Jason and Mike have all the details on Aaron Rodgers spending hours at the Steelers’ training facility earlier today. And we play another round of TRUtv or NOT TRUtv!
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Hello, Welcome inside final Hour tonight the Jason Smith Show with my best friend Mike Harmon Live for the ti rack dot com studios tirec dot com. I'll help you get there an unmatched selection, fast, free shipping, free roadhazard protection, and over ten thousand recommended installers. Tiraq dot com is the way tire buying should be. Well. Day two of the NCAA Tournament is coming gone and uh that's bet that's a pretty apropro way to describe it. The day is coming gone.
Okay, gratulations done, a job done done.
Yeah, we'll give you a couple of big previews for tomorrow because it's two huge games. I'd be look, you have the second round of the turn, but there's two games that are really big musty events. We'll preview them coming up later on this hour. But I mean outside of today, Yeah, you had a twelve five upset, but okay, you know Memphis losing in Colorado stated, it's like, okay, yeah, it's not like we watched Michigan, like they almost lost last night to UCSD. It kind of a generic day, Like I think the big highlight was watching Cooper Flag and after the first two minutes of the Duke game where you saw him set up an alley oop and then go in for a layup and one, it was okay, Cooper Flag is fine, Duke's gonna win by fifty, all right, nothing to see here.
Nothing to see here, Go check out one of the other games and move on.
And then some of those were great first halfs.
Like if you stop them at halftime and just got yourself in the mentality of the game is ending in two and a half minutes. Boy, they were thrillers. And then once the second half started, yeah, not so much. Yeah, I mean, Yukon's game was fun with all it was.
It was close for a while. I know you were rooting. You wanted Danny Hurley out of the Look, look, I have to wait another day for that to happen.
But you know it all, you almost had it, but it kept Caravan alive. So I mean that that's good friend. And the shows, I mean we looked for him. I just thought them losing would be better theater and a better story for.
Us on a Friday night.
Otherwise, we're talking about Aaron Rodgers meeting with all the Steelers people, talking about James Wentzt.
To the Giants and wishing and hoping.
That there were more storylines to go Hurley losing would have given us that.
Now look, now you mentioned you mentioned Rodgers. Right, We'll get to George Forman coming up in a couple of seconds. But here here's where I'm at with Aaron Rodgers and the Steelers. Right, finally, they were meeting today and for the first time when we had heard that, wait a bit, there was a contract offer out there for Aaron Rodgers. Meanwhile, today was their first meeting and no deal is imminent. Well wait a minute, why the Remember Aaron Rodgers needs to control the narrative. He needs to make it look like he's in charge. Right, this is this is what Rogers and Russell Wilson are trying to do. To try to make sure, try to put it out there that they're still sought after quarterbacks when really they're not. Hey, Rogers, I'm gonna wait because all these teams now are stuck because it's not a great quarterback crop, and free agency not a great quarterback crop. In the early part of the draft. It's more developmental quarterback draft. So I'm trying to seize the storyline here. It's out there, Oh, Aaron rodg Because if Aaron Rodgers really had a big why is he saying no at this point? He would be failing upward to go to the Steelers. Let's see, I had a bad first half of the year last year. I had a good second half of the year. We closed well with good weapons. I still finish in the top ten in touchdowns and yards, and I can go to a better team with a better head coach and more talent, and the team that's gonna be at least five hundred or more that makes the playoffs every year. He's really waiting to sign that contract. Really, he's really waiting. Come on, we know this is gonna happen, right, Just sign the contract over, Just sign I don't know what purpose Aaron Rodgers is serving. Nobody else is going to get you. You don't want to go to the Giants. They already sign their guy. We'll have more on them in a little bit. We know what's gonna happen, right, we don't need to wait any further. We don't just go do it. Or maybe the Steelers wind up getting little cold feet and saying, you know what, we can't wait for you anymore. We're gonna trade for Kirk Cousins, and we're gonna figure out the money, and Atlanta's gonna pay for everything, and we're gonna get kirk Cousins, Like, well, what are you waiting for? Like, we know this is gonna happen. We know Rogers is gonna play for the Steelers. Why not sign it? I don't understand what we're waiting for.
See, this is where it's fun, because you bring up Captain Kirk Cousins. So I give you the which would you rather? Would you rather have the guy in Rogers who goes on Pat McAfee, who does his ayahuasca, retreats darkness, retreats, wanders the earth like Caine and Kung Fu, or a guy like Kirk Cousins who may or may not have lied about his health.
And still tries to portray the good guy.
