
Ep 147: Ted Talk Dirty To Me

Published Aug 8, 2023, 10:00 AM

Today, this is what's important:

The best diarrhea drops, Ted Talks, Master Classes, Pee-wee Herman, Mission Impossible, Barbenheimer, movie theater snacks, bottled water, Lake of the Ozarks, Shark Week, and more. 



Welcome to This is Important, a production of iHeartRadio, the show where we only talk about what's the most important, bottom line, critical thing happening on this planet today. This is important.

I've done that before and the soul gets in the tip.

Wait what you're doing?

It just like raw, You're just sitting down and watching without anything going into your mouth.

Mushroom cloud from a mushroom head? What is come?

Baby? And I'm squirt me.

Buckle up. Diarrhea? Okay, Ford or Adams diarrhea, diarrheae diarrhea, diarye diarrhea. That one's the best one. I mean, I know we talk about these a lot, like we revisit the sound bites, like.

What's your favorite SoundBite?

Welcome to this Important. We're gonna think our diarrhea clips.

My favorite sound bite?

Yeah, your favorite out of all the soundbites.

What are diarrhea? No, just diarrhea sound bites.

It's just oh, just diarrhea. I like the cause of the cause of diarrhea.

That that one's so good? Can we hear them all?

And then sure, Okay, let's run let's run through some diarrhea.

Yeah, support, yeah, all the diarrhea.

But this one's the first one the classics, and of course there's that one's pretty good.

I like that that has like a nineties like jazz like hip hop vibe to it.

Yeah yeah, Marky Mark Yeah.

Right, like Markey Bark. It is like Markey Bark for sure, good vibration.

Not that one that was that's what you got to call them out one, two, three, So that was number three.

This is number three diarrhea Cowboy.

I like that one.

Yeah, that's that's more of a country twang to it. Yeah, I like that.

Yeah, they're having fun.

Yeah, that's a boot scoot and boogie.

Of course there's one's pretty good.

That's not diarrhea though from the commercials. That's just one song.

Well there's only three from the commercial. Then there's the cause of diarrhea. Number four of the cause of Diarrhea.

Isn't that from a commercial?

I think that's just my mom?

Is it your mom?

I don't know what that's from.

I'm sorry. I thought all the diarrhea ones were from like a chain of commercials for the same thing.

A lot of them are from Pepto Bismo commercials, but some of them I just like pulled off of, like Instagram, Like, just like Ted talks about diarrhea.

There's a Ted talk about diarrhea.

Hold up, yeah, dude, like this one diary. I think that was just like how to say diarrhea in English?

Okay, you're doing work behind the scenes. Okay, yeah, I like that.

And then what's this one at the podcast?

Okay, not used it enough? I've heard that.

I feel like you don't that one doesn't get a lot of love.

Yeah, but it's long, it's long. But this one's pretty good.

Either you have diarrhea or you don't.

That was the Ted talk, that was the tat one.

Yeah, so that's a tech Yeah, cant me just talk about how TED talks have gotten absent, Like they're no, they have no longer any weight to them.

You don't have to be smart.

Yeah, it feels like at first it was like, oh, they're teaching thing and that. Now they're just like, hey, don't have too many beans or whatever the thing is that makes you have diarrhea.

Either you have diarrhea or you don't.

Have no idea, Maybe I should watch this Ted talk.

That's huge though.

I remember people talking about them as if they were something to be seen.

And well when they first came out, they were kind of weren't they was like this a new thing where you could see like these like fucking professorial people, just like.

It's the tiny desks of smart people. Oh boy, yeah.

I think it was a way to be like, oh, you know, I don't know anything about whatever global warming or something. I don't know anything about it. So I'm gonna watch this scientist talk about global warming for fifteen minutes and feel and then I can lower that information over my dumb friends.

Right, that's key, key out of them, you know.

And that was kind of the main reason. But then now they're just telling you stuff that you kind of already know about, like diarrhea covered diarrhea. I know, I talked to my dumb friends about diarrhea all the time, and we all knowledge, we know about diarrhea.

What is there about diarrhea?

I watched one about like sports that a kid who grew up on my block did that, like went that was a big one. Shout out David Epstein.

What was what? What about sports?

It was just like the evolution of sports and like how things in sports have changed, but athletes haven't really gotten that much faster, right, Like really like.

Like just the rules change.

Well, yeah, and like what you're running on and like the shoes you have, Like people used to run in like a dirt track right in the Olympics like seven like seventy years right, and now you're running on like super bouncy, like grippy track and you have spiked shoes, And it's like, wow, how much how much of the improvement has been the chain has been like the evolution of training, and how much is the technology? Same with swimming in sports.

Technology, So if you put a you're thinking, if you you're saying, if you put like an athlete in the shoes and on the track, but they're from like nineteen nineteen, they're going to fucking rock the same as an athlete from twenty nineteen, which it's possible.

Oh my god, is that real?

Bam, this is ted talk. This is imagine imagine Bo Jackson turf talk. Imagine Bo Jackson on turf.

Dude, I don't even want to do that.

Would I feel like people were lifting, like people were working out in the way we know how to work out now. I don't know if people in the like the eighteen hundreds were doing the types of workouts to get the amount of strength that you need.

Tires too are right.

But what he's saying is the best of the best, Like maybe maybe like more people are in better shape and like the field is deeper or whatever, but like the best of the best aren't really that much faster than they were without these like advancements in science and stuff in technology around the sport.

So if you put like a front line a frontline battle warrior in the right outfits, like into the cage, it would they would they would fucking rock an MMA fight.

Now they're just as strong as MMA fighters. Well yeah, but that also comes down to like techniques. So if you taught the technique to that person back then, like they might be wrecking shop, right exactly. Yeah, I feel I.

Feel like, no, you couldn't have an old timey battle warrior like Kyle.

Just said, yeah, close your eyes you see, it.

Couldn't go into the octagon, bro, because because they don't know all the sweet maneuvers.

Yeah, that's what I'm saying, but that that's just advancements in technology.

Really not technology, just the technique of instead of learning tech something one discipline, people learn multiple disciplines.

Tech, money, there put it in terms for us, please please, please, man, so we can understand, So we can so, how do I do?

The largest cock in seventeen seventy six's been big.

The strokes aren't getting better, dude, it's an advancement.

Medieval time dick is just as good as today's dick.

No, I disagree, it's a dirtier dick. It is agreed.

Some people want that dirt. Why is a medieval dick not clean because of just showers?

Showers dragged in the mud, Kyle, if you don't know the.

Answer, that.

