Stuck? Let go in 5 minutes

Published Sep 15, 2024, 4:00 PM

Inspired by Hal Elrod, this episode introduces a technique that helps you accept what you can't change and move on in just five minutes. By the age of 30, Hal Elrod had been hit by a drunk driver and diagnosed with cancer. Through these incredibly tough struggles, he came up with an amazing mindset rule that we can all use. Give it a try!


Host: Casey Donovan @caseydonovan88 
Writer: Amy Molloy @amymolloy 
Executive Producer: Anna Henvest
Editor: Adrian Walton 

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Welcome back to the Space, a mindfulness podcast for everyone. Today's tip isn't an easy one. We've got to admit even we were skeptical. But if you can master this, it's going to seriously boost your happiness levels. It's called the five minute rule, and fan say it's a game changer. The five minute rule was shared by Hal Elrod, the creator of The Miracle Morning, in conversation with podcast host Moe Gordat. By the age of thirty, Hal had nearly lost his life twice. He was hit by a drunk driver and later discovered he had cancer. When he was told he might not walk again, he remembered a trick he learned during his sales training. It's okay to be negative when something goes wrong, but not for more than five minutes. There's no value in dwelling on something you can't change. When something goes wrong, set an alarm on your phone for five minutes. Give yourself five minutes to bitch, moan and complain how could this happen? When the timer goes off, you say three powerful words. Can't change it. There's no value in wishing it didn't happen or blaming anyone. The only logical choice is to accept it. What can I change my mindset? That might sound unrealistic, but How tested it out for a few years before his accident. He lived this trick. What he found was five minutes became five seconds. When something went wrong, he'd drop an F bomb and move on. The Next time something doesn't go to plan, set an alarm for five minutes. Can't change it. I can change my mind set. Space out,

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