Jason Smith and Mike Harmon remember an absolute Sports LEGEND! The New York Giants are signing Jameis Winston to two-year, $8M deal. And the guys debate if Brock Purdy is worthy of a $60 million per year contract!
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Greetings, Welcome inside, Happy Friday, The Jason Smith Show with my base friend Mike Harmon to Friday live from the tirerac dot Com studios. Tirec dot com. Help you get there an unmatched selection, fast, free shipping, free road hazard protection at over ten thousand recommended installers tirac dot com. He is the way tire buying should be. Well, we are hip deep into Day two of the NCAA Tournament. Mike Harmon's Oklahoma Sooners who he is wearing Oklahoma gear tonight. He's as shoeing as purple shorts for Oklahoma gear because he wants the Sooners to send Danny Hurly home. However, it's ucon with a three point lead nearly eight minutes left in the first half. Here, I know you are dying to send the best coach in all of d one home for the season.
Well, because I want to finish the week with you here on Fox Sports Radio or extended family, Frostburg and Ty Shirt and Steve Desager. I want to send us out with the bang, because you know he will not go meekly into the good night if they're losing in the second half, pissed off. If they lose, he might give a word or two of encouragement to Oklahoma, and then he'll be pissed off, and then that'll make our guy after us, Chris Plank, really really happy, and it'll be in all Oklahoma night here on Fox Sports Radio. So all of that, I think it is a beautiful thing that we need something to upset the Apple hard here because right now I'm sitting in the back going baring shut up, Homer bu That's kind of where I'm at with the tournament.
Okay, so let me ask you this stuff. What is what is more likely to happen? What's more likely to happen? Okay, at the end of the game, Danny Hurley challenges the final result and and tries to get an injunction to get Yukon to continue to play.
Depends how it finishes. He was talking to the one possession game where it becomes a hey, a judgment called by the officials and check the tape, and that's why he got a committee. And on a sudden, that guy from North Carolina gets involved, like, no, shut up, your team got sent home, you got.
Your get out of here. That's an easy one. Yeah, I mean he loses by fifteen and they're dribbling out the clock. Does he still try to get an injunction to get Yukon to k wanted a tournament?
Okay, you guys know what I'm doing tomorrow.
What's that?
What you do it?
Frostburg, I'm gonna steal that guy's boom box. That's what I'm doing.
They might have cut it up and put it into trading courage.
We're not hitting with the stunner, Sunny. Yeah.
I mean he looked like the grizzler.
Who knew a kid, a kid who is an equipment manager at Student Managers or student manager at McNeese. Assistant too.
I can't look.
Later than Danny Hurley. Just think about that he could be around more or now. The other point is this, or does at the end of the game if they get eliminated, does somebody ask after the game is over, Danny, Jim Jiffy Simpton at this point, do you wish you had taken the Lakers job?
Did you see what Bronny and James did on Thursday?
Danny? Danny, I mean Bronny had seventeen last night. You had, you'd have Luca.
I mean, I mean it was minus thirty six. They lost by twenty nine, and nobody played a lake of defense. But that's okay, Danny.
Do you think that you needed the foresight to to, you know, maybe make a better decision instead of just taking a free trip to Los Angeles with your wife for the weekend. Do you think that that decision could have been made made a little bit better?
I'm here in the back right.
An property while he was out here. I don't know. What would have been funny though, is if Yukon would have been matched up with McNee State and then he walks over with a baseball bat, if they were to beat miss McNee State and he smashes that guy's boombach.
Why are you going to violence right away? Why are to go violence? Kid? Healthy?
Amir Con? Nothing happened to him. It would have been a great I mean it's like you smash you get guitar on stage.
You know. The funny thing is how many people you think are that when they hear you know, amir Con the last couple of days ago. Wait it is he the jam of the Steelers? Wait a minute, wait what he's wait?
Or is the guy and his dad owns the Jaguars?