Because they're just showers and stuff like soap and stuff hits the showers.

Kid, Dude, that's that black leg dick. Dude, that ship is not good. Leprosy penis where the dick just comes off.

Yeah, warhammer fucking I feel that our ted talk would be it would be definitely porno based.

Right, I feel like, yeah, yeah, based talk on anything based in porno for sure.

Thank you for telling me, Thank you for coming, get it come.

It's a lot of thank you for coming.

Yes, thank you for coming. C U M M I N G. Okay, we're gonna start there. The come Blake loves that way too much.

Dude, Hi, dude, if we did a four way TED Talk, that's what our tour is about to be, is just.

I did find the whole thing very annoying, like TED talks, just very like all right, I know I never clicked with them.

I remember thinking a couple were fire like what I can't really give a specific example.

No fire.

I remember liking like, I thought it was cool.

I know one I know one that thought was fire like fucking Rodney Rodney Mullins, who was like the skateboarder who invented the aulie.

I thought that was sick wow.

And then he was like, I just kicked it up and then the board came up and I sort of leveled it out the other foot and then I landed it.

Yeah, you're saying he invented the alie.

Hey, I have another hour to talk, so let me say this.

Yeah, like, is that it? And I'm getting the light? All right, no light yet, Rodney, you gotta string it out a little bit.

Yeah, still still talk still so trust.

I think I thought it was cool though, because it was like skateboarding at a TED Talk. It was like it was not supposed to be there, you know, it felt Yeah, we're.

Back to tiny desk.

I feel like, dude, that's that's the bad guy to do, Like you invented the Ali Like, okay, but don't you want to talk about like and Tony Hawk, like someone that like took the sport to the next level.

No, you got to listen to Rodney talk.

He's really really philosophical and very soft spoken.

He's like, I guess, I guess that's why I don't love it. It's like the art of talking, and I'm kind of like, who fucking needs to hear this?

Yeah, Blake, you don't remember one Ted talk. Blake likes the idea. He likes that it was popular on the internet.

I think it was like I think it was like a soldier or something, and he was.

Like, don't do that, don't do that.

I can do it. I want to a soldier. And he's kind of like talking about it.

That's even more disrespectful, dude.

It was.

It was a damn soldier.

I remember every soldier.

Okay, so you think it was kind of a soldier or it was a soldier.

What is it was a no limit soldier? It was master p dude.

It was crazy. What side was a soldier? On's talking about rap snacks.

Yeah, it was a rap snacks Ted talk and it was really informative, master P talking about like coming.

So there's a exceptions to every rules.

Again, I would watch a master P Ted talk. That would be insanely cool.

Come on, wait, master P would do a master class and I'm waiting for it, and I want to hear on points.

Oh that's the next Ted talk. That's when they're like, you know what, we're gonna start charging for this ship.

We're gonna do the master classes. That was that's the next iteration. Yeah, but the master classes are based on like a skill set. They're not like hypothetical bullshit that someone's like makes sense, doesn't it.

And have you guys ever taken a master class? Yeah?

What are those?


These are for? Yes, go ahead, what are the master classes?

It's like you're taking a literal class on directing or comedy or cooking.

But it was on the internet, right, he could buy it.

Yeah, it still is. You could still do it, and you could buy it and and like people will give it to you as a gift if like you want to learn how to cook, like.

Bobby Flay, check out fucking Salt.

Bag, Martha Stewart or someone would teach you how to cook and teach you like the basics. I took one with uh. I was interested in Steve Martin's just to hear, like his master class on comedy and I save your money?

What? What? What? What's the So how many when you say you took a class at him? Is this like?

Save your money dude? Like you can easily figure it out without spending the two hundred dollars or whatever the master class costs.

Sure, so how many classes is it?


It was the most basic, like what is funny? To you find your it's it's definitely to teach people that I have no sense of humor, like what how to be slightly funny?

But if you're you were twelve or like if you.

Were just for twelve year olds, I don't think it's for twelve year old Well no.

I'm just saying like if you're eighteen, sure, but if you're eighteen and you're getting into comedy, would you value it? I remember you liked his book a lot.

I liked his book because I liked hearing his story.

I used I told me you liked the part that where he was like I used to wear black face. He told me that.

Yeah, I loved I'm really leaned into that.

Remember when you wrote that on a piece of paper and you slid it to me.

No, No, he didn't do that.

He didn't.

He did book he did as a child his dad and he had like an act where he would put on black.

Oh, I don't. I don't remember that part of the book. The freaking was it funny when the.

Jerk didn't he grow up a poor black child? Then he dyed his hair white out of solid air and he was like, what do that? This isn't really dude.

So now I'm ready for your ted talk on misinformation.

Yeah, that would be pretty cool.

Maybe he did. I think he did. I feel like I feel like when I read the book he said he did that. I don't know.

Maybe I never read that book.

I don't remember that. I've read that book twice and I don't remember that.

Adams Adam is like, yeah, old hat and who didn't.

Who didn't back in the day, I didn't Steve Martin exactly Steve Martin.

But did he he had like albums too, right, like Steve Martin Records.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, he was the first person like sell out stadiums doing comedy.

Fucking cool. Yeah, I got to look him up.

I love when Blake. I love when Blake pretends not to know information.

So hey, why did he stop doing comedy? Did he stop? He became a movie star and was busy, but he never went back to the stage to do stand up right, like he's doing it now with Martin Shoe.

But that's a two man show. I mean, I'm talking just stand up. You know, he like he gave that up right.

No, he said he started to not like it where it got too big for him. He missed like the clubs and the keeping it smaller. But like he was selling too many tickets.

I get that, the small audience, you could do blackface. No one knows. I don't know what a fucking cool thing to say. By the way, that's too big. I'm fucking just gonna Hey, while we're here talking about who I think it is a comedy god. I think Steve Martin's fantastic. Can we just address Paul Rubens pee Wee Herman has passed.

Did we just talk about him on the podcast? I don't really remember.

We talked about it every time we talk about blow, But like maybe that's about.

It, which is yeah, probably a lot because it's the best movie.

Right right, Derek Rank.

From what I gathered, we mentioned him and speaking about mystery Men, so you know he's kind of his open.

Oh we did just did just mentioned it? Yeah, did we?

We didn't mention the Angus cloud guy though we did not mention him, did we.

No, No, We'll give him his time.

That wasn't that wasn't that one. That one was not on us.

Paul Rubins, dude man, rest in peace. Pee wee dude, rest in peace.

I was actually really like surprised and stoke to see how many people like we're like shouting out pee wee herman, Like Paul Rubin's like.

