
Ep 144: No Sauce Shaming

Published Jul 18, 2023, 1:14 PM

Today, this is what's important:

Victor Wembanyama and Britney Spears, the sriracha shortage, Heinz ketchup, pretzels, drinking water, public restrooms, Sephora, acne, the Kardashians, the horniest spy, and more.

Welcome to This Is Important, a production of iHeartRadio, the show where we only talk about what is most obviously very crucially important today.

On This Is Important, they just start whipping it out, flicking the bean, cranking down right right there in.

Their seats, sucking down with the thickness.

An airline toilet I'm not eating out of because those are fucking ran train.

On And what is the hornyist steak sauce.

Let's go.

I cannot believe it's glob but I was just looking at my phone and I got the weirdest headline, which was Victor webin Yama.

When is it? When? When? When?


It's gonna take me like four seasons like Gianna's and the Compo. It's going to take it's gonna take me like four seasons to say that man's name correctly. But for Kyle, who doesn't know who this is, he's seven foot five NBA New NBA basketball player, he was just drafted. He everyone thinks he's going to be like the ultimate stud. And uh, Victor Wembama. Uh was coming out of Catch restaurant and Britney Spears was there, and I guess she goes up to Victor and goes in her British accent because she was talking in a British accent, is what the article said. She was like, excuse me, sack, excuse me, sir, I have a found and then she like grabbed his shoulder to like take a photo and or like I guess his waist maybe, and uh, his head of security backhanded her across the face.

Slap slap Britney Spears, b Spears, Britney. Did they not know it was Britney Spears because of the accent? Do you think that's kind of what happened.

They're like this British lady that looks like a Britney Spears.

Yeah, that's justifiable.

So I don't know Britney Spears is really looking. How you remember Britney Spears right now?

Well, it still doesn't give him a shouldn't hit.

Or maybe don't slap. I feel like a mam, do not touch him, would probably suffice a stern mam, a stern mam, or like just maybe moving her gently.

Out of the way.

You got to assume that Victor Webbin Yama's security has to be giant measure guy.

Yeah, let's be fair.

Now, she's like a little terrier man he had. He couldn't take any risks.

Because he's protecting the future of the NBA.

That is true.

That is true.

That is true.

My goodness. But he's assaulting the fucking icon of pop music. So I don't know. It's God against the God.

That's fucking weird. No matter how it is, you're backhanding in the face.

Is that what it said? That's that's not right. It's never right.

That's what I mean. Yeah, that's what it says.

It's never right.

Okay, Yeah, So is there a lawsuit happening?

Is she about to I don't know. I think it just happened last night. I don't know.

I was like, so it'll be the habit hashed out by the time the podcast.

This is the most current event we've ever talked about.

This air in like two weeks this episode, so uh fuck two weeks.

So it's a cold story.

Yeah, Ice Gold.

Story coming on Ice now, we're coming on Ice. Do you know Restaurants like Catch are like hilarious to me?

What's that?

Because the food's not really that good and and you're just there to like see famous people.

Yeah, like is that what that is?

It's like a yes, Okay, well I don't know it's the trap, but yeah, have you ever been to Catch restaurant, Blake?

I know, not at all. It sounds terrible.

What is it like a fish place? I think you've been there, Blake, but probably for like an after party of a thing.

Yeah, I think you've been there.

This is in Hollywood, or it's in Vegas.

No, it's in Hollywood. It's off of Losiana gu and Melrose Pizza Pizza.

Okay, it sound.

Like the second floor. It's like a rooftop deal. It's like a good scene, but it actually like.

Looks cool and it's like nice up there. Yeah, but it's more of a nightclub than a restaurant. Like I ate there once and was like it tastes like this isn't. I mean, it's not like bad, but it's not particularly great for how much it is. You're like, let's just roll the Cheesecake Factor and fuck some chicken littles up.

Let's go sixty nine dudes hyped on.

But I do love that people just are like, I guess we go to Catch, right, Let's go give tmzs.

For people out of town that want to see Victor Webin Yama and Britney Spears.

No, but I'm saying, like, why is Victor Webbinyana even going there?

Because he's new to everything.

I know he wanted to see Britney Spears.

You've got to take a hot lap of everything and see what you like and what you don't like.

Hot, hot, hot, I don't know if you have to do that.

And also those those NBA stars, they go to all the clubs and just and just women hang off them like that. They are human monkey bars, like they're a little little treehouse.

Yeah, they build a little treehouse and cool number one NBA prospects.

I hope he turns out to be great. Yeah, it's been pretty bad lately. Like the people who will get all the pressure put on them, whether it's Zion or whoever, Like people get injured. You know, it's it's a total bummer.

Job plays fantastic but can't stop pulling guns out.

Well, dude, he's gotta do it.

Can't stop it?

Who can't stop that? You know what I mean?

Yeah? What can you do?


Well, I have another really hot, hot, hot hot news story that I feel wasn't being covered. But by the time it's coming out, now it may have been covered.

Oh my god, what that's like the news ticker go ahead?

Are you guys aware that a lot of build up sacha is a shortage. It's like not available, it hasn't been available for like the last three months in store?

Unaware of this, unaware what what's the deal?

Very aware?

I buy siracha often, I do too, and very aware of this. Okay, there was another shortage about two years ago.

Oh I.

Weathered that storm and I bought so much siracha that I still have saracha.

Well you know that right now they're saying, that's bottles of serracha they're selling for like seventy two dollars. Like you can, really, you can flip that ship right now.

We know Blake knows the aftermarket.

Yeah you can. You can flip that ship on the bank.

You're selling that on a Sesuan market. Yeah, you're gonna sure.

Dude, fucking don't even hold on, hold on, don't if you have serracha right now, don't even sell the bottle, sell fucking drops, sell mealsworth, and fucking break that ship and make more cash.

Okay, I guess you would.

What you do?

Okay, Hey, college kid, listening to this need some extra coin. Okay, here's here's a little hack. You make little packets of it, little siracha packy, and you.

Just stole it out like that.

You make a sticker your dime bag Din bags exactly, drs Din bags of siracha bags.

That's where you get because I want to do so. Here's the thing, Serracha. There's other siacha brands. It's just none of them compared to what I call cock sauce. It's the one with like the rooster. Yes, that's like the fish.

That's the best. That's the best one by far.

Yes, you call it that? Or is it not called that?

The other serracha I I own another serracha. It's like sweet tasted. I'm like, I don't want my saracha sweet. It's gotta be spice, yeah, fiery.

I tried the the Tabasco sacha. It's a little too you know, tangy. It's just not the exact same. It's weird. All the off brand sachas can't nail it. It's kind of like with like ketchup, you know how heines. Well, guys, let's say it with me, fifty guys. We don't know you don't have any guilty, have any guys on here, because you can hit the guilty.

I don't. I honestly don't.

Know guilty on the Hinds.

Baby, I don't know what what ketchup I am?

I feel like I don't even Oh my god, we'll.

Go to your fridge right now and look at your ketchup.

Yeah, what do you mean if you don't have Hines? You're an absolute fucking joke. Man, are you kidding me?

Fucking disaster, You're a You're.