Right? But look, we will have time to get into everything going on with the NCAA tournament again. Yukon with a five point lead over Oklahoma right now, Oregon Liberty, Michigan State Brian still getting set to tip off Illinois Xavier just underway. That's fourteen fourteen, early in the first half. However, news that has just come into the Fox Sports Radio newsroom within the last fifteen minutes, we have lost an absolute legend as heavyweight champion George Foreman has passed away at the age of seventy six. Again, this news is about fifteen or twenty minutes old. George Foreman, who had a career of careers. The guy had three or four careers. He put that much living into seventy six years heavyweight champion early in his career. After retirement, came back won the heavyweight championship at the age of forty five, stick a pin in that for a couple of minutes, then started up a multi million dollar grill industry, in which which he sold a bunch of years ago for like two hundred million dollars. George Foreman had some kind of life and some kind of career and a participant in some of the most famous boxing matches of all time, whether it was George Frazier or Muhammad Ali on an absolute legend. George Foreman passed away earlier today at the age of seventy six.
All the rights to use his name, all the sons named George, and so many commercials Pitchman and obviously go back to some of the most iconic moments in our in our boxing lexicon and in history, you know, from the wide world of sports. You know, all the montages that we'd get through the years. And I think, I mean the second act happened because I guess hul Cogan didn't didn't want to be part of the Foreman What became the Foreman grill would have been his yestead. It made George Foreman a couple hundred million dollars and gave him a whole second act where he was showing up giving you recipes of how to how to cook and lean and lean and mean and drain the fat from your burgers, all of that stuff. I mean, just insanity, but just a huge life man, just a larger than life figure that was a fixture on our television sets and on our sporting world. What five decades, six decades. When it's all said and done, just amazing run.
You think about the lasting popularity to him, and of course you think of George Foreman, and there's one one of the most famous sports phrases that comes to mind that people have been saying for going on fifty years now. They have been I mean, this is this is you know, this is like in Giants Win the Pennant and famous calls Vince Scully. You know, uh, this is an amazing, lasting popularity that is still gonna go on for years after because people still say, down goes Fraser. When George Foreman knocked out Joe Fraser and one of the most famous boxing matches ever, and we got Howard Cosell. You want to know where it came from? Here people say down goes Fraser all the time. This is where it came from. Aggie Dundee, Ali's trainer right next to me is saying that you may hear him goes Frazier, Downs goes Crasia, Downs goes Crasier. Heavyweight champion is taking the mandatory ATel and Foreman is as poised as can be in a new Joe Corner. Hi there was. I mean, that's why. I mean the down goes Fret. It's been part of my life for you know, for since I was fifteen years old, people saying down goes anybody named Fraser that you knew who fell down, you would say, down goes Fraser. People's I mean, it's it's it's part of the American lexicon is so famous. Howard Cosell's call of that moment.
Well, that's it though, right he became ubiquitous. You used it. Did you push somebody down and you said, down goes Fraser. I just wanted to give the extra love to George Junior George the third, also known as Monk George, the fourth known as Big Wheel George, the fifth known as Red and George the sixth known as for whatever reason, little Joey.
Okay, well yeah, you know, hey, all the kids are named George. I kind of I remember.
I respect that it was.
It's it was a little weird, but I'm like, okay, all right, I have everybody's you know, Okay, Like I like, you gotta have nicknames, right. You can't keep saying George the Second, George the third, Georgia fourth unless you just call him by numbers, hey A three two four three.
Six, or you know, like, well, my older brother is Arthur James the fourth. So they sometimes called them for.
Call them for so Jo.
You just go through. I mean, it was a minister. The man lived many lives. There's no question. He was One of the clips that that I saw and that came up very fast, was uh a proposed television show that he was going to do about going to Disney, and he had a whole deal with them for like a travel channel kind of thing. So just uh, I don't know, it's it's another one of those legends that's been with me. I mean, obviously his biggest moments boxing wives were like right as I came into this world. But it's just been part of our history and that phraseology, uh, and that product that launched an industry, the George Forman grill is responsible for billions of dollars consumption.
