Hour 3 – TRUtv or NOT TRUtv

Published Mar 22, 2025, 6:13 AM

Jason and Mike remember George Foreman, one of the most influential and recognizable boxers of all time. For just the 2nd time in 17 years, every single 1-4 seed is advancing to the round of 32. DICK’S Sporting Goods purchased the 1/1 Paul Skenes MLB Debut card. And we play another round of TRUtv or NOT TRUtv!

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Fox Sports Radio. Welcome in side hour three The Jason Smith Show with my best friend Mike Harmon d live from the Tirack dot Com studios Tyrac dot com. I hope you get there. An unmatched selection, fast, free shipping, free road hazard protection, and over ten thousand recommended installers. Tirac dot Com is the way tire buying should be. Well. Here we are nearing the end of Day two of the NCAA Tournament. I'd like to be able to tell you we got close games coming down the stretch, but we will just have two games coming down the stretch. Michigan State, which was having trouble with Bryant for the first half and into the second half of this game, They've now opened up a seventeen point lead with about six and a half left to go. Meanwhile, the game that's never been close eight and a half to go, Oregon leeds Liberty sixty two to thirty three. So the Ducks look like they're gonna go on, Michigan State's gonna go on. And this has been a very generic day in the NCAA tournament overall. Yes, we did have the five to twelve upset. You know, I've gotten a couple of them now, right, Colorado State beats Memphis and now the big who's better Little Penny or Penny Hardaway? But like even this upset was like wow, Okay, Like it's been a pretty generic first couple of days of the NCAA tournament.

Yeah, for better and for worse.

And you know, we kept waiting for chaos to ensue, and well all we've gotten was what everybody complained about. You know, in football side of things, it's all lowouts that that's the way it works. So gay, we're gonna get the best against the best. So isn't that a good thing?

Yeah? Well, look, and I we always cheer for the chaos and then complain when it goes wrong rounds later.

In this case, we're just gonna get better games, right.

Yeah, Well, I mean you pay at some point, right, like you have if you get the upsets early. Wow, the first two days are exciting, but then you're in the sweet sixteen you're saying, wow, okay, we got Liberty and Akron. Oh right, or if you or if you don't get the upsets, the first couple of days are like, we get but then later on, hey, we're gonna get Saint John's in Florida, and we're gonna get you know, Tennessee, and you know we're gonna Tennessee and uh and huston, We're gonna get these great games. So it's okay, you pay at some point, right, like you can't script out when the upsets are coming up, but you pay at some point. But the good news is this, I have to think, Mike, after the first couple of days, everybody's bracket is good. I mean, if you if you lost a Final four team the first two days, or if you you you're out of it with your bracket, then you know, maybe maybe filling out a March Madness bracket isn't isn't your thing, Maybe maybe you step away from that, not do it any more. But in the hardly been any upsets. It's not been marquee teams going out. You've not everybody's bracket should be pretty good.

Sure, but you look in the end, it becomes the do I would I rather take a big swing or then lose because of some some game I got wrong?

Out of the.

Few in the the first couple rounds oh, I lost that two pointer because we all had the same final four running out, and take the big swing. Be the Clark Kellogg of your bracket because he did have you know, the big Clemson run.

I mean, I had him to the eight.

So I mean I lost one of those.

Okay, That's all right though, And in the end, I don't care how many times have I checked my bracket zero, how many times will I check it. I'm sure many people will check it and be happy to tell me how badly I did. In the end, I'm all about having fun and trying to find a little bit of chaos, uh in the sixty three games.

That we get.

Well, you know what I got to find out is you know our co worker here at Fox Sports Radio, Steve Hartman. That's how I started here at Fox. I was filling in with him during the day he had a perfect bracket yesterday. He was one of the one percent of the people that had a perfect bracket day one of the NCAA tournament. What does it get him? I don't know, Well a million dollars.

Here that hasn't moved since nineteen.