There you go, that's a that's not a great choice, secret option. See it it's not you get it is. It is what we have, right, It's not a great choice. But I'm not excited about that.
Now in the cage and we put Russell Wilson in there.
We got all the veterans.
I'm in scrambling it up.
Come on, I'm not saying I like the choice, because clearly, what have I told you? Look, the Steelers, you can't keep shopping and the clear it's been for quarterbacks. But this is what we're doing. Uh, you can't. But this is what's left. And you don't have a quarterback now, So what are we waiting for? Really? What's Aaron Rodgers waiting for? What? I mean? This is where I get to a point where okay, enough is enough already, Right, I'm not to the one of those you know, you know, all the guys from earlier in the week. We have a decision. But now it's like, okay, you visited, you know where things are going. Russell Wilson and is not going back to the Giants, right, they signed Jameis Winston today, he's not going back to the steel We know what's gonna happen, right, So what what I mean are you waiting for? Are you gonna announce it on Pat McAfee show. Are you gonna come out and say my intention is to play quarterback for the Pittsburgh Steelers this year? Hoping you're catching lightning in a bottle like what happened with the Jets two years ago. What anyway, it's not gonna happen. You don't have to go to that moment again. You don't get another moment to say I'm taking my talents to South Beach. You just just we know what's coming. So just just just say yes and do it, and then we can go on talking about the draft for the next five and a half weeks. Let's just do it that way.
So if he does sign, or when he does sign with Pittsburgh, does he go to that museum where they've got all the Fred Rogers stuff and he puts on a sweater and some gym shoes.
Just having neighbor Hi, Mike Tomlin, I'm here.
Paddy, and I decided to save that trip for next time.
He puts on he puts on a Steeler's card again sweater, he comes in and sits down. Here you go works, Oh man, I mean, really, what are we waiting for it? Let's just do it right there. There's no reason why we're waiting for it right.
Now either because he wants to be in the news cycle for another couple of days.
Man. I mean really, I'm wondering if we're gonna get it on McAfee on Tuesday, Like that's really what I'm waiting for. Like, that's the only thing I can think about.
Is a college college kid. Right, here's my hats.
I got the Steelers because the Giants, I guess, aren't necessarily done. I mean, so you could still have the Giants. Look, you can always make up another team. Put the Vikings in there for fun, because they even though they claim they were done. Remember Brett Farv didn't show up till August eighteenth, when he showed up as a member of the Vikings all those years ago.
So yeah, let's have it like it's a commitment day.
Like, oh, I like that. I thought that could work, okay, And I mean maybe he's being friendly with McAfee because you know, did you see the story this week. Hey, no networks are going crazy to sign Aaron Rodgers to talk about football, so he's gonna have to find his own way in to the media to do, which I always said he would do his own podcast or do his own TV show. That's some kind of you know, weird stuff where it's part football and part ayahuasca and part aliens. And you know, it's gonna take some kind of off the beaten path entity to do it. It's not gonna be a big network, but maybe this is what he's saying. Hey, I do it on Pat, and Pat's gonna be good to me when I retire, and then I'll be on Patch show.
I did get a couple of notices that you have offers for a couple of the true TV or not TV entries and they come from a rod Okay, so it might be part of his extraterrestrial segments on his show.
Hey, look, it took me all a like, you know, like six minutes to come up with some of these true TV or not TV show titles, so I'm okay with selling them really cheap.
I would have been really you know, acting as your advisor here. I would have said, you know, you did a lot of brainstorming to come up with them.
I mean it's otherwise.
It just seems like anybody can throw a couple of words together and have a TV pitch.
No, but I mean dors Mash and grab Hub. I mean that's like a that's an unbelievable title right now.
That's good.
Ghost Lusters is also good too. Ghost Lusters is good.
I'm gonna look it up on my own computer.
But Dorsmash and grab Hub. I mean that's perfect, right, that's that's fantastic, and the and I got that that See, that's the thing is, that's how you come up with shows. Now, you don't come up with ideas for shows, come up with titles and then and then the when you look at the title, go oh, okay, this is this is what the show should be. That's a better way to do it.
So we'll have to see if who owns the rights now, But you can go back to nineteen ninety for ghost Lusters.
Oh yeah, statute of limitations on that easy, one hundred percent.
Easy guy named Bruce seven was the director.
