Today, this is what's important:
The early-2000s vibe, Vice magazine, clothes, basketball, Norway, Italian food, traveling with kids, and more.
Go to to check out our upcoming tour dates for the first half of the This Important live show tour. Pre-sale tickets go live on Thursday, August 17th at 10am PST. Use code 'TIITOUR' to access the pre-sale tickets.
TII Nation popossow to you and yours. This is Blake Anderson here to let you know that Adam Devine, Kyle Knuachek, Honders Home and myself are going on a This is Important live tour. Yes, yes, the time has come. We have official tour dates to announce, and we're coming to a city near you. You can go to TII Tour dot com to check out the first half of our tour for dates and locations. It's starting Thursday, August seventeenth at ten am p s T. You're gonna be able to purchase pre sale tickets by using code TII Tour. That's TII to youre dot com with code TII Tour to get your pre sale tickets starting Thursday, August seventeenth at ten am p s T. And don't you worry if you don't see your city more to dates will be announced very soon. So we hope to see you and your pretty faces on tour and let's go. Welcome to This Is Important a production of iHeartRadio, the show where we only talk about what is most obviously very crucially important today. On This Is Important.
I wore khakis exclusively until I moved to La.
This is his heroine and tiny Dick magazine post Water is underrated.
I'm forty years old now and I finally understand your twenty five year old style.
Let's go.
Who okay, lor pulse, Yo, baby?
There it is? Okay, cool? There it is? Now have we covered that?
Is that kay Fed's voice or is that somebody else that was in the studio.
His best homie, the wild Guy.
Yeah? Is that somebody that's just doing ad libs? Or is that here?
It's just his homie. Uh, Derek, Derek, come in here and.
Say do it the best, Little half Dead, you do it the best?
Yeah, let me give it a shot.
There's Derek.
That's hard to tell. I don't know if that's kay Fed or not.
No, that's gotta be k Fed.
Okay, okay, okay, Brittany. Oh, welcome, Welcome, everyone, welcome.
I'm rewatching entourage, as I do when I have a lot of downtime, I rewatch entourage.
I feel like you're always how many apps are they? How many epps is in the whole thing?
So there's a lot, dude. There's like seven seasons and by the time you get to season five, it's like you're clocking in to go to work. You're like, Jesus Christ, come on, Vince, get it, get your shit together.
Mm hmmm yeah, no joy, no Joy.
Yeah, You're just going to work. And you know, because we're on strike, so I have all this down time, so I'm like just kind of watching shit to fill the time. And uh, you, I guess I kind of forgot the early two thousands. I had such a specific look because when you're in it, like we that's when we first moved to California, or first moved to LA and we were young. We were eighteen years old, you know, living living in sunny so Cow, and you forget that there was like a true vibe in La.
And I tell you something, please, Jars Hmmm. I knew it had a vibe because I was fighting it so hard.
You knew it had a vibe.
I was fighting against the vibe.
You were aware of the vibe.
I was fighting against the vibe so hard.
This what was the vibe?
Dres I feel like you were. You were the one that I was like, I'm typing into dirt to get some of the vibe because him and his friends have the vibe.
You were the vibe no, But if you think about that, my friends had the vibe, but think about me. Did I have the vibe?
And we had no vibe?
What vibe were we fucking talking about? Because just the Entourage.
Vibe, the early two thousands Los Angeles vibe, Kyle, you remember it?
We didn't have it.
Yeah, like the MCR vibe because I was MCR vibe. I was like my chemical romance vibe. Is that what you're talking about?
Or No, we did not have the vibe.
That's the San Diego thing, isn't it.
I started to get the vibe if you're talking about like American apparel, I started to get the vibe.
I fought the vibe as as long as I could.
Blake Blake always will get a vibe wherever, wherever he is, he seeks out the vibe. He changes his whole look to be part of that vibe.
The vibe was bootcut jeans.
Okay, go off the vibe. Okay, boot cut? What is boot cut?
It was expensive denims. I feel like it was expensive denims.
It was expensive bootcut denim. Oh gro it was v neck T shirts and it was trucker hats. It was it was Ashton coocher.
Ye, I was on that vibe. I was on that vibe. That's why you were on that vibe. I was on that vibe. You are that vibe. Here you tell me that I'm not a part of this vibe.
Yes, you were on the what Kyle, you were on the truck stop version of the vibe. It was happening at like a high level of like the truck the trucker hats were like one hundred dollars dumb trucker had he had trucker hats like.
The Von Dutch, Adam, you weren't aware of, like the Vom Dutch, especially coming from the Midwest. I was super aware of the vibe and I was like.
Fuck, Von Dutch was a vibe. Ed Hardy was a vibe.
Dude, Kyle, you didn't have the vibe. You literally wore corduroy women's pants from the Salvation Army, the same pair every day. Dude, no pockets on the butt.
I think you still probably have those sounds like a vibe.
To me, that's a vibe. That is a vibe. And I did draw on my own trucker hat.
That wasn't the vibe.
I drew on my.
Own trucker hats though, So I was trying to participate in the vibe.
Yeah, I was also just the watching on tarage. It reminds me of like what celebrity was like in the early two thousands.
It was a vibe different. It was a vibe as you, yeah.
With like TMZ like everywhere and paparazzi truly being a real thing, right Paris Hilton. I feel like there still is paparazzi, but it's less of a it's less of a clamoring for Is that because people are just on social media?
Yeah? Social media?
Yes, yeah, yeah, we took the power.
And you're like, oh, yeah, we've seen them. Now they take photos of themselves and at restaurants, you don't have to do it.
But also like everyone has cameras now, true, true, And people used to have to run around with cameras to be like I got them coming out of a vivy restaurant. Yeah, everyone is just like, yeah know, I got them too. It's not a big deal.
Ye, for better or worse.
So the vibe was saturated. Is that what's up? We saturated it. It was saturated with photos.
We've watered down the vibe, h It was a.
Sat Satch vibeazi and that's why there's not really a vibe anymore because people they already they they're out in themselves less.
Wow, we've reached a vibelest time.
Well to harken back to Angus McLoud who passed right, yeah, right, he Well, he had someone posted a clip of him from the show where they're like, you're not on social media and he's like no, like like, you know, why would I want the scraps of somebody just posting stuff when like I want to peel him up apart like an onion and like discover the mystery. And uh I think that that hits correct.
