Sean celebrates the memory of those who died on 9-11 and spends time wondering if America has indeed forgotten... our "secure borders" sure makes it seem that way sometimes...
All right, thank you Scott Shannon, and thanks to all of you for being well.
This is toll free.
Our number if you want to be a part of this extravaganza is eight hundred and ninety four one.
Sean, so much to talk about.
Not a good day, well, not a good not a good weekend for our country or our president. At some point is everyone going to feel the same sense of you know, just cringe embarrassment at the President of the United States. I mean, this was an unmitigated disaster in Hanoi. You know it does a twenty six minute international international press conference in Vietnam.
Home, good evening, Vietnam. Oh great? Uh? I don't want to contain China.
What do you mean?
You don't want to contain China? What It's perfectly fine for them to in international airwaves, to take on hostile maneuvers against our fighter jets, and you don't want to contain that. You don't want to cantin China confronting our navy and international waters. You don't want to contain China and their hostile aggression flying into Taiwan airspace with their fighter jets day in and day out. And you don't want any stoppage of their They're acting on what is obviously their their territory, territorial ambitions.
Are you kidding me?
I spent more time with President she than any world. No, I can't take it. It is a national embarrassment. It is so bad. It's just getting so worse. I mean, when the Democrats start recognizing this for what it is, and they are more and more. We saw that last week with Van Jones and David Axelrod. David Axelrod had more comments even this weekend, and James Carvell.
It's just the beginning.
I'm getting convinced more every day the Democrats see what we see and the problem when you have cognitive decline, whatever manifestation form.
It may take.
Maybe it's Alzheimer's, maybe it's dementia.
I don't know. You know, some say he might be exhibiting.
I've talked to doctors that say definitely they would like to test them for issues involving Parkinson.
I don't know.
I'm not a doctor, but I can see what I see, and I could see that this is getting progressively worse. Which is anybody that's ever known, anybody that's ever sadly suffered from Alzheimer's or dementia. It's degenerative. You don't get better, you only get worse. And they haven't exactly made a ton of progress in terms of being able to reverse.
Cognitive decline.
I know there are certain treatments, medicines that are offered, and I would love the list of people the visitor logs at Camp David and his home and his beach home and everywhere else he goes with his you know, fifty percent of the time being off and find out, Oh, I wonder how many doctors are on the list. Why is it that they don't keep visitor logs at Camp David. They did for every other president anyway, And I'm just I'm watching him and listening to him. It got so bad this weekend where you had a wife house staffer just abruptly stepping up up. That's it, ending his rambling Vietnam press conference mid sentence that ended with, but I'm going to bed. I'm so tired, so tired, I eyes I can barely. I could fall asleep right here. I'm so tired. This is the this is the the hardest job in the world. He's not up to this task. So he abruptly ends the press conference, or staff does while he's actually answering a question. Any other president would have had a fit, and then says I'm going to bed. I'm like, well, that that's a great that's a great note to end a press conference on. And anyway, it's you know then oh and then we're bringing back the classics. He says, the only exubstential threat more frightening than nuclear war is global warming. Here we go again. He calls climate deniers, lying, dogface pony soldiers. I'm like, really again, now, many of you we talked about the extra billion dollars that he's sending to Ukraine, and meanwhile, we're not even taking care of the people of Maui the way they should be taken care of him. Never since March, in spite of a promise made it to East Palestine in Ohio. You know, never mind the Abrams tanks and F sixteen's that Ukraine desperately needs to fend off the Russians. No, the Biden administration of the one billion dollars they want, They're pledging five hundred and twenty million in Ukraine's energy infrastructure as part of a new aid pagic package. Here's the problem. Wink and Tony Blinken said last week during a visit to Kiev. At the Ukraine Recovery Conference held in London a few months ago, that he pledged that the US would invest more than five hundred and twenty million in making Ukraine's energy infrastructure, more than half of which has been destroyed by Russia, cleaner, more resilient, more integrated with Europe, and he said the US is now upholding that promise. Washington has approved one hundred and thirty five billion dollars now worth of aid to Ukraine. We have thirty seven trillion in debt. You got to be kidding me. We cannot afford these policies anyway. You know, I have five questions, he says at one point five questions. Then he takes forever, you know, it takes a long pause, finishes the question saying I'm going to bed. I've got Let me just play the montage and play it all together so you get the full feel of part of what this twenty six minute disastrous press conference stopped by his aids was like.
