Congress Supporting Education - March 21st, Hour 2

Published Mar 22, 2025, 3:52 AM

Rep. Mark Harris of North Carolina, Rep. Mary Miller of Illinois and Rep. Rulli of Ohio, are all supporting the President in his efforts to put an end to the Department of Education. 

Our two Sean Hannity Show this Friday, toll free. Our numbers eight hundred and nine four one Sean. If you want to be a part of the program, let me play. First. The President announcing he is eliminating the Department of Education. Here's what he said.

Today, we take a very historic action that was forty five years in the making. In a few moments, I will sign an executive order to begin eliminating the federal Department of Education once and for all. Everybody knows it's right, and the Democrats know it's right, and I hope they're going to be voting for it because ultimately it may come before them, but everybody knows it's right, and we have to get our children educated. We're not doing well with the world of education in this country, and we haven't for a long time. And we're pleased to be joined today by the woman who I chose because he's an extraordinary person, and hopefully she will be our last Secretary of Education, Linda McMahon.

Linda, Then we have Randy Weingarten, head of the Teachers Union, getting emotional defending the Department of Education. Now, I just why has she never gotten emotional about the institutional and systemic failure of our educational system. And how on a spectacular scale, all she has advocated for is more and more and more money, and more and more and more benefits, but teachers and the results have gotten dramatically worse. And there's no correlation, as we pointed out in the last hour and pointed out yesterday, in terms of the money spent versus the results New York DC. I can go through the list that the areas of the country that spend the most money New Joysey, Vermont, Connecticut, they spend the most money. And then you have states like Utah that spend less than a third of the money that they're spending and they get better results. Idaho gets better results. How is that even possible? But no, she's never got upset over the fact that we pay more than any of the any other country in the industrialized world to educate our children with the worst results imaginable. Why hasn't she got gotten emotional over this.

Listen, they're just taking opportunity away from kids, and O have it so billionaires. Kids are billionaires, they have it. They go to private schools. Everyone else ninety percent go to public schools. Don't take away their opportunity, so let's stay on the fast. Sorry, I'm really angry about this, because.

I'm really angry. I'm really angry that you've failed our kids so spectacularly. Anyway, supporting the President and his efforts to put an end to the Department of Education, we have Congressman Mark Harris North Carolina, Congresswoman Mary Miller of Illinois, Representative Ruly of Ohio also supporting the President and their efforts to put an end to the Department of Education. Welcome all of you. Representative Miller will start with you. I look at the amount of money spent, and we spend more than any other country in the industrialized world with the worst results. And the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. This has been a long time in.

Coming, absolutely, and I join with everybody and celebrating this huge win for the future of our children, because our children are our future. And this Winegarden and her group they are frauds. That is the nicest thing I could say about them. They do not care about the child, they do not care about the parents, and they also don't care about the teachers. They're all about themselves. And I just am so grateful that we have a president that is delivering on his promises.

Oh I am too, Mark carras North Carolina. I'll ask you, I been this unholy alliance and relationship with the teachers' unions and the Democratic Party, and it goes this way. It's Democrats. They get a lot of money from teachers union, from rank and file, whether rank and file likes it or not, they donate to these campaigns, and all these Democratic congressmen and women they turn them blind eyed to the fact that our kids are not at reading a grade level, they're not proficient in math, and not proficient in anything, and especially kids that are in predominantly minority neighborhoods, they seem to be disproportionately impacted, negatively impacted by these poor results.

Well they are shown, and thank you for the opportunity to be with you today. Look, there's no question that the statistics speak for themselves. The scores are those that come out of the Department of Education themselves. And when you've got to your very point, Mathew, and math and readings for thirteen year olds at the lowest level in decades, and when you've got again just the facts. Six in ten fourth graders and nearly seventy five percent of eighth graders not proficient in math. As you mentioned, listen, American satisfaction with public schools has hit a twenty four year low. And again, as Mary pointed out, this is something that has been in the making for a long long time. I mean, Ronald Reagan talked about dismantling the Department of Education. And I'm very grateful that Donald Trump is a president who is in amount of action and he's taking the steps to do the taxpayers have been just held up for all of these years. When you add up the money three trillion dollars the Department of Education over the years has spent, and yet these are the results. I'm just convinced at the American people sent us to Washington in November of twenty twenty four to do government differently, and that's exactly what President Trump and what I'm hoping this Congress is going to come in behind and.