Yeah, yeah, so who's.
The onion in that? What are you talking about?
This? This kid from Euphoria who just passed away, Angus Cloud?
Yeah, I just heard about this. I didn't watch that show at all.
Did he do? We know how he died? Was it drug related or was it health related?
Sounded like a drug.
Related Yeah, I think it was dealing with some mental issues, some health issues and yeah.
Yeah, total bomber. But like, but he called it out. I mean, whoever wrote the show called it out. But his character says it where it's like the mystery is gone with social media, like everyone's just saying everything. So you're like, don't you have any like like keep it to yourself. I don't really care about it, right.
I've got a fucking rash my ass.
Anyway, come to see my movie Mission Impossible three dead reckoning.
Totally true, you know, totally true.
Yeah, I guess. I guess paparazzi isn't catching anyone anymore because everyone's just like outing themselves. So like, hey, I'm out here cheating on my wife right with this.
Hooker right right, it's on my int.
The ivy, fucking this hooker.
I'm gonna get ahead of it, y'all.
I'm gonna be.
Real, honest.
I Jesus I Phoenix coming back for f.
F nine, I'm gonna be I'm gonna get ahead of it. I just shit my pants and cheating on my wife his all.
G brother, I'm gonna show you see Transformer seven.
Change the narrative. We got control of this, Okay, I'm purposely dive bombing. It's all good. Yeah, I don't know, dude, it was.
I guess it's like, but I'm just like, no, you go, no, you go, no, you go fine.
There was no it was literally no way of telling what fin at all. I remember the first time I ever saw a Vice magazine and it blew my fucking mind, like the fashion I saw.
I remember you loving Vice magazine and the guy that started it ended up being a white supremacist. What do you say, what about Blake?
It's my favorite guy. Everybody who had anything to do with Vice magazine turned out to be like total scumbag scuzzards, but scuzz the actual the magazine was. It was just a fashion of all I knew was like bill Abong and Quicksilver. And then when I saw that, I was like, holy ship, because it was just like you're from.
A deep You're from a deep suburb with mall culture, which is fun, yeah, and like that's most people. And then when you tap into like a little something, little more niche, you're selling T shirts with ten thousand dollars.
To So I didn't realize Vice. Every time I looked at Advice, it was just like people doing heroin, and like little Dicks was fashion. I don't remember it being fashion. I just remember it being like seeing little penises and.
The news culture it's fashion, music and culture.
It was music too. I guess I don't even remember. I just remember it being news like. But I guess that's after the first wave.
Thinking of the TV show.
You're thinking of the TV show. We're talking about that magazine that Blake used to have at the Workaholics house or even before then, I think at the house on Packard. Yeah, we had he had that little magazine. I remember looking at a few times and being like, oh, here's a man doing heroin. Here's like a guy's dick, right. I don't remember fashion. I remember just thinking like this is this is this heroine and tiny dick magazine that I don't remember there being fast. What was the fashion?
Well, if you got past the dicks and looked at what Shirty was wearing it, that's rice and.
Like photography and skating there's it was a yeah, it was counterculture.
Yeah, I kind of remember the skateboarding element because you also had the CCS magazines coming in, which was like skate decks and fucking skate clothes. That used to be my favorite.
Oh dude, CCS was so legit. That was like before Zoomies and all that. When you would actually get like the skateboarding catalogs and they had just like flipped through like jeans and ship. It was so cool.
Dude, think pants, bro, I want to think pants so bad. Fuck dude, pants bro, think pants.
I remember going to like, uh, what was that store that was like it was basically Pacific somewhere but super super so cow.
What was it?
Trillyillies? Tillies, Dude.
I remember going Tillies for the first time and it was just like all southern California type clothing and just being a boy from the little kid from the Midwest moving there and like I'm wearing like a polo or some dumb shit, and I'm like, yeah, I'm like God, thank God, I'm ready to cash in here and just become so cow.
Polos are sick.
You were all famous stars and strapped up.
Oh that's a big one.
I'm just wearing like Dicky's shorts.
That's fucking MCR. That feels MCR to me, Like famous stars and strapped feels my chemical romance to me is that No.
That was Travis Barker's company.
I feel like Chilly's kind of started to lean on.
There's your loss, Iarker.
But I'm saying like they feel like the vibe is still in the same kind of thing, right, I mean, Famous Stars and Straps.
Was like punk culture that was around the same time.
It was like pop punk pop punk ship.
I feel Famous Stars and Straps was more uh yeah, yeah, I feel like my chemical romance was more Gothic in a way. Oh the macabre macabre.
Yeah, I don't know. My chemical romance probably was more like yeah, like uh hot topic emo.
Weren't they more Emao than God?
It's em It's like it's like the hot pink van stripes.
You know, I'm not even in this world, but I know fashion.
I know you missed. You missed a really cool boat.
I don't know what Tilly's is.
You never jumped on skater surf culture, right, there's you're mostly outdoorsy mountains.
When I moved to l A, I definitely bought rainbow rainbow sandals because I was like, oh, these are super duper comfortable, and I rocked those hard. But no, never I was not apposer like Blake.
No, no, dude, I stay strapped up.
Yeah, I know with what wait what is that?
What it mean?
What I was like, am I gonna dress like a skater? And that doesn't No, dude, I like that.
DRS just called Blake opposer and then he says, I stay strapped up? Honest, what does that mean?
Famous stars and strapped What do you mean? That's what I was talking about?
Jesus, I would never dress like a culture that wouldn't have me, I guess, is what I'm saying. What are you talking about?
What a come on?
I've seen Blake skateboard that being said, dude, that being said, I I definitely am not a skateboarder. I don't serve, and I wore all that shit too, So I'm with you.
Yeah, but you got even more of a vibe because you're not like outwardly projecting the vibe.
So it works on you, it doesn't quite well.
Thank you, Kyle, Thank you you guys even talking about I didn't wear like I don't know.
I think my friends, I think my friend's Hounders and Kyle are kind of shitting on you, Blake and your whole vibe. I don't know. I don't get it.
But I had one zero I had one zero shirt zero skateboarders made cool graphics. What are you talking about? You saw me and you thought I was dressing aggressively skateboarder unders I thought.
You were weren't your words?