This around the world in five days is interesting. Well, uh, you know there's that one of my staff members said, remember the famous song you know, good morning Vietnam. Well, good evening Vietnam. Uh and uh good morning back in there's not a lot will take care of the questions.
Did you say?
They told me they gave its five people here and then due to h h the warders and the Indian scout. The Indian looks at John Wayne's points to the union so says he's a lion dog faced pony soldier.
Well, there's a lot of.
Lion dog faced pony soldiers out there about about global warming.
Did not any more?
All of a sudden, I don't realize it. And there's nothing like seeing the light. He may have a game plan, he just hasn't shared it with me. But I tell you what, I don't know about you. But I'm going to go to bed, but not anymore. All of a sudden, I don't realize that it's a problem.
And there's nothing like seeing the light.
And uh, I see I'm mis following my orders here.
H uh hm anybody having spoken to now, I ain't calling on you.
I'm calling on said he five questions. I need it from VLA.
It wasn't confrontational at all. You coming, Thank you everybody. This sends account press conference. Thanks everyone, thank you, thank you.
So Mike gets cut off.
I ain't gonna lower that, and the music gets turned up, and and Joej's you know, we're ending disaster right now and we're gonna I mean, it's unreal. No other president would ever put up with us. He just doesn't. He won't remember by the time he gets on the plane and probably you know, passes out, probably wouldn't even need an ambient to sleep on that plane. It is, it is just it is so humiliating for this country to watch all of this. But this is what you know, the Democrats are putting forward now. It is getting interesting. I will say that. I mean, as it relates to the the elections, I think it's gonna have a big impact on all of this. You know, we now have had article after article since we discussed Carvill and Van Jones and David Axrod come out this weekend The Hill, for example, Democrats express frustration with Biden's you know, horrific poll numbers and are concerned and frustrated, but they're doubtful any messaging shift by the White House is going to change how people, you know, view him. Before the twenty twenty four election. How can it change anybody's mind? I mean, most Americans sixty one percent living paycheck to paycheck. They're not happy with the economy and his energy proposals. They're not happy with the fact that gas is four dollars a gallon and now going up to one hundred bucks a barrel. Again, they're not happy about it. His approval rating of thirty eight percent is underwater with independence, you know, and I know that a lot of people saying, well, hannany, what about President Trump? He may have as many as as four criminal trials going on.
Why they didn't indict him earlier?
It's a fair question, considering most of these issues go back to January or the end of twenty twenty or January of twenty twenty one. Why did they have to wait till an election year? Why would you have a trial and no appeal when the president has such hostile venues in terms of jury selection in these cases. By the way, you know, just now see the medium mob listing alternatives if Biden exits the twenty twenty four race. Chucky Todd had Gavin Newsom on this weekend. He obviously is on the list, and he just all but shut the door completely, which he kind of did with me when I brought it up with him on the issue of whether or not he would run at all in this in this campaign season, and he said no. But the most obvious would be Vice President Harris. And I don't think anybody really likes or her approval ratings lower than his if you just start there. I mean, more people have a favorable view of Biden than are positively disposed towards her. Every time she speaks. It's an unmitigated word salad disaster. But so Newsom closes the door, what does that ope create an opening for Pete Mayor, Pete Buddha, Judge Gretchen Whitmer, I mean, you got to be kidding me. I mean, tell me who else AOC. Let's brun AOC. We'll put her on the list. Okay, that's where the Democratic Party is anyway. She always has been the real speaker of the House. She's the biggest power broker in the House for the Democratic Party. You know, these bad Biden polls now are stoking third party angst.
Robert F.
Kennedy's so disgusted with his treatment by the Democratic media mob. And you know, this Democratic protection program. He can't even get on fake news CNN. He actually said in an interview, Fox has been the only ones that's given me airtime, been fair to me, and we asked them all the questions about some of his controversial positions. I just gave him a chance to answer because I didn't think it was my role to be debating him. I'm not running for the Democratic Party nomination, and I just have enough faith in you, my listeners on radio, my viewers on TV, that you understand that he's saying something controversial.
If he's talking about COVID.
Or vaccines, that's not that's his opinion, and just because he expresses it doesn't make him a bad person. I think some of his views are a little nutty, some of them, you know, maybe not not so far off. But now they're talking about third party angst, and then you have this, you know, this no labels party and a lot of talk to people like Joe Manchin, Tulsey Gabbard, Joe Lieberman is actively involved in this. Remember what they did to poor Joe Lieberman. They challenged him in a primary in Connecticut.
