win, okay, And then it was just a disaster something, dude, And I was like I wanted to go. I was invited to the Eagles after party, which, by the way, it would have been so fun. It would have been a absolute banger of a party. I saw photos everybody was there. Would have been a fucking blast. But I was like, you know what I'm wearing that, like what, I'm going to go back to the hotel. It'd be a whole thing, and that would take you know, it's hard to get around the city.

Take take another hour. And I'm rolling with this little crew and I go, you know what, let's just go to the Chiefs after party. Really bad plan.

Dude, really, Me and me and Blake did that when we were with the Losers party.

It's just a huge cake that nobody's it's so sad.

All the wives of the trainers that are just like free food, free bar.

Yeah, and and like the food spread was sick. We just ate food. We went there, we ate the food.

We you know, sobered up a little bit, and then we went back to Lafitte's and there we go.

It was kind of a you know, it was fun, but it wasn't the banger of a night I wanted it to be because I was wearing the damn red.

No player was there, correct?


No, Well one of the I was rolling with two of my agents, and one of the agents, uh represents Travis. So she was like, I think Travis is at the party. And I'm like, oh, really, okay, well let's go meet Travis. And then I guess they can't. They like have to show their faces, so they come and they like, say hi, and then they left immediately.

Yeah, you gotta go.

He looked pissed. He looked pissed. You have to be pissed, right, Yeah.

And he didn't play that well.

I mean he had he was, but they were double teaming them, right, I mean they must have just been like, let's focus on this dude, and whatever their game plan seemed to I think it worked.

He got his dick put in the dirt. I feel bad for the guy because his dick was in.

The dirt a lot, and that's not where you want your dick.

No, you can get infections. I hope he's circumcised. Otherwise, who knows what's in there, because if you get like dick in the dirt and then it's in the forca.

Getting stuck in the dirt and yeah, and they get cut underneath the skin.

Yeah right, right, right, okay, directly you never saw.

Yeah, it's crazy.

I will say at the at the end of the day, I think New Orleans is actually a pretty fucking cool place for the stuper What do you mean. I was debating it because it was when you're in it, it's it's utter madness, and part of you is like I gotta pull the rip cord.

I can't take another night of this. Yeah, I'm a bitch, bitch.

But once I got to the airport and they're like playing jazz, I'm like, I'm really sad to leave this place.

It's I love it, really, I love it.

Yeah, because like you, no one judges you. You can make every mistake in the world and there it's it's fine. You're just like another day in New Orleans.

Like you're like, you need a little reprieve from this podcast.

It's yeah, it is so great, dude. I I mean, I think it cured my body. Okay, I couldn't walk. I couldn't walk that far before going to New Orleans. I couldn't stand as long as I stood. I couldn't do all the things. And then you know, you get you get a hurricane in me, you get a purple you get a purple trank up in me, you get a grenade up in me.

Yeah, suddenly I I'm doing all these things.


I was walking five six seven miles a day.

My uh yeah, my little health tracker on my phone was like, you're walking five times the amount you normally walked.

Whoa congratulation. That's wild.

I saw you, uh Indian leg wrestle with George Kittle.

And you won.

I was Indian rag lake wrestling and everyone dude, I was a fucking man man.

Yeah you did. I was moving. This is great. I was proud of the whole team. My bodywork guy was like, what happened you?

Like, I thought you were going to be in shambles when you came back to me, right, He's like, I might do a fore Finger special.

Here just to treat you.

Go. Ok, yeah, I'm still going to s Yeah, holy moly, that's called fifty.

When I was watching the Super Bowl and they had like a video play of Lady Gaga playing like her piano on Bourbon Street, and I was like, it looks like they hosed that street.

Yeah, Dawn quit disinfected. Oh my god.


But it was a good time. It was better than my previous time where I was only there for like forty eight hours. For house party. Yeah, for sure, the meals, the food, high and low high brow, low brow.

We did it all. We really did. We did it right.

I can wait to get back.

Well, you have to, for I.

Feel like for house party, we didn't go have a proper good meal you know what I mean.

It was just it was just like I went somewhere that was nice.

But in the streets, bang around.