Like, I'm not saying anything. You're telling me where you shopped and what you bought, and so I'm like, great, those are like skater here, but you're not a skater. And I guess that's fine. But I wouldn't do that, right, That makes sense?
Yeah, that makes sense.
What kind of jeans? Was I supposed to wear? Ccs or nothing? Dude?
Think jeans?
Dude, that's fine, that's fine.
I stay strapped up.
Have you heard of Levi's and Straus?
Yeah, he stays strapped up.
I mean, I don't know what to tell you.
I wore wranglers, Tommy, just wear some, Tommy, what's wrong with that?
No, not wranglers, because you're not You're not a fucking uh rodeo boy.
The fact that there's not Lucky stores all over anymore, like they disappeared.
Adam was the first guy I ever saw rocking Lucky, and you showed me like the fly that's because of the grow.
You gotta get the Lucky jeans. And then the fly on the inside says lucky you. Which are you still such a move?
Are you saying the only jeans I could wear were Kirkland jeans, because that's like non affiliated with any sort of subculture. Like, what is a neutral gene?
What are you talking about? That's the best subcoat?
Do I even say more time?
Levi's Wrangler?
What is happening Levi's jeans?
Yeah, what's for me? That's associated with gang members?
I don't know they strapped up?
Yeah, associated with gang members. You don't up, you don't know those gang members, but you stay strapped up. I just love that You're like, what is a jean's brand that I could possibly wear? When like Levi's is so synonymous with just blue gels. It's crazy to me they didn't have that.
They were late to the skinny jean party though, And I was on that.
Dude, come on, man, Blake, Blake always had the skinniest jeans. You were definitely on that.
I'm a jerk. I know you're a jerk. I know new boys come on.
And by the way, I'm done here.
I feel like, uh like our crew didn't take a lot of big swings. I mean, we took some swings, but sometimes you look at photos of like when people when you see like millennial gifts of people like, uh, we're gonna have to tell our kids we went through this phase and then it's just like bangs in front of your eyes and like super emo, like that whole scene. I'm glad none of us went that hard down down that path.
None of us rocked up fauha.
Yeah, I'm not a big swing guy. I just kind of wait every twenty years for my style to kind of be back for a few months and then and then I go back like a cicada or a locust.
I think that's why we all thought you were way older than you were, because you always just sort of dressed like you were a young dad, and you were like twenty three years old, and we're like, I'm.
Like forty years old.
I'm forty years old now, and I finally understand your twenty five year old style. Like I feel like I can wear what you were wearing when you were twenty five, Dad.
I was wearing like old new Balance, old man shoes, and I was wearing like polos, and uh, I would spank strange strangers kids.
Nice like yeah, like nice shorts. Warn here you were wearing Dockers or something, weren't you.
I wore khakis exclusively until I moved to LA and I was like, I got fucking like, get a pair of jeans or I'm not gonna be able to get into a bar.
Fucking I don't know, man.
You know?
And then what kind of jeans, like ag jeans?
You dressed kind of Christian, but you're not about it, So maybe you're the poser brother, unless you could quote a Versu in the Bible with those khakis on what's up?
I feel like just more like a preppy style. And I feel like as a swimmer as that's one of the country club sports. I think I'm I'm I'm playing my part.
I think you are. I feel like you're not posing.
So why don't you play your part?
I feel like this is all like kind of focusing in on Blake's like inability to figure out where he actually sits in fashion.
What am I?
Well, now he's ingratiated himself into this skate culture with his friends, you know, Tiba and that whole click. So now he's so in deep that no one can tell he doesn't know how to stand on the skateboard or or do sick kickflips or what have you. No one can tell y'all are fucked up.
Man, leave me alone.
Yeah, and Adam just needed to fit in. And I I like, like, you're from California, dude, right, you know so? I the skate skate culture has permeated this culture out here on the West Coast.
You weren't really skate culture in high school. You did it once you moved to LA when you were in the Mecca pool. Yeah, when you when you're in the Mecca of cool.
I tried to what are you talking about? I tried to skateboarding a lot in here.
Did you skate in high school? I don't remember you skating at all?
I tried to. I'm not good at skateboarding. I want nothing. The two things I've ever wanted to be in my life is either a professional basketball player or a pro skater. I think those would be the coolest.
Lots of basketball basketball.
You definitely sat in basketball, like senior year, in a major way.
I remember that sad.
Yeah, I just didn't have I didn't have it on a board. I wasn't good.
You're not good at either of those things. What what was your thing that you were good at?
He's good A chill, chill out. He's fucking good at basketball. Chill on your boy, bro, he's not. He's pretty good.
Fine good. He can't go to a gym and like play in a legit game.
Dude, he's fine.
You guys never seen me on a court.
Yes, thought, Oh yeah, we have actually been with you.
You're not good.
I wouldn't say you're good.
I'm logging off.
I mean you can dribble a basketball, and you can.
You know, I broke my back, Dude, I used to be really good and then I broke my back in a derailed that journey.
I remember before you broke your back. I played basketball with you before you broke your back. We've known each other very long.
Wait, Adam, when we all used to play, When we used to play basketball in like two thousand and two on the beach in Newport, Blake was actually pretty.
He was a solid player.
No, no, do you not remember you guys like in your friend.
No, I remember, and he wasn't. None of us were good.
Well what am I?
What am I saying? I'm not saying go up against Michael Jordan. I'm saying like he's a okay.
So yeah, there's your friend group and Michael Jordan and nothing in between rare.
T K was the best at basketball out of all of us. Don't let him he also isn't that good? You know what I mean?
You think TK is the best at basketball out of all of us, I'm not letting him have that.
Genetically, we're we're all small. We're all small. We're never gonna be basketball players. Like genetically, you have to be a certain height to be a good basketball.
True, I don't know. Aren't you like six foot?
Why you're over six? Play? God?
Wait, what how tall are you? I thought you're six to one.
I think I'm like five eleven.
No way you're up over six, dude, I.
Don't he's not over six. I don't think he's over.
I'm definitely not six to one. I'm definitely not six.
I like that you've said just six feet tall. I gave you an extra inch. You've said six feet tall the entire time I've ever known you. Now you're making yourself shorter to give yourself an out for not being good.
I'm broke my back and I lost an inch.
Man. He has no idea where he fits in.
I'm a theater major.
