
Ep 145: The Guys Hold Up A Mirror To Society

Published Jul 25, 2023, 10:00 AM

Today, this is what's important:

Jared Leto, fail videos, too many entertainment options, the state of the movie industry, Mission Impossible, pooping your pants, the flu, pizza in the ass, the TII tour, Adam's interesting friends, football players, and more. 

Welcome to This is Important a production of iHeartRadio, the show where we only talk about what's obviously most crucially integral to the fabric of our very nature.

Today we talk about.

Your career is over if a piece of dookie falls out of your shorts.

Sometimes you gotta do the distance edging fucking rocks. And then your way of solving it was to spike a pizza slice up my ass. Here here we go. Whoa, oh good, Oh good? You still have the propos al button. Very good. That's great, gentlemen, gentlemen, how are we, gentlemen?


Never losing that baby?


Propose ou popose?

It's never going anywhere.

I just posted a propos al clip on the on the old Instagram. There you go?

Did it go viral?

I was I was doing a gorilla marketing campaign for my movie that I no longer can talk about.

Know talking about, no talking about.

No talking about movies. But uh no, I did just make a movie and I'm not gonna name it. It's on a big streaming service that I cannot name out. But I was doing a I was saying like this person is not in the movie h and then posting like Kevin feederline. I posted a Britney Spears of her dancing and then also one of Jared Leto. That guy has he lost his fucking mind? Dude? Have you watched those? Oh?

Dude, I don't know he lost his mind. He never he never had a damn mine. Yeah, he's out of his mind.

Yeah, I mean, and he has so much money. So he has like enough money to dress like a vampire.

Bro He's cool.

I feel like in order to really pull off the vampire look, you have to have a ton of money.

Yeah, you vampires are a loaded dude. The broke vampire is such a bad look.

Yeah, you had.

You gotta have money for the authenticity, for sure, it's true.

The authenticity of a VAMPI hired them.

Where you get looked at twice, where people go is he really a vampire? That guy might be really a vampire. Is that a vampire? Dude?

Jared Leto's on some other shit.

I tell you what, dude, did you see the video of Jared Lettle where you like climbed up the outside of the of whatever hotel he was staying at and just like fucking stood there like three stories up and was like I just did that.

Yeah, I saw that one. Man, Wait, I that's cool that you used like subscribe to you as YouTube trailer. How are you so abreast?

I must be getting so I must be deep in the Letto algorithm or something like.

It's just I have no doubt.

I feel like me and Kyle have have a very similar algo because we tend to see the same thing.

Well, I dig Jared Letto, not I just see women falling down cliffs. What Letto fell down a CLIs No, I just see like it's like if I go in Discoveries, it's all just like overweight women falling down cliffs or like trying to swing into a ravine and like falling. Oh you're fail, You're you're the failed girl to.

Cry your fail army, your classic fat fail fail.

Just when I'm having a bad day, I just need to see like contusions and like uh, you know, compound fractures and I'm like, man, life's okay, Well.

Why are they all fattors? Because I also get a lot of fails. But I mean they're of all shapes and they're hot.

It's like it's like models on the runway breaking ankles with those videos are rough.

You just break.

They're just like wabble wobble.

Adam has babe fail, and there's his fat fail.

I don't have.

I don't have babe fail. My fails are of all uh sizes inside, all.

Shaped, side gingers, gingers, all gingers, yes, gender.

I feel like there's one that's like kid fail. That's probably the saddest. One is like kid fail, where it's just like kids getting wrecked.

Yeah, yeah, see, I don't think that that's sad, dude, I don't think that that's sad.

I think that they've covered this right. Adam likes that. I like it, Yeah, I like it. He likes watching kids get hurt.

Well, only if I know that they're not actually injured. I like. I like seeing a.

Kid, Adam, they're injured.

I don't like seeing a kid actually get hurt. But my favorite is when I'd say I don't like kid fails, but I like when kids cry over nothing, over a nothing thing.

Oh all right, old yeah.

If they fall back and sit on their butt and you know that didn't hurt them and just sort of shocked them a little bit, and they just start bawling, I find that funny. I'm gonna laugh at my child's face.

Baby first, nut, sit on my nuts. We covered that last week. That's going to be your that's almost the crux of your parenting style.

Absolutely, that's right.

Laughter, heels all laugh a lot, Yeah, a lot. Now, Kyle, what were you trying to say up there in the corner in my corner up there? Oh, I was just wondering if kid Fails is a thing? I never seen it? Oh yeah, is that like a thing online? It's right next to Dad Saves, except that just don't good saved.

That's what I've seen. I thought it was Dad Saves. That's like the kid Fail with the happy end works.

Dad, Say, what do you mean? What's Dad saves? That was your runner in the goddamn Workaholics movie. Asshole, never read it. Never. We can't talk about it, man, we're on strike.

Cannot talk about it.

We need to do it.

Hey, you can talk about projects that didn't happen. We could talk about how Paramount Plus can't talk about him is the worst fucking streaming service, and they could kiss our ass. The reason we're going on strike is because the Workaholics movie was canceled. I feel like, yeah, I feel like one hundred and sixty thousand SAG and I have remembers Strong are striking because the Alaholics movie was came.

That's you.

Yeah, they big big shout out.

Yep, you heard the nanny yell about it. You heard the nanny yell about it. She was fran Is behind us, Rand behind us.

Frans piss dude.

I really I wonder like if anyone wants to give a fuck about us talking about But isn't it crazy how hard it is to watch shows now?

It's so hard?

Okay, okay, give me some perspective. I don't watch ship, but you never did.

That's what I'm saying. But like in and out of the business, people just st at like I don't even know what I'm watching anymore, and like what have we achieved where we're at that point where people are just like, I don't know what I'm watching. I just watched something I can't even remember. It was like, there's no connection to the stuff. And by the way, we're making more than ever. It's easier to access than ever, click of a button, it's on your phone, but nobody can nobody gives a fun.

At one point, we made these things to reflect humanity. That was the whole point of the.

From the top.

You really just said the coolest thing.

Pop, Wow, the ocean is a mirror. At one point, that's what it was. That's the whole thing. Was like, let's do this, and now we have mastered it. I guess.

So we're thinking that robots can now reflect humanity with and like there's so much of it that it doesn't fucking matter.

It's all.