Eighty he does, so, he's got a he's got a double shot of part of the Minecraft movie. Mike. He had a perfect bracket and he's got great hair. Like, could you do that? Like, you know these companies right in tractor Supply right doing a thing with us at perfect bracket? Million dollars? Like if you if you're perfect through the first let's say you're somehow perfect through the first two day? Like is this? Can you do it? Like with Vegas where you would call and say, hey, want to buy out my bracket for one hundred grand? You know, like could you do Like would would someone do? They go? No? Maybe, maybe, maybe it's worth it.

This guy, they're not going to give you much.

Where do you how far do you have to get for someone to want to buy out your bracket?

Oh, it's it's literally got to be down to the final four.

You really got to get to the final four.

You think okay, all right, to have any value, any buyout value at all against that million dollars, like a deal or no deal, until like you're you're down into those finals.

Really you're not not not not through the sweet sixteens. I would say if you get into the if you're through and to the elite eight, I would say, there would be a conversation. You don't think it's still the final? What was the guy?

There was a guy last year?

I think that was the farthest anybody had gotten in a long time. And and that think about the millions upon millions of brackets that are out there. I mean the ESPN put out earlier that they had two perfect brackets and that was with few upsets, right, I mean that, and that was out of like twenty four twenty four million brackets that have been filled out.

All right, I'm just I just wondering, like how far you have to get? You know, I'd just say, hey, perfect, my bracket's perfect. You want to buy me out, let's talk about it. Yeah, And I'm not saying it would be you got to buy me out for half a million, but like, would you buy me out for twenty grand? Like if I was perfect? Through the first round of the tournament. Right if I if I was if I was undefeated both days and I'm into the same into the second round, I'm thirty two, and oh and I say buy me out for twenty grand? Would that do something they would do? No, they wouldn't do that.

Okay, I don't think so, I know, okay, because I think there's still be a lot of you.

Okay, had a ton, But I mean, what if I'm into the sweet sixteen. What if I'm through the first week end of the tournament and I'm perfect, I'm perfect into the sweet I.

Might give you enough supplies to make that chicken coop that you always wanted.

So like five or ten grand?

Yeah, maybe because it gives me a little bit of good will.

Okay, all right, all right, hey, okay, like someone getting money for a perfect break. Okay, all right, that's true, that's true.

Right, You now get to do this project, and I can say, look, we made this guy's big project possible.

I might be able to be had there.

You might be able to get me in marketing and sales, even if the numbers aren't really on path. If we go through the full algorithm and actuarial table of what's probabilities of what's still to come in the tournament.

It might be worth the good will and publicity to pay you.

Out a little bit of money, all right, law, even if the math is fuzzy.

All right, all right, I understand, I understand. Well, but we'll think about something like that, Okay, all right, So now we'll have more on the tournament coming up with it. But again, we don't have a lot of drama. These games are coming down to the end. We're talking about fifteen to twenty point leach the last Cup of Teams. But we still have more fun to get to. Sure, but we lost an absolute legend tonight right before we started on the show tonight. George Foreman, one of the those famous boxers of all time heavyweight champion, passed away at the age of seventy six. And we've talked a lot tonight about his life and a boy, what a life right as a boxer, and then he retired, Then he came back and he won the heavyweight title again when he was forty five, and then he became a successful pitchman with a grill company that made a more money than he made ever in boxing. One of the most beloved figures in all of sports over the course of his life. And you know, one of the things we have, because we've did so much with George Foreman's life, is we haven't gotten to When We Were Kings, which was a documentary that won the nineteen ninety six Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature, which was about his famous one of those famous fights of all time, his rumble in the Jungle fight with Muhammad Ali in nineteen seventy four. And I remember seeing this for the first time, right, and this is this is and this is ninety six, right, I remember seeing it, like, I don't know if I went to the theater to see it for the first time, or I think maybe I saw at home. I saw a copy like and it's had to be back when it was like on videotape, right, like I had, Oh sure, you know, I went to Blockbuster and got it. But I remember seeing this is when I was producing sports, right, this when I was producing sports for a living. And this is a movie that the director of it, it took him twenty two years to edit and finance it, and it comes out and it won the Academy Award for Best documentary feature. And I saw him do this, and I said, he took archival footage from this fight that you know you have to, you know, spend money and get that footage and so you can use it. And then he had some a few new interviews on it, not many, but a few new interviews. And I said, this is stuff that I would do for stories, right, Like if I'm doing a story on somebody, I'm getting video that I need about this person, I'm writing story where and I'm conducting interviews with people talking about a player or a team. And that's what I did. And I saw this and I said wow, And I was so blown away by because I said, this is like at the top of my craft, Like I can't get over how good this was. And for my money, I mean, I don't you have to go through, but I don't know that there's three documentaries that I've ever seen in my life that are better than this. Like this was just so interesting because it covered all that did. There were big political angles of the of the Ali form and fight, and there was and there was the strategy that Ali used is famous ropodope strategy, and the interviews they use and how they didn't like each other, but then they've made up in the year's past. It was done so incredibly well, and the one who were king song that they they roll out to is an incredible song. I'm just being blown away by it, going, this is what I would have, This is what I aspire to do. Something like this, you know in television, was what I wanted to do. And then you know, my life went on different ways. I wound up getting on the air and ally, hey, look where I am. But I remember seeing this going this is like the top of my craft and and this and now I want to go watch this again because I remember just being blown away by all of it, everybody and when it was such a big deal, everybody doing the ah lee boom by the big audience chair all the way through. Uh, you know, after this came out and it was I mean, it was done so incredibly well, Like this isn't the pantheon of you know, on the metal stand of some of the best documentaries I've ever seen.

