Jillian Michaels, host of Keeping It Real: Conversations with Jillian Michaels, is happy about Secretary Kennedy’s efforts to move the ball forward towards Making America Healthy Again.
All Right News round up information over at hour toll free on numbers eight hundred and ninety four one Sean if you want to be a part of the program, we always welcome back Jillian Michael's health, Wellness, fitness, nutrition expert and actually gives me personally great advice. Now, Jillian, by the way, abandoned California because of the nuttiness out there, like so many people, and like what we're watching on display against Tesla every single day play out and it's now gotten to a point where where people that might have naturally aligned with the Democratic Party want nothing to do with them. Like our next guest, Jillian Michaels. He has her own podcast. I don't go want to go on it because she's going to be brutal to me. It's called keeping it real. Conversations with Jillian Michaels. California went so far for you that you decided to leave that state, and now you see what this party is doing. They wouldn't stand for the mothers that lost children that were murdered by by illegal immigrants. They wouldn't stand for a twelve year old boy who survived cancer. They wouldn't stand for the wife of a hero law enforcement officer. They wouldn't stand for a young man who lost his father and the president announced that he got into West Point. They wouldn't even stand for no tax on tips or social Security or overtime. I mean, so, I'm not exactly sure what this party stands for. And then they wanted to shut the government down until they got into a big fight amongst themselves and they realized it was untenable. What does this party stand for? Men and women's sports, you know, the rights of illegals over over the safety of Americans, and what hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars spent abroad for the Green New Deal and transgenderism?
Is that the party?
You know who actually expressed this to me in a way that made sense so you can understand what they're doing, not in a way that makes sense so you can validate it was Jank Hugert when I asked him the same question you just asked me, and he said, you know, at some point, the corporate left married the woke left in a wedding we all missed and didn't want. And that's basically what's unfolding before our very eyes. And if I could point out something that I also find deeply alarming.
You see people on the left loving to call everybody a Nazi. Elon Musk is a Nasi, Trump's a Nazi.
Everybody's a Nazi except Mahmood Khalil, who supports Alaxa and said that October seventh was an act of heroism through the Columbia University Apartheid, a divestment group.
But he's cool. You want that guy.
There's that guy who supports killing Jewish kids and raping Jewish women.
He he supports AMAS.
Amas is a designated terrorist organization, and Hamas has in their charter the destruction of Israel. And we saw I don't know what part of murder, rape, torture, kidnapping, and beheading they don't understand, but the equivalent of forty thousand Americans died October seventh.
But we're worried about Elon Musk though, because he's the Nazi.
Like it's just I think the party has completely lost their way, and you're seeing that every day as they continue to double down, triple down with things like what we saw off the Stated Union, everything you just listed and.
Things like this.
There's not a day that goes by where I don't feel more and more, quite honestly disgusted with the party, and I don't want that. I don't want to feel that way.
I think that we need a two party system at least, but I can't help it with all the things that are going on. It's really grotesque, to be honest.
You know, I announced that I'm buying a Teslat, but I'm also giving away a Tesla. By the way, you should register. It would be funny if you want.
Okay, And.
What is he done to deserve this hatred except align with Donald Trump and save taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars?
What has he done well?
The three things that here is obviously aligned with Donald Trump, and you've got Trump's arrangement syndrome and all the never Trumper. So that was an unforgivable crime. If we were to critique him honestly, if reasonable.
People say they think he's moving.
A bit too quickly, and he even said, like I listen, you know, if we make some mistakes, we'll fix almost fix them quick. If you were to critique him, it might say, you know, hey, slow down, be a bit more surgical, But that.
Doesn't beget hatred, it doesn't undo his good intentions.
And then there's the argument that, oh, he's in this for his own personal enrichment, despite the fact that this has cost him about one hundred billion dollar.
One hundred and fifty. But you know, what's a few few billion dollars if you leverach right.
I mean, I don't see any personal enrichment here. It seems that the exact opposite had happened. It looks like the guy's falling on the sword.
Now. I mean, he has a tremendous amount of power. And oligarchs in the US are.
Obviously real, but they exist on both sides. And if I'm picking my.
Oligarch, I'm choosing Elon Musk over the Bill Gates and the reed Hoffman's and the George Soroses every single day of the week.
