My 2023 Personal Highs & Lows

Published Dec 29, 2023, 7:00 PM

It’s time to share my personal highs and lows on the show, after the business shares of yesterday.

My intent with this episode is to pass back the personal lessons I’ve had this year, and hopefully provide some inspo for you as you plan your 2024.

Stand by for a super-transparent account of the year that we lived in Spain - the highlights, the tough gritty bits, the opportunities and maybe some surprises as well.  I hope you enjoy this tour of 2023 with me.

There’s lots going on in my biz right now!

GOALSETTING - I’ve updated my goalsetting pack to include some new templates… and they can be yours for just $29!  This year I’m also including a bonus audio mentoring pack (valued at $29 itself!).  Visit here to nab yours:

BALI - I’m hosting my next Bail retreat from 27th May-1st June 2024.  You can find out more and book your spot right here:

2-DAY STRATEGY RETREAT - Bold Brilliance will be taking place in Sydney on the 13th and 14th February 2024.  You can find out more and book your spot here:

The Lorraine Murphy Show

With a mix of straight-talking advice, interviews with thought-leaders and Lorraine's personal stori 
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