
Ep 241: Our Greatest Episode Yet (Allegedly)

Published Mar 25, 2025, 10:00 AM

Today, this is what's important:

Goofy, Out Loud, Angela Lansbury, fast food, drinks, drugs, top comedians, & more. 

Welcome to This is Important a production of iHeartRadio, the show where we only talk about what's the most important, bottom line, critical thing happening on this planet today. This is important.

Ya ya ya ya.

This last time we had our tet in, our tet rotiri chicken.

I had it in like a gas station and it was very bad.

Buckle up, Hello, whoach.


Whoa goofy? Who is watata? Who is scuchy?


Was that me saying goofy? We should get my mom to get on here and say goofy?

Is that your mom slogan or catchphrase goofy?

That was him impersonating her goofy.

That's what my mom told me after she saw a man blowing another maybe man a man blowing the man.

I'm like, do you not work?

No? I was a man that was getting blown.

But then I think it was also a man blowing this man underneath the freeway overpassed and we were on one of her walks as she takes every day, I've told you, and then I go, Mom, there's a guy. I was giving her ship about this walk because it was like next to like a dump where and like a literal dump. It smelled like shit. There was like hyperdermic needles just strewn about.


There was people like doing a drug deal right in front of us. There was homeless guys that knew her by name.

We've established she's had a background in this Millia drug Go ahead, yeah.

And then and then we see, uh, you know, these people blowing this guy underneath the freeway overpass.

And I go, mom, these people blowing this guy taking turns lining up.

I don't know, an I wasn't sure. I was just ahead.

And then this person blowing this guy. And then I go, mom, there's a guy. There's a person blowing this guy. And she just looks over and goes, goofy.

Story that's funny. Yeah, but where where did she hear that? Or she just made it up?

I don't know.

I just think she gets gets weird and uncomfortable and just thinks her goofy.

Then that's a great way to sell stuff up. Sometimes it is just goofy, just a little goofy.

I think maybe that's the way to just maybe you want to go get goofy, goofy.

Let's get goofy later.

Goofe go upstairs and get goofy. She's like, what, goofy, I'm busy.

That way you could say like, I'm I would love to fuck you today, But you can't say I'd love to fuck you today in front of the kids.

You gotta have cob right, you gotta have some code words. Yeah, but you got to hide it a little.

Okay, I didn't know that.

Oops, goofy. Damn, I guess I've been a little goofy. You want to go butt goofy me. Yeah, you're trying to.

Let's let him, Let's let him, let's let him go, Let's let him go. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, bro, I'm sorry, brother, that's my bad.

Why does that tickle you so pick?

I just it's just just it's my childhood. You're throwing me back.

Why do you think that that isn't good enough code word? You want to get hey maybe later me and no mommy can get goofy.


You don't think that that would You think your kids would be like you're gonna go have sex with mommy later?

Your kids, no, I think they'd want to be like, I'll be goofy with you later. Oh ship, that's illegal, and they go what yeah, Yeah, So you gotta be like, should we work on the taxes later?

M you know, wouln't mind working on your taxes? Yeah, something like that. File that ten eight Yeah, your butt.

You know, something like that. File it in the button tonight. I love it? Yeah.

Yeah, I don't know if that because of the butt part at the end that you put on there. I think that that kind.

Of doesn't work the hotel Yeah yeah, yeah, right, yeah, Well, how do you get that?

My kid would get that?

Blake's twelve year old? Would she get it? I feel like any adult Wood would get it. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know, Blake.

Did you add any of that fucking to Red's Girl to the board?


No, No, I need to do I need to do a board a board drop revamp. What's the name of the show.

Obviously, she has a she has a condition that is not funny.

But okay, Anthony Jessel next, right.

Hang on.

But the things that she says because of her condition are very funny, and how she says them, you see, even funnier.

You can't be that funny, like to have Tourett's and you just scream fuck.

It can be like kind of sad and like scary of course she is so funny. She's not just saying fuck, she's so funny when she says when.

She has her tourette ticks, yeah, it's I mean, she's a comedy god.

The ones she's ticking.

Yeah, she's ticking. Oh she's fucking peace up eight town.

Yes, she has an usher tick. Come home.

Yeah. Her name is Baalen.

Yes, is Baylon not Braylan Baylen Balen. She is a fucking cool name.

By the way, that's such a twenty twenties like modern name.

I mean Bayleen Duprie, Bayleen Dupree. What a fucking sick name, dude.

That's sick out loud? Is the show? So it is? Yes, it's this, but she has a really good, uh attitude about it. She's a really lovely girl, awesome personality, she has turette's and it just so happens to be, you know, an what a funny version.

The funniest And by the way, I don't know if this happens to you guys, but if I'm watching a clip, I actually think I watched the first episode, but just watching her on Instagram, I have now just walked around the house saying her tics fuck like I have a tick, and I wonder if there's any doctors listening slide into Blake's d MS about this. Is there anything to a syndrome where like you can where it's like contagious, Like if I'm like borderline, She's.

Given America Tourette, right.

If I'm borderline Tourett's. Is that why I'm picking up on this what's happening? Because I keep saying wind it up?

Oh it's.

I keep saying peace up Atown.

What's the one she says where she's like, uh, like, he's got a Wiener and then she's she's.

Got a nineteen, and then she goes, oh no, it's not that wain her tet that Wiener trot. I keep saying that it's Unrealtwainer tether tasted a chicken, It's unreal.

She'll also say like something like my mom has herpie. It's just like, uh, my father has murdered President Joe Biden.

He's buried in the backyard.

I don't know.

I just will say shit like that and you're.

Like, oh yeah, I'm like, is that a tick? What's happening? That's pretty complex? Tick?

Yeah? Yeah, huh. Sometimes it's almost like you know, like I feel like there's been a murder. She wrote, episode where like the parrot is the one that tells you that they murdered somebody where. It's like hew hewld he's hating me, right, that's kind of a good little twist on it.


I watch a lot of murders, she wrote, Yeah, yeah, yeah, I watch a lot.

Is that a good twist?

Is that a classic? Yeah?

If that's a classic, Yeah, I guess I don't I don't remember watching a lot of murders, she wrote, But you gotta tap in.

I just watched an episode recently lands Bear. She just kind of like walks around like, oh, I guess what?

No, no, and then like what and then she moves into another room and you guys, just see this. We didn't see that. I should have seen it. It's great case of the show is crazy and because she's not gonna like run.