I don't know if it has anything to do with what Kyle just said, but I agree with Adam. I think it's mostly that you no longer have cable. It used to flip through things and you don't have less options. You would flip through and find something and be like, oh, I'll watch this.

Yes, I'm not saying that's the reason. I'm just saying Adam's onto something. Yeah, okay, all right, let's go stupid dumb it. Think about like music, right, you used to have to go buy CDs and then at one point they were like, hey, here's Spotify, here's Apple Music. You can listen to anything. So we're like, oh, great, I'm gonna pay this to listen to anything, and then they go, actually, we're gonna take some stuff off if we feel like it and you go weep, But then I can't listen to X, Y or Z and they're like, yeah, you can't. I already threw out all my CDs because you motherfuckers told me to do it. Did you really not? You did good?

I'm paying Oh dude, I was nervous throw away anything that we told them to throw away.

Who we're getting tricked into thinking we have all this stuff and we don't have anything.

There's plastic bins to the fucking ceiling right behind him.

Hey, don't look behind the curtain.

Did you guys hear the little bit of an uproar that I caused? I'm sure you guys didn't, but I did because I was on like a podcast.

Is this a complete departure from the talk?

Well no, no, no, okay, exactly the talk that we're having chill.

Good, good, because we should stay here, moving on.

Because I was on the I was doing like a podcast run for the movie that I can no longer talk about, and I did THEO Van's podcast and I was asking me, like, why there's not enough something about like why there isn't a ton of comedy movies and why there's no comedy movies that are hitting r and I'm saying, well, I was like, I think the reason is is we've been conditioned to watch big Marvel superhero movies, and there's they made so many of them that you started to go, well, why would I go see a little comedy.


If next week the New Captain America is going to come out and it's a two hundred million dollar movie, why would I cast something that cost twenty million dollars to make?

This is the way? Yeah, Adam, I think you're you're spot on The internet took that and ran.

People were like, how dare you? Marvel didn't ruin shit, you fucking idiot. You're never going to be in a Marvel movie. Kiss my ass.

Oh they're coming at you. Those are bots.

Those are Yeah, they're coming. They're coming at me. Dude.

Yeah, bro, you know how I feel about the Marvel film, and.

I know that I'm not going to be in a Marvel movie anyways. Look at this face.

See what he's doing. He's nagging Marvel to get in a movie so hard right now, I know he's doing.

I dare you to come at me, Marvel? Oh, I dare you what you're fat Jamming.

Now, Marvel, Adam, have you not heard of the character the blob? The blob? You can beat the blob or you could be the blob. Dude, I dare you?


Come man?

Yeah, how are you?


Divine face? Oh that would be really sick face. He's gonna be Elton John before he's gonna be anything else.

But right, I mean, I'm not off base by saying that.

No, No, you're right, You're right, because that's why would you go to a theater to do to watch anything but that big that big movie.

Why would you go to a theater to watch jo That's true? To check off in peace?

And someone was saying, well, in two thousand and three or whatever year it was, it was like the the second one of the biggest movies was the Spider Man movie that came out that year, right, But then the biggest movie was Shrek, And then it was like a list of all these comedies that were the biggest movies of that year. And I'm like, yeah, but two thousand and three, but there was I mean, I think that was the year. It was some mo and then it was just trying to go back there. But I'm just saying, I don't know what I'm saying. I lost my training in.

So early really good stuff. Adam. It's it's it's I know what you're saying. I think I know what you're saying.

I can pile on like I think you're saying, like the share was at least there there were comedies in the theater that were making money and that could basically that.

Was that was my point. I was like, there was there was there was commerce.

There there was a business.

Movie, and so of course everyone went and saw it. But then there was also like they came out with like forty comedy movies and five or six of them were really good and the rest were less good. I don't give but they still came out.

But they probably still they probably still made their money back and there was probably still sustainable. Right now, they're they're quoting, they're saying that that type of film is not sustainable, probably.

Not good enough for the bottom line. Knew a check.

Yeah, it's it's it's not sustainable. They're saying, you can't make money off that shit in the box office, and it's like if you did, you can for sure make money if you I know, there's so much fucking money in the box office and we're just not grabbing it.

It's just not happening because we're giving it to the internet.

Another knock that I had that people were like, uh, that's stupid.

Take well, wait, can we flesh the superhero thing out? Or is this or is this a totally different thing?

It's it's the same, it's the same kind of thing.

Well, I was saying, just really wants to sit in some topics today, and I'm with you.

I'm like, let's just fucking chill out.

It's the same the same thing. It's the same thing. It's the same thing, guys.

Okay, okay, all right, let's bring it down.

I was saying, why did they put out Dursey's movie, uh about my Father and and the Machine?

It's passedam just get explodes.

And the Machine at this same time the same weekend?


It was fucking stupid. It's like, you don't put any comedies out in the theater, and then when you do, you put two out at the exact same time. And of course neither of them made a fortune because they split down the middle, like half the people went over here, half the people went over there. And if what was the other movie you said, it is about my father and the Machine, the Machine, Oh right, right, right, yeah, And they came out the same weekend and they both made like six to eight million dollars somewhere in there, but together that would have made like fifteen million dollars. And that's a healthy opening for a comedy.

That's a box office will pap and we all know. Oh yeah, I believe we were like within a couple hundred thousand dollars of each other. I think they out they edged us, which I always like, yeah, hedging edge edging fucking rocks. But you're you're totally right. But just to dig into the superhero things because everyone came after you, yeah, okay, sure. People don't even realize the mechanisms behind why they like these movies because they're marketed up the fucking butthole with superhero movies and no one's gonna take Do you have any funny scripts are out there that aren't being made, because it's just like, why would we take a risk pissing off somebody to make this funny movie? Movies? If you go back and look, if you follow like hood clips, they're like, can you believe they used to make movies like this, and they just show clips of all the funniest movies from the nineties and two thousands, and they don't make them anymore because they're like, we're just not gonna take that swing and deal with like whatever kind of bullshit.

It is because people aren't coming into the theaters. People aren't going to theaters, you know what I mean. They're the demand has gotten fucked up.

Yeah, but dude, if the movies were I agree with everybody. They're like, make funny movies and we'll come back. They're not making funny movies like they used to. They're just not well, no.

They don't take swings and they're not events. They're like, we're gonna just put this on on on the streamer and then you'll find it when you find it, and it's gonna be a part of our thing.

Think, I feel like there's less at bats. So back in the day, they made forty comedy movies a year by studios the theaters.

