Pete hotboxes the gym locker room and Sebastian bombs at a 9/11 benefit...
This is the Pete and Sebastian Show with Pete Coraeli and Sebastian Mena Scalco, Best skin Jimmy from Boston. Listen, if and when I get murdered off the cast again, which who we kiln is inevitable. I'm recommended Mrs mann A Scalco take over, leaving the voicemails. She is the best. We gotta get her text recorded, Peter Bisket, it's Sebastian mother. It would be gold. Mama Solola, Momma Sada con saa. You so Pete Sebastian Show. We're back, baby, what's excuse me? What's up? Bro? Jesus Christ? Bro? What have you started out? And you started the show? The show? And uh it's it's a twelve Jesus, what a napkin? What alright? I got a whole new set up here, Bro, I'm trying to keep pace with the spaceship you're designing. All right, here we go about the call I was gonna save. Before we even got on the air, you were saying, oh, I got the black backdrop, I got a new desk, and what I get no kudos? I was gonna save it for the cast as you well know. I mean, we've hung out this whole weekend, so we needed something to save for the cast. So, uh, why don't your clue and the listeners on what the hell you got going on over there? All right? Bro? So Patrick got me a couple of these foam squares. He got me like one box of him. He said, I'll help with sound. So I said, what if I did the whole room? And he goes, yeah, that'd be even better. So I bought a bunch of boxes and you gotta put four stickers on them and their panels, and saying he was helping me, and I got Now, I got it. I got over here. You can't see the left. I have actual closet doors and those are getting padded next. And now Jackie's like, now you gotta keep this thing closed all the time. I don't want people to come up and see all this foam ship. But the sound is amazing. Then I didn't like my desk. I went my basement, found the smaller desk, spray painted it black, drilled a hole in it to put my mike in. I am just I got new towers so I get better internet. Bro. I am ready to cast with you for years to come. Guy, what's up? What are you doing? Red sweats? Right now? It was great to hang out with you. All right, you need to come down after all that. You need to come down three inches. All right, there we go. How's that beautiful? Okay? And just just as as a sidebar here Patrick, is his Internet worse than it was before? I think the I think the panels are affecting the internet signal. Oh shit, I didn't think of that. No, no, no, no, it's all right. We'll right, we're hold lean too far forward? That fox up the internet when you lean forward. All right. I think we're good. No, I really, I think we're good. I'm getting two more tow Is broth and get it. All right, great, it looks good. It looks great. We're black on black. You got gray on. I got a darker gray on. I think we're kind of in uniform right now. With the show. Uh, let's dive into this weekend. We're coming off a weekend in Poughkeepsie together, Pete. If you were at the show, uh, you know already. If you weren't, Pete and I performed at the Pokeepsie did six shows. Uh, and you we talked about a lot, right, and we never get together and like get caught up because we normally do that on the cast, and we don't like to catch up because a lot of that stuff we talked about on the cast, and we need kind of like an original reaction to it, don't Yeah, we don't like the hash it twice. But I'd like to start off the show by diving into your experience. You said you had some things with the hotel, this, that, and the other thing that you wanted to kind of get into on the cast. Oh, I wanted to ask you if this was if you would consider this embarrassing? Right? So I'm I go to the hotel and I figured I figured it would be nice if you're staying there. So I look it up and it's a Marriott Autograph hotel. So I'm kind of like, all right, maybe that's, you know, the best they got to offer around there. So I pull up and it's Valet, right, So when I see this is the thing. When that, when it's Valet, I'm not ready for Valet guy. I mean again, I don't want to get too crass, but it was a six hour drive. We've discussed what I do on long drives. That's on the floor on the passenger side. I'm gonna have a guy get in with fucking leather gloves and seeing my pist cup. I mean, are you kidding me? So? So I got an Apple tive box from McBath, I am. I'm doing a quick slide by you either though from the cast from talking about we're not gonna we know what was going on there. It gets tacky. No, No, you're gonna pull up the valet with piss in the car. Listen, I didn't know it was valet. Okay. What I was gonna do was go down into your garage and dump it in a drain in the parking lot and then put it in the back of the car. That's what I was gonna do. And it was only a little because it only happened. There was only a little bump of a bumper where I got Iffie. I'm bro I tell you know, I'm trying to get over to g W towards where I gotta go, and it's bumping a bumper and I do, like just a little sit up and I put it there and I put a sweatshirt over me. It looks like a you know, like a little, and even if you come and buy in a semi you have no idea what I'm doing. But I'm looking around bump but a bump because everywhere am I only one with this problem on the whole bridge? Seriously, I mean no one else sitting there, and I mean no one. Traffic is not moving and you got to take a leak. You don't get nervous like what what, how's this gonna what? What are we gonna do here? I don't know? Well, this bears the This bears the question when you're stuck in traffic, are you looking around a lot at other people in their cars to even see what they're doing? Because I think in my lifetime I've never really looked over at anybody and said, the hell that ain't doing? I don't think I even look at other drivers? Do you? Once in a while, I'll do a little voyeurism, I look, But it's when you get caught looking like I'll look at someone passing me, and then you do the quick over look at you and now so embarrassing when someone knows you were looking at them so embarrassing? Is there better than you? Right away? They're like, you're so unimportant? I wasn't looking at you. Why are you looking at me? It than you when you knew it when I was driving by, you sense it? Okay? My second question is how long are you driving? Would piss in the car? Usually what I usually do is I do a immediate dump if I can. Again, I don't like to hop on this like if you know, but when you're bumping a bump, there's too many people around. So the very next stop, wherever it is, the very next stop, it's done. Absolutely, it's done. So but more than that, Not only do I got that, you know, I got uh McDonald's apple pie box, total white trash, got one of those at to drive through with a cup of coffee. Uh, I got you know, you know, my other hobby. And it smells. I mean, there's a lot of things going on, bro, I'm not expecting anybody to get in my vehicle right now. Man, that's an invasion the privacy. And then I pull up and I'm like, I don't even think they have Like I go to I see the garage where they take