The Witchcast - Episode 78 - With the Rising of the Light

Published Sep 23, 2021, 3:00 PM

In the Southern Hemisphere it is springtime, and Lucy celebrates the rising energy this episode with an episode steeped in shellwork we can all partake in safely and surely, artists who’ve embodied the sacred nature of Mother Earth, and answers lots of your questions about the Oracle Tarot, online lessons, and more. There’s also a poem Lucy wrote to honour the rising of the Maiden, Mabon acknowledgement, a protection chant, a dream pillow to make (it is EASY, and it will make you sleep a whole lot deeper, too) as well as a fascinating peek into the magick within Shakespeare - yes, seriously and literally. Even the Globe Theatre is based on sacred geometry. Oh - and if you’re looking for a little kickstarter for a season of success and prosperity, for Mabon or Ostara, Lucy offers up a simple spell to bring in good future and fresh starts!

There is gorgeous, celebratory music by Faun, Tracy Chapman and Gehen. Come, join the sonic sacred circle and feel your energy rise up, wherever you are on this beautiful blue and green planet. Be it Mabon or Ostara where you are, all are welcome to the circle every episode of the Witchcast.

Heart wide open thanks to Kohli Tea, Primal Healing and Blue Angel Publishing, and huge hugs to all the Patreon supporters who support the show every single moon cycle. If you would love to become a sacred and beloved supporter of the Witchcast, you can become a Patreon Supporter - just look for Lucy Cavendish on Patreon and see which tier may suit you! OR, if you’re feeling very kind, you could head to iTunes or Spotify and leave a rating or a review.

Blessed be - and special gratitude this episode to the wonderful sound Wizard, Shayne!

The intro music is "We Are One" by the band Nordic Daughter. Find the band on Facebook -

Or visit their website -

Music throughout the show includes tracks from Darksphere EmpireDownload the Darksphere Empire album here -