Right, starring like thirty five different people.

Yeah, starting a bunch of different people. And it was like a handful of them would hit thank you, you know what I mean, movie, A handful of them would really hit, and you'd be like, Oh, these guys are now the big comedy stars. We're gonna make more movies with them. And then it was the new crop of new people that they're hoping hit the next year.

Yeah. Well, here's the thing.

When you take a two hundred and fifty million dollar budget for one of these Marvel movies and you think, you.

Know what, that could be fucking eight comedy? Wow? Right, yeah, that right, there is eight comedy. But also they're not banking on people anymore either as a tactic. They're like, why would we hitch our wagon to a person, a movie star, as opposed to an entity that we can just revolving door. Oh yeah, I don't know. Maybe because we're supposed to be holding a mirror up to society and letting the humans. That's the whole point of this.

Otherwise it becomes empty, it becomes very shallow, and that's where we're living in the shallow art.

That's a movie as well, right, yeah, Bradley Cooper, the shallow Art. Yeah, the shallows. You're just not going to be selling cups at McDonald's of a guy from of a character from a movie. That's just whatever you're gonna be selling cups of Batman or Flash or whoever, you know, like merchandising.

The other question I have when it comes to like, you know, Birt's movie or or there's this movie.

How long are the home talk about it?

Yeah, the Honors Home vehicle. How how long were they even in the theaters before they started cannibalizing it online?

I know for a fact that mine was in for forty five minutes. They actually stopped the movie halfway, which is fine. It's just you know, we're not finish.

We have hoors home here from the movie to come out and say a little something to wrap this wrap this just a freestyle rat.

Hey guys, thanks, thanks for a good It was in for forty five minutes.

Which is why streaming services are taking big swings with comedies. Yeah, because there's an appetite out there. Uh, the movie that I could no longer speak about. I didn't get the numbers for the whole week yet, but I mean over twenty million people watched it the first weekend.

Okay, I didn't need.

Nuts, right, No, that's the numbers that they gave us.

That's great.

Yeah, there's an appetite. There's an appetite to sit on the couch and do that. There's not an appetite. There's an appetite to keep their subscription going. There's not an appetite to get off their butts and go to the theaters to watch it and fund that commerce.

Yeah, I know, but I'm like, I'm like, there has to be some kind of business model where you can release it. Well, obviously you need help finance in the movie. But if I don't, twenty million people don't watched it. Let's say, and let's say it costs two dollars.

To rint two dollars, you know what I mean?

Like, I wonder if the amount of people would give two dollars and then that's a twenty million dollar opening, or or even an eighth.

You know, you know what I mean.

But even look at everything everywhere, all at once, everything everywhere, all at once, A twenty four smart studios.

Is that a movie I've heard of that anytime put that movie in the theater, it didn't start, It didn't start rolling, like actually catching on for like four to six weeks in the box office.

These movies aren't even getting chances in the box office anymore.

Drasta says they're not finding the space to market like right, they're they're not worried about that. They're busy marketing everything. That's a sure bet.

They should be worried about marketing these little guys. They should be doing that because then they could actually make money and make really good art that reflects the fucking humans.

Man, you gotta market these little guys.

Fucking disaster, my guy.

But like, just what to Adams talking about the like business model and all that, Like movies, just like music happened ten or fifteen years ago, it's been devalued. Music was like, oh, I can get this for free, now, why would I ever pay for this?


And it's like, oh, we used to pay for it because it did something to us. It made us happy if we were sad. It was something we could listen to sad, It fed our soul, It held the mirror up to society. And then we just didn't value it anymore. That's what I value until Steve Jobs or whoever it was, goes, actually a song's ninety nine cents, Yeah, if you care, you could pay for it's ninety nine cents, And that actually seemed legit, And we did that for a while and then Spotify going it was a dollar. Actually it's nothing. Well that's fine, but like Spotify goes actually it's essentially free. You can listen to anything, but you pay ten bucks a month, and then it was thirteen. But the same thing's happening with movies where people don't want to go to the theaters to go see these comedies because they've been devalued. Yeah, they've become something where you're like, I just watched this at home, and we the industry provided that mentality where it's like, don't worry about it, man, you should only pay for something big. That's like an adventure that rumbles your seat, gets your GIT card and then holds a mirror up side. It doesn't. It doesn't though the big ones. Don't you tell me about the big ones. I don't know about the big ones. You tell big ones. The big ones just hold a mirror up to pass products.

Okay, very nice, Yeah I like that, But like you know, like I said, many weeks ago, when's the last time you saw like an interesting movie we used to pay to go?

Be like whoa? That fucking made me think about something or made me kind of like walk away thinking about the movie. Fight Club, dude, the Matrix. Sure, but you don't walk away thinking about any of these fucking Marvel movies ever.

For sure.

No, you're it's it's more about cannon and lore and bullshit.

I also miss the comedies in the in the nineties that there's no like real point to it. It was just a fun funny movie. And that's what I miss. Yeah, for sure, they don't even give these funny coul plane.

Where's the soul pull Plane?

Or where's Tommy Boy?

Where's Tommy Boy?

Where's Black Knight's Billy Madison, where's Mars?

Martin Lawrence going back in time? Dude? Black Knight is the best movie.

They would never make a movie like that ever. Again.

Black Knight is amazing, Tom Wilkinson.

Yeah, Martin Lawrence goes back to medieval times and he designs like the Skywalker like clothing.

It's so good, dude.

Yet, tell you what I am watching right now is all the Mission Impossible movies. We're going back and rewatching. I think I probably missed, uh five out of the six.

Yeah, people swear by that, people really like they're all really good.

I watched like the first one back in nineteen ninety six. Uh. The second one is less good. The second one is fine.

Is that John Wu? John Will with the birds?

Woa, yeah that was John Wu. There were so many birds flying everywhere slow motion style?

But uh, which one did? Uh? Which one did? Fred Durst and olymp biscuit the down down that was.


Yeah, awake up.

It felt very two thousand.

It's an impossible mission.

Seems like a pretty hard But now I'm at the jj Abrams. I think we're on four jj abrams ghost protocol and it's fucking sick dude.

Windstorm, Oh yeah, I always got the underwater one. Is that the one we's got to hold his breath? Is that ghost protocol? Hey, y'all are just saying things.

Oh well, he does hold his breath for a little bit.