How would you describe yourself politically.
Now, O God, SHAWNA. I feel like I'm definitely center right.
If not, you're a Hannity Make America Great Again, rigging conservative.
There you go.
I think I'm a libertarian in that I believe you people should.
I'm pretty libertarian too, actually in a lot on personal issues. If you're an adult, that's none of my business. That's my answer.
That's really where I think at this point I have differences from people on the far white is that I believe two consenting adults should be able to live whatever life they choose, pray to whatever God they choose, love who they choose. You know, if they're good people, adopt children, get all of those things.
No disagreement for me.
But then you're a nineties liberal, I think, Sean, No, I'm not.
A nineties liberal. Now you're absolutely ruining my reputation.
That's not fair. I am not an I'm not a nineties liberal.
But I will tell you, you know, I imagine this. Imagine Donald Trump's able to pull off peace and you're a piece in the Middle East and come up with a partnership with Panama and Greenland, and eventually I think we'll come to some sort of agreement on tariffs with the European Union and European countries and Canada. I mean, Canada puts massive tariffs on our products already, so we already have a tariff war with Canada that they started. You know, if you look at EU tariff rates and then you don't even include VAT taxes, is eight cars. German cars sold for every one in America because of a ten percent tax on cars on top of a VAT tax, a value added tax, or a sales tax, and so it makes American cars unaffordable. And I find the whole thing frustrating to me that you know, he's demanding free and fair trade, or if they want tariffs, they can have reciprocal tariffs.
What's so bad about that?
I think that we are not used to this kind of radical transparency. We're used to seeing smiles and handshakes and hogs and then of course behind closed doors that's where the horror ball gets played. But Trump plays hardball right in front and center, and people just aren't used to it. So you get the shake up, you get the bumps in the road, you get the economy going a little haywire for six months, which I believe it did in the beginning of Reagan's first term, and then everything lifted up and out after that. But people just they're not acclimated to it. So when he man handles world leaders, they freak out that they don't have the summer forward, and of course they're looking for anything in everything on the Democrat side to resist everything is resist again. Whether it's standing up Blake and Riley's family or cutting waste for an abuse, it's just unilateral resist across the board. And I think that's going to cost them dearly in two years and four years and honestly, at this rate, the next four presidential elections to come unless they make it.
I'm perfectly fine with that. You have your entire life, You've dedicated your life to health, wellness, fitness, and nutrition, and you know a lot about this. I interviewed Bobby Cannidate. Let me play cut of him when we went to Steak in Shake, and I really enjoyed my time with him. And I'm not saying steak and Shake is perfect. I'm just saying that they they they want to make improvements. And here's what he said.
One of the components of process foods and that is, you know, all the science indicates that ULTRABRAD'SSS foods are what are the principal culprit And this extraordinary explosion the epidemic we have of chronic disease. What my uncle was president, three percent of Americans a chronic.
Disease today is sixty percent.
Do we have sixty six percent of adults are diabetic or pre diabetic.
Thirty eight percent of teens.
When you and I were kids, Sean the average Pedia Tribu you would see one case of juvenile diabetes in his lifetime or a forty or fifty year career. Today, one out of every three kids who walks through his office stores diabetic, are pre diabetic, Diabetes and other.
Might have condital diseases.
Are now costing America more than our military budget. We spend three times two to three times on healthcare what other countries do, and we have the worst outcomes and it's not and we have the best medical system in the world. We are poisoning ourselves. You know, Europe is great, always had great food. The French fries were always disappointment because we had the best French fries here. They had palm frets over there, and they just didn't taste right. Today, the best French fries in the world are in Europe. I ordered them every time I go to Belgium or France or any place else, and the French fries here don't taste right. And you tasted these, it's a completely different experience and the customers are raving about it. Other companies take and shake has been great. We're very grateful for them for rfking the French fries. They turned me into a verb, but also Popeyes.
All right, what are the top five things you would warn people about that they can do immediately that would make it make make their food more healthy.
First thing would just be to eat a whole food, and that means food in a recognizable form. If it looks like it came from the ground or it has a mother, you're good. It could be better. Sure, what I mean by this is a cheeto does not have a mother, and there is no such thing as a cheeto tree. Now listen if you're sure.