I know me too. I just talked with Chloe about that. I was like, it's cool that he's getting such it's it's actually a little bit of a bummer that I feel like he didn't get his true moment before he passed away. I mean that's how it always is. Yeah, but it's like you, we want to give people flowers while they're still alive, but then we give them flowers and they immediately die.

So we can't do it.

We can't do it. We no longer can do it, but the world I think can.

Well, this is what I was thinking to what you're saying, Adam. I was singing of the day, like that yesterday or whatever it was. He's one of those people or artists or whatever that everybody feels like was theirs, you know what I'm saying, Like it was like their secret, Like no, no, no, like I'm really into this guy, like and that's very hard to do. There's not many people who connect on that level. And some people are huge stars that like you know, you're Michael Jackson's or Bruce Springstein's, you're jay Z's who like they they reach a bunch of people. But he was so people were like, no, no, no, this dude's mine, Like I love him, like he connected to me, which is, I don't know, more valuable to me as an artist than like reach United broadbrey.

Deer says, he's an artist's.

I was just surprised that, like he's a creator, you're an artist, buddy. They like cited him as like the reason that they felt comfortable being weird and having imagination and all that stuff, Like I don't. I just didn't realize how many people were influenced by him as just like somebody who was the crux of their their young imagination, right.

Well, especially pee Wee Herman was such a zech especially for people our age. I feel like people like Chloe is eight years younger than me, and she doesn't really know pee Wee Herman. R Like, she knows that it's a thing, but it didn't resonate with her in the same way.

Well, was that show when we were growing up?

She was like, I remember watching it and it was kind of scary, and I'm like, yeah, it is, that's why it was tight.

Yeah, pee Wee's a Big Adventure scary. I remember kind of feeling that too.

I remember feeling that it was a little bit like like, whoa, pee Wee's Big Adventure is scary.

But that's what was cool about it.

Because of Large March. Large March is one of the scariest shots as a child.

Yeah, the claymation one.

Yeah, Yeah, pee Wee was there was always something a little uneasy about him. That's what was cool. That was kind of what was cool about a lot of stuff in our childhood in the nineties is that like stuff was like kind of kind of creepy, like it had that little yeah.

Well that that had the Tim Burton flair on it that was like, you know, uh macabre if you will.

It's got this fucking kind.

Of like bruh.

Speaking of artists, you.

Know, gothic. I guess it is a better term. It sounds like this gothic vibe.

You know. You know how we make movies now that are for kids that have like jokes for adults, you know, like that's the whole thing. They used to make movies for adults that kids could watch. Right, So there's a bunch of things in that movie. That's a movie for grown ups, right, Like, but it's got that weird le. Yeah, I think it is, like we I think is a movie for grown ups. It's a movie for adults, but like kids watch it because you're like, whoa like dinosaurs and like it's about a kid losing his bicycle, but it's an adult. It was a kid. You watch it and you're like, what the fuck? Is he a kid or is he a grown up? Is Francis a child? Right? Super weird ass Francis Dude.

I gott it is cool. I'm like, I wonder if a movie like that would ever get made nowadays, because it was a character from The Groundlings, which The Groundlings is an improv school here in California on Meltows for adults.

Even in its genesis it was for adults. It was a fucked up kids show for adults. Yes, originally Groundlings character and then an HBO special I believe before it was a big adventure.

Yeah, I think so. And then it became it like gained some popularity, and then they made this insane movie and I don't know, I don't see that trajectory for a movie for like a weird character piece nowadays.

Right, Yo, Gabba Gabba.

And by the way, it's so fun and it's so perfectly cast, and like every character in that movie is amazing, and then he's at the center of it, like still a little bit above everybody else, right, And then the fucking TV show where it's like, all right, so kids love this fucking wacky movie. Now I'm like, now I'm gonna switch gears and do like a very wholesome version of what that movie was for kids, with even crazier, cooler characters like John By the guy who died like last year, maybe two years ago. It was like mecha like heimcha heiney hill ye damn. Pee Wee's Playhouse and from pee Wee's Big Adventure are crazy. I know you, I know you.

Are, but what age?


Yeah, I mean I feel like I still use that one.

I quote it almost weekly, probably in some way good. It's a good comeback.

Yeah, dude. From the movie Big Top, Big Top Peewee. Right, that's the Big.

Top Peewe, but it's Big Adventure, different one. I guess I'm kind of like confused a little bit.

That was the first one, right, Big Adventure.

Weight there were two Big Adventures, the first.

Oh, I think I've only seen the second one.

You've never seen pee Wee's Big Adventure.

Big Adventure is the bike in the Alamo, Right, that's the mission. Yes, and Francis stole it maybe, but.

I don't know if I saw that.

Yeah, that's a road movie. It's beautiful. Bro, you're coming over tonight. No, I have a housewarming gift to give you too, So we will just watch this movie at some point in the.

Next Yeah, which one has because there's this very specific scene that fucked me up forever when his girlfriend she's like, I made you your favorite food and he's like you can. It ends up being the eggs salad sandwich and it's like dropping on his face. And I never ate egg salad sandwiches, specifically because I was so disgusted by the way Pee Weee reacted to the sandwich.


Is that big top? Yes? Is that Penelope and Miller? Is that her name in that movie?

I just remember I never ate egg salad sandwiches. Now I like him, but it took me about twenty five years before I took my first bite off the strength of Peek.

What about?

Do you remember the shot in A Big Big Adventure where he pulls the chain out of his bike case and it just keeps going and go to lock his bike up right before it gets stolen, and you could see the chain coming out of the bottom of it, like the never ending chain.

Yeah. I always wondered if Tim Burton was like, just fucking leave it. That's kind of funny. Damn, I really left it. But they've cropped it out in other versions that I've watched.

Wow, oh really, Oh so they've hidden it, so maybe it was a mistake.

I've seen it cropped out and i've seen it still in there.

Before, which one does he do the tequila dance the perner.

That's big adventure.

Yeah, that's big adventure. You've seen big adventures.

Okay, then I've seen that. I've seen that without it. Thinks, no, there's no way, I haven't, right, But.

Big top Hee Wee is wacky. It's definitely not as as as inventive. It doesn't have Tim Burton directing it. No shots fired at the other director. But like it doesn't have that kind of like macawbrus or sauce whatever jun gothic, macabre sauce, the macabre goth. But I just want to say that I had a fucking razy moment at Michael Vanos's fortieth birthday when we went out to the desert and stayed at that like it's like a trailer park but like you know, kitchy fun whatever.

