Hey bestie! Do you struggle with negative bias? Ready to put the negative noise on mute?This meditation is all about letting go of those pesky negative thoughts and flipping the script to positivity. Settle into a comfortable position and let's wind down from the day.
Host: Casey Donovan @caseydonovan88
Writer: Amy Molloy @amymolloy
Podcast Producer: Adair Sheppard
Editor: Adrian Walton
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Welcome back to another episode of The Space, a mindfulness podcast for everyone. Tonight's meditation is designed to rebalance your negative bias, that voice in your head which tells you it's all terrible. If you're down in the dump, sil feeling like a failure, listen up. We're going to put your doubts in perspective. As always, We'll give you a few moments to get comfortable. You can choose your own adventure. Take a look around the room and then softly close your eyes. Breathe in through your nose and out through your nose. Feel your body start to settle. We bet you could tell us three terrible things that happened today, But can you tell us the positives bring to mind one uplifting moment which happened in the last twenty four hours. Think of one moment when you felt human connection. Think of one moment when you've got to help someone. Now, think of one moment when someone helped you. If we hadn't asked you to think of these moments, would you have overlooked them. That's the impact of our negative bias, But we can choose to rebalance its impact of the events you thought of, which one could you recreate tomorrow, perhaps not in the exact same way, but along the same theme. How could you create a connection, How could you feel more uplifted? How could you help someone else in your vicinity? Just thinking about doing these things can be enough to have an impact on your headspace. For the last few breaths, imagine breathing white light into your body. Choose to feel uplifted, optimistic, and energized. You can start to wiggle your fingers and your toes, and when you are ready, open your eyes. Space out