No, I mean not even just millennials. Just know him as the grill guy.
Until tonight. Until I told you tonight, you had no idea he was a boxer.
Yes, he was the guy that served me delicious cheeseburgers.
You mean the grill guy.
Wait a minute, guy, yeah, legend.
But to put him in perspective, now, think about this for a second, okay, because this is really what gets lost with the entire life of George Horman. Right, we'll get into we'll talk about when we were kings coming up, and yes, we'll get into more of his life. But this is somebody who retired from boxing in the seventies. He was done, he physically, you know, he got ill before a fight and he didn't think he could fight anymore. He didn't fight ten years, he didn't fight. Comes out of retirement at the age of thirty eight. Right, This is the Wilford Brimley line from The Natural Fellow people, don't start playing bali at your age, Ay retire comes out out of retirement at the age of thirty eight. I believe he came out. He said in the end, he said, listen, people thought it was this whole big thing. I was trying to make money for my boxing academy, like he was trying to get infusions of cash and stuff. And he wins the heavyweight title at the age of forty five. Now, he loses a couple of fights along the way. He had a great fight against the Vander Holyfield and he went the distance on same thing with Tommy Morrison. Right, but he goes and he wins the heavyweight title, beating Michael Moore, who is twenty six years old at the age of forty five. Now you think about forty five, Okay, Tom Brady, right, won the Super Bowl forty five years old. You think about that level what he did and Tom Britt, Wow, that's amazing. George Foreman winning the heavyweight championship of the world at forty five years old, that blows that, like blows away what Brady did times ten. All right, you're talking about a team sport in football, he has Brady was the best, right, But obviously Brady's still at a point where physically he could still get by. This is you know, playing against younger players, right, absolutely, But this is George Troy in a fight, in a sport that is all about quickness and reflexes and strength. That you are not as strong at forty five as you are when you are twenty five, you are not. You were not as fast at forty five as you are in your twenty five you're not. And especially for a professional athlete. Now, Tom Brady doesn't have to worry about Now I'm feeling I'm belittling Brady. Brady stakes he's overrated.
You said that three years anyways.
But Brady that never had to really worry about his speed or his strength. He could still throw the foot bind even near the end. His arm wasn't quite as strong as it was. But boxing is a sport that is about, you know, it's about it's about physicality and quick mental acuity, right and okay, the mental acuity you still slow down a little bit. You're not quite as fast you are in your forty five but okay, But physically to be able to win the heavyweight championship of the world when you are forty five years old, that that may be the most that may be the most incredible physical accomplishment of my life that I just don't spend enough attention thinking about forty five years old, Not to Tyson came out of retirement in his mid thirties. It was, man, can you even stay in the ring? Can you do this? Can you still do? Look? You look at some guys. I can't. Tiger Woods can't even golf, you know, in his mid to late forties. He couldn't do it for most of his forties. And here's foreman, Yeah, I'm gonna win. The heavy white guy still standing in between the k in between rounds like he would do to really psych out the other guy. Dude, can't just sit down. You don't need to sit down, okay, but the heavyweight championship of the world at forty five years old, like that is I mean, it happened, and it happened when I was young enough to see it and young enough to understand what it was. But I don't know, Maybe I needed to get older, Maybe I needed to get into my mid forties myself to understand wow. And you know when I need an extra couple of seconds just to get up out of a chair, this guy's standing up and winning the heavyweight championship of the world like that is. I mean, I don't know that we really understand and pay enough attention to give enough respect to that sort of achievement that George Foreman had.
Yeah, it's one of those where it's far enough in the rear view that maybe just not in the purview, not part of the daily conversation, and certainly when we talk boxing. I mean it's not in in the lexicon and in the front, not front and center like it was with those big pay per views or even the weekly wide world of sports, and that a referenced before right where we'd get replays and we'd get that in our space.
