With Lucy away, enjoy this Best of The Witchcast episode featuring a look at a bit of time travelling romance on The Outlander with Witchwatch; Lucy chats about the Dreamtime with Aboriginal artist, writer, Nature Reader and cultural facilitator Laura Bowen and takes a look at Four Thieves Oil in Blessed Beings.
Make sure you subscribe if you haven't already to catch up with some of Lucy's favourite interviews from the past couple of years over the coming weeks. Blessed Be! )O(
With thanks to all of the amazing sponsors - Kohli Tea (drink some! It’s an experience!) Primal Healing (check out her new moon ceremonies) and Blue Angel Publishing - gorgeous books, journals and oracle cards. But most of all - PATREON PEOPLE - you are all angels and you are Witchcast family and you are loved and treasured. Thank you for your support!
Songs this week are:
Black is the Colour - The Dolmen
Goddess of the Southern Land - Spiral Dance
King Orfeo - Spiral Dance
The intro music is "We Are One" by the band Nordic Daughter. Find the band on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/nordicdaughter/
Or visit their website - http://nordicdaughter.com
Music throughout the show includes tracks from Darksphere EmpireDownload the Darksphere Empire album here - https://darksphere-empire.bandcamp.com/album/after-the-rain