Been so long since I've seen it, but I do remember the James Brown that chant that you mentioned, and just being blown away that you had all this footage that you were able to call through right. That's the thing that whenever we get into documentaries and we start getting back into the seventies uh and sixties for this footage.

It always just blows me away the amount.

Of footage that was preserved and is out there because we we think about the different warehouses of even just television uh and movie uh footage that that they've had to you know, try to painstakingly put back together famously, how uh DESI aren't as uh and Desilu productions, you know, recording on film uh and and trying to preserve it, and how it was a different way of doing business, uh that we can put together things of this ilk uh and that you're you have it Like every once in a while you you.

Go into a thrift store or a.

Store here in Hollywood and you see just the history of just recorders and you think about, wow, you know, having those Like as a kid, we didn't have any of that stuff, right, we had disposable cameras uh. And that was about how we had a lot of legacy uh in in our family uh of having those kind of things versus this and going overseas and chronicling this this huge fight and that time period and being able to piece it together is just amazing to.

Me, you know, And I remember a big lead in for it because I remember seeing this on a big Howard Cosell, a biopic on him. Is that going into this fight? Like you know, obviously this is back in the seventies when a big prize fight like this is something we talked everybody talked about for months leading up to it, right, like this is the whole I mean, there was no like, hey, next week is this fight. It's like, ah, here's interviews. What are people saying leading up to it? And I remember Cosel and this was what you This was acceptable in the seventies, like it was. Cosel goes to Ali and he's interviewing him for a special that's gonna air that's a preview to the fight, and he says to Ali, he says, he says, Mohammed, I gotta tell you, I was just a joy Foreman's camp. He said he's gonna knock you out in three rounds. And aligos what he said? What? And Allig gives him all these great sound bites. George Foreman said what I can't believe Babbah and Alig you know, great sound bites right for the promo, and then they showed Coseell going to George Foreman's camp and it goes to Forman and he goes, George, I just left Muhammad Ali's camp. He said he's gonna knock you out in three rounds And George, what are you talking about? He was completely making but it worked, and nearly he said that I can't believe I give him, but that's what it was like. And I I mean, I just I can't. I never forget stuff like that. The the mythic impact of what the world of boxing used to be is lost now because it's it's been so long since boxing really held our attention for a lot, because of the the advent of MMA, which has really taken over and pushed everything aside the heavyweight boxing, the the pay per views that you would be able to watch Tyson holy Field or holy Field, Lennox Lewis, and and if someone got knocked down, you could open your win dough and you would hear cheering career far from as far away as possible. Because everybody is watching this fight that's on at midnight, right this midnight or twelve thirty. This is the romanticism of it has gone.

And this is the origin story of Don King.

Yeah yeah, some one of the first time that year you got James Brown and bb King and all these people.