You are, You're a comedian. That's why the skaters. Where you fit inks.
Skaters love comedy. Bro, look at it, look at it. You're in, You're in with the right crew.
You're there.
Let me the fuck alone.
They need a funny guy cracking joke.
This isn't important.
This ship's not important.
Do you guys think an under six three basketball league would be able to take off in a major way?
That's kind of cool, short basketball. That's a really good idea.
Because do you know how many unbelievable, unbelievable basketball players there are under six feet that are just like, I can't play because I can't shoot over a fucking six seven foot center or whatever.
Right, Sure, but if.
Everybody's under six three, I bet the game's way more athletic, way more exciting.
Well, there's a bunch of professional basketball players that are six three, Like Chris Paul is like six two.
I'm not.
I don't.
I don't disagree, I don't, I know, I don't disagree. But if it were capped, Chris Paul is an extraordinary example of somebody who is not that tall but can excel in that league. But there's thousands and thousands of absolute ballers that are like six feet tall.
I think it has to go shorter. I think you have to say, if you're short basketball, you have to say it's six feet in under.
But now now you're like, who the fuck's playing this? Now it's a bunch of like that's a bunch of like real dogs. Now you're like lowering the rim. No, but you don't find find six. You do have to, don't what the talking about? But these people are don't you tower the room? Sure Robinson's don't. But I think that it would be I think it would be probably a more exciting game than professional basketball because the big men they're not as athletic as you would hope, what go ahead? Sorry, yes, big mess sixty nine. They're known as big men. I thought you were a basketball player or a stater.
I'm not sure.
The big men aren't that fun to watch generally. They kind of are just like in the way it's a weird take.
Well, he's promoting his new league.
Dude, who's the most exciting big man outside of like Shack?
Well, you just took mine, I know, but outside.
Of Shack, who's the most exciting big man to watch?
Honest, yeah, the guys great.
It's the freak we got to hundred years.
Kevin Duran's not a big griffin, yeah, Pale, I mean all these guys are See, the big man has changed.
So now Kevin Durant is six foot eleven, he's huge.
He's big ball.
He ain't a big man though he's a shooting forward.
Well, yes, but the game has changed. I feel like old.
Can you describe what a big man is?
A The big man is like the dude in the commercials who has the big hands full of the cheez.
Its, who's like Taco next Indrome like Shad.
Yeah, John Boban. Boban is a big man. He's not exactly exciting to watch My Giant?
Who was the guy was in My Giant? George Something right?
It's George Something Miso Marasson Marasson right.
I don't know.
I say on days Marrasong played basketball.
One time Philly Crystal movie where he's like leaning against the guy.
Yeah undercover, so very good man.
Anyway, I've never seen the movie, but I definitely.
Either, but very good.
But what I'm saying is, imagine if everybody on the floor could jump out the gym and shoot, and it's not just about like I don't know, standing there and blocking. I don't know. It just seems like it would be a very exciting game.
That's w n B A well, I would love that. I would love that. I would love basketball. We lower the hoops, they're now eight.
No, no, don't don't know the hoops.
You don't.
They don't need you six to three.
You're a big man. This isn't your sport. If you if you were are.
Athletic, you could be in the NBA. But you're not.
Okay, what are you.
Doing lowering them to what like nine feet?
I took my talents to swimming.
I just said, I said eight feet.
Then you just have big men, guys, Then you just have more big men. No, you guys are just if you lower the hoop, you just have another classification of big men.
According to the how Durs.
Exactly, you guys, you're completely ignoring slam ball. The sport is on fire right now. You need to watch what is this lamball?
Unless they're on roller blades? I don't give is that.
The sport you're good at?
I'm great at.
Oh, basketball on roller blades is actually fun?
Did we find out the sport that Blake's good at? Slam ball?
I'm going to be a slam Ball All Star. Kyle, get in the water.
What's what's if you.
Think your broke bag was bothering you before? Get on a trampoline and try and launch.
It's trampoline back and you can like tackle and stuff.
Oh yeah, your back, that's gonna would explode my hip, put chatter my growing.
I will say, the only time my back kind of hurts is when I'm on a trampoline.
Blake, why are you dressed like Jack Burton from Big Trouble in Little China? Right now?
Can I wear durs? Please explain to me what I You don't know.
We're trying to figure out this. You can wear because I know where your heart is. I know where your heart is. Kurt Russell resides in your.
See that's it.
Your Your whole scene is like acting in comedy, dude, that's your whole scene.
I want you to dress like movie characters every day. I want you to be a costplay dude of just nineties and eighties action comedy.
You can pull this off.
But if I start wearing joker make up, well, why sure?
Blake is always in costplay either he's dressed as like a cool rocket roll dude or a skater.
I have long hair. You guys are putting me in a box and I don't like it.
What do you mean, No, we're not. We're just trying to help you out.
Actually, I feel like you are.
You're on a zoom, so technically you are in a box for me, Like, why are you putting in a box?
Please explain you.
I don't need your help, all right, That's what I'm telling you.
What's on the bottom half of your outfit? Right now? What's on the box? What's the bottom half?
Is it shorts or is it oh, basketball shorts?
Ball shorts?
Umbros? And you did play soccer?
He was a soccer player, Okay, so I can wear that.
I will let you.
Okay. So who's that guy from the Bear Jeremy Alan White or what it was? That guy's name, Tim Allen.
You know that you show the Bear he's hot?
Yes? Yeah?
Are you trying to look like him now?
Because you're wearing a lot of tank tops lately here we go.
Tanks are hot.
He's considered the hot boy.
I did see. I did see yesterday. It was like, if you're gonna go on the picket lines, you gotta wear sleeveless shirts.
I was out there with a tank top before him. You can check the time stamp go on a Tiba's Instagram. I rocked the tank top and then Homeboy showed up in a tank top. I'm not saying he saw the post, but and you guys do kind of look alike. He's very handsome.
Yeah, we got to get blake on the bear, except for the hair.
Obviously, the hair is hair net.
No, dude, I think you're way more handsome than him. Really, I think you're way hot.
He's more sexy, but you are more handsome.
Okay, he's more broody. You're You're just like a more likable, funny guy. He's more like that intense right, you know, women like guys that seem like they are going to kill themselves.
Like he like he needs to be saved. Yes, exactly. Yeah, he looks like he looks like he's on the edge and if you save him, you win at life.
