You're rocking this parenting thing!

Published Sep 18, 2024, 4:00 PM

Hey parents, you’re absolutely smashing it! We get it—parenthood is a mix of joy, reward, and exhaustion. Take a breather today and focus on you. We’re sharing some amazing self-love strategies from Psychologist and Motherhood Coach, Yara Heary. 


Host: Casey Donovan @caseydonovan88 
Writer: Amy Molloy @amymolloy 
Executive Producer: Anna Henvest
Editor: Adrian Walton 

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Welcome back to another episode of The Space, a mindfulness podcast for everyone. Today, we've got a dose of self love for the parents. It's a tough gig, we get it. One of the problems is we spend so much time loving our kids, we don't have much energy to really love ourselves. So how can time poor parents boost their self compassion. We love these tips from psychologist and motherhood coach. You are a hero. Small ways to practice self love whilst parenting. When things get challenging, whisper to yourself, I am doing the best I can. It might feel odd at first, but think about how you talk to your children. Hold yourself tired yep, Give yourself a big hug. I am doing the best I can with my current capacity. Give yourself permission to have fun and play on this journey. It's a bit stereotypical, but most dads do this really well. Have cereal for dinner, go to the beach before school, put on your boots and splash in some puddles. Look for opportunities to make parenting fun and really spontaneous. This is our favorite tip. Get horizontal, lie down when you really need to, says Yara. You can even make it a game with the kids. We think we need to go go go oh, but they need rest as much as we do. Finally, tell your inner critic to get bent. That's Yarra's words, not ours. But we love it. Ask your children what they love about you and soak it up. This feels so good, then return the favor. In parenting, a lot of energy goes from inwards to outwards. We think our cups should always be full just because we have the privilege of raising tiny humans. It's okay to say I need a little more love today. Try these tips to feel it. Space out,

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