
Best Of Eps 56-60

Published Feb 18, 2025, 11:00 AM

The best of episodes 56 to 60. We will be back next week! 

Welcome to This is Important a production of iHeartRadio, the show where we only talk about what is most obviously very crucially important.

Let's go.

Yo yo right, Hello Nation? Right?

Oh now I remember what the podcast is until the popo's out and then I'm like, oh right, this is us and.

Then this is what we do.

Welcome back to Nation, and thank you.

For the wampum Gangham style.

Absolutely, Hey, what's up? What's up on higher?


Kyle? Hey, what's up? Adam? How you doing?

Not much? I'm doing good. How are you, Blake?

I'm doing Gray? Hi? How are you?

How are you?

Hey? Blake? How's a go? Dude? Love your smile, dude. Hey guys, Hey, what's up? YouTubers? How are you smash the subscribe?

Like? Can subscribe? Ring? You?

Guys watch anything on YouTube where people are hosting it and I don't. For whatever reason, they all think they need to open up the episode or whatever you call it with the same like what's up, fam, Like it's the same shit, Everyone's just doing the same thing.

TII Nation.

Right, It's so weird.

We always open up with like.

Oh no, no, no, no, I'm not saying one dude opens up the same I'm saying. Many different people start their YouTube whatever's the exact same way.

You're saying, there's a universal YouTube call sign when you start.

Yes, it's fucking weird. There's an art of the vlog. What is it? Let's start doing it. It's like, Hey, what's up, world, or like, what's up guys, And you're just like, but it's no, no, no no. But it's the same cadence. There's a weird there's a weird cadence to these YouTube hosts who are like, we're back again, y'all. I'm gonna show you, guys these new nails I bought. These are for wood, These are for drywall.

Do your kids any and this goes for any of y'all.

Maybe not Kyle because I don't think his child is deep into the YouTube game quite yet.

No no, but.

Do your kids Durors or Blake want to be YouTubers when they grow up?

I think that children are like super more aware of like like just like being famous. I know, like that's always been a thing, but like I don't know, I kind of always grew up just wanting to like be in comedy and not so much caring about like the fame of it all. But it seems like that influencing and YouTube makes it.


I feel like as a little kid, I didn't even think of like being an actor. I just thought like, yeah, movies are a thing that we watch together as a family.

But like I want to be a baseball player a dancer. I just want to be a dancer.

I want to be discover discovered at a wedding as a dancer. Did you say you wanted to be a baseball player?


When I was like real young, and then like twelve, I was like, oh, I can't, you know, play baseball in a wheelchair, So yeah, it's impossible.

And everyone's like, didn't you want to play baseball? And You're like, I was joking. I tell jokes. I'm a joke sir. I love joke.

Hell, but it's weird. Kids kids like love YouTube.

Now, Blake, are you saying that these kids are just wanting to skip the craft and go straight to the fame.

Is that what's happening on YouTube right now?


I think it's I think it directly is is like a trickle down from like you can see how many people view stuff, you can see how many people like stuff like. It's very monetized in that way. Like before you would just throw it into the dark. You could kind of guess how many people were on your jock. But now you know if you're famous or not, because.

Then know how many people are on your jock? Right?

Exactly? Do you have that jock counter up top? That's hell's right.

I wish that's what the like button was called. Jock counter?

Jump on jo How many jocks do you have? Smash that jock button?

How many guys are on your job?

Smash that jock button? Smash my jock? This he got any more? That other one was a little nause x at the b M so good.

Oh my god. Can we talk about how fucking.

He gave out a battle cry of a let's go and it just got me just man, I bet.

The rest go.

You just to let's hear it again. Let's hear it.

He can feel it, you can feel he hit it with the Z let it go. That's great. He wanted to go. He fucking killed that. He's he killed it at the BET Awards. And then just when you think you can't outdo himself, he out didn't see.

Well, he but fucked a ton of dudes on on stage right did Yeah.

He was just in like a little little pit of men. It was very sexual.

Yeah, it was in a little booty short. I watched her for I watched her for like thirty seconds and then and.

Then you had to finish. I gotta go to the bathroom.

I couldn't watch it anymore before drinking off. Dude, it was too hot to handle.

Man, it was hot. There were guys like rubbing their dicks and I was like, are we can we do that?


What's the deal? Wait, dude, I didn't see this. What what do you mean? How are they rubbing it? Can you show?

Can you show us since this is a video pod?

Yeah, I don't know if I can. That's what I'm meaning, like, is it like, is it like show us right now as friends?

No, it was like a sexual No, dude, you have to watch the video.

It's like I watched I like, I literally turned it on and I just saw a man bent over and him grabbing a dude by the waist and butt fucking him.

And I'm like, yeah, oh, rock, it was great.

Well they're not actually butt fucking. It's obviously a pantomime of s Yeah, it's pantomimes.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, but that's the difference between us and we could start at their penis.


Things they've gotten advanced.

Things they've gotten advanced.

Sure, I like the way it's going.

Things have gotten real sexual. I'm sure you can go sort down the mountain.

Super dangerous too. That's one of the scariest things, Like I always remember hearing about like people in San Francisco, like bike messengers and all that. Like when you're bombing those hills, if you hit someone, you straight up like you die, you kill them. You're like a missile.

Yeah, you're a human missile.

What's that movie with Joseph Gordon Levet where he's like a bike messenger?

Oh damn good, it's so good. What it's called, like the Delivery Boy or something like that. The Messenger, Yeah, the Messenger.

Yeah, it's the delivery Boy. I like that. He's just he's just out there aggressively delivering sandwiches.

It's about Jimmy John.

I just remember the shots from the trailer were like, whoa, what the fuck? This is the most epic shiit freaky fast.

He skid slides underneath that truck.

Yeah, you have to drop down and slide under a truck.

Has anyone here actually seen it? No? No, I've seen it. It's good. Oh my god.

So what's the premise? He delivers packages and his thing is he's just a fucking wild man in those streets.

He gets a package he's not supposed to have or something like that, and then Michael Shannon is like after him, and he doesn't have a bike, so he's running get back here.

Isn't that the same exact premise of the Transporter.

Yeah, and it's probably the same premise as Homer and the Odyssey. All these stories are recycled.

There's four stories, guys, there's four stories.

This is Adam and Eve, not Adam. Lead me when I tell you these are all a stops fables. Yes, okay, these are all harms Christian Anderson's tinder Box. Okay. Charles Dickens wrote four stories.

Yes, Queen, absolutely, there's four stories in this world.

The Transporter, Transporder, Space Jam, New Legacy, Castaway and Ready Player one and Soprana.

And the Many Saints of Newark.

Forget about it, hey, gobble gool. Since none of us are East Coasters, were West Coast and Midwesterns Midwest Newark for this first time you thought somebody was being weird and like mispronouncing new York.

Right, oh one hundred when they say what Newark?

Oh? Newark?

Yeah? Yeah, Like when people like I flew into Newark.

I was like, yeah, okay, okay, buddy, just slow it down.

You could say new York. You don't need to smashed the words together.

That was like when Ninja Turtles came out and it was set in New York. But then when Throw Mama from the Train came out and it was Newark.

Okay, Kyle, I was like, what is going on here? I know new York because as Turtles, throw Mama from the Train. Is that a good movie? Is that? And that is based on.

The honesty throw Mama from the train? Yeah, that's a that's an iteration of the messenger.

Throw Mama from the train. Weirdly, I remember watching with Kyle, like at your party or something. Why did we grow?

Kyle famously punched his mom, So I think this might have been his favorite movie.

He's like, I gotta see this.

Famously punched his mom throwing her from a train? Is he During that time of Kyle's life, he was just watching that movie over and over, and.

I wish it's a real, Mom. What the hell?

I wish the title of this movie was real.

I wish it was don't tell the babysitter Mom's dead. Kuy stop. I love my mother. I love her.

Come on.

It was a tough you know whatever. She had three boys in the house. We had we were crazy.

I'm sorry, mom.

It was a tough eighteen years cat.

We were crazy. Hello yellow boys music voices.

Yeah, we're bad, all right.


See in the building, t I nation hit him with the freestyle brother.

And I packed one, two three, four, gonna yeah mic now, But then I passed it to cow okay yo. They called me, yeah, chunk. My man is chunking. So I'm gonna pass the mic.

To play, like, has the mic?

This is in the building. It's a big it's the big Chunk. It's the big I ain't punking. I ain't punking, but I'm chunking. Welcome to the trying to where's the mic? The mic? Have you passed the Adam has the mic? And I passed the mic? Adam you got?

I don't want the mic.

I don't want mike.

I actually lost the mic. I'm no longer, I can't find the mic. Yeah, on that pass, there was a mishap, mike dropped, the mic was dropped, and now we don't know where the mic is and we have to stop.

So you dropped the mic, which is different than a mic drop.

Yeah, yeah, no, it was an accident. It was a fumbling. We fumbled the mic.

Yeah, yeah, this wasn't This wasn't your your typical mic drop. It was a mic fumble and that's our bad. Yeah, collective bad.

And that's our bad. And I'm sorry about that, but.

But it was.

It was about to be such hotel the vibe.

Yeah, we were warming up. I had bars on dead and.

We were all feeling it.

Why didn't you hit us with your bars? What happened with that? We'll see.

I was about to I was about to hit you guys with the bars. But then when Blake tried to pass the mic, there was a fumble.

There was a mishap.

But you have a mic currently, you currently are talking into a mic. This is all bed No, No.

We're talking about the hip hop, the proverbial mic that we were passing.

We're just warming up, man.

We were just warming up and it was gonna be so it was electric if I wasn't chunking.

That's new content.

Bring the energy.

I happen to me again. Someone said, I like your content.

That's a good compliment. Yeah.

At the hotel bar, huh, someone someone said, hey, I really like your content.

I think I hate it. I think I hate that.

How old is this person? Yeah they're young.

They're young. I mean they're in their twenties for sure.

Right, Yeah, that's fucking nuts. Though, they said, like blanketly not, I like you as this. I like your content that it's weird.

It's it's weird because did you hit them? Yeah? Well I pinched them where that no one could see the bruises.

Right, get call, you got to hit the little muffin top.

Yeah, I pitched him on the top of their skull.

Good, Yeah, as you were trained.

Weirdly, a lot of skin there, like.

One of them dogs, one of them dogs with the rumpy skins are yeah, yeah, exactly.

Hot hot dog neck. I love a good hot dog neck.

Oh God, I hope to god is that. Can you be a skinny guy and have hot dog neck?


You can. You can.

Fuck is hot dog neck? Like when you stretch you just stretch it. You just no, no, back of the neck.

No, No, it's the back of the head where you're ye the rolls. It just folds up on top of itself.

That's that's like, maybe maybe my biggest fear of my entire life.

Really is hot dog neck. Oh that's a point of pride.

Yeah, if you've got the hot dog neck, then you can start wearing the shades.

On the back of your head and it's just a whole ass.

Look dude, Yeah, it looks it looks like lips back there. You can put some lipstick on it.

Dude, I kind of I'm feeling back here. I'm I'm I'm feeling it, and I think underneath my hair I might have some hot dog neck. You have hot dog I think I might have early hot dog neck early stage. I don't.

I'm not buying.

You got early on hot dog neck early. Yeah, you got some little smoky's back there. The cause of hot dog neck could be underneath his hair, could be there. That'd be cool. Happy birthday at them, happy bird.


We don't need to have paper if we don't, we don't want to.

We don't want to pay for that. Yeah, we don't want Tom.

I don't think the birthday song is public domain.

You can no, No, someone bought it. No, oh, really, someone.

Owns the birthday sign.

Bezos Musk. Who bought it? Bezos? Chad Bezos?

You know my favorite?

What I think we should start and what's I've been doing for the past second. I want to say, like five or six years, you just sing the end. The whole song sucks like it's too long of a song.

That's true.

You just go to you just say happy birdday two you.

You just do that.

You do that fifty times.

That just costs US one hundred thousand dollars. I don't like that, and I'm going to go out on a limit. Say I don't like that.

Adam, I like it, Adham, you don't.

No, I would never do that for you. You want to see what I got you?

Oh fitness? What is that? Sporty and rich? I love it dirty.

It's coming at you, pal. It came to my house.

He's got me a hat that says fitness on it. He knows I'm a chubby fitness king and I appreciate that.

Thank you. Body active chunk aaro, I'm an active chunk.

That is huge.

They called me active chunk.

Whoa, Hey, Adam, is this something that used to happen when we lived together? Like you would have your birthday and you're the oldest out of out of me, you and Blake, right, and you told me that like the birthday owl comes and visits you in the evening and gives you wisdom only on your birthday?

Did you get any wisdom? Is that the thing? Bro Am? I like, am I making I might have said?

I might have made that up. Yeah, I feel like I was smoking a lot of weed.

I feel like it was like a really bad yeah, a really bad, like fucking recurring joke that we just went with.

Yeah, every once a.

Year, Yeah, he's here the birthday, all comes and gives me and gives me wisdom.

Right, And then you could that was the bit.

You couldn't tell me what the wisdom was because I had a turned the age yet, so it.

Was, yeah, you're not old enough. You were old enough.

Along with age comes wizzo, along.

With age comes whiz That was cool.