Yes, yes, yes, we did it right.

We did it right. We went to.

Brennan's, we went to Commander's Palace, to classic New Orleans establishments. I went back to Commander's Palace being Chloe did it Saturday morning, perfect.

And wrong with Yeah, perfect place is delicious.

Yeah, what'd you get?

We did?

We did brunch some like eggs Benny. Of course it's like covered with pork. I was like, Jesus Christ, this is like the decadent eggs Benedetti.

An extra serving on yah.

Yeah, my god, Well why why is there just chunks of of caramelized pork.

That ain't nothing but a little By the way, I'm starting to think water Boy was a documentary with like zero exaggeration from Adam Sandler about the accent.

Oh yeah, he did a pretty good uh accent.

It's time to run that back. I haven't seen that in a minute. But Bobby Bouchet, yeah, I.

Feel like you gotta swallow your woolves talking to warmans like you.

Think he's doing a whole like off the wall character. Then you go there. Right out of the gate, our driver, me and Blake. He was like, I used to be a gymnos.

Oh is this a bit?

Are we being punked? Then I was like, we're too haty cat confessional one cares. But he was like a full on local with a cool accent.

Yeah, that dude was cool.

Unlike any other It's one of those places, unlike any other people.

I put like.

Miami up there where it's just like this is in America.

Yeah, characters, characters, well.

Characters, welcome, see us, say baby, characters, vocalist all night.

Really salute. Yeah, it was.

It was cool.

I had a TV. I was in a suite, so I got I gotta be in a see.

Let's get to the commercial.

Uh oh yeah baby, let's circle back, circle around.

There, double whammy? Am I wrong? We're like it's a commercial. But then there was a circle pun intended circle back commercial. They like tagged it, Yeah is there is?

It was there? I didn't I didn't see, so I don't know.


At the at the very end of the super Bowl when like it was all done, it shows you and you're like.

Honey, I just bought Yeah, everybody's getting circle Oh cool.

I got I got one of the mail I got one.

Yeah, that boy open Yeah, yeah, it was tired. It was cool scene. There was a little TV in the suite, so you I saw the commercial at this. I like, this is kind of a real moment right here.

Yeah, they got to do that. That's that's you get the best, the best of both worlds. It's like jay Z and r Kelly.

Yeah, so you could see you can see the commercials. I mean you could barely hear him, you know, but like you could see him because he was just did you mouth your lines?

Yeah, it's just me like, you know the coolest part. And I'll post this.

I I'm I haven't posted like a lot of ship from there just because I'm like trying to get my brain right getting back. But uh uh, you know the Big Justice from from the internet the boom. Did I send you guys that video? Somebody help me?

Yes? Who is this? Do you know?

Durs? You might be way too old to know who Big Justice is.

Yeah, there's I don't know if you're up up on this fucking hot hot ship.


Well, instead of just.

Saying things that aren't about it's like the dad and the little kid who like, go to Costco.

Oh, the Rizzler.

Yes, but it's not the It's not the Rizzler. It's in the Rizzler universe. Who's the kid? This big kid is Big Justice? All right? Get it fucking right. It's Big Justice. And was it like Dom Big Dom or something? I think it's Domb and Big Justice.

So who's the Rizzler.

The Rizzler is a different kind of looks simpler, different kids. He like, he does this.

The Rizzler, but Big Justice they go, they go.

The thing was they were at Costco and they would then like judge things at Costco and they got they go.

We got the big chocolate chunk. How many who's the ciscuit? And they go by booms and then they go boom boom boom boom boom boom.

I like, how you guys are like you're probably too old or I got like ship to do? I mean, what are we talking about?

Yeah, and I get that, and I get that, but dude, they were the biggest stars at the super Bowl and I'm not kidding.

Oh yeah, I don't doubt it. I don't doubt it. I don't doubt it, and I I wish them well.

Oh, everyone from security guards.


Uh and they're very nice people. They were in my suite and it was so funny. Dude, that's so funny. And so, you know, I'm kind of drunk and I'm like, can I take a photo with you guys? They're like, let's shoot a video and I'm like okay, and then they go. They grabbed the chocolate chip cooking. We're go, we got the chocolate chunk. Adam, how many booms does it get? And I'm like, oh, booms and it's three booms.

