Friday (pt 2 of 2): On today’s Late Riser’s Podcast, it’s another Football Friday!.. - We’ve got Mark Packer’s report on Southern Fried Football from the College Football scene - and later on we’ll turn to Tom Sorensen for a recap on the past week’s action in the NFL - and he’ll revel his picks for the games this week.. - We’ll have Lyonel from Law Tigers on to announce the winner of the Custom Big Show Motorcycle.. - We’ll jump into the Playhouse for “Pick Your Seat”.. - We’ll give away some more of John Boy’s crap.. - and by request, we’ll recap the story that gave Bradshaw the nickname “Skillet”…
℗®© 2024 John Boy & Billy, Inc.
Good morning, Big shows on the radio. Coming up, we played Beating the Blind for the Red Max Prize. Pag Well, here we go kicking things off by football Friday to onening only the man from the ACAC networkend Big Guess being Mark Pager. Good morning, pack man.
I'll tell you what. It's just so nice to hear a pleasant, happy voice because I had been dealing with mad, upset people all week. I mean college football. Listen, the College Football Playoff Committee came out with the rankings Tuesday night. The man the ACC people were upset. Miami's upset because they got hopped over by Alabama. Who's sitting at the eleventh spot. You got Lane Kiff and down at Old Miss. He's mad at everybody. He's mad at He's mad at. He was so mad Johnny. He went on Twitter this week or ex or whatever they call it and start taking cheap shots at wake Force. And I'm like, dude, what does poor wake Force got to do with Old Miss not making the playoffs?
Bundy is upset?
Yeah, right, I mean what are we doing? So what we got, Johnny is this?
The College of Playoffs really tend to get cranked up this weekend because you got all these conference championship games, and there probably isn't a more important one than what's taking place in Charlotte, North Carolina, because you got Clemson, who's taken on SMU. Now, keep in mind, this is the twentieth anniversary of the ACC Championship game. The Tigers have been in it ten times. SMU is in the league for the very first time trying to win it all. So how did Clemson get in there? Well, they got beat last weekend at home by South Carolina, so Dabo was upset, and then Miami went up lost at Syracuse, which allowed the Tigers to have new life. So I mean, you got everybody fake left, go right. But it's a huge game because SMU right now is ranked eighth by the committee. If they win their in ACC, folks are saying even if they lose, they're still in. But you never know with this committee. I know this. If if it's the biggest word in sports, it Clemson upsets SA You heard me, because that s MU.
Stay right.
But if Clemson upsets SMU, it might actually knock Alabama out of the playoffs because the Tiger's going to go up and steal a bit. So you got everybody. You got everybody in the SEC, and Alabama down there going. Man, I hope SEM wins this game. So you got I mean, who knows how this thing is going to play out, But you got other games going on. You got the Big Twelve. You got Iowa State taken on Arizona State. This is the first year for Arizona State to be in the league. The SEC. You got Georgia Texas. It's a rematch from earlier this year when Georgia went down to Austin and just spanked the Horns all over the place. But again, Texas is theirs first year in the SEC. Then you got the Big Ten. You got Penn State taking on Oregon. That's a top three match up, one against three Oregon this is their first year in the Big Ten. And I mentioned SNU Clemson tomorrow. SMU's first year in the ACC. So you got all these four major power leagues with all these newbies trying to take spots. But again, we will we won't go through these games. On Saturday. The committee will do a drum and then we will have the official layout of exactly who's in, who's out, who's playing the first round, who's got first round bys. So it is a crazy wild week.
That's what we got, man, So pat, so you're saying, after the title weekend here and then those that'll make it, they will be in, and then the next games will be the playoffs. Will know the final twelve to go into it.
That's it.
Sunday morning, actually Sunday afternoon day will announce here are the twelve, and here's the four teams that get the buy again the be highest ranked conference champions, and then you'll have the first round matchups on college campuses. Twelve will be at five, you know, eleven will be at six, ten will be you know, et cetera, et cetera. So the games will be great, they'll be fun. But again, just grab your popcorn. We'll see what happens.