Yeah, he's like, uh, he's deep in it. I want to hear his deep thoughts.
I just kind of want you to be funny in act, you know what I mean? Like, Yeah, I don't.
Even know if you want to hear his deep thoughts. I think he's like standing on the edge of a cliff and you have to talk.
Maybe I want to hear all his thoughts on God, I don't know.
And if you talk him down and then he marries you or he dates you, he'll fuck your brains out. And that's why I think women like.
It right in like a passionate way.
Passion, yes, like can't control the passion. Passion everywhere, Passion, passion everywhere.
Yeah, passion all over your face.
There's passion all over the place.
You're saying, women don't see that when they see me.
Well, you're like a funny guy, you know what I mean.
Women are saying that. Yeah, I think they say blakes, it starts with the hair.
I'll tell you when it starts with the hair.
None of us have that blake, none of us. None of us have the brooding like tough guy.
It's okay, right, Like, look Adam hitting on the head when he goes, he looks like he's about to cry. Right, he's super tough seeming, but at the same time like something's going on. Those eyes are are ready to cry.
Yeah, I think I have that. I think I have that you guys, don't think I have that.
Here is the stones. He might be the stones.
You're like, you're not crying though, you're like blubbering, Like you're like.
Yeah, right right, I'm not tough. I'm not tough when I cry.
You're you're you're blubbering, but your hands are bleeding because you just punched a bunch of dry wall that you're gonna have to get fixed.
Yeah. Yeah, I hurt myself. I hurt myself.
Yeah wall, and then the next day you have to like dry walllet up and repaint the round, right. Yeah.
Like when this dude smokes cigarettes, people are like, I want to smoke. When people when people see you smoking, they're like, I gotta quit. I'm gonna yeah, look like this guy.
Yeah, you know, I did see that dude at the Emmy's last year smoking a ton of cigarettes, like bro smokes a lot of Siggies, and I wanted to I wanted to fall back.
In yeah after Yeah, he kind of makes I've never smoked a cigarette my life, and uh, watching him, I'm kind of like, maybe I should start smoking.
It's kind of tight. Yeah, Dude's never too.
Late if you haven't. If you haven't started or had a you could have that chapter and you'd probably be all right. You could probably open up that chapter right now.
Dude, are we saying he's gonna be what is it time Sexiest Man a Year or who does who does the Sexiest Man the Year?
Yeah? It's National Geographics Most Animalistic Man.
Uh, yeah, it's People Magazine. You should know because I'm sure you subscribe to the magazine.
Blake Vice the source US magazine, People Magazine, Highlights Magazine, West Magazine, US Magazine.
We got let's get we gotta get Blake on The Bear. I feel like he could fit right. Yeah, and I've only watched two episodes, but yeah.
There's a lot of homies on the Bear too.
Yeah, your homies with Lionel, right.
Lionel, Yeah, dude, it's so cool seeing him come up holler at your boys. Yeah, Lionel is the man.
He does a really great job on that show too. He was always a super really nice guy. And uh, it's good to see him do as well as he's doing. And he's great on the show.
Him and Taco Travis on on Dave. He kills it too. All those they're doing it, all those young odd future cats getting in TV and just slain. Yea, yeah, I'll get your boy on the bear.
Man Laiter squad.
We gotta get you on the bear. We'll get you in there. We'll figure it out.
Yeah, okay, yeah, well we're not in charge, drs. We can't just put him on the bear.
It's probably not shooting.
You didn't know I could do that.
Oh, you can make some phone calls.
Yeah, you think you got pits perfect without me?
Okay, you made a few calls made.
Damn at least unstep the music.
Hey, so Norway?
Oh yeah, yeah.
I went to it, and I mostly want to the foggyard land.
I went to my my, my homeland, and I basically want to pick up where we left off. I don't know when how many weeks ago. It was because Blake had just been shitting his brains out and barfing his ship out.
Oh right, and you were fucking like bugged out.
And I was like, well, guess what. And my family, two of my kids just went through that in the last forty eight hours. And I'm about to fly to Norway. Let's see how it goes.
Oh shit, did you get it on the plane?
So we get on the plane.
How long is that flight?
Yep, here we go. It was it.
So we did La to Finland to Helsinki and then Helsinki to Oslo. And so that's a ten hour flight from La to Helsinki. And so we're watching movies. The kids are like doing their thing. Uh, they start falling asleep. I stay up because I'm just like whatever. Uh. Emma's in her little cube with the baby, and then she comes by and she's like I don't feel good. I'm like, oh shit. So she spends the entire night on the airplane in the bathroom and I'm like nobody else it sucks. This sucks. Oh my god. Worst ever. Then we land. We get to Oslo and we get in this like van that was going to take us to our airbnb. And in the van, I I had taken two bar bags from the plane because I was just like, yeah, prepared. I don't know if she's gonna barf again. I don't know what's happening. We get in the van. Within like fifteen twenty minutes of this thirty minute drive, I'm like just getting that hot mouth. I pulled the bag out and I just go over. It's just bad.
I haven't gotten sick like that in like since you're a kid, that's that's wild.
It hit so hard and by the way, so it only lasts like eight hours, Like yeah, kids had it over, wife had it over. I had it for like thirty six hours of just.
Like deep, oh my god, deep.
Barfing, where like my abs were getting shredded.
So vacation kind of ruined.
No, no, no, because I was there for nine days.
It's like at least the first like day and a half.
First day and a half.
Did you get your six or back? You got your six back back?
Are you looking hot?
Yeah? Fully jacked? Yeah?
Fuck yeah, you're looking shredded?
Yeah, flu abs are so.
But so then did Oslo did Bergen, which is like a more like port town type place, and it was fucking sick. Did went on a Feord tour Feord tour?
What is the what is the vibe of of Norway?
The uh people don't talk to you?
Okay, cool?
I like, okay, yeah right, it's like very cold, blue eyed, blonde haired, kind of beautiful, stern beautiful people.
Yeah, a lot of that, A lot of me looking at people being like I'm we look the same. This is crazy. We took a train through a town where my great great grandparents are from, which was pretty rad to be like, there it is. There's people here who are maybe my like fifth cousins or whatever, just like at their shoe cobbalry. I'm just kidding. I don't know what the fuck it is. You know, they probably working a fucking video game store. But that was pretty weird. Yeah, there game stop, you know.