Bruce seven, okay, and then George Stands okay. So look earlier tonight we had the big breaking story. We lost an absolute legend in George Foreman, who passed away at the age of seventy six, and the life he has had as a boxer, as a heavyweight champion, as a grill master, as a someone who went from one successful career to the next and stayed relevant for over forty years. There's very few people who've ever walked this earth like George Foreman, subject to some of the big biggest documentary movies of all time. You can keep going about George Foreman's plaudits and his achievements and you would run out and we were on the air for four hours. But the one that I really want people to understand, you know, going in this tonight, is that we talked a lot about Tom Brady, who had forty five years old, wins the Super Bowl and it's like, oh wow, he was gonna play and then you know, walked away, Right, I'm done. One more year. Couldn't do it? Right? That was as a great accomplishment of forty five. Lebron James, who was still playing at this high level at the age of forty is insanely good. Now could he play five more years? Probably? Like I mean, Lebron's not gonna play when he's just like a fourteen point a game guy. But could he play at a really high level for the next four or five years? Looks like him. Could he move to the five and that's where he finishes his career? Absolutely like Lebron could do that. But you got to see George Foreman, who was incredibly successful in the seventies as a boxer and then retired, retired for ten years, ten of his peak years as a boxer, comes back when he's thirty eight years old, fights Evander Holyfield, fights Tommy Morrison. Doesn't win these fights, but doesn't get knocked out, loses decision in both of these stays fighting, wins a lot of fights, and then at the age of forty five, he beats Michael Moore, who is twenty six years old, to win the heavyweight title at forty five years old. And now you compare that to what Brady did, what Lebron is doing. You go, Okay, why is what George Foreman did like what Brady did? Times ten. Boxing is a sport that relies on quickness and reflexes and strength, all things that diminish greatly from the age of twenty five to twenty the age of forty five. Yes, oh I know that. But think about in boxing when it's about hitting the other person, and it's about strategy, and it's about the mental acuity to be able to know when to move and have those big synapses fire as quickly as you can to avoid punches. There's a reason why at the age of forty five, people are just kind of holding on and he gets up and wins the heavyweight championship at the age of forty five. When you think about the inherent physical advantage that another boxer like of Michael Moore or someone who is fifteen twenty years younger, that they have, right, it's one thing that say, Okay, Brady's forty five, he's playing against a bunch of other twenty five year olds. Yeah, well, you also have twenty five year olds protecting him. He's got twenty five year old guys running routes. He's got twenty five year old guys and the ball off to It's not about being fast, it's not about being able to avoid hits. It's about Brady being able to be smart and nowhere to go With the football, it's a team game. There's a lot of more there's a lot more things that you have to take into account for George Foreman and the ring against the guy who's twenty years old. You be forty five years old and get into a fight against someone who's twenty five, who is in the state, who is built just like you are, except they're twenty years younger and just as big. You know, win that fight. No you're not. And yet he wins the heavyweight championship of the world. You see what guys do in their forties. This is not nearly being taken into account as much as it should. A is one of the greatest physical achievements of all time. Forty five and he's the heavyweight champion of the world.
Look man, he was a country strong out of Marshall, Texas, which is about one hundred and fifty miles away from Dallas, and he according to the stats, he had a seventy eight inch reach. The other is go back to the beginning of his career when he wins at the Olympics. He fought a guy that at that point was twenty nine years old and had two hundred and twenty fights in his career.
For his career seventy six and five.
Man seventy said, that's like Saban's record at Alabama. He's seventy six and Thed's sixty eight nine outs. Man, I mean that was back when guys fought a ton. When I mean you got into the seventies eights, when guys would fight like like two or three times a year, Tyson would fight every couple of weeks because you would beat people so badly in the first round and not take a punch like that was some kind of era. Man, what a legend. George Foreman passed away at the age of seventy six. Jason Smith Mike Harmon Live from the tire rack dot Com Studios. Coming up next, Hey, in honor of George Foreman and to George Foreman, Grill, do we have a great food story coming your way. Plus we break down the biggest quarterback news in the NFL today. Does what we saw with Jameis Winston mean another quarterback may have played his last down in the league. That's next right here, Jason and Mike Fox Sports Radio.
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app, Fox.
Sports Radio, The Jason Smith Show with my best friend Mike Harmon, Wellbo liveth Tirec dot Com Studios. There'll be a Supernatural reunion on the final season of The Boys, Misha Collins and Jared Patalleki's gonna be on with Jensen Ackles.
Who is it?
Uh be just like super sixteen years of Supernaturals coming to season five of The Boys. Okay, I'm just saying, carry out my wayward son. It's like synonymous with Supernatural. Oh okay, yeah, I mean the show was on show was on for sixteen years.
Man, somehow I avoided it the whole time.