But boxing is not what it was, right, I mean, it's been eclipsed by so many other things and that's really too bad too.
But it's still healthy. If you go find boxing, we want the heavyweights seventy six wins, five losses, sixty eight knockouts. Own by the way, how does forty five work? Country strong out of Marshall, Texas and a reach of seventy eight inches To put that in perspective, demand stood six three.
I can reach across the room and tap you on the shoulder. Really that Oh wow, that far Okay, you can do it that way. I mean, what an unbelievable life, unbelievable career. George Warn will continue to remember his life and career throughout the show tonight. But just think about that heavyweight champion of the world at forty five years old. Exit to Fresca, Exit Swollendome. Jason Smith Mike Carmon live from the tirec dot Com studios. Speed up your hiring process with Express Employment Professionals. Reduce time to hire, cut costs, find the right talent for both contract and full time roles. Visit expresspros dot com today and transform your hiring process. That is expresspros dot Com. Well coming up next, Yes, we have more of the NCAA tournament. Is the late games getting underway. Michigan State is being shut out by Bryant right now. Kobe's got five and they lead to Spartans five. Nothing. But we had a big, big story in the NFL today that affects everything quarterback wise, what we're going to see over the coming weeks. We got that story coming up next right here, Jason and Mike. You're listening to Fox Sports Radio. The average time to hire for most organizations is thirty to forty five days. Are you tired of a costly and lengthy hiring process. Simplify and speed up your recruitment by using the experts at Express Employment Professionals. Reduce time to hire, cut down on multiple interviews, and lower your recruitment costs. You're looking for contract workers or a new team member, our streamline job posting, candidate screening and hiring process is more efficient than hiring on your own. Visit expresspros dot com today. Haven't used a staffing company before. This is the year to do things differently. Businesses are navigating a hiring landscape that's never been more expensive or regulated. Draft the experts get the next pro for your team. Start at expresspros dot com to find the location near you for all types of jobs. Choosing Express Employment Professionals is the move to make. With more than eight hundred and sixty locally owned offices, you'll get the hiring support you need at expresspros dot com Dot's expresspros dot com.
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.
Fox Sports Radio the Jason Smith Show with my best friend Mike Harmon. You can stream the show in all of our Fox Sports Radio shows live twenty four to seven in the new iHeartRadio app. Just search Fox Sports Radio in the app to stream us live. One of the newest features in the app, you can select Fox Sports Radio is one of your presets, just like the presets on a radio dial, so be sure to preset Fox Sports Radio in the iHeartRadio app. It'll always pop up at the top of your screen, so lock it in. Head. Rip off the knob, Rip the knob. We went over this last night. It's ripped the knob. I'll say what I want. We went over there, You're not. I gave you the say. It's like the saying is down, goes Fraser, and I say, what what's that? You don't say down? Goes go downwn he goes down. Fraser goes no, he doesn't say. He doesn't say that. It's it's down, goes Fraser. It's locking it and rip the knob. We went over this. We practiced it last night on the air. Head you hit it, uh so from the NCAA tournament right now, Illinois and Xavier. It's a four point game. The Allion I with the lead Bryant and Michigan State seven to seven with fourteen minutes to go in the first half, so not a lot of offense in this one. Meanwhile, Yukon with an eight point lead over Oklahoma thirty two to twenty four as the first half is winding down, they're still waiting for Liby and Oregon to get going in a few minutes. So while today it was a day in the NCTATE term where okay, we had a lot of fun. Again, we didn't have a lot of upsets, but we had a lot of fun. The NFL said, we're going to remind you just how powerful we are, and we're going to give you a bigger headline than any other headline from college basketball, and we're going to do it with a backup quarterback signing a new deal. Jameis Winston is now headed to the New York Giants. So close, I know, I know, I said, You're