I said three.

Apparently five is the number that you're so that's like a huge dish. It's a huge dis Like three booms is like calling something total garbage.

I didn't know. I thought three. I thought three was the number.

Three seems fair.

You kind of see like them like start to like go haywire. You're like, wait, he said three boom, We're still gonna give it five boom.

Yes, And then they still gave it five booms even after I said the three booms. I was a little confused. I did three booms and then they added more booms.

They you know, I was ready to lean into this whole thing, and I'm starting to lean back. Okay, fat Joe, I'm fat Joe over here.

Okay, dude, you got I think you should dabble. It's pretty fun. It really hooks.

Yeah, I don't disagree. I also don't agree. Yeah, I can see how there's there's certain things where I'm like, is this what I need to invest in?

It's just a pop culture thing that uh is so huge right now?

And yeah, and bless their hearts there, they are a very nice family, but they seem like they're really trying to ride.

This wave of their milk and they're they're they're doing a great job. I just don't see how far this can go. President. Yeah, I mean that, Adam, the.

Way you're thinking is like two thousand and late. That's how far can go. It can he could, Yeah, he could be president.

President. You're right, you're right, you're right. Just keep riding the way.

If you have fame, now, yeah, next thing, you know, you're in circle cammercials like We're.

Gonna get the USA back to five boom boom.

Like if they're that.

Famous, all they need is like a form and grill situation to come in their lives. As you didn't know, they're knocking on the door.

Yes, that's it. You're not You're not wrong. And I hope that for them. Their family is very nice.

They're gonna have a reality show called like dating the what's whatever his name is, like Big Justin prom or whatever, Like they're gonna spin it.

They're gonna spin that's a good idea.

Actually, I might want to manage this kid. I'm laying in. Yeah, I'm laying in.

He's bad. He's back. We kicked it with Young Gravy. That's right.

That's a rapper.

Uh huh, Yeah, he's a rapper. He was wandering about.

Like play his play that one that I like, I'll have to you'll have to leave for me to pull that up.

But it was it was fun it.

Saul actually didn't see him, but he walked past, and I'm uh okay in the hallway and Donald Junior walks past.

Oh no way, don Junior got it?

Yep, yep, yes, Donald Trump Junior and he's Donald Trump is the president and he has a son named Junior.

What did he smell?


Yeah, what did he smell? Just regular smells. It didn't smell anything.

The Trump Trump alone, damnit.

And so they walked past, and I was talking with someone and I'm like, isn't it crazy? Like these billionaires they have so many bodyguards. I'm like, my god, like, because there's just billion Every person that has a suite is a billionaire, right, right, So there's just a dozen.

There's just dozens of.

Billionaires walking around, and these guys are like, these guys all fucking have a million bodyguards.

And the person I was talking with was like, that was Donald Trump Junior.

And I'm like, secret service.

He's so forgettable. He's so forgettable, that guy. Yeah, a better face or something.

I don't know.

Yeah, like which, So there's two older sons, Don Junior and who's the other one?

I don't know.

I don't know, dude, what are you doing? Clark Duncan and are super right wing? Producer Eric? It has to be by the way I could if I if I sat here for ten more minutes, I don't think I could pull that. And that's my brother's name.

No, no, no, I would never. Definitely, Yeah, we gotta log that. We gotta log.

That's fucking crazy, right that is? I had no clue And which one's cooler.

I don't think any of them are particularly dude, Yeah, that is really hard.

I'm waiting for Baron.

I think Baron is the coolest. Oh yeah, Baron. Baron is for sure cools. Yeah yeah, Baron's is absolute assassin. Like when you see those videos on the Internet where they like make him much much bigger compared to everybody else.

Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, he's just like a giant walking into building.

You like that.

Oh it's really good. Yeah, I do. The Internet can be fun.

Yeah, I enjoy it too. It can be fun, Adam, do you like it?

I don't even know if I've seen that. I'm mostly watching Big Justice video. But is he Instagram or TikTok all the above? Yeah, the Internet, but mostly TikTok.