in the valet, but it says do not enter. I'm like, this is one of these joints where you're not even allowed to self park. So now I gotta go over. You know how they had the residency next to the hotel. It was a two. I had to go park over there and I had to open up the windows, spray it out, dumb, throw my garbage out. I had to clean up my whole vehicle then just do a loop right back around. And he's the worst, the most embarrassing. Right. He goes to get my bag out, which I forgot to move because I had the bag in the back hatch. Now, to keep my route clean every morning, I like to take the dog to run and throw him the ball, but I don't want him to dirty up the route. So I got a dog cage like a carry one in the back with a dirty dog bed, and the dog jumps in there. And then when we get home, he jumps out and goes. He just jumps and he knows the rule. I'm pulling up a valet. I find out this hotel used to be a ritz Calton. Guys coming out with leather gloves and he's got to do a side move with my dog cage to pull the suitcase Sally. I'm like, oh god, people are pulling up and pushes and his leather glove is touching. Okay, just yeah, he's got this look. I want to be like, guy, you know how close you would have moved a pisto camp grateful it's only a dog cage, Guy, eternally incrediful. So you basically you traveled five hours in an outhouse, bro. But yeah, listen guy, only the last two hours. But I'm my point is sometimes sometimes you get used to a certain way of traveling that these decent and it ended up being a beautiful hotel. He's kind of five star joints. It's like, sometimes it's not worth the pressure. Like you know, you see we're working out just there when my my top shirt came off, to see what I had underneath. We're in the gym. I was going with a peekre Elli T shirt uh back in the day that I I had made and the sleeves cut because that's what I worked out at home. And I'm like holiday and they're just gratefully wearing a shirt this place. I'm looking around, going can I get kicked out of a gym for this ship? But on the flip side, I love going into the lobby and know and everyone's gonna be a loafus and I and no one's gonna be at the front descoing or did eat that food? That doesn't call? You know, there's no argument over my it's just nice. But you know, I guess I'm that guy. Bro, Bro, this is it was a Marriott. This ain't this ain't no like high end joint. It's it's like, I know, I'm trying to be nice. It used to be a rich calling, you know, it used to be a rich Carleton. And they moved this to this Opus hotel. And I didn't want to stay out in pot Keepsie because, uh, you know, I don't even know if they got running water in those hotels. So that's why we stayed where we stayed. And I just felt like if you needed to go out and get something to eat, it would be easier to do it there than if you're doing it in a pot Keepsie. But I want to get to the gym, So you come in to workout, right, I was working out with the trainer. I brought the trainer Jack. So you you walk in, it's about noon. You walk in and you're on the elliptical machine. You're doing your thing, and I gotta I gotta tell you, bro, because I got a problem with you two. I'm working out and every now and then I hear every now and then I hear and you is he saying? Oh wow? That's called being in the zone. And you know when you know when you don't get in the zone, when you're walking on a treadmill like an eighty two year old lady, What is that? I told Jackie, come home. My god, he's strolling through the park on the fucking thing. And she goes, what was he sweating? I go, he was talking. He was talking to me, And she goes, I talked to me sometimes. I go, I I don't know. He made have did a whole audio thing before. But I go, I don't know why this guy ain't going with a Paccino body. Just slim it down, petite, like, just bro, go Peccino. It'll be good for you back and your knees. Just waify guy, wafy guy. I believe me, I would love to get a Pacino body, but my ampetite is such where it's extremely difficult to get there. And the reason you must you look like, you know, like you've never been lifted, like you've been lifted. Yeah, I gotta I gotta trim it down and the that I'm working out on a two point five on the treadmill because I still got this issue with the nerve damage that's running down my legs. Right, I can't, I can't, I can't run. So I was just doing ten minutes of warm up on the treadmill, and yeah, it is a grandma. It is a grandma totally. It's embarrassing. But yeah, I don't want to I don't want to skip over what you just did. Is this this belting out tunes? Six six or seven times I heard I heard, I heard the singing, and I was like, I can't believe he's a guy. Yeah, yeah, I got I got a new method. I got a new method because come, this is one channel on serious sex and that it's called pop Rocks. Okay, Now, at a time, I can't take the tunes. But every once in a while they hit me with like a new tune that like was off my radar, And when I hear it, I do a screenshot on my phone and then when I'm working out, I look at the phone, I go, what was his name is? Let me google that. Then I google that tone and it gets me going you know, like, what's that one? Don't steal my sunshine? Uh, and I know it's up for me. Don't steal my sunshine? Getting and not too deep? Don't you don't know that one? Bro? Why aren't you on an elliptical? I mean, Jock, your train. It seems like a fantastic guy with a wealth of knowledge in the training world. But it's probably on an elliptical. That's nothing. It's air. It's air guy. No, yeah, no, it hits my lower back and it sucks. Bro. I know, I got I gotta get out of this thing. I gotta get out of this. I understand why you walk. Yeah, it actually feels better today for some reason. But there's a there's a sect. There's a second observation I made. Actually I didn't. I didn't see this, which I'm kind of piste off. I didn't see it. Jock saw it, okay, when you when you n I went to go get a towel, Yeah, okay. I felt like I walked into a dispensary. Oh yeah, but you left. There was some German made she couldn't speak English. She was pointing at my bag, acted like it was a brick of heroin I'm like, lady, I don't even know what the funk you're saying, but tone it down. What you don't you want to walk you through that? No? No, I came back and I go, oh my god, it smells like pot over there, and he goes it does and he goes over there. He gets like a water and he comes back and he goes he's got it laid out on the counter. What I know he brought back to the gym. You're worried about getting kicked out because you've got no sleeves. I think I'm Mary Watt. Yeah, I worried about. Let me walk you through. When I walk you through it, it makes way more sense than you think. Oh my god. All right, so obviously you know I'm working with you, and when I'm working with somebody, like when I'm not on my own, I'm gonna I respect it in every capacity. So I wasn't gonna do it in the room or anything like that. I don't even deincidental. Skuy, by the way, if you haven't checked so I mean, I mean, I don't know I did stiff you