I thought they were cheeto trees. I thought they growing on trees. Am I wrong about that?
Hey, don't make me mad today it's early and I'm still mad about the vaping thing. But don't don't here.
There is no tree.
It's Ainsley's the boss, and she said.
We're giving Sean the first hundred days of Trump's presidency to quit vaping.
I'm probably sixty percent off it, so I'm almost there. I'm making progress. I'm dedicated to it. And I gave my words, so out to keep my word.
Well, I love I love that.
But if you start to run around the cheeto tree, if we're gonna get big trouble.
Well, and in fairness, you are very generous and you sent us organic beef and fish, and we're very grateful and we do appreciate you.
Well, that's nothing compared to all the things that you do for me and you do for the rest of us.
Go I should get through a hundred extra days then if that's the case, but we'll negotiate that at a future date. I got a roll Billian Michaels. We appreciate you being on the show and all that you do to help help inform people and make them, you know, healthier. I'm buying in more and more every day, as you know. Eight nine one Shaw is a number if you want to be a part of the program. All the threats now still coming in Adam Shift, Jamal Bowman and media Democrats, you know, just non stop attack Musk, attack Musk, attack Musk.
Anyway, here's the crazy he left.
Do you know Elon Musk Have you met with him?
I have met him before a time ago when he was saying.
Was he saying that or you know he was he was saying.
I mean, he was kind of an erratic genius. He's now an erratic evil, not so genius. And you know, there's all that speculation that he kind of turned because he didn't get invited to the White House for a meeting of electric carmakers under the last administration. I don't know whether that's true, But if it is true, what does that say about you? That you're going to change your whole worldview because you got snubbed from an invitation.
This shows again the American people do not trust Elon Musk. And Elon Musk is incompetent in his position. And how do we know because they fired tens of thousands of people. It was challenging court. The court said the people have to go back, and now the people are coming back. He's incompetent, he's a thief, he's a Nazi, and people don't trust him.
Elon Musk's Department of Government Efficiency, it's taking a chainsaw to the federal workforce.
Elon Musk continues his chainsaw attack in Washington.
Taking a chainsaw, if you will, to the federal government.
That's, you know, decapitating a lot, a lot they slashed.
And had with the chainsaw.
The slashing and the burning the chainsaw.
Elon Musk with that chainsaw.
I mean he's walking around acting like he's ahead of does he's, you know, brandishing the chainsaw.
Nine months pregnant with Elon Musk chainsaw marauding.
With a chainsaw. Wait a second, buster, put your chainsaw away.
They cannot attack federal agencies with a chainsaw.
He's doing it in a way with a chainsaw that alienates people.
Right hand, chainsaw man that has.
A chainsaw, that's chainsaw stuff.
We used the chains Elon Musk is an unelected manchilds is an unelected man child.
Running around the country with a pretend chainsaw.
When we come back, we'll hit the phones toll free this Friday, eight hundred nine, Shawn straight ahead.
Sean Hannity, Always concerned for our country, always honoring our servicemen and service women, and standing up for liberty every day.
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Sean, how are you?
I see you spend less than a third per student on education annually than say New York City, and your results are infinitely better congratulation of the great state of Idaho.
I'm not surprised, thank you, Sean.
Yeah, my children go to a charter school that does very very well as well.
Oh, I'm glad.
Well. This is in response to the gentleman that was an atheist and he wanted to know why bad things happen to good people and he felt that, you know, that Christ was evil in his opinion because he allows people to have sicknesses and so forth. Oddly enough, last night my father in law passed away and.
I'm very I'm very sorry. I'm sure that's painful.
It is he was. He was a very good man. I loved him very much. And my wife, of course, she's broken up pretty bad. But the reason why is because he teaches us to love and care for others. When when bad things happen, that's an opportunity for us to become more like him. He asked us to do these things, and it's something that's near and dear to my heart to take care of others. That's why I serve in the military, That's why I do the things that I do in my daily life.
Look, i mean, the Bible is pretty clear the human mind and consciousness and what separates us from animals is our consciousness is obviously not designed by God to fully comprehend Him.
And there is there.