So the show is kind of bad, but like no.

No, no, no, no, it's very entertaining. She used to win Emmys like every year for that show.

Yes, yeah, but they used to be a little willy nilly with those emmys, right.

You mean, oh they're more willy nilly now, yeah, Well, what are we talking about.

You had to earn this ship, that's how good she is. She doesn't have to ever. She never runs, she never jumps, she never bends down.

It's just like, yeah, she just shoots, looks and is like.

Come on, she looks, she sits down, she types, and she talks.

But I thought the way you guys were just explaining murder, shey wrote, is like she's like, oh, you didn't see that clue, Well you should have seen that clue.

And then she watched but she did it better than anybody on television at them.

Yeah, she hypnotizes you with it. It's insane.

She's because of how slow she talks, because she's an old You just have to watch it.

You're right, by the way, when she was young, she was a fucking babe. Is always crazy, like when you when you.

Grow up watching old people and you don't realize they had a whole career as a different thing before. Like I'm gonna come yeah, like, who I mean, I guess everybody Sally Fields she was hot when she was old.

I have a crush on her, yes, Sally Fields, sure, but like, uh, who is somebody?

Yeah? Okay, I mean okay, wait, where is it we got in the chat? Oh okay, I want to see some hot Angela Lansbury floato. Oh okay, what do we got?


Here? I'll try to I'll try to drop a little stuff. Is she like in a bathing suit?


Hey, can we chill with these links? That are? I mean, how many letters long does it need to be?

Jesus talk to Trump about that?

Come on, doche let's talk about that. Oh my god, her eyes are a little scary. She's actually kind of frightening lucky to me. She kind of looks like a puppet. Yeah, dude, I don't know. I'm not sold on this. I think she's hotter when she's old. If I'm honest, what due?

Thank god, you're being a one bro.

This isn't gonna be another episode of your weird kink so where you're trying to fuck eyes it.

I'm saying this photo of her in the red blazer I think is hotter than her with these weird puppet eye Dude, she has the same eyes. Her eyes. Don't Your eyes don't change when you get older. No, they No, they came out a little bit when she's young. They were like sunk in it's very odd.

She kind of looks like somebody who's famous.

Now okay, well check check the other the next photo, the next photo.

Okay, now is this a little sexier for you, Blake? I'm sorry, dude, Yeah, that's not bad. But I'm still going to this one in the red Blazer.

From this the Red Blazer, she's in her seventies.

She looks good. I mean, she looks looks good. She looks like Barbara Bush.

Dude, she just looks like she's the assistant principal at your high school. Well that's what she looks like. Maybe I have a principal king cut. I don't know, do you have a hot vice principal?

Like a guy? You know, like do you guys ever watched just shoot me? Uh?

Yeah, you know with with David Spade.

Remember like the old guy who owned the magazine?

Yes? Oh was he? Hella hot?

He he was like a handsome movie star back in the day, was he? I mean? Yeah? Or like mister Roper from a Three's company.

That's a good one.

I hope, I hope I have the opposite happened where like they're like, yeah, had him Devine? Oh yeah, the hot older man actor yeah, and they're like he used to be kind of like a just deformer regular, kind of dumpy looking.

Yeah, a little guy. Yeah you ever see yeah, you ever see? Ever seen pitch perfect one?

His head was a balloon. He looked like a whoopee cushion. Yo, this picture you're posting, Blaze, that's a good one, right talk to me. That's a hot number. Okay, so I found a hot and maybe, uh Todd, if we can mark this photo. I'd love to have this on the TII page because this is a hot diddy right here.

Blake, what where she's in her nineties?

Let him go, let him cook.

She's not in her nineties, dude. This black and white photo where she's sitting in this fur bed, she's gotta she's got a slit up her skirt, she's showing leg. She's got to look in her eyes.

We're back to slits. We're back to slips.

Well, that that is not what you sent. No, she's got look in her eyes like she's about to murder your something else, brother, murder your scrot Give me a second. Come on, Okay, I see what you're what you sent? You see it? Okay?

Yeah, yeah, yeahbury all right, Yeah, that that almost looks like our old house. At him, she might be in the fire pit.

Is that the old couch?

That might be Yeah, Durs puked in that fire pit Night one, remember how we Yeah, that's my boy. What I do? That's my boy? Okay.

So Blake and I rented a house. When we first moved in, it was season two of Workaholics. We finally were moving out of the Workholics house that we had lived in for years prior and then the first season spl Hole, We're like, we can afford to rent a dope place. We rented this sick place in the Hollywood Hills.

We weren't done bean roommates yet because we were dumb loved the place.

We still needed another year or two, and we rented this sick place. Had to pay cash. It was sketchy, like literal cash in an envelope.

It was weird. Night one, we're like, hey, we got a Christen in the new place.

And by that I mean he just basically Durs comes over and we get fucking blackout drunk.

Yeah, I thought meant something else.

What Blake Fock's Isaac or Isaac Fox. I don't fuck him.

I don't the US and then durs we have a sunken in fire pit with like white plush carpet.

It was strange. It was strange.

Yes, fur right next to the fireplace is very strange.

Yeah, yes, right next to the fireplace with like this rock wall next to it, like a not like a rock climbing wall. You can't climb it. But it was like nineteen seventy style. And uh durors puked on the white carpet the very first night.

I curled up in there to sleep. That was where I was like, I'll sleep in here. Yeah, and I just couldn't make it up to the ledge. Could have puked on the floor. Should have puked on the floor. Yeah, that's my take back for today. I wish I could take it back.

And then I think I like went and I rented like a shampoo carpet shampooer.

Yeah that was kind of you. That's so cool. It didn't didn't quite work.

But it didn't.

But yeah, it never quite looked or smelled.

I was like, I think this thing needs water, but it's due bad because I only paid for an hour a man.

But good on you, brother, good good Yeah mate.

Hey we got a new locro.

Switching up? What wait? Hold on, this is important?

Hold oh, switching years here?

Now this waitta?

You guess see what this says that it's important?

Is it? Mo ito? Hold on? Wow? Does it have alcohol or it's just flavored? No?

But I think that they think you would put some rum in here though.

Oh how does it taste? So what that's like mint and Coconut's got.

A little minty not even any coconut. It's just kind of like mint in lime.