But I mean, like, what is he a star?

I'm assuming TikTok, but I'm not on that because you know how like.

You go on some you'll go on Instagram and it'll be like I've got a million follows here, but then in the thing and it'll say, but I have ten million on TikTok to like let you know, they're not a loser or something. It's but it's TikTok, right, that's why.

Yeah, that's that's where all the all the viewers are for sure.

Yeah, so that's cool.

Your suite was on Big Justice Dom and Donald Junior.

That's cool. I stood what a nice night. It was kind of a sick sweet do you do any any leg wrestling with Tom? But it was the the owner of the Jacksonville Jaguars. Yes, I got to go in his suite for the last you.

You were there last year?

Yeah, And and it was I believe Shahid Khan is the He wasn't there because he was on his Mega four hundred foot yacht. He said apparently that it'd be like financially irresponsible for him to go to the super Bowl when the yacht is there, He's should just watch it on the yacht.

And I'm like, that's a hell of a cool flex.

Yeah, that's the right call.

And then his son Tony, Yes, but he owns the team.

He's been to like a dozen Super Bowls, so he's like yes and uh, and then it's but his son Tony is the fucking man.

Dude. I kicked it with that guy all night long. He loves work off.

He had an encyclologue and knowledge of work all this. It was crazy, dude. And if you don't know who he is.

He actually owns a w wrestling Yeah, so it's pretty pretty he's the Vince McMahan of a.

W Well, well maybe not Vince McMahon. Vince McMahon won't you know. I only met him the one night, but it's monster.

But it seems it seems like he won't have a documentary about him in like twenty years.

On the one night. But I think it's safe to say he's not going to have a documentary. You never know?

By the way, isn't that funny if like you knew somebody and then and you're like, hey, I saw commercial for you got a documentary coming out, and they're like, it's not a good thing. What was it like? Your life story? I don't like the end of my life story?

Is it ever great if there's a true documentary about your life.

Unless you're the one producing it. Yeah, Like like when usually it's not, I would say things get worse. I would say at ninety percent of the time, they're going to dig up some dirt, right like, unless I mean, I guess I have that becoming thing on Disney Plus.

Is the Last Dance a documentary about Jordan?

What's about the Bulls.

But Scottie Pippen came out of that not looking great.

But it's Jordan, uh huh. But it wasn't like a hit job or whatever. It wasn't like we got to do a documentary to air this dude out. It was just kind of like, we're showing him plainly and this is a bad look.


Fuck yeah, That's what I'm saying.

I think, like, no matter what, there's going to be something's going to come out of and someone's not going to be looking good.

It's not good. Don't let anybody do a documentary about you. That's just becoming.

What about the Hoop Dreams Kids, They're pretty cool.

Which is one of the best documentaries ever. I remember being too young to watch Hoop Dreams. I remember being too so.

Good, dude, watch Hoop Dreams. It is a time machine that will take you back to so good the nineties.

I want to watch it now because I remember watching it as a kid, like right when it came out, because I love basketball, and it was just like over my head and I'm like, this sucks, this is so boring. I'm watching these guys not be successful and their lives are kind of sad. It's just like shit, yeah, they're like struggling, damn it.

I'm like, yeah, watch it, it's awesome.

This is like the last chapter of Blow. I don't watch that.

Yeah, I don't like watching the back half of the movie Blow. I just watched the first forty five minutes.

You had the DVD and you would scratch it on the bottom, skipping again, and as soon as it starts glitching, I'm out. That's a great talk though, that's a very What is the like kindest documentary? I mean, I guess there aren't. They they call like puff pieces or whatever, where they just make them look great and you're like, where's the dirt?

There's a lot like I feel like honestly, and nowadays, almost every documentary like the that the person is about that person is the producer of the documentary, so they're they're really.

Oh yeah, like, didn't j Lo just have one about about her? Say yea, yeah, yeah, yeah, you're right. I take it all back. I'm a stupid, fucking dumb ass. Whoa you come on, dude, all right, dude, I'm just I'm just recovering from New New Orleans.