like, yeah, I could see it, I can see it. Yeah, justin Field and Jabob New York Giants two years, eight million dollars, but the chance to get up to sixteen million dollars of guaranteed money. So what does this mean because this is a huge deal now with all of the different ramifications for quarterbacks. Aaron Rodgers visited the Steelers today. We'll have more on him later on. Russell Wilson will get to him in the second. But what does this mean for the Giants? It's pretty easy. They have decided to choose Jameis Winston over Russell Wilson. They have choke because they're not going to get Jameis Winston and Russell Wilson. They have chosen Jameis Winston over Russell Wilson. Jameis Winston is still dynamic. You saw games last year. He kept both teams in the game. He has a one to one touchdown at the interception ratio. I mean yeah, I mean look, Jamis is someone and the Giants got him because and you know, they signed him because they felt better about him than Russell Wilson, which is a really damning fact about Russell Wilson and his ability to find a job coming up soon. But for Winston, it's pretty easy. Will he start for the Giants? Maybe? I'm sure they told him. Hey, listen, there'll be some kind of quarterback Derby depend We don't know what we're gonna do exactly a quarterback, but yeah, he has a chance to start because he does. Now, what are the Giants gonna do they have him in is there as their emergency to be their quarterback? They would love to take a quarterback at number three if a guy is there, but you don't know, and are the Giants going to be able to move up? Not if Tennessee and Cleveland both want quarterbacks. So if the quarterbacks go one, two, cam Ward, Schado or Sanders, the Giants aren't reaching for another guy at three. They did it for Daniel Jones and look how that worked out. So if there, if a quarterback is there for them at three, they will take one. They will take Sanders, they will take cam Ward. I am sure Sanders wants to be a Giant. You know, for a long time they seem like they were a really good match. And then you know, Sanders may be falling through the draft a little bit, But for a while, you know, that seemed like that was gonna be the match. Sanders even said at the Senior Bowl, Hey, I'll be playing in this Cowboys stadium in a few months. You know, Okay, well that means he lets me go to the Giants. But if they don't get him, the Giants will surely take a quarterback early in the second round, where there will be a lot of guys out there. We keep saying the same names, but they'll be there. Whether it's McCord or Jackson Darter or quin Ewers or Jalen Milroe. They will take one of those guys. So it's gonna be Winston going into the season, either Winston and Shador Sanders and Sanders will play when he's ready, or it's gonna be Jameis Winston and Jalen Milroe, or Jameis Winston and Kyle McCord or James Winston and Jackson Darta, whatever it's going to be, and when when that quarterback is ready, they will take over. So for the Giants, it's actually pretty simple. The big part is Russell Wilson. But now things are pretty simple for the Giants, and in the end maybe they're realizing, well, if we do this, you know, we kind of have an in with the Manning family, and if we're really really bad, we can just have Eli keep telling Arched just how great the Giants organization is, and there's gonna be a new GM and a new head coach next year, and you could pick him if you want to. Just tell us who you want. I'll tell the guys that's Whomar will pick. And you go there and you just take over there, my nephew, go ahead and go do it. That'll happen too.
No, I appreciate the Hey, this doesn't preclude them from still bringing in Rogers or Wilson. And then I scratched my head. I saw that report. I'm like, Okay, that would be really interesting.
Not even the Steelers would do that. And I could see the Steelers doing that, but not even the Steelers would do that.
Two years, eight million dollars, Jordan Schultz saying that it could be worth up to sixteen in incentives. A couple of things that were pretty fun with this. Start spreading the news and the W and news is capitalized like he's eating w's, so that's good. The other the when he was a part of the Fox screw running around asking questions at the Super Bowl and asking Saquon Barkley who should sign him in free agency, he goes, I think the Giants need a quarterback right now.
There we go. But yeah, okay, great, I'll done, I'll get there. I'm all good.
But as we've talked about