Mohito is mint cane, sugar and lime? Is that it? And rum?

Yeah? So maybe you got ad a little sugar, a little rum and rum. Of course you gotta have them rum. Does it have rum flavor? And that's a life for me?

That's okay.

No, it's got no sugar in it. It's it's a bubby water.

Yeah, water, that's the row.

Yeah it's not. I don't think I could drink two of these in a row.

La Croa has really fallen off. I feel like you don't see it half as much as you do.

I got ship on by somebody when I did their podcast and they're like, dude.

You're drinking lacrosse.

You gotta fucking step your game up, and I was like, do I.

It's old news? What were they on water blue? Sure? Waterloo is that? It is Waterloo from our hometown Adham of Waterloo, Iowa or uh no, I mean the Waterloo.

Well, I'm actually from there, and you have never been uh fucking water Losers.

I was born, I was born, I was conceived there. Maybe no, you weren't Marshalltown. Maybe.

Yeah, it's a different, totally different place. El Dora, Yeah, never been. No, no, no, no, it is not. There's a lot of Waterloos.

Yeah, there's a lot of water There's a lot of Conquered as well, though at least two, but there's only one Waterloo.

What do we town name talk?

Yeah, he's getting in the weeds with the name talk.

Well, I'm just showing that I know was a Paris and Texas that I didn't know that. There's also there's a few Pittsburgh's as well. There's a Pittsburgh where I grew up. There's a Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, as we famously know. There's a lot of really.

There's a Pittsburgh outside of Conquered.

Yeah, right over the hill. That's where Wieners Snitchell was.

That makes no sense.

We wien Er sentil? How do you say it? I remember, man's brain is Weiener central. I remember I remember getting roasted quite a bit about the way. I say, Wiener Snitchell? What how is it? Said? Wiener sl Well, it's not it's not snitch schel, it's schnitz It's Snitchel, Schnitzel, Schnitzel. I say Wiener Schnitzel.

No, you say Wiener Snitchell.

Yeah, Snitchell, Wiener Snitchell. But it's Wiener Schnitzel, Wiener ship.

Are you for real?

Fam Wiener ship? What is it? Wiener?

What is wiener Weener Schnitzel Schnitzel? That's what I said. No, it's not Wiener Schnitzel. You say Wiener shit SnO, dude.

You're not say Wiener ships.

No running back the take back wi.

S so like so this sup it up?

It's from one town over from your town and you don't you don't know, no, bitch, Yeah, one town over from your hometown. Yes, yes, conquered in Pittsburgh, California. Yes, And you do not know how to pronounce it, and you've never said it.

Right, Wiener schnitzel. That's pretty good. Yeah, wizl. Well, now you're not you see how you're pulling it back. It's because you're not confident. Yeah, it's one of my favorite fast food restaurants and I yeah, I love it.

What do you get when you go chili dog?

Was that with chili caa eyes? And I used to get the Western dog?

But then would you say? He said air and silly the Western dog?

But they changed the recipe a little bit with the Western dog, and oh.

How dare they?

And let me guess, when you go there, you make sure to take a lot of photos, post post about it.

Salad uh be like, oh here, I mean I do? I do love it and I would shout it out all day. Also, the one in Burbank actually serves beer, which is pretty freaking cool.

Yeah it is. And are they all a frame buildings?


Not all of them, but the good ones are they like are shaped like a steeple. You know, it's really cool.

Now it's a hot dog stand, pretty girls, pretty disgusting, not good at true gut bomb, yeah, true gut bomb.

I love it. I think it's delicious. I actually auditioned. Do you remember that show? That was like Studio sixty or it.

Was something like that, and yeah on the Sunset strip, Yeah, on the Sunset Strip. So I had an audition for that show. And that was the first time I ever had an audition for like a real TV show. And it was that's when NBC was in Burbank. Directly across the street was that Wiener Schnitzel.

And I went there.

You did not go before eight lunch there before?

Dude, My ass was puckering.

He was like, like the ship was like, oh, it didn't go well, dude.

They were like ask me. They're like, yeah, okay, let's have fun, play with it. Let's have fun with it.

I was like, I was like, I can't play with it.

I gotta go, like you sure?

I do love that. Adam was like, and then I'm gonna drop it into the jazz splitz. I can't do. If I do this, I'm gonna fucking shit my fans.

They're like, and we're looking at your resume. It says you are groundling, You're very good at improv me. Can you just play with the lines a little bit?

I can't think of anything else right now. I'm good And here it says you can touch your toes while standing.

Can you good have good?

Do they do cheese fries? There is that their thing.

They do chili cheese ry.


They do every bad choice that, like any fast food place has ever made.

Wiener Stinzl has decided to do them all.

Adam exactly.

They're like, we're gonna do all the gross ship that you don't want to have done to your fries or your hot dog.

Crazy, We're gonna do all of.

It, Adam. To that point, how does it stay open? How does it flourish?


I don't know?

Teenagers, yeah, people with bad taste, buttons no, no, no, no, no no. Every time you go in there, it's always like people saddest, oldest people. It's always people.

It's people over sixty yeah, and then me and my boys, Oh what a cool hang.

Over sixty thousand BMI or whatever we got.

We go for candidates. No, it's my last one. Everyone there is like, this is my last.

One, my last one.

I better not see you back here, buddy.

These are men who have been through the world. They've tried everything, men who have made bad choices.

No, make no choice.

They've tried meals from around the world, and they keep coming back to the best meal and it's Wiener Schnitzel, which is such a good point.

Dude, it's I don't know, man, I'm not a fan of the chili style that they do there, Like I don't like that style of chili.

No, bean, it's no being chili. It's no being chili.

Yeah. Yeah, like Tommy's Hamburgers. I remember getting taken there when I moved to La.

No, that's gross.

You guys are crazy, and people are like this is official, like now you're from LA and I took a bite and I was like, diary, DIARYA.

I mean, dude, you guys are crazy. You guys. Maybe maybe I'm revoking your man card right now because you guys do not like good Adam.

People with lots think there's man cards.

Yeah, dude, it doesn't even exist.

What people knows there isn't one, because I'd have it bull crap, dude. If there's I don't know what Isaac gave me there.

I think I.

Wrote something once where someone carried around a literal man card. Remember, Someone's like, I don't think those exists, and I go, they don't. This person made it for themselves. This is the joke.

It's an official TV Man card.