Accomplish representative Rulely, what's the reaction in your district.

Well, for me, Sean, it's really a special subject because I was on the school board for eight years and in Ohio we created the X choice. So what that does is that it allows moms and difficult neighborhoods, like whether it's urban or rural, for you to take a voucher and you choose the school you want. If you like public, you get public Christian Charter Montassori. We let moms get the power. I'm really proud. My staff is moving at a high kitched, stevered pace. We are introducing the Education Restoration Act, which is going to codify the executive order that I was fortunate enough to be there yesterday, and then I believe Senator Cassidy is going to do and bill in the Senate and we've got to get that to the President's desk for a signature. Sean, we're doing such great work, but we saw in Joe Biden's Day number one, he overturned all those amazing things that Trump did the first time. We can't let that happen again, my friend.

Yeah, a lot of what the President is doing through executive action and executive orders is going to have to be codified, congress Woman Miller into law. But first and foremost, I guess you're facing this massive reconciliation bill and will that get done? And how soon can that get done because I think it's imperative to get the economy rolling well.

It is a priority, and we do need to codify these things. But in light of codifying President Trump's executive orders, next week, I'm going to bringing out a be bringing in a bill called Keep Our Girls Safe to Act to make sure that males are out of female safe spaces, their private spaces. And not only codifying this, many of Trump's executive orders have to be codified into law. So I do want to say though that I am going to fight until the last day I'm in Congress against the indecency that it's being put in front of our children in public schools and they're hyper sexualizing our children. If I told you what Illinois public schools are putting in front of six year old with graphic pictures, you would be fine for indecency on the radio. And this has got to stop.

All Soba, Yeah, I agree, and I think that Congress, you know there's a small margin of a majority for the Republicans. And Mark, when I went to Washington and I did a town hall with the with the Republicans in the House, I asked everybody if in the room, if they understood that you're not going to get everything that you want and that you're going to succeed or fail together. And so far they seem to be rallying around the president's agenda. I don't know if we're going to overtime see some attrition. I hope not. I hope people understand that this moment is going to call for unity. Do you see Republicans uniting behind the president's agenda?

Well, I do, Sean, and I was there at their town hall, and I appreciated so much of being there because I think everybody's senses that we're finding ourselves at a special moment in history. I mean, things we've talked about for decades. We are seeing shrinking the size of government, and really everybody has been willing to work together. I mean, when you look at the accomplishment, it took away and that was the most beautiful part of it. It took away the narrative that the left was ready to run with and that Republicans could not govern, that we couldn't work together, that somehow we were going to splinter all over the place. And yet here in just these early weeks, we have the budget resolution that folks hung together and we were able to pass, and then the cr that we were able to pass, and the President is the one with his agenda set forth, working with the leadership, working with Congress, we've been able to hold it together. And again every step as another step that we take, and reconciliation is going to be a big opportunity to really put pencil to paper and begin to shrink this size of this government. And so far it has been demonstrating a unity that we desperately needed. And I hope and pray that we're going to be able to hold together because we're going to need it. The opportunity is too great to miss this.

I agree with you, and I'm sure there are going to be things that are done that I'm not going to particularly love. And I understand I'm not going to get everything I want, But I don't live in the Washington Swamp and I wouldn't want to live anywhere near where you guys live. Congressman Rulely, I mean, do you think this coalition holds together? I mean, you got a very you know, disparate group of people there, and everyone's got their little agenda, and well, this impacts my district, and this impacts my district and there's not going to be everything in there that everybody likes.