An absolute dork. Yeah, get out of here.

At Dorcas like nothing's crazy. It is the one. And then Mustard, It's like it could be anybody, and well Mustard.

I think Frenchis is kind of holding it down.

I think if you get Hines, mustard taste the same as Franchis.

That is kind of true.

Just yellow, though, does it.

The disparity between the mustards is not as as great as between the ketchups.

Less ingredients, less sugar too, you know what I mean?

Oh boy, Oh, if you say Hunts, I'm gonna bust enough.

Oh my god, the Hinds gonna it's gonna be some whole foods organic bullshit.

That's my guess three six five that.

Why do you think it's whole food? How am I organic to?

Because it's just maybe Clo Dog was at the market.

It's just where you shot. I'm thinking that Chloe shopped for it.

No you got some Arawan ship?

Yeah no, no, no, or you're gonna hold up a bucket of hinds.

It's three gallons, okay, come on man, yeah, man, I'm behind absolutely that sugar ship.

It's not the organic kind, it's the real.

Either for this ship. You guys, this is cool. We got this is cool.

We got another one, Hines. I mean, what are even the other ketchups? I've said Hunts, but Hunts is for see you next Tuesdays. If I may say, what else is there?

There's is fancy I put it together though.

What about is fancy Ketchup? Is that a brand of ketchup? Or are they just saying like this ketchup is fancy? Because I remember seeing fancy Ketchup.

I think that's just fantasy Ketchup. I don't think it's a brand.

Okay, So there's two Ketchup Classic, I like the classic Hins and then and then I feel like I also have Hines mustard to them.

Thank you.

We were just kind of talking about that. We were wondering about Hines versus Frenches. Frenches is what comes to my mind when I think about mustard.

Me as well.

I feel like that's that's what you put on the hot dogs. I think French just really leaned into the hot dog of it all.

Do you guys ever do this little snow with mustard?

Do you ever take like just regular potato chips and dip them in a little mustard?

I eat because I'm unhoppy.

I put that on pretzel crisps and dip it into some mustard.

Pretzels and mustard. I get them pre dusted honey mustard pretzels. And we're talking Snyders. We're talking to Snyder Pretzel. I guess no, we're talking roll Gold or whatever.


Right, when I go pretzel crisp, I like.

The pretzels with mustard.

Fucking probably great.

Yeah, that's proven.

So wait, what is your number one preferred pretzel? Not brand? We can get in the brand?

Okay, this ship's important.

Or you can say you can say brand, but then also like shape, like deliveries like pretzel pretzel rod stick pretzel, big thick pretzel, the tiny little one.

I know what I like.

I know what I like.

I like the thin sticks. Okay, I like the thin sticks.

Because you like to act like it's a little penis.

Yeah, I don't mean yeah, that's it, that's it. That's you got me?

Where does he come up with this stuff?



When I was a kid, I used to like to act like they were cigarettes.

Oh, ashing them.

After you take a little bite, then you could do the little ash and some crumbs would come out.

You know what I used to do with the little stick ones. I honestly, I would suck on them. I would suck on them until the knew one of us. Dude, you suck the salt and then you do, you suck them? Tell, come on, you guys have never sucked the pres.

You bite the salt off with your little front teeth.

You don't suck, yes, but then you suck it in the brand the brown layer starts to come off and exposes the white layer. And then if you suck it long enough, it gets so soft and it starts to do that like.

A low Waine lyric. You want the brown off the pretzel?

Yeah, like the little salts.

And with that blake, with that, with that method of your pretzel eat sucking. Do you like the thicker pretzels or the thinner pretzels like because you know they have the thicker the thickers they have thicker pretzel rod.

Do you like them long? Or do you like them thick?

How vainy? Do you like your pretzel rocks?


The thicker for me, pretzel rod, the big ones, those are a little too girthy, a little too much pretzel for me.


Your your tiny little tout's mouth can't wrap your lips around.

It's not the size of the pretzel like.

Thick soft pretzels. That's different.

Thick and soft.

I prefer hard, like a soggy, limp pretzel.

Not no, unless just pretzel bite.

Wait hand, do you like to suck them until they get soft and limp afterwards?

No, they don't get limp, he said.

That's his words.

I'm a pretzel crisp kind of guy. I like a crisp, which is what those are? The chips they're like chips. Yeah, they're they're like they're like chips, but they're all made of pretzels.

The flat one, the flat one, Yeah, the flat they're like a little square fence looking thing.

No, they just look like they're they're they're flattened.

They're like this, they're like chips.


Are they circles? Oh, I know what you're talking about. They come in that big giant white bag.

Yes, and they have hot wing, they have garlic, parmesan, but.

There's shapes like a pretzel. They're just flat.

Yes, they're delicious, okay, okay, And they are delicious. Yeah, they come like I like the salt and pepper. Personally, that's my favorite.

It's probably the newest delivery system for pretzels.

Right, yeah, that's the new Well that's like a chip.

It's like flat like a chip, but it looks like a pretzel.

Is that what we're talking about?

Imagine a pretzel. They just got steam rolled.

It's blowing Kyle's mind. He can't so hard about these pretzel crips.

The worst has got to be the nuggets, right, the little pretzel bugg It's I'm not.

Like the loaves. The little loaves they look.

Like yeah, I mean when those are soft, they're cool.

But when they're hard, I'm like, oh yeah, those are the worst.

Yes, pretzel bites go off like little dunkin wetzel pretzel bites. I will dunk the FuG out of those, bro.

Yeah, Kyle, there you go, so you don't have to tax your brain anymore.

Yeah, I mean to me, this is a picture for me, y'all.

Yeah, oh yeah.

These are definitely the newest incarnation of pretzel pretzel food.

Don't they have the everything bagel version of this or something that are so good?


The buffalo wings are also very yummy.

You know what I like to do. I like to get the originals and I just I just dip them in a jar of peanut butter like a freaking maniac.

Whoa peanut butter?


That's a good one. That's a good one.

I go hummus.

I'm a big hummus boy on my pretzel cris Oh yeah.

Wow, pretzels and hummus. Yeah, for sure, why not?

For sure? This is crazy to me.

It is in your mind pretzel logic, which is a great Steely Dan.

Steely Dan baby, this is a.

Real great Steely Dan album. But you know something that I do not fuck with in the pretzel world. What I don't fuck with pretzel buns, dude, not at all. Not at freaking all.

Huh, Well, they're interesting.

I think there's a real They're too tough, aren't they too tough?

I just think it's like a lot of hullabaloo, but like it's a lot of build up for like something that's about to be good, but it just ends up being dry with like a little salt on top or something.

Well, I think it. I think I know what you're saying. There was like a time where Wendy's was like, we do pretzel buns now right. It was big. It was like, if you're gonna have bacon on a burger, there was usually a pretzel bun squeeze.

It was a one two combo and I was always let down by the pretzel bun of it all.

I gotta tell you, though, if Adam comes back with pretzel buns, boy I might just suck the rod. That sh it's important.

Suck the brown off it, brom off the rock.

Pretzel buns are on sliders. Hungry pretzel buns are.