I avoided it till my daughter said, I want to binge Supernatural really so like, and I felt like we binged it for like a year. Like it's all sixteen all sixteen seasons of every episode. Here they are vampire hunters, and here comes a Battie of the Week and they kill this person. But then they introduced Death and all these other characters, and I'm like, how do you get sixteen years a plot spoiler? They don't really have sixteen years of plotlines, but they did sixteen years of show.
Hey if they were able to keep getting renewed. They did the job. You don't have to love it. It was a CW.
What else it's It's like, it's like Impractical Jokers on True TV, Like what else are you gonna put off?
Well, you hate those guys.
I'm just saying the show is on like like twenty out of twenty four hours a day. Like we got a couple of NCAA games and then hey, im Practical Jokers.
Yeah, but if you ever really chronicled how many episodes they truly are, this could be like one of those channels that feed you the same three seasons of Kitchen Nightmares or whatever over and over again. Okay, hang on, ar Ramsey's looking really young here.
Oh wait uh there are two hundred and sixty one episodes of Practical Chokes. Okay, so I don't think there were that many episodes of MASH and that show is on forever in the seventies.
Again, Mike, I can't wait to find out what they actually did to Jason.
I'm not.
It's just it's just, you know, you know, people show hilarious.
It can't be built around one show man. You can't.
You can't say sounds jealous. I'm not jealous here.
I'm not jealous him out.
We got five years to catch Supernatural.
Come on, you had a longer time than not to catch super No.
No, no, no, for you and me on air, we need five more years.
A ball that Noah Cindergard threw into the crowd from you.
No, no, not at all. But it's funny you mentioned the Mets justin Frossburg. Oh, I say it sounds it's funny you mentioned the Mets dorio Hey in honor of George Form. We talked about him, his life, his career, tonight, passing with at the age of seventy six, and many people know him just as the grill guy. Yeah, something food wise that may be better and more desirable than helmet nachos at Dodger Stadium. I I you know, there's not any There's not a lot that's gonna get me to say no, no, I want something other than helmet nachos at Dodger State. Is it like the uh?
Is it the White Sox and their new milkshake to try to top last year's greatness of the s'mores milkshake, which is better than anything they put on the field.
No, because I gotta watch the White Sox while I'm eating so I mean, I I that's not worth it. But you enjoyed the ice cream like helmet nachos and watching the Dodgers. Okay, Dodge's best team in Major League Baseball? Jason, how excited are you for a bucket of wieners? Now, that's the thing. I am extremely excited this new food that you guys sent to me today. Other my other friends like they like it's like, oh, I thought of you. Today the Mets announced they're going to have this new feature at City Field. A bucket of dogs is what it's called a dog ball. Dog ball twelve hot dogs with buns served in a batting helmet for twelve ninety nine.
Yeah, when you order it, you just bark and yeah, oh dog bawl.
H this may be greater than helmet nachos. Why helmet nachos are twenty bucks? You want to get meat, it's like twenty four bucks twelve ninety nine for twelve hot dogs, and I get a helmet that's really underpriced, Like that's I I can't believe that that's the price.
Of what happens.
Helmet though, this is something that dude, we were in the NLCS last year. Okay, we're really good. We have sodo. Uh this is I know that hot dogs are very cheap, but like you go to get a hot dog in a game, it's four or five beef, and these hot dogs like it. But I mean, like this has to be something like and look at I'm not saying look at me all of a sudden, I want fans to pay more money. No, I'm just saying that, Hey, I don't know, like me, let's go I don't know why you wouldn't go to the go to the game. And the first thing, all right, who's gonna good? I'll go get it for you know, with tax, it's fifteen bucks and I'm getting twelve hot dogs and I'm getting food for all of us for the day. Right, Like this is a great thing because you know you talk about the cast. Oh for four tickets to a game with four hot dogs and four drinks, well that comes to approximately three hundred and thirty eight dollars in the average fans being practical. So here I am saying, hey, Elika, it should be more money. But even it's a little more. Even the twenty dollars you're getting twelve hot dogs.
Man, I'd be charging you like fifty the condiments for the twelve hot dogs, and you get a helmet. I mean, now you fight for the helmet with your friends. No, who gets the helmet?
No, no, no, whoever eats the most hot dogs gets the helmet. You make a challenge. Yeah, I'm putting I'm smushing the helmet on my head with the hot dogs in it. Oh what are you doing? I'm keeping the hot dogs warm for later. It's on the top of my head.
But legitimately, think about the backup for the condiments. I mean, how are you gonna do this because they're playing hot dogs?
Right? Yeah?
Who the hell eats a playing hot dog?