And then this.
Week the SEC absolutely spanked the ACC on the hoops college basketball. I mean, they just beat the daylights out of the poor old ACC on that front. So you got National Shunning Day going on. So you've got a little bit of everything. But man, Johnny, people are upset, they are ticked off, and just wait to the weekend and by the time we touch base next week, who knows what we're gonna be getting into but it'll be a wild weekend coming up.
This I was.
It was some national show. I was on some sport somewhere and they quoted Martin Packer said, where was the outcry? I'm just talking about. I guess when Alabama lost and got upset and who was just a recent upset and everybody was going going crazy, like you said, it might have.
Been whole No, that whole weekend. I mean, remember Alabama went to Oklahoma and it was just awful. I mean they got beat by three in Oklahoma. No disrespect love Brenton Venables out there, but they lost by three touchdowns. They scored three points and they were terrible, I mean dreadfully bad. And that was the same weekend. Old Miss went to Florida and they lost at the Swamp and they get beaten, and Lane Kipps is like, oh, this is ridiculous. You put a big twelve or an acc team in our schedule and taking it. Well, Wayne a minute, Miami went to Florida and beat the daylights out of the Gators. I mean again, every buddy's got their own four attention and everybody's upset and everybody. But eventually We'll get these championship games this weekend, and then Sunday the committee will tell us exactly who the twelve and what the matchups are, and then we can start complaining again.
My whole cell.
Everybody's gonna be for the rest of the year. Bye pack, Thank you, buddy. We love you man. Have a great weekend.
You got it.
You two got it.
There's always a pleasure down boys.
All right, my boy, Well, let's play our game. Let's play some beating the blonde in a contestant one eight hundred big show, Well good next? Yeahs is sweet? None of like a big show on AL radio on Friday morning, especially headed toward Christmas time. Okay, John old Bitther Christmas album. You need the Reverend Billy Red Collins take old Christmas music these days and you got it Christmas music keyword and joorge the box when you hit the big show dot com. Right now, let's play our game of beating the blonde? Did I? Contestant out of bridstool, Virginia. Rusty, Good morning, Rusty, Good morning, Oh buddy of mine name Rusty had fun during his time in Bristol moving around. Thanks for the memories. Thank you, Rusty will ask tell you some questions. You agree or disagree? Whether he thinks she's riding wrong? Two bells before, two buzzers and you win? All right? All right them? All right, tayer, Here we go then, According to medical studies, you an't rusty. You're ready listen, I'm ready listen up.
According to medical studies, what's the best exercise for old people?
Eating corn on the cob?
Eating exercise? Okay? Maybe walk around the cop get it? Okay? Okay, okay, So corner is at your final answer?
Give me another track studies.
Medical studies. Best exercise for old people? Okay? Swimming? Swimming? Rusty, agree or disagree? Disagree? Disagree with that? And how's the thing to do? Yeah? Walking, walking is the best Exercise's sway over there. You gotta walk to the pool, change clothes. Good word, rusty, one more bound? We get it all right?
All right?
You can tell this part isn't scripted. Your Your grandmother likes to take a pound of oatmeal into the bathtub with her. What is she trying to prevent?
Trying to prevent grandpa?
Pound of oatmeal in the bathtub with her?
I think my grandma did it to prevent getting a cold.
To prevent getting a cold, well the Rusty. Do you agree or disagree?
I disagree, disagree for the worst was to promote dry skin. She didn't want dry skin. That's what the oat mealed in the old togue.
Yeah, I like that, and we.
Learned something very valuable. Tater's grandmother was an idiot. Rust you. Hang on, buddy, j I can hook up with you, Red Max pies, bake grants.
You don't know man, hold on to say it last time I college went over it right almost a year at least. Uh, I didn't get my move, ingo, Rusty.
Oh yeah, I love you all.
Merry Christmas to you, buddy. Hang on a many hours, Tommy, you knews right on the other side. Get our time caps Ober This December the sixth.
