The Witchcast - a Northern Hemisphere Celebration of Lughnasad

Published Jul 28, 2022, 6:01 PM

Give thanks for Lugh's Light, give thanks for the harvest! Raise high your scythes and be prepared to reap, Witches! It is nearly Lughnasad in the Northern Hemisphere, and within this episode Lucy offers up spells and rituals to help make the very most of the magickal energy of this point of the Wheel of the Year. Sacred to the Celtic God Lugh, this pagan festival offers us a time to bring in that which we have grown, and give thanks for the power of the light to grow our dreams and visions. Lughnasad is a wonderful time to take stock and prepare, enjoy the fruits of your labour and live, for just a time, deep in the well of gratitude. Herbs, stones and so much more are discussed - so take what you will from this episode, craft your own Lughnasad loving moments and simple celebrations, and enjoy this enchanted Witches Festival with Lucy!

Music is by Tori Amos (sooo pagan!) and Damh the Bard.

Thankyou to the glorious sponsors, Kohli Tea, Hemlock and Dagger, Primal Healing and Blue Angel Publishing. Heartfelt gratitude and Lughnasad blessings to all the Patreon supporters, the heart and lifeblood off the Witchcast - you all rock! Pointy hat tips and honour to Shayne Brian for his production skills - ear-alchemy, and to Georgia Allison for the visual magick. Most of all, Thankyou to YOU for listening. If you love the show, then please leave a review or rating on iTunes - it would be so appreciated and it makes a true difference!

The intro music is "We Are One" by the band Nordic Daughter. Find the band on Facebook -

Or visit their website -

Music throughout the show includes tracks from Darksphere Empire

Download the Darksphere Empire album here -