Yeah, so we're people kind of uh cold.
Everyone minds their business. It's not they're not the warmest people.
Not a lot of like, hey, how are you.
There's no pleasantries really, uh, everyone's yeah, it's answers everything.
Yeah, this is cool.
Everyone's just matter of.
Fact ice cold. Yeah, uh cuts you to your core.
I kept seeing people strangling cats and I was like, okay, all right now.
Yeah that seems like a durst thing.
The food, the Norwegian food, not for everyone.
What is it?
I mean it's a lot of like fish, it's just bread and sausages and fish.
That doesn't sound too bad.
Soup right, what was? And what was the ship that we have?
And not like spicy well adam, but like not like you like a blackened fish or something with a little something on it. There's nothing on it.
They pickle their fish like white pickled fish.
Pickle it's a bagel.
I eat that.
They're pickling fish. Yeah, I'd eat that though. Yeah, you're from the Midwest. I feel like it might be in your palate. What is that, like a sardine? Is a pickled fish?
Is that? Is that a pickled fish?
That's right?
Or is it like geffelta fish or something?
Yeah, I guess so, like pickled herring? Yeah, like that.
That's gross. That's disgusting.
Oh dude, I think it sounds horrible, but I actually think I dig it.
Yeah, no, man, I would throw up.
It's like it's tearing me.
Yeah, dude, I mean all all food. If you just go like all food's delicious, just then then it is, you know.
Oh okay interesting.
Yeah, if you're just in a cool country and you try their delicacies, it's like yeah, oh yeah, it's delicious.
But it's not even a delicacy. It's not like, hey, this is our life. It's like this is just Tuesday, and like eating it four days a week or something would be a lot. Basically, Italian food has taken over damn everything is pasta. Yeah, they just figured it out. They're like, have you had spaghetti? It's actually fucking gangster.
It's really good. That's how living in Berlin was like. It was like we were like, I want to seek out like real German food, right, And the couple of times we did were like, oh, it was just like I ordered like the beef whatever and it was just a bowl of soup with like beef in it. And I'm like, well, this isn't this is kind of just like wet beef. And and then I was like, oh does German food? Does it kind of suck? And everyone was like yeah, no, for sure, this sucks. There's great food now it's like every other type of food is there.
And they're like.
No, we're reading Japanese food. Like there was a really good sushi restaurant right across the.
Street, and you're like, all right, a lot of sushi.
What's up with Europe coming hell a week to food game?
That's yeah, I don't know.
Well, just to explained that Italian food is pretty good and that is Europe, I would say northern Europe. The palate is just not very accustomed to spicy you know, they just did like bland potatoes, bread fish.
Probably not a lot of gastro intestinal diseases.
And have you ever been to Italy, Blake or just briefly you went to visit Kyle and when he was shooting a Monico right or not? Monaco to Lake Cuoma.
No, we were at Como. Yeah.
Did you come in Como?
Run real?
No, Coma Yeah, it was unreal, it was it was amazing.
No, I went to Dude, the food in Italy is it's so unreal.
How it's got to get there. It's so much.
Better at the like just the most basic random place that you swing in for launch or you're like, we'll just grab some food here, and it's so much better than like the best Italian.
Food you've had here in America.
Like it's just crazy.
Yeah, man, carb up, you got to get them.
Carbs were there. I'm not afraid of carbs. Dude, is yummy as fuck. Let's go.
It's all al dente out there.
Well sure, but I mean you could have carbs at a nice Italian restaurant here in the States and it won't be as good tasting as the most.
Regular restaurant in Italy. Whatever.
He said, that's good.
They just nail it over there.
They take their time every time I had.
I mean, they would take their time in the kitchen over there in Italy, right, I mean, like that ship's not coming out very quick.
You're sitting I like to tell a waiter, hey, make sure they make it with love and there.
All right?
Yeah, you know you're sitting there, you really are. You're sitting there for a while, like you're not even popping in and getting the fucking meal. You can't pop in and get a thirty minute meal in Italy.
That's not happening.
Dude, the cheeseburger, big bites ever Como throws.
You got chill, bro, You let the kitchen do their things.
I gotta get to Italy. Yeah, yeah, Italy's fine, you gotta get to Italy.
Yeah. The fact that you've never been to Italy is kind of bizarre. I feel like that needs to be your next vacationrug because it is. It's my favorite place for sure.
Yeah, what's up?
Yeah, I mean I couldn't go to I had to do Norway. I had to do Norway and get that off.
Yeah, what's so? Wait, what's the verdict on Norway? Is it passed.
Bergen, so here's the deal. Also, Oslo, which is like the major city, was a little sleepy because I think during the summer everybody jets to everywhere else in Europe or to like the country house, right exactly. Uh So it was a little sleepy. But Bergen was fucking cool. Bergen had a vibe. Remember how we went to Sydney and you're like, oh, this is beautiful, but it didn't have the same I didn't have a vibe like.
Melbourne Melbourne vibe.
Yeah, Bergen had a cool vibe and I enjoyed that.
So, I mean, was it like traveling with all the kids? Was that just sort of Mayham?
It was absolute nightmare.
Well, you're you're also throwing up and I was throwing up, so that can't make it better.
Yeah, right, But it was just like fucking buh Nano's Like halfway through the trip, I just I'm like, I'm yelling at them constantly.
Yeah, they don't give a shit about any culture nothing. So they're not like, oh an old place cool, like do they care?
Arnie is deep into Arnie's deep into history and military history, and we went to military history military museum. They talked about like a lot about World War Two. He's obsessed with that. He's like this, he loves Hitler, dude.
World War yeah, huge Hitler fans Bro.
World War Two.
No, but he loves that. And Norway is all about how they like tried to fight the Nazis, but like you know, they tried, yeah, taking and Hitler's like, what are you guys doing? I'm do you carte blanche? You guys are good to go, Like.
Don't worry, you're you're in with me.
Hey, we appreciate that. We just don't like your vibe. You're very loud. We're quiet here.
His vibe was pretty whack. Yeah.
Admittedly, kind of a universal thing when it comes to Hitler is that his vibe is whack.
It was off, it was it was.
It was a whack vibe. I feel Bro was a poser man. Yeah, trying to be Charlie Chaplin and ship.