Yeah what is that place called? Because I was there too, and then we missed each other by a day because it was a weekend thing. I can only do Friday and you could only do Saturday.

I don't know. Out in Joshua Tree, it's a trailer park very like Instagrammable, and every trailer is like a different theme and they have one of the trailers from Big Top Peewee, and I don't know who was staying in it, but I was like, can I please, like just go in your trailer and like scope it out? And it was real quick and JO very fast, which and we'll get to that most of Wi Fi passwords for this trailer. He was the first guy to really publicly JO. And now we make a podcast where we're like, where have you jacked off?

Dude? That's what happened. Wait, we're burying the lead. That's what happened. Instagrammable, they tried to derail our boys career off just a little j O session, man, and I'm not having it, man, I'm not having.

Oh that's fucked up. Yeah, no, it's not right. That was yes, not right. Anyways, and then he went out and hosted the MTV Awards and was.

Like hurting the good jokes. Yeah, dude, the best dude. He had to really claw his way back for some ship that I think is like it's okay to do now, right, Like that's fine.

I kind of think. So if you're I mean, you're go for it, Blake.

I think he was arrested and that's probably and this is my ted talk.

But why is it? It was a theater.

It was the Yeah, it is weird. It was weird because he got arrested for jerking off in a porno theater. Yeah, but isn't that what porno theaters are for?


Exactly exactly to me, I'm like, I thought everyone was drinking theaters.

But it feels like the exact right forum.

Wasn't at the Barbie movie. Come on, man, my boy was putting in work where his work was meant to be done.

Dude, pre internet horn.

By the way, have you guys seen the Oppenheimer or Barbie yet?

The Barbenheimer?

I haven't, No, But are we closing the book on p W? I still do move on?


Sure to make sure we gave our shout out? Well, I was. I had one other thing on the p W.

I was just wondering if you guys watched the newest Peewee Incarnations because there was a few like that came out in the last like maybe five years or something, wasn't it.

No, there was one and it came out on Netflix, right.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, it was a Netflix joint. It was just one.

Yeah, I think so, yeah, I think so.

Sorry, there was no there was a live stage show that came out, and then there was also a movie about like Christmas or something. I got to check it out, man, I haven't seen it.

Yeah, it's kind of funny. Actually, should check it out.

I bet, I bet all right? Cool, good wreck, Thanks for the Wreck, fell for Reck.

You guys have not seen Barbie or Oppenheimer. You guys a big movie fans.

I'm a strike I haven't.

Been able to break away from what I heard about Barbie. It ships on, man, I refuse to see it.

It's pretty funny.

I want to see it, beat.

I actually really liked it. Me and uh me and my buddy Zach, I wish I was pizza on Instagram. We went and saw last night.

It was every Yeah, I'm trying to go, but I actually I have heard like a lot of like the showings are sold out, like people are going to the movies, right, dude.

It was crazy. It was Tuesday. It's you know, it was last night. It was a Tuesday night and it was packed.

Yeah, dude, it's kind of a bummer that everything is on striking ship because it feels like there's like good momentum in the movie theaters.

But I know it feels like in the movie theaters, but in the in the but you think there's good movement in the movie theaters. But that's what you just said. I'm sorry, old how know that?

All right?

I know about the movie theaters, but though and what even is a movie theaters?

But to you, dude, come on, don't jump down my throat on this one.

Man, please jump up his butt.

The movie theaters. I do want to see it. But I went and saw the and I do have a take back for later. I saw the New Mission Impossible in stead.

Okay, you didn't like the New Mission Impossible. I thought it was fun. Dude, here we go. I just watched all the Mission Impossible movies and then went to see that, so I think I was fully primed to love it.

Yeah, it's the worst one of the last two or three, though, right.

Here you go, it's the tiny Desk of Mission Impossible.

I don't know, I really enjoyed it. I thought it was super fun. I'm ready. I'm ready for the next one.

It seemed cheaper and kind of like not as polished as the last couple. What do you mean? It just didn't seems as a grand Yeah, it didn't seem as grand. It didn't seem as like, uh, polish, just like it didn't seem as well made. It seemed kind of like plain and very confusing, like screenplay, a little vanilla suck a lot of like let me take this these four minutes to like explain what's going on for the audience, and then you're just like loose, we can't bake this into a set piece or something.

Oh yeah, was it film during I really liked it. Was it film during COVID? Was that a COVID masterpiece?


Because sometimes I've noticed that some of those movies that are like super huge scale that they filmed during COVID, there's like you had to cut some corners in it. I don't know, there's like like the Newest ant Man sort.

Of Yeah, that could be.

I I'll still see the next because it's to be continued. But like it was, really I was the whole time. I was like, oh, yeah, this isn't great.

This is You didn't know that com No, Yeah, it's a two partner.

Yeah, it's a two partner. Oh I didn't know that. That's yeah, interesting, that's an interesting thing. I was wrong about those guys. Saying it's basically just fast and furious. That one was very dumb. It seemed like the dumbest one so far.

So you're saying it is kind of like fast and Furious.

This this latest one, Yes, although it still's got Tom Cruise, but I didn't it didn't give Tom Cruise a scene to be like, great, Yeah, he's grounded this in a way where I'm on board with this guy and he's trying to save this woman that he like just met, like as if she matters more than it's weird.

He's in love?

Is he in love? Is Ethan in love? It's weird? If he is love?

Dude, that every movie it's there's something insane like that where he's like, he can't let one person die to save a billion. He has to.

But this movie has like a past love or like someone from the past. And then he's like, there's two now.

Oh, player alert sounds like it sounds like a player alert, and.

You know I hate players, damn speaking a good movie. Player.

Well, Oppenheimer was fantastic, Barbie was really they were both.

Did you do the double feature, Adam.

No, I did it a week apart. You wear all pint I saw Mission Impossible three weeks ago, Oppenheimer last week, and then Barbie this week. Good for you.

I like.

Mission Barbenheimer.

What was your snack game?

Yeah, snack game is popcorn and junior mints?

But baby doy, hey, are you throwing the mints? Are you throwing the mints in the popcorn?

I am throwing the minx eyes?

You are dog, That's what I'm talking.

Sorry, sorry, jes you poke your dick.

Through the diner?

Get your pee wee on? No, because because I've done that before. The c gets in the tip.

You've put your dick through the popcorn.

Don't act like we all haven't put our dick through the popcorn? Did you guys? Just say it like, did you put your dick through the popcorn? Did you put it?


And through the bottom.


Obviously I knew it was going to be that kind of party.