That's such a big brother move. Hey, Yeah, sorry, I can't tell y'all you're not old enough yet.

Yeah, And I never had a big brother, so, like you know, that was cool for me.

Adam is your brother.

Yeah, I guess I kind of am your big brother. I guess, yeah, I guess kind of.

Yeah, you are big bro. That's huge. My big brother was not my brother.

Yeah, I am.

I'm the I'm the oldest out of the three of us because Blake, Kyle and myself we are the exact same age. We graduated high school the same year, and Endors is the oldest person that we know. And it's cool to get wisdom. It's cool to have your grandfather with you.

In the older state.

It's been elder statesman, just to ask, like what it was like in the old timing times and.

Stuff before I just busted nuts of dust. Lordy wordy getting close to thirty eight.

Yeah you are man, damn near fort damn near forty Holy moly, wow Wow.

I've been thinking about this a lot lately though, Like you have to tell you, it was like a thing when we were coming up, Like selling out was goofy, Like you didn't give up your art too, brands, because then what would happen. Is what we live in today. We're literally every single thing we see is a commercial. We're all just walking commercials now. You tag your.

Shit brought to you by Tushy. This podcast is brought to you by Manscape.

Yeah exactly. This friendship is brought to you by Liquid Ivan. They're best buds, we promise.

But I was like, I mean, I feel like the Internet started because we were also sick of watching commercials in between TV shows, And now literally the Internet is just commercials without you even knowing their commercial.

Oh dude, I was thinking about this today too because I was watching Norms. Norm has a show on Netflix, and he's always like, you want a red Bull?

Norm MacDonald rip didn't give him flowers, but he was. He was giving out red Bulls.

He's like, you want something from the drink thing and he's given out red Bulls and people are drinking red Bulls on the screen. I'm like, yeah, product placement. And then I pop back to like, I'm pretty sure our opening shot of Workaholics, because of the relationship that Viacom had with Red Bull, is a floating red Bull bull in the pool like it is an endorse, like a commercial.

Is our first show that was on purpose?


But red Bull was punk rock back then. Red Bull was counter culture.

I don't think that was on purpose was it? That was one thousand percent on purpose because they had a deal with Viacom, And I was like, I got the shot. Then I wouldn't have done the show. I'm out, I'm a monster guy. I put it in there, then I walk. I put it in there out Hey, Kyle.

And now I pass on the show, and I want you to digitally a race show.

How come none of us have been on Sesame Street or The Muppet Show.

I think we might be a little dirte for for their style.

Yeah, they don't. They got to oscar the ground so they don't need another dirty dumpster diver. Like that's where I'd want to go. I'd want to do a.

Dirty dogs begin the scene with Grover.

Let's hang with the Crouch.

Yeah, I'm trying to kick it with my homies Burt and Ernie. Are they gay together? I'll never tell.

I thought that they said they were. Didn't they just announce that somebody's got I think they did.

Yeah, But when I'm there with them, like am I am? I fucking all of them?

Oh? Are you?

They go back into the closet because of Adam.

Right, Hey, I don't know. I'll never tell. I'll never tell.

He's the friend that they can't be themselves around, right.

I love that they're like.

Oh hey Adam, Yeah no, man, we love watching football with you, dude.

It's freaking cool.

And not that gay people can't watch football gos, just like I just don't judge us.

We could do like a cool curse word section with Oscar the Grouch.

Oh yeah, that's I feel like that's our thing.

Yeah, that would be where we'd get on there is like.

Like what's the naughty words?

Fuck you, that's the count, don't say fun yea, go fuck yourself. Snuffle up against the snuffle up against talk. Yeah, he had a real weird voice.

I feel like he was kind of like real.

He was hell sad. I don't think I liked him. I was like, this guy's a loser. His eyelashes were weird, dude, he was like depressing. We were on strike. We went on strike.

We basically were on strike.

For a week, and Adam, thank you for coming to our terms. Yeah, we do appreciate it. Thanks for being flexible.

We were to negotiated against me somehow.

I think both of us left the table a little angry, which means both of us are happy. So it's a good thing.

That's right, That is absolutely right.

I think we found the middle. Thanks, thank you.

We really did.

What else anything else happened? Anything at all? So you guys at home. I'm only gonna be here for seven more minutes. Is there the contract that's contractually that's the deal.

That's part of the deal that you guys came away with.

Mm hm doctor.

Well it's meal breaks we now get. We now get meal breaks on the pod.

Well, thank god, yeah, I feel like we've been snacking on the pod?

Is this a meal break? There's got a payday right there? Yeah?

Oh ship, yeah he does.

Oh payday. Damn.

That's the biggest payday I've ever seen.

Yeah, this is almost This is almost as big as a it's a king size.

It's about the size of mine. What's happened?

Who's the well?

The wh who's wait? Do you you like paydays? Was that a choice or was that a gift?

Yeah? Choice, obviously niceydays?

Yes, choice.

I don't know. I feel like paydays is down the wrung on the candy bar hierarchy.

Well, it for sure is.

But I can see Drs durs is looking for an experience. Want to go down that candy aisle.

He's looking. He's looking for something uh special. He's not going tried and true. He wants that. He wants that weird off off ship or he's eating this.

Yeah, he wants a lot of nuts because we look, we get snickers all the time, we get twigs all the time.

See here, I knew there.

I knew.

There's a backstory.

And sometimes you got to shake it up. And when's the last time you had a payday? Bro? All the time? Every time I go to home depot? What but like, wait, what you do?

You're true? Why is payday a specific home depot? True?

I love getting pay days, bro, I love Payday's.

Yeah, I need to know your home depot experience because.

It does taste like saw dust a little bit.

I just be inspired by this taste in the air.

It is kind of just like a thing of glue with sawdust wrapped around it. Yeah.

I got no gripe with your choice, bro. My gripe is with your choice of size. That's too much payday in one in one.

That's a lot of payday. Yeah, that's like a shock dick of a payday. That's a lot. That's a little greedy.

You know me, guys, I know Drs durs is gonna want maybe a little leftover payday. Yeah, he's gonna want it tomorrow pay day.

Gross, dude's gonna he's gonna fold it in half, all perfect, like uh huh payday for tomorrow.

Yeah, you can't save a payday. You put a little coin in your purse. That's what That's what I call it.

What do you mean you can't say it's the most you can say. I bet that thing will look like a payday two thousand years.

Now you put it on a layaway.

When are paydays covered in chocolate or are they just like peanuts glued together with like nougat or something.

Blake Anderson has entered the chats. Thank you God. That's like, Hey, let's have we ever told the story about what happened on our hidden camera show? Remember?

Oh we had a hidden camera show? How crazy is that?

We We were the Impractical Jokers before the Impractical Jokers?

Thank you? Can we start some beef with the impractical Joker?

I'm so so yeah, Hell yeah yourself.

I'm so sorry.

I want to be the other one. They rock, by the way, Impractical Jokers rock. But get to the story. Yeah, we've partied with them. They freaking rock, they know how to dance to.

Them hips don't lie. We fucked those guys.


So we did a hidden camera show in Las Vegas, and we like had one scenario where we dressed up as people in a cult and we ordered a pizza and the whole thing was like deliveries and you would come into the house. There's cameras everywhere, and you'd come into like a crazy situation, and we were the crazy situation.

We're in Las Vegas, yes, yes, yes, in BF Las Vegas, not on the strip.

We were like on the outer skirts of Las Vegas.

We actually shot that show in the house, the house that's from from Casino that lived in Ye Small world.

Yeah, a lot of come on those carpets.

It was covered in just very crusty.

We were dressed as a cult and when the person came in, we had we tried to like lure them into our like ritual that we're doing right. And this fucking enormous biker comes in and he does not look like he's fucking around. But one of the other people in this group was like, yeah, come on in, come on back here, and we were all like get and he was like, what's going on here? And she starts kind of spelling out what our cult is and then the guy goes, I get it. I understand. I've lived a thousand lives and I keep coming back to kill a woman named Catherine, and.

We all and she was he was dead serious.

Dead serious, he he was. He like thought he found us. It was a trick.

We are kindred spirits.

And he's a pizza delivery guy who was like in his fifties.

Yeah, grizzled, like a biker looking guy.

Scary, yeah, tough looking guy, absolutely insane.

Yeah, and then we had to be like.

Oh, yeah, well, uh here hold this and say blah blah blah blah to the God of whatever.

Yeah, and so we're like punking him and because he's on the hidden camera show and then we have to.

Say, well, here's the tip.

Right, you're on special Delivery, a hidden camera show on my Space TV.

No, the guy has just admitted to like murders, murders.

Yeah, he said he had killed people before, and he keeps coming back and he like described how he was like a little boy and we were like.

Oh, huh okay, what and yeah, it was one of those ones when you're looking in his eyes and it's only truth there, Like this guy, you knew you were in a room with Satan.

And when and when we said that line about this show on MySpace, his face starts darting around like what, no, he made a noise? He went right right ryeah, And he looks around at all of us and we're like hah, like jazz hands, and then like producers start coming out, and then he starts steaming and he starts yelling at people and he says, I'm gonna go get my AK forty seven and when I come back, I'm gonna murder or can't shoot everyone here. And then he just took off on his motorcycle in a Jeep motorcycle. Right, I think it was.

A motorcycle, which was an insane way to deliver a pizza to you.

Yeah, you're gonna judge him on math. He seems like it would get cold. He was really cool. He seemed cool. But who does that? Yeah it did.

The pizza got a little cold.

I feel like the pizza would get really cold really fast on a motorcycle.

Yeah, well it's in the bag, but you know, yeah, right.

And I don't even know if we wrapped. I think we were like, yeah, we're gonna get the fuck out of here. We're done. All the producers were like, might look we would I was running a jump in and be like, were you to do?


I know? And there was no security. It's not like we had the actual security, you know what I mean.

It's not like there was like we should have hired one person, one just big guy to be security.

Someone with a gun, right, a shack, one shack.

One seven foot tall man.

One Kimbo's life, Yeah, Timbo.

I went and saw Metallica last night, which was kind of a dream.


Yeah, I was kind of a dream concert and uh awesome opening bands, Rete Van Vliet, Cage the Elephant. Didn't see either of them.

Cage is the Elephant?

Hm, wow, didn't see either.

Not sure I could sign off on that for the Elephant, right yeah right?

Conceptually yeah, yes, yes, yes, they're a band though they're just a band.

Yeah. And by the way, how do you eat an elephant? One? The time.

Into the pleasure is ours and what we're talking about.

But I got to we we you know, it's hard to get there for an opening the opening acts it started.

It started at seven o'clock. I had to work yesterday. I had to work on a Saturday. Would sucked. So we barely got home in time to you know, to make the turnaround to go see guys. Greta van Vliet fucking rules. I wanted to see them badly, and so does Cage the Elephant, So I was excited.

Greta a person? Or is that this like a weird name of I think? I think that's the little girl.

Isn't that the that's the little girl who does the the.

Yeah, isn't that the girl who's into No, that's credit. No, you just.

Really wanted to see her talk about global warming climate. Yeah, this is despicable. These lights the wind Para takes to light the stadium must stop.

I think it's pretty cool and progressive for Metallica to have her right.

Before, like give me fuel, give me fire, and speaking of fossil fuels, cut in the fuel, no more fire, kill them all, kill them all, Well, funny you should say, kill them all because the climate.

It will all die. The icebergs melt.

Sleep with one eye opened because ice have to sleep, because ozons melted, because the freaking the amount of UV Rays getting through is absolutely funny. Everybody's like, fucking Lars called this chicken. There's really into it, freaking Lars. Freaking Lars.

Well, that's fucking dude. I mean, holy ship, Metallica goold like one of the greatest bands of all freaking time, dude.

Very cool, Uh, very cool.

I went with our manager Isaac and that was awesome. He was having a great time.

Oh yeah, punk rock.

But then also I went with Chloe and then Nina dorev Hick and her friend Erica. Nina's in the movie with me in the Outlaws, And uh, none of these girls knew Metallica, not even like one song. They were just like, whoa, okay, not even one, not even like one song. It was like finally at the very end they played like Antra Sandman or some shit, and they were like, Okay, I kind of.

Know this one. Yeah, du yeah crazy.

I feel like, if you've ever been to a carnival, you've heard Metallica, Like I feel like that's the first time.

That is a good point. Yea, every time I'm going to a carnival, dude.

I have a very specific memory of being on the tilta World and the dude playing Metallica and I'm being like, what is this band?

Holy shit?

Do you remember at the Camden Martinique.

Where we used to live in Coast to Mesa.

And Coast to Mesa and I had the I had a giant poster of James Dean in my bathroom.

Oh cool, dude, Holly was just because I think I went to like Hot Topic and bought a bunch of boss and then people like I don't know, we had like some it was like a theater thing came over to my house and like all the gay dudes in our in the like the theater group were like.

Oh, I didn't know, you're good dude. I'm like, I'm not a what like James Dean.

He's like a gay icon and they were like, whoa right, Like he's a gay icon and you have it like it was like over it was like basically over my bed.

It was right there. I didn't know. I didn't know. It's okay, I'm with it.

Fast forward to a little I didn't know that.

I didn't know that I should have just had that and like Wizard of Oshi about my bed.