Is a obviously a faith component if you believe in a God of Father, a creator, and the putting aside any religious particular religious faith or denomination.
Put aside all of that.
But if you believe in a God, a creator of the heavens and the earth, we don't know the mind of God, but we have an ability to wonder and to be an atheist, is what I told this guy. If you look, we now know, because of science that there are universes within universes within universes, and there seems no end to it, and it seems to be getting bigger as technology and antelegiscopes become more sophisticated in terms of their engineering and their design. Now there is a certain beauty and perfection in creation. I mean, gravity alone is a phenomenon, like these astronauts are going to have to adapt to gravity once again, and there's certain health challenges that they face when they get back. But putting that aside, then you get to the issue of Okay, if you're an atheist, how did all of this get created? Where did the energy come from? And to be an atheist, I contend, you have to believe that something can come from nothing. And when I press this guy, he would not answer because he doesn't have an answer. All he knows is he wants to judge God and he's angry at God. I think that the Bible's pretty cleared. No, God didn't promise us an easy life. As a matter of fact, he says just the opposite. He says that He is going to shape us and draw us closer to Him through the challenges that all of us face in life. Nobody goes through this and life unscathed, without problems, without challenges, without difficulties, and it's how we overcome them. Now in my life, I have found that my go to resolution is my faith, my belief in God, and I believe in the heavens and the earth, and I believe, as Jesus said to one of the people on one side of him when he was being crucified, you know this day you will be with me in paradise. I believe the Bible's promise, which is the eye have not seen, the ear, hath not heard, nor has it entered into the hearts of man with God has prepared for those that love the truth. So I believe that you're fa father in law, that you will one day be reunited with him, and your wife will be reunited with her dad.
I believe that with all my heart.
Does it take away this thing and the pain of losing a loved one, No, it doesn't. By the end of this month, in just a few days, my father will have been will have died twenty nine years ago, and I still miss him every day. But I do have a belief that I will be reunited with him. And I think he probably looks down from heaven and in shock and awe, never expecting me to do anything of worth in my life, to be honest with you, and he's probably was right in his prediction. I mean, the betting odds were not with me at that at that age when he was raising me. But you know, I'm grateful because I know I stand on his shoulders, and he sacrificed a lot and had a much harder life than I did.
Because I had one more idea to this. I believe that atheism requires a certain level of papathy, and I see that a lot within people who were atheist and I think.
They're intellectually lazy, don't you.
I do, I do.
I mean, I went through losing my own mother just in twenty eighteen, just before Christmas, and that was the hardest thing I've ever went through, was losing my mother. She was a dear woman. We were very close. She raised seven kids, A few of us even served in the military. We've done missions for our church, things like that, and she always told us to care about other people, that to be apathetic as to be further from God.
I think your mother was right.
Your mother was a wise lady, and obviously she helped shape you into the man you are today. And I know I stand on the shoulders of my parents, who stand on the shoulders of their parents. Both my grandparents and my parents grew up very, very poor, and they gave me a work ethic. It wasn't like I was always getting in trouble. I was off and outworking and they kind of liked that party they like. They never questioned when I was twelve years old and came home at two thirty three o'clock in the morning because I was working all night. They never questioned it. And I was out of my bicycle, you know, when I was ten in Bar in those years when I came seventeen, a little earlier than the law loud, but I did, and I'd tend Bar. I'd come home with a wat of cash. My father would come in while I'm sleeping and he'd take the money. He wouldn't He'd leave me a little bit, but not a lot. Anybody stopped taking my money and he put it in the bank. And for the years that I went to college, I used that money to pay for my college, and he did me a big favor. This is a very special generation, and that's why I'm so committed right now. We have a moment in history and opportunity now to leave this country better off than we found it, and I want to take full advantage of that. Anyway, my friend, appreciate the call. God bless you. Eight hundred and nine four one Sean is our number. If you want to be a part of the program. Let's say hi to Daniel Is in Miami. Daniel, how are you glad you called?
How's it going?
How's it going? What's going on?
I can't complain?
Hey, So what's you mccalluch so?
I voted for Trump?
Uh this past election, and and I knew what I was signing up for. And now since everything is just moving full speed ahead, you know, it's it's kind of overwhelming.
So this gives some backstory.