Then he ran third party and he won in Connecticut.
David Axrod pointed out Biden must decide whether he can compete, complete the job, first of all, and then prevent a Trump presidency or step aside. Now that's on top of his critical remarks last week. Let me tell you, David Oxrod is a direct shot to everything Obama world and by the way, Van Jones, same thing, James Carvill just all things. Democratic Party now seventy five percent of voters, thanks to Biden, want a maximum age limit for elected officials. Nancy Pelosi y, she's now running again. Andrew Sullivan, who backed Biden's a he's.
A smart guy.
He just I've never agreed with his politics, but he's not dumb. He's a smart guy. He backed Biden in twenty twenty, calls for him to step down, slamming the president's agent eight, I'm sorry, ancient?
What do I? What?
Dom I saying botox filler face, while insisting no one rooted in human reality believes he gonna last till twenty twenty eight, that he's ancient ancient. Ohio's working class felt deserted by Democrats. When is that gonna spill over into Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan. I'd like to see those poll numbers where Republicans come up drastically. I mean two thirds of the country living paycheck to paycheck not good. Hi twenty five Now to the top of the hour, eight hundred and ninety four one sean if you want to join us. You know, every once in a while there's something that comes along it's a total game changer for the better. Think cell phone, think jet engine. Now recently, our friends at Rhino Medals, they are America's leading safe manufacturer. They launched an amazing news safe design and it just falls into this category. It's called Safe X and it means that you get the anti pride protection and security of safes that costs thousands much more for a fraction of the cost. For only seven hundred and forty nine bucks, you can get the safe I have, Rhino's most popular. It's full size, buyer rated Safe X gun safe and they'll curb side deliver it right to your home and you can look online. Go to their website rhinossafe dot com. Rhino spelled like the animal r h I N O SA f E one word rhinosafe dot com and see they're side by side break in testing videos. They're They're beyond impressive and it is outperforming brands that cost five times as much and other save models. Vault doors now on sale up to a thousand bucks owned of thousand bucks off.
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You know it's here.
It is the twenty second anniversary. How many of us don't remember where we were on nine to eleven, two thousand and one?
We all remember? How could you forget?
I mean nine and seventy seven or fellow Americans were slaughtered that day. You know, we'll get into a discussion about the state of our order, and you know all these people on the terror watch list that they caught, and you know all the people that have come into this country got aways estimates to be as high as nearly two million got a ways. What do we know about these people? What do we know about the people that Joe's letting in aiding in a betting and letting into the country. Do we know anything about their backgrounds, radical associations, anything about their health status? Nope, not really, it's just unreal. Anyway, later on we'll play Daryl Worolies. Have you forgotten we had put this together? And I remember exactly that. I can remember that day like in slow motion. It was just a brutal attack on this country. We'd never seen an attack like this, you know. Pearl Harbor second to this in terms of the sheer number of people lost, and then people even to this day dying of nine to eleven related illnesses, those that went down to Brown zero and were helping in the rescue recovery effort. Anyway, there she stands, Michael W. Smith, This just into our newsroom. A plane has crashed into the World Trade Center.
That was another Apparently that was another plane.
Seemed an airplane has crashed into the World Trade Center.
There appears to be a gaping hole. Oh, there goes, there goes, there goes there, it goes.
The full side has collapsed.
Now by.
She stands, two airplanes have crashed into the World Trade Center.
Ways, we're not going to be cowered by it that we're not trade evolve.
The freedom loving nations of the world stand.
By ourselves, sh.
Star on the lease.
You proud to have the red, white and blue with tweet We'll not lamp soon. Way you're proud to be a part of this country.
Kill me.
I think about the families, the child to the play. Freedom itself was attacker and freedom will be defantasy. You still hear your war, You just you think.
It might beyond the field. Someone realistic amas.
The resolve of our great nation is being tested.
She stands. I played there the furtive letter write and say, don't worry about courage. It's there, my nation. I'm the writing or larity. We will not forget the twenty eight hundred people.
Place and fire not only were heroes at the beginning, but they're still heroes.
Muns. We're going to come out of this emotionally stronger.
The due and the commitment of our fathers is now the calling of our time. The ring.