That's not like a huge it's like a sandstorm.

The huge sandstorm is the main there's a sandstorm that goes that when.

It's like midair with like the knives and shit. Probably is yeah, probably yeah, were he's hanging onto the plane with the person in the Oh yeah, is that like the ship with the lasers in the room.

Now that's not must be the next movie.

There's one where you've got to hold his breath for like fucking eight minutes or something. Oh damn, are you serious? Yeah, epic, it's science indeed, and he has to turn off a bomb.

One of the guys on Barstool Sports a KFC radio. I just did that podcast, so I follow those guys now. One of those guys had a take that I was like, Oh, that's a perfect take.

Hey, get your KFC take off.

He was like, how come no one likes people talk ship on Fast and Furious. They say, it's like, it's just popcorn movie. It's not taken seriously, it's.

Just because it got knoc pop. Warn't let's be careful around the franchise.

Fast and Furious.

But the.

People love Mission Impossible and call it like great cinema when essentially they are the same movies. It's the same kind of thing. Yeah they are. It's the same sort of assembling a team, assembling a team, huge set pieces that could never happen in real life.

But their spot Tom Cruise is literally doing this set piece. He's doing this ship. Let me know he's not.

He is, Yes, he is, that's the whole thing. No, he's doing a couple stunts per movie. He's not doing every stunt because some of these stunts are undoable.

You can Tom Cruise fucking sits on an Apple box on set and just wake He's like, what's up?

When am I ready to go?


That's the stunt.

Yeah, that's the stunt. That's what the people want to see.

Adam, I don't know. I agree with the idea that these are like big set piece movies with teams or whatever. Yeah, but the idea that they're.

Saying becaus never even seen these movies.

Mission Impossible, Mission is just I did shoot me.

That's just like you're telling me that the fashion fashion is your best presidential debate ever.

You said Fast and Furious. Fast and Furious is just doing what Mission Impossible did a show from the seventies. Well, but I I appreciate the theory.

We no, I mean because in the seventies they didn't have the budgets to do these huge set pieces, you know, I know.

But the idea of like putting together a team and like Ocean's eleven did that.

Did it first?

Yeah? Armageddon, bro Armageddon is basic First is just huge.

I mean, admittedly, I like Mission Impossible probably a little more than I do Fast and Furious. But I still love the Fast and Furious movies, but they were getting it is just huge set piece for huge set piece of things that you know, why you because they have to survive. Okay, good, yeah, good call h.

But wouldn't you argue that the complexity of the Mission Impossible set pieces, it's just more about like the choreography, whereas they just have gotten off the wall bonkers crazy in the Fast and Furious movies. Yes, yeah, yeah, and there's no good there's no Tom Cruise level actor holding it all together in the Fashion and Furious and Furious then diesel in the rock like go hand to hand combat. I can't remember which movie it is watched, but they go hand to hand combat and crush a parking structure, right, okay, like throwing each other on the ground and stuff. Just like crushing a fucking parking structure.

You saw their lads and their guns and sous.

And by the way, I'm saying this having never seen the Fast and Furious movies, but like they're just watch the first and form. They're also stupid and the Mission Impossible movies usually see are pretty clever.

No, hey, you haven't even because at any point.

They could just rip their face off and be like it was a psych none of this happened. I know.

That's another reason, right, I mean the Mission Impossible movie, and by the third movie they like explain those masks finally, because the first two movies they're just ripping these masks off, and you're like, well that you could just be anyone at any point because you're a I mean, I'm able to wear a mask. Get Anderson. That's a good device, sure, but you have to explain, like how these were made. How do they have them on them out all time?

It's so real? How did they Why that white dude's hands are black? Like, wait, is your neck is black? His neck? He's always standing with his hands behind his back. Why does he have a black neck? Have you ever thought why this brother always has are He's standing like stringer bell And it's just like, I think something is going on. Great reveal. The great reveal is slow motion hands coming out in the pockets. Look at everybody, power cover zoom in what his hand hand?

No, his lack thereof his hands are never showing in any of these videos. Wait, by the way, that's the like reveal of the movie where it's like Hey, good call man. Give me a high five. And then he's like, he holds his hand, He's like, what are you doing?

Goes. He never high five me. He left me hanging. His hands are white. He left me hanging. He's got black hands. And this is yes, and this is.

Why we have to write our Mission impossible movie.

He said, wait, what did you say? You're mispronouncing it now. I don't appreciate that.

Sorry, mission? How did I say?

Imposble impossible? I wish it was a real appetite for parody. You've heard of am I? What is it? Am I one?

This is t I I.

And that rolled off the time. This is this is impossible, mission mission mission impossible. This is impossible. Oh my god, Wait what did you just say? I hear what they're saying though about the camp the comparison. You haven't seen them, Mission impossible. There's so much you haven't seen them. Yeah, Michigan the smartest.

These movies you haven't.

That's why they're better. You haven't seen the one with the safes, the knives. The only thing I know is that Michelle Rodriguez is in the Fastening Furious franchise, and so like, yeah, they get points they get pointed.

Yes, but.

Big Williams is in Mission Impossible, so like, okay, true, it's elevated. And have you ever noticed that? I don't think those people have been in the same movie ever, they might be the same person. Have you ever seen Mero's hands, well, take the mask off. Have you seen Michelle Rodriguez's hands in the movie ever? Has he says like, did you see the look on your face? Doesn't she say that?


She does have to avatar.

Th What I do like about the Mission Watch Savataries is they do all feel like of a time, right, Yeah, that's the Limp Biscuit for you. Like the nineteen ninety six one feels like it's in nineteen ninety six, and then.

Two thousand the Jeans Game.

I'm guessing that John wu one number two Mission Impossible two is so two thousand. Like Kyle said, it's like Limp Biscuit is doing the Mission Impossible soundtrack in it.

Bro. Yeah, that one's fucking sick. It's so cool. That was the coolest when they were doing that. I was like, yes, But here's my question, Adam, about three, four, five, six, seven or whatever? Do those all feel kind of timeless, with the exception of looking at like cell phones.

No, I would say four. I think we're on four right now that that one fell.

Are there nine? No?

I think six is coming out at six?


Seven just came out in theaters.

And it's rocking right now, is tearing shit up? I can't wait to see it.

No, it's doing less good than they thought, doing very good.

But it's seven. That's out of solidarity that people they don't want to go see these movies out of solidarity.