Man, you are so dumb, dude, I looked at myself in the mirror last night, and I'm like, you fat son of a bitch. Did Jesus Christ.

I'm watching like the podcast back a little bit, and I'm just like, damn, look at the jowls.

On me, dude. My my underwear the elastic, and my under is struggling. Gave up.


We got our dish knocked in the dirt, dude. But we're back in now.

True, We're back in l A. We're back eating our vegetables right, drinking smoothie.

It is a big calm down.

You know what I was drinking the whole time, even in New Orleans was that ag one ship that had met bar friend, that had me resetting pretty good.

Oh wow, look at you, total fucking nerd. That's why you don't like Uh, that's why you don't like New Orleans. Duit is you didn't give yourself completely to it.

I mean, I have fried chicken for breakfast. We're doing all right, We're good.

You had the one, dude, You got to give yourself boy completely to New Orleans.

No, you to the belly of the bees.

My body is my pimple.

Okay, we'll give you that. I kind of get it and pops props.

My family is uh a is all coming in for Bo's birthday, right rookie year, baby ye Bow's rookie year. I love it, and uh they're all coming in. My parents are actually staying in the Hollywood House now the house. Uh.

I didn't talk about this on the podcast My House, there was a home invasions.

It's still yep, it's there's still legal there's still legal talk. We we can't really get into the details.

But I mean I can't because there's not legal talk. There's not even legal talk.

To It's still an open case. It's still an open it's not sober. They said, they said you, but let's throw it out there. You know these guys who robbed you watch the show.

Yeah, disappointed, you're disappointed. In the hall.

You came, you saw you took some bunch of ship. It took like some garbage. I'm like, yeah, get this out of my house.

I didn't want this. This sucks. Well maybe it wasn't of kind they were. They were in and out in under eight minutes.

They dis connected my UH security system back up and running.

These guys, It's like it's like a whole fucking thang.

That's crazy.

They smashed uh this like picture windows. I gotta get that ship replaced. They kicked in a door, so that's annoying. It's mostly just annoying ass bullshit, it stopped, that's fucking. Thieves are the worst, Like what garbage people?

I hate these, Blake.

Do you think you could talk to Anderson Windows, Blake? I could.

I could maybe have an.

Inn over there for my guy.

I might be related. I don't let me. Let me put in a call or Isaac. I don't even know what that means. Dude, what's Anderson Windows window company? Really? Do company? Oh?

It's like Empire Carpets of windows.

Oh damn, look at this bro dropping.

It's like the Toyota cars.

I mean, by the way, I don't want the Empire. I don't know Anderson would Empire Carpets? Who hundred.

Three hundred andire don't bet out?


Is that a carpet company?

That didn't you don't know that commercial from the eighties and the nineties.

And I know that jingle, but I don't remember them being carpet I have no.

I also think that Chicago Land Okay, So that's why you know okay. And then they went national and they added the eight hundred, like, where's that button that you should be hitting right now?

Which one? I think you gotta hit it?

Adam, he's mesmerized by what I'm talking about.

He can't. But if because the audience is thinking this right now, Blake hit him with it. I don't like it. No, no, no, no no, I didn't know the leading sentence.

Oh no, I think, well just on this button.

F he was talking. I feel like you should say.

No, no.

You okay, okay, okay, okay, I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready.

It's like the Einstein Brothers of Bagels, like if.

There's a so so he just finished the story and yeah, you should hit this button because here was what the audience is thinking.

Oh cares, thank you, geez, thank you? Sorry my bad.

If you if you do care, slide into Adams. So you've been robbed twice, You've had your car stolen.

He's a mark. I'm a mark, dude.

You've had many people's cars broken into outside your house.

I love you. Uh yeah, dude, Iowa, Iowa, my brain doesn't work, dude. You can take him. Your dick is still You.

Might have a full shrimp from that Poe boy that swam up streaming your dud.

My brain is so like, I thank god we didn't do this podcast yesterday fucking fried and my brain was melted.

Did you have any raw oysters? Of course? Okay? Cool? Yeah, I was just wondering if you ever got around to that. Dude.

This is Adam de Vine.