Don't pick up the games weekend.
This is the award winning John Boy and Billy Big Show, the South's number one export.
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Then I wake you.
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John Boya and Billy A.
Man will never work for a woman unless he's got clabber for brains.
Good morning radio, dumb right, Good morning, big shows on the radio. Well, I'm pretty sure we're the only radio show with their own resident poet, Lauriate, and he's popped in for a visit this morning. Please welcome back, Colonel Hamilton Brewster. How are you a colonel?
Well, I haven't had my morning coffee and no one's got hurt yet, so I'd say, so far, so good.
Now you never come through that door without a poem. So what have you got for today?
Will John boy with summer in the rearview mirror and we're smack dab in the middle of the holidays. I thought i'd recall a tale from my youth. It's called the Clarksville Brothel. Thanksgiving go something like this. When I was a lad in rural Alabama and Thanksgiving rolled around, all the kin folk and shirttail relations showed up like hungry hounds. It was a big old orgy of gluttony on such a massive scale. By the time we was done, it looked like SeaWorld with greasy redneck whales. But I'll never forget that special year when the economy took a dive. Jobs were scarce and wages were low. Folks struggled to stay alive. So when Thanksgiving time came, the mood was glowed. We all were quite aware there'd be little to be thankful for this time round. The dinner tables all lay bare. But miracles happened when they're needed the most, to lift folks up when they're down, And this Thanksgiving was positive proof when the brothel fed the whole town. The one place that thrived when the times got tough was the brothel near the old Jenkins Place. So the gals paid their good fortune forward and invited all to come stuff their face. Well, the women folk went pale, look the very thought, what do trollops know about cooking? But the men folk were tickled plumb to death that their food might be as good as they're hooking. The aromas that flowed from those windows that day were different than we could recall turkey and ham and taters and stuff it instead of cheap perfume and stale pall. Mall's folks didn't know quite what to expect. The women all had jangled nerves. Would there be whips, chains and adult types of toys? Would they be eating next to some pervs? The ladies were clean and dressed to the nines, no black corsets, all trimmed in red. They weren't ladies of the night, just ladies that day, and they presented a different kind of spread. Nearly fifty hungry folks bullied up to the trough all the trimmings and gravy by the vat. The pastor went pale when he found a hare in his ham, but was relieved to learn they had a cat.
Ha ha.
The pastor led all in a thanksgiving prayer, and the reverence that moment evokes. It's important to remember at the end of the day, no matter what, folks is just folks. As they ate their dessert. It was like Old Home Week, the ladies swapping and joking. They forgot all about what the girls did for a livid and they were the gals that their husbands were poking you like that, a boy?
Yeah, good morning, the big shows on the radio.
Hangout all right, listen you mogs, it's time to button your yeah say. I'm trying to listen to these two clowns, John Boy and Belly on the Big Show. Yeah, the Big Show. It's big saying, bigger than big. It's enormous. Hey, he's adorable.
Way give me away time.
John Boys. Wonderful thing number one hundred and twenty six a US Air Force Officers challenge coin from Langley Air Force Base. One of y'all registered. Win the same. It would be very popular with my green trust around Langley.
Here, thank you a little coin.
And I went ahead from Theodore Alabama, Nick Barber, way to go. Nick. You've got it, baby, I mean fuddy, My baby will send it to you. Buddy. All right, Jack, there you go, there's Nick in your way, all right, getting my bag of challenge coins. Let's see what we got. Wonderful Thing number one hundred and twenty seven. Another authentic challenge coin. This is from the White House Police. Have about that mask? Cool and my bud I made when we did the Big Show from the White House. Egg good you got some cool stuff. Check it out and it can be yours. We'll give it away next Friday. Go to the Big Show dot com. Check it out and get your name. And I had good luck, Good morning, got the Big Show on the radio coming up. We played for the summer of the small batch handcooked peanuts from bird T County Peanuts, a Southern tradition for over one hundred years. Right quick, let me tell you how to get on the A deal this Christmas intercode JBB you check out, get twenty five percent off, plus it's free shipping. Just click on the link at the Big Show dot Com. Take care of it right now, hang on win it. We'll play in minutes. So right now, Tom Sorenson is on the line. Or to just go double nothing on this prize pack because he is hot. Last week fourteen and two for the season, one hundred and twenty nine wins only sixty eight losses for the locks you were two and oh back on track again, that's fifteen of the last, it's eighteen. If you're Keevans going home, and we most certainly are.