Pretzel buns sliders like with ham sandwiches. Yeah, what what I'm saying. It's not as good as a fucking Hawaiian roll, Like give me Hawaiian.

No oh dude, coming from Hawaii.

Bro, we were all about our Hawaiian rolls and they're the fucking best dog.

That was me on the fourth really, yeah, of course, dude. On the fourth I made sliders, had some Hawaiian rolls at them, Adam, show me those pretzel those pretzel rolls. Boy, I didn't.

I didn't go get the pretzels because it's here. You see, you see what they are.

You know.

I just was thinking, we're talking about all this, these products that we love.

Okay, here we go, here we.

Go, pretzel products, pretzel products.

I don't know if Blake had these, because they're pretty fucking new.

They just came on the market. But it's it's Ashland.

So we have the Ashland Spirits, which are the fucking ship. We gotta get dirts some of these because I think you would, you would.

Like these good.

Yeah, we would your vote.

I think you'd mess with these ones.

These are better great?

Now can you explain to me, like, explain to me what's going on with them?

What's the deal?


These are these are just vodka seltzers. So it's not hard Seltzer isn't made with vodka. It's like brewed like a like a beer malt, and this is made with vodka, right, they taste they taste great. And then these are such a banger voyage hard iced tease and they have this is a peach one, which I really fuck with.


They also have like a lemonade and it just tastes like an Arnold Palmer. I love it with booze in it. And they're fucking good.


How many ounces is that big ass can?

Yeah, that's a big ass.

This is a twenty four. This is a twenty four, big damn son. Where'd you find them?

I want to suck the blue off that can. Man, that is big.

You want to slob this one down.

But just for the record, no, you got no pretzel bums, no pretzels.

I got no pretzel votes.

Okay, damn it. Okay.

I wanted to ask, did you guys get this yet? Because I'm sending in to all y'all.

Here we go, my guy product toss over here. Yeah, oh I did get that. I got the bag from Nina the Outlaws Netflix bag. It came with a little rose.


When I get that, I'm traveling with that bag, bro, that is my fucking bag.

TSA is going to have your ask. You're an l Well, step right over here, sir, they're going to stop me. Dude, just sent you money.

Yeah, cashy of money, dude.

Dude, you guys are gonna get my oscar vote for sure. What is that?

Is that a DVD?

Yeah? It's DVD with DVD Extrais is.

That a DVD from Netflix?

I love it?

Yeah, they're in the DVD business. Now, can you believe it?

I don't think it is. I think it was just a piece of paper.

Actually, that's actually Nina's wine brand, right, she has some points on the back end for that or some stuff.

Yeah she uh yeah, she owns Uh it's called Fresh Fine Wine. And Nina and her friend Julian huff Uh they own that that together and uh smart. Yeah, they put these these sick little bags together, which was kind of nice.

Yeah, we need to start a wine brand.

Did I send you my address? I remember when you?

Yes, you did?

Next you I did?


Yeah, it might be and it might be on its way.

My number still nine to one one?

Yeah, absolutely, baby.

Do not wet.

We got stuff in the mail, baby, yeah, Blake, what are.

We what's the what are we doing here? We're drinking a lot of water. I've noticed.

Oh well, it's just fourth of July recovery. But I have incorporated the now gen lifestyle into my life style.

What does that mean?


Geen that bottle that's the water bottle from the nineties.

Yeah, you try to finish how many of these, like five a day to reach your your like water quota?

Oh dude? Yeah?

Or you just red solo cup?

How many ounces?

Because I've I fuck I've I've fuck a giant I fuck up a giant solo cut.

You said you fuck it?

Go ahead, you said you fuck it, I fuck it, And now we know I fuck this cup and my dick fits in there perfercently.

I believe the amount of water you're supposed to drink per day is your weight converted to ounces? Half they're not converted, but just pounds go ounces and then half of that.

This is important. Does that make sense?

No? Will you explain it?

Pounds go ounces? That's it's important.

Yeah, make it more confusing, please so that no one does it.

I weigh twenty two right now, okay, so oh my, so half that one eleven and then when one hundred and eleven ounces is what I'm supposed to be drinking bare minimum every day.

It's a bear man.

Wow, one hundred and eleven ounces and how many shit? I don't I don't even know what that is.

That's almost two gallons, right? Or is a gallon sixty four eight? I can't remember.

But you're supposed to drink like ten cans of water.

You're supposed to drink a fuck ton of water. Yeah, you're supposed to drink more than you would think. I'll tell you that much.

Yeah, can I tell you something. There's no way.

There's one hundred and twenty eight ounces in a gallon.

So I'm supposed to drink a gallon of water every day?

Your boobs are huge. No one is supposed to drink that. Not in the history of humans has anything. It doesn't seem like a lot to me.

Well, I drink that every day without a doubt.

You drink a gallon of water a day.

I drink so much water every day. I filled this up probably twelve times.

Yeah, that doesn't seem like a lot.

A gallon feels like I would finish a gallon every day no matter what.

You guys are insane.

What do you mean?

I will say that I recently saw about these now Jeane bottles that supposedly they already saw about them.

What does that mean?

Like reading I saw a story about them that they have.

What's so special about these bottles? It's just like a bottle to put it.

Let them talk.

They've been around for a long time. They've been around like the now Gene movement. And you haven't seen people carrying this around like Dodos nineties.

Dur said nineties a second ago, and that fucking tripped my ass out.

They've been around for a while.

That was like the currency at our high school. Were those fucking bottles?

Yes, but I heard I read a story or saw I saw online or something that they have more germs on them than like a public toilet, like they're they're very disgusting.

Well you got it, dude. You know what you have to do to it? Wash it, put it in the dishwasher.

And yeah, I did hear that you are supposed to wash them after every rub a dog's asshole on it.

Yeah, you can't fist your dog's asshole with it. And then.

Unfortunately dog's assholes cleaner than the human's mouth like a.

Dog's asshole, I mean I don't wash it every day. I probably should, but ever since reading that story, I have you should.

The amount of bacteria that's growing inside of that thing, you'd be surprised to put.

It makes you stronger. You you eat it and then it's in your body.

And dude, who gives a shit, You're fine.

I like that.

I can get behind that.

And again, you know, they didn't specify what kind of public toilet. Some public toilets are way more dirty than others, right, like.

Well you read it, don't and would you?

Yeah, would you eat a doughnut out of this public toilet?

Or now we're talking it's science? Oh god, remember that ship? Like did that? If you?

I was gonna do the question if you had to eat out of a toilet, what toilet would it be? Like a public toilet? But you kind of have already done that.

So because, by the way, what is even an example of an answer to that question?

Like an airline toilet I am not eating out of because those are fucking ran train on.

Yeah, I'm not eating out. What's the one that you would what? What is a public toilet that you would eat out of?


I have to think about it. I'm Okay, like maybe a yoga studio is that public?

A yoga studio, dude, they all do hot yoga and just go and then just fucking hose out of their ass.

Pray vegan diarrhea.

I think that's considered public. I think that's a private toy.

That is a toilet, Yeah, dude, I feel like maybe a library.

We're that's good. Library smart, library, don't do diary.