from my meal the last night. I don't know if Lindsey told you we all got chicken. I'm going on stage in ten minutes. I get a text from us saying, you know, twenty six dollars for the chicken, and I go, well, my meal playing money's in the call Lindsay, and she goes, okay, I go, I'll get it after and then I go up till I go tell him I'm stiffing him for the chicken. I'm not going to come back. I'm gonna go see you next time. I'm gonna play it up. Did he stiff Us? Aids? And the chicken? This past had the doud no bro Because like everybody else, seemingly in the whole world lately, she also listens to the cast. It's unbelievable. I wouldn't. Biden probably listens to the ship in the old office, you know, time in at interval snaps in between who we could so but so so explain it. They take me through the press. So I'm like, you know, I like to do that when I work out sometimes, right, So I'm like, all right, I don't want to go back. I don't want to go outside and then go back all the upstairs and then go all the way back to the gym. So I grabbed a plastic bag I had for something else in my toil the trees, I rolled one, which I don't normally do. I usually usually do a one hit. I'm like, treat myself. It's legal in New York. I'm gonna go across the street. I saw a little ledge, have my coffee, let the sun hit me, and enjoy it like a gentleman. So that's what I did. I go across the street. Bah bah boom, nice feeling good. I wrap it up. I put it in my plastic I don't have pockets really in my um. I usually have a hat when I put stuff in. So when I got to the gym, I had my key for the hotel, my water, and my phone my little rolled up joint in a plastic bag, and uh, I was about it. So I put it way up in the corner and I put like my phone on top of it, like to try and balance it. And I walked away, and then, like you know, when I went back to get my phone, I noticed like the bag kind of like opened itself up a little, and it was kind of laying there and it was just me, you and Jock and nance. So I didn't think much about it, and then after you left, when I was on the phone with Jackie when you left, she's talking to me. And then and like I said, this German woman came in to clean the place, and I didn't really understand that she's pointing at like that. Oh, and I'm going, yeah, jack, yeah, Jack, And I just grabbed him like I just like like that to her, and I put in my pocket and I walked out into the hall. Then I rerolled it really tight and put it back in my pocket and I came back in when I was on the phone with Jackie and I'm working out more. And then a guy in a suit like a tie kind of came in and he just did a look around and then he left, and I'm like, did he did she tell him that it smelled in here or something, so he was coming to check. But it didn't smell anymore. Because I like resecured at all, but a little little carelessness, a little no baby, no, I called the guy for a second. But you know, but I travel around there. You always want to carry one of them tubes that you sometimes by joint and so if you don't finish it, you put it right there and no one will know. So that yeah, I got a little that's so funny man. So um so yeah, we did the three three shows, six shows, three nights, um bro. I gotta tell you, I think there was a lot of people from the cast there. Yeah, yeah, no, there definitely were. I mean I heard a lot of pds, I saw some tea s um. But I want to talk about your workout for a second, because you you do a lot of things that like the rope, I've never done that before. You whip in the rope right doing that, and I gotta mix up my workout. I don't. I know kind of doing like that kind of stuff would help. But what's your take on some of the things, like when you lay on your back and you're doing like curls on your back or you're whipping that rope. Would you feel comfortable doing that stuff alone out of train? No? It starts to get right like, I mean, you're in a hotel, you're whipping ropes, are like, what the fuck? Because you know why, I don't look like I should be whipping ropes alone, Okay, And I'll tell you why. If there's if if my trainer was whipping ropes around like that and I walked in he's working out alone. I go, Okay, this guy obviously he's built, he's stacked, he knows what he's doing with the ropes. I feel if I do the ropes with no trainer, people come in and go, oh, what what did he What did his trainer tell him to do that? When he's on the road. I feel like it don't it don't go together? Right, even if even with like mocky mock ripped. Yeah, then but if I'm like a fifty year old man doing ropes alone, come on, because I like, you have a routine that I've been doing for thirty two years. All right, by and try by and try yeah, backage this. Everything you see on Rocky, that's what we do, right, except the one handed push ups, all the basic ship all the basic basic workout. There's no resistance training, there's no core, there's no stabilization, there's nothing. There's just give me the give me the curl bar. I'll do. Oh by the way, yeah, I go, I go up to ten? Right if I'm alone? Ten is the number with Jock Chuck twenty. Let's do fifty, right, Bro? When I work out alone, what's your number? Do you hit ten? And and call it with the reps. If I can do fifteen, it's too light, I gotta add more. If I can't do eight, it's too heavy. Anywhere between eight and fifteen, ten to twelve is a nice place to land. But this is what I'm saying. You just told me that your doctor said you've got some doctor who's ripped, and he's like, I never do reps over at ten with anything ever. And now you got Jock telling you to do fifties, So like, who you believe him? What's the story with that? You know what I'm saying, Well, well, I don't want to bulk up. I'm trying to slim down and and and the bulk you're seeing is not necessarily muscle. It's fucking pasta. So no, man, you know you're not in bed date at all that I need I need. I need to get back to uh movie shape. I was about twelve pounds lighter than I am. Now that's what I'm trying to achieve. It's just this last i'd say six weeks, I've been on a bender with food and booze. So now I'm trying to kind of come out of that fog. Do you have a start date state date for anything other than your end up special? Do you have any start date for anything you're filming? You because that's until until that's locked in. You know that. That's when you go, Okay, I have till that date to be this thing. Well it was the special? Which is this Saturday? And what are you talking about? Do you want your thin? You want not? I'm just saying you want to be listen to guy, you want to be pacino, petite, panicking needle Paul. I don't, Yeah, I don't want to be cheering. Let's say a McConaughey, Brad Pitt kind of slim, look like that you got that built your slim. You don't. You don't have any like meat on your bones. It's just slim. You know, you're you're like five pounds away from looking like a heroin addict, right, I mean yeah, right, Well, no, I guess it is a little bit inherent. You know, I'm way told than you too. Though. There's that bro let's by the