The Witchcast - Episode 72 - Why Friday the 13th is blessed for Witches, and the Sound of Spells

Published Aug 12, 2021, 3:00 PM

Merry Meet, Witches! In this special one-off edition of the Witchcast, Lucy shares a little about the history of Friday the 13th, and why it is a very great day for magickal folk, and offers up several spells on Love and Protection (so needed in these times.) You can simply listen to the spells, and experience their magickal energy, or you can cast the spells yourself to really bring about longed-for positive changes within your lives, and the lives of those about you!Stay very well Witches - let’s look out for each other! Sending you all the very brightest blessings as the wheel turns once again.

The intro music is "We Are One" by the band Nordic Daughter. Find the band on Facebook -

Or visit their website -

Music throughout the show includes tracks from Darksphere EmpireDownload the Darksphere Empire album here -