Yeah, I knew about Wizard of and little Little nas X well early early nas early.

Nazas when he was like nine. It's super weird that I have it over my bed. Kid is done, yeah, because he's so much younger than me. I did do a thing with uh Fozzy Bear and uh miss Piggy.

Weird old stuff. They're cool.

What do you mean that's on the Muppets, right yeah, Muppets okay, but not Sesame Street.

There is a line there, right, Yeah.

There isn't a line totally because you know who crosses the line, Hermit frogs on both good point Blake.

But Kermit was like a guesst fucking shuts it down. I feel like Kermit was a guest on Sesame Street. Like he's not a part of the fucking cast. He was like a guest. I'm just being real, Kit.

Kermit was very in there. He was like the news reporter, be like, Kermit the Frog here reporting line.

I don't think that's Sesame Street? Is that Sesame Street? He just relax, Kyle. He just wanted to do his impression. He just needed but you can do it more, do it again? What did it sound like?

Go ahead?

I can't. Well, this is Kermit by Frog.

He're reporting live from the Pond.

From the Pond exactly.

That's pretty good. That was honest.

You know, Brian Henson person.

Better admittedly doing when I did that thing with Fozzy, and I think it was Miss Piggy. Like the people that the puppeteers were so fucking cool.

Of course they're cool.

They were all like seventy years old, just like hilarious older guys that yeah, oh broo, yeah, you can tell that they like were just acid heads back in the day. These guys, I'm like, oh, they were just funny as hell and cool.

I'm like, man, what a cool gig that they've had for fifty years.


One of the coolest things I did while I was in Atlanta shooting Woke season two coming soon next year, was go to the the Puppetry Center, like the museum, and they have a whole wings dedicated to Jim Henson and they have all these photos from like the seventies where it's them like coming up with the show and it's just like behind the scenes. So it's just like all these hippie bros with their hands up, puppets asses just standing there. But it's like, yeah, dude, man, what a cool time?

Did you say puppet bros. Puppet brosy, what do you I thought you know. I can't stand fucking puppet bros.

Let's just the fucking puppet puppet bros or ruining puppetry.

Everyone's gotta be a fucking puppet bro.

Now it used to be puppet artists and now it's puppet bros. They get into the whole thing for the wrong reason.

Frank Anchors changed everything.

They scream, let's go before every.

Time weights to their puppets.

We're getting a little shoulder workout.

It's just in their lat It drives places to these people.

Let's could you imagine Jim Henson just with two weighted puppets, Like you.

Know, these fucking puppet bros. They stick their hand them there and they don't even ask permission. Why is there a museum of puppetry in Atlanta?

Is Jim Henson from Atlanta?

I don't think he is.

Actually, that was like the weird part of it is.

No, there's one up in Seattle too, though I remember seeing it up in Seattle.

My follow up question is why is there a puppetry museum in Seattle? Well, I just I think it was just coming through when I saw it. Up there, Okay, an exhibit because I saw it in la when it was at the Getty. Well, yeah, I think it moves like I saw like Beaker, and I saw the puppets as well. It was very cool.

Well, this museum is a permanent installment in Atlanta.

It's very cool.

It's just one wing of it is dedicated to Jim Henson and they have a ton of like sick relics. But then the other wing is like puppets throughout history and of the world, and those are mad interesting too.

But there must be a huge puppet market down there and something that's probably in its.

Roots a lot of puppet bros. Yeah, Hotlanta, I don't doubt it.

That's cool.

The puppet bro scene is totally as Kyle would say, vibro in Atlanta.

It's just like lifted trucks and freaking just lots of fel just tons of felt in google eyes.

Puppet nuts. Huh yeah, lifted trucks and puppet nuts.

Right bro. I love your Gonzo.

Gonzo was sick too. I'd love to do a scene with Gonzo.

Yeah, oh yeah, Oh my god, I'd love to do a scene. Oh so what is your you go to a movie. What is your go to.

Went to a movie today?

What I feel like that is the one where you you always kind of picked the same thing because I get the same.

Oh yeah, I got for sure.

Yeah I don't.

I don't like to eat at the movies. But you snack? You snack?

Correct, What do you mean nothing, I wouldn't.

I don't like to. You're not snacking. I will say this, I have, but I don't. I definitely don't get a drink because and then you got to take a piss and you're sitting there for the last twenty minutes in the movie and you're just like go and then it's fine if you miss you know when to leave? Yeah you know? No, no, no, there is a website that tells you, like when to go to the bathroom. You guys know about that. Really, it's like, if you go right now, you can feel it out. I don't want to. I want to give myself to the experience, all right. I don't like getting the popcorn butter on my finger. It's just it's too messy. You've already touched, bro. If you're in a public movie theater, the dirtiest place in the world, your feet are sticking.

Okay, I like this lesson last the more you were just like, I gave myself the experience.

I'd co signed it.

Really, that's the dumbest thing I've said so far. Oh oh wait, hey, well it gives himself to the experience.


I mean, you know, you want to just really concentrate on whatever movie you're watching.

Okay, sure, but that's it.

I don't want to be chewing and like chewing.

Yeah, if you get sour patch kids, yeah, blake, what do you mean chewing? You have to chew your food.

Good luck chewing a whopper and having no one know about it. Wrinkle crinkle, Yeah, I don't know. But what do your guys go to?

Go ahead, I get a medium sized soda. It's half uh doctor pepper, half Coke.

Zero, and there we go. That's my guy.

Fuck with that crushed ice, small popcorn and large one of those very expensive to sawny waters, just to have it, just to treat myself.

You get soda, wash your hands, you pour it over your hands during tons of liquid.

I double down and I pissed three times throughout the movie. If it's an eighty minute movie, I'm pissing three times. I'm pissing so much.

I'm not worried about the peepee during the movie. I'll just run out pee come back. Yeah, it's not a big deal.

That's these are way too expensive to be missing even a second of the fuck.

Right, And if you run into a front of the bathroom, oh yeah, and then your chit chat or if you have to rub one out, what's happened? You should we go outside into a selfie next to the stand up. I mean, like these things you can't.

Yeah, sure, the peepee turns into a poopoo and the next thing we're in there for.

A while, we'll see the poopoo could come out during the movie anyways, in which case you would have to go take care of it. You can't just hold in the poo poo.

You can, I can hold it a poop poo.

I can't.

I can't. I have to.

I feel like, no, I feel like I have to hold in the poop.

You can't hold it a poop poo. I can hold that way longer than a peepee.

Me too, really, No, if I have to poo poo a thousand hours ago, poo poo.


Wait, you guys are better at holding poop in than pepe.

Absolutely, dude, it's so much easier to hold a poop poo in than a.

Peep because because the poopoo just backs up the peepee, there's nowhere it can't go anywhere. The bladder's fall. Yeah, you don't drink coffee. This is true. Coffee, that is true. I drink a lot of coffee.

Coffee, and you can hold your poopoos more than your peepe's.

You should see it. I would love to. I can hold my poopoo for days if I had to.

Excuse dude, that seems like that's unhealthy.

That's you're backed up, bud. You got to clean out them pipes.

It is unhealthy. And I don't practice anymore. That practice practicing holder.

We're talking about practice? Oh yeah, did we talk about this once upon a time? Did you used to see how long you could go without shipping or was that one of your home That's not I did have, Sorry, bro, No, that's not me.

If anything, I think the more fun thing would be like how many ships did you take today?

Well, it's not it's that's not a challenge as much as it is fun. Are we talking about a challenge?

Yeah, It's a fun thing to do with friends, you know, like a fun like game.

To play with Did you poop again? Yeah? Me too?

Bathroom up today.

This day is the legendary. Let's live stream.

It so much, so much chilly chili and coffee all day long.

Did that TikTok? Don't take a ship challenge. That's gonna be hot.

But you have to dance. You have to dance.

You have to dance. You have to do like weird claps and jiggles with your hand.

It's so good. I claps and jiggles with your cheek. I'm gonna put out one of those uh skinny ways, pretty face and a big bass, and I'm just gonna clap my butt cheeks in front of the camera. I'm gonna do one of those. Dude, I could get it. I think maybe we got to do one for that butt challenge that we had to each other back in the day. Yeah, if you're just joining us now, and we said who had the best, But I think we gotta do the skinny ways.

Pretty Face universally was known as me.

I feel well, that's not what I said.

Pretty Universal.

Now that we're on YouTube, I feel like we could really get straight to the source.

If we ever have guests on this is important. We have to have the most important guests.

And by that you mean Joe Biden.

No, I mean yeah.

Yeah, I got you. I'm with you.

Well, then we would be kind of that's kind of what Tosh point oh did. If we could shout out to our brother in arms.

Let's give him flowers, right, let's give Tosh some flowers.

Did we come on after Tosh ever, we'll call it yeah, yeah, yeah, we did. We would do that absolutely, yeah, yeah that he was a great, great lead in Yes, he was.

We would hold his audience.

We did. Let's be clear, though, plenty of other shows had viral video like concepts where it's like, let's watch this and ridiculousness much I know, but he actually he actually added to it, like he makes it better, you know what I mean? Yeah, right right. I can't say the same for the rest of those shows.

Okay, dang bro.

Right, Tosh was very funny. I'm not saying I won't. I'm saying I can't.

He physically can't.

Didn't. They have the surfer on and that was cool? What that guy? Yeah?


And then he just and then drop right in.

Well, now that we're so deep into internet culture, there are so many great videos from the past and present and they just coming. I love the Internet.

It rocks. Yeah, you can't be it. Love you content.

Did you guys see this thing on the internet? This content of Cardi B. And she's being interviewed by Jimmy Fallon and Jimmy Fallon goes, what is if it's up and it's stuck?

What does that mean? What is up and stuck?


I didn't click on that.

Yeah, And she goes, well, you know when you poop and and it won't come out.

Yeah, uh huh, yes, I'm listening.

Then it's up and it's stuck. And Jimmy Fallon's face was just like diary. I mean, it was like, is that what she's talking about the song?


And if and if that is true, First of all, funniest thing in the world that she's just talking about constipation in a song.

But it's like also so funny.

That like people around the world are like in the club like shaking their ass two.

When it's up and it's and it's stuff.

I thought you were saying, when it's up, then it's up, Then it's up.

I don't know. This is what the video said.

Man, I don't know.

I don't know.

I don't even know what song that is. But I would say, like when it's up and it stuck, it's like when you got a boner and it just won't go down. Sure, then you put it in your belt. Luke, here comes Cardi b.

Yeah, but then why is Cardi b rapping about that? She she doesn't have a boner because she's here to take care of it. Oh, she's going to take care of the boner, all right, Yeah, I hope.

I assume so for her. Whoever, what's whatever? I don't know. Quavo, yeah, Quavo on don't off very up and down. Yeah, But she's the one saying this, right, she's interpreting her own song. That's what she interpreted it to Jimmy Fallon, sais about constipation? Well she?

I mean, I'm assuming she wrote it with those with those lyrics. I don't think there was a ghostwriter writing about constipation for her.

That seems like, yeah, but there might be a ghostwriter at Jimmy Fallon, who's like, hey, it'd be funny to say this, right, true? True.

I don't know if if they're if they're pitching shit jokes on Jimmy Fallon.

They're like, hey, do you want to do this? This could be funny. She's like, okay, cool, that is funny. It's a disgusting I do see that. Like if you're not a comedian, like you come in, they're like, hey, do you have any stories? And we have stories and like they go great.

So many stories. God damn our story card.

B oh gosh. Which, by the way, Okay, Blake, let's what's up, Blake? I was on Ellen? I did the Ellen Show. Let's give you your flowers? Who I've always thought you were funny and you deserve to go on Ellen? How was it? It was terrible?

Okay, I am honestly talking about substances.

I am about to fucking fall off the wagon.

Take a take a meloton that's a sleeping answer, yeah, and.

Hans her sleep and ancer?

Should we take five? Should we just take a little break here?

And I mean we all know that what I what I say, sipping on every night, which is a z a zequil.

You're still doing this, Oh boy, A cup of zequill mixed with some soda water.

Do not try this at home.

It's my night night. I have it every night.

This is thirty eight. Are you gonna make it to forty? Come on you still, dude, Adam, hold on no, because this is crazy.

This is thirty eight. Fucking look at me, dude.

I'm worried about the inside, not the outside. Outside is great, very kissable.

Thank you.

Tell me again?

What the what the concoction is? It's been a while since we ran down this, I think.

Okay, it is.

It is a disgusting happening.

It is ze quill, the purple flavor.

You know, so z quill is where you're asking your liver to work overtime.

It's not niquill. It's not niquil.

Yeah, okay, And it's non habit for me, although I do have it every night.

So I've got down to a sign.

Yeah, although I can't go to sleep unless I have it, okay. And so that I put I put it in a like a candle of quaw over ice, you know, like a lemon, the quaw over ice, and I mix it together and every once in a while pull O vodka in it.

You know.

You know that's lean. You're just drinking lean.

Yeah, you're you're purely making like homemade like moonshine lean.

That's not lean.

It's not lean. It's a softened lean. It's it's like over the counter lean.

Right, it's a little slant.

Because you can't get lean over the counter anymore.

Can't get lean over the counter.