Good morning Tom, here, morning John boy.
How are you man? I'm awesome? How are you? That's more important? Are you ready to pick another good weekend?
Moddy love this time of year? And I am absolutely prepared.
Five weeks to go in the NFL regular season. Who's a Super Bowl betting favorite?
Right now?
Tom? As we speak?
You know it was Casey for so long or right now? It is Detroit.
No matter where you go, it's Detroit, and then come next. It depends who you work with with Caesar Sports Book, which is my new friend. That's where I use. It's Philadelphia, and then Buffalo and Case are right beyond them.
All right, So let's see, I'm looking at that some numbers you worked out, so you said when Case was the overwhelming favorite. Now there's no overwhelming favorite, though, is what you're saying.
Right Becau. Let's say you bet one hundred bucks in Detroit and Detroit wins, the Super Bowl payoff is two hundred and ninety dollars, and with Case, the odds were never that favorable. And if you bet on say Philly, bet one hundred bucks, payoff is four to seventy five. And if you want to be a little bit daring, I mean, Pittsburgh is not really a huge long shot. But if you bet one hundred bucks on Steelers and they win the Super Bowl, you will collect two, two and twenty bucks. And lastly, the LA Chargers, and I have not lost on them all season. They're my new favorite team. Just about if you bet one hundred bucks on them and they win the Super Bowl, you would collect three thousand, five hundred dollars.
And that's the way you can do it. I just look for the most you can win and then bet on that one.
So you got money on the Panthers.
That stupid. I'm close, Hey, save something for us. But I was talking about this before I went on the air. Joe Tokeley, Junior's boy. We had to look up this whole deal about my most hated person in the NFL, now a ziz alsha here who turned Muslim before his born. I thought there was supposed to be peaceful goodnessation. Man, we felt just like don've been fined three times and and Tom pointed out that this is a guy that hit Trevor Lawrence like I took down low with us head in and knocked him out of the game. It was terrible if you saw that. Were you watching when it happened, Tom? I happened to be watching that.
I was hot, man.
No, I did not see it, but immediately they showed it. And I mean he that was deliberate. He did it with his forum. And that's the third time this season this guy's dirty player and his coach is defending him as GM. Well, he knew his heart. Hey, I know his forum. Man, I don't need to see his heart. I care.
And you pointed out he's the guy that choked Brady. That choked Tom Brady his head right, his throat.
Yeah, it was. He played for San Francisco Van and it was just he's not a dirty player, but he choked the quarterback.
That's almost as funny when Miles Garrett took his helmet off, was beating the guy and on the back of it and said, stop hate.
Is this a good time to remind you of a good time You belly bumped me at the airport.
No, no flag on that play there. You had it coming.
Oh, huh.
All right, man, So let's see what we got here. On Monday night football and a forty two thirty one lost to Denver. Cleveland quarterback Jameis Winston said, an all time NFL passing record.
Tom, I did not know that through for six hundred and sixty eight yards in any of those yards were to his own team.
It's odd. All right boy, I'm hang on here.
Let us play a little wordy word. Get our bit request, and then you will continue your hot streak by picking every game this weekend. All right, buy bud?
All right?
Thank you?
All right?
One ain't how big show you told Freelne. Come on, it's get a couple of contestants. We'll team up. Play some morty word. Next good Friday morning, Big showings on the radio for your deceimmer to six. Alright, boys and girl, letting jump on in. Here went everybody's head about the bed. I a wordy word, that I word you word last worthy words of the week.
