The Witchcast - Episode 61 - A Druid in the Great Southern land - A Conversation with Julie Brett

Published May 27, 2021, 3:00 PM

Witches, when we cast and conjure, we know we have to adapt and shift and integrate our practices with the land we find ourselves blessed to walk upon. But how do we translate a very Northern Hemisphere tradition, like druidry, into the Australian context? Druid Julie Brett takes us on a journey into druidry’s heart, shares how it can be practised with integrity and respect for indigenous peoples, and why it can lead us deeper into a love and appreciation of Country - the power and song of the land, sea and sky. Julie and Lucy dig deep, ask the tricky questions, ponder and share from the soul  in this beautiful episode full of appreciation for the sacred land of old we are blessed to call home this lifetime. With music by Spiral Dance and Damh the Bard, this episode is a celebration of druidry down under.

With thanks to Shayne the Production Wizard, the sponsors - Kohli Tea (they have ten new blends!) Primal Healing (join Naormie’s page in insta to see what she’s up to) and Blue Angel Publishing, who Lucy is very proud to be a part of. Thankyou as always to every single Patreon angel, to all the listeners and to all the kind souls who have left ratings and reviews - so appreciated! Blessings and love to you all!

Songs: Damh the Bard - Green and Grey from The Cauldron Born
Spiral Dance - Goddess of the Southern Land from Land and Legend.

The intro music is "We Are One" by the band Nordic Daughter. Find the band on Facebook -

Or visit their website -

Music throughout the show includes tracks from Darksphere EmpireDownload the Darksphere Empire album here -