And they were like, I don't get it, and I go, well, don't buy it.

Then I guess and I won't. Man, you guys are tripping. I will say that it's really funny. But okay, Wiener Snitchell does make like like cought dogs, like fish stick dogs, and I'm like, I will say, that's going a little far see and you're now you're making my point. No, no, no, no, they do have some items that are questionable.

So maybe we make a list of the worst past food places that's disgusting.

Okay, Okay, here we go and at the top, do we say the top is the worst?

Yes? Is the number one for me? No? Sorry, dude, it just it ain't it for me. It ain't it no for me.

Well, so okay, wait, so adam, adam, you've you've made your point very clear. So Blake, what what's worse than Wiener Schnitzel, Just so we know where you're coming from.

The worst fast food restaurant? I know what.

I actually had the first the worst fast food experience I've ever had, I had with Blake. Do you remember it was unreal? Yes?

But I think I think it was rare. I think that was a rare case.

I agree.

If i'm thinking about what I'm thinking about Popeyes, was it on Yeah, Popeyes on Hollywood.

Yeah, we had a Popeyes incident.

It was not good.

I'll never forget it.

Well, Popeyes, I would say eighty percent of all Popeyes are the worst.

The cause of diary.

If you can find you a good Popeyes.

Dude, it's just in the South. In the South, no, I know what, that's where they're good. Anywhere outside of the South.

There's a Burbank location that is cracking. It's cracking.


This is an unpopular choice, but I'll say Jack in the box.

I think it's fucking gross. I've never had a good experience. Yeah, you know what, I agree.

I used to eat so much of that shit, but it is I yeah.

I'm not a jack guy. It's a little Oh Del Taco, No, Del Taco's flamethrow Taco's good, dude, Dey'll Talker's good.

Del Taco's whack? What Del Taco's zero flavor?

It just was it just was rated best fast food Science. Oh yeah, they take pride.

By who this dick?

What what Del Taco has no flavor.

Every time I go there, I'm like, why am I chewing on this paper? Away? Add sauce? Is the meal you add sauce? I might add sauce to you? Come here?

I wish it was you would July twenty sixth of last year and the kt LA that is Los Angeles Local News.

Okay, wait before, since we're talking to a nerd who went to high school with Isaac.

Chick fil A has been dethroned as America's favorite fast food chain, according to a recent fast food poll conducted by USA Today. In the popular chain knowns for his chicken sandwich iss waff of pies, maca Cheese has been bumped to third on the list. Number one Del Taco, whoa right? Number two this is it's it's a questionable list. Number two is KFC.

I haven't been in a long time. I haven't been in the.

Top three is Chick fil A, Four is in and out.

At five is Hearty's.

This list is already yeah, this list is already sorry.

Well, this list is l A specific obviously because it's it's a USA Today.

But Del Taco's not anywhere except California.

I believe, no, no, no, no, it's all. It's nationwide now.

And we don't have hearties though Del Talko is nationwide. Oh hold up, hold up, hold everyone who likes Del Tacos is sorry.

Grew up, grew up by they grew up liking Delta.

These are the people who think that in and Out fries are crazy, and you're like, Del Taco fries are very good.

The fact that they have fries is last. No, that's cool, dude.

What else did they have? Fucking like sour dough? Fucking dumplings? What are we talking about?

King, dude, Keep cooking, keep cooking. So this uh blake, blake, what's the worst one?

Keep cooking? What's the worst?

Keep cooking. He just becomes like a sassy fucking gen zer. Keep cooking, yas queen. Yes it's fire.

Sorry bro, I sorry, my least favorite, least either one, least.

Favorite, my wiste favorite. I don't love Burger King, dude, of course not.

This is fine. You can say these things.

But I don't.

I mean, I like Burger King, I like the I have a lot.

Of these places in the years, so I don't know if they if they've changed their.

It seems like Dell Taco must have changed, because I remember it just being like decent fast food, like I you know, you get the chicken taco and it was it was better than Taco Bell.

This is the thing fast food restaurants. They're all not great, but if you know your order, you find your items, you can you can go like Burger King. That's the one place where I'm not sure what I get if I go to Jagon Box, which I'm not a huge fan of. I like their egg rolls, and I like their monster tacos.

The tacos from Jack and the Crack.

They're fucking wild.

Their life change when you're twenty two. They're they're game changers because.

You're like, oh no, I always thought they were garbage.

They're wild, they have a slice of cheese. They're so bad they're good. That's what makes them good.

I forgot Did I talk about how I went to Applebee's the other day on the way back from Oregon driving?

I don't know if you did. You didn't hit Anderson's piece doop disappointed.

Cruise By cruised right by that, but took the famed Applebee's. Okay, you guys, you guys, what what now?

It's so it's it's not even bad. It's like what gross, It's like gross.

What disupport Well yeah, well, well what sucks is you used to eat good in the neighborhood and now I feel Chili's with their fun jingles that have really taken over the fast casual space.

And good for Chili's, Chili's for life.

Oh dude.

The Chili's is legit, legit. Oh Chilies is pound down.

Oh yeah, dude.

And the and Applebee's had them in the nineties. I feel like you were fucking you. Go to the the Applebee's, baby.

It was a real bummer. A lot of places have slipped because I'm like, this is what people are eating a lot of places. And dude, it was gnarli.

What did you get? I need to know the order?

I mean, I got a I got there, like the prime rib whatever sandwich, like the what do they call it where you dip in the horse radish? What do they call it? Oh jhu, what are they called it?

Beef tip, beef dip, the beef dip.

I got the beef dip and then I got like some boneless wings to like kick it off. It was ch This is.

Just with your like little kids. And your wife. Yeah, you get boneless wings to kick it off. I love you theres You're the best.

What else would I get? My kids love boneless one.


Yeah, they're kicking it off starting.

But here's what I Here's where I thought I was gonna be fun. You say, kids, what do you want to kick it off with? I go, we're kicking it off, kids, and here's how we're kicking it. But here's how I try to kick it off further. I thought I was like the fun dad. I ordered what is essentially like a Shirley temple, but they add pop rocks to it.

The cause of diarrhea. Son.

Okay, so I got a seven year old, eleven year old. I think they're going to be like WHOA eleven year old instantly goes, that's disgusting.

Seven seven year old sees it and he goes, what are those things? I go, it's candy, and he's like that's gross.