No library smart, I'm not done.

That's smart. I'm proud of you.

It's not smart. Just because there's books doesn't make it smart.

But it's smart, dude, it is.

It's a library in rural Nebraska. Okay, it's a library in the Midwest, not in a big city. There's not a ton of homeless people, because you're right. Library in Casifornia, it's just a ton of homeless people jacket off at the public Wi Fi computers.

You know, depending on where you are, you know what I mean. But like, not all California, but universal. I think that's probably the cleanest public toilet out there.

Is the library. Absolutely, an Omaha library.

No, just a library, not even not even a smaller town outside of Omaha.

No, it's a doctor's off.

That's not public?

Not dude, Well, how is it not public?

You're fucking don't understand what public in private is?

Dude, it's them off.

If I can walk through the doors and take a ship, it's public. You can walk into a doctor's office.

And you can't. You care.

You can't just walk into doctor's office and take a ship.

Have you been doing this?

Have you?

Okay? No, dude?

You They will go excuse me, why are you here? Do you have an appointment? And you'll go, I'm just here to take a ship and now go.

Please leave.

How's that for appointment?


Turn around?

No, turn around?

Pretty good unless you need an X ray?

Hey, are you covered and ship?

The only way you're going to take a ship is you have to be covered in ship in order for them to allow you through this.

In the last week's podcast, sir.

I don't think you've noticed, but I'm already halfway done. So if you could just let me finish, I'd like to.

Use your restaurant please finished?

Okay, I gotta really think about what it would be then you.

Do you do? Because target? What about target?

Is that a target room?

It is?

But dude, target like an Apple store?

Oh good? Good answer.

I don't think Apple stores have bathrooms available.

I don't know.

That's not any Apple store.

IPEd wait, so like, uh, you can't, but I've never asked. I've never asked.

If I've never I've never asked either.

Well, I don't think you can just go to the Apple store and there's no bathroom.

Of the Apple stores I've been in, they don't have bathrooms.

Well I'm sorry, hang on, we said Target, Target has bathrooms. Well they dipple stores have bathrooms. I just don't know.

I do know if they're open to the public.

I mean, I also think that technically both of those are private bathrooms. I think you need to be purchasing something, so then Target's got to be awful. Table is a public, but Starbucks is like an exception to the rule. Would you buy a laptop to take a shit?


Public is a public, like the like city council, Like that is a public because you pay your taxes, so it can run much like a stoutish much like a DMV the House of Representatives.

But what about the police station. I bet those toilets are pretty nice to eat.

Out of them. No they're not.

Yeah, that's like card black coffee dookies.

No, they're not blake. Do not eat out of a police station toilet.

That's just Chipotle, you know, and like cops. Remember when cops is parlayed from donuts to Chipotle.

Dude, fucking bunch of cops assholes, just fucking hosing down this bathroom.

No, there's a public bathroom, like I mean, if if you're in a stadium, like, that's a public bathroom, right, So isn't it a bathroom in Apple store? But you did pay to get in?


I think Target is a public bathroom.

I know. So if I get some like a new headphone tips.

That's the right, right, it's not it's not it's not public because you do have to pay to get into the stadium.

The word we're looking for is like communal bathroom. What's the cleanest communal bathroom that you would eat off them?



Oh, Dodger stadium.

That's not looking for. Is this the Is this not the word? Where I got it?

I got it, dude, I have the answer, finally answer. A church A church bathroom?


Church, they're underused. I feel like they're underused. People are in the house of God.

There's no way people are shipping in the House of God.

Oh yeah, you're praying that it comes out.

Anytime I've ever been to a church, should have. You got to get the demons out, absolutely, got to exercise the demons.

Absolutely. But it's probably a holy it is probably a clean ship.

It was right. He just threw that away.

I didn't even know what was coming out of It's like a prestl stick.

And the back does not land.

But whatever, it reminded of a simpler time, and I liked that.

It was good. Yeah, man, the brown Where else.

Could we take this ship?

We can milk this for twenty Yeah, I think we could maybe think a couple more places we could ship. But I mean church was the number one answer.

But this is eating. This was eating out of the toilet.

That's what we were talking about, right, Just nasty and gross and shame on us, honestly.

Yeah, I don't like that anymore. That's yucky.

Yeah, shame shame.

I'm so off that question.

What about like a Sophora ooh, the bathroom of Sephori.

I don't know, dude, I feel like Sephora chicks are taking huge fucking dumps, dude, like that, like really like nervous energy. Ships like they feel a little.

Yeah, keep it, you feel you feel this, I think you're wrong. I don't think you're wrong. You feel this.

I feel like workers tend to be like a little scatterbrain, a little like uptight. They wait till their brick.

As soon as you Saidephora, instantly I was hit with waves of gross anxiety.

Ship. You know I worked for Sephora. Tell me yes, yes, Because my aunt used to work for Sephora. And when they were opening a store in the Bay Area in Walnut Creek.

Blak in full makeup, like welcome to Sephora, Hella like extension, would you like hat eyes?


You had to wear all dude? No, I wasn't actually on the floor while the store was open. We got the store ready.

Let's open, get out of here.

You equal, they're equal employers, and let me do it all right. I just had to like straighten my hair and wear all black. It was cool. Got out to my aunt Jamie, so, so what did you do for Sephora? So we like stalked the shelves. It was before the store actually open, and.

This was like when you're in. I didn't know that story existed that long ago. I thought it was like within like the last ten or fifteen years a.

Soora, So Fora's gotta be thirty, Adam.

You gotta remember he's a coastal elite, right, Yeah, before we did in the Midwest. That is true.

As a coastal elite, it hit their first.

And also this is not as long ago as you may think. It wasn't high school. I was definitely like I think, at OCC and then it was like a summer job. I flew home and then.

Oh you you came home all summer When we were at OCC, I didn't.

I didn't know that.

I think I would take large, large trips back. Yeah, no, take large ships, come to a huge fucking.

And so when you were there, you were like, so you'd go back from college all just tied up.

Your guts are all tied up from all.

The bean burritos and all the del taco and ship that.

You're eating for.

B R C Burrito.

You start to work at Sephora and you're anxious. Dude, you're there. There's so many pretty girls, there's so many pretty smells.

Yes, dude, there were a lot of pretty girls.

And I know my Blake Anderson's getting a little flustered, and so you did just go in these bathrooms and just light them up?

Uh huh yeah, I'd be like, well it was it was like connected to a mall, so you would kind of use like, was.

This at sun Valley?

Where were you? No?

What, there's some mall in Walnut Creek that it was that.

It was like Broadway Plaza, Yeah, something outdoor mall.

I don't know, I was. It was such a nervous time for me that I hardly remember where I was. It was a lot of pressure. It was like all girls in me, and you know, I just I feel like I had a lot of zits at the time, and it just was like it was really, it's really scary.

This is good. Well there's a there's makeup everywhere. Yeah, you're in the right place for zits. I feel like it sits. I wonder how I could cover these up.

Well, that's why I felt super self conscious about my skin, because we're like literally work working in a makeup shop. So I was like, oh, godn't worry.

Those girls were painted up like that.

