There's a word for the opposite of triggered

Published Sep 17, 2024, 4:00 AM

Ever felt the opposite of triggered? Turns out, there's a word for that! Glimmers are the bright little moments of each day. Seeking out glimmers can help to cope with everyday stress, and even aid in recovery from trauma. 


Host: Casey Donovan @caseydonovan88 
Writer: Amy Molloy @amymolloy 
Executive Producer: Anna Henvest
Editor: Adrian Walton 

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Welcome back to another episode of the Space, a mindfulness podcast for everyone. Tonight's meditation is all about glimmers. In psychology, glimmers are the opposite of triggers, but we often overlook them. Glimmers are the clues that make us feel safe, the moments that warm our hearts and make us feel invincible. The best thing we can all do is to start to notice the glimmers in our world. For this meditation, you can really choose your own adventure. You can also do it as a moving meditation. Try it out on your walk or even while you're doing the dishes. Whatever you're doing, Start to be more conscious. Pay attention to any messages from your senses. What can you see? What can you smell? What can you feel on your skin as you breathe, feel the air fill your lungs. Switch off autopilot and really be here. What are the glimmers which make you feel safe in your life? The moments which make you feel warm inside. They could be tucking your kids into bed and smelling your baby's head, a favorite spot in nature, your local cafe, knowing your order. It could be spending time with your pet or your partner, bringing you a coffee in bed, see how many glimmers you can list, and take a moment to be grateful. Noticing glimmers can be useful for everyone, but it's especially helpful if you've experienced trauma. The world can feel like a wild and threatening place, but there are also so many moments which wrap us up in a warm blanket. As we come to the end of our meditation, make a mental note to look out for glimmers. If it helps. You might imagine them as stars in the sky. You don't always see them behind the clouds, but they're always there. If you've been sitting in meditation, start to wiggle your fingers and toes. When you're ready, you can open your eyes space out.

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