Huh dicking the mash potato?

Obviously I did. I'm I'm I'm watching it with uh with my buddy and my wife. So trying to get a handle's a real brad bag.

Either you want poor you know what are?

What do we feels on like the Mount Rushmore of movie theater snacks.

Dude's pieces, bunch of crunch, bunch of crunch when they were out, that was the move, not a bunch of crunch. Not really, don't tell me that's my truth.

I'm living. It is that.

It's not that.

It's not that because you're forgetting about something, you're forgetting about a little live of cookie dough bites.

All right, Okay, so you're of snacks have been discontinued because.

No one likes. I'm actually going to I'm going to really like what are these things you speak of?

I like to get a crystal PEPSI some cookie dough. No, no, dude, that's my ship.

Wow that makes sense from you, Blake, I could I could see no fun that cookie dough bites are gross. Kyle, You're right, I know.

I actually kind of remember that tastes a little bit like fucking machines or something like that.

There Machine well said, I feel like, Adam, can we get away from this insanity? What's yours? Man?

Go tos? I love Junior Mint.

Yeah, we know, we discuss.

I know that that's a I know that that's saying odd choice.

It's a good choice.

I like them. I really, I really enjoyed junior mints and I like to put them in popcorn.

They got comming them.

They they're filled with cump.

They are yeah, yeah he knows, I don't know mint it.

But also with the junior min's clump together is the most fucked up ship you'll ever have in your life.

It's like a big old glob of clump. And what I do A fun thing that I do is I like to cover my uh. I like to cover my face in it and then and then walk out of the theater like nothing happened.

Bro, They just walk out of the theater like junior buk hockey.

Wow, what movie did he must have saw Barberenheimer, Yeah he got the pee wee special boys.

There was a real blast Inppenheimer explosion explodion.

I'm gonna come, okay, a mushroom cloud from a mushroom head. Don't say I feel like a hot dog guy. I feel like he's a fucking hot dog or a pretzel guy.

Yeah, he fucking pulls up with the pretzels and hot dogs. We used to work at a movie theater. We we don't like you guys.

Haven't said anything yet, And I think what I'm gonna say is gonna make it. We don't like you, guys. I don't think this is gonna make anybody angry, but it's not gonna make anybody happy.

All right, story of your life the time was that? I mean, I feel like you guys were angry at me for junior mint. I'm like, it's just a snack. You don't know.

Those are just discussion. I'm not angry for the reck.

Those are gross. Dude, you're eating bread man.

Do you like york Shire peppermint patties or whatever they bro your yea?

I love?

Do you eat toothpaste? Deal?

Oh my god? Who gives us ship? It's min what's your major malfunctions?

I don't eat toothpaste. I also like thin mints.

Thin minutes. What are those? The cookies?

The cookies you're talking on days? What about on days?

Those are fire? I like those too?

How are we saying on days? Right?

And what do you Andy?

And have a little mountains there? Because they're the Andes mountain.

Andy's for sure. Yeah, Blake, you are so well.

We say mount Diablo.

Dude, it's another thing like Zebra and Diablo. And that's how you guys don't say words.

Zip it give them hard on. But yeah, it's Andy.

Really that would be a and d y apostrophe. Yes, wow, this is days.

It's the Andes mountains.

What are the Andy's mountains? You're just making them mountain ranges? Bro not on my watch.

It's on the wrapper. But kids, you know, but one of them is wrong.

Because something's on the rapper doesn't mean it's real. That's a real mountain range. Where is it?

What is happening? No, it's real, Blake, it's real. Chill out, it's real. It's real blank chill chill.

I've never heard of the Andy, but I'm still very confused because I thought it was on Days.

So this is really You thought it was Onay's Mountains?

No, I thought it was on Days.

Men in South Africa?

South Africa?

Sorry, South America?

South America? Yeah, like Joe, what is crack ted talksh?


This is the thing? Is table mountain?

Hey? What are in South America and South America?

Like down the Patagonia run.

In along South America's western.

Side, Venezuela.

Give me Patagonia, No, one of the longest mountain ranges. Yeah, how have I never heard of these mountains?

You are so dumb. What the hell blake you have? It's the same thing as like you didn't know that you saw Peewey's Big Adventure, Like just information goes in it.

I have see te from fucking Buzzballs.

All right, guys, I'm just gonna drop my favorite theater. Okay, go for it. Nothing. What the are you talking about it? Dude?

Stop, God damn it.

I don't like I don't like eating during movies. I hate anything. I hate listening to other people eating during movies. I hate making the noise. I don't know, God, I don't And then your fingers are like stop it. Do you have a drink though, because then you gotta go to the bathroom? Maybe? Wait what you're doing? It?

Just like raw, You're just sitting down and watching without anything going into your mouth.

You're a creep.

I know what you're thinking. What am I sticking my dick through?


And it actually prevents me from doing it. That's why I don't know. Otherwise I'm like sticking my dick through the bottom of the milk. You lose, you know, I.

Got my dick in an icy dude?

What do you think I was gonna say a dove bar, I get like the box.

Yeah, you are for sure hogging does I like a glass of wine and a dove bar.

I could see you getting like an ice cream or something. But show bonds shout out the time, you get nothing.

Ninety eight to ninety nine percent of my movie going life, I've got damn dude's.

And I know you're playing it cool right now, like this was an adult decision, but we damn well know this sponsor from your childhood. Your parents were like, fuck, no, you're not getting ship, dude.

My parents never took me to movie. See, we've been over this. I went to a one movie with my dad and he was like, that was horrible. And I was like, I like what I remember a hook? Oh yeah it was hook it was He was like, you didn't like that.

That's a good ass movie.

I know that's a that's a classic.

Does not hold up?

Yes it does?

What? No? I watched it the other day and my dad was.

Right, dude, I can't not a you don't like Robin Williams, so I could.

Yeah, we're off the hook.

In the hook robbed me in two hours. I don't know that I've ever I don't know that I've ever seen a movie.

In the theater without getting popcorn, without without getting popcorn.

I don't know that I've ever done. Yeah, I hate the like and then it's on your hands and you're like, do you have a napkin?

Well? I have been going to the theater a lot lately, and I do get the snacks every time, And admittedly, yesterday I was like Jesus Christ, I have to eat three thousand calories of popcorn and junior mints right now?

What are you getting? Are you getting a large? Are you getting a large?

Every getting a large? And I'm splitting it. But then I always I just can't help myself. I keep sack.


Yeah, especially during like Oppenheimer, it's like three hours long and you keep snacking.