Are part of this. Like it was such a great documentary. I remember seeing it in the theater all these years later.

Now it's time to go revisit Exit Out about a Fresca exit swollen dome. Jason Smith Mike Harmon Live from the Tirac dot com studios. George Foreman Rest in Peace, seventy six years old. Coming up next, We got a big story out of the NCAA tournament and a very expensive card was just purchased today. Oh yeah, did the right person buy it?


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Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pms seven pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Fox Sports Radio. Happy Friday, Jason Smith Show with My best friend Mike Harmon Lockthtirack dot Com Studios. After what was kind of a generic Day two of the NCAA Tournament, sor Right, we got another edition of True TV or Not TV coming up later on this hour. But the one thing that the first two days, Like, what's a big lesson, what's a big takeaway from the first two days of the tournament? One of my big tenets that I always tell you because I usually do well in NCAA tournament bracket pools, and I'll tell you wild I'll tell you my secret because you know you're not competing against me, so it's fine.

If I find out you already cares about your bracket.

Then then I'll just make stuff up. But it never pays to try to be the smartest person in the room. And by that I mean don't pick the upsets until you have to, right, Like, don't try to be a first two day hero where you walk around and go, wow, I got these I got these three eleven six upsets and these four twelve five upsets. E. If you do that, you're not gonna wind up doing well. Right. You gotta stick kind of chalk ish through until the Elite eight and then you make your big moves, right because it depends you want as many final four teams as possible, and that's how you wind up. That's how you wind up doing well and maybe winning your bracket challenge. But if you pick the upsets, I'm sorry, maybe the first couple. Wow, hey you had this upset. I guarantee you if you picked and get a couple of upsets right the rest of your bracket, you look like a lunatic because said, well, I took chalk all the way. But boy, I really really wanted to pick against Memphis here, I really wouldn't. I mean, no, no, your bracket doesn't look that way. Stay away from it. If you want to pick an upset here or there, if you really believe you're gonna get this twelve five that you really think, well, okay, you got to make sure that team that you're knocking out isn't it isn't a team that you're that could go very far and go oh, I mean made me look really bad. And you don't want big XES to go forward going X out that second round game, that third round game, that next round game. So just kind of stay chalkish and you'll wind up doing well because if you did that, here's a tournam to show you that. Boy, hey, yeah, we had a couple of well we had a couple of five twelve ups that's okay, but nothing crazy. Most everybody, like we talked about, if you lost a final four team boy, maybe filling out a bracket is not for you, as you should have most of your you should have all your final four teams and at least six or seven out of your eight Elite eight teams, and you should be doing fining. This is how it's supposed to be. Resist that urge to be a first two day hero, and your bracket will be wonderful all the way through and you'll make it pass. You'll be one of the few people in the Sweet sixteen the lead day talking about your brain. You'll be in that rarefied air of oh, what are you talking about brackets? Because you know I'm in second place? Oh I got knocked out last week and the guy walks away from you. Ah, I'm having a rarefied air conversation goes yeah, I'm in it near the end with just these couple of guys and these twenty five or thirty people at work who were in the Oh they're out now, and hey, I'm still going here. That feels pretty good when that happens.

Well, I mean, look, you got to figure out where you get your thrills. Do you like riding the lightning on the upset? That may not happen because look, all you wanted is a game to be close in the final four minutes.

Then you're riding.

The edge if you like that thrill. Otherwise it may never come for you. It just may not, because there's something to be said about having that ten seed, eleven seed and so on find its way towards victory or a narrow defeat, as opposed to yeah, how did your final light come down?


You know the two beat the four?

Yeah, who cares good?

So it's where you get your thrill, right, because in the end, how many if you're in a pool, how many places are getting paid out?

That's really the question. Yeah, I don't much know, glory.