Well, you put mustard or some people, you know, the people who should be banned from ballparks put ketchup on hot dogs. But you know, you put mustard on, you put onions on, You're good to go.
Hey, are you waiting for someone to refill that weekend? Like you're going to miss a highlight?
I want cheese on the hot dogs, but I understand I'm not going to get that. If I get mustard and onions, I'm good. I can have as many hot dogs as I want to. Man, Oh that sounds so good right now, just a big helmet, hot dogs, bucket of wieners. Sure, I'll even say that frostburg bucket a wieners. Give it to me, Yes, bucket of wieners. A. But there should be a contest. Now I'm not saying you do this, but you have a content who can eat the whole bity and you take pictures. You wear the helmet on your head, like when you go into one of those places where hey, here's the the you know, the old ninety six er from the Great Outdoors. You know, ninety six ounce of steak, right like a fat burger. Here in La you go to have the fat Burger challenge where you eat the biggest burger they have, and if you can eat the whole thing in one sitting, like an a half hour, get your picture on the wall. Like I wonder if you could do that someone eating all twelve hot dogs and not like not like Joey Chestnut or kobeyash people that could do it in like a minute and a half, like an average person going on, I'm gonna eat all these hot dogs.
Go get yourself. The big Texan seventy two ounce steak. Yeah yeah, but now say it's a shrimp cocktail, baked potato, salad and roll butter and the seventy two ounce steak. Now, obviously if you you owe them a lot of money.
See. But that's also we're not just eating the steak. We're giving you stuff to fill you up. We're giving you carbs and starches like baked potato. It's that's that's gonna fill you up. Man, It's just like Tysher will agree with me on that. No, that's just there to fill you up. It's make you to stop eating it. But hot dogs and buns. Okay, that's an easy contest. Hot dogs and buns. And we've seen it. We see it every fourth of July. Hot dogs and buns.
What were you saying in Jason?
Uh that the uh? Are you even paying attention? You're doing dragon ball Z stuff.
I'm doing neither really.
Oh so you're just not not paying attention.
I'm putting your best of the week podcasts together.
Oh okay, good, it's gotta be really long. It'd be a lot of stuff on it.
There's a lot of good stuff.
No good. Uh. So the if you have an eating contest, Yeah, to eat a big steak like seventy two out steak or something really big, they give you you have to have the potato, baked potato, and all these different things on the side to give you starches and carbs to fill you up. Yeah, you make it tougher to finish that.
Yeah. It's the same thing with free breadsticks.
Yeah, trying to go get all you can eat salad whatever, or pasta bowls. Look, here's some bread, here's some more bread.
It's true. Yeah, I don't blame them, smart business plan. Yeah, but when you say it like they got you want to.
Harmon, Harmon goes home, They're not gonna get me again with the free breadstick. As a you keep falling for that.
As a younger man, I might have liked the breadsticks far more than anything else they put on the menu.
How about that, I'm gonna fall for it.
And the initials might be I mean, look, I was young then, so I mean that's like an O G kind of place.
And your mom is telling you, Mike, I tell you all the time, don't fill up on bread, don't wait wait for the food, don't fill up on bread. I know, I know, but I can't help it.
I just get it is true, though, Jason starches and breads. Those will get you.
Yeah, all the eating contest hardest. That's why they dunk the buns in the water. That's why you don't just eat the bunch. Dunk the buns in the water. And I'm telling you, but man, is this really is severely underpriced? Twelve hot dogs and a helmet for twelve ninety nine, Like I would sit there for three and a half hours, just continually eating hot dogs.
Well, what's the table?
When they tried we talked a lot about liability, right, we talk about that on the show a lot. All right, let's think about the economic impact. Let's talk about liability.
Think of all the.
Sodium being consumed and suddenly got a bunch of fifty sixty year old guys who may not be taking care of themselves the rest of the week, and suddenly they're gonna eat sacks of WIRs.
What are we talking about here?
What's the liability for the New York metropolitans?
Forget, I wouldn't even care what the game was. No liability, I'm gonna be witch. I mean, I got the helmet and I'm just eating hot dogs. I would care, And there it is, the thirteenth run has crossed the plate in the first inning against Clay Holmes. Here on opening day, Mets are down thirteen nothing. I would say, I don't care. Thirteen run, this is my eighth hot dog.
Feeling you've eaten in one sitting.
Oh oh, I don't know they've ever done that competitively, but who boy?
I would say, oh okay, I would say without trying, like without really trying, like without saying, okay, I'm sitting to do this. I could go to a barbecue or some kind of party for a couple hours. I could have like six easy.