Yeah, that's solidarity. Oh really?

Has man even of them? Dude? How do you even tell?

I can't tell the difference between the Fast and Furious Now they're at ten, you know what I mean? It's like I don't know what the fuck happened in fucking four through nine.

Yeah, it also doesn't really matter. They said they reset it after that.

Shit sucks. That also sucks about the film industry. They're like it doesn't matter, and you're like, okay, okay.

Cool, it's just uh, we remember people like you don't remember. Can can go and still enjoy the movie. That doesn't bother me.

Do you think the Bond movies are better than Mission Impossible?

But Bond switches it up. You switch bonds. That's kind of fucking cool. It gives you a whole new breath of life. You get to invest into a new act.

What's dope about Mission Impossibles, Tom Cruise.

Well, it's because they If they didn't, the man would be one hundred and twelve years old. He'd just be like rotting on a casket. And you're like, there's double O seven and.

Roger More still. Yeah, blake, you fucking idiot. He off mates. All right, I think that'd be cool to see an old ass James Bond. Let's see what he can do.

Nothing. Fucking yeah, he just gets kicked once in his fucking hip chatters.

His dentures fly out and then he starts just gumming on the bad guy. But the dentures are a bomb. They have bombs in the teeth.

Yeah exactly. It's wait, what's the what's the bond that keeps the denters in? That's the ad campaign right there? What what are you talking about? Is it?

He's saying like a bond like glue like d Bond's right there?


Yeah, what's it called? Though? Don't we bomb? What happened to us? Not gold bond.

Gold Bond is earlier bond that used to be a tip of the tongue, top of the teeth of the.

Mail order comedy US would have nailed this ship. Guys, what's happening? Oh man, I don't know what bond? Do you want to know what bond?

You've been on the sidelines too long.

Boys, we're reets anymore. We're denture bond, right, Mirilla bond? So you're saying double and James bond, fix a dent, Fix a dents bond?

Any take backs?

I got a few, Oh man, there's a lot of Hollywood talk. This the same guy.

By the way, I'm wearing sunglasses. Adam came on wearing sunglasses and I said, you know what sunglasses. Those aren't sunglasses. Those are fun glasses. And I put them on, and now Blake's joining the wagon here. Oh ship.

Yeah, you know what I was tripping on because I got these little kids spider man glasses at Walgreens.

They frame your face perfectly.

Thank you. It was like some cool Grandma glasses. What is it so wide up top? What's going on with the brows?

Spider spiders? Yeah, spiders. It was such a.

Wide by the way Marvel. Thank you. You guys talk all this shit about Marvel, but what I'm wearing I don't like those.

See. That's that's my point is I'm not talking shit about Marvel. I'm I'm saying that that's what happened to comedy movie Marvel Studios. Yeah, you're right, they got swallowed in relation to comedy movies. They got swallowed.

Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. And they're they're faking the funk by being like, well, this a superhero movie is actually a comedy, and then you're like, yeah, no, it's not. They need to make a really funny superhero movie. That would be awesome. What is the funniest superhero movie besides blank Man? Besides what Wow? Besides blank Man. Oh dude, blank Man is so good. That's a great movie. Blank Man is amazing. Mystery Uh, Mystery, Mystery, Mystery Man. No, Mystery Team, Mystery isn't it? Mystery Team with the Shoveler. Mystery Team is with the the Donald Glover and Dominique Die.

Oh right, yeah, so Mystery Man is the shoveler, right, that's the shoveler and the fucking and cal Ben Stiller, cal Kel thinks he's invisible.

Hell is the invisible man. He's naked boy.

Dane cooks weirdly in that movie.

Is What's Tin Cook? Yeah? He auditions, He auditions in the beginning. Right, Yeah, that's kind of cool. Wow, seeing maybe now that there's a strike, we go dust off some molds. He's in fucking pee Wee Herman in that movie. Pee Wee Herman's in netflick too.

Right, Hey, tell you what I'm My wife hates it, but I'm rewatching Entourage again.


Whenever I have a ton of downtime, I just I just let it play on the TV. I'll walk in, watch fifteen minutes, go about my day.

Oh and what do you get out of it? Yeah? What's going on there?

It's nice seeing some old friends just walking in, seeing turtle e Johnny drama.

The coolest thing about Entourage right now is that the creator, Doug Allen, is a huge pickleballer.

Okay, we'll be right back, We'll be right. He posts fire clips. Chill, he posts fire clips. They're sick. He's fucking I think I sent you on, didn't I have him like at some indoor or pickleball court at some like Palm Springs.

Crab all that checks out.

Oh dude, he's got a fucking sick ass spot wherever he's playing.

It's like, dude, and why does he have that and you don't. I don't know.

I got my pickleball court in the backyard, though, I got it in So that's cool, very nice, excited.

You're gonna have to send us some pics. I want to see that.

Yeah, what's the deal. Yeah, it's a drone footage.

I'll send you guys some picks. I've been been working on it. It's been great, dude, it's cool. It's fucking sick to have it right there. Dude, ball machine, you.

Think you could beat him? You think you could beat Doug Allen and pickleball.

Without a doubt. I don't know, my boy Kyle can beat Doug Ellen.

Yeah, yeah, sure, there's no doubt in my mind. Yeah.

Come on, well, we all know pickleball's funky where sometimes you lose and you lose bad no matter what.

Why are you making excuses for yourself. I'm just saying, that's pickleball for you. No, no, no, I'm okay. I'm good because I would I would house him in a game. For sure.

I would take him into Michael Jordan's say, hey, basketball is funky.

Yeah, he is quoted as sometimes the ball don't go in.

Would Kobe Bryant said, you know what it's the game is funky. Sometimes a game it's a fun game, dude.

I guess you're right now that you I'm not going to even defend what I said, because that was obviously me just protecting that.

You go. Yeah, Actually, I do think Kobe when they went against the Celtics and or whatever, I think before that's a series, he did go, well, you know, anything happened, basketball is funky. And then they got swept. Yeah, that's true. Paul Pierce swept, you know, it's funky. Wept his ass and pooped his pants evidently.


And I really like that rumor about Paul Pierce, and he always has to like defend it. They said, like, remember when he went out on the wheelchair his pants, They said that it was because he shipped his pants.

That's fine.

He So Kyle doesn't know the story for sure, but no, I don't love to know this story.

I don't either, But go ahead.