Man. We got a.
Husband and wife going at it. We love when spousal abuse happens, and we want to be James. Well, keep it fun. Jamie and Tracy out of Hillard, Florida. Good morning, Tracy, say hey to Obama. Baby, Hello, Hello, and hello Jamie. How we doing good? Hey, we're doing good, y'all. Well, let's do the old classic boys against the girls. It'll be John Boy and Jamie Tayter and Tracy. All right, John Boy, I'm on try to put him right down your head, Jamie, Tracy as I got rod, want to give you all them run. Oh baby, y'all hang on here. Let me and Jamie see what we can put on the board. All right, Jamie, you ready, yes, sir? All right, starting to clock now. A doctor will bring this in and like they put it at the at the end of your bed, this medical blank for the patient.
Yes, uh huh.
Sannah lives at the north. Yes, uh huh uh. You gotta have this to your home to prove it's yours. Also to your car you sell it, give me the yes, uh huh. Own a lot of blank acreage. I'll own acreage. I own a lot of yes, uh huh. The blank pole opposite of the north. No, No, was after the buzzer. All right, baby, good word Jamie put a four on the board. Yeah, it was after the buzzer. This is the I'm starting my new year's resolution earlier, my wife by Tater. Ready, Tracy.
And go cowboys have this a belt?
Uh huh?
Are you right on this?
A choo choo blank? Yep. You might dress up. Men will dress up and wear this a three piece. Yes, babies wear this because they're not potty trained.
This is you might go and someone might just like draw your face. It's a blank artist or a blank book. It's just where you kind of just jot it down. It's a journal, you know, it's it's drawing.
And there's a buzza a four score for Tracy. All right, it is tied up four to four trace. Okay, so Jamie, here we go for round two. Are you ready? Yes, sir, so you're picking up on that last one. Start the clock. Now, do you know it? A blank artist at the police station, they'll you'll describe them and they make a blank blank art.
Yes, yes, sketch, all right, go out to the blank pile. Put another log on a f yes, uh huh? All right? You used to rint these at Blockbuster? Maybe yeah, no, no, go go the tape. What kind of tape?
B ah btr say the word I lost.
All right too. After the smoke cleared a six on the board. Tracy and Tater two will tie, three will win? Are you readyt Tracy, ready and go.
Police officers wear a camera so that they can take this while they're talking to you. Yes, this is a toy. Hot blanks. No no, no, their their cars hot blinks. Tie up a blank of toothpaste a blank of.
Tooth Before the wind, I was Jamie, I hope you're happy.
He's not gonna.
Smaller than me.
I was just hoping I could win.
We appreciate y'all playing, man, and thank you for listening. Man. You're going to have y'all down here.
No, boy, I gotta tell you, man, thirty year listener, first time caller, so I do want my moon, man, I cannot tell you.
We appreciate you guys so much. Just every morning y'all add so much joy, man, ain't you sweet? Thank y'all so much. Proud to have y'all listening. Man, all right, everybody wins, Good morning, got the big show on the radio. Bit request time? Pean up? About that time? I heard that in my head every time I go bet request time, So quit a uh Kimberlee sharp out of forest Mississippi says, please play Bradshaw talking about somebody stealing the tag off John Boys su feet and I blame Bradshaw cracked dude over the head with a skillet. Uh yeah, one didn't really crack his head, but he did gain the nickname Skillett after this, After this good request, Kimberley, hang on, we get it for you. Next Good morning. It will make Shaw on the radio. How bout your bid requests? Kimberly sharp batter Forest missus said, appreciate you. Kimberly on the wall, end up down listeners, bringing back some good memory. Listen, enjoy this bit for the morning.
Hey bradsh'all look up here, buddy. How are you getting our trip for Bristol? All mapped out there? But uh, let's talk about your latest your latest action. You know we were talking well well, first, first, for those of you who haven't heard, what happened Sunday afternoon at a Walmart. Up, Bradshaw goes over to Walmart.