Yeah, I'm a cool dude.

I'll take care of this, okay, and then yeah, So Hollywood is just a garbage pit right now.

It sucks.

Do you think it's fun that you live in an edgy place?

Uh? They were in and out so fast, dude. I got their license plate. I have the footage of their license plate.

I saw them. So I called the police.

I'm like, oh, I got the I got the dirt on them, and they go, we can't a police officer officer has to guess them no, it has to come to the house to file a police report. And I go, okay, cool, send them out nah, And then they go they can't today, they're busy, we're fire stuff.

And I go, okay, what can I schedule something like so I can be here?

Uh? And they get they're They're like, yeah, I would recommend calling back tomorrow, and I go, okay, if I call back tomorrow, will they come tomorrow?

And she goes, honey, they're not coming. What And They're like, they're not. It'll be a month probably before they come. Honey. She was very sweet to me.

Dude, you should sue her for calling you. Honey.

She was very sweet to me. She was like, honey, they're not gonna come.

You get the key to the city.

And I'm like, oh, okay, uh here, how about this?

How about we speaking of documentaries, how about we document rolling up on these dudes vigilante style.

I'm good, oh good, oh, armed with only this question? Why gotcha? Why? Dog? Why?



Huh? I struggling to make ends with me. Uh you rob my house and I just want to know why.

Yeah, it's hard out here, hard out here for a camp.

I'm going to work. Okay, will you answered me after work as to why.

They don't work? They rob house? Sytem? I will say that there was it was a it was a little group of them. There was three of them and then a driver. So they pull up. Yeah, the three of them get out.

They climb up to get into my house and Kyle and uh wait what and uh then they run out and one this might be the case because two of them walk it might be the case out it was you three because two of them walked with confidence. And then one of them was like a scared looking at all the shoulder, looking like a little bit so like, I'll.

Let the internet. Which that is? Which one that was really not that loud? Wait?

Can you put that footage out there? Can you put the footage out there?

I probably could, but I don't then because.

Then, you know, you might find out the answer to why.

My guess is they just wanted money. I think they were like, oh, there's money in that house.

And then they sounded good eight minutes and dislocation. Yeah they were doing it was actually a little impressive and proud of them.

Yeah there. I mean, there wasn't much to steal.

I didn't have a screenplay. They might have something, I know.

That's why I was like, do they these guys seem like they're professionals at this? Maybe they can segue to being professional at something else.

A manager. They managed to get in and out and the manage your career.

Yeah, they probably be more successful than Sorry, Isaac, move over, Isaac just.

It's so annoying. It's such a bummer. And to answer the question you had about how annoying burglars are, I don't want to like overstep any boundaries. There's stinking noons nuisance newsome.

Wow, it all rolled off the top.

They're a fucking newsome.


They're just a real stinking nuisance. They really are. And I don't want to I'm not holding anything.

Back, Yeah, dude. And like when everyone was saying, like, we have to defund the police, way to tell you.

And you remember when that was a big thing a few years back. Everyone's like, we got to defund them, we have to defund such a genius idea. And then all of a sudden, you need the police and there's just not enough of them to actually help you. I feel like, maybe we give them more money, Maybe we give them some more budget and hire more people so they can come to your house.

And that's my hot topic. That's my hot topic.

Crazy nicey, isn't that that in Los Angeles? That is a hot button issue, which is giving the police more money so they can hire more people. Well, we got well we also got to pay the fire department because our fucking heels are all give them money to get the move for how much we all paying fucking taxes?

We're tax to oblivion? Why why are they not give them they? I like this.

This is feeling poly charged the way I like it.

I kind of feel like Adam might have started the fire just to say these things on the podcast, get these hot, but it could be just to dive in, like and uh and hey, congratulations, Adam, it was you did it?

We need it's not the fire.

You did it, Blake.

Before we piece out? Which is the thing I'm saying a lot now?

Is uh?

I got a question. I'm driving up the five. I'm going to Oregon tonight.

Okunky donkey?

Any cool? Any cool place I should stop along the way for food or something?

Blake? Does he eat food?

Or are you the wrong person to ask you?

Doesn't need?