Those guys, sire, than anyone ever expected of this truth.
They messed with the wrong city, They messed with the wrong stay, And I.
Just don't want people to forget.
They always had a sense of doomy to protect us.
All cry due.
Will be steadfast in our turn.
The rest of the country now understand who the true defenders are.
Stand the Irish Hills.
Corression made her lakes and rivers blessed you. We see, we made the look of the Irish intrition.
We see stands.
Made the blessings of Saint Patrick beholds.
God blessed Ireland, and God bless the United States in America.
She stands.
Now America is embracing a new ethic and a new creed. Let's roll the phrase new York's Finest and New York's Bravest mean something now, doesn't it.
This is a time to reflect and be thankful for where we are today, and.
We will rebuild New York City.
Still, Yet, after America was attacked, it was as if our entire country looked into a mirror and saw our better selves. Unbelievable. And later we'll played Daryl Worley's hit you Know have you forgotten? Because somebody remember Joe Biden and the Al Qaeda five. They say, well, maybe they don't need the death penalty, including even including colleague Sheik Muhammad, the mastermind of nine to eleven and what are we doing now? We're not vetting anybody. At the end of this year, it's going to be between seven and eight million illegal immigrants, aided and a vetted by Biden open borders policy, no background checks, no vetting at all, whatsoever. You know, what is the one hundred and seventy people that we know were on the terror watch list that we did stop from getting in? What about the Godaway's estimates as high as two million? What do we know about them?
We'll get into that later in the program. The way, on the issue of nine to eleven. Here the twenty second year, we have a lot of Republican presidential hopefuls just ripping into Biden for the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal Friday night. I had on gold Star families. They lost their sons and in one case just a daughter in law, you know. And these people are in pain, and Joe wouldn't even take a meeting with them.
Donald Trump did.
Biden planned to spend all day in Alaska following his trip to India for the G twenty and they stop at Hanoi. White House says that he's taken part in a memorial ceremony with members of the military. I think Nikki Haley's right. The president should absolutely be here, you know. Mike Pence took part in Monday's remembrance in Iowa, said he hopes that Biden will honor the sacrifice of all those served in the military and the wars that followed. Just a disaster, unbelievable in every way. I mean, you know, what are the things that we're doing that's great for national security? Washington Free Beacon has a story out today. Iran has now been growing their stockpile of highly enriched uranium since Joe Biden took office and restarted diplomacy, and where he's even been importing oil from Iran. Well, we're going to make the mulls of a Ran rich again. In addition to not enforcing the key sanctions on Iran, which provided that terrorist nation access to nearly forty five billion in oil revenue, the administration recently freed up an additional sixteen billion dollars, a portion of which was the result of the hostage deal. But of course this was not, you know, a ransom. That's what they told us. Iran has now has the capacity to fuel six nuclear warheads in one month's time, and ten within four months, according to an analysis of the latest data released by a nuclear watchdog group. That's what they're saying, according to the Institute for Science and International Security think tank that reviewed the latest disclosures about Tran's you know, stockpile from the IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency, significantly faster than the three to four months it would have taken Iran to build one nuclear weapon in twenty twenty, when economic sanctions were at their strict as before the Biden administration took office. But don't worry, He's going to take a billion of your tax dollars or half a billion and your tax dollars to help get.
Ukraine cleaner and more resilient energy. Wow.
US Marines ordered to remove human waste from Kabyle Airport as part of Biden's surrender deal with the Taliban. Maranda Divine, writing for The New York Post, before they were allowed to leave Kabble, having just lost thirteen comrades to a suicide bomber, US Marines ordered to pick up human deces another disgusting trash at the airport so as to leave at pristine What for the Taliban?
You just can't make this up. What else do we read?
President She he's done with the established world order because he sees that America, the world without America strength and leadership is rudderless. This is what a weak, frail, cognitive mess of a president does. It impacts the whole world that is in bold in our enemies. Now we see, you know, more activity, China on high alert, Canadian ships in transit, and the Taiwan Straits. Things are heating up there. Pentagon THO looking to develop a fleet of AI drones systems to combat China.
Oh, that's going to do it.
Meanwhile, they have hypersonic missiles pointed right at US. I saw this Daily Mail article that HIV protesters were occupying Kevin McCarthy's office. Seven arrested as activists got on their knees and started chanting, unreal. Did anybody do you guys watch the US Open? I watched Coco Graff win on Saturday and Novak Djokovic win on Sunday.