My kid loved the Dictator and they're actually doing a live they're doing Charlie Chaplin's Dictator on like their Broadway or whatever they're anyway. Oh so they liked it, but I'm like, we're in a foreign country. You're like running around like that's a street cars are driving like its just yelling and shaking my baby.
You know, yeah, it seems kind of nuts to take three kids all the way over there? Did you come?
But I'll be honest. They were so good, but like they just didn't. They were good. They weren't like bad. They just weren't listening to me about like things that could be dangerous, right if we're going on like a hike.
Also, I mean as a father, you're probably on like high alert being in another space and trying to like watch them and say.
Yeah, that's stressful, right always the whole time, were you like, God, we're so American, Like shut up, we're so loud right now? No one else is loud?
No, because I put on these super short Norwegian shorts that I was wearing so I.
Fit right in.
Yeah, there you go, that's so tight.
Good job, shout out Amansen. They make the best stuff.
What about like, because when I think of Norway, I think of like Norwegian like black metal and stuff. Did you guys do any anything along those lines?
Like, yeah, I took my children to Did you take the kids to any Norwegian death metal where they sacrifice a priss?
We just one goat sacrifice and we were like, this is cool.
No, I think that Norwegian black metal is kind of like for dorcs, what is the equivalent, it's just kind of like click baity, Like I don't think it's a big deal there really, but I think it's like it sounds like a cool thing and they export it to us and we're like, oh yeah, I don't think it's a big deal there.
My poser asked was like, yeah, dude, that's what's all about.
Oh yeah, because it sounds very like specific and you know, but yeah, I don't think it's.
Definitely read about it and vice that is where I got interested.
Yeah, you know, but they said.
They like burned churches and shit, it sounded kind of crazy.
What do you mean, dude, I don't know, man, And that's what you loved about it, Blake, you know, I mean what I think I think it was like, uh, you know, it's it's almost as we have militia's right, but like obviously not everybody's in a militia, right, and you don't really know anyone that's in a militia, but you know that they're there and they live.
What's the rap music that they're doing now? Or they're just calling people out in the songs and like.
Oh, Drill, Drill, like Chicago Drill.
I don't expect anybody to come to America and be like and I took the kids to a drill music show and it was actually pretty cool.
Glow Gang. They love Cheap Kieve. He's really accessible.
Yeah, so I think it's not as big as we've made it out to be.
So drill music. Blake, explain that to me, because I don't really know that. They just call people out. What do you mean being like Blake's buch fuck him.
Yeah, it's kind of like it's basically like rapping about like the murders you've done in your neighborhood, it's all just.
And the ones you want to do, and then posting that on social hoping or hope, like basically posting on social so they see it.
And then the police like listen to this and go like okay, well now we yes, well that seems stupid though.
It's been whole thing, But lawyers are like, you can it's an art form. They're just rapping about it. It's not real, and it's it's a whole thing.
Oh, it's that fucking loophole, right.
Yeah, but then it ends up being real and then these guys end up going to prison, uh because some of them.
I think some people have been arrested because of it. And that's the reason why I won't start doing it. I just am like, good smart, yea good job. That's what's holding me.
It is kind of a drill pod, but it's like we just throw the allegedly.
I mean, when I put those short shorts on, dude, the drill vibe just kind of squirt squirts out of me.
We just we just sort of call out uh uh, teenage pop stars that we're having beef with.
Yeah, yeah, dude, I mean this podcast is like a drill pod for sure. Drill And by the way, anybody out there who's associated with drill music, don't please don't kill us. Please don't promise you were harmless.
We're fine. Yeah, we're just joshing. Yeah, it's a shokesh.
We probably like your music, We probably think you're cool. Blake for sure does Blake is on board.
I'm not strapped. I know I said I was strapped. I'm not strapped. I'm gonna come I'm gonna come clean, y'all. I'm not strapped. I don't own any straps. I'm a really nice guy. Oh my god, a really nice guy. I'm just a poser.
Real talk, real talk, real talk.
Halfway through the trip, I was just like, I don't think my kids listen to me. I'm like a bad dad. All I do is go like, hey, just guys, don't around. I just I'm trying to like be sweet and nice, and then I like lose it.
It's so hard. It's so hard.
So was it just you and Emma? Did you have anyone else? Did you have anyone else, Sarah to help take care of the kids, because I feel like that's the move is you need to take.
Like no no family. Well we've done that.
We did that in Hawaii where we had a week with family and that was dope because like the older kids were taking care of the little kids and we were all able to sit around and talk. Then we stayed another week just me and my wife and the two kids, and it was.
Actually fucking hard.
Dude, It's like, got no relief reality check. Yeah, I mean we brought our nanny places, we brought family places and it's always terrific. And uh, didn't do it without them. But then we were just like, this is what people do. They fly first class to Europe and uh deal with no, you know, like obviously obviously there was like terrific aspects of the trip that like aren't aren't normal or whatever, but like we were just like, I feel like we can do this on our own, and we were wrong. We were wrong.
Well you did it though, Hey, I'm gonna give you we did it. Yeah, you did it. You did it. It's not easy, not easy at all, and you made it.
Through and it was very cool to like we took the kids around to like the street signs. A lot of them are named after people much like here, and they would like see their names on the.
Walls and ship and oh that's touch. Yeah.
So yeah, no, you don't steal it because then they beat the ship out of you in the streets and go.
You are an example that wait what yeah, what is punishment out there? Is it pretty straight?
It's death You have to listen to death metal?
No, I think actually metal penalty.
So there's the like there was the like mass murderer dude who like killed one hundred people at that summer camp a few years ago.
Who, yeah, I believe is.
The only person who's ever gotten a life sentence. But other than that, I think they're super deep into rehabilitation and I think the max sentence this was on like a fucking Vice News maybe of like like the max sentence is like eleven years and basically you just go to a farm and they're like, dude, here, just grab this, we need you to pull that plow, like help us out. And they just kind of rehabilitate people by giving them like purpose and.
Like slave labor.
Uh. It's super but it's like you're you're doing something, like you're you're contributing, and you leave there being like I want to be of service out there too. I want to get back to society.
Interesting yea, yeah, but like.
You know, it's different than America. America is just fucking a little wilder, a little crazier, hair crazy, get.