Well, I think we are going to hold together, and I think this is how it's going to happen. I think, you know, the President gave the gift to the House of Representatives when he said, one great, big, beautiful bill. You know, in all due respect to you know, Senator Graham, we would never pass two smaller bills through the House. And I think when he did that, that gave a free reign for Tom Emmer and his game to go through the different members and Speaker Johnson's been and Featscalice have been all available. They've reached out to every member of our conference. They want to know what your poison pill is, do you have a red line? How can we get and work around that? How far can you bend for the benefit of the order of the Grand Old Party? And I think, you know, from the President to Scalise to definitely the Speaker Johnson and even Tom, it's been an amazing group of conversations that have been going on for I think that other members will tell you at least five or six weeks, I'm approached at least two or three times a week what are you seeing? What are you concerned about? That's the kind of rhetoric, that's the kind of family being united around one cause for President Trump's agenda, because we all know if we don't get this through, we'll lose the gavel. And if we lose the gavel, the whole cause is lost. So this is probably one of the most crucial points in American history in my opinion.

Sean, quick break, right back. We'll continue more with Mark Harris of North Carolina, Representative Mary Miller of Illinois, and Representative Ruly of Ohio. They all support the President eliminating the Department of Education. We'll get to your calls also on the back side of this half hour, eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program this Friday, as we continue, all right, we continue now as the President has dismantled the Department of Education. We continue with Mark Harris North Carolina, Congresswoman Mary Miller of Illinois, and Congressman Rulely of Ohio. Have any of you experienced and I'll throw it out to all of you, the astroturfing we now know. Chuck Schumer acknowledged admitted that they're sending, you know, groups of people to Republican congress people's town halls for the purpose of disrupting them and creating a false image to make them look bad. Have any of you had that experience.

Well, they are showing up at my offices to protests, but I'm not going to have a town hall to give them a platform to scream at me and to scream about President Trump and Elon Musk. But all the great things that they that they're doing that they hate, and I do want to say that one reason I think we're going to unite on the Reconciliation Bill is because President Trump is such a great, strong leader and for the first time in forever, we have a president that cares about the American people, and I think that Congress is going to unite around his agenda.

I hope. So I hope everybody stays united and understands that these are well organized, funded with talking points for the very purpose of trying to make elected representatives look bad, and then the media runs with it as if it's real, and it's actually one of those cheap bake videos that weren't cheap fake about Joe Biden. We appreciate your time. Congressman Mark Harris, Congresswoman Mary Miller, and Congressman Really of Ohio. Thank you all for being with us. You know I am a believer in our Second Amendment. I do. I've had a license to carry now and believe it or not, in New York City when I live there, in the state of New York, and I've had one in California, Rhode Island, Alabama, Georgi, and I have one in the Free State of Florida. I've carried a firearm my entire adult life, and there is no better firearm than on a new sponsor sig Sour. They are the world's leading manufacturer of firearms, optics, ammunition suppressors. Sigsur is one of the most respected training facilities in the industry. It's called the Sigsur Academy. You got to check it out. Go to sigsur dot com today. You'll also find the nearest dealer where you live. And sig Sour's history goes back a whopping two hundred and seventy years, but today Sigsur firearms all are proudly made right here in the USA by American workers in some of the most advanced manufacturing facilities anywhere in the world. They deliver what is unprecedented quality, incredible technology and precision, and sig Sour products are trusted by the US military, countless law enforcement agencies, millions of Americans like me, and by our allies around the world because of their unmatched quality and reliability. Now they're P three twenties one are the official side arms of all branches of the US military, and it's currently in use by our forces at home around the world, all in the defense of freedom. And if it's good enough for them, it's good enough for us. Check it out today, go to sig Sour it's one word dot com, SI G, S A U e R dot com and find a dealer near you and check out their line. You're going to be impressed. Quick break right back. Your phone calls coming up next eight hundred nine to four one sean if you want to be a part of the program. And the MAHA movement continues, and Jillian Michaels is now well, he's kind of been getting on my case. I have to make some more changes in my life as it relates to health, wellness, fitness, nutrition, and et cetera. Straight ahead, I see our old friend Gavin Newsom. He's been out there trying to interview conservatives, and he's got a podcast and he's had on guys like Charlie Kirk and Steve Badden and who else has he had on. I don't know who else he's had on. And anyways, interesting, he hasn't asked me to be on. I think if he does, ask Linda, should I go or should.