I mean, some places you go, like the top ten spots, depending how big of pe is. Maybe he's the top three, the top four. But telling you, man, that's the the best thing I could tell you is avoid picking the upsets, just saying, like, you get down to the end, it's like, all right, the five of us all head, duke, where did you lose? And that sweet sixteen game that ended him coming back to bite me. I mean because because there's because there is such a thing of okay, when you get to the elite eight that's where you got to make your rubber hits the road pick, Right, do you really think that that, you know, do I really think that Saint John's is gonna win that game? Yes? I do. Saint John's is going to the Final four. Like, that's where you have to start to stand up and really make your picks and the philosophy of doing something like, well, everybody's gonna pick Duke, So I'm not gonna pick Duke because if Duke doesn't win. Oh, guys, Duke is gonna win. Duke is going to the Final four. Okay, I don't know what else to tell you. They're that much better than everybody else. Cooper Flagg plays today. He looked absolutely fine. Duke is never in trouble. Duke is going to waltz to the final four. Right that there, there's there's picking against a favorite, and then there's just doing it for the hell of it. I get if you picked against Duke, Yeah, yeah, you're in trouble because Duke is just gonna give you xes on your bracket all the way to the final four. Yeah.

I root for chaos.

It's fine to root for it, but understand that that's probably not gonna go absolutely, don't let that influence your picks. Don't let Yeah, you gotta you gotta look at it and be very as a guy who kept saying, I'm picking Saint Shohn's and Saint John's gonna want to know, you have to be very emotionless when you're when you're making your.

Pick Saint John say, but again, you still pick Saint John's, which is twenty five to one to win it. So it's the all right, I'm going chalk chawk chawk, and then all of a sudden, right before I'm gonna crash, I'm gonna go right right right, That's exactly what you did there.

It's like, yeah, no, Duke's gonna cruise in.

It's like and then I picked Saint John's.

Okay, exit out about a Fresca exit swollen down the Jason Smith Show with the Mike Carmen live from the tirec dot Com Studios. So just again, just so, that's the best piece of advice I could give you. I know, I understand this probably would have been better if I gave it to you on Wednesday, but might have been You see the illustration of this that this is, this is what this this tournament shows you why, oh yeah, picking the upsets isn't gonna always work out for me?

Okay, then, well, but it's like our buddy and colleague of our our you know, our our guys, Sir Roki Sasaki Frostburg over with the Chargers, Matt Muney Smith. Every year he does his Turkey Brian and preparation recipe as part of the Petrosen Money Show on AM five seventy l A Sports.

Him giving you that on Friday doesn't do your whole hell of a lot of good.

Just like you giving bracket advice here well on Friday night on Saturday morning winning at all Man's next year, come on, we got Carmelo's kid coming next year. Man, We're gonna be great next year. Although we already had a player hit.

Now, I was gonna say, didn't you have a guy quit?

Did quit? He entered the transfer?


I did see a great bid on on Fran Brown though, being called Syracu sixty oh, saying they're gonna guarantee you.

A job after sixty days. So if you get to sixty.

Days, does that mean that the university hires you so they can get.

To the one hundred percent.

Dude, We're a football school now, man, we are a hundred percent of football school. We are not looking back. We are a football school.

We will ever look back.

A very expensive card coming up in sixty and ninety seconds. But first, a man who's been compared to being the Paul Schemes of Fox Sports Radio. It's got a really good looking mustache. It's Steve Desager with what's trending?

Okay, Well, the top four seeds in each region still live in this NCAA men's tournament.

The first round ended tonight.

By the way, average margin of victory for the top four seeds twenty three points.

Then ye women's tournament average margin of victory eighty seven points.

Big ten eight No so far in the men's tourney, SEC is eight and six so far in the men's tourney, by the way, overall so far in these first two days, it's the largest average scoring margin period for seventeen points per game, including blowout wins on this Friday for Florida, Maryland, Kentucky and Iowa State. Blow out wins in the East Region for Arizona Duke and Oregon, which won eighty one fifty two over Liberty in the late game tonight, the Ducks led eighteen to two early. Baylor started the day with a win seventy five seventy two over Mississippi State. Two seed Alabama survived to beat Robert Morris ninety to eighty one. Robert Morris led with under seven minutes to go and Alabama shot fifty nine percent from the floor in this game.

Saint Mary's trailed.

By twelve early second half, but still be Vanderbilt fifty nine fifty six. Dandy Miss two late three point attempts. Old Miss took care of North Carolina. The tar Heels are out. In fact, Carolina was down twenty two. They got within too late but dropped the game seventy one sixty four to Mississippi.