But the ze quill But I bet you the the product that's in it, though, is just named something else and got a different distribution channel, dude.

And I'm not I'm not like, I'm not drinking half a bottle. I'm doing what the amount that they say to do, the one scoop.

If you're sick, it's it's supposed to No, no, No.

Ze quill isn't is just for sleeping.

Quis a sleep aid o.

Nike will is if you're sick. And I've tried that too, believe me, and it's it sound as good. The Zeque's actually pretty tasty.

Sorry, just adam. You can drink an entire bottle of that stuff and it just does not kick in. Well, what's you say, vodka sometimes? Is that real, ma'am? Or are you hitting the vodka every night? No, it's every time, No, it's not every time. Yeah, that's what I want to know, I want to discern this.

It's not every time.

This is not every time.

Not every time.

I mean, this guy goes to Metallica shows, dude, of course he's going for it.

It's not every time.

So tonight what I'm doing because you know, I gotta wake up at five am tomorrow right.

For work, six or seven of these things. Oh my god, how are you going to get up?

That's why I'm gonna take the melatonin, because I gotta fucking get down.

Oh my god, Oh my god.

Yeah, we gotta, we gotta hit our z's mean, kai guy, I gotta go night night. We're on the East Coast for real.

Yeah, but aren't you worried about getting up into how you feel in the morning when he's sluggish because there's coffee?

No, no, no, And I am drinking a lot of coffee in the morning.

Oh my god, your poor body is Like.

What I do? Is I exactly? I wake up, I have a pre brew pot.

I just hit the little button, I take my shower, I chug one cup of coffee. Then I have three venty iced Starbucks until lunchtime.

Then I have lunch.

Then I have a red Bull mixed with a Lacroix. That's my afternoon, go juice, and then usually maybe two diet cokes to round out the day. And then I come home.

You still have fucking diet cokes. You're still doing that. I can't do a diet coke. I'll get a heart burned.

Your heart must look like Freddy Krueger's face.

And then I come home. Then I take pre workout, Then I work out, learn my lines?

Uh, you do pre workout at night? Pre workout is what's the what's that?

After I go home, it's caffeine. And then I do that.

I work out and then usually like learn my lines while on the bike or whatever whatever I have to memorize for the day.

And then and then you know, take my lane, right, take my night night and go to bed.

That is so much caffeine. Why don't you skip skip the skip the workout, the pre workout when that felt like one you could get rid of.

But because then I won't go work out, like I don't. I just don't have the energy after you know, after working and all them.

Are you sure you don't have the energy? Are you sure after all the the potions?

Yeah? And I don't do it. I know I do. I do do it every day.

Are you sure you actually don't have the energy? That's my question, because I know, Bro, you fucking go. You don't need this ship. You're a divine, divine run at a high octane no matter.

Do Bro, Yeah, we do, Thank you, thank you? And this is how this is it.

This is how it would work on me an intervention with just a lot of compliments being like, I know I do.

You're good, You're good.

You don't need it, but no, I do.

And then you kind of dodge it. But I'm gonna keep doing it.

Well, gotta keep doing You don't, though, Bro, you don't. I mean, I know, I'm on the grind too. It's fucking tiring. I get it, Bro, I get it. Kyle, you're working out, No, but I mean this whole fucking wake up kind of life, Yeah, wake wake up.

What Kyle means by the grind, he means he's waking up. Yeah.

Instead of like trying to make like a really good movie for like the next movie that we do together, besides the work alics movie we should do, we should just get a hold of like sci Fi channel and go, hey, we'll make your fucking silly little Sharknado disaster disaster movies, because that seems so damn fun to do.

I mean, the Sharknado movies get like fucking twenty million people watching it.


Hey, maybe wait too, what about fucking let's make kroctpus?

What's croctpus?

Is that an eight arm alligators connected together? Eight crocodiles? Kroctopus? Bro let's go, are you coming up with that right now? Right now? Yeah, you just came up with croctopus. That's right now, that's it. Are you fucking serious, ractile? Oh no, no, hang on a second, hang on, I want to.

The bottle Kyle that would sell in the room. Dude, if you, if you, if we went.

To I just you just made that up. Bullshit. I just made that up. Bullshitt. Believe what do you want me to swear on? What do you want me to swear on anything? What do you have around you? Fucking cup of coffee? Swear on it?

I mean, we could do this all day and we can sell this in the room.

I love kroctopus, bro, let's do it. Are you seeing it as something like eight.

Head volcano volcano beaver and it's just a volcano that.

Gesture roughs beavers.

Wait, adam hanging onto the bottom of this, did you just make that up? No way, volcan, There's no fucking way.

Volcane beaver.

You guys got together before this and hey, I got one hurricant.

You tried to be mad.

That's guess what sold in the room. Hurri Cats sold in the room.

Dude, snake dog dog dogs. Every day we're.

Gonna have to pass.

We're going we just stop at volcanoo beaver. We have one budget, we have one purse, and volcano peper volcano beaver.

Vulcan volcano beaver's got legs?

Man, is there a de there? No one knows that. No one should know. Man.

The beavers that can swim in molten lava and they like are like lava.

And then when it erupts, it erupts, and uh, then there's beavers just every piss.

They're piss because they've just been in lava.

They he bothered either way, this is probably how they do it.

Like the executives are like, is it like a beaver that can swim and lava? Like yes, absolutely absolutely, And can these beavers like come out of lava and bite through anything.

Yes, yes they can because.

They're the molten lava. Toughen them up exactly. And uh right right, yes, that's right.

Where did fragle Rock come from? Is that Muppet Babies? Fragle Rock was an HBO.

Show, Jim Henson, but it's a completely different show.

Were they in the show as cartoons? Uh? Skeeter was kind of he looked like one of those Fraggles, But no.

And his his sister, Frago Rock was my ship.

I loved Frago Rock.

Now you look like a Doozer.

Yeah, I look like a Bulldozer.


D That's where it came from. You named your wizard rap character. I mean, you met a wizard rapper named Bulldozer and you guys hit it off.

So I'm I'm writing my vows right now for the wedding. Oh yeah, right now. So if I look distracted.

I want you to be the Fragle to my Doozer.

It did. The first draft of it was like a lot of references to the wizards. Uh what do you mean?

I've since toned it back and pull those references out. Wow, this is why you should do a few drafts of your vow so you don't just come in real hot.

I gotta asks what and why were these references? Was it wizards never die much like love?

I mean that was the end. I swear to you. That was how I was gonna end it.

And then I was gonna start it with uh to quote Chloe's favorite two thousand and six seminal hip hop rap syndicate from Another World, The Wizards poof pow surprise, what's with your eyes? I'm so hypnotized and I still am, And then and then go into the vow and then end with as they say, motherfucking wizards never die much like our love.

I love you, Chloe, and.

You can't.

Yeah, all right, I'm glad we're talking about this. I'm glad we're talking this through. Yeah, this is good.

So I wrote that draft and then and then gave it, gave it a day, slept on it.

Yeah, and then came back and looked at it in the morning light and was like, ah, no.

When you say morning light is like after you sobered up?

Did you write it very drunk?

No? Not drunk. Haven't drank for like over a month.

Okay, Okay, I don't like he there you go.

Yeah it sucks. Actually I hate it.

It sucks. What happens? Why are you doing it? Then? Are you trapped? Are you trapped? Yeah? I mean good for you. A month is a month is.

A long time ago.

We're out drink a drink.

Yeah, So I it was.

I had it was like the bachelor party and everything, and then like a few other things where I was just like kind of drinking and eating a lot, like a pig, and I was like pushing two hundred pounds and I look at them and I'm like, Jesus, I'm five foot eight. I can't be two hundred pounds. That's a big fucking boy.

And I'm like, man, I got a wedding.

I have this movie, The Outlaws that I'm going to be shooting right after the wedding.

So I'm like, I gotta roll right into that. I got to tighten up the game.

Well then you got Toto it. Yeah.

So I did that, and then and then this week I was like, you know, two weeks ago, I was like, I might have a drink or two, you know, but you know, really tighten it up two weeks ago. No, but a month ago I stopped there. And then two weeks ago I got COVID.

Oh, COVID. We hold the hold. Yeah, so you knew that. We talked about that the other day.

But uh yeah, So then I got fucking COVID and actually like, and I'm vaccinated, which is fucked up breakthrough breakthrough and and everyone that I've heard that has had a break through, uh they were like, oh it was nothing, dude. It was like it was in and out of my system in a day. It fucking knocked my ass to the ground. For like three days. I had a fever. I was like, all fucked up. Today is my tenth day. I'm ending my quarantine today and I'm fine, finally, Like I'm finally fine.

Oh my god.

I did hear On the same day I heard about you, I heard about another friend of mine in New York who's a writer, and he said him and his wife had a breakthrough case and it knocked him down.

For three weeks master post vaccination.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm so glad that ours wasn't that bad. And we're both testing negative and everything already, so that's that's a good thing. But I was for a minute, I was like, am I gonna have to cancel the fucking wedding?

Like after everything terrible.

This would be a goddamn nightmare.

So dude, that would been crazy. I would have kept those tickets and still gone just to kind of celebrate for you, you know, I know.

I know every everybody would have. Everyone would have and we've already paid for everything. And I was like, talking to Cloy, I'm like, how do we get our money back, especially for like the booze. I'm like, because the fuck, you know, it's like a lot of money for the bar tab And I'm like, well, they're not just going to throw away the alcohol.

Yeah, alcohol stays good, Oh for sure. It's days. So you're saving up, you're gearing up for the wedding. That's when you're gonna kind of break the seal.

Yeah, basically. And also just like.

I wanted to get better, so I'm not gonna even though I felt fine the last four or five days, I didn't want to then like slide back into sickness because I just wanted some delicious ashlands.


So now you're like, you're like vaccinated and you have the antibodies, so you can pretty much go anywhere, you know what I mean?

Right that it works?

Yeah, which, Yeah, so I'm I'm I'm hella strong now.

But you you were like fairly good about wearing your mask and ship and like and being safe for it.

I think it was are we on the Air?

I got it? I think I got it on are we Recording?

So Dur's you went into an actual movie theater?

Were you yeah?

Were you scared or what was the vibe?

What do you mean you haven't been to a movie yet?

Now, First of all, I'm always scared in the hitter, and that's half the rush.

Wait, you go to every shitty dive bar in Los Angeles.

US are sanitized? Oh they are. No, that's so much freakier than a movie.

I used to work at a movie theater. I know how they clean those theaters. They don't do ship this is.

My point point.

Okay, but you're just sitting. You're not like spitting in other guys mouths, like I know you do it all those West Hollywood bars that you.

I definitely don't do that. Welcome to the Kissing Club.

We're sipping tea on this episode.

Nobody was really in the theater. I mean they're probably like eight other people, super spread out. Okay, oh my god, get out of there and get out of there. That's not good. I saw Dune.

Okay, Oh how hot people are saying they like it?

Is it long? It's it's long. Uh, let's just say I'm not chunking.

Oh your face isn't frozen. That's just the pace you're making about the movie. Yeah, well there's Are you a sci fi guy?


Or well? He loves Avatar. It's like his favorite movie of all time.

I'm like, why, Yeah, why is he even asking me Adam today? Dude? South together weird?

Yeah it might it might be this the Southern heat.

I mean, what the fuck? Do I like sci fi? You like Avatar? That's it. You don't like any other he likes. Kyle like dren He likes drenn bro that's kind of sci fi.

Show him with it and we passed the mic to Kyle.

I just don't like the old Star Wars movies. I just wasn't a fan of Star Wars Star Wars back in the day. Star Wars.

Well, you watch the wrong movie Star Wars to have them. Uh so you don't like Star Wars, you like Avatar. You aren't a huge fan of Dune. Have you seen the old Dune?

I'm like that Oldune's fine, it's not like remarkable.

I don't I didn't see Dune. I don't know what this movie is about. Like, and the commercials don't do anything for me. They don't explain what the fuck the movie's about.

There's nothing to we do commercials for it.

I know, I've done yeah, I've read commercials for I have never I have no idea what it is, dude, I'm just saying word.

This movie was like act one of whatever the story's going to be. It was just like a slow build to the end, and then when the credits hit, I was like, okay, there's there's not another hour. And it didn't resolve for you. No, it was That's the whole thing though, that now it's like everything's a TV episode. I hate that. I hate it.

What is the movie about? Because from the commercials and the trailer, it just seems like they're just on a sand dune and that's basically it's just like, really sandy, that's it.

That's what it's called, dude.

I know.

Do you remember MTV MTV sand Blast or it was a beach blast sand blast?

I don't, but how are you going to connect?

It was like American gladiators, but like on the beach with like, oh yeah, I kind of do. Remember they had like the launch pad thing that they would jump off of.

Yeah, that shit was hot.

It sounds great, sound like something I would have loved.

Yeah, it was worse than that. Oh and.

You have a track record of actual terrible interviews?

Was this like actually terrible?

You have a track record of terrible interviews?

He does?

Yeah, he does.

What the fellas are referring to is I did do an interview the day after the Warriors won. I had to do some press for Dope, this movie Dope that I was.

In NBA basketball team, the Warriors NBA Championships.

Yes, yes, And it was the first time they had one, and I went really crazy. I went all in. I ended up like sleeping in my garage, like passing out on the floor of my garage.