In school, I took advantage, like I was able to use the benefits granted to me as someone with a learning disability. And I want to know how that's going to affect kids moving forward that are in school.
Now with how with the the dissolvement of the Department of Education, so like I do know that he wants to reallocate.
Some of the duties that were granted to the Department of Education to other departments now with the government downsizing, Well, I know what.
The President said.
The SBA is going to handle student loans, and the Department of Health and Human Services are going to handle kids with special needs. Nutrition programs also will be handled by the HIHS as well.
Okay, yeah, now think of it though.
I mean, now that you're going to give money to the states, I think they're going to be way more attentive to kids with special needs. I think they're going to end up with more services, not less. I think now that we're deporting the illegal immigrants in this country, and you have resources that are no longer going to be drained from the Department of Education. That will allow for more attention to those kids that need that special attention. The states are going to be very experimental, and I could see, for example, special ed teachers maybe being assigned X number of kids that they handle, and maybe they're they're dealing with three, four or five at a time. And I think the attention is going to be that much greater for that, and that will result in that will that will yield better results in the end.
I think no, like.
And then I agree, But like, so an example of like, because I can only go off of what I've experienced. You know, so in school, I did have an individual learning plan because the way that I learned it was not on par with the other.
Students in my class. So so like I would have so I would have the ability to step aside and go through a different classroom to take tests or to do whatever.
Now, my my concern is, you know, like, and mind you like?
I like.
I'm asking this more of the sense of look, I have a very liberal relative, and I want to be able to explain or justify it. Hey, look, this is why I believe this is a good thing. Like back when Trump was first running, when he wanted to get rid of standardized testing, I was all four it, you know, but I was steered away at that time because I didn't know any better.
But like, now, can I ask you this, I'll tell you where to start with your liberal relatives.
Start with this.
We spend more per capita per student on education than any industrialized country in the world, and we come in like thirty seventh depending on the year in reading and about fortieth in math. Ask them, why would they continue to support a system that is failing our children, and especially failing children in deep blue states and deep blue cities that have and especially in districts that are predominantly minority that have been so negatively impacted by the by the current system. Why wouldn't they support innovative change to make it better? Put it on them. How do you defend how do you defend systemic and and institutional.
Failure like this? What if? What is? What is the Democratic Party done? What have they done to deserve your trust?
No, I mean I mean put it.
I'd flip it on them, is what I'm saying.
Yeah, I mean, like, yeah, I mean like uh like uh, like the last election, I unfortunately voted for Biden because you know, I thought because of the information that I was receiving. But I went through these last four years and like, mind you, I've only elected. I've only voted three times.
Uh once when I first turned a team, uh like with Hillary versus Trump, then Trump versus Biden, then Trump versus Comal, you know, and you know, uh, the information now I was receiving before, you know, I.
Was like, oh yeah, like yeah, this is good, you know. But like I've had life experience to now that I worked in the medical field and I'm working in a blue collar job where I'm like, no, this doesn't this is not sustainable, and I can't and like and I justified myself saying, look, there's no way that this next four years, if the things did not turn out the way that they did, it was going to be beneficial.
So yeah, let.
Me give you another way to say it. And then I have to run for the constraints of time.
What have you got? What have we got to lose?
We're already at the bottom of the list in terms of educational scores or industrialized countries. What what what? What are we risking here nothing. You know what, We've got to lose nothing. But I'll tell you what's I predict what's going to happen. You're going to see test scores go up. It'll take a little time, and then they're going to go up dramatically. And the most innovative governors and those that can think out of the box are going to be the most successful because they're going to focus on students and they're going to focus on course subjects reading, writing, math, science, history, and computers and give these kids the latter to success that is necessary in America.
What is your plan?
If that God forbid moment comes, somebody breaks into your house wants to bring harm to you and your family, your first plan should be to try and escape with any without any confrontation. Okay, plan A Plan B before you go to the lethal option unless you have no choice.
For me, it's the less lethal.
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Three hours a day is all we ask on the Sean Hannity Show.
So please join us, but just don't be late.
Sean Hannity is.
All right.
That's gonna wrap things up for today. Don't forget our tesla contest. You can want a free tesla that I am proud to buy and purchase and give away to one lucky listener.
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