And look, you know what I'll say, I'll say this in my past. What I do remember getting back in the day, Okay, here we go was butterfinger bites.

There we go, very good, are like.

The little butterfingers. But then you sit there for the rest of the movie with the butterfinger just like caked in your teeth, and You're like, but that's why you gotta get a water. I always get a water.

I always get an aquafina like or something, or some sort of dasani you know, yeah.

That ain't that ain't doing the trick or water. They always have one of those ones, So I don't get sodas though.

Dasani tastes like machines.

Dude, do you used to like that? Mate?

I like Dasani is my favorite water. And they just had a stone come out that all these waters have forever chemicals, all the waters that you like, uh, and dsni is one of the best waters for you and does not have the forever chemicals really, but that's why it tastes like shit. The forever Oh it doesn't doesn't have all those good plastics. I love the taste. To me, it tastes like water, and it all tastes the exact same. And anyone that is convinced that any water tastes different is a fuck an idiot, and they're just they're convincing. Have you ever heard that strike?

No, they're different. They're different enough if you've ever had that. No, if you drink on avon taste, I'm not saying I like it tastes different.

What's the nah.

You've been marketed, You've been market you.

Know what else tastes different? Aquapana, aquapana from Italy. That ship tastes hell a different, hell a different No, dude, I actually can't be marketed.

What's the one in the tube with the silver top like Hoss.

Water, Boss Baby, I went to Voss. We'll get there.

I guarantee you, guys here, I guarantee you if we had metal plastic cups or whatever type of cups, metal plastic cups, did you just say sorry, like metal cup, whatever type of cups? Science we do a taste test, you guys would absolutely not be able to tell any difference of any water.


I would Can we drink out of a glass?


Do have to be something that you can taste the classic and the metal.

Whatever, whatever type of thing you want to drink out.

Let's drink out of cardboard clay bowl like plastic cups and metal cups definitely flavor the water a little bit.

Does it?

I would go, why that's why Boss is so good?

Adam wants to drink out of an old used skillet a little rusting. You want to eat out of one of those like old like Mayan Ladies bowls where they just like grind the hoolapenos down.

Yeah, I've already said a clay bowl.

Well I want the teflon flakes.

Okay, So whatever glass that you guys want to drink out of just class. Yeah, and to me, that would taste that glass gross. So I'm not trying to drink class.

I actually really like this experiment. I think that that would be really fun to try waters and see if there is a taste.

Dude. That's so crazy about this podcast is we'll do anything.

Man, We're out of We're fucking psycho.

We're why line them up?


It's important?

Oh my god.

You want to know what the best water is? Hands down, that sh it's important. Propel water, the Gator Rade water, the Gatoray.

I used to drink that ship like wildness.

And I know it's discontinued, but Gator is that it's back.

Propel is because Mandy Kayling's pedaling that ship on Instagram. Oh my god, I never liked propel. Why do you like propel? Propel doesn't have enough flavor in it. The lemon Propel used to go down at the crib. Oh my god, I don't think it has enough flavor though. I think it's just exactly exactly.

We wait, So it's not just water. You're saying flavored waters and flavored waters do taste like things.

It's sugar. This is like sugar water. Lavor of waters do taste like this. It's total sugar water.

No, dude, what do you mean? It's enhanced? Sure, it's enhanced water, but don't call me no dude. Propel is water?

There's water in it?


Yeah, everything that's like liquid has a water based right, I mean, just to we're clear.

Yeah, that's kind of So I'll give you something. I'll give you a shot of something. Don't what come.

That is also water?

But that is water based, That is water based. I think that still has water in it.

I'll shoot a load of your face.

Go, I think com has water in it? Why would come not have water in it? I don't know.

No, Come for sure has water.

There's no water it?

Does that have water? Your body is hell of water?

Were like mine as propel? Yeah, it's like water.

And when you g what is come?

Eighty? Water is what is come? Baby? You know?

Hurt me? Yeah? Wow?

I mean is it? This is our ted talk? We find back around? Yes?

But what has come?

In eighteen eighty there was more water income in the nineteen eighties.

I'm going to, uh, the Ozarks?

You are what's up at him? What are you saying?

Yeah? Good, I'm going to the Ozarks speaking of come yeah, okay, shady gator.

Where can we see you? Got you doing some stand up? Or just visiting the folks?

What's going on? Just visiting the folks?

Gonna only stand up, not saying yeah, I'm.

Not gonna see my family. I'm just doing stand up.

That would be cool. Damn.

Now I'm gonna go visit the family in the Ozarks. It's going to be a real trow down.


Is it gonna be some jet skiing or what?

Jet skin?

The whole thing is jealous.

Jealous, yes, super jealous.

We'll see My hip and back have been real painful lately, so we'll see how much jet skin I'm able to do.

Nothing like a jet skin to just rattle that thing into a worst position.

Yeah, that seems See, maybe it'll rattle it back into place. I don't know. I'm trying to rattle something. Something needs to get rattled.

Yeah, that'd be kind of cool. If you fixed your body via jets via jet ski you're legend, Bate, You're legend.

That would be a cool like Cairo fractor. But I mean listen to the doctor Rosarts. Let me see, just get on to jet ski that'll shake it loose.

Yeah, you know, doctor, that's what doctor Brosarts prescribes. It's just a hardy jet ski ride.

That makes sense to me.

Bro. All you need is to jagger shots and five minutes on a jet ski.

Dude, Kawasaki, Oh my god? Wait, so Adam, uh when you go there, do you do the crazy travel route that like we did where it's like you fly into Saint Louis and then are you town carring it? Well?

We did Kansas City?

Yeah, Kansas City, Kansas City, Kansas City thing either way Missouri, which is fucking weird, but Missouri right that we okay? But Kansas okay, Kansas City are Kansas? Yeah? What's going on? Fly to Kansas City?

I do?

I do?

It's it is insane.

You you're taking a town car the whole way or what?

No, Usually my dad will come get us or I'll rent it. I've rented a rental car a handful of times.

But I heard about that. Yeah, Oh that's right. The saga that's right, that's it's important.

Yeah, this time we're actually gonna fly into Springfield, Missouri, which is only an hour and a half away instead of the three hours.

I remember almost doing that.

Yeah, there's a Springfield in Illinois too, Right, what's up with that?


That's right?

Yeah, I think there's a Springfield everywhere. That's that's why the Simpsons are in Springfield, because there's one in everywhere.

Probably want to do you remember on that drive you fucking almost killed us? Do you remember when you passed that car? Remember when we were driving in from Kansas City, Missouri, and you were like, I'm going to pass this car and it got a little bit too tight there at the end, but you hold it out like a fucking fast and furious Van Diesel move bro, see you.