In the box.
Yeah yeah.
But there's like a lot of like what ever happened to that serial killer that he like had multiple like torture chambers underneath his house. The guy that looked exactly like you this guy, yes, that man, But I'm the man that looked almost identical to Hodors who murdered tons of people. He never he didn't get the sentence.
That was not He's not Norwegian, that's uh, he's from Germany, I think, or Austria.
Austrian. I think it was Austrian.
Hey, let me let me check the biography, like seventeen doors or wherever he had. We just let me just flip through the big real quick.
Yeah, dude, right, he had a basement family and it was really crazy.
By the way, I remember talking about this in the room and being like eighteen doors, right, like six four eighteen doors, Like who at home? Depot was like not.
Selling this guy doors.
Yeah, like, I think he's part of the problem other doors.
So to re rehash this story, explain it because I don't.
Right on time, so topical I don't remember either. But a guy looked like me and had like an inbred family in his basement behind eighteen doors.
Yeah, it's the whole world gone crazy. No, just this guy. This was years ago, This was like ten years ago.
Yeah, so it was a saw movie underneath his house. Yeah, yeah, exactly, like, yes, exactly, and.
We'll put another picture next to the Yeah, but yeah, I saw a movie. The dude like dug out a basement and so he would.
He would like fuck up a woman impregnator and then raise the kids and then like fuck the kids. Is that what was happening down there?
Yes, rinse repeat, Yes, it was bad.
I'm sorry.
He would not even rinse, he would not.
He was saying, yeah, we got to find out what happened to that man, because you have to put him down. If he's just like on a farm somewhere.
They gave him eleven years, they let him grow the numbers, and they're.
Like, it's all right, no, yeah, he just raised some cherry tomatoes and uh they left.
Us the way.
He can't go to home depot, all right, no more doors for you, No more doors for you, buddy.
Yeah, that's the one place he's banned from.
I do love it. Gets out in ten years, goes to home depot and he's like, uh, can I get any doors? And they're like, okay, welcome back. Just let's get you these batteries and you get the hell out of here.
Best customer, Hey, door mann, you know, no one has ever bought as many doors as this guy.
Anyway, let's ring you up this chainsaw.
Yeah, exactly exactly.
That's a lot of tape.
Rope brother.
Hey man, they keep giving him awards at the hardware store for buying the most amount of tape, and uh, all right, you don't need to take my phonto. No one has ever bought eighteen doors before.
We got a.
Boss, you know, the door guy we're not supposed to sell doors to. Yeah, of course, is he here? Yeah, he's trying to buy a door. No, No, he's trying to buy windows. Can we do windows?
Can we do windows?
Can we do windows? I don't know if we can do windows. They're kind of doors, they're just sky doors. Can we do that?
I found a hole.
Let's sell him three. Let's maxi amount of three. Hey, my boss, that we can give you three windows.
That's not gonna cut it.
You need to see him the indoors.
I'm gonna need.
He wants door knobs. Can we give him door knobs? He's buying planks of wood and door knobs.
Well, okay, fine, no hinges.
Kind of a great area. No hinges, no hinges, no hinges.
Okay, off the hinges.
Off the hinges.
Wow, it's off. That's where it comes from, right, it's off the hinges.
Well, guys, is there any take backs any apologies.
Yeah, I'm sorry we brought up this guy.
But yeah, me too.
Yeah, I would like to apologize for bringing this guy.
You know, good old dark comedy, you know dark comedy rocks. Bro.
You know he wants to apologize to me. I'm just gonna apologize to him. Nobody wants to.
I'm sorry to the skating community for perpetrators.
Yeah, I'm sorry for anyone that like U is a musician. I'm sorry that Blake's trying to steal your your style.
Well, I want to give a shout out to all my fellow CAUSE players out there. I'll see you at the next comic con. I'm doing my best out here.
Shout out your skateboard, rock and roller comic con.
Blake, I'm going to give you some grace. Bro.
You keep going until you find who you are, you man, and then I can't wait to be there and watch that person for Flori.
Alright, that's a journey.
Yeah, well sir, thank you. Yeah, a moment of grace. That's a moment of grace for Blake.
Thank you.
I'm sorry the audience for eating earlier. Daddy hungry.
I'm hungry too right now. I didn't think I was gonna be.
All you have to do is apologize, and it's like get out of jail, faker.
And it's it's like it's like being a Christian, or it's like being a Catholic.
You just you're forgiven.
You know, you talk to the priest and say, hey, I did you talk.
To the You just lock up your family, fuck him in the basement after the hand.
And then you forgive.
Hey, you know, let's give a shout out here to liquid death. Okay, I'm drinking an armless palm. Are very funny. You guys used to send us stuff and whatever, and we Oh. I went to the town of Voss and guess what I didn't drink there?
Water Boss water, Voss water.
I was like, we're for sure going to get some Boss water. No, I didn't blow it. The restaurant we ate at where I had nachos, they blew it.
Yeah, but did you get like tap water, because if you've got tap water, that's Voss.
Water, because technically that that is Voss water.
Yeah, I guess, I guess I technically did have voss. The water was wet. It was wet, but as Adam would say, all the same.
Yeah, it all tastes.
Shout out to the reindeer bird.
Hose water tastes the exact same as desani as Zach water.
Hose water tastes different.
Water is underrated rocks.
I'm having so much fun. I don't want to say good bye.
I don't either.
You don't have lunch. I didn't eat on the pod, so I'm gonna eat after the podcast. So that was another episode of.
You So Long Ang t I I Nation. This is Blake Anderson here to let you know that Adam Divine, Kyle Knuwachek, Honders Home, and myself are going on at this is important tour.
Yes, the time has come.
We have official tour dates to announce and we're gonna be coming to a city near you.
You just need to.
Go over to t I I Tour dot com to check out the first half of our tour dates and locations. That's starting Thursday, August seventeenth at ten am ps T. You're gonna be able to purchase pre sale tickets by using code TII Tour. That's t I I t o youre dot com with code TII Tour to get your.
Pre sale tickets.
Starting Thursday, August seventeenth at ten am p s t. They're gonna go fast, people, but don't you worry if you don't see your city. More tour dates are gonna be announced soon, so we hope to see you on the tour everybody. It's gonna be freaking crazy. I'm bringing buzzballs, dude,