The Post Party ProjectThe Post Party Project

GRACEN| IVF, ICSI, Vasa Previa, C Section at 37 weeks, the need for postpartum support & setting boundaries.

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Welcome back to the Post Party Project! 

In this week's episode, I chat with the lovely Gracen, who is the mother to Mackenzie and a partner Corey. Gracen talks us through her experience with pregnancy and birth. Gracen and her partner did IVF and ICSI to conceive Mackenzie and from there, an ultrasound picked up that she had a shortened cervix and that she had Vasa Previa - which is where blood vessels from the umbilical cord travel across the cervix and can be very dangerous. 

Gracen needed to have a long hospital stay while pregnant and speaks of how hard that was. She managed to reach 37 weeks pregnant before going through with a C-section birth. 

Gracen also speaks openly and honestly about her experience with postpartum and the need for putting boundaries in place. 

If you are enjoying the Post Party Project please leave a review on Apple Itunes or Spotify and if you'd like to share your postpartum story please get in touch - or over on Instagram @thepostpartyproject 

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