And I'm like, well, I mean I kind of am questioning your children right now.

Like, yeah, I tried it.

It tastes normal.

But the fact that they're like, let's put pop rocks into a Shirley temple.

Dude, that sounds dope to me, dude.

I know, but it ended up it ended up being real, real diabetes.

Like diabetes diabetes. It just was like it was like, am I drinking this for real?

Right now?

You guys have this on a menu for real.

There's a guy that I, for whatever reason, my algorithm is like, you're gonna like this, and I don't.

But I watched like eighty videos, so you so you love guy?

Yeah, the video of Isaac fucking Blake, it doesn't exist.

He did not record it.

No, the like my life has a soda addict guy and he's just like he has a garage floor to ceiling of sodas and he crushes one hundred cans of soda to day and maybe more.

That's not good. And he's but it's all like zero's and like no sugar.

Sure doesn't matter.

Your boobs are huge, but you're like, this guy's gonna fucking die. He's gonna die. Dude, that's too much.

That's chemical overload.

You think that's too much at them?

I do? I do. That's too much.

Yeah, that's a lot.

That's chemical overload. Whatever is the zero about it?

Even if there's no sugar. Yeah, the replacement sweetener is gonna do worse.

Well, even dude, even if it was full. I mean both ways.

If you have too much of one thing, you know, whether it's sixty cups of coffee or a bunch of zequill every night, or if.

You unless it's circle, it's too much. Yeah, unless it's one hundred cups of circle, it's too much.

Yeah, that's fine. Which I'm hooked by the way, Adam, I'm in now.

Yeah, you've been sipping on your circle. I have du good dude at night. Daddy sipped his circle at night. Oh, don't touch daddy's circle, Daddy, it's a mohito flavor. I'm changing lives over here. My neighbor's having some work done in his house, and the guy who's doing the work as a sweet man. He's always like, very friendly. He's very nice to us when we have bo out in the backyard or whatever. And you know, uh, and he's like, hey, so.

Uh you're commercial.

We saw your commercial and I have a nine year old and I said, oh, I uh, I know that guy, and and your circle water bottle commercial came on and my son was like, oh, I want a water bottle.

So I went out and bottom one. He loves it.

He's the coolest kid at school because I got him this circle water bottle and then I hooked him up with like one hundred flavors.


Oh shit, that's a bit, dude. I love this power because for whatever.

Reason, power it's a privilege.

Yeah, the privilege. It's the power to have to have a privilege. You'd like to see. It's a superpower. Do you want to see your kid again?

No, because I'm making dads looks so fucking good, dude, like McBride and his kids. Uh, his kids love it. So I've hooked them up with a bunch and and uh Blake's daughter, she was like, thank you so much for the kissing the ring.

They love it. They love the circle. The power. You're like the godfather, dude. She was like, you're like the godfather. I'm like, what was uh what was it when our age?

Like now, these kids like fucking water bottles like hot rocks, which is bizarre to me, But what was our ship?


Those firecrackers, it was like throwing stars and fire crackers.

Yeah, thank you, sir, pri Son. Here's a Katana grappling.

Well, you're saying what what liquids did we consume?

Yeah, it must have been like like squeeze its where you twist off the top and you squeeze its were off the chain and surge energy.

Yeah, Capri son, squeeze it.

I see, I mean Ecto coolers, the king of all right, Oh fucking Ecto cooler, Baby, Ecto cooler.

I see was off the fucking chain, bro fucking kidding me.

And so we're talking right now. I just want to get this clear. Right now, we're talking about what liquids, what beverages by child, The best that was to be given to by a strange grown up back in the day, potentially was in the commercial.

Oh no, that's that's a that's a little niche. That's a little niche.

I was just saying, because these kids love Circle water bottles. Yeah, I'm like, did we have anything like that that was like it was it's almost like a status flex, but like it wasn't really.

There was no there was no bottle to anything. You just drank water from the waterfountin. Yeah.

Yeah, or yeah, I feel like we're a thing. Damn. Yeah. Trapper keepers were a flex. Scratch and sniff stickers.

Well, I remember like my parents, they like, I don't know if they couldn't afford sunny D or what the fuck it hang up was with this sunny D. But I remember always asking for sunny D and then it'd be his mom would come home after you know, grocery shopping, and it'd be some knockoff, knockoff sunny D and You're like, this isn't what I want and she's like, it's the same thing, and I'm like, Mom, it's not the same thing.

Because we're having a sleepover.

I wanted this Sonny D in the fridge so I could be like, you guys want some sunny DE or some purple stuff, and we all go, we gotta after Sonny D.

It's literally the commercial you were literally trying to. I just wanted to do the commercial like purple stuff. Fucking OJ Sean william Scott was in that commercial.

Really, WHOA, I'm almost hey, not even surprised a little bit.

Yeah, that's a legendary commercial, the sunny D commercial.

Yeah, Seawan Williams Scott, Yes, Sunning Delight commercial.

Yes, And what was the what was the deal with Sonny Delight because it wasn't orange juice? What was it like sugar was like.

It was an orange juice substitute that was actually just worse for you.

You're worse than orange juice, ye, but delicious.

It was like how they had a margarine for a while, They're like, Margarin's better than you for butter, and then it turned out margin was actually horrible for you and.


But where do you find margarine?


Well, I don't, I use, I use, I can't believe it's not butter. No, that's what I feel. That's exact.

That's margin, right, Yeah, it has to be so it's bad for you.

Well, for sure, it's good for you. Yeah. Really, Oops, you are so dumb. Did you do a lot of that? Who cares? Who gives a ship?

Did you think? Did your families use frozen orange juice?


Oh? And the that that's like from the seventies three, no, eighties, nineties, like you.

Would have to crack it open and like pour water and like make it yourself.

Yeah, that was just life was just hard as fuck. Life was so hard it came in a cardboard cardboard can.

Yeah, you can't have to find that anymore? Does that not exist?

It has to I don't like a costco you could get it, but I don't know my grocer freezer.

Are you sure? You gotta really look?

I feel like I feel like that has to still exist, right, I would still got that.

You know, it's just concentrates.

But are people doing it? Yeah?

Well maybe if you're making like a like a punch, like a like a party.

Drink, you're inventing scenarios where regular orangs do still work.

I remember you would.

You would crack it open, then you'd take a spoon to it, and you're like, this is fucking concentrated, delicious way.

