Heber Cannon is an accomplished documentary filmmaker who travels the world to capture the fittest people on the planet in action. Along with his partner Marston Sawyer, they are known as the “Buttery Bros” and they have taken YouTube and social media by storm. But, they also ‘walk the walk’ as it relates to health and fitness and are themselves CrossFit enthusiasts. By sitting at the feet of the fittest people in the world, Heber has a unique perspective on health and wellness and an ability to make it fun and entertaining.
In today’s episode, Heber talks all things ‘butter’ in the world of diet and exercise, and we hear about his latest film “Resurgence”.
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Disclaimer: The content and information shared in The Lab Report is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. The views and opinions expressed in The Lab Report represent the opinions and views of Michael Chapman and Patti Devers and their guests.