I'm sorry? Have you been to Anderson pea soup?



No, it's still there?

No, it's gone.

No, it is still there. You can still santanella, It's still there?

Can someone? But what the wait? Is that a place Santanella?

Yes? Yes, isn't it?

And what's it called?

Though? Uh?

Like Danish town?

Oh no, no, that's.

It's not. Wait but somebody look up. Can I get a producer looking up with Peter Soup? I think it's gone, so none of us can talk.

I heard it was closing. It's not closed yet. I'm not sure that it still is closing.

They did a pump fake about that.

There's a lot of pump fakes.

Did you notice that when they were like, there are it's actually closing, and then it just didn't close.

There's a lot of like to get everybody up in the world.

I feel like we should say that about the podcast. Hey, the podcast, this is the last one. Yeah, yeah, so you can better be you better be listening. So yeah, we're actually gonna do three more podcasts. And only if a lot of people listen are we going to keep doing the podcast.

So yeah, then we'll have a discussion.

So the restaurant closed in twenty twenty four, but the Santainella.

Location is still open.

Okay, thank you, But that's not the that's not the main joint.

Well, I'm telling you, if you're going up the five, you can pull off there and you can get all you can eat split pea soup.

Okay, but why would anyone want to do that?

It's so good because it's delicious, and also they have like it's almost a salad bar for your people.

Don't like splippy soup.

I've never even heard of a person like delicious. I've never even heard that. That's the thing. That's real.

What it's splippy soup is off the fucking chain, dude with the ham in it.

I'm not totally shocked at him. It is like a Grandma soup and like it, sure, but it is very delicious.

Adam likes Grandma's.

You does I like Grandma's? I? Actually, I mean I don't love soup. But that's such a weird.

It's not even like if if you were to say it's the soup Factory and it's the place where you can get any and there's a thousand different types of soup, okay, can go, then you're like, oh, that sounds little scoops of all the delicious house and they're all all delicious, and you're like, oh, I'll go try a bunch of soup.

This has one soup.

So if you don't like the soup, you're fucking shit out of luck. You drove all the way to Tantanea's the.

Thing, Adam.

Here's the thing at him is they have like a salad bar, specifically for the soup, because it's not just about the The pea soup is kind.

Of the base.

But it's what you add. You could add bacon, you could add chad.

The atmosphere.

Yeah, they got a windmill. It's a great place to take a ship. It's it's a lot of so.

And now is the place, Isaac, is a place called pea Soup Anderson's In. Is that what it's called? Mm hmm, okay, yes that is Yes, that's it. That's what we're speaking of. I don't know why you rearranged the words.

But yeah, yeah, so that's not what it's called. It's not pea soup Anderson's In. It's called Anderson Split pea soup.

Is that right, yes, Isaac. But they do have a hotel.

But that's the that's kind of the fun of it is no one knows. You gotta go to find why.

Yeah, why did he fuck up the name like that? Isaac.

By the way, Isaac goes pea Soup Anderson's In is still open. The restaurant will reopen soon. They have a hotel.

It's open.

Brother, I'm so sorry, I even fucking asked, and then he wrote backslash called pea soup anderson, either you have diarrhea.

Or you don't? What's so?

Can I go or not? Do I have to sleep?


Can I eat?


Can you get diar You can sleep?

There can I get a sick button down that's embroidered.

You can get a magnet? Okay, So that's so.

That's you're going to drive up the five and there's probably a million great spots to stop.

You're going to stop to get pea soup and a button. It's delicious.

All you can eat, brother, it's all you can eat. It's delicious.

I mean, I don't want subway.

Eat fresh heads Way Jersey.

Mikes has taken over, Mike. I'm sorry, I'll give you anymore. That's actually so whack subway fucking rules, dude. The fact that that they will they're in truck stops. You can just stop at a truck stop.

We've covered this, but do you just oh yeah, gloryholes, Yeah, you know a gloryholes. We get some we're getting some buzzer beater, just talking fifty feet of that subway.

Do it, Yeah, let's get do it. I'm gonna pull my dick out the dirt an hang on, I'll be right back. I got some manag that glory whole subway hits different.