And so you're like, so, so exactly how does his foundation work? Like, uh, what do I do.

I don't remember you being that zitty in college. Well you were. You were a zitty boy.

Had some zits when we first met each other. You know, zits were still just hormones were raging still. But you know not, I don't think any of us had particularly horrible But Blake is just a very anxious young man.

You know, he was.

Staring with a very oily young grease ball.

He's a very oily greasy Oh no, we did, because Adam, I used to borrow your stridex pads and ship I remember we used to do that.

Yeah, I had stridex pas.

Those were so bad for you.

Those just used to Yeah, we tortum light them up.

But I also feel like, you know, when you're when you're young, you're just like, you see one z it, you think you think it's the end of the world. It's not. Everybody just you know, leave them alone. You'll get through it. You're skin starts to balance out, and it's just have to have a better routine with your face and stuff like that.

I used to get like, I never got like zits it, but I would get like razor bumps, you know what I mean. I would get like a rowdy fucking white head. That would just be like.

I used to get like zits, but that like on my dick and like open sores and stuff, right right, do tail just like just saying that they would would flare up and stuff.

You've got the floor, right, Yeah, yeah, but you guys did have that open sores.

Tell me a little bit more about the open open I don't.

Know Sphora sold any kind of makeup for that.

Yeah, So I go into Saphora and just dip my dick in and a bunchet.

These free samples your mascara.

Stop closing, Stop closing that compact on your dicks.

I got sorry, always have to take it there.

Just trying to that's it.

I gotta take a ship.

That was one of my favorite things in Workaholics, when like just trying to think of a funny way to like exit a scene and just well, I gotta take a ship and then you just exit.

Wait, this is a serious question. Do they have like cock makeup? Do they have makeup for your nether regions?

I think it's just makeup.

I don't think you don't think.

You means anybody specifically like capitalized on this and within the business world.

Yeah, sure, in the market.

Well, we got to talk to our friends over at Dude Wipes and see if maybe I'm a dude we can add some like coloring to the to the wipes. Yeah, you're not You're not wiping things off, you're smearing things on.

I love dude centric products. They're very cool. Dude.

Remember Doctor Pepper ten.

Yeah, the fact that they pivoted away from that is the saddest. It was such an insane campaign where it's like Doctor Pepper ten, it's for men.

I'm a dude.

I'm like, there, never, never, ever will we go back to a time where a corporation decides to market things only for men.

I don't know about dude Wipes.

I feel like there's a beer that's going to be around the corner that's really like excludes everyone except man. They're like, this beer is for a man only.

Hey, yeah, and then we'll then we'll drink it because that's hilarious.

Wait, do we want to talk about how we did an episode of Have we talked about this on Workhogs? We did a whole episode where the guys are like obsessed with doctor Pepperton making sure no women in the office were drinking it.

And because the ad campaign in real life was Dtor Pepperton.

It's for men, so we were like policing making sure women were drinking its towers.

To the day we finally have something that's ours, Yeah.

Right, slapping it out of their hands like Britney spears a catch baby.

Yet And then we were reading like a review of the episode and it was just like fucking giving us the hardest time for like such an obvious uh like ad like sell out thing, and we're like, we didn't get paid any money.

It was completely story bat they backed the truck up on us.

Yeah, I wish, I wish, no, not even it was just so absurd.

Although, what did I watch the other day? Someone posted the like old Carls Junior were were like nice buns, yeah, and she was like, would you say like that was in an episode where some girl punked us up rettel buns that Carl's j.

I think it was sourdough, nice lumpy buns.

I suck the brown.

I would licking the salt off nice was a dialogue from our show. I want to lick the brown off your buns. And then she's like, what the this the sandwich.

And that was Carls Junior sponsored.

Every once in a while we would do something because really we didn't have that much money to make our show, so anytime we wanted to do any stunt, we couldn't afford to do it.

We had to get creative.

We'd have to go sip the teeth of jacklin sjerkey.

What was the triple the triple thick burger? That spit that you guys had to do, like the bacon, double cheese, Oh yeah, triple yeah? What was that? A real that was real sponsor something something, But we thought it would be It was really hard to say, and so we were like, wouldn't it be funny if you guys kept casually saying it back and forth to each other. And it was like funny on the page, and then on the day it was like fuck this, Like we're not it's just so stupid, and we're like, they're gonna send us one hundred and fifty thousand dollars towards the budget we got through.

Actually we're kind of tied to the bit.

Yeah, we have to do this to shoot the end of this episode.

Yeah, we signed a contract and now we do have to say this over and over again.

Ready, I think it's the Wendy's Swiss Melt, triple.

Thick burger, triple bacon cheese, mushroom.

It was a Swiss, it was a it was a mushroom, Swiss milt, triple pizza pizza.

I remember it being impossible for us to say and like to casually say in a conversation.

We were like, this is fucking stupid.


I always whenever I have a hard time with the line of dialogue, I say this is fucking stupid.

We should we shouldn't do it.

You blame the rio every time.

Every time. Yeah, this is so stupid.

Who wrote this?

This is so dumb, This is so stupid. It's just because I can't wrap my brain around saying it.

Yeah. Sorry, And it's the crux of the film. We just need you to say that. Yeah, he's your father. So stupid, stupid.

So no, I'm not saying you keep saying fat Herd. I keep saying fat Herd, it's father. Okay, Well that's how you would say it. And are you the actor? Are you the actor?


I didn't think.

So you're in a courtroom seeing and calling the judge.

Ho nor.

Your hoe, nor this is your whole or and then it's like it's just a little confusing. Is it funny? It's funnier.

It seems like it's funnier.

This is a drama that I say.

Say, you're you're a horn or this.

Is the O. J. Simpsons. Who the fuck was his uh lawyer Johnny Cochran.

Tonight on the O J. Simpson Show.

I'm playing Johnny Cochran this right.

You're a Kardashian, You're definitely cards Yeah, yeah, yeah with that moody, I don't even know if I'm not I'm not Kim.

I know I'm saying I was gonna say, did Robert Kardashian have like a backyard on him?

Didn't date that that whole family bought their backyard? I know, I know, Yeah, those aren't real backyards.

Wait, was we're saying that Kardashian butts are not real?

They're not They're not no blake, They're not blake.

What I think that's the one building block of them, Like they are butts and then they form around the butt.

Yeah, but I know they claim that, but I don't. I don't think that that's uh. I think they claim it but I don't think that's real.

Man, I'm so disappointed in you.

Unless we saw old clips of Robert Kardashian running around like that one dude in the super tight shorts used to talk.

About, Dude, I love that guy. Oh where he's like he's like training on the yacht and he has security. And then do you know what we're talking about, right, Blake, the guy that runs everywhere in those.

Those tired shorts. Yeah, honestly I did.

But but I thought for sure.

The Kardashians like that was the thing on them.

No, no, no, they all look wildly different than what they used to look like.

They all are fully with.

The exception of Kendall is the only one who's normal.

But it is a muscle, and you can't you can't work it out, right, You could work you out to.

Get to that absolutely science. Okay, all right, I'm just asking because what you need a regimen. If Kyle starts to get it's a fucking donker in the back, that would be.