I not call?

I mean, you guys are buddies, I will go.

We're not really buddies. I mean I.

Would just make sure, just make sure you fill him ahead of time and you ask him what Dan routine he'll be doing during the interview.

He's slick, There's no doubt about it.

I don't know that it's called slick. He looks like he's having some sort of strange reaction to something he ate earlier. It's really odd.

You can share a bottle of wine from the winery that he kept open during COVID. That's true. He does have a winery, and uh, maybe he'll be going back to that soon. I think he. I think he aspires to be president. That's what I believe. And I think there's no single human being on the face of this earth that wants to be president more than Avenussom. Now, so he's going on these he's interviewing these conservatives and I'll give you an example, and he told Charlie Kirk that no one in his office ever used the term LATINX. Is that the word? I got to get these things right. And here's what he said, by the way.

Now, one person ever in my office has ever used the word LATINX. So can we finally put that to bad th Yeah?

But where did that even?


More lax everybody? Well, I just didn't even know where it came from. Like, what are people talking about? I don't even know where it came from. No one in my office has ever used it. Whoopsie Daisy. Uh investigative report believe it or not out of fake news CNN exposed that he himself has used the term many times.

I hope we can really paint a picture in terms of our consciousness of how impactful this has been on the LATINX community. LATINX community, the LATINX in black communities, got politicians that are banning not assault rifles, but the word latin X.

They're not even serious.

Whoopsie, Daisy, I mean, how do you not he made these comments in the last two three years? Did he not remember that he made them? Then? He questioned the fairness of transgenders in women's sports and studies against men and women's sports. Here's what he said again to Charlie Kirk.

Turns out, in twenty fourteen, years before I was governor, there was a law established that established the legal principles that allow the allowed trans athletes and women's sports.

But the issue of fairness is completely jit. It is an issue of fairness, and I think democrats last Whoopsie Daisy. All right, let's get to our busy, busy telephones as we say hi to Frank in Chicago. What's up, Frank? How are you glad you called? Happy Friday?

Hey, Thanks Sean, and really enjoy your program. When you guys were talking about Elon Musk and SpaceX, what a euphoric, euphoric achievement that was. And I know quite a bit about the space program, and we've been really suppressing it since the Shuttle went away a long time ago. We really weren't prepared to move to the next step and have to depend on the Russians. Elon Musk has single handedly saved the American manned space flight program.

Well, I will tell you the beauty of it is, it's been so successful. And you know, it's amazing when when Elon tests a newly engineered rocket, and usually when you test, you know something, as with that type of sophisticated engineering, you've got to have some failures. NASA has had their fair share of them. And even if it's an unmanned flight like had recently happened and a new rocket, he was testing out, testing it out for a reason, to see if what they have created on paper actually works in reality. And they do it for the purpose of finding out where weaknesses may exist. And yet the left in this country celebrated it every aspect. And this is amazing thing about this week is you know, we see all these Tesla dealerships they have bullets being fired into them. You see Tesla lots being you know, all their cars being burned, Threats against Elon's life, charging stations set ablaze, et cetera. All this guy has done is exposed waste, fraud and abuse. This week he rescued astronauts and every aspect of that mission was dangerous, from the launch to the rocket that he engineered to successfully land back on Earth in the exact spot it was designed to land at to then docking at the at the International Space Station undocking, making this the flight home home, the seventeen hour flight home, you know it speeds of seventeen thousand miles per hour at times, and then re entering orbit with the temperatures at thirty five thirty five hundred degrees, and then launching the parachutes and making sure the thermal coding could withstand that level of heat, and all of it was done successfully, and he rescued those astronauts, and the thanks he gets is, you know, an effort to take down his business and hurt his employees and hurt him personally, and threats on his life and threats on his employees' lives. That's really sick. That is really really ugly. It is you know what I said last night on TV, and I think it's right. It's like, you know, if you would listen to liberals prior to this election, the biggest existential threat to America was not China, not Iran, not Vladimir Putin, not with Korea, not nuclear warfare or nuclear proliferation. It was climate change. Well, They used to love Tesla products until he aligned himself with Donald Trump, and because he has a different political viewpoint now they're trying to destroy him. And in the process they will hurt all of the people that work in his dealerships, all the people that assemble his cars, all the people that repair his cars, all the people involved in that process. And that's why we have on this program our Tesla Giveaway, and Linda, you want to tell everybody about it. What's today's word of the day, just to remind people.