You're watching golf tennis. It's coco golf and yes, I yea cocoa golf. Sorry, yeah she was she was amazing. Oh yeah, she was amazing. I almost felt bad for her opponent because the crowd was so against her. They wanted Coco to win in the worst way.
I wanted to win in the west worst way. I was happy she won, and I wanted Djokovic to actually break the record. He got now his twenty fourth Grand Slam. And here's the interesting part. Anyway, so he wins straight sets against Medvedev. This was an hour and fifty minute second set. It was one of the most fascinating tennis sets I've ever seen in my life, and it's such athleticism on display now. Neither Djokovic nor Medvedev were allowed to play in New York last year because of COVID restrictions. People might recall anyway, So on Sunday, their Maderner was one of the sponsors for the tournament, and they had on ESPN they're quote shot of the Day sponsored by Maderner, and the Maderner shot of the day was Novak Djokovic, the guy that refused the COVID shot, who won the championship and probably would have been an odds on favorite to win it last year.
Now, the level of athleticism it takes to be that that great an athlete, it's incredible.
You can't measure it. Everything they put in their body.
If you watch them in the changeovers, you know they're they're either eating a banana, they're sucking down, you know, some type of protein of some kind, some type of energy bar, electrolytes. You know, they're just pounding it into their system so that they can perform at the highest levels.
And the heat and humidity. The past week was awful. I was awful. Awful.
Oh, anyway, that's that's the battle. By the way, the liberal media mob. Yeah, they one of them actually said this weekend, who's this? I think it was over at MSDNC anyway, hoping that Donald Trump must die in jail. Liberal host says set an example. Wow, PBS's roundtable. They can't believe Biden's pretty extraordinary accomplishments can be ignored. What are they CBS praise to Biden for having accomplished many important things, start with the list.
Tell me what it is.
They admitted incorrectly editing Kamala Harris's interview clip omitting GOP attacks on her unreal crazy times. By the way, you want to know what typical weekend in the United States is like these days? You know, no bail laws, you know, defund, dismantle. Let's see, we have the Thomas R. Procter High School security guard in Utica, New York, shot in the head during a brawl at a high school football game. You got a Chicago ride share driver brutally beaten in carjacked by three women. In Vegas, are rapper charged with murder after allegedly making a music video bragging about crime. In Pennsylvania. You have an escape killer stole a van over the weekend, tried to contact acquaintances still looking for that guy. Nike store in Portland had to shut their doors as crime and safety concerns tear through that you know, peaceful city, it's all peaceful. A team punched by a stranger in the Big Apple, you know, tears up recounting, you know, the unprovoked attack. Oakland leaders addressed the residents' frustration over rising crime, but to not refunding the police. And they're still going with these idiotic bail laws anyway. Eight hundred nine to FOURT one, Shawn our number. If you want to be a part of the program. White House physician former White House physician Ronnie Jackson will join us and later out how bad is it at the border? On this nine to eleven anniversary? How many people are setting up terror cells in our country? Things to Joe's Open Borders. If you're a homeowner, for most people, it's their biggest asset. When's the last time you checked on your title, because that's the document that shows you own your home. Now. If the answer is never, you need to know about the fastest growing scam out there. The FBI calls it's simply house stealing. And here's the thing. They don't want your house, they want your money. They want your equity in your house. And these scammers will forge your signature on a transfer document stated you sold your home in that they're the new owner. Then they take out loans using your equity as collateral. Then they disappear after they rob you blind. You know, just like you have to watch your credit, you have to, you know, watch your home title. That's what home title lock dot com is all about. One they offer twenty four to seven title monitoring. Two they give you urgent alerts if any title changes, and three they have title restoration experts to help if the worst happens. Anyway, Go to home title lock dot com check the status of your home today, then register your address for thirty days of free protection. Visit home title lock dot com. Heus the promo code Sean Sea, John Hannity, So, Jennifer grandhome your energy secretary takes a trip from the to the southeast, from Charlotte, North Carolina to Memphis, Tennessee. You know, to tell us how great billions of dollars the White House is pouring in a green energy in electric vehicles. Then they tried to put a non electric vehicle in line to get charged, and a family with a baby was so upset they had to call the police because they were cutting the line. Anyway, we'll get to that. Sarah Carter, Tom Holman, and Congressman Ronnie Jackson straight ahead