way, Yeah mcconnie, he's like as skinny as uh well he's musculine. Now, yeah, I get it, I get it. I used to be that skinny. I got pictures when I was in my early twenties. I was resting at one s one right, I was a slim machine. I'm not even talking about I'm talking literally petite Jared Leedo, petite Pacino, petite Michael J. Fox like this, Like I'm telling you, it plays well on screen, Bro, it plays well on screen. I'm not even that guy. I don't even have that body type. My bone structure is not even gonna get me there. I got wide shoulders. There's no way I'm getting down to one fifty one. Michael J. Fox family dies. Come on, hey, mal Hey, Mallory Man. So this is how I knew I was getting fat. I did that nine eleven memorial which we'll get in there. Yeah, and I put his I put the suit jacket on at home prior to going to New York for this thing. And I put it on and I had a T shirt on underneath. I said, okay, this this is not not that tight. I got to the gig right, and I had a button up shirt. I put the I put the jacket on. I felt like the incredible Hulk. One one move and the back would have split open. Right. I was planning on performing with the thing. Button Bro, they took a picture of me. I didn't even recognize myself. I looked like I was busting out of the suit. You came out to forget, forget button it. You had it over your show that like Gene Kelly fucking coming out. I'm not even wearing it. Just put it right on the mic step. I had the heart, I had the Harness shirt on, and it was it was fucking it wasn't even working. I couldn't even get my legs into the harness. So and how how, how how passed? Did this fit? How long ago? Did this fit? Three months? Three months ago? I bought it and twelve pounds. I put on twelve pounds in three months? Was it these parties you were throwing, these these little dinner parties where you like to do. How does it happen so fast? Bro? I mean it's like you can't. It's like a movie pot weight gay for a movie pot game. Quick, Bro, I could pack it out real quick. It happened. I'll tell you what it happened exactly. I went to North Carolina for five nights and had had just stake wine the whole thing, you know. Then that came back. We did three nights in uh Santa Barbara, same thing, and then Alana and I went to Las Vegas one night and then Napa Valley for three nights. And that's what did me in that whole run. I packed it on and now I'm trying to shred it shred it off. And it's tough because because listen, I've seen photos by the way recently Atlanta looking fantastic. So clearly you guys both didn't gain twelve pounds during that run. But but you can't do caudio. That's the problem right now. So anything you eat, you can't really burn it off, right, Yeah, that's true, that's true. I mean I don't know. I mean that's yeah, because I mean, you know, what are you gonna eat? That rusty life that's ridiculous. I know, I know it's a catch twenty two. It's just I just wish I had more of a grasp on. I can't help it, bro, I'm sorry. When I get around food and I'm making food and I'm making steak and the papet to this and then the wine, it's just it's just it's fun. The Peat and Sebastian show. It's like, you know, you're busting out of your suit at the at the nine eleven thing. I swear to god, I came out there and I was like, I looked unrecognizable in this FLM. You did You did stand up at that thing, right? Yeah? I did? Uh? I did a seven minutes set. Let let me walk you through this. I told you a little bit about this over the weekend, but just the one brief thing you mentioned that you did it as like a free gesture to them. You didn't even get paid to do it. Yeah. I donated my time, which you know nine nine eleven for me, even though you know, obviously not a New Yorker, but you know, everybody in the United States was greatly affected by that event. And when I went down down there in March to kind of tour the museum and see, you know, all these different things they had on display, it was it was gut wrenching. So when the museum reached out to me after I went there and said, hey, would you like to you know, host this event to dinner? I said absolutely. So. Now here, here's the problem. I get there and it's kind of like, you know, Michael Bloomberg is there, who is the chairman of the museum, and I'm and I'm sitting at his table. So what they want me to do is perform a seven minutes set and then sit down and eat at his table with people I don't know. Normally I can do a corporate Yeah, I do a corporate gig. I often get hey, he could eat with us and then go up. You know, I don't like to like eat or co mingle with the party that I'm performing for, just because I can't be sitting there going yeah, No, I got a sister and a mother and a father. Excuse me, I gotta go do it out. It's just it don't work. It don't work. Rather be in my own space, so I get out there. You ever do a gig where you're like, what am I gonna open with? Like not necessarily a club gig, it's more of like a corporate gig or a private event where you're like, how am I going to like weave myself into the fabric of the event. So yeah, they have a six minute, nine eleven video that goes on before me with testimonials from you know, uh, families who lost loved ones in the towers. And then and then there's a video and you see the towers, and you see the families and all. While this is going on, there's a choir on stage singing to the video and it's very it's very emotional, right, So and then think you're a magician. I mean, this is insane. I mean, it's just like someone trying to do five minutes at my dad's funeral. I mean, it's like, you should go before. I don't know, man, it's got to be some separation. I mean, even even if they do go from sadness to you what an emotion? Oh coast? Okay, So this happens at every one of these events. The comedian always goes on after the sad video. That's every gig I've ever done like this, and that we're gonna have the video and then you're gonna come mine, right and I'm gonna come on and people are crying and I'm like, hey, you know, so I'm like, you're gonna cheer everyone up? Yeah, So I go on and bro, you ever go on stage and you know, it's not part of the routine. It's just kind of off the cough. But I go, what's going on? Everybody good to be here? Um, I told myself I wasn't gonna watch that video, right, And I got an energy in the crowd like why wouldn't you watch that video? Right? Like I got and I got my head. I go, oh, fun, maybe they think that I think this was a conspiracy, you know, like that's where I go on my head right in the Charlie Sheen camp, I thought I was explosives one out of time. Here we go, all right, continue, Mr Q went on, all right, that's what they're thinking to you. Because I got like it wasn't a reaction, it was a silence that was that that ran through my body and I go no, but I I couldn't help it. So I watched it, and I I knew I should. I was like rambling. I was like, what am I doing? What am I doing? I'm dig in a hole, bro, it's a Grave's a seventh minutes. One seventh is set is brother oh man. So I go into this whole routine about you