#1649 F**k Balance - Russ & Tara Jarrett
F**K BALANCE Admittedly, it doesn't sound like great advice (and over the long term, it isn't) but it's been my experience (in my own business and academic endeavours) and my observation (working with others) that sometimes success, high-performance and creating something amazing and exceptional re…
#1648 When Failure Isn't Failure - Harps
For the most part, failure is a subjective interpretation of an objective outcome. For example... you run 10km in fifty-two minutes and interpret it as a failure because your goal was to run sub fifty minutes and you didn't. Your story is "I failed" and accordingly you ‘feel' like a failure. Your f…
#1647 Building Rapport - Harps & Tiff
How do we create connection, rapport and trust with an audience; be it an audience of one or a thousand? And for the guy who talks to humans for a living (me), it won't surprise you to know that this question is never far from my mind. Be it a corporate group, a sporting team, a bunch of students, …
#1646 A Brief Coaching Session - Harps
This episode is exactly what the title says. Specifically, it's me sharing and unpacking a small collection of practical coaching questions that I have used thousands of times over the years, with everyone from elite athletes, corporate highfliers and first responders to the general public, univers…
#1645 People-Pleasing Is F***ing Exhausting - Harps
People-pleasing is a psychological and emotional disease of low self-esteem, insecurity, self-doubt, perceived inadequacy and unworthy-ness. And it's rampant. I encounter it every day and as much as it might surprise you, there was a period of my life when I was a world-class people-pleaser. Driven…
#1644 Me and Food - Harps
It's been a wild ride. Kind of like a tempestuous affair. A relationship of peaks and troughs. Love and hate. Secret eating. Body dysmorphia. Self-loathing. Obsessive behaviour. Guilt. Shame. Lies. Breakdowns, break-ups and thankfully, breakthroughs. In my quest for optimal health, high performance…
#1643 Intentional Living - Harps & Tiff
My definition of 'Intentional Living' is living on purpose, and in purpose. And for me, living 'on purpose’ means that I am conscious, intentional and strategic about the way I live. It means that my life is not an unintended, unplanned, unconscious or accidental journey, process or outcome. And fo…
#1642 Is Aussie Education Broken? - David Gillespie
According to David Gillespie, the Australian education system has never been in a worse state. And this is not some unsubstantiated claim; he walks us through the current reality of education in, not only Australia, but also around the world, and some of the data will fascinate you. We also talk ab…
#1641 Your Thinking Is Not My Thinking - Blake Eastman
"We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are" (Anias Nin). I love this chat about the human condition with Blake Eastman and I love him. Such a great down-to-earth science communicator, with a gift to de-jargon-ise (my new word) and distil, what can be complicated concepts and topics, …
#1640 WTF Is Self-Transcendence - Harps
Yesterday I opened the door on the 'Understanding You' conversation off the back of my weekend Melbourne Workshop (of the same title) where I (not-surprisingly) failed to get through the totality of my intended content. This solo episode is a little workshop-y, so you might want to either (1) give …