When your Spidey senses are too tingly

Published Sep 18, 2024, 4:00 AM

When your Spidey senses are tingling too much, it’s time for a grounding meditation. Tune in to find you centre and get some chill amidst the panic.


Host: Casey Donovan @caseydonovan88 
Writer: Amy Molloy @amymolloy 
Executive Producer: Anna Henvest
Editor: Adrian Walton 

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Welcome back to another episode of The Space, a mindfulness podcast for everyone. Tonight, we're sharing a grounding meditation that's perfect if life feels frantic right now. Grounding just means plugging into the earth, connecting to the present moment. It can also help your mind from spinning. For this meditation, we recommend sitting in an upright position. If it's comfortable for you, find a spot on the floor. You can also do this meditation however you feel safe. Take a look around the room and then softly close your eyes, press your lips gently together, and breathe in and out through your nose. With every exhale, imagine your body sinking one millimeter more into the floor or the cushion. Exhale and sink. Let it be a comfortable, supportive feeling when you imagine sinking about an inch into the earth, stop there, keep breathing and enjoy the feeling of being grounded. If your mind starts to wander, focus on the part of your body which is pressed against the full Enjoy the feeling of certainty and stability. This is a great visualization to do whenever life gets it's away from you. It tells our nervous system. We belong here, We're safe to be present as we come to the end of our meditation. You might want to imagine rising back from the ground. When you're ready, you can open your eyes, space out

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