What I just assumed you've seen the like before and after next to each other of like Kylie.

Yes, and I do know that, like as far as their faces go and stuff.

Like that, but like, please help us out here, let's get some Kardashian before and after photos.

I felt like the butt was like, yeah, something that they you know, worked out, but also you know the building blocks for good ass was was there?


But do you think that they're honest about it? Do you think they're honest? That's that's where I kind of run into a little bit of a like I don't know dilemma, Like of course they want it to be Yeah, it's real, but is it real?


Would you do that?

Like if if someone gave you a million dollars huh, but you could only use it to like and make over yourself. But you knew that if you made yourself of super hot, handsome, cut, whatever, that you could use that to market it to make more millions, which is essentially what they've kind of done. Right. Would you take the million or would you just be like I'm good and you wor get like a gas station? In this scenario?

Can I work at a Sephora?

I don't think you can't.

Guys, we have before and after photos in in the chat. Please take a look, so as you could tell they're they're changing very drastically.

Well well, but she's also look at right there, what's the youngest one, she's a child there, you're gonna you're gonna develop beyond that. She's like, these.

Are yeah, your nose is totally I mean, but Kim doesn't look that. She looks wildly different.

She changed her makeup routine. It's contouring.

Kendall looks wildly different.

Yes, she's the one. She took the cake. I mean. And by the way, great figured it out, you know hey, and.

They all look great.

She's like nobody people almost don't remember. Oh yeah, I don't know who these people.

And also Kendall did a great job because she now is super hot and.

The others kind of look like mutants.

Sorry you're saying Kylie or Kendall.


Kendall's gorgeous Kendall.

Yeah, she wins.

Kendall. She added some stuff, she did some things.

She did it right.

Also, I've never really watched the show neither I remember I watched. I think I like that talked about this too. But like she was on like Glenno, like showing her sick old corvette and she was like very cool and I was like, oh she's cool too.

Fuck yeah, yeah, they all rock. Dude, No, they don't. They're all freaking cool as hell?

Are you kidding me? Christianner Rules?

God hate that you like the Kardashians.

Dude, Wow, dude, I'm into him. I'm fully on.

Favorite Superfamily, Go Adam, super favorite Superfamily, Go the jetson the Osbourns.

Yeah, that's a good answer. Kyle the Hogans.

I was gonna say Hogan, but I don't believe that that was just the first one that came to my mind.

I don't think I think I have to say the Coola Broye.

Yeah, yeah, are you going to say the Bidens?

After after a Hunter my dog Hunter party?

And I love that video of him like he is on cocaine.

Yeah, and it just like drops some footage of him like smoking crack while he's driving a car. That dude, is you gotta feel bad? Dude?

Dude, what a wild That guy is a go hard I know, my god?

Oh yeah, you feel a little bad?

Yeah, just helped, but almost, like do you almost? But then have you seen the photo of Don Junior getting polycharged?

But Donald Jr?

Like it just posing in like a flannel shirt awkwardly against the log.

Yes, yes, that one made its rounds a while.

Ago, and you're like, I'd rather have my son be a crackhead. Why wait, why, Because you're such a pussy just taking this photo by yourself awkwardly on a log where boots that you can tell that are so clean. He's never walked in the woods in his life. I'm like, this guy is just pos just major poser.

Yeah, okay, I haven't seen the photo.

He's a poser, right.

Right, right, I'd rather you not be a poser. And you're you smoke cracking, I'm still going to send it.

You're like an authentic drug addict. Yeah, I'd rather have that, right, At least you're authentic, right.

Trucks make me cool?

Yeah? All right? So you you want a rock star son who is in the you know, he's in the news for really bad stuff. You're supposed to be You're supposed to be the president of the United States. The rails like it's a fucking nineties movie, Dent.

It's like, it's wasn't that a movie with Michael Douglas where he's the president and his daughter is a full blown drug addict?

That is a movie?

What is that?

Michael Douglas?

What are you talking about here?

I'm almost I have to talk to Dave the movie Dave.

I like Dave, but Dave was like Dave was like a body double.


Wait, how is Dave a show and the movie? I'm just realizing it. Great?

Holy shit, you think it's the same universe, Dave cu.

It's called The American President? The American President?

Is that what that movie was about?


That's Rob Reiner direct.

That's not Bulworth.

Yeah, that's not I don't know what Bullworth was at. That is not Bullworth. No, it is a different movie.

Yes, all right, that helps.

All those President movies they kind of bleed together.

And did you guys finally watch Cardinal Knowledge? Tell me how woud you think? I didn't check that one out? Unfortunately? Wait, did anything? Did you watch The Running Man? Adam?

Come on, no, I haven't seen it. I'm sorry. That's a good I was.

Actually we watched a movie last night, and we watched GoldenEye, just because you know, the album is coming out and I'm all excited for it, and Pierce Brosnan is obviously the star of GoldenEye double O seven, and I realized, I was, like, it was so long ago that I saw the movie that I don't even know anything about it.

Really, I can.

I can quote every line because I because I saw it, like probably in nineteen ninety five.

Yeah, GoldenEye is that the one?

And he's clicking the PI Yeah yeah, he says I am invincible.

Yeah, and then he freezes. Yeah sick.

Dude's cool.

Yes, And then there's the sauna fight scene, which is dope, just Pierce hell sexy and very hell. Yeah, yeah, so good.

I don't remember that.

I don't remember Johansson.

Oh dude.

Chloe hadn't seen it and she was like, my god. Movies in the nineties were so horny, Like they would never make a movie this horny anymore because it was like wildly inappropriate. It's like everyone that James Bond works with, he's like trying to fuck and he's like aggressively hitting on them. It's like you've never had money pennies, Like, well, you've never had any if my memory is correct, and he's like not yet.

Then he goes out that's because a donkey punch.

Well that bleeds over from all the movies.

Well yeah, I mean, I mean what Bond was exceptionally horny, right, exceptionally.

Bond was a horny guy.

Bond fucked dude. That dude threw.

Down the whole thing with him in Money Penny was kind of a little cat and mouse. Will they won't they? Baby?

But are the new Bonds?

I'm not a real Bond head, so I don't really watch when a Bond comes out. I don't jump on it, but I know Blake does. Yes, Are they are the new movies? Just as horny as the old movies.

No, No, he's like there were action movies now right, he's broken.

Yeah, it's more about like dissecting what it means to be like James Bond and like the people you love or you fall for die and like just like exploring like the sadness.

You're like an island. You're like this island of a man.

That's just like you can never have a real relationship anytime you get.

Involved, like fucking Batman.

Yeah, it's like Batman.

Well, so that sucks. So he's not even it's not even fun anymore.

He's not just fucking dark Knight Bond.

But he's buffer than Ever, which is pretty fucking He's buffer than Ever, which is tied.

Yeah, because Pierce in that movie. Isn't He's not buff. That wasn't what Bond was, just like a handsome man.

Yeah, Sean Connery wasn't buff when he did Bond either, Right, he wasn't ripped beyond belief. He was just a fucking debonair homie.

He just fucked the problem question.