Which is where he normally sleeves. So that's not that big of a deal.

Right, Kevin kan sleeper, Yeah, accustomed to that.

But I had to wake up at like six am, and I thought the drive was a little longer to the studio I was going to be doing the interview in, so I thought I had like thirty to like collect myself.

Wait, okay, and did you so first of all, you drunk drove to this interview because no, I was picked up by a car Okay, okay, okay.

Yeah, yeah, but I thought I was going to snooze in the back in the back seat, but I didn't. I got there in like seven minutes.

It was very close.

Yeah, and they put me right on Live with like this news guy in Cincinnati.

Oh yeah, he fucking skewed dude. Oh yeah, you weirdo. He got you, you fucking weird.

F this perspective. I don't know that I've heard Blake to I didn't know you only had seven minutes to get ready, bro.

He's only told the story and counselor Oh yeah, we were in we were in the writer's room like the next to the next day.

I remember you telling this dude.

I was so fried, and he was asking me about the movie, and I'm kind of stumbling through the interview.

You were doing an interview for Dope, the movie that you.

Were yeah, yeah, promoting Dope. Yeah.

Well, because there was hell of like radio silence when they were playing clips, You're like, well, it's about He's.

Like explained the movie and then they're showing you know, I think that they they were showing clips of the movie, and you.

Know how we get into trouble right since to daddy, right, don't say Cincinnati man. Yeah, well, I mean, let's just we're gonna cut to it now and we're back.

I feel we have to post we have to post this on the on the on the gram, we have to post this content.

I end up dropping an F bomb.

They end up cutting.

He's like, oh, okay, that's your language. We're gonna just cut this short. Yeah, you flipped on him, and you flipped on him right there, I remember out.

And then and then they were like, uh, usually when we have actors stars come on, they're very polite, they're put together, sometimes not, and we.

Are apologized for his language.

That's live, that's live. Hey what dude.

But I also think you must have been filming Adam. I think you're filming Mike and Dave, because literally the next day that that interview came out, it's the only time that zach Afron has ever hit me up. Zach Evron like text me like that's right from an unknown number. It's just like, hey, dude, this is zach Evron. I just watched your interview epic dude.

I know he loved it. I actually do remember. I thought we were in the work halls writer's room, but no, you were right. I remember being in the UH.

I think Isaac sent me the clip and he's like, look at Blake on morning Morning radio or morning news.

Legend made.

And then I was in the the makeup trailer and I showed Zak and he loved it.


So I've been around people with COVID before, but then now I think it's just because I was so run down from like the stress of like planning the wedding, my dad having you know, brain radiation, all the shit, all.

The other dad blaming your father. Yeah, cool, it's most of your dad's fault.

Yes, I'm it's my cancer riddled father all that stuff, and it's his fault.

That sh It's important. So I think I think it was that, and then it just it just fucking hit me.

That's wild. Did you have so fever or cough like flemmy long, wet long, Oh.

Dude, I had everything. I had one all the symptoms.

I was like, I don't know what they are.

I was I I had a bad temp.

It was like one hundred and two or something.

Dude, big temperature, big hot.

So hot. I had chill.

That was a big hot. That's a big hot. Did you have a big hot?

I had a big hot.

I had a headache for like days and days and days.

I'm still like pretty tired. I'm just like tired of a squirt.

The diarrhea was unrelenting, the trot and it only lasted for one day. But it was like cause I was like, I'm gonna ship my pants. I'm going to ship my pants. I'm just like I watched five seasons of Friday Night Lights. That's all I did. I just I just turned my brain off and just watched Friday Night Lights like a week straight.

Yeah, but but I'm back now.

Baby solid poops. Good job, buddy.

Hell it's almost too solid now.

Tell me about it. That's my problem.

After hearing you say, I wish like they made masks that had it where they would tell you if when you have encountered like I want to. I just want to know my stats, like how many times I've been around COVID like with a mask or whatever, and I've avoided it and I've dodged the bullet it's just like always dozens of times yeaheah, just like in Starbucks.

Because you know you've gone out to bars and restaurants and stuff. If you're around a certain amount of people, you're around COVID.

Yeah, around COVID is my friend.

And especially I was in the South.

I was in Charleston, South Carolina, right, and there's a lot of unvaccinated people in South Carolina, and uh, you know.

I know for a fact I was. And I was like, am I superhuman? Because I hadn't gotten it yet?

That's a well what's your blood type?


Because that was a rumor I heard, oh negative? Yeah, I heard a rumor swirling that like, oh negative is like immune, like you're you can't get.

Yeah, that's really yeah, that's a positive? What about oh positive?

Am? I you could get it easier? Actually, yeah, you can get it extra it.

Might be dead. You're probably a go. It's easier for me to get it. It's easier.

Yeah, I don't know for what I heard. It was oh negative. I don't know about oh positive, but oh nag.

You shouldn't be a lot.

So you have dispelled that rumor because you got it.

Well, I got it I think I was just like I was exhausted, dude, that that last week, I was like having a hard time switching in the night's. One night I got one hour of sleep, and then it was like three or four days that week where I only got like three or four hours of sleep. So I think I was just like if I if I wouldn't have gotten COVID, I would have just been regularly sick.

So I just got that, dude, I.

Did, right.

I did hear something the other day where if you smoke a certain strain of sativa, Okay, yeah, it coached the lungs and it blocks it.

There's gonna be a cool CDC like warning before this.

Yeah, and we're gonna put a link to that. What I'm guessing is the university research.

I'm gonna say Allegedly Buddy on set told me about it.

But allegedly he said he.

Read one Humboldt College, right.

Yeah, exactly, it's all nor Cow's like, yeah, put it out, Yeah, hey bulldog from props.

Yet it's e forty community college.

It's cookies or better, right, Adam, how long have you been only seeing the set doctors, like since we started Workaholics?


Ten years a decade now.

So you've gone a decade now doing lean every night and all this shit, and then you haven't gone to a real doctor.

No, I'd say, I started doing uh this, this doctor comes over you smoke out. Yes, She's like, no, I've been doing I've been doing the zequel every night for three years now, four years, eight five years, something like that happy bird.

So wait, so you go to you go to this doctor, the little industry doctor, right, but you haven't gotten like a legit physical from like a practicing physician that.

The doctor's practicing is practiced like a blood test and shit like have you remember, like like I'm saying, like the whole nine yards type shit, No you're not.

You don't have to do that stuff to your forty dude, it's science. Well, when you have to start doing it.

I would agree. Your heart is one thousand years old right now. Though the caffeine is you know, like age, age is a number or whatever, Like I mean, there's seventy year old dudes that are in the same shape as me right now.

You you don't drink caffeine. Is is caffeine bad for your heart?

I have been wondering this, like caffeine's hella, good for you, dude?

What is the do you know what the health uh issues are?

No? No, no, he doesn't know.

I don't know. But like I remember, Adam was drinking monsters all the time. The doctor was like, well are you drinking caffeine? He was holding a monster like, obviously it's not good for your heart because it raises your heart rate.

Well yeah, yeah, because you're you're spinning it up, You're you're no matter what, the caffeine is taking your blood like your vessels and fucking constricting them.

That's what the caffeine does. Exactly, exactly, That's exactly what was sure.

Maybe that is what they're doing.

I don't know that's what happens. That's what happened. I think it speeds your heart rate up.

Is because the blood vessels are constricting. That's why, because you're still faying of pump blood through that.

Well missing it's science, like a motherfucker right now. Science.

When we started this podcast, we knew that it was going to be even more hilarious. After Adam's heart explodes and we go back and listen to these We've talked about this, We've warned this man we're back.

Yeah, now we're having a birthday episode and it's.

And guess what, Sometimes I bite off more than I can chew and I need a little go go to get me through the day.

I mean, we're lucky. I'm not like a cokette or something like.

If this were the eighties or something, I might be like a full blown cocaine, but I'm not.

You know, it would probably be a cautionary tale, fairly a different thing.

You would have been a cautionary tale in the eighties.

It's definitely different. It is way different than than coke. I'm drinking, uh you know, I'm drinking coffee and and you know, one Red Bull a day. I cut down to one sugar free Red Bull a day. That's pretty good.

Oh congrats, dude.

I remember how many Monster Energy drinks I was drying.

Four cups of coffee, one red Bull, a diet coke, and a pre workout Cokes and a pre workout and the anti equal and can don't forget can. Can is also a down or no, it's down. This whole story is a downer. Does all of that together equal cocaine? Yeah, that's my point. You might as well just on like three rails and then just yeah, it might be safer for you to pick up the coke habit and been way more cool.

Bro, Well, maybe maybe I get into cocaine then you know what you guys are.

Saying this Dude, that dude, Hollywood baby Adam.

I like that.

I like that for you.

I do think it's amazing that this is the new cocaine. Like this is like all the old like a fucking got on cocaine just gets through the days of this is the new version. Guess what. Not as cool, just just not as cool. You know, I'm saying you aren't cool. You're cool, thank you. This is not cool.

I feel h dude, cocaine sucks. You know, the handful of times I've done cocaine, it sucks. You feel so shitty.

You did a handful of cocaine.

I did a handful, I've I've done it a few times.

But I don't ball.

I don't like it. I don't like it.

I always feel like gross. The next day, you feel like you're sick. The next day.

It's like cocaine sucks up.


Yeah, I did it one time and like the next I didn't. I had no idea what the fuck I was, you know what I was in store for? And the next day I had to like go over to my dad's house and watch football, and I just felt like a dirty fucking sack of ship. I was just like this sucks. I couldn't sleep.

Wait before I do this line? What am I in store for? This guy? Just kidding.

In store for?

What am I in store for? Sir? No?

But I think even worse is like anytime you're at like a coke party or a coke bar, it's just like the vibe is just not for me. I'm purely just powered by Jaeger.

Cocaine is a different vibe.

Yeah, I feel the same way, and I'm sure it's even harder for you, you know, having like a young family and ship at home.

Dude. Yeah, with the six like saying good BUYE like my son just like I want to go with you. I want to go with you, And I'm like, dude, I want you to roll with me. You gotta do like in White Fang, where like he starts throwing rocks at the wolf so it goes away.

Oh yeah, those are the best moments any movie where it's a go on get situations make songs.

To like make it make you leaving like a fun adventure for him. My dad used to do that.

My dad used to go Dad's got to go to work to make a lot of money so he can buy Barbie dads and baseball cards for his the knees, and then he goes, yeah and do like the Robin Williams doesn't know how to do hip hop with with his hands dance.

That's why I never fuck with that guy.

Yeah, from this.

Down fire and he would do that stuff, and I'm like, well, fucking this sounds awesome.

You're gonna go away, and then when you come back, I'm gonna have like baseball cards.

I like that.

Very very rarely brought me baseball cards.

But oh way again, I like that.

I like making songs for children to make them deal with a hard situation.

I think I think I'm gonna use all my pitch perfect skills to uh be a song and dance man for these kids.

Dad got fired.

He don't stop the music. Music, Please don't.

Stop the Please stop crying.

Daddy just stopped fire. We're gonna lose the farm. Rain, please stop crying. Yeah, daddy just got canceled. Old pictures from Halloween. M stop working.

I over extended myself and the family up.

Good role, mom. We have too much overhead.

Need to beten on the hatches. Pictures of my nipples at work did not go well. My accountant stole my money. I trusted him with everything. Do you know who? Bernie Man? We're living in our car now?

This is a fun song.

What's you're sleeping in the back seat. I'm hunting squirrels for food, shower at the gym.

I've said traps, for traps, for rat ats, cooking them on the.

Radiator, for heavy bug short desert bugs.

Shit, things went down, caterpillar wins.

Caterpillar windsday, just one of those days.

Your daddy is a freaking oh man. It ain't easy giving it up. Give it up once on. Yeah, I believe in freakingism. Maybe what is what is free?

I don't know what fu you eat?

What's free? Like out of a dumpster? Exactly?

It's a free lifestyle and it's called freaks because it's free.

With a G.

This is like a last man standing storyline for sure.

With a G.


I'm asking how to say it. I've never heard this word before. You guys are.

Acting so you know how people say vegan, you know, you say bald.

Bald, So this is free good Yeah, yeah.

Okay, then you appreciate you just had to make it seem more legit, which is what happened with you. I said freakingism and you're like, what is this?

Is it a real thing?

Just a joke? Yeah? I mean it's a real thing that's been said out loud. Yeah, or do you think I just came up with it right now?

Did you just so you think I'll buy that?

In the room, people say it's dumpster diving?

Was did it have a resurgence? Like why was that like even something that was on our.

Maturen What is it swing dancing?

I could say? We're like, uh, we're you know, people are like, act you I live by this, I get everything, you can get everything from the dumper. Yeah.

I think it was a thing, you know, but you know, and then.

People are like a lot of people got really sick. They're like, you can't eat that? Do not eat that?

It was like an episode of Vice News tonight or some ship. And that's about it. Yeah. Yeah, I mean there's definitely there's definitely something.

There's definitely something to it. Like, yeah, you can find a lot of great ship in dumpsters.

There's something to it outside, like forage. I just don't know if I would like.

I don't like how strict is Freaganism, Like how strict? Like can you buy anything like or.