know, my wife being doe. I start with the Jewish stuff, right, and I asked if there's a lot of any Jewish people in the crowd, and I think about a good six were Jewish. So I'm like, okay, they'll the Michael Bloomberg. Bro, he's like the most famous Jew in America is in the crowd. Yeah yeah, Well I wanted to see who else was there, and it was a very kind of upper class white um just very white, right, very like that kind of Oh god, yeah, because I've been having the same party on the loan in the Hampton's right, yeah, exactly. Um break, Oh, I'm just I'm just drinking tea. You got something totally different right old on my mom? My mom? Just text? Do we got any one? Mom? Text? Man? No? Oh, I love him. I'm concerned I do this Jewish stuff. It don't go over as good as I thought it was gonna go over. Right, So I'm not even out of the hole yet. I'm three and a half minutes into the set, and I'm I'm getting like laughs, but like from people who like you ever get laughs from people who don't even care, you know, like who who hears them laugh? You know? This This was the type of crowd where everybody's looking around the room to see who's laughing so they could laugh. You know. It was one of those one of those events no one wanted to like overtly laugh because they would have pigeonholed them into you think that's funny, you know, like one one of those crowds. And also grow you said you were three and a half minutes in, so that means they're four minutes past seeing crying families on a video. So there's probably this feeling of if I laugh, are they gonna think she was laughing right after the video and like people go yeah because after video a famous comedian was on. That's why, you know, ship it's crazy. There's there at least a little party up there in your head that feels any less stressed because it is for free or no, Like if you were getting like you're going rate, would you be like, oh a double sorry or no. That doesn't even equate the money or the no money doesn't even equate into this feeling every time I go on stage. Rather whether it's for free or for money, I'm doing the same. I'm giving the same amount of It's not this young comedians. Young comedians are listened to this cast. This is here that right there, no matter how you feel about the money, once you're up there. I didn't like, I didn't I didn't even think about that even coming my mind at all all I knew was three and a half minutes and I'm dying, dying, so I do another bit. That's a little bit, you know, I don't want to say out of bounds, but it could be misconstrued as, oh, why are you pitt you know, pointing out this specific group of people. Basically, I did a set making fun of cultures. Now when you when you is this? Did you plan on doing? This? Was just one of these things where you just ended up sliding over into this bit and you go and parties like, oh, why am I doing this? Why did I choose this? Like or was this all totally pre playing? I go, I'm gonna do the My wife and I go out to a restaurant Chunk and it's a good one. There's couples here, they could relate my wife's Jewish, there's a lot of Jewish people here. I thought it was a perfect uh content for the group, but it went sideways from the beginning and I couldn't get them back. But I did call him out at the end saying they should loosen up, and you know, like I did some kind of like calling out the elephant in the room and that they laughed at. They kind of were laughing at themselves after I kind of called them out. Anyway, it wasn't my best set. Oh oh, here's another thing. The guy goes, listen, are you going to mention that you were here? Because we have photos of you when you visited the museum? Are you going to mention that at the end of your set? I go, listen, you know, if I start getting into that, I only got seven minutes. If I start talking about my visit, that's gonna bring me down to five. It's not a lot of time. It's like, why you even have me here? So I said, how how strict are you on the seventh? Can I do the seventh comedy and then stretch it to two to nine and have two minutes of me talking about the the you know, my my visit. Now He goes, fine, you could do that, no problem. I do the seven and then I get into my visit and I can't even talk about the visit because in my head, I'm going I died. I just died a stage and I'm and I'm looking back at the stream. I came here in March, you know, and uh it really affected me in a way where when they asked me, like you know I wasn't even there because I was just I was going, I was going, Oh my god, I got in my head, I go, I gotta go eat with these people now, I gotta you were more affected five bad set than you went buy your visit to the damn trip your thing back when you went to see that. Oh my god, I can't believe you did break character altogether and just be like, hey people, I'm doing this for free, and then I'm gonna eat with some of you. So let's all meet me halfway right, all right? I mean, jeez, why did you? Yes, I've better watch what I say, woul So, now I go sit down, and oh my god, bro, this is torture. Torture. I mean, I'm sure you didn't do nearly as bad as you think you did, but knowing this is how you feel to now have to go sit with them, did you have a wingman? Just someone sitting me? Just so so this, this is, this is the worst thing of it all. After I get off to somebody else speaking and then they introduce introduce someone, and in the in the between the introduction, they told me, okay, go to your seat now, so no I'm snake and through tables to get to the It's the the center table in the middle of the room, and I got a snake through a bunch of tables to get there while the people are looking at me. So I could just in my head, I could just hear them whisper, Oh my god, he's gonna he's gonna go eat what the people after that, glad? When you were going to the table, was some people making an eye contact on great job. So funny. I mean, when was the last time, seriously considering where you are? You're creative? You sneaked around tables and nobody like you know, stopped to say, hey, can I get a photo? Can you know? Like? What do you at a wedding in Nive? What the fuck? Uh? Bro? The bus boy was getting more more. What happened when you when you sat down? Did they go? So a guy at the table, the guy at my table, who I don't know. Once I got there, he raises his hand and he points to my seat. Oh wow, okay, so I sit down. I got a nameplate, my name when I started talking to this guy, nice guy, older guy, probably in his early seventies, and he's got a hearing aid. Now I want to ask you something. I'm the hearing aid. Will you see somebody with a hearing aid? Are you now talking louder? Are you pronouncing your words a lot clearer? Or do you just go Man, this guy's got a hearing it and he's gotta be picking this up. No, my father in law has one now, and whenever I see it in I come slower and clearer and harder louder, Like I'm like, how are you doing dad? Well? Mike, how you doing? Good? To see you have a good like that? So but then sometimes he yells at me to say that's I have it, so you don't have