So today's word of the day is Trump, And just for everybody's information, the Friday word hangs through the weekend, so you have all weekend to use the word Trump. You can enter once a day, and then we're going to announce the winner, probably about a week or so after the final day of the contest, which.

Is on April.

Well, hang on a second. Does that mean if you go to Hannity dot com now and you click on the Tesla contest icon and it brings you to the contest homepage, and you have to give us a way to contact you email whatever however we do that, I don't know.

I have a it's name, first and last name, your birthday to make sure you're over eighteen to participate in the contest, and then you supply your number in your email.

Okay, not a big deal, right, and then we will not have any say in picking the winner. Just for the record, are you saying that if somebody goes there today uses the keyword trump, can they go back tomorrow and use the keyword trump and register on Saturday and then register again on Sunday.

That's right, because you don't have a radio show on Saturday and Sunday, so you.

Can register all three days and that'll give you three more chances to win. That's right. With the word trump, okay, with the with the with today's word of the day will be today tomorrow and Sunday's word of the day, which is trump. And then Monday we'll have a new word of the day. And then we this all the way till April the eleventh, and then iHeartMedia, our radio partners, will pick the winner. Not sewn. Every day the.

Word changes at two fifty nine pm Eastern Standard time, and it gets twenty four hours in rotation, and then we switched to the next word five days a week.

And let me be very clear too, I have no access to any of the information at all. I don't even have access to my own X account because Linda won't give it to me, which is really.

A pop box for your protection.

Honestly, it's not for my protection. Why because you're afraid I'm going to get in a fight with that jackass Jimmy Kimmel or that other jackass Alec baldin a.

Bigger fight with Jimmy Acosta. I'd be honest with you. He was the one you fought with the most.

Did I really?

I don't even clearly the two of you have trouble sleeping because your conversations at two in the morning were a lot fake.

No, he doesn't like that. I call him fake news Acosta. I don't think he liked that. Well, what Jimmy Kimmel did this week was disgusting and no word. And by the way, why don't you call over to the PR department at Disney and say do they have any comments about what Jimmy Kimmel said about Tesla this week so we can air them? Would you mind making that call?

I don't mind. Do you want me to put it in writing?

Yeah, that would be a good idea. You know if you can't call and write and see. Sean Hannity would like for his show to have comments from ABC, Disney, the All Inclusive DEI Obsessed, Woke Disney, bob Ey Ger Run Corporation whether or not they support the comments of Jimmy Kimmel. And maybe while you're at it, you might want to ask him about him dressing him blackface? Why did they hire him in the first place? And then I want to ask him about Yeah, and you can ask him also about you know, him putting items in his pants and his crotch and asking women and giving them ten seconds to use both hands to feel and guess what's in his pants. Yeah. Kind of a little perverted, don't you think? All Right, Well, anyway back to our phones, Gary, my free state of Laurida, Gary, how are you hey?

Thanks Sean. The Elon Musk interview, and I'm glad I waited with the occurrences that have happened in the arrests that have been made. But I think the last fifteen seconds twenty seconds of the interview, I actually seen the anguish come out of Elon. I mean, he's seen what they've done to Donald Trump and he has blown away, like he said in your interview, on how far the hate went and the anger, the violence, and then you got it out of them. At the end when he hit on the head, he said, when you threaten people's the fact that the graft and the graft and the fraud and you exposed them, and he goes he was just blown away by how dangerous they've become. And on the prosecution of it, which I really wanted to talk about just for ten seconds. They have to treat these people just as vigorously as they did the JA six people, all the electronic devices, sirch warrants, find out who's going to represent the new core, and no deals should be made on running sentences concurrent. I'm praying that when you speak to people that they can run consecutive sentences when they are convicted. And that's pretty much yet.