I think I was fine with it, but yeah, maybe you were being a bitch.

Well, being a passenger in that moment is is always fucking scary.

But that was really really freaky. It was close. My life is in your hands, dude, I get it. But like, well, I will admit that it didn't have the like torque that I was hoping because I was driving a Tahoe, which I think is a V eight and I was like, all right, but I'm used to drive something that's turbo charged. I'm not talking about.

Okay, it is. We're not used to driving a fast car, and then you go to drive a car that doesn't have the juice to get you there, it is terrifying.

We'll get up and go. That was the situation. We both thought it was easy. We were trying to get there. Man, yeah, I know.

I was like, go, go for it, and then it just became scary at the end because it didn't have enough little torque.

I remember this was for my bachelor party that all the guys came out and it was super fun. But I remember the day that you guys got in, like, uh, it's supposed to take three hours, and it took the group like five and a half hour because you kept stopping places. And I was like calling, being like hey, you guys almost hear it, and they're like a few more hours. You stopped in a barbecue.

And I'm like it wasn't even cool like that. It was like Taco John's. It was like fast food.

Yeah, it was like yeah, and then you stopped that like gas station, Like we had to stop at a come and go. Yeah, okay, got the shirt.

We got the shirt. Yeah.

Wasn't there a place called like Big Dix or something. We all took like a picture with our pants off in front of it. We'll post it.

Yeah, Big Dicks halfway in which was a which is a bar. Yeah, it's like you're halfway across the lake or something like that.

We got to get a picture, dude, we got to feed the thread.


And that was it was me, you, Levano's and anybody and it was just the three of us. It was just us and we hadn't seen each other in forever. No, we were we were brown down, we were hanging out. It was like COVID was like today we die together.

Oh yeah, no, it was super COVID times. That was the coolest part about the trip is like.

And then we go there and for sure we were like everyone was like, oh, we're for sure getting COVID because we were at all these like out like these like party pools and like just talking to people like face to face.

Oh yeah, I thought it was guaranteed.

And then I guess we proved right then that COVID was a lie. That was when the proof occurred because none of us got COVID, So I think we had just figured it out. And this is my ted talk.

I mean, Fauci proved it's gonna be your drop at the beginning of the episode.

Yeah, I guess we figured it out that it wasn't real. Bam.

I remember I had to go to a family thing right after, so I was just everywhere we were in public, I'm like, that's just back away and people come and be like, yo, what's up, And I'd be like a dodging this month, this month month.

Yeah, but luckily none of us, none of us got COVID. It was it was, it was honestly, I was so hungover on that by it was. I had a three day hangover, which is ever happened before or since. And on that third day, I was like, I have COVID. There's no way that this is still a hangover, right right right, And I took tests and just the way, actually I didn't have COVID. That was just a three day hangover.

I'm still gonna send it. I mean, that was. That was a big party.

It was a blast.

That was a big party.

A lot of consumption, Adam nowhere, you'll get it this time yeah, Jesski's wrong. And then when we got out, when we talked about Missouri and we talked the ozarks, and everyone was like, how about all those snakes in the lake. And I was like, don't know what you're talking about. If I had known their snakes in that lake, I'd be like, I'm chilling.

Well, you know, there's snakes in any lake. And I've never seen a snake in the lake and I've been there dozens of time, and my dad is like, no, there's not a ton of snakes. So I don't know what people were talking about. Maybe in certain areas.

Multiple people talked about the snakes. Maybe it's around one band. I mean, the ozarks are humongous.

Let's keep it real. Those snakes are scared of us. Right, you jump in the water, they're fucking running, right, ye, I mean they're like.

There, do you think snakes can run?

They're fucking gliding.


There's sticks in any fresh water body of body of water. So anytime that you're in a river or a lake there are snakes and stuff.

You think there's snakes, Yeah, without not when I'm there, did stop?

Oh, really, that's crazy.

It's crazy that we're talking about snakes. I don't want to hear that it's crazy we're talking about snakes when it was just Shark Week though, And I feel like our very first episode we ever did of this podcast was not off of the Shark Week. Did you guys tune in or what did you watch Shark Week?

Didn't really know?

I did not what the hell I thought we were Shark Blo did not, only because it shouldn't have been Jason Momo, it should have been us. So I was disappointed corporate overlord David Saslov and Discovery.


It was kind of sick, though. Did you see they did that like whale carcass decoy and auto It was like dust and dust and dustin Yes, he was like in the belly of the whale while the sharks were like eating it and ship. Yeah, it was pretty cool.

That was very tight.

What the fuck are you talking about?

They built this like fake dead whale, fake dead whale because I guess like if a whale just you know, dies in the ocean, it feeds like a lot of animals, they just come to it and like they get all hot and like they like explode and ship and like blood and guts go everywhere. It's fucking wild. So they tried to like recreate it.

Gobble gobble.

Yeah cool, but who knows? Who knows. After we did the the Shark Week, we kind of found out that they like sometimes they see GI sharks and ship it's a little Yeah.

What g C GI any sharks CGI sharks.

No they didn't, Yes they did, dude, Yes, in hours, Yes they did. Because when we went to that big hole, remember when we went like super far down, we went like one hundred feet down.

They had us go like, oh I did you didn't.

I didn't. I definitely didn't go at all, Adam, we went at them.

You didn't go one hundred feet down?

Yes, we did.

No, they said we were supposed to go forty feet down and I kept going and then I looked back and everyone was mad at me that I went down too far.

No, we were all down in that hole. What the fuck?

I know, we were down in the hole, but uh, you did not go one hundred feet now, one.

Hundred feet shorter than you think. But first of all, whatever we went down to, we were all down there in that hole.

What did you see me?

You were not further down than I was.

I was I was because I turned around and looked back and everyone was mad at me that I went too far as I saw that big turtle.

Yeah, we saw a turtle. We saw a turtle down there. Okay, okay, you guys got to see the turtle that's sick. Then they had us go, hey, so do a thing where you say, well, look over there, there's this there's a tiger shark. And we did that. We said that, and then later they see gi tiger sharks down in that hole. We did not see tiger sharks down there.


I don't know if they cgied them. I think they did.

I watched with my kids and they were like, whoa, that shark's closed, and I was like, there wasn't a shark there.

If they ai the shark in there, bro, there were sharks down in that hole off in the distance. I don't know if they were a tiger or not.

They were not tiger sharks they see. Yeah, you can go back and watch it.