Oh so you're doing this in public, so here we go.
Oh yeah, guy, have like six easy opening day, I might have to spring for Dodger dogs now, going Dodger dog.
Now, I'm not saying I'm buying it from them. I'm saying I'm buying in the store. They're going to bill you in twenty fifty eight.
That's okay, good luck finding me then, all right. Then I would have that last hot dog and put that helmet on my head like I'm wearing a crown, like yeah, buddy, look at me. I don't care. The Mets lost to forgive me.
I'm the King of New York.
I don't I don't care that Wan Soda wants a trade. I'm fine, I'm all good. I just ate twelve hot dogs and I spent thirteen bucks on him. I'm winning. I am winning in life. That is the greatest thing ever.
Oh man, you'll get those two hat sizes?
Bet? Yeah? But Sodi would I would get what size you were? I'm wearing an eight in a quarter? Can I got a size eight and a quarter at anywhere? Can I order that online?
Plus one?
Please? I would have. Wouldn't eight and a quarter size hat be really expensive or be really cheap?
No, it's gotta be really expensive because otherwise they probably sit on a shelf a long long time.
Right, So you're waiting for that perfect But what's gonna be?
They want to get rid of it. They want to get rid of it.
No, no, no, no, you know you're price it high because the guy that wears the eight and a quarter he can't find those. So if you're the one that has it, it's like a one of one trading card. Like so the pul Schemes trading card version of hats is an eight and a quarter.
Well, let me look the skiing's guard. A lot of people want no questions about it.
In this case, you have a subset of people that wear a hat that big, whether they've got a lot of hair or just a big head. They might not walk into your store but once in a blue moon. But when they find that hat, maybe maybe to sunny day and they need that coverage, they're gonna pay you what they need. Do Hey, it may sit for a while. You might want to keep it in case, make sure it doesn't get dusty. But I'm not giving it away. No, I'm not discounting that unless you're hearing out of business.
I'm on hatland dot com, which has great zephy if you like zephyr Ze, they have great hats. Hatland dot com their size eight and a half fitted hats. Yeah, they got like five hundred of them. How about you can you can get an Eagle Super Bowl Championship hat right with the old logo and the super logo on the side. Forty five bucks.
It's not terrible.
Forty five bucks for a fitted hat size eight and eight and a half, like eight that is a ah.
Ordering the gold one that's the next level stuff right there.
And eight and a halfs You're you have to be like Mega Mined to be wearing an eight and a half size, that's true. Bruce Bochi was an eighth though I'm pretty sure Bochi Bochie but.
Is happy after a haircut or is that full?
You know, unkempt quaff his helmet fits twenty wieners.
Okay, well see, because that's the thing for me is that my my hat size was seven to three quarters. You know, I have no hair, Like if I had hair, I mean maybe I'm in a maybe i'd be in an eight. I don't know.
I mean I like, well, how about you know you have a promotion one day, fill your hat at the concession stand. Phill won't give you, however many hot dogs you change to fill your hat.
Let's go exit out about a Fresco exit swallow down The Jason Smith Show with Mike Carbon Livethtirach dot Com Studios. We got more coming up in ninety se seconds. But first, a man who's been called the Bruce Bochie of Fox Sports Radio. He's got a good look at mustache. It's Steve de Sager with what's trending.
That's all the rings.
I think if Bonds had kept playing, he probably would have gotten to an eight and a half eight and a half.
There was just no motivation.
Let's say to we increase the hat size as it occurred before. Let's get to the NCAA tournament. First round is over ladies and gentlemen. We had more blowouts tonight, easy wins for Arizona, Oregon and a one seed Duke. Easy wins for Iowa State as well, and Kentucky advanced easily tonight. Maryland and Florida advance. Connecticut beat Oklahoma sixty seven fifty nine. Colorado State eliminated Memphis seventy eight seventy Memphis Tigers from three point range six for twenty three guard Tyree Hunter was out.
With a foot injury.
It was Illinois over Xavier in one of the late games, eighty six to seventy three. New Mexico eliminated Marquette and the Lobos trailed with six and a half minutes to go, but won the game seventy five sixty six two seed Michigan State to trailed Bryant's late in the first app but still beat him eighty seven to sixty two North Carolina, the last team in is out first round. Carolina reduced the Old Miss lead of twenty two down to two late, but Ole Miss did beat the tar Heel seventy one sixty four. The Heels RJ. Davis from three point range one of eight. Baylor seventy five seventy two winners over Mississippi State as the Bulldogs, Josh Hubbard had twenty six points but did not take the last shot. Mississippi State missed a three pointer.