You can still beat everyone's ask So fuck my sah. It made it made me miss how horny movies in Blake's favorite decade, the nineties were.

It's really really horny.

I can get behind that.

Maybe that's I feel like that might be something that needs to be injected in films, like we should bring that back.

Yeah, yeah, why are we not? Why are we not being horny? Why why are we not allowing horning the internet?

As you can't compete with the internet?

Yeah, what all the horniness just has to happen by yourself on the internet.

That sucks. That's not that's a world I don't want to live.

And then and then you're dude, and guess what in your shame I don't want to live.

People will go if you made a movie like that, people would be chanting. Shame, shame, shame.

I want to make that movie. I want to make that movie.

I want a horny film.

I would love.

I would love to star in a movie where I'm really horny.

Dude, I want to make a movie shame. What was it called? Wasn't called shame? The Fastbender movie?

Oh, I never saw that, I know what's talking about with a fastbender?

And then he saw like his like pretty big.

COCKI it was the size of a fucking pretzel.

No, he's saying it was pretty. It was gorgeous.

It was pretty and.

The brown down with the thick news.

I didn't see the movie, but I remember you guys just talking about in the Workaholics writers room his cop.

That d had a Snyder Snyder between his legs.

He had the z Snider cut.

Was a Snyder cut.

I want to slide on this.

He was a Snyder cut or.

The Snyder cut.

I don't believe it was hanging on a picture. It was, yes, yeah, no, Shame is very funny.

Yeah, but I would love.

I'd love to be in a movie where where I'm just just also really horny. It doesn't even and that's sort of the subtext. It's not shame is all about, dude. I mean, I don't know. I haven't seen a movie, but I'm assuming.

Adam tell us what the movie you've never seen?

It's all about his sexuality.

Shame is about addiction. It's about sex addiction. It goes into the dark side. We don't want that. We want just fucking good, honest hornball.

Yeah. See, that's not what this is about. This is just where.

This is just a.

Fun movie where I'm mad horny the entire time. Just a fun movie.

Where you catch your fuck each other.

Well, we kissed, that's if that's what the story deserves, and.

We kissed.

Kissed him on the live podcast. My favorite actor.

By the way, this is why you gotta see Cardinal Knowledge. Wait, who's who's the most iconic horny character of all time?

Austin Powers.

And dude James Bond, probably.

Jonah Hill and uh Jonah Hill in Super Bad. Very horny?

Right, Yes, but that's like high school talking, that's high school horny.

That's a little different.

Isn't that the horniest of horny right then and there?

Yeah, totally, well yes, but I'm more impressed when it's like a spy who has is still horny. He's seen the world, he's ate out all the best restaurants. He's still just horny as for many shit dud dude.

Sure I'd forgot, I'd forgotten. He ate it all the best restaurants. Sorry.

In GoldenEye, Uh, the train like blows up. They just almost died, like twelve times in a row. And there it blew up seconds ago. Debris is still falling, and they're laying on the side of the train tracks and they look at each other and just start making out. And I was howling, Dude, I'm like, that's the funniest thing. That's hard, That's the funniest thing in the world. Because knowing myself, I would that wouldn't be what I would do in that moment. I'd be like, holy fucking ship that almost died. I'd be covered in my own diarrhea. But what would I wouldn't just make out with this woman I just met.

Maybe I should the englishman or the gentleman or whatever or the English patient, those those British agents. And then he like saves the day, yes, and like he's running to go save the day and he's She's like, you can't pull this off. You're not going to save the world. And he goes, how about if I do I fuck you in the ass, and she's like okay, oh that's the Kingsman, the Kingsman. And then he goes and saves the day before he does anything else. Everyone's like okay, he's like I'll be right back. Hey, like hang on, give me ten minutes. He goes and finds her and he goes, I just saved the day, and she's like all right, let's fucking do this, and then like the tech guy is like, oh, I've got the eyeball cameras on.

I am I looking at this, then credits roll and then credits I remember ends with him and is that our Is that the best movie that has come out in the past ten years or so?

That that was like that's still like extreme boundary pushing horny. We want just people who fuck all right.

Yeah, yeah, that's that's right.

The weapon saxophone horny, Yeah, dude, so and fucking mel Gibson like let's like even Indiana Jones where he's like where does it hurt?

And it's like right here, Yeah, what does that happen?

I want I want it, I want it.

To be horny is happening? And then you just cut to like a curtain right kind of in the wind.

Yeah, like exactly. It doesn't need to be graphic or gratuitous. You need to just the hell you need to make the audience feel horny.

Yeah, well then you guys need to watch the movie Twins.

Yeah, I want I want people to be so horning in the audience they just start whipping it out, flicking the bean, creaking down right right there.

In their seats.

You got to watch the movie Twins. It gets super horny. Dude, that's a really horning one.

Twins. I watched Twins recently. When does it get horned?

Whatever that woman's name is, she was unbelievably hot and the like the like the night. Yeah, she's sleeping in the same room as Juliana and oh right right, he's like nervous because he's never been with a woman. She's like, I'll take it for me.

Well maybe that was kind of like the action are kind of went hand in hand with the those horny moments, because it was always like, you know, these these these hulking males with their butts hanging out.

Well, and we got to get back there, we got to get the action stars to be.

A little hornier.

But were they horny or do they just did they make everyone else horny? And they were like, I got to deal.

With this, Yes, they made everybody around them horny.

Hey, I don't know. So maybe Double seven got into the nightmare of being a hot action hero dealing with all the horniness around you exactly.

It's very interesting. Yeah, it's nuanced, and I'm glad we broke that down. Yeah, I'm glad that the that we did.

That I would like to thank.

For my Fourth of July party, I was like, I was gonna go buy I always should buy, like literally thousands and thousands of dollars of booze for people to drink. And I remember I used to be the face of Captain Morgan, Remember when I used to do all those commercials. And Diagio, which is this huge company that owns like every liquor brand. They told me back in the day, they were like, if you ever need anything, if you're having.

A party, just hit us up. And so I was like, oh fuck, I got to hit them up. I hit them up. They sent me so much booze.

They sent me thirty six bottles of Don Julio nineteen forty two.

You can fill analogy.

You sent me so many bottles, like something twenty four bottles of Kettle one. I got Tanga Ray, like cases of it. I got cases of Johnny Walker Black. They hooked it up so damn hard. So thank you Diagio the liquor brand for sending me all this free shit.

It was the best guy.

And by the way, if you guys have a party, just know that I'm going to be coming bottles of Tanga Ray, just handles of Tanka Ray.

And wow, dude, is Diagio horny?

See dude, I think with that amount of alcohol, anyone gets a little horny. Yeah, you're there, horn Yeah. So thank you, Thank you to them.

That's good. And maybe some giveaways to come with those.

Yeah, probably some giveaways of specifically the tank so some of the Tanka Ray, because I do not drink gin, but there's a whole lot of it.

Gin is tough. If you meet somebody who's a gin guy, it's like.

All right, yeah, like a Beefeater, bro Beefeeder. Bee Feeder is a really good one.

Yeah, Well, this is Tanga Ray. It's not bee Feeder.