to do that. Yeah, So what I'm what I guess what I'm asking is you may have just answered this. When someone's got a hearing aid on, do they got it amped up to where they would be able to hear if they didn't have a hearing problem, Because I think the connotation is I see someone with a hearing gay guy, and I'm like, he got one ft Yeah, yeah, all right. I mean if I have a hearing game, you don't want to hang out with me anymore. Bro. I totally get any gay. I totally get it. I could I could die in the middle of my hang. I'm sorry, no, listen, listen. The hearing aid the way they make them now are invisible, right, like you don't even see it. My dad, my dad had a hearing aid, right, I'm gonna need one, and I know, yeah, your dad had a big one. Bro, you don't have to say now that my now that I just told you my dad as a herring aid, you don't have to make up for what you just said about with with you say that you're gonna get one. That's why I said that. I had nothing to do with your dad. I just feel like everybody. I feel like we got eight year old listeners with a hearing aid going. I hate Pete Corielli. Now the hearing aid this guy had on and I don't know, man, I don't know his hearing issues and whatnot. But the hearing eighty and had one of those like like little tubes, you know, one of you could see, you know, it looked like the wire was wrapped in a a little see through too. You ever see you almost look like a secret service agent, right, yeah? Yeah, I think that's how that really can't hear. When you need one of those, you can't even be discreet with the little one that you can't see. I need the big mama. Okay, so you think that the hearing is so bad that I said, listen, we do make invisible ones, but the type of hearing problem you've got, we need to really fucking get this signal from you need right above you totally, bro, if you want to really be able to hear, you know, your days are picking up. Women are over, you know, but you'll be able to hear them say no thanks, Bro? Why am I saying this ship dude, this phone, which is which we're just talking about. So but again, when I'm talking to him, he's kind of leaning in, you know, so not not drastically, but I do feel like a little leaning. So my question to you is like, if you've got a hearing aid and you're still leaning in, don't you go back to the hearing aid guy and go listen, get this thing up to where I don't need to like lean in and he you know, like why why to lean? And if you got the eight that's all I'm trying to figure out. And I gotta ask my dad. Here. Look, everyone at this thing you're at has bread. It was obviously it's a it's an upscale sort of thing. This guy probably has the best. I bet the doctor would say to him, bro up until seven, you would be legally deaf. You're lucky we even got anything that we could strap to your ear that with that ann lean in you can make out what the person saying. Other than that you'd be doing this guy. You don a believe, Danna, you'd be too able to sign it all over. So be grateful now, I mean, under the circumstance, I thought you'd say, there was a part of you. That's so it is double a battery hanging over the eel lope and think to yourself, this guy didn't hear Rady Mice said I'm gonna eat him. That's what he's talking to me. That's good ship now. But when you got to the table, like even like a long time ago, after time, I was lucky enough to have Billy dinner with Billy Joel. When everyone sat down and they all just stopped talking. I even said, I don't need to be rude, folks, but can I just say, Billy, great show. You know when everyone goes, oh yeah, jeez, did they even give you at your table where you sat that little like nice job or or cool like even say something to you or like did date just literally act like you Bill Nancy's husband and you got there late the reaction I got at the table as if I went to the bathroom and came back. Oh, bro, you're fucking one of the biggest comedy stars on the planet. I mean, holy sh I'm saying that though this backwards backwards man, that's so funny to me. Man, when I sat down, immediately got in a conversation with this guy, mm hmm. And then he says, his wife's next to me. So I'm sitting in between him and his wife, right, So I go, oh, man, it's here, you know, sit next to your wife. I don't I don't know why. He goes, I don't worry about it. I'm taking her home, you know, Like he's telling me, like, don't don't worry about it. We're you've got a shot. If you think you're gonna you know. Oh yeah. He looked at me like, you're you're a clown. I own you know. That almost would make me make you wanna like it. Well, now now I haven't done that. Sure, sure she'd like to make love to somebody, would I have to worry about an earpiece landing on the bridge of a nose if you're thrust too hot. I mean, oh boy, was everyone in tuxedos. By the way, it was not black tie, but it was a dressed up affair. Everybody was dressed up, right. So I'm sitting there and man, my fucking harness is tight at this point, right, it's it's uh, it's it's wrapped around my legs. I think one of the one of the straps on my my my my shirt harness like wrapped around my nut during this thing. And I couldn't, you know, like I couldn't pick it out of there, right, I know, he's saying, yeah, so it just needs to just just moving a little left this night a lot. Yeah, But once that harness, you can't move it once, you know, once it gets locked in. It's strapped to your shirt. So it's not like you're sitting down. You can't like snap it. It's coming right back to where it landed. So I'm talking to the girl. And don't get me wrong, he's a nice people all right now, making fun of the people, just making fun of the situation. Ah, very nice, very pleasant. I started talking about my kids and this woman and yeah, he's really a boy's and like trains and trucks. He's like, oh, there's in the trains. And she calls her husband. She's like, show him your trains. Right. This guy whips out his cell phone. He starts showing me trains, which I think are real. He's showing me trains passing by one another. And then it pans out on the phone. This guy's got a full train set in his basement. All right, it's going through it's going through mountains, it passes the McDonald's. It's it's gonna KFC. It's a whole thing. Smoke coming out of the trains. Yeah, some men get into that. Man, I knew another guy whose dad did that, built the whole thing in the basement. Man, this guy didn't build it. I go, how long did it take you to do this? He goes, take me it was I got a drain gay in the building. What that's that's what you can do. That's like making a model that what the what's his job? Then? Well, here's my question. If you've got a train set like that in your basement, right right, do you just go down there at night and put it on and watch the trains go by. What's the if you didn't if you didn't build it right, what's the enjoyment out of it? I didn't. I feel like when I when I saw my friends in his basement and he goes, my dad keeps making it bigger and bigger because the enjoyment. I get that part. As a man. It's