By the way.

The late game with two seed Michigan State, a team that did trail Bryant late in the first half, Spartans won at eighty seven to sixty two. Marquette is out. New Mexico beat him seventy five sixty six, and the Lobos had trailed with six.

And a half minutes to go.

Illinois over Xavier NLA game eighty six to seventy three. Memphis is out Colorado State beat him seventy eight seventy and Yukon has defeated Oklahoma's sixty seven to fifty nine Sooners from three point range three for seventeen. The nat tournament has two games on Saturday. Women's hoops NCAA Tournament had Kentucky winning seventy nine seventy eight over Liberty. Today Oregon won in overtime against Vanderbilt. The late game had number one UCLA winning at home eighty four forty six over Southern And yes, this we mentioned earlier Duke's win in the women's tournament eighty six to twenty five over Lehigh, which shot nine of forty six from the floor, with thirty turnovers.

Eight two seven eight. Lee High's point totals in each of the four quarters eight two seven.

And eight singles every time for ten minute quarters.

You're correct, and the old.

Look South Carolina won one owaight to forty eight. All right, I mean that, I mean move on. Notre Dame won one oh six to fifty four.

Lehigh didn't even make ten baskets in the whole game.

No they didn't. They didn't win nine baskets.

Right, correct?

In forty minutes.

The late game in the NBA. The Clippers have thirty points from James Harden and lead. The Grizzlies won twelve ninety nine with about six minutes to go at Phoenix. Kevin Durant forty two points in a win over slumping Cleveland won twenty three to one twelve. Portland has beaten Denver one twenty eight, one oh nine wins for Dallas and Boston. By the way, for the Celtics, Jalen Brown is out this weekend, at least with a bruce knee Dallas over Detroit one twenty three, one seventeen. Tim Hardaway junior now with the Pistons, left that game with a sprained ankle. Houston's Fred Van vleid with thirty seven points in a win at Miami. Easy victories for Oklahoma City and Minnesota. Wins for Orlando and San Antonio as well. Just one NHL game, Pittsburgh sixty three winner against Columbus. The New York Giants signed quarterback Jamis Winston. The Saints signed wide receiver Brandon Cooks. The Chargers signed tight end Tyler Conklin. Former defensive end Kennis Simms died at age sixty five. He was drafted number one overall by the Patriots in nineteen eighty two, and former heavyweight boxing champion George Foreman died at the age of seventy six.

Back to you, Thank you, Steve O. A big story today, and we now know the identification behind the winning bid for the Big Paul Schemes rookie card. Right. We've talked about this now for the last couple of months. When ten year old kid here in Los Angeles pulled the Big Paul Skeens card out and the Pirates offered him seats behind home played for the next thirty years. Livy Dunn, LSU gymnast, huge media influencer, said Hey, come watch a Pirates game with me. The Pirates tried to put together this whole big package, and what I wanted to say was, what are you doing? The kid lives in LA. What's he going to do that coming to Pittsburgh? Did all this happened? So they put the card up for auction and it was one late last night early into today for one point one one million dollars. Okay, so who was the winning bidder? Turns out Dick's Sporting Goods is the winning bidder and they're going to put the card on display at a Dick Sporting Goods near PNC Park in Pittsburgh. So you're gonna get so pirates fans are gonna get to go see this card on display at a local Dix. And yeah, my first thought was, Dix has a million dollars to spend in a baseball card, Like, well, they sell a lot of baseball cards, but wow, they have a million dollars to spend in that card. Huh okay, all right, we're gonna we're just gonna put it on display in a store. All right, We're gonna We're really gonna get the people coming in and spend in retail.

Well, I mean, I'd be questioning going forward, what are their deals with Paniti and fanatics related to how big and expansive their impression is on the collectible side. Right because you have them near the checkout, does does that become a bigger thing to where it will actually drive enough because it's worth a million dollars in just the publicity they're getting off of it today.

Uh okay in theory, sure, okay, right, in.