You'd eat it like like a treat. Absolutely, that's genius. I want to do that tonight. Absolutely. I did it, Like it's.

So good, go to go home, crack open. I'm gonna have diabetes.

I'm gonna have diabetes real quickly. I got a yeah for whatever.

These kids they like water bottles now, I think maybe because all of their moms are like addicted to have in Stanley cups or like you're allowed to bring water bottles into school. I feel like if you were to try to bring a water bottle into school, you that's you can't bring that into school. One of your kids like they're not going to allow you to just have your own drink.

I remember when they started to let us do that, and me and my buddy John we started making kool Aid in the back of the class we would bring because you could only fill it with water, and then we would just like dump the kool Aid packs into it, dude, and we would suck up and get the ones without the sugar by accident. I remember, I'm sorry because you had to add sugar. I mean, dude, life was hard back then. I don't know super sour.

That ship was super sour though, it was like it was like sour powder. We used to remember they come in the sour super sour. Remember they'd come in the the plastic like grenades and then we would shake them really hard and then you'd open them and then inhale the fumes of the kool Aid. Whoa boy, this is one I need Kyle here. Kyle used the fucking do you remember used to huff that ship?


You remember the kids that would snort pixie sticks? Oh yeah, I was one of them.

You were.

Oh yeah, for day, dude, I'd be taking fat lines. Okay, it didn't transfer. I don't do coke, so it was.

Like, yeah, I guess probably like if you do that as a kid, you're less likely to do coke later because you're.

Like, I've already lived that life.

Yeah, I fucking burn the shit out of my ear.

I gotta have my system. I was snorting so much Pixies dust that I'm cool now.

Well I didn't do that, but I definitely would with a mechanical pencil, would put all the lead out and then act like I'm injecting myself see all day, and I'll admit it. I don't even do heroine goofee. Yeah, so yeah, you're right, you gotta start him young.

Sounds like it did.

There's always time.

Yeah, yeah, What the fuck is wrong with kids where they're just like shooting up the lead pencils?

Dude, if there was one drug that you don't do, well, none of us are drug guys, luckily.

I wish so like which drug would be?

If if we're going to pick a drug and this is your you gotta be you gotta ride this with this drug, Which drugg are you going to get on board with? And it can't even be cocaine because I feel like cocaine is like people doesn't care it doesn't count.

People do cocaine.

Why doesn't it count?

Yeah, it's just I think it's like people, it's like socially acceptable. I mean, it isn't.

So this has to be something I don't even know what.

But it has to be like you're doing your You're like abusing ketamine or some ship.

Okay, yeah, okay, let me okay, I'm studying it.

Okay, yeah, okay, am I overseas, hang on, I'm abusing ket mean okay, yeah.

What are those sticks they like chew in like the Middle East. There's like these sticks that they chew.

That's that's not drugs though. My my buddy used to bring those home from France. He was like a French kid, and they just chew on a stick France. It's like a licorice taste.

I thought it was drug. Remember how Isaac says France Fronce, Fronce. That's a very o c.

There wants chill. I'll talk about No.

I guess I would go like ayahuasca, like just do that all.

The time, over and over and over again.

But yeah, but you can't do ayahuasca. All I'm talking, I'm talking, this is habitual. You're constantly doing this?

What would you do, Adam? Just so we understand heroin, I mean talking about you.

No, I wouldn't do Heroin. I would do some version of speed wah.

Okay, okay, so meth essentially, you would do meth essentially?

Okay, Yeah, but I would do it where they didn't, where they didn't used to call it meth.

They would call it ice.

You know, they had a cooler name for it, dream Yeah, yeah.

Blue ice. Yeah.

Wait, so the premise of this question is like, how do you want to die?

No, he's just asking will we do?

If you're saying, like, what lifestyle do you want? Yeah, we're kind of lifestyle math, I mean math. You're like, it's go to that's.

What you want to be on?

Just running around butt naked in the freeway. Yeah, just like tie the band down and I have a bunch of LSD like on my forehead and just going for it. And but what do you is that?

How gets absorbed on your skin before.

It you can?

Yeah, well that's like in that movie SLC Punk where he's he has all the sheets of acid in his pants pockets and then he's running through the uh, the yard and the sprinkler goes off crouch and then he's just.

This is Matthew Lillard. Yeah, grateful of gods, don't give him.

Matthew Willard is the best and the cast I mean, okay, good, the fact that he's not current, he's not one of those guys that some huge director has tapped to just bring back, you know how, like uh, I mean, Tarantino would always do that, like some actor that you're like, oh, whatever happened to them? And then he brings them back and then there is good, if not better than you've ever seen them. And Matthew Lillard is so fucking talented and so such a specific character, like he's so good.

I was like, this guy is a superstar.

You thinks star and Tarantinos the next movie.

I hope. So I hope. So if not, maybe we can get him in something that we do. They're saying that he is cast in the new Daredevil show, so that's exciting. Good.

He's still shaggy. I believe he's still shaggy. I think I was watching Scooby the other day and he still voices Shaggy.

Oh well great, which I mean he fucking nails it.

I mean he's been doing that. For a long time, maybe longer than Casey Casey.

Oh wow, I forgot that he's shaggy. That's so cool.

Yeah, okay, Paul Walterhauser. I ran in him, very talented actor for a funny, very funny guy. It's gonna place Chris Farley in Chris Farley biopic. That's right, which is? Which is fucking awesome. He has a tattoo that says short and no. It says short and Farley and Stern and and then like Daniel Stern exactly dude, and he goes, he goes, this is And when I read it, I'm so glad that I thought Daniel Stern and not Howard Stern, because he goes, well, it's Daniel Stern, not Howard.

Oh yeah. And he says Varney on.

His arm and best earnest Jim Varney, and he goes, it's Daniel Stern, not Howard, and I go weirdly, I'm so happy that I was thinking.

I was thinking Daniel Stern. So he has great comedic taste because great, like you was crazy dude.

Class on my penis, I have tattooed Paul Walter.

It was gonna be Paul Walter Houser.

But I you ran out of room. Could you go down the other side? Could have wrapped it around, dude, you could have looked it around a few times. No, you you still ran out of the guy.

The guy said I The guy said he could. The guy said I can't.

Really, He goes it's science.

I can't figure it out, and I go, that's all right, And so he only charged me per letter instead.

That's too bad, dude.