like making model doing modeling work and men like that. And every time my friend's dad probably stopped adding another town and then he turned the train on, he probably went right, I'm not ten, so we're turning to fucking train off and built more towns for your guy goes right to the ten part. You know what I'm saying. He goes, does he wear a I had like Richie Rich's dad in silver spoons? Even like, Bro, I'm enjoying putting this phone up. It's like at night I put on the radio and I put up the home. You know, it's like modeling. But if I if I put it up, you know, play a game with it. That's what What do you even say to that? Bro? What do we deal with? What? You got? A guy who can he hit the left, a guy who wants to play with toys, to the right. So that's cool that. So then one of the ladies at the table goes, what does the guy do? I don't even I didn't even ask. No, no, I mean with the trains. If he didn't make him he shows people at dinners on his phone. I don't I don't know. He just drives him around. I guess, all right, yeah, I don't know. I don't know if he's got grandkids. I don't know. I could see he got grandkids that come over, Oh my god, look at the trains. But I don't know. Maybe this guy goes downstairs, has a Scotch and watches the ship go around his head. I I don't know what he Now, you listen, Now you're telling me that's a different game. Now I'm thinking, I go down I got a little in my hobby. Maybe I got a cold beer in that guy's case of scotch. It could be kind of medicinal. You got the fucking diesel coming around this way, and you got the Amtrak train that you know you gotta make stop, and it's gonna be probable with the diesel, you know, well, you know, you bring up a good point here, because if he's got a remote control on this thing, and he could he could speed it up and slow it down and whip him around the track. You know what good store race? Yeah, I could see that being a little interactive and and and having some enjoyment out of that. But if you just put the thing on and it goes, what's the point that's yeah? Yeah, I know, I agree, I agree. But if you're doing the whole thing where I'm gonna make every stop you have a little mike next stop whatever town. Oh but it's okay for Neil Young, he don't lie it down. Yeah, yes, it takes all kinds bro right. Seriously, I don't know what my hobbies gonna be if I get old. What yours? You have any clue? You got me? Man? You know what? You know what I want to do, which I'm kind of into now, and I'm just scratching the surface. Is I really want to start cooking, getting really in the cooking. My next my next goal and is pizza making. And on Netflix right now, Chef's Table is airing six different pizza chefs and one of them is Crispianco, who I had the pleasure of tasting his pizza in Arizona. Have you ever went to Bianco's in Arizona for pizza. Okay, I gotta go watch this guy's Netflix special. He's he just opened a pizzeria here in downtown Los Angeles, which I'm gonna take my father to next week. I gotta start making pizza though, from scratch, as well as the tomato o sauce. So that's that's my next goal. So my hobby, to answer your question, is going to be cooking. I'm not a type of guy that does model Trains, model Eric Crane, none of that ship. I can't It's my brain don't work like that. I want to do cooking. And if I take cooking up and become good at it. You think the suit didn't fit at the memorial thing, Jesus Christ, I'm gonna be about to fifty two seventy at seventy three years old. So another guy at the table, I found out through someone else at the table, was involved in in the bin laden uh takedown. Like he's the guy that orchestrated the seals or whatever and the bin laden thing. Now, this is a guy I wanted to get he I wanted to get over to him. Let's start chirpingier God he wasn't at your table. He was at my table, but he was like four people away. You know. I got next, I got next the train set guy, and I want to talk about, like what happened when the helicopter went into the yard. Where were you at? You know? And I don't know or what what you like? What did they find in there? I mean, was he one of the guys that winning I don't know. I don't know he was associated with it. I don't know if he was in the in the control room, you know, barking out commands, or he was with those guys. He was older, so I don't think he I don't think he was on the mission. He might have been just chirping the commands. Anyway, he said a type of people that was at this party. And now it's time for Pete and Sebastian's recommendations. That's a nice that's a nice to speaking of the navy. I saw a top gun, I saw you. I saw you. A text um leads me to believe I know how you felt about the flick. But I'm dying to hit a review. I wish the whole movie took place in the airplane. I couldn't agree more. All right, I agree with that, even the love even the love interest, I wouldn't even mind her in the back of the airplane and they're just talking a while while he's flying. Right. Yeah, the last the last twenty minutes, I'd have to say it's probably the best twenty minutes I've ever seen in the movie. The last twement when they're when they're going to hit that target, and then he gets out, and then that the he crashes, he jacks, he sees the guy. They get it with me, right, you ain't no, no, you know, I mean the best twenty minutes. And then you see the guy you rejecting the guys right there. You know you had a run. Yeah, it was a classic Tom Cruise run. Bro, that that's true. I I got lot, I got listen. I told you my kid was as she got sick. I gotta give it a rewatch. I wasn't, you know, top twenty my best moment. I can't believe the comment. Bro, it's it's it's shaken me a little bit. The best and The Godfather wasn't twenty minutes. I'm talking the last twenty minutes of this movie. About first twenty minutes of saving Private Ryan coming in on the boats to the water with the guns trying to take normal be Yeah, that was but that was more in your face. That wasn't really suspense. This was suspense, man. I thought he was gonna die, all right, But what about the stuff like when his credit card wasn't accepted That that didn't bother you a little bit. I saw that, and I said, when's he getting in the plane? When his when he saw a Goose's son playing Goodness gracious great balls of fire, that would be the equivalent of me like me and you like cops or something. And I was maybe responsible if you've felt that way some people about you dying. And then I see your son and I see Crusoe in a mirror agoing nobody duh. I'd be like, oh my god, he's trying. He's trying to be his dad. I got I gotta talk to him. I gotta sit him down. He's trying to be his dad. He's not his dad, he's his own person. I mean, it was weird. Bro the same song, the same shirt. Oh, and Goose's son happens to be the fast fighter pilot in the world, and the lady happens to vibe a bar and come home and oh boy, just getting a plane and go shoot. I gotta give it a rewatch because you sent down a text to me and what right afterwards that said, I gotta get a motorcycle. Bro the motorcycle