Paul Pierce got hurt in the game, and then and then they put him in a wheelchair and they wheel and he's he's like moaning. It's like ah ah, and they're like, oh, he's for sure out the rest of the game, Like you don't leave in a wheelchair screaming and paying come back and play, and then like fifteen minutes later he comes running back out onto the court as if there was not any sort of injury and ultimate war rumor is that he shipped his pants and shorts and needed to go.

Yeah and so yeah, because this is like part of his his like legacy, right, like the whole what's the fucking word? The mythology of him is like he got hurt, came back and like killed in that game, right because he finceed the loaf out and he was light on his feet, right, Yeah. Has anyone gone back and like compared the shorts, I'm sure, right, That's why I'm wondering if his new shorts.

I don't know, if there's a whole CSI situation happening with his basketball shop.

Somebody should impassable forward watch Paul Pierce. I guess, yeah, he shited his pants, ship my shorts. Maybe he just had to ship though maybe he also was moaning out of pain because he had a very hurt abdomen.

You know, for sure, for sure he sped his pants. And then it's it's in shorts, right, it's in basketball shorts. They wear white too, and they wear white, but they're wearing tight.

That's why they sat him down.

So you know, he just he just acts like he tweaked his ankle or whatever and just ate ship and was like, I'm in pain, I'm in pain. I need to get out of here right now because your career is over. If a piece of dukie falls out of your shorts.

Oh yeah, you're not getting on another done. You're they held up, they got compression shorts. What do you mean you ship your pants during a game? Though, No, you're not done trying to be on your team if you ship your pants, Come on, it's one marathonos do this every day. But that's part of the game. Though, marathon, isn't it tough? That's part of the game, I know, But isn't it kind of badass to just keep playing with the with the with your axles? Green?

Can you enlighten me on what you're saying about marathons? Just tell me what you're what do you mean by that they ship.

If they need to shake take a ship, they just do it because they're like, I can't stop, and then you just go when they're running. Yeah, the cause of diary.

It happened to the hottest girl in my high school, and we never looked at it the same. What she was the hottest girl in our high school. She was a long distance runner and she not even hotter, to be honest. Ship sprayed out of her ass as she was running and she was covered in ship.

What did it make her go faster?

Yeah, I'm about to kick it in over driven.

Long distance running is funky. It seems pretty cool. That's real though, Like that seems hard to me, Like it just and then it's on the ground. So you're like up and down, up and down. You're eating all these like fucking gels and ship and sometimes you got.

Yeah, dude, it's juggling right out your asshole.

Wow, you gotta do the dish. I'm gonna start saying that about taking ship. Hey, you guys, I gotta go do the that's good. That's good. Oh man, you gotta do the dishes.

Honestly, it's weird that we're having diarrhea talk because I was is it on this podcast?

Is it? Yeah? I guess you're right. It is very stroke character. It's really weird for having diarrhea talk bizarre conversations. I got so sick yesterday. I had this straight up flu.

Like I'm still not one hundred, but I was fucking talk, barfing, barfing, diarrhea.

It's going around. It's the dino virus. Did it last like six hours or eight hours?

Yes, dude, it's it's it's a tornado out of nowhere. You fucking melt down and then you're kind of fine.

New COVID, You got new COVID.

My oldest hat it yesterday two mornings ago. Really, dude. He woke up six in the morning, came in a room and just threw up on the floor, threw up in the bathroom, and we're like, then the next morning, who your child?

Your child or just some stranger oldest oldest?

Yeah, some guy came and we were like, hey, fuck it, and it was like take your mask off, check his hands. The next morning when I are like Jesus, that was a rough one. The next morning, middle child comes in four am, crawls in bed with us and goes I don't feel good and then just throws up on us. Literally. And now this morning our nanny shows up and she goes I was up all morning barfing.

So literally, same exact thing in my household. All four of us have thrown up everywhere. It's like and it just hits you like a ton of fucking bricks.

And then he's gone, that sucks, dude. Well, I'm getting on a ten hour flight in five hours, and.

My god, you will know it as soon as it happens because your body. Like I was Instagram, I was doing pull ups. I was sitting in the sun, reach and books, and.

Then I was on Instagram. I was swiping nothing.

I was having a whole day, man, I did I did three pull ups. I was on Instagram.

I was drunk driving with one leg out the window, and then I was standing up. I opened the refrigerator and the freezer like it was no big deal. Then I went for a run like every other day, and all of a sudden, sprayed it. No.

I was so I put on my running gear. I'm like, I'm gonna take a lovely little run. I'm feeling so good.

And I tied my shoes.

I tie my shoes as soon as the freaking final loop goes through, it's like I feel it right in my thighs, like you know, like burning muscles sort of, and I'm like, oh, ship, what the fuck is going on?

And then all of a sudden, it's just my guts were just like how do evacuate? And did you get that hot mouth? Dude? I did? When it starts to get wet or you're like oh, and you're like here it comes lubricating.

Years since I like got sick from being sick like a flu bug or something.

Well, what do you mean didn't you have COVID? Can you clarify that a little bit for me?

I didn't puke, you know what I mean. I haven't gotten sick. Oh, yeah, from just being sick, you know you haven't.

Real Oh, you've thrown it from drinking, but not thrown it from like a vice from a virus.

For I mean, I know how long? That's crazy?

Yeah, dude, it's terrible. And as soon as it I don't know if that's good or bad. By the way, Yeah, like I can't remember the last time I haven't thrown up from not drinking. Dude. It is weird. How much of the flu is like being hungover, isn't it. Oh my god?

Well that sucks you. So now you're you have to get on a ten hour flo Honey, I just got the flume as it did. Look it's gone through everybody. Are you afraid?

On's gone through two eldest and our nanny this morning and now am I and I were like eating charcoal pills, Hydra, tell me if it works, because that ship went like a tornado through the fam. It was crazy. And so now you're just like, now you're all right.

I'm still like feel I mean, this was literally like last night that I was this was happening. So I'm still a little fucked up, but feel way better, way better.

Oh weird.

Yeah, it for real was just six or eight hours for both my boys, and uh for my nanny. Didn't ask, didn't care. She had to go to work, get in there. And she showed up and we were like, we were like, oh like, but we're like getting ready to head out, and I think she's uh, she's necessary. She needed to get the boys out of the house so we can pack.

It's science.

Yes, Well I hope you don't get it, man, because that would say I have never been violently ill on a flight.