Not not if you're living that paganism lifestyle.

Strict freagan Yeah, Like how strict do they get?

Yeah, if you're a strict freagan you're not purchasing anything. I don't think zero you zero pain for or anything.

You get your electricity from the dumpsters?

No, you get your electricity from like the the plugs that are just chilling on somebody's wall. You just plug your phone in for a little bit there.

I believe Freaganism is just eating. I believe.

Really, do you think it's a dietary thing.

Well, it's if it's playing off veganism.

Yeah, to play on veganism. I think it's just trying to eat for free. I never even thought about that. I don't know, but I think that it's just about eating because now because now you guys are all making it.

Up, I mean, that makes the most sense and that's the grossest.

Yeah, I don't know.

Well, yeah, because we were describing like we were starting to describe homelessness.

It's I'm frigging houselessness. Okay, yeah, you don't. You can't say what you said.

Yeah, okay, sorry, O getting too charged over here.

It's called free range human, organic free range human. But you can't.

You cannot say homeless anymore. You have to say free can you can't.

Hey, you can say whatever you want, dude, that's true. Yeah, I just I think homeless is out and organic free range human is the new because it's because you know why, why organic free range human uncaged from uncaged human.

It's because, like the staying home is where the heart is, so you can't stay homeless because you got a heart that's beating, you.

Know what I mean? Why it's not cool. That's how I interpret this.

We do have to live by that saying that is on a wooden sign in my mom's house, right, but you have to live by every wooden sign in my mom's house. But you guys, now that you've all been there, can attest there's a lot of signs. There's a lot of signs.

I gave your mama sign. I brought a sign to the Best of party.

You did bring a sign. I want to think you sign?

What did the sign say?

I know what it said?

Yeah, what was it? It was like it's wine something wine.

It was dinner plus one line equals winter equals pretty good? Eh, pretty good.


I'm in Alabama right now, and apparently I don't know if this stat was last month or last year or something, but more people died than were born in this state, mostly because of COVID. And I was like, oh my god, that's terrifying. That's terrible.

That's really Scary's out there or what? Nobody's having babies?

Like, yeah, yeah, what's going on?

I think people were like they gave up fucking. Oh my god. Well that's the first thing we need to do is start fucking again.

Right, Yeah, how's the movie going, Jersey?

Uh, it's going.

How's it does? Bobby? Do you remember you?

Guys? I'm happy to report. Uh yeah, I'm doing a movie. I'm down here in Mobile, Alabama. Uh. It's a Sebastian Man of Scalco movie. It's kind of his like, not his life story, but a story from his life.

And that's why you're watching Sopranos. And in the Italian that's what everyone says.

And I was like, oh fuck, I feel like such a weird Uh. But no, I'm watching Yay and I don't know if that's a bad thing to say or not, so I'm not gonna repeat it.

An I don't know what it is.

Chris Pratt, motherfucker.

Fuck Hey. Uh, but we had like a table read before we started shooting, and Bob rolls in and we're all kind of like sitting around me, Robert de Niro, he's talking about Robert Denier, Robert de Niro. I know Bobby DeNiro plays Sebastians Pops and uh, they're like full on like Italian. It's it's great anyway. So he comes in, we're doing table reading. Everyone's kind of introducing themselves around the table. I'm like, hey, Amanda's I'm playing Lucky and he kind of leans over, looks at me and gives me the fingerpoint like hey, no way. Yeah, So guys, let's just say he remembered me. Forget about it, not an option. I love that you made an impact on You're kidding me, Bobby D. He didn't forget about it. He didn't forget about you. Hey. I got some nice flowers from him right here. I got some or kids, you're kidding me. He's a professional.

What a freaking class act?

Actually, you know what? And Adam knows this from doing The Intern. When you're in like the main cast, Bob sends you like a little letter that says break a leg with like like his from his stationery and stuff, and you're just like, oh, it's so cool.

Min framed.

Yeah, you framed me. Yeah.

I thought you were going to say he sends you a horsehead in your bed.

Oh my god.

So these are stereotypes that I'm sure he's been battling his whole life, and you're just kind of joking about him forget about me. But no, he is a class actor. And because he knows, he knows, like pretty exciting to work with me.

Yeah here, he's like, you're gonna want this?

Oh are you freaking kid?

Do you remember when he would like bring his cheese guy on the set of The Intern.

I just talked about it the other day. Yeah, he's got a cheese guy.

Yeah, he had a cheese guy would come on set that He's like he's like he'd come up and be like, hey, I don't know if you saw, but I got my cheese guy spinning some mozzarella, and he was like homemade, like spinning mozzarella like in the parking lot, and you come out and give you like little mozzarella balls on a stick.

Sounds on a stick or like a skewer, Yeah, like a branch, like a skewer, like a little skewer of mozzarella.

A branch. This is Bob we're talking about. Here's another weird thing. On his birthday, on the in turned his cheese guy came and he just had these giant plates of spoons full of rakata. Period. He's coming around and then I'm like, bro am, I for real about to just eat a spoon of rakatta, and people like it's pretty good. And I was like, all right, I'll grab one so I'm not like a jerk. Yeah, I eat it and instantly grabbed three more spoons. Yeah, don't go away from here. I'm like, it was so fun good with like a little dollup of you know, olive oil.

It was so damn good.

God stop, dude, that sounds so good. I want to get a cheese guy.

I remember.

I remember de Niro was he like he'd come to set and he wasn't in wardrobe yet and he was wearing his actual watch and we were rehearsing the scene before we all went into hair and makeup, and he had his actual watch and it was like, I forget what it was, but I like watches, and I mentioned that I liked his watch and I and I had my watch on and he was like.

Oh you like watches on, Like uh huh.

Oh, you like times.

Can't even tell my best friend andres can't tell time, But that's cool.

You do.

This is important. I'm gonna remember him. He can't tell time. That's memorable.

I'm gonna remember him.

I won't remember you forget about me.

I'm gonna forget about you. He goes, I'll give you my watch guy, and I like threw away the card immediately because I was like, there's no way in hell that I can afford de Niro's watch guy.

Yeah, Like there's no.

Way I would be able to afford a walk maybe maybe now I wish I had it. That was like, there we go, eight years ago.

Well, durs, can't you ask Adam if you can get in touch with his watch guy?

Yeah, please hook me up with de Niro's watch guy.

He's like, I don't know what you're talking about. I'll be like, hey, your watch guy.

He's like, I don't know who you're talking about, right, I never heard of him, not a fan.

Didn't anyone tell you. There's a huge black hole of my memory in that movie. Forgot about it.

The whole first half of the movie. I don't remember.

Oh there's your size twelve shoe, right, I remember that. Oh yeah, Hey, I'm going to my buddy Adam's wedding. You said you're going to your buddy wedding. I missed. There was like a part of that I couldn't I couldn't even hear.

It's like a bad drive through speaker.

Yeah, right, you're going to your buddy wedding. So I'm old, I have. I had tapes before that. So my first tape was Simpsons Sing the Blues. First tape. Yeah, after they did The bar Man my neighborhood that.

My aunt gave me all of her tapes. So, like, my first tapes were twelve Rick Springfield tapes.

Oh so your musical taste isn't band. That's cool.

Yeah, my aunt just like gave me like a ton of Rick Springfield tapes.

And wait, what is his big jam?

Do you know if I ever remember, I listened to it once and was like, you know this, I guess this isn't for me?

Is that Jenny I got your number? Or is that the outfields? Jenny I got eight, six, seven, five three or nine? Jesse Girl? Oh the saying is Jesse's girl. Oh, Jesse's girl. That's a great sauce. That was Jesse's girl. Yeah, dude, if that was in the bins, He's girl. How could a findo like that?

And then he gets a little nasty with it?

Yeah, that's that's a music. Was sweatier, right, there.

Was like a little didn't smell right, you know it was the cocaine, right, Yeah?

Does that have a smell?

Everyone had coke sweat.

Does cocaine have a smell? Yeah? You gotta smell, Yeah, you gotta just smell this. What's happening here? Hey, it's back.

Dude, urban legends. I thought that ship was true.

I don't know. I remember hearing that like the new kids on the block had like to get their stomach pumped from like jizz or something.

I feel like everybody, it was every every person was just getting their stomach pumped because they were swallowing too much jizz.

Right, like a girl at a high school down the road or whatever.

Yeah, we should start like an urban legend about our that actually happened to me.

I had to get my stomach pumped from too much jizz chizz. Yeah, did you guys know that?

I didn't know that. I didn't know that. That's awesome. You know why they dropped a best of this is important.

The guys had to get their stomach They.

All had to go to the hospital and get their stomach pumped.

From because they saw too much jizz each other. I think.

So it was like a gallon when they took it all out, it was like a gallon.

There's gallons of jizz that they like from each other. I think, yeah, I think, wow, that's a lot of jizz.

By the way, you're you're you're hearing these rumors and you're like eight, and you're like, it's called jizz. You're like, I think you understand, Like what it's a gallon of It's.

A gallon, So yeah, you could just go to the hospital from It's a thing called jizz.

Right, the dudes drink that much giz, so you're getting the best of.

I remember hearing one this is legit. One I heard in high school was that a kid like at the other school, he was eating so much pussy that like his the acidity. He like couldn't He woke up and couldn't talk one day because like it like burned his tongue.

Yeah, because the pussy was too hot. It was too fire.

That's why I see. This is when we need a doctor in the building. Yeah, that can or can't have because I don't know, I don't feel like that could happen.

Well, the classic one was Richer Gear, the urban legend of richer Gear getting his the gerbil stuck up his ass and you had to go to the the HR. To remove a gerbil up his.

H he had to go to the HR.

He had to go to the human resources at Universal Studio in.

The resources department. No, he had to go to the R.

Kind of evolved right into like it was like a tube and then it was a frozen gerbil, like a gerbil sickle.

Well that's because somebody was like, well, how did he get the gerbil?

Yeah, froze frozen.

This is important.

Oh no, well that was the that was the urban legend. It was like, no, they put it up there and then it squirms.

That feels good.

No, it squirms and it feels good, and then it finally dies and then you can't pull it out, and you're like.

Oh what you had the urban legend where the gerbil died due I think like the urban legend, is it froze it? You put the frozen one in the butt.

Yeah, it thaws out.

Oh I never heard it that was frozen.

You put the frozen one in your buddy thaws out, and that's when you start to feel it waking up, and then it crawls. What is a fucking encino man? Yeah, it just wakes up. Yeah, yes, this is it.

So wait, it came back alive after being frozen, right.

It was cryogenically frozen and you put it Hold up, what?

Let me just say this, this is the problem. Richard Gear. Richard Gear was so fucking hot somebody had to knock him down to peckers. Yeah, they were like, I'm gonna suck this.

And that's what happened to us when someone that started that rumor about us kidding our sommach's pumped from all from swallowing each other's a gallon of Yeah, that person that first started that that same person.

The person whose birthday may or not be today.

Whoever started that?

I don't know. Hey, either way, you're getting the best of and Adam, this is for you right here.

What is it? What is it? I see Adam's got a birthday today?

Who's that?


Shout out from my cousin Christ.

So many more on Channel for.

No. I actually was really curious about like what like saying homeless, Like why that became a bad word because I know it is unhoused now, but.

Oh it is.

Yeah, I've never heard that in my life.

Yeah, that's that's what people are rolling with now. That's the politically correct thing to.

What's cool is how Adam you could be kind of sensitive about it. Oh okay, like you go, I've never heard that in my life.

I mean I've never heard that ever. I've never even that. That is you've been working.

You've been working, You've been working at home. He's been working.

I haven't been in Los Angeles in a long time, an over over half a year. This is some new ship I'm catching up.

Come back Faganism and unhoused, that's right, welcome back.

Also is the exact same as homeless.

Yeah, well, it's not though, it's not. I mean, I'm not, I mean.

It is.

It's like saying like it goes back to sliding the d MS. It's just a we're trying to change it a little bit.

Yeah, it has negative connotations.

Okay, just a different spin.

Homeless means you're without a home.

On means you you don't have that, don't have a house.

A house, not a home a house. Those are two different things. I mean, that's who know, they're not not to me, right, I don't know.

Okay, yeah, well but.

That's what that's what we have to Uh, we have to realize that we're so charged. That's what we're supposed to be realizing right now. A home is where you hang your hat, you know what I mean?

A house is where you hang your hat. No like, but you.

Can hang your hat in places that aren't houses. That's what I'm saying.

What a tree, well sure, yeah, yeah.

Yes, you can put a hook anywhere and call that your home, but you can't call it a house.

Look, get hang on, I'm not going to say this. I'll say this. It's not any of our producers, but we have someone in our chat who's going drug addicts now called a substance use disorder. Hey, we're not trying to pile on people here, Okay, we're not going after people changing the words. He's like, you can't call it anything what it was. We're not doing that.

Just so, I was talking about this one thing of homeless versus unhoused and what the connotations.

Are sure because to me, yeah, I mean, I don't know. I didn't see homeless as like something mean to say. But when you say, like other places can be homes that aren't houses, that makes sense to me.

Yeah that's all right. But but but like there's a ton of people who don't live in houses either, And so what about those people who live in apartments or condos. We're just saying, fuck, yeah.