The fact that you're you're being real stingy at these points one of my favorite bits.

Sorry, I'm sorry.

Normally I'm not advocating for durs to get more points because because on tour you were real.

You were throwing those out there pretty.

Loose fast and loose loose fast and news.

Sometimes I'm just listening.

So sorry, one more time. It is it's Martin Short.

I don't remember them all. I maybe Isaac remembers a few more of them, because Isaac was with me.

Was there like more than seven?

No? There was, like, yeah, maybe there was six or seven? Yeah, maybe there was Harley Short, Stern, Varney, Marnie Herman, Harry Simler, maybe Herman, yeah, Carrie Carrie was I believe.

Harry drug then maybe Sandler Rogan, Joe Yeah, yeah, very nowadays, uh Bamford, Maria trow Tig.

She just had a comedy special come out the other day, was Adam.

Guess what that's for you? Brother?


Dog, Thanks.

She's hell of funny, he is he is healthy, super funny, super funny, super funny. That's a legend right there. Yeah, she just had a Hulu special come out.

Oh so no, Todd looked it up.

It's short Stern Farley, Varney, Carrie and Williams.

Yes, Robin for Sric.

Okay, a pretty pretty sick list.

Yeah, that's who's on your list?

Who's your two? Who's on your Let's just do five? That's pretty funny. Give Isaac some points.

That's what'd he right? He said, Drew Carrey.

And by the way, and I'm not no shots fired to get Drew Carrey. Very funny guy. But if it's carry, it's there's one carry it's jim It's Jimothy. Yeah, it's my friend Jimithy Carrey.

Who are your five? What do you do? Like of all? It's hard because like I feel like there's new people that are really funny.

But who who's new that you would tattoo on your arm.

It'd be Farley. I want to get Carrie, Uh, Murphy Sandler, not.

Doing Murphy Williams, soriad Serena Venus.

Okay, so you're leaving out, Mike, Mike Myers.

I got Morana's Candy Fox, Murray and who else?

Candace? Who's Candace Candy? Oh Candy, John Candy, John Candy Candy?

So sorry, sorry sor sorry Moranas?

Rick moranis Moranas.

That's a that's a wild candy Candy, John Fox, Jamie Jamie, Marie Bill. And then you're you're.

Much older than us.

I'm now seeing that you're much much older than us.

Dude, what about like freaking Will Ferrell?

Yeah, and that's and you're gonna have your turn blake.

So then you could say, yeah, I'm gonna think on my last one.

This is what I'm saying. It's like I have two sections because like pardon me, wants to say like Will Ferrell, Zach Allifanakis, like those are like new school. But like if I'm saying, like what birthed me is like Jim Carrey, Adam Sandler, Chris Barley.

I think that's what he's kind of saying I.

Think you have to say your formative comics, okay, because these are all names of comedic actors that sort of formed him.

Right, yeah, right, so I would say Jim Carrey, Jim Carrey, Adam Sandler.

Okay, Well you can't copy my list, dude, dude, we're the same school.

It's fine. You guys are overlapped.

Okay, Well here's where I zag it's bad. Okay, I like.

Okay, and Leslie Leslie Nielsen solid I like it very very good.

Thank you. So you're leaving off Mike Myers. Then I hated doing that. I hated doing that.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I think I got my last one. Who's kind of a sleeper, but like Amy Sedaris is just super funny to me, okay, like Strangers with Andy very old timer. Well, I mean in that case, it's an all timer.

In that last Action Hero audiobook that I had read or listened to, uh, they had said that the movies that they have turned down, and I think it was Arnold turned down. How I married? And so I married an axe murderer.

WHOA that would be a much different movie.

A much different movie, right, I love learning shit like that?

Well, yeah, whoa mom. Yeah, whenever they do those alternate like who they were going to cast, like how there's the whole Chris Farley Shrek. I heard another one the other day that, like, I was like, holy ship, that would have been so crazy. Dude. When I was on Christ's podcast last time, he was like he was.

Like, so what roles have you passed? Like turned down? That ended up just being like such a hit.

And I'm like literally never, like.

I'm not I don't get offers like, dude, if it's good enough, I'm probably I'm gonna do it. Dude, I'm not getting the April offered. They're not offering me like Shrek. You know, I'm gonna I'm gonna be Shrek, you know what I mean?

If anything, you were gonna be the Bull and then John Cena swooped you.

Yeah, if anything, I get fired off the project for someone else.

Yeah, damn it.

I mean Sina dude.

Yeah, I'll quick the podcast. I'll quit the podcast.

It's kind of crushing.

So we're doing New School.

I go Will Ferrell, Zach Alvinakis, Johnston, No, you don't, Tim, Tim high Decker and and.

You ran out because it's mine. My new School would.

Be you, Adam, thank you, Adam Vine, thank you. My new school would be Blake Anderson unders.

Home Damn yeah, Big Bride fairal Oh McBride's so good.

Yeah, Bride's so good.

Bride's on the mixed Bride's yet you did yours, so I'm doing mine.

Oh but that's a great call.

This is news school.

Kick you off Stiller, Stiller, Dealer's great.

Oh, I'm taking Amy's and love you. Stiller's on there for sure because he's just the quadruple.

Or Jack Black.

There's a there's a lot of Yeah, there's a lot of guys that you know.

There's so much good. That was one thing we didn't even talk about, Like what the did we talk about the SNEL fiftieth. It was just like, there's so many comedians that I'm just like, God, these guys all fucking I.

Thought it was super duper duper funny.


I have watched SNL in months years and uh, you are so dumb. I have watched it, muars and I U I really loved it.

They fucking crushed it, dude. It was I would love to give flowers.

I think this is safe to give flowers to the SNL fifty the SNLKA, let's.

Pull the plug. I don't know, there goes Lauren.

And you know what, there was one part that disappointed me that kind of broke my heart. I was like, as soon as it came on, I was like, oh shit, here we go. And it was funny but not so funny, and I don't think anybody got it outside of SNL because people just don't know this much inside baseball. And it was the deep thoughts with Jack Handy, which are always legendary.

Yeah, yeah, always amazing, and you didn't like this that this one.

The joke was like, you know, some some people think we did SNL because we loved it and we had so much fun and we respected Lauren and loved Lauren, but really we did it for the money, which is a joke about how little they pay on SNL.

Yeah sure, yeah, yeah yeah, And then most most people know, but I.