Terms in terms of how much you would normally paint for advertisement, we're talking about it here. It'll be talked about, I'm sure on morning shows and and all all sorts of not non not just sports shows. Right, So I mean that's worth uh those impressions. And for me, it's that the curiosity of you know, how soon before you have an Ocean's eleven type heist.

So Michael Keaton and other big pirates for celebrity pirates trying to get this card, but because there's plenty of them, yeah right, But this is what I thought after this, I started thinking about this, you know, and in the NIL era and and and all the different things going on now in sports, I thought, how do the pirates not buy this? How do the pirates not buy this card bequeath it to Paul Skeens in a way to say, don't leave us, can't leave us in free agency. We spend a million dollars on this card and gave it to you. You can't leave us. Or speaking of NIL, how about a guy like Michael Keaton or you know, big big Pittsburgh Pirates fan that's got the money. Hey, I'll buy this car to give it to Paul Skeens. Right, It's it's the NIL way of trying to get Skeens to stay when it's time from to sign, you know, a seven year, four hundred million dollar contract as a starting pitcher like this, this works in nil hey way to give money out to keep kids at the school. How could I could do it in Major League Baseball? How do you not have something left? How do the pirates not do it? How do they not get a couple of big celebrity fans. Hey, we're gonna buy it, give it to him, and maybe Paul Skeen stays with us. If he doesn't, Okay, well we spend a million dollars. But still for if you have the means, if you're a big man, and I think Michael Keaton is worth somewhere over two hundred million dollars, you know, hey, million dollars keep Paul Skins at Pittsburgh. I think if I had the money, I would I would try to do.

Something like that.

Yeah, if I were absolutely loaded. Yeah, I mean it's a million bucks, absolutely nuts.

I'm not saying crowdfund it. I'm just saying that, hey, you know or oh wow, if you did that and you crowdfunded it to pirates fans, We're gonna buy them. But it was too hard to you know we need you would need the money to bid on the card.

No, no, trying to organize that and adam to Yeah, because I mean you got the buyer's premium and everything that's due. Uh, you know, the rents do as soon as the auction ends, so I mean that's that's a final So someone's got to front the money.

Yeah, but I mean why not.

I use the word front very carefully, Uh in all of these contexts, but uh, when when you get down to it, No.

I get it.

The the level of goodwill, the fact that the one point one million is more than Paul Skiing's salary for this year. Sure, or brought berties we talked about earlier. So yeah, it's so it's it landed right about where I told you it would. Yeah, you know you're at an idiot, So that worked out.

That sets debatable. I really had no response. You set yourself wide open for that.

Come on, man, I should have said missed particular space. You know What's funny though, what has not yet surfaced Now that the schemes has been sold. At this point, we do not know whether the Yamamoto from that set has been pulled. The Dela Cruz and a number of the other Luminaries have been bought and sold, and we've seen the market transactions.

Yamamotos has not yet surfaced.

Exit out about a Fresca exit Swollen Dome. The Jason Smith Show with Mike Carmon Live from the Tirec dot Com Studios. Big missed opportunity, Big missed nil opportunity for Pittsburgh and the city and the fans to keep Paul Skeins. Twenty time to come for free agents.

To be fair, the pirates aren't exactly spending money on anybody.

So if you're spending money, it's got to be on schemes, right, it's got.

To be or helmets for future helmet nachos.

Help it notchez Oh. We actually do have a ballpark food story coming up. But straight ahead, all the action is over first two days of the NCAA Tournament. We celebrate it the best way we know how, at the greatest radio game in the world, Often imitated, never duplicated, True TV or not TV. Coming up next right here, Jason and Mike, This is Fox Sports Radio.

Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven pm Pacific, Fox.

Sports Radio The Jason Smith Show with my best friend Mike Harmon, Lovethtirack dot Com Studios. Or it's time to celebrate and give you a little bit of fun for Day two of the NCA Tournament because you know, not a lot of drama today.

I'm all about having fun.