They you know, they live in apartment apartments or condos or trailers?

Are they on how Yeah? Well well that's what I'm saying. The semantics up it.

I mean, my uncle was homeless or unhoused, and uh, he just said he was camping for like three years. Well there you go. He was like, I'm camping.

In our driveway. Oh, there you go.

We were like, are you still camping under the bridge. He's like, yeah, I'm camping there down still for a while, been camping for a while.

Winning call him fucking campers.

Okay, yeah, that's kind of cool.

Yeah, urban campers, urban campers, that's not at all. Urban campers is a way cooler term than on.

Cells in the room right right there. That's it. That's sci fi. All right, Well that might be too good.

Damn been back for seven months and I come back, swing and get me in the fucking uh the room, City Council.

So there's some urban campers at the base of this volcano, and.

All beaver beavers shootout.

Start coming out of the volcanoes.

Volcane to beaver.

We call him volcan to Beaver. Quest one, unhoused.

Quest one, nobody believe one.

You're setting yourself myself up for the sequels with that one.

We have to you have to, Yeah, you have to because everything's commercial.

Man always pitch something with quest one. Yeah, question.

Well, that's that's like with Game Over.


We never really intended on doing a sequel, but we made sure that we had the option. Yeah.

Absolutely, you go to the door is open.

Keep those doors open for as many sequels as possible.

We even named it, right, Yeah, yeah, Game Over game Overboard.

Yeah, and then we we talked about doing a third one called game over Mom, where like the boat ends up crashing into Jamaica. That was Shaggy Yeah, and we get Shaggy. Yeah.

We never made the sequel, but we had this one third one.

Name Netflix is like cute.

Hey, guys, fake, can we promise that every movie that we do together, we you end it with, Uh, it's a possible sequel.

Absolutely, Yeah, as long as as long as Overboard is in.

The Yeah, that's a really good package. You got freaking game over Man, game Overboard, game over Mon.

Like that's huge. Game over dude. Oh it was game over Mom. No, but that that's comes that comes. I was buying that in the room.

No, that's that's the straight to DVD. Fourth one that none of us are in.

Yeah, that's the lower budget one. Yeah, that goes like a Lifetime movie of the Week. Yeah, where like this mom has to fucking like learn how to play video games.

Yeah, she's she's like she's a bro mom for sure.

That Yeah, it's the the true story of a bro mom. Yeah. Yeah.

After I put the kids to bed, I just go right into modern warfare and just tear ship out.

There's got to be a mom who does.

That, right, Oh absolutely, I hope so for sure.

But I saw Robert de Niro backstage at some award show and he comes through and I go, hey, Bob, and he stops and just looks at right at me, and I was like waiting for him to.

Be like, oh hey, but he didn't say anything.

And then I weirdly like stood my ground and didn't introduce myself, which is admittedly a weird thing to do, but I was just like kind of like you want a deer in headlights style, and I wanted him to go like, oh hey, how's it going, and then I'd be like.

Oh yeah, Adam the intern, remember, But he didn't do that.

He just stared and looked at me for I swear to you, like twenty seconds of just like looking at me, and then he goes hum and then walked away.

I'm sure it was like you do, but I felt like.

You get what you give. I'm gonna forget about goodbye.

And then Chloe was like was right next to me, and she goes, what what the fuck was that? And I'm like, I don't know, I don't know what just happened to her.

You've ever be getting out all your forget about it jokes here because you bring those to said, de Niro is gonna crack up too hard. I heard his tummy.

I do not say around de Niro. We don't know what it means. We don't know what it means.

I'm not gonna say gobble gulls.

Well, now I'm trying to think if I had like unlimited fame or and money, not that it unlimited money, but like, what kind of guy would I have with me?

Like a cheese guy is such a specific, cool fucking flex. Oh dude, what a great pull.

Well, I think if you have starred in like ten of the biggest like mafia type movies of all time, you're just gonna have a cheese guy. The cheese guy's gonna find you and be like, hey, I'm your cheese guy. Now, anytime you need cheese, I'm your guy.

Because it's like he just brings you the spoon of rikatta and he's like, hey, man, I'll bring the spoon of ricatta anywhere you go, anywhere.

You're gonna love this. You're beating cheese guys away. There's so many cheese guys. It's like, well, I got another guy gotta weed through them. Look, if your priccada's better than that guy's ricotta, you could come with.

Me if this guy offends you, If this guy's a Gobba goool and of any at all.

Are you reading? Are you reading the Notes of the producer? Gobba gool is a nickname for pork, which I had. So you're just calling somebody. Yeah, so you're just saying food. That's a cool nickname. What's the little pork shoulder, little pistol starter.

I just watched The Saints of Newark last night, and I swear they were like saying Gobba.

Gool is, like you fucking idiot.

Yeah, it's like calling somebody a piece of maloney.

Yeah, in Gangs of New York, isn't he a butcher?

Though I didn't say Gangs of New York. Many Saints of Newark, which is the Sopranos.

Prequel, and we're back to it. We're back to it. It's the New York Newark thing. Bro, I just fuck click. When they're naming towns and cities. Who thought it was a good idea to be like, No, I said Newark. Actually it's different, And they're like because we already have a New York up here.

It's like right there, it's right there, And you said New Work. It's just right across the bridge, so it's really really close.

Oh you're New York, we're Newark.

I feel like you just said you were going to start a New York, but there already is one. I said, New Work.

No, no, no, no, I'm going to New York. It's a there's a G at the end. It's New York. It's right down the block.

Okay, Now the bit is different because that's not even a place. How do you know why he's ticking the confines.

Of the bit?

I refuse, I refuse one.

Of the confines of the bit. Blake doesn't color in the lines. Man, he goes, I can tell.

I see his shirts are all tied. He's a crazy boy.

Well, durs, how many other ways could we take a city by a city that sounds like a city but it's already there? Oh no, but I was trying to expand on the joke and go New York.

But then but then you might as well just go puke Dork. And it's like, hey, hey, that's funny, But puke Dork doesn't exist or do Yorg, Do.

Yorg, Do York when Mountain Dude takes over New York.

Okay, guys, how how improv works?

Is we yes and each other? I admit that New York was a stretch. Yeah and uh and I. We probably wouldn't have walked down that road if Blake didn't lead us down it.

But now that Blake let us down New York, I feel like we've got to walk down this road with it.

But Adam, let's all be honest. There is something very very satisfying and funny about every once in a while, just drop it a huge deny. Hey man, the crowd loves it.

You love the crowd loves it.

The crowd loves But you can take it deny and throw it right into right into fucking do York. And now come up with do premise, new premise.

What happens in the future, Hey Kyle, Kyle, Now you can't, no, dude, someone just crashed their car into that ship, So goodder.

I'll walk it down New York if you guys want, but all.

Give me a pork shoulder gobb I think it's baff on gool, not gobblegool.

Oh, Yeah, that's baf on gool. Yeah what is Maybe that's it?

What do we let me just preface? Yeah, I don't know what I just said, so please don't cancel me.

Right, you're going to get kicked off of the movie you're on tomorrow.

We're not hearing this. Yeah, this is in the ship.

He doesn't know, he doesn't know what it means. He's just saying it. He doesn't know that's what he's trying to say. It's okay, why are we doing?

We want boff? I'm not finishing it?

Oh, Italian wannabes okay, oh, perfect used by Italians to define Italian wannabes.

People that want that are posers basically, Okay, okay.

So that's blake. So that's that's what we're doing. That's what's happening right now.

Yeah, so where we are being a bunch.

Of gobbol We are gabba.

Guls and it's close to Halloween, so maybe I'm a gaba gool.

Yeah? Urs is that?

Okay? Can you kill that?

I thought it was fun, Like just being an old person, that's gonna be the most fun thing to do. You can get away with fucking everything right right?

Yeah, you could do can you put my mic down my pants? I'm old.

I'm just gonna take a piss right in the middle of home depot.

What yeah, are you talking about it in life or what are you talking about on a set?

No, I'm talking in life.


There's those toilets set up.

You just act all confused, like, oh, I thought this was the bad Yeah.

Oh, admittedly, like I feel like like you never take full advantage of your youth, and it seems like most old people don't take full advantage of just being old.

Right, Yeah, you can get away with.

Everything because once you get over like seventy seventy five, you can.

Do whatever the fuck you want to do.

People don't know you could well put together ninety you're just old.

Did I accidentally get in the wrong car and drive it away?

I mean, what was the Knoxville movie where he dressed up like.

How as bad Grandpa? No?

I think that was Robert d No.

That was dirty Grandpa, Bad Grandpa.

How is it not just a TikTok of somebody who like films their fun grandpa doing insane shit all the time.

There might be I'm sure I think that's out there. That's gotta be out there got to join TikTok to find out.

Yeah, none of us are plugged in enough to TikTok.

You guys gotta get on.

They're probably very famous. They're hosting SNL next week.

I just don't even know.

Yeah, absolutely, they're out there, the real dirty Grandpa.

What that was like right around the time that they had to stop like having like dogs be mascots for beers and ship because Joe Cambll because kids are like that's awesome.

Like Joe Camill couldn't be within like a mile. Hey, uncle, I picked up all this garbage so you could buy a sky Yeah dude, yeah bro Chaine wallet.

Yeah, so you can rep your addiction, okay, on your sleep.

I mean, but you would go through those catalogs and the gear was fucking sick. Oh my god.

It goes for a lot on emails, especially Marlborough.

Yeah they did. Whoever was doing that Marlborough gear.

Go back on some camel stuff. There's some sick tank top.

Should I, Oh my gosh, you want me to go back on that.

Treat yourself yourself a little peak at the camel gear.

I might take the night. I don't think I would wear cammel. I don't think i'd wear cammel. I know that I would fucking rock Marlboro, but I don't think I would wear camel.

It's a disgusting happen.

What are the what are the best I mean cool? What are the best cigarette brands? And where this is for people out there who are thinking about getting into smoking. Yeah, yeah, you don't want to make a false step. You want to do the right thing.

Do you think smoking's ever going to come back? Do you think it'll be like almost retro to where people will be like, you know what, fucking oh.

It will You're right, because you're be like, I'm off the vape, I'm onto like the old schools.

Yeah, the vape is corny, vape corn like vinyl.

You think it'll be like vinyl where people, oh, it just actually tastes better.

Yeah, it's like.

You're like us listening to our parents' records, and then for our generation it became cool to like collect records. That's what That's what I think is gonna happen with cigarettes or every like no one fucking smokes anymore, and then in like twenty years, while our fucking little ship head kids are gonna be like, right, actually, I'm a smoker.

It's like people on old bicycles. You're like, congratulations, you know bikes are way better.

Now, right, Yeah, they're not sixty pounds each exact Specialized Hello, e bye, dude. I'm so bummed.

I got the Specialized bike and then I got COVID like the next day. So Specialized gave me this or gave us these super dope e bikes and uh, and I haven't even been able to really ride it because I got COVID and then now I'm I'm in it.

So is this a shout out or a slam kick off or is this like introspective?

They for sure gave me COVID. Now I don't think if anything, I might have gave them COVID.

Yeah no, I just I just realized that I have this sick ass Specialized bike and I haven't even gotten to ride it.

Yeah, you gotta get on that.

It's awesome.

Yeah, they're they're game changers.

Do they work in the snow? It's about to start snowing up here in Torontos?

On what tires you're.

Going to get them? Snow tires?

Hm, dude? Off road e biking in the snow. That's not kind of fucking dope as.

Zoom zoom baby.

What was the cigarette brand where it was like the pleasure is ours and it was always like people like outside on.

Our companion podcast too, this is important the pleasure.

It's cool. It's cool, that's cool. We were talking about No, it's new Parliament, new part. Yeah it was. It was green.

I know it was green, remember, And it would just be like it would be like people doing activities like sailing or see.

I love when they do that when it's like, uh, Michelo Ultra, it's like their.

Beer is people. Uh just like jogging and ship it right and you're just like all right.

Like no you're not. Yeah, yeah, I think fucking cool.

Used to do that ship with the ciggies and Newport used to do that ship with the Cigi's hardcore.

Yeah, didn't Newport. It was like they're always like sailine or some shit, it's Newport.

It was all water based activities. Yeah, there you go.

Yeah, you're you're out, you're having fun, You're you're getting lung cancer.

I love the idea of Virginia slims.

Oh yeah.

It was like longer, little thinner long you know. Yeah, I like Paul Malls.

Paul Mall, Yeah, like Paul Wall.

Yeah, I like Paul Wall's cigarette. You like Candy paint ripping, Yeah, and Trunk's waving grills.

There's something that I stumble upon every five years or so. Look at what I found, dude.

Oh dude, that's from.

Original chain wallet, mate.

Describe to the audience what you are holding up?

Okay, So so I've got my leather, smiley faced chain wallet. Ye, that I put just from hot topic and probably I don't know, maybe.

That ninety six, ninety five or ninety six.

Yeah, dude, Hey, it's pretty fly for white guys. I rEFInd this thing like every five years, I feel, and then.

Every time you refined it, I'm right there with you when you're like when you're like what I just dug out, and I'm like, oh, yeah, like a smiley face cool.

No, that thing is fucking sick cool. Are we getting Carls Junior or not? Did you guys rock chain wallets or what? Dude?