That would be a terrible experience. I feel. I think I was with you guys one time. Oh yeah, after the Chicago pizza. Yeah, that was brutality. That's the most sickest of it. You got. But they got the barf bags. Remember I was like, I was taking your barf bag and like whoever else was next to me as barf bag? Yeah, and just handing it. Did you use them? Oh yeah? I filled them.

From one Lemons I spiked. I spiked pizza in Blake's asshole.

Oh I like this, yeah, yeah, And then I found this one piece of pizza. Hey cool, I was like, I gotta stirs. Woke up at three in the morning pizza, Hey, anybody did you leave this one?

Is this one sitting out?

That's a thick coarse hair, Yeah, passage, that's a little that's an extra flavor I don't recognize from traditional Chicago style pizza. That's pretty good.

Well, we told that story so long ago, but the quick version of it is we were very drunk back from a show. It was like one of our very first shows out of town, a sketch show, The Lemmons National Lampoon Lemmons, and we were Blake and I were sharing a room enders and we were arguing over who was sleeping where, and I had called a bed and you were laying on it with your ass hanging out, and I asked you to get off the bed, and you wouldn't.

And then your way of solving it was to spike a pizza slice something.

And I took a piece of deep dish pizza and Blake had his ass hanging out, and I spiked it directly into his asshole, full force.

The pizza sauce everywhere. Now, did you throw it or were Because I've never actually visualized this moment before. I've heard the story of a million It's like if did you smack it on him, like you spanked him with it?

Or what the it was like a spike like I spiked a football.

I mean, I didn't like a celeb TD celebrated.

I didn't finger his asshole with my hand. If that's what you're asking, you know, it's weird.

He like, no, I don't know.

He like kind of looped it up a little bit and he kind of like, yeah, there's actually held my cheeks open.

And then Adam was like and so after he did that, Blake gets extremely pissed and goes off, and Adam's like, whoa, And then I just call Kyle, who's not there. We've played it on the show.

We've played these dudes arey, I know, but like Adam saying that was ten years ago while listen to this, and then I just held up my fucking phone.

And then Kyle remixed the voicemail just to have music. And it is sad because Blake talks about what's funny and what's not funny anymore and now movie theaters and I'm afraid maybe I think I mentioned that.

I'm like, you guys should just wait because Marvel's are mixed for everything. If you guys don't want butt stuff, then you're just gonna have a whole bunch of Captain America's and mission impossibles.

And now look at us, how'd you pronounce that mission impossible? Okays impossible?

No more?

But stuff? God damn it? The days?

Well, was there any take backs and apologies, any epic slams or dope giveaways? Oh? By the way, Uh, we're getting tour dates, so it looks like we are going to uh hit the road a little bit. With T I I Nation, which sounds oh so exciting.

Meet us at the club. It's going down. Yeah dude, Yeah, that's crazy man. Yeah. Well, I mean we're all just kind of sitting around, so might as well just take the show on the road.

We're coming to a.

City near you. Start setting aside your ducats. Now, it's gonna be a good time.


Yeah, you might catch a buzzball, is what we're saying. Yeah, don't get hit with a buzzball. Just watch your back jacket.

We might we might cool it on the buzzballs. Uh you Yeah, I don't know what we might go forward, who knows, who knows what's gonna happen.

We might all come out inside giant buzzballs. Wow, you should just.

Have a bunch of empty ones. Get him to make a bunch of empty ones, put a little ticket inside of it. Congratulations, Go redeem your buzzball, and then throw the empty buzzballs out.

Okay, no making you know how much work that is for buzzball drinkers.

Like that sounds like a good nightmare at the At the event, all they have to do is walk up to the stage and redeem their their ticket.

I don't think that's a lot work. Wait, what are they redeeming it for. They're redeeming it at the stage or at the bar wherever.

Okay, let's walk this out. So now we're just working a buzzball booth while we're trying to do the live podcast.

You're also throwing buzzballs. We're throwing empty buzzballs with tickets in them. We're also throwing buzzballs very far. Yeah, yeah, that's time.

And then at the end of the show they bring the buzzball up to us show proof of purchase, and then we know it's this.

He didn't say end of show, He just says they bring it up.

Well, if it's during the show, they could bring it to the bar. If it's the end of show, they can wait and come up and slam with you guys, because that's what they were wanted to do anything. Hopefully we're not performing somewhere with a bar.

Yeah, well, we probably thought we're going to be in theaters, unless it's casinos.

Wait, what do you mean, you want a fucking big ass amphitheater. That's what I want. Yeah, they still have bars there, dude, They have multiple bars.

They have a lot of I guess you're outside.

Yeah, he just walk to the fucking and outside rederm your coupon and make it happen. Tell me, what did you say? Huh sentence impossible?

Well I got a lot of I got a lot of plans. Well, I mean the fact that we don't have the picture the four little slices of our buttholes as at what.

Is the fact that we don't? Oh yeah, that is true? What about it?

I feel like that people would be people would gobble them up. I feel people would be gobbling them up. Remember the pitch of it's just a little sliver of our assholes. So it's not a full photo of any of our assholes.

It's a quarter. It's a quarter.

It's a quarter of the asshole.

So it's you know, you kind of get to go slice of the pod and then.

It's a fun guessing game of like whose whose asshole is? Who's you know?

And are there four different NFTs because it's like each quarter like it rotates right, so like, oh you have to it's like this, it's like you have to meet the people that have the other quarters to really figure it out.

Oh wow, you have to collect them all.

Meet the people at our live show.

You have to trade cards and you have to redeem tickets. It's just it's a real interact show.

You're busy.

You can't even watch the show because you're so busy. Fust Mommy, how did you meet daddy? Well, we both had these NFTs and we met each other and off we completed the butthole your mother gave me.

I said, let me gobble and she said, okay.

And that was just a pitch for the merch booth. Okay, you know, you know there's gonna be a birch booth. Naked during our first live show, went like crazy. People loved him.

I pulled it out. She said, is that real? Bam? Did any of you get one? I didn't get one. No, I don't have one. I wish I had one. Yeah, I'm kind of pissed that I didn't get a long sleeve with the naked Grandma, Will you figure that out?

And I bet you could just get one. I thought they sold out.

Fairly positive you could. I sold out?

Yeah, but there I mean. Zach, my friend I wish I was pizza on Instagram makes them in a garage. So you could just ask him and he'll quickly make you one theater.