So that's what we have for you, another edition of the greatest radio game ever invented, often imitated, never duplicated, TV or Not TV. You're watching True TV for the first time all year, and you don't watch it after this week or really next week. Some of the games are on True TV as well, so we want to familiarize you with this crazy ass channel that has all kinds of crazy ass programming on it. So we play True TV or Not TV when you're not watching an NCA Tournament game. These are some of the shows they have on. So I give you a show. You tell me if it is a True TV show or if it is made up entirely by me playing this game. Mike Harmon, Steve de Seger, Sir Roki Sasaki, Frostburg and Snell Ty Shirt.


There you go again. You have to listen to all week. Why Alex tyshert is smelled? It's a whole thing. Here we go. I like Steve Haunting Evidence. Haunting Evidence a show that follows paranormal investigators as they investigate cold cases. Haunting Evidence a show that follows paranormal investigators as they investigate cold cases.

Hardly you mest start believing in ghost stories because you're in one.

Sure, I'm in.

Deliver Colonel Sanders down to Davy Jones locker, Okay, Steve to saying Evidence. Okay, sir, rokie.

Not a show.

Not a show, okay, all right, not very paranormal. Let's see Ish snell ty shirt positively paranormal.

I don't like ghosts.

No, okay, oh you said that last hour. You're not a fan of ghost not a fan of I pay attention to everything you said. It's just when you start talking about stuff like dragon ball Z after like fifteen minutes, I kind of zone out.

Funny how that won you something?

Right, It's true, it did. I did get dragon ball Z. Haunting Evidence is show. Yeah, yeah, Evidence is a show. Mixed Martial Tarts Who Mixed Martial Tarts? A competition show in tailing events and physical prowess and baking, mixed martial tarts competition show and tailing events and physical prowess and baking.

I wanted, I want it to be absolutely something real, but then I fear it wouldn't get greenlit because we'd be talking about everything's got to be really healthy because of the physical fitness part. You can't then just load it up with tons of sugar, or you just and then the tarts.

Yeah, or maybe you know tarts is just a thing where hey mix the playoff of arts obviously, and maybe there's healthy dishests.

Sure, yeah, I don't think you can do that.

Okay, but you know what, what do you say, long winded way of saying, yeah, man, let's go, let's go for a niche sd What do you got martial tarts? No?

Okay, sir Rokie, you say tarts are farts?

I said, mixed martial farts.

Yeah, I would say that would be a great show.

Okay, all right, mixed martial farts. Like two people getting in the octagon and they just start farting, and the person with the best farts wins, or the person whose farts knocks out the other person wins.

I think I saw that in Scooby Doo.

Wait a minute, I think that's that.

I think that could actually be undefeated.

That's a great show right there. That's a great show. Okay, I had to have McNuggets. I couldn't have. All right, not a show, all right, snell ty shirt, what do you got?

I don't know. I think this is more believable. Not a show.

Mixed martial tarts is not a true TV show. Good, okay, all right. Arch Madness Arch Madness a reality competition show where contestants find the quickest and most creative ways to climb to the top of the Saint Louis Arch. Arch Madness reality.

Competition show climbing the real Arch. No, see, I would have believed you more.

If that would become a marketing thing for McDonald's, that would be Golden Arches madness. That would be Golden Arches Madness.

No, this has nothing to do with Arch Manning.

Nothing to do with Arch Manning. Well, there is Arch madness. I'm sure in Texas I should patent that idea off.

You should see if that's already that's already done.

Trade arch Madness.

Well, the March for Arch which we've come up with. You know, that's the thing. Reality competition show where contestants find the quickest and most creative ways to climb to the top of the Saint Louis Arch.

That would be regional TV, not a national entity like true TV.

People know what The Saint Louis Arch is not a show.

We're Americans?

Huh? All right? As D what he got?

No, I think the Missouri Valley would have something to say about that.

We want our own show, snell ty shirt.

I actually like natural arches within wildlife.

So yeah, what about arches in your feet?

That's pretty cute too, Okay, golden arches.

I like arches in people's feet.

That looks pretty cute.

Arch Madness is not a true TV show. Oh but you'd like to see people try to climb to the top of the Saint Louis Arch. Coming up next, we remember an absolute legend. If you think what Tom Brady did when he was forty five or something, Who do We got a story for you, Fox

The Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon

Jason Smith and Mike Harmon bring their extensive experience in sports talk entertainment to late ni 
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