Blessed be, beautiful souls. It’s been a raw time on planet earth recently, with sobering events and testing energy. During tough times, we all need a little comfort, a reminder that there is magick, and mystery, and that the world can be as full of light as it is of shadows.
This week’s Witchcast features an exclusive meditational journey, giving you a go-to sanctuary if you’re feeling a little low, and a simple way to reconnect with all that is sacred. Lucy offers up this soothing, inspiring and enchanted healing meditation set in one of the great sacred sites of Avalon…enter the healing waterfall, bathe in the holy waters, and know that you will emerge cleansed, refreshed, and reconnected with your own true soul-self. Light up the candles, burn the incense, and take a moment amidst all that may trouble you to give yourself the gift of this Avalonian healing energy.
The intro music is "We Are One" by the band Nordic Daughter. Find the band on Facebook -
Or visit their website -
Music throughout the show includes tracks from Darksphere EmpireDownload the Darksphere Empire album here -