That's my boom.

For every load, for every load, it's a boom.

It's a load boom.

Adam, I'll hit a I'll hit a Glory whole subway for you and for Isaac. I'll stay back slash that's not reopened, the back slash Anderson in the soup.

You're so dum.

I'm gonna drink a fucking five hour energy drink right now.

You should What you should get is get yourself a feel free.

And what does it feel free? Is that a Rizzler product?

Those blue no, those blue little uh drinks, they're so fucking good, dude. Yes, you can be really addicted to them. And actually, people slide slide into my dms and they're like, actually, that's what caused me to relapse. But everyone that slid into my dms that are like, that's what caused me to relapse. And I don't mean to offend you. They had tattoos on their eyeballs and they look like they've made a lot of poor choices.

Right, like two of your new best friends from the super Bowl. So no judgment, no judgment.

Yeah, it's fine.

And you're like, yeah, I'm assuming anything could set you over the edge to go back to your old ways.

Sure it's science.

Yeah, you could have a really good nerd rope that sends it back right, Yeah, I'm back onto h.


Yeah, you could just watch a Rizzler video and suddenly you're doing crank again.

You know what I mean, I'm doing crank. Okay, back on the crank, all right.

That's a hell of any take backs and apologies, any epic slams.

Oh oh man, I'm sorry I wasn't there on Friday. What a bummer because I all Slama showed up and I know when the Tapa train pulls into the station, whoo, the station is lights on. It's out of the control of the fire outstre h.

Yeah, he did take me to a really cool bar. Have you been to the Saint? Yeah?

Ooh, great Val Kilmer movie.

And what's funny is if you would have given me a guess, one guess, I would have guessed the Saint.

That place was rad, very punk rock, very rad.

Is it like the Skater Boy?

Yeah, boy, punk.

Rock back it's a yeah, it's a it's a dirty boy, uh bar And it's yeah, fucking it's wild, super tight, a little off.

It's not that it's all like on Magazine Street, isn't it. It's not that oft though. Yeah, we're just not in the French quarter. Yeah.

Oh, took a newspaper stand, Blake, dude.

I wish I had one. I would have pulled up bought some.

Sweatpants and a newspaper stand on Magazine Street.

But I bet I bet it was going off, uh because it was the Super Bowl weekend, right, Yes it was. It was very fun. It was a very fun time. We had a great time.

I love it, the best of time.

Yeah, I guess we'd give up.

You know.

All our predictions were that the Chiefs were gonna win that. But the Eagles fucking came and knock their dick in the dirt so special shout out Dirt Philadelphia and Todd Todd, our Philly boy.

Congrats brother he congrats, enjoy the win.


And by the way, isn't it time to tune into Blake's Jeopardy episode. I gotta set the DVR.

By the time you guys hear this, it will have aired. I really want to do a pod where we get into.

The backstory of it, but we'll see. I'm excited.

Now, where can I because I don't have a DVR because I'm not as old as Wonders.

But where can I watch it? You know, Hulu? You could just watch it on hook.

You can watch live on ABC, but it will since we this is after its live.

Hulu. Yes, Hulu is the answer. Hulu. Okay, cool, all right?

I like, do you not have cable? Like you don't get cable through Hulu or through YouTube or anything.

Adam, do you have cable?

I mean I have Hulu so I can watch it on ABC's what I thought. You said you can you can t VO it and I'm like, I don't have a TV.

I said, TV ABC live, Hulu after it airs, tune in t I I nation perfect.

Wait, what what the fuck are you saying? Hoders, Because you're like, I don't know what the funk you're saying. You can d v R through Hulu.

Say I pay for Hulu cable, like I have cable. I watched cable through Hulu and you can record stuff.

Oh I didn't even know that's a thing. That's real that is cool.

I did not know that YouTube has it too.

Now does fubo have it? Because I think, well, that's another one. It's to be No, I'm I'm fubou. It's a different one. Yeah, I did it. Well, that's okay, that's another episode.


This Is Important

Adam Devine, Anders Holm, Blake Anderson, and Kyle Newacheck seriously discuss some very important t 
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