That's a different company. Although my dad was a gin drinker, I guess he was a gin drink.

Yeah, I heard it. I heard it gets you freaking torque up, dude.

Yeah, dude, it's alcoholic.

It's crazy. I drink it in college. Yeah, like a gin and tonic.

And I just want to give it. I want to apologize to Threshel Buns. I'm sorry if I came at you so hard. I mean, it's.

Yeah, we're all a little offended by that.

Yeah, it's my bad. I think we kind of started off with like the ketchup talk was that this week, and it's just kind of it's just derailed from the remember last week. But Pritchel Bunsterer not so bad.

I like it.

Yeah, Yeah, I'm stoked that we're all Heinzman. I'm really stoked about that.

I'm happy that was first week. I didn't know. I didn't know.

I think that was this week.

Yeah it was, And I didn't know that we were or that I was. And I'm so happy. When I looked in that fridge and there was the Hinds right there, I was like, I'm part of the team.

Thank God, very satisfying, welcome, you're one of the fifty seven.

Oh, this is like that's a moment of gratitude. Yeah, this is a moment of gratitude.

Moment of gratitude.

Fifty seven strong.

Have you guys had Heines fifty seven?

Yeah, I think that's the one we that's the one we have, right.

Heines fifty seven is a steak sign.

Fifty seven is like a very specific sauce.

Yeah, it's like a steak sauce.

I thought that was called fifty seven sauce.

Hines fifty seven. I think you could, you could call it fifty seven sauce, but I.

Thought it's all Heinz fifty seven.

Yeah, I thought Heines fifty seven was also ketchup.

Yeah, me too.

Well, Heinz fifty seven is the one that's kind of orangish and says in giant numbers, fifty seven.

Seven fifty seven, and Heinz is the brand.

Oh, I don't know that one very I do know.

Zippy, kind of tangy.

It's intent.

What are you guys talking about? It's a steak sauce.

It's it's you either are an a one boy or you're a Heines fifty seven man. It's kind of one or the other.

Or you're a fucking Worcestershire dude.

Or got in or once you were good enough steaks, then you hopefully aren't smearing steak sauce all over. That being said, I still like the A one.

What is the horny steak sauce?


Exactly A one? For sure, I will suck a one, but pratzel.

Bro By the way, it's weird that we grew up. We grew up eating steak with a one. If you had it, you're like, well, I gotta get the A one, got it? And then you get us to a certain age and you're like, I'm ruining my steak with a one?

Right, Well, I think what it is is you start to eat a little My family we ate garbage meat, and we had to have the.

The steak sauce all over it the sites.

Yeah, and you go to nicer restaurants and they kind of look at you funny if you ask for a one and you're like, I don't know.

But that being said, I still have a one. I love it.

Yeah, don't sauce shame.

I still love it.

I'm not saying A one's bad, but I am saying, like, I don't want to ruin the state like it becomes it becomes obsolute after a certain time, I would put it on a burger.

Yeah, it's good on burgers. I put a one on quite quite a lot of things. I actually really do love A one.

Do keep it in your purse, Adam.

I do. I always have it with me.

It's interesting. I don't like saush shaming my mom.

I remember my she would buy the knockoff A one sauce and she used to my dad, we didn't have a lot of money growing up, and but he was like, we're we're gonna have a one in this goddamn house and absolutely, and then she'd buy the cheap knockoff shit and then put it in the A one and like, I saw her do it, so I knew this was happening. And my dad never knew, never knew years and years.

He was, wow, I hope he's not listening.

And you know, she never like changed the bottle. So it's just like the same, like it expired, like it's the same in nineteen eighty nine, and it's nineteen ninety four and he's still still using it, never looks at it.

Talk about a twist today, die betrayal.

That's a betrayal?

Are we in? The apology? Is this the end.

Yeah, end, let's get them out of here.

I feel like and we probably should have said this last week based on when these things air, but I just want to apologize to Diswalla. We didn't make it out to the show. Wow, man, he didn't.

That fucked.

I ended up having a thing. Yeah, I could think. I couldn't. I'm sure I could make it. But yeah, feels free to shoot us a message. Yeah, we can talk about our thoughts on God.

Big shout out today, Swala always huge shout out. We love huge wall aheads.

Actually kind of bummed. I feel like something magical could have happened.

Would if if it could have happened?

Was that in OHI was it in Ohi? It was a favorite place. Uh, California, the Something Bowl you OHI California?

I love it.

That would have been a sick show, guys. I bet it was dope.

Bummed I missed it.

Well it's this, it's this Saturday. I think you're you guys are available. I couldn't make it.

Yea, I might be there.

Yeah, I'm gone, I'm out.

Oh it's in like two days.

You know I'm going. I'm hosting.

I'm not hosting, but I'm playing in the Major League Baseball celebrity ulster game.

Get the fuck out of here, dude, Get the fuck out of here.

Are you serious?

But is my hip is all fucked up? I cannot run and I cannot twist.

Let me be your runner, dude, I'm.

Gonna be like just a a coach or some ship. I don't I don't even know how they're going to use.

Let me be your runner, Adam.

It might be worth it to just just if you hit a home run and then just died. I feel like that's worth it. If your body, dude.

I don't even know.

If I might I would be able to torque my body hard enough, it'll be funny.

But then, but then the running you have to motor after a bunch.

Dude, I'm in bad shape. I'm gonna have surgery in just a few weeks, so like I uh, I can't.

And then kick the ball.

They're gonna put you on a third base coach. You're gonna be a fucking third base coach.

Yeah, dude, And I'm gonna get I'm gonna get fights, I'm gonna yell at the ump, I'm gonna kick.

Sure, it's gonna be cool.

Where is it?

It's in Seattle. Yeah, so I'll fly up there, dude.

I'm very very jealous of this.

Adam the Space Needle hit me up, which was kind of tight, like the space Needle Instagram handle was like, Yo, what's up?

Roll through?

You better get a dinner there?

So I better. I better roll through that Space Needle. That's always a good time, deep throat.

So mini Pretzel sticks in the space little so Yeah, that's what That's what I'm gonna be doing this week, and you know, spreading the good word of the Outlaws coming out. It already is out by the time this it's out at it's.

Four weeks, been out for four weeks. No week.

It's a fress train rolling Like I think our episode of Family Feud is now no one. I'm we're in the dark here.

I don't know what's going on.

Yeah, who is telling us about Family Feud? No one has told me? When the hell it's airing.

Posts of other episodes with like the fucking Bumblebee girls show yellow jackets like they're all I'm seeing posts?

Oh really, really do Grandma?

I hope we don't miss it?

Well damn yeah.

Someone used to let us know when our episode is coming, because I would coming because I would love to tell the people when we came on the show.

So pay attention out there. It's coming morning. It'll be on there. I'm gonna go, Steve Harvey. It's very very funny.

I love it, guy, it's funny, funny.

I can't wait. I think that's gonna be great.

I'm gonna come all.

Right, guys, And that's another episode.

Uh dwind

Is Yeah.

This Is Important

Adam Devine, Anders Holm, Blake Anderson, and Kyle Newacheck seriously discuss some very important t 
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