Zach, my friend, I wish I was pizza. I wish I was pizza. Side note, I wish I was pizza. My friend, I wish I was pizza.

People know him. My Fourth of July party. Fourth of July party was was pretty epic, by the way, was very fun. My friend Flow Groberg, who won the Congressional Medal of Honor, showed.

Up and was that sounds like a made name.

I introduced you. I introduced you. His name is Flow, and he's like Florent.

What's his name?

Yeah, I think his name is Flora, Florent, Florent something like that.


Uh, And he won the Congressional Medal of Honor. He became my buddy. I did the USO tour with him and.

Oh yeah, yes, I talked to him. He's mad interesting, like he has the craziest stories.

Oh yeah, I mean yes, that was cool.

How do you win a Congressional Medal of Honor?

I don't know what. It's like the highest award or military can give you. And it's actually most people are dead when they received the award because I have to do something so heroic, usually they died, right.

Is this what Forrest got for saving all those guys, right, yes, yes, he's our best American Forrest Gum dude, he rocked that. Forrest Gump rocked Vietnam bro he crushed. Yeah, he was so good at it. But this is a real soldier.

Yeah, I know, flow if I'm getting the story right. It was a suicide bomber and it was a suicide bomber and he tackled him and then tackled the guy and saved his whole platoon and was blown up and flew like forty feet in the air from the explosion and wow, he didn't die, which is.

What's his workout routines.

I've done it way stronger than him. Oh yeah, way stronger than.

What's up. And so you met him doing USO tour stuff or you just met him at the White House or.

What no, doing the USO tours and he should become my buddy. And he was like I and I asked him to come, and he was like, you know what, fuck it, I'm coming, I'm gonna come. He came from I think he listened to Alice Fort Worth area and just flew.

In for it, which was Yeah, that was really rad.

All those stories of like military guys have the craziest fucking stories.

Dude, it's adam ly Is there any part of you that invited him just in case there was like a suicide bomber that crushed your party and you.

Were like, well, always I'm thinking there might be a suicide bomber.

Yeah, you know, yeah, maybe you should definitely come on out. We need to hear why.

I've asked him to a handful of things, and this was the first time that he just in case, he's I got it. He swooped in, which was so cool.

Right, Yeah, you didn't have to pay for security. It's great. Well, big thank you to that.

Yeah, yeah, big thanks.

Yeah, I want to give my things. I would like to shout out to Flow Grobert. Shout out to Flow. Yeah, me too. Then Groberg, good job out there, buddy. He's the man, Flow Groberg. What a solid name.

Yeah, that's a really good His wife, Carson, very very nice people. I met them both on the USO tour.

Wow. So she has what's traditionally a men's name and he has what is also traditionally in the ways of the past, a woman's nickname. It's perfect for each other.

Oh, Flow, Yeah, I guess so.

Lawrence. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm sorry. Interesting now, this is interesting. I just see the world differently, you Doro, you know, I have like a really interesting point of view. It's so sick. Yeah.

I mean the story of of when my dad was blackout, drunk and headlocked multiple armed forces members and was screaming, fu isis am? I right? Flow was right there in that in that crew. He was by your by my father's side, going who's this drunk asshole? And I'm like, that's my dad, that's my father. He's like, we're going to be best friends.

He's like, you should have had security here. You're like, well, that's kind of why you're here, that's why you're dad.

Well about my fault, about about that, about talking about it the machine.

Talking about more we got out of our systems. But what what I was there?

What's another movie that's on uh that's on Netflix right now?

Can't talk about it, don't know, I can't talk about it?

What you just name two movies? Goddamn it?

What did I say?

Bought my father in the machine?

I was piling onto yours. I just I will say that I watched The Quarterback, the first episode, Oh, the Quarterback did you guys? Have you guys watched this? And it made me realize how good Hard Knocks is because the quarterback you watched the first twenty minutes and you're like, what the fuck is happening? Who edited this? This is just like montage after montage of like quarterbacking and running around. Yeah, and it's not great. I'm gonna keep watching because I'm interested in like nail bodies, behind the scenes of that life or whatever. But fucking Hard Knocks. I can't wait for you to come back, and just.

Is very good and I agree with you. I watched The Outlaws Are Sorry, Sorry said the Outlaws, which is a movie. I watched Quarterback as well, which is also on the streaming service. Uh, and yeah, we got so bored with it. It was another one of those shows that I just kept on and like walked around my house doing shit and would in and be like, oh, yeah.

It was so bad. I'm like, you're following the the the most entertaining player in the league, and then two other dudes were also high level quarterbacks with interesting backgrounds, and like, I'm not riveted. I'm not like endeared to these people. How did this happen?

Because football players are the most boring of all the athletes. Football players are as fucking boring, really, I know.

That's what I'm saying about. Hard Knocks makes it like either hilarious or endearing or like human, like you know what I mean. Like they take these superstars and they go, actually, this guy had a rough day and still pulled it out, like not Dick's.

Because they they follow the guys that aren't necessarily the stars. I feel the drama comes with them going, this guy's about to get cut or this guy is getting cut.

Right, this just follows Patrick Mahomes. It's like he's gonna win then.

And I feel like you spend more time with them. It's like if you're following just with the stars, it's a different beast.

I agree, But then you need to figure out how you need to figure out how to edit the angle of Hey, you just won the Super Bowl? How are you going to keep this up? Like what are the stakes? You gonna have to ask these questions because they also have them doing talking headstuff is high, but you don't have as much of on Hard Knocks. But the talking heads off that's when you ask the questions about like the pressure and like how it affects pressure life your family, like whatever you know about pressure?

And they God, no pressure.

I don't know. I just was disappointed. Maybe it gets better. I don't know. Netflix is is horrible everything entertainment in general. I'm looking over all, right, Podcasts of the Future live podcasts are the future. Okay, that's rock dude, and little indie films that make no money. Let's go, and that it's another episode. I let this rhyme that's fucking off down on guitar. Okay, the front tunk Man.

After it was locked in Impossible Knights in the Sky, I was like, did he just jump on the plane.

This is insane man. Ethan Hawk was down. His name Ethan Hawk, Ethan Hunt. Hawk is a hunt every time day. Goodbye,

This Is Important

Adam Devine, Anders Holm, Blake Anderson, and Kyle Newacheck seriously discuss some very important t 
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