Uh yeah, right, yeah, yeah, go ahead. How many times you can do the condensed version you got that Walmart? Andy Man family.
I was really pretty quick. I came out of Walmart.
I wouldn't bought a about a nine dollars ninety nine cent skillet and uh walked out of your truck and there's a guy taking the license tag.
Off the front. And uh, I was very nice. I said, you know what are you doing?
And nice?
I know John Boy. I said, well, yeah, you and a million other people, and uh, he'd want me to have this license plate.
Well so he had a good story.
You don't know him real well, but he doesn't share stuff that so.
So that was a tipoll right.
I thought you'd give him anything, but uh no, he uh and I said, just put it back on, you know, let me go away.
I mean, I'm standing there in shorts, uh flip flops, my left arms like it's broken. I can't even lift it. And uh he continues unscrewing the tag and then throws it on the ground and says, you want to put back on there? In so many words, uh put it back on there yourself. This guy's about five ten hundred eighty five pounds. He wasn't but just he's got on work boots. I got on flip flops. He's got two arms.
I got one.
I'm really not in any pain. I'm just want to go get some country hand. Let's get some going to cook, you know, right, and he stands up, I mean just hot. He was hotot the license thing and the match so eyes happen to have that skillet in the bag and I just slapped him up side of the head with it.
Now, did you take it out of the bag or you just bagging off?
I left it in the bag at the back kind of stuck to the side of his face was plastics.
But uh, I'm glad I didn't go and buy a pillar or something. He'd probably big crack. Yeah, left me laying out of the license plate.
Oh, I tell you, people planned more take anything that just feel like I said, right, I guess.
And then what's happened? The security guards out of Walmart are out of the parking lot, so they see him when he stands up. Yeah, they've been looking for him.
He was down taking Johnny's tags off, and uh he I guess had taken some stuff out of one of the local stores on if it was Walmart or not in the chain mall that you're in there.
And John boy want me to have these auto boys.
Yeah, he had it going on now, I mean he had a bunch of free stuff. He'd got his car and left. He'd probably been fired, but that license plate got.
So so they take them all.
They get it for shop lifting. There you go, and see that's what we're talking about this last night about I see. Now that's the thing most of you when you leave. You know, if you ever said, oh I wish I had done something, you know, I wish I done.
See, Crashaw just does it. I mean, it's it's like it's like September in Vegas.
When he's there. The guy's descreat the American flag, you know, old ticky all. But Rashole runs across six lanes of traffic, tackles of guys and gets the flat, you know, and it's like I too, I was there at the farm lot.
You know.
But but but you say it was just you. You just didn't want to get skinned up.
I really didn't. I mean, because I figure this guy got underneath me.
I was in deep trouble and I got one arm, and I didn't want him touch this one because it hurts so bad.
And I thought, well, plus, look at what he was trying to steal.
I mean, you could certainly get another.
One, you know, if he'd been nice, I would give it to him and just suffered a wrath when he got back after the broke up.
The dealership sound, he picked one up, put it back on her.
Here and there, where's my friend?
You get that? Damn?
Oh, that's one of the few times I think that I've ever been in a situation where you, you know, you're not sure what's gonna happen, and you and you just I mean, I've just never been in that situation before.
I'm glad him go and buy a pillow something like that. I've been in big like I said, I mean, it's.
In urban legends things almost flags for the nineteen ninety nine, the big big heavy skill.
If I'd hit him with that, he'd been out here.
It's good. It's like Batman on his day off.
I'm gonna get a skillet, I think, Alfred, I'll take the Batman by myself.
No, No, I don't need the costume.
I'm not.
I'm just wanted to trophy right back some pot lick or trying to take the Wayne Foundation license plate off in front of.
The back of it.
The guy says, this is John Boy's car. Is hard to say.
No, he's got a dealer tag on it, John boy Chevrolet on the back and John boyd License played on the cases of beef Jerky beat Jerky about forty.
