If you're a thirst trap poster, listen up. You might love that instant gratification, but is it actually good for us in the long term? In this ep we're exploring whether or not they help or hinder.
Host: Casey Donovan @caseydonovan88
Writer: Amy Molloy @amymolloy
Executive Producer: Anna Henvest
Editor: Adrian Walton
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Welcome back to the Space, a mindfulness podcast for everyone. Today, we're talking about first traps. Has there ever been more of a post social media problem. We're all familiar with the first trap. That's the kind of social media post designed to lure someone in, usually by flirting or being provocative. It's the bikini shot, the bed shot, the innocent photo where you're showing off your sunburn in your underwear. According to psychotherapist and relationship specialist Lisa Bradman, first traps are all about instant gratification. They stimulate fantasy without ever needing to leave the house. She says, it offers a window, however limited of legal snooping into someone's life. And let's face it, it feels pretty good when those likes start coming in, especially if it's from your super crush. So what's the problem. The problem is our little fragile egos. If you're a first trap poster, it's a short term strategy. What happens after your crush drops an emoji? What happens if people don't respond as you wish? How do you feel on the day or weeks when you don't get this kind of attention. We're not here to say don't post it. We love a side boober as much as anyone else, but be mindful. We love these questions by body politics activists Melissa Tabella, who suggests asking yourself this before you post one. What do you dig about this post? What am I hoping will result from posting this? How will I react if the result is unachieved? Think of five things you love about your body, or send the post directly to a friend to get props instead. The moral of the story, there's nothing really wrong with a thirst strap, as long as you're conscious about the impact on your ego. If in doubt, pose and then take a pause, you can always set the trap tomorrow. Space out