Yes, there's no way, durs did. He's a Muppet babies fan fucking rugrads boy rugrats.

Uh No, I didn't.

I had a hemp necklace chain wallet, which was even crunchy, Like the chain was hamp.

Yeah, the chain was hamp fuck it, I made it.

It was I was Wait, Kyle has hearing COVID.

By the time I was a senior in high school, I think I just really wanted people to know that I smoked weed. So, like I made, I had multiple hemp necklaces that I would wear. I had a bracelet, I had a hemp belt, and I had a hemp chain wallet.

Right, all right, just.

Letting people know, like this guy loves hemp.

But like hemp just being a product of like marijuana. Right, But you don't nobody smoked he.

No, no, no, you can't smoke the hemp. Right.

But you know if you if you.

Rock a lot of hemp, people are are gonna assume that you smoke weed.

And I think that's what I was going for.

Or you're just resourceful, that's true, Kyle.

Yeah, Like hemp people.

Have changed nowadays. Nowadays, it's like nowadays, if you're using it, you're like resourceful and fucking also smoking hell of weed.

Bro. Yeah, hemp hats changed. I guarantee you the percentage of people who have a hemp product ninety eight percent of them smoking weed. Yes, they believe in the plant. It's true. Two percent of them didn't know the thing they got from their son for Christmas was made of hemp. But he's just like, how do you like?



It's actually a candles do you shirt?

It's made a weed.

It's so but it's like, it's like he so Actually his grandma put on the scar made the Grandma's like, you could have just got me like CBD oil and that would have been fire.

And the grandma was like, I don't give a fuck.

I ri right pulls the fucking bowl out of her butthole. We hypothetically cool, grandma ripping Grammy. Yeah, bro, I have a ball in my butthole.

Huh, don't even trip, bro, I'm ripping bongs. H No, man, I didn't know that anybody who had an actual hemp chain wallet, but big up. I went straight to hot topic to get my dude.

You should have came with me and Mike.

How long was it? How long was it? Just? The question?

Pretty long? It went down to about the knee like.

Zoot suit style. That's the you don't want it to be long, right. The whole point is that that was it.

That was the thing, is like they there was when it was in style, like after Blake got that, people would people would connect chains together and do long ass change. Remember that, also fucking multiple chains.

We ain't talking titty boy. Is that why he got that name because he had a chain wallet?


Yeah, he had a watch.

Get a pocket watch and a chain wallet.

The Princess Bride is like everyone's favorite movie.

Yeah, I mean that's a great school movie, school movie. Yeah, you watch it in school.

When Harry met Sally rom a great school movie.

That every time it rained and you couldn't go outside, they put on what's it called.

Glory Hoosiers Glory. Yeah, Rudy Tucker a man in his dream. We watch Glory once a week.

Oh no, it was always Princess Bride.

That ship was always dude, I never got to watch that.

Yeah, they would wheel out the little TV.

I mean, that's a that's a pretty cool deep cut.

The best movie I ever saw in school was Sucking Tucker. But what's crazy, Carrie el Wes. He's in both of those. What the funk's up with that? I don't know?

Man, And he's in works. So yeah, he's a artist.

What are your edibles telling you about that? Wait? What's he in? What's princes?


We did it all right? Carry el Wes was in uh, Princess Bride and Glory Glory Glory. Oh, okay, okay, cool to the bottom of that. And as Adams said, we're call it very cool, very fun. That episode was actually fun because we had two iconic dudes from way back. We had Biff Biff also now known as Tom Wilson.

Tom Wilson, Uh, what a nice guy.

It's always being I'm not talking.

Yeah, you know, you gotta gotta float for Tom.

Okay, don't call him with chicken. Okay, it's a scream door in the battleship scream acting looking like Carrie Hill said yeah, okay, coming to you a man.

To Okay, I had the mic. It's tight, he's on the incredible battle.

Blake hit him. He turned off the beat. Blake turned off the beat. I's dont get sued, man. I don't want to get man. It's easier to hold in the pee than pooh man to me. You know, yo, let me know what do you need two bars? We got you? Hey, I just need that one bar a.


Wow, okay, eating up, dude, I got a big barn right.

Now, whip it? Can we see? Can you whip it back and forth? Whip the day? Yeah, let me see it.

Oh yeah, Well we talked on on the pleasure is ours?

Miss Sorry about that, I missed it. It's okay.

Anders was being a big time movie star and flexing on us.

Actor huge act was needed on set, we say.

And refused to do the podcast.

But we're doing this one now and we all agreed that we're all going to get kitchen with the thing that you wave food on scale and scale they call them scales, and we're all going to weigh our cocks and see how heavy the meat is our cock is?

Do I have to do? I? Do I have to? You have to? We all agree they want two numbers.

You don't have to do it well, because we were talking about like who has the heaviest cock?

I said Adams?

Adams said his cock was small, and I said it rings a little heavier than mine.

It seems right, maybe not larger, but heavier.

Yeah. Is it cool if I if I get a boner and then I do a handstand that pushes it pushes down on the scale, winning did you guys already cover this?

Holy shit, this is one hundred and ninety pounds.

Have you covered this already? It's a cock push up? Yeah.

The first number is weight of dick only dick, no balls, second number is weight of dick with balls, and third number is about already.

Well, no, the boner I might not because it'll it'll kind of raise off the scale.

You won't be able to you know what I mean.

Oh, you'll have to press it down. I think one of my first tweets ever was and when I when I was trying to be like, what's going to make a mark here?

I was like, Yeah, content is king content.

I love your content content exactly.

I was like, here we go, Twitter, Do you way more when you have a boner? Do you way more when you have a boner? Yeah? Do you way more when you have a b That's a great question. Suddenly are you like, whoa, I'm tipping the scales here? And then it's like no.

No, the blood just moved from from elsewhere.

Yeah, the displacement theory doesn't work. Well. Does ice weigh more than water?


Yeah, I guess that is the exact same thing.

Actually, Blake, I think you're right, you're onto something scientifically, because I don't think that ice and water weigh the same.

I think there's some mixture of ice is filled with air.

Right, So when you get a boner, who's to say you're not getting more air in your bloodstream? Maybe you don't have more blood, Maybe you have more air.

Right, your dick is full of air.

You're a stupid dumb ass.

Ye, it's like a hot air balloon.

Yeah, if you found out your dick was full of air, uh huh.

Yeah, it's science.

It's a balloon animal.

That's why it rises. It's a it's a hot air balloon. That's right, exactly, that's tight.

I do wish when you got a boner it squeaked like a balloon animal.

Yeah, helium fills the shaft and it rises. And then that's why when if you spring the league and somebody sucks on it, their their voice goes, why what, that's why there's helium and you don't get After somebody sucks on your dingy, their voice gets all high after they do it.

Wait what they're like, I gotta.

Wash my face.

I trying to feel like if I remember that I got to wash my face oh boy, you scoundrel. Yeah, oh sorry, you guys.

Sorry, that's how I do it every time.

I know that's big of you. You know what.

You're in a room, Gloyd, Ye.

Yes, sorry, dog.

I always That's why I went to the fucking Sizzler was to get the buffet.

Oh yeah, dude, I forgot. You're a gangster. You go to Sizzler and don't get the fucking steak. You fucking door cups winning.

You don't get lobster GE's up, hoose down.

Uh that was my my ship back.

You know, when I was a kid, I used to my family when it was your birthday, you got to choose the restaurant that you get to go to.

Yes, Sizzler.

No, literally, I remember being a kid. I knew my family was on a budget, you know. I just that's the thing that I hear my mom talk about. So I remember seeing a commercial for Sizzler and they had that garnish and it's like it looks so fucking good, and I'm like, oh man, I'm gonna I can't believe I'm even floating this idea. So I was all, I was mad, nervous, and I'm like, for my birthday I I hope we can afford it. I would really like to go to Sizzler, and my mom goes, yeah, I think we can swing that, honey, all right man. Yeah, she like took me on a little bit of a ride and I'm like, oh, special Tree.

That was a big deal to go to Sizzler, man, bro Like I've I remember people would always say it when they won, like, what are you going to do next?

I'm going to Sizzler, right like.

That was Disneyland.

Disneyland, it was Sizzler.

They've literally never said.

It wasn't there wasn't there a dance or something like I'm going to Czer, I'm going to Cler.

I'm going They never going to Disneyland.

You And then I like what you said when they won. Yeah, not even like a championship, just like a regular game.

You just want the championship. I swear somebody said they're going to You just want to be a championship. I'm going to Siman, you just scored the winning touch was going I'm going to Sizzler, man. Yeah, I thought it was like some Olympians Sizzler, man. I thought some like Olympians or something.

I heard Disneyland and in his little brain he heard Sizzler man go.

To Sizzler Mann.

Yeah, I swear Sizzler man, you are so dumb.

I thought I think it was a thing to go to Sizzler for your birthday though, right, because there's like, it's your birthday, you go to Sizzler, Like, I feel like.

What are you? No one has ever said this.

Dude, what are you talking about? What reality are you living in? Does nobody have this ref hitting the pipe? Buddy? I don't know if I've been to Sizzler what is this what they sing to you.

I would like to compliment all of us actually, because I believe we started making content together and I think we have a hell of a lot of great content in our way.

And you know, when we when we do it, we do it together. And I'm just happy to be here with you guys.

When we when we go we go hard, we go hard.

And I love that you're saying, when we do it, we do it together. Adam is in Atlanta making something without us imbile. We're in Canada, but when we make it, Yeah, but.

Look at this guy's.

Well, you know what, different parts of the country and the world. Yes, but we still come together for the pod because we love making content together.

That's what you're doing, right. Oh, look at Kyle.

Very very I'm sorry, I'm stone, I'm sorry.

I've been stoned. We do two more minutes. Kyle just took a big in here. Okay. You know I fought through that whole one.

Hi boy, you fought through okay because you you weren't high. You couldn't know.

I was very high for pretty much the whole time.

Oh nice, Yeah, I lost my mind on the last podcast.

I was I got too high and I was too I was crying from from laughing. My my good friends. I love you guys, Tony guys. This is important, all right, Okay, So that's it, right, and that's it.

I don't know, and we're done, and we are done. I don't even know, and we are done.

Last one we rolled up really slizzard and I just feeling ballsy.

I'm like pizzas on me.

People were cool that macaroni and cheese.

Ba. It wasn't even to dodge the line. We already bought it, and you were like black.

Yeah, I miss getting a slizzard with you, guys. I've been slizzard with my boys in quite a while.

To get slippered.

When was the last time I got?


Was the bash that the last that wasn't too long? Yeah, the wedding and weddings your way, Oh yeah, yeah.

It's never enough. It's never enough ever, dude. Honestly, Adam.

After your wedding, I went sober for twenty two days, dude. But now and this Villager dropped and I had to get.

Back on this sauce.

Kyle was like Kyle thought he had just like, oh wait, can't keep going for twenty three, twenty four, twenty five?

No, no, how could you not enjoy a Villager mango margarita?

My god, it's delicious. Is that just a big drink in a can? That's right? Yeah, that's right, it's very good. I love it.

Yeah, I love that those are becoming a thing.

I think my co stars in this movie about my father that mobile. Yes, I want to hear more about Alabama. I think they think I'm like a drunk because at dinner I would get like three or four drinks and they'd be like, i'll get it. I'll have a drink today that could be a nice yes, And I'd be like, I need another margarita, and they would be like.

Oh, yeah, guys, we're we're animals. We're animals.

Yeah, I sometimes forget that we are little monsters.

Yes, and uh great movie.

Yeah, we we just dread people on at the table unfortunately.


No, And we might be a little.

Bit of alcoholics, but you know, I mean we have fun with it, right.

I'm normally keeping paced with like a tiba and a tiba is it the Yeah, man, that's why I.

I know, no, I mean, I'm watching you guys.

It is very interesting from that because you know, like we came up together and fucking I still got the rowdy in me even when I don't drink. You know, I can still like fucking turn up with you guys. But the level at which the turn up occurs is fucking nuts, dude.

Yeah, we're still turning it up to eleven. Yeah, I wonder. I wonder when that'll stop.

When you have a heart attack? Is this the podcast where we just go what the fuck are we doing?


We're thirty eight knocking on forty Yeah.

Yeah, zquil And that's I mean, bro, there's a lot happening. There's a lot happening.

There's a lot happening.

Yeah, crazy it's slizzarded sizzler.

I love it.

I love that there's a lot happening. Yep, yep, I love it. Hard lessons there's a lot.

There's a lot happening. Yeah yeah, and I love it there is.

Well yeah, no, thank you, thank you for giving us a week off. I enjoyed it. This is a chore for me.

Well, I'll say I enjoyed coming back and talking to you guys. My gosh, I missed the hell Abby.

I did too.

I missed you guys.

This is an absolute chore for me. I have an here's my apology, Kyle. I'm sorry we're still friends. I don't wanna be that black cloud over you.

So sorry that we're pressuring you into this friendship.

Super rough. I loved the week off. It's rough to do this with you guys every week.

I don't like it.

Just kidding. I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I enjoy it with you guys.

This Is Important

Adam Devine, Anders Holm, Blake Anderson, and Kyle Newacheck seriously discuss some very important t 
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