There's no I don't know if I think CG is the wrong terminology. I think they just used footage of tiger sharks, other footage that they might have had to make it.

A little cutaways. I don't know.

Sure, but I think they Yeah, they might have overlapped because I think they kept us in the frame. They put us in the frame with it, and I was like, that wasn't real yet. It could be some kind of a camp.

I don't know, Jersey, you didn't even go that deep. Atom might have saw some ship brock.

Yeah, I mean, yeah, what happened after you saw the turtle?

That's what I want to know.

Yeah, I mean we got to the turtle together, and then Adam of like went.

Deeper his own adventure.

I don't know, did you swim around that turtle? I went all the way. I was like, touched that turtle.

Fucked it.

Yeah, I rode. I rode the turtle for a half hour. I don't know what you were doing. And then like the the what is real?

I just remember people being upset at me when we came back because we were not supposed to go. We are not certified to go one hundred feet.

This is true, that's rye.

We kept going, probably because like your ears and the pressure and shd huh.

Yeah, the bends.

I did not remember you there, but if you say that you were there, I believe he was holding your.

Hands because remember we went down into the hole, and then in the hole there was like a tunnel we went into.

Yeah, and then way further down was where that turtle was, right.

And I wrote it for like it had to be two days.

Oh all right, I believe your grandma.

That's CGI.

Any take backs, apologies and he epic slams.

Dude, I cannot believe their fucking CGI is in sharks in shark week, man.

I cannot believe that they totally did They didn't, they didn't.

I'm sure they special effects of their tons of sharks. Don't act like there wasn't a ton of sharks. No, I know.

That's the thing. It's they aid some sharks in there, bro. They aied tiger sharks.

Dude, that's why we're on strike.

This tiger sharks are fucking striking, dude. They're like, you use my likeness, bitch. The reef sharks were all real. They were everywhere in a way that was very uncomfortable.

There was We saw tiger sharks.

I know, we saw them.

We tagged one. That shit was real.

We only saw we were in the water with one twice, right, dude.

That shit was scary. I never want to be in the water with one again.

I don't know. I remember seeing a handful of tiger sharks.

Wait, where the fuck was Blake? Blake, where were you doing all this? Weren't you there? Aren't you the the you can settle this dispute.

No, Blake was too scared to dive.

That's not true. I had a broken hand.

Oh that's right, you had a broken hand.

Oh he's on the injured. N We didn't see a handful of tiger sharks. We saw the one where we were like we were on the boat and they were like, okay, now get in with the tiger shark while we release it. Right.

Scary as fuck?

Yeah, like that that.

Was like the most legit. Then we're there was when there was like, hey, there's one by the boat, get in there and go down there, and they're like, okay, don't if you see the shark, don't turn your back. Then we went to the surface and I kicked the ship out of that baby one.

Right, You kicked the baby one in the hair and the baby shark like attacks DERs. That was nuts.

And then they go get out of the boat, or get get on the boat. Get on the boat. Get on the boat and we all lose our minds get up there and they're like because lunch is ready, and we're like, I remember being like legit, like do not do that, do not do that.

We got Jersey mics.

To meal penalty if you don't eat right now, we can't afford it.

We got c g I sharks in later. Fuck it, fuck it had new ship.

Maybe we didn't see as many. We didn't see a handful of tiger sharks, but we.

Oh, yeah, we saw enough to scare the ship out of me.

And we saw bull sharks and reef sharks and that kind of thing. Yes, yes, it was.

It was diarrhea.

I think we were in the company of tiger sharks twice.

Though I was terrible. It was so scary. I didn't like it wouldn't be Wow, I'm not a fan of really didn't. I.

I really enjoyed doing Shark Week. I'd like, I'd like to go back and do it again. I think it's so fun.

I find I would do it again just because I love you guys.

I want to swim with a whale shark. Those things are coral, just because they're so big and they're not gonna eat me with those powers combined. Sign me up.

And they got a big ass mouth. Dude, it's cool, dope.

Yeah, I really want to see a hammerhead. I just think they're so cool looking and I've never seen one.

They're so aggressive. I don't think you're supposed to be around them. I think they will bite the ship out of you.

That is not true.

Fucking hammers, dude, they're going to fucking knock your ass, not at them.

Well, no, they just I mean sharks in general don't really want to bite humans.

That Josie Boody.

You've seen my ass, and obviously it's a great snack. I think if if they did want to bite humans, my ass is the perfect snack, right, It's their a bunch of crunches. It's a little butterface by Yeah, it's a butterfinger bite.

And they go around the corner get a little junior mint.

So they I don't think they they fuck with a live humans all that much. I think they have to be. They have to think that you're an injured match.

And I was and I had a cast. That's why I didn't dive.

So I feel like a hammerhead is going to have trouble like biting with that little hammer above on its nose.

Right, that's not how it works. But okay, all right, I think they're doing fine.

You take backs, apologies and epic slams.

Hey, uh yeah, I'm sorry about making that assumption about a hammerheads, just straight up.

That was my bad. They can still got big ass mouths, are scary.

They don't look I would like to do a take back four onders. He said that Hook doesn't hold up, and he's wrong about that. That movie is don't take if you haven't seen Hook, tune in.

I could do a take back for orders to go for it yourself out. I guess you don't have your own material.

He's mine.

Yeah, No, I'm just I'm sorry. I never bought candy of a movie theater. I don't have that experience. I denied my sort.

Sorry I ever met.

And I would like to uh. I would like to have an apology. I don't remember Durs diving that deep with me, but if he says he did, I believe him. I think we were probably both there. I just remember looking up and seeing the people like thirty forty feet above us, being like, what the fuck are you doing? Yes?

Yes, because we were not supposed to go that far deep. But I think what's his name was right there.

We just saw that turtle and just like kept diving because it is scary because you're just it's just pure blackness that you're going into. There's no bottom, my favorite one, can't see anything, and then you turn around and you're able to see people floating way above, and uh, it was it was pretty cool. I'n't been diving in a while.

I'd like to get I think that one dude was down there with us. He was like, uh, you guys, we have to go because then you got to like fucking really go those levels up.

And it just takes it just takes a while and you have to stop the bens.

Wait. I just want to touch on this before we go, because I think it was the last episode where I said I was going to an undisclosed location. I went to Norway.

Oh we're going to cover it.

Oh yeah, let's talk about that next week.

Yeah, another episode

This, Yeah,

This Is Important

Adam Devine, Anders Holm, Blake Anderson, and Kyle Newacheck seriously discuss some very important t 
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