Don't think people know, right, And also like, yes, they're living in like New York, which is super expensive and making like one hundred and twenty grand, but one hundred and twenty grand is somebody in Mobile, Alabama's they're.

Fucking killing it.

Yeah, absotutogry, they're at they're.

At Dauphine right now having a drink. When I was there, Yeah, I don't know what, but I was super It's like the.

One restaurant with a view. But I was kind of like, fuck, nobody knows the fuck. Nobody's paid on the show. Yeah, but hey to reach their own little deep rut. He's a legend. Jack Candy, the original tweeter.

Essentially, Yeah, that's kind of he was kind of getting some tweets off. I also, randomly, now that we're talking to SNL, Bill Murray did hot ones and that was pretty entertaining. He didn't even flinch. I like that zero phase, didn't flinch at all. It was weird, just eight wings. So he did on the fiftieth like as part.

Of the pushing the movie, pushing a movie with Pete Davidson.

Pete Davidson, Oh really, oh cool, and he's on the press, he's pressing the flesh out there and he did hot ones and he did. I think a lot of older people do it and have no problem because their mouths are just done.

Yeah, they're Monster Catcher's mitt. I don't know, because my dad has smoked so many cigarettes. He's just leather on the inside and outside. Yeah, I mean if you put a wisp of Tabasco sauce and near any of.

His food, he's like, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's it's calm.

It turns into a cartoon, would dude.

It's fucking it's wild. And I think it's just his midwesternness. Bill has gotten out of the Midwest. My dad hasn't.

Yeah, it's only to visit me is when he's left the Midwest, so he doesn't have the palette for it. I mean, it's it's fucking wild. But Bill has seen something.

He's yeah, but no matter what, those wings are spicy a f dude, Oh yeah, not, he like doesn't even like I think maybe towards the very end his eyes start to water slightly. Well, I I handled mine when I was on them. When I did that, I was able to throw him back. You did great. You were very funny, But I do think you were like a little bit of like a runny nose. Well, I was sweating and yeah, yeah, yeah, and I was crying and pissed. I pissed myself my pants, but I did.

It was hot sauce and You're like, no, that's blood coming out of my buttthole. Yeah, that's you have a last dab in your pantses ser.

Goofy Murray on the tapuh and.

Heahead, that's a great tattoo idea. No, it's just a good because, I mean, I imagine and maybe I'm wrong. He's in his dressing room, he's getting into his wardrobe. He fucking looks in the mirror at his arm and is like, just go do what these guys did?

You know what I mean?

Then he covers it and then plays that serial killer in that mini serious that he.

Did where he fucking crushed it. I just I just fingered her. He's a really he's a really good actor. I like, but I guess I kind of like buttles.

So he.

Yeah, he's a great actor and he's very funny. He's a very talented man. What was that called? What was that called?


Yeah? I would love to try to find something blackbird.

I'd love to try to find something I try to get blackbird tattooed.

Yeah, Jerseys is all just like serial killer movies. You're like, h.

G, I see like the idea of wait, what's the list for heroes? Right? Uh huh, there you go.

It's just Dahmer, Bundy, it's that guy from Norway that doors looks identical to that locked the women in the basement.

Dahmer again, Uh just because, of course.

Uh the it just says bomber Timothy McVeigh, chicks, Charlie's there and plated monster just to fucking shake things up.

Legend be such a legend. Got I got a unibomber one when I was in Oklahoma. It just says Clea Born or whatever.

The yeah, yeah, the Columbine kid was the trench coat mafi.

Okay, this is getting dark. Any take backs, any apologies, but a time.

Mostly that last bit, That last bit double downs. What did I say? I was gonna take back later, but I already took it back, so probably not yet.

Ticket Yeah yeah, I tried to guess he was about Blake some beans, But I stand by everything I say Blake.

I would like to double down spread a lot you guys are spreading a lot of lies.

I'd like to double down on whatever I say about Blake in this in this episode.

I you know what I would like to Did we talk about the fast food this episode? Yeah?

I think so.

I think so.

The fast food fast food?

You know what I'm going to take back that I said Burger King was the worst because I haven't had it in a long enough time and I would like to give it in another shot before I really bury it.

But you can't take it back without replacing it back.

Can take it back? It's Long John Silvers. There's Long John Silvers on the list.

It's not it's not fast, and I don't think so.

It's not fast, and it's pretty damn fast.

It's pretty fast. Well, I don't know about you. I think it's pretty fast.

But is there a drive through? If there's a drive through account, I think so, Okay, then yeah, then fuck Long John Silvers. Dude, but they have see then this goes back to my point. There's items on the list. Their hush Puppies are very good.

Okay, So Blake, you can't take burger King off the list with replacing it because I don't like now it's it's a cop out.

It's almost a cop out, Blake.

Just stand for something once, Just stand for something.

I hate to say this, but I've had I've had a bad experience with white Castle before.

Oh yeah, white Castle's awful.

Well you could say that white Castle fucking sucks.

It right, because you know what's better is Chris? Like, do you feel bad about saying that? Because I know I don't want to Like, I know, like a lot isn't it's like a Chicago thing. I don't want to ship on it.

But it's not necessarily a Chicago thing.

There's one in there's a whole movie franchise about it.

That's true. It's like maybe I just had I had it in like a gas station and it was very bad. Yeah, it's awful, very The meat is like liquid.

Yeah, it's really bad.

I don't even think I said my worst, did I?

I don't know hit us with it. By the way, Arby's Rocks, speaking.

Of speaking of liquid liquid meat, Arby's, Arby's Arby's Rocks. Yeah, RB you could. You can get a great meal at Arby's. Dude, They're curly.

Get them. I can't remember do they do?

They have the meats? Actually, I hate the bow, I hate the bones. That was my take back.

So I did I mean Burger Kings out there? Man?

I think you said Del Taco, didn't you me? Yes?

And then I was like, uh it was it was just the best sucks. According to USA Today.

Yeah, why don't you go eat it right now, you fox face? What's stop take backs? I gotta take back.

I take okay, I'm so Jesus the thought everything.

I'm just I'm just saying what I saw.

Won't you say something else?

Everybody sucks? All right?

Well that's all I got, alright, Lincoln.

That was another episode brought board

This Is Important

Adam Devine, Anders Holm, Blake Anderson, and Kyle Newacheck seriously discuss some very important t 
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