Hats in the back of John Boyle and you know you're right down road, people blowing the horn. Awaven act.
You don't get about rade or something. It's like a parade really takes some stuff off.
Let's just be a little bit incognito here. Way too much pressure on man.
All right, We're glad you are right.
Good morning.
It's all been showing the radio for your football Friday, these seven to six all about conference championship since weekends. We found out what the pac man earlier and now I'm in Tom Sunson. It was an NFL coming off of fourteen and two weekends two and oh in the locks department as well. Good morning again, Tom, Good morning again, John Boy every buddy. So we do have some teams on a bye this weekend. I thought the buyers were over, but this is the end.
This is the last one, the last.
One, okay. So Baltimore, Denver, Houston, Indianapolis, New England, and Washington will not play this weekend. Okay, Let's jump in Week fourteen. The early Sunday afternoon game. Your Carolina Panthers at the Philadelphia Eagles.
You know, I really like the way Bryce Young is playing. I think the Panthers are doing some good work. But Philly right now is playing as well as anybody, including Detroit. They had the best pass rush and they also have the best running back in Carolina. That's the biggest weakness stopping the run. So Philly's going to roll in this one.
Oh right, Atlanta at Minnesota.
Boy Cousin's going back to his old team, and that's not gonna work. Minnesota roles in this one.
Cleveland Browns at the Pittsburgh Steelers, where you could win a bunch of money on the Super Bowl.
I like the Steelers, man, I like I just like the coach. I like where they play, and they win this one.
I got the Steelers. Then we got the Jacksonville Jaguars the Tennessee Titans.
Tennessee is I think showing a little bit of life and that's more than Jacksonville has, and the Titans take this one.
The Las Vegas Raiders had the Tampa Bay Buccaneers Tampa Boy.
Tampa Bay was fortunate to beat the Panthers in overtime last week But I'm looking for a big game from Baker Mayfield, and I think Tampa Bay rolls.
So far, we got all the home teams and then we go up to New York Giants hosting the New Orleans Saints.
Yeah, I would not pick the Giants against anybody except maybe the Jets the Battle of New York. So like, Saints are not a good team, but they're gonna win it anyway.
All right. Then we got the New York Jets at the Miami Dolphins.
Miami is inexplicably only a six point favorite. Miami is good at home, they are fast, and the Jets are well, they're Aaron Rodgers, and Miami is going to win in double figures and they are on My lock of the weekend?
Is all that coming to Miami Dolphins a lock over Aaron Rodgers New York Jets. All right? We got three late Sunday afternoon games, one four oh five and then a couple of four to twenty five. Start off with Seattle Seahawks at the Arizona Cardinals.
Boy, this one's tough. They just played a couple of weeks ago and Seattle handled it. But I like Arizona at home in a good close game.
Oh right.
Then we got the Buffalo Bills out at the LA ram I.
Think it takes some guts to pick against the Bills right now, they are playing so well, and I'm going with the Bills on the road.
Then the Chicago Bears of the San Francisco forty nine Ers.
You know forty nine ers are favored, but sometimes the team gets a boost when they fire their coach and bring a new guy in. It's gonna happen to the Bears and the Bears winning the episode, all right.
And then Sunday Night Football the LA Chargers and the Kansas City Chiefs.
Mat I wanted to pick the Chargers, but Casey, even though they don't look good doing it, they know how to win and they will win this one in a good close game.
And then Monday Night Football the Cincinnati Bengals at the Dallas Cowboys.
Two of the most disappointing teams in the leagues, but in the league rather, But Bengals are going to be less disappointing and they win a close one against the.
Coach Incinnati Oben Dallas, and then one more time to lock Miami will win by more than six points over the New York Jets. All right, Tom, good stuff, Boddy, have a great weekend and we'll catch up next week.
As I always, thank you guys, and have a great weekend.
All right, my boy. Let's get it.
Boxes here all your favorites from four decades and Big Show ninety nine says each fifteen for nine ninety nine.
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