Yeah, well, I will tell you it is domestic terrorism. I'm very grateful that we have an Attorney General and an FBI director that are going all in to protect these dealerships, these workers, this company, and Elon himself. I can only imagine the amount of security that is now needed. I read today and I had a broken heart over it. It's sad that they now have to hire security at every single Tesla dealership. Everyone. There was a post on x I mentioned this earlier by a woman who claims a female Tesla driver was forced off the road by an anti Tesla terrorist. It's unreal and it's it's it's just sad, I mean, but this is the left. These are the people that we're obsessed with. January sixth, All right, quick breaks, straight back to our phones, toll free. It is eight hundred and ninety four one, Sewan if you want to be a part of the program. Jillian Michaels on the Maha movement at the top of the hour. Uh oh, that's always bad news for me because I'm always doing something she doesn't like. We'll have more on that straight ahead. Your calls also coming up as well as we continue this Friday.

It looks like all the Dems want to dodge the Doe, but Musk is not having it.

Waste fraud and abuse in the government, viper.

The American people. Is is the Sean Hannity Show.

All right, back to our busy phones. Linda, Ohio, Linda, how are you glad you called?


Sean, I'm with you. I love what Elon Musk is doing to this country. We're blessed to have him and I support him one hundred percent. And I'd like to say something about his Tesla. There's something I haven't heard very many people talking about, but that is really life changing, and that is because it's driverless.

And just self driving. It's an amazing type. That's why I wanted to give one away. To be honest with you, it is the most inortance you know, isn't it incredible?


And I thank you for giving it away. Gives us a chance to least get one. And for those of us with maculogy degeneration like myself, and there are millions of us all over the country, which is which you lose vision and you're not able to renew your driver's license, this is life changing. I mean you can hop in a Tesla and you can go to the store, you can go to church, you can go to friends, and that's independence. And this man has given us this tremendous GISs and I'm just upset about how these evil people are trying to do away with his businesses. And as far as being afraid to drive a Tesla, I drive on in a heartbeat, and I know you're well.

I hope you register, and you could register today, tomorrow and Sunday and the keyword is Trump and you just go to Hannidy dot com. Okay, I want you know, I hope somebody like you registering.

I want to win it, and.

I hope you win and you register. Every day we have a new word of the day and you can register today, tomorrow and Sunday with the keyword Trump. Anyway, I wish you the best, lend to God, bless you. You are you your makes America great in so many ways. Eight hundred and ninety four one SHAW is a number if you want to be a part of the program. Listen. I love Chef i Q sense. I mean, I love, love, love it, especially when I'm making I don't know, well, sometimes I make chicken breast or pork chops, or my steak, or maybe I'm making a burger. Doesn't matter. When I cut into it and it's perfect, I just feel great about what I've been able to accomplish. And the beauty of Chef i Q since is You'll get it right every single time. It's a modern, completely wireless cooking thermometer. It eliminates any chance that you're going to screw it up. You're not going to undercook it. You're not going to overcook your food no matter how you cook your food. And the probe can handle one thousand degrees fahrenheit. You simply just stick it in. It has a seventy five percent longer battery life. You can now handle up to seventy hours with one single charge. You put it in your food, You go to the chef i q app. You pick your desired level of done this. It'll tell you when to turn your meat over. It'll tell you when you meet it's done or are you fish. It'll tell you what to do with that too, and it just works perfectly. Your friends, your neighbors, your family, they're all going to think you into culinary school when they're going to want you to cook every time, which I love to do, which relaxes me for some reason. Anyway, stop all the confusion, eliminate all risks, serve every meal with confidence. Just go to chefiq dot com. It's very inexpensive, and you'll get an additional fifteen percent off their already low price when you check out and use the promo code Hannity at chefiq dot com promo code Hannity for an additional fifteen percent off

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