They're out.
Bulldogs had trailed by eleven with about eight minutes left. Robert Morris, a fifteen seed, led two seat Alabama with under seven minutes to go. Alabama came back for a ninety to eighty one victory. Bama versus Saint Mary's on Sunday in the second round. The Gaels trailed Vanderbilt by twelve early in the second app but still beat Vandy fifty nine fifty six. Vanderbilt missed two late three point attempts. The Big Ten is eight to no so far. The SEC eight and six, the top four seeds in each region, are still alive. Average margin of victory form a record twenty three points. In women's hoops, Kentucky Edge Liberty seventy nine seventy eight. Oregon won in overtime against Vanderbilt, Indiana, and Michigan, with wins UCLA as well. In fact at number one UCLA Lady Bruins eighty four forty six over Southern Duke's win was eighty six to twenty five against Lehigh and the women's tournament, as Lehigh shot nine of forty six from the floor, with Leehi getting fifty thirty turnovers as well in a forty minute game. In the NBA late contests, wins for Portland Clippers and Phoenix, which got forty two points from Kevin Durant and beats lump in. Cleveland won twenty three to one twelve Houston's Fred van Vlid with thirty seven points in a close win at Miami one oh two to ninety eight. Just one NHL game Pittsburgh sixty three over Columbus. The New York Giants signed quarterback Jamis Winston. Padres pitcher You Darvish will start the season on the injured list with elbow inflammation. The Orioles signed pitcher Kyle Gibson. The Royals acquired outfielder Mark Kanna from Milwaukee. A reminder, nascars on FS one again the next four Sundays. IndyCar returns to Fox TV. This Sunday, former heavyweight boxing champion George Forman died at age seventy six.
Back to you, Thank you, Steve O. The Jason Smith Show with Mike Carmon Livethtirack dot com Studios. Coming up next, we finish with a flourish We tell you what NFL star quarterback may have played his final down in the league. Plus we preview the two biggest games of Day three of the NCAA Tournament tomorrow. That's coming up next right here, Jason to Mike.
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven pm Pacific, Fox.
Sports Radio The Jason Smith Show with My best friend Mike Harmon Live forth Tire dot Cops Studios. So we'll previe the two biggest games of the day coming up in a couple of minutes. But first big story in the NFL today, The Giants found their quarterback at least for now, agree two terms with Jameis Winston two years, eight million dollars with a chance to get it up to as much as sixteen million. Now why is this a big deal? Well, yeah, it's technically backup money. But what this is is the Giants choosing Jameis Winston over Russell Wilson. Who will get to in a second And for the Giants, it's easy. Jamis comes in, maybe he starts. Maybe the Giants take a quarterback at three if cam Ward or Shador Sanders is still there. If not, the Giants will take a quarterback early in the second round. Whether it's all the cast of characters we've talked about for the last couple of months, McCord or Ewers or Milrow or Jackson Dart, they will take somebody there to be their quarterback of the future. So either Jamis is gonna come in and keep the seat warm until Shador Sanders is ready, or he's gonna come in and play until a little bit longer until one of the more developmental players is ready to come in and take over. Right. So that's what it's gonna be. But the big thing is about Russell Wilson. So we talked about this three weeks ago. Get ready for the fact that Wilson may have played the final game of his NFL career because there's no landing spot for him. Right. It was the Giants. I told you the Giants hold the key to everything, and the Giants made their decision with Jamis Winston, who's more dynamic, gonna throw a touchdown and a pick, and a touchdown and a pick and a touchdown and a pick. That's how it's gonna go. But Wilson, this was his landing spot. There's no place else. Yes, he went to visit the Browns. The Browns are taking a quarterback at number two. They already traded for Kenny Pickett. Right, they have their guy who is gonna play until either Ward or Sanders, who they take it to, is going to be ready. You're not gonna bring in Wilson, who would be someone who would stand in the way of that development. You're not doing it right in the Browns. Like I said, you already brought in. You're not gonna bring in Wilson and Kenny Pickett and not take a guy at two. So where's the landing spot for Russell Wilson? Guys like this that are Hall of famoush caliber players. He's not gonna stick around and be a backup I mean, get ready again. He was tended three weeks ago, and congratulations everybody else who's gonna jump on this. We may have seen Wilson play his last down in the NFL.
That would make me sad because everybody loved Russ.
When you say everybody like, well, what do you mean every.