scene when he's alongside the jet on the runway and that hair don't move, man. That that that that hair if it's it's unbelievable, that that hair. If I did the same thing on a motorcycle and went a hunter miles on a motorcycle with my hair right and then I stopped, I have three quarters of my hair left. My hair would fly off. This guy, I don't know what's keeping his hair in. It's your scientology keeps your hair. And guy, it's good for the roots. It's good for the roots. And telling you man, you go to a seispology chair in your head just starts to scalp softened baby, I don't know. I gotta give it a rewatch, Give it a rewatch, give it a rewatches on Amazon. I'll give you another recommendation. You gotta see Terminal List with Chris Pratt. I'm in on that too. That's another military movie. I mean, I'm I'm into like revenge killing in movies where something happens to someone and this guy goes out and does revenge. Ship. Totally into that. Um. But speaking of traveling last night, you left the show right to drive home. Yeah, five hours, five hours last show. I was my least good performance. I didn't I didn't want to close on the same thing every time. And um little flag performance up front too. I felt the same sort of thing a little bit when they were doing that nine eleven ceremony up front? What do they do? I I was downstairs, I mean and see it. Oh they'd flags and um uh that was funny because they wanted to do the pre pledge of allegiance and Lindsay goes, she goes, I don't know about that, and she said some Vashon said it was okay, but I don't know if I still don't think we should. I'm like my call, but so I didn't say anything, but I go, but it U doesn't seem a little Kim Young esque three thousand, five hundred people a pledge allegiance to the play. It could be people visited from France and ship you know. But yeah, it was ceremony, But yeah, it was good. Still, all your crowds are so freaking great, man, They're like just ready to go. Awesome people. It was a lot of fun, and I mean it's fun to watch your you said is rocking. The show's uh, you know, the whole production is like so much going on, man, it's pretty cool. Well. Thanks, I appreciate you guys coming out think everybody really uh, thanks for having me surprise. But I gotta say, you know, I had his stories sometimes about what when when other guys like Pat opens for you, you know, you end up having dinner together with I think it was some famous athlete or you go to this, you go to that. I mean nothing. I thought we'd be doing a tour west Point on Saturday. I thought he said nothing. If I got on stage, I'm starving. So I'm like, I'm gonna go to his room. He's gotta have food next the fucking half of an avocado and hales. I'm like, I told you you gotta off. I go a prisoners have more ship in the cell than you have in your agreed room. Guy, I'm like, you gotta go to the commissary you get some ship. It was, oh ship, what are you doing in between shows, fucking sit ups and push ups on the door frame baron. Luckily she Lindsey put some blue moons in my fridge. Thank god. I mean there is nothing down there. If I have it, I'll eat it. So I just say, you just give me some turkey ism and bananas. Bro. Yeah, it's it's it's I'm rationing down there. I can't eat a lot. But uh, but did did you go straight home? Full blown? Five hours, non stop? No nothing? Yeah? And you know what's so crazy? I backed the ruin because I drove were every time for the listeners. We had about an hour drive each way to the gig. So the last day of the gig, I drove myself um and then I parked where they had me park was on the sidewalk right in front of the semi track the trail, and that brings all your your stage stuff in. When I parked, it's very noisy and stuff. And I turned the car off and I go inside. It's four o'clock do the first show? Blah blah blats now ten to eight, right, and the guy who who has the semi he comes in. He's like your calm front of me, right, and I go yeah, he goes, it's run. Mean, I'm like, what, I left that ship running for three hours in fifty minutes, man, just running. Luckily there was a cop for the show punked right next to my car. Otherwise that ship would be a noured by now. Oh my god, yeah that out. I thought they I thought they were screwing around with you when they said your car was running. I thought they were playing a joke on you. But I guess it was true. I always feel like when you have your own car at a gig, I don't it's not a true gig. A true gig is I got a ride there, I do it. I'm back with a ride. I mean, they're getting your car and seeing people from the show. I should drive it out there next to you in a red light. You're like, oh god, this is so pedestrian, so embarrassing. Right, they think I'm in a helicopter. I'm waving to him from the fucking right leg. They're like, no, Pete, we don't think you're a helicopter. But but yeah, you know. I was telling Jackie too, because even Jackie was like, be careful, and a couple of people that were feel like, wow, you're gonna go five hours and then I go. Even Sebastian, which was very nice to you. I go right before he goes on stage. It's like, if you get tired, pull over. I'm like, it's five hours, baby, no problem. Yeah, God forbid, if you, God forbid, if you would have pulled up an Auntie Diane, I wanted. I wanted to be the one at least put that into your ear. That's so crazy for anyone doesn't know that Taconic Highway is a famous documentary on Netflix called What's Wrong with aunt Diane, And it's about this tragic accident where a woman drove the wrong way. And I mean a lot of people got killed. But that Taconic Highway now because of a documentary that accident. It's like what what Jaws was to the water with sharks, you know, Like Jackie w came home, she goes because she I'm alone. This is to Jackie watches where I am on the cell, Like when I'm driving home, I'll be like, I'm passing Binghamton. Yeah, I know, I see you. It's I don't know if I feel about that. She goes, she goes. Let the other night she goes, I see you guys are on the Ticonic. I'm like, I know. I mentioned it to Sebastian and we were both like, WHOA, Well, actually it's a it's a frightening highway. I mean even at fifty five around those curves, you know, we saw a few deer or you did and uh, you know, one one deer out there, you're done. Yeah, And people drive like nuts out there. So and if you don't go fast, it comes in. Yeah, so it does get crazy. But yeah, that was a lot of fun, man, And we'll see you guys next week. This is the Pete and Sebastian Show. Thanks for tuning in again. We are on Patreon five bucks a month. You get a whole lot more to what you're getting here. Uh. And uh, there's something I want to talk to you about. Stick the Patreon people. If you don't have it, you gotta get it. There's things going on over them, man. I mean yeah, but you'll you'll know you do you do? You? You know? You? All right, we'll see you next week. Take care of the show has ended and you're on the elliptical machine. You're doing your thing, and I gotta I gotta tell you, bro, because I got a problem with you two