Well, I'm saying in the past when I would point out potential flaws with Russell Wilson, I was the bad guy, just like the same thing with Aaron Rodgers and some of the other quarterbacks for it, and then all of a sudden, everybody jumped on board those bandwagons. Not that I want him and Russ. For five weeks he was the greatest thing ever.
Look at the Pittsburgh.
Offense and then it went spiraled out of control. The wheels came off and it was like a Russ can't play anymore. It's like so much is it? Or hey, Aaron Rodgers is terrible, terrible, terrible. Now let's take a small sample size, bolstered mostly by two games against the Jaguars and Dolphins, to try to sell him as a viable option for twenty twenty five.
What are we doing? I mean, he lost the last five games of the year. He was not very good in any of them. Right, last four games of the regular season where they went, oh and they went from ten and ten and three to ten and seven. Like his best game was two hundred and fifteen yards passing right, Like he's he's he's done. Like at least Rogers ended on an upswing where you can potentially make the point of Okay, maybe he needed more time to come back from the torn Achilles and he did want to not be a jet, right, I needed to get away X jet you know. Maybe good again, he did finish up pretty well, you know again top ten for touchdowns and yards, right, like that's that was Rogers. But Wilson, I don't know. I mean, really, we may and he's not gonna take a backup job someplace. He may just have to sit around and wait and hope that that an injury phone call comes. But boy, that's so desperate for him. I got I got a feeling he's gonna sit back and see and then if nothing really happens doesn't look great, I think he's got to retire. And that's how it's got to go for him.
Yeah, I think I would be circling and if I'm Russell Wilson like, and this is where we get try to get into the heads of athletes at the end of their run of if you think you still have some football left in you, do you not go to a place where someone's hold is tenuous or where they've got a youngster and you can claim to be that mentor guy, but all the while you're just waiting to get tapped on the shoulder to save a season and keep going. Because, as we've talked about forever, the old Sims line right that you've quoted so many times and we've used on the show, retirement's long. So if you still think you have some football, the worst thing you can do is just hang it up instead of becoming that backup guy. Yeah, it might be seen as desperation, but wouldn't it eat at your soul more to be sitting at home watching these guys on Sundays not being in a facility the rest of the week. Wouldn't you start throwing footballs through TVs like Elvis used to shoot them? Yeah, but it's not. It's not up to you though the league is telling you no. But part of your premise was Russell doesn't want to be that guy. Maybe maybe you're okay to be that guy.
Yeah, that's real, that's real time. You think Russ has a bit of an ego, I don't know.
That's why Russ has doesn't have a job.
If Russ was the guy that Russ was, the aw shucks guy all the years ago, and not the guy that he kept trying to still claim that he was, even though behind the scenes in Denver and then in Pittsburgh we found out he wasn't. If he was still that early guy that recognized Marshawn Lynch, a great defense and everything made the world run, Russ would have a job.
I just get ready that this may be the end for Russell Wilson.
It was once a good run.
Now tomorrow it's gonna be the end for a bunch of teams in the NCAA turn. Oh yeah. Two games more high profile than any other. The first one obviously Calatino hashtag Calatia.
You go, Fried Calais Well, it's tabbed at the back of the New York Jameson.
They still haven't moved.
The time, and I let you can't believe they're playing playing this game.
In forty five minutes, they start this game next for menu on hung for Hungry Johnny's, Patino's old nemesis and his wild Hogs.
I like that. Patino in an interview today, you know, said great things about it, but said, like seventeen times, we're not close. We're not close. We're not close. I love respect, We're not close. Okay, So you know this game means a lot to them. I would be scared for Saint John's if Arkansas was a more dynamic team offensively, if they could hit threes, because Saint John's can't. Saint John's is way more talented. They're still the better squad. You're going to see it tomorrow. Saint John's is gonna beat Arkansas.
Seven and a half is the number Smith.
They cover it easy, Saint john It'll be a game for a while. Saint John's talent pulls away. Now. The team that I'm a little worried about, and I tell you this knowing full well that I have him going to the Final four is boy Ucla, Tennessee. We talked about it last night. This is what UCLA does. They either lose in the first round or make an unexpected run to the Elite eight. And you know, you got Mick Cronin calling them soft, hating his players a couple months ago. They have responded, not by playing tough defensively. But this is not your older brother's Johnny ju zang HEIMI hakez fifty point a game. UCLA team. They're scoring a lot. Watch out, this is what UCLA does. I can see them beating Tennessee and reckon a lot of.
Brackets's funny because Tennessee was the team I ran fastest to push all the way down in my bracket, which means, uh, well, I'm done.
Yeah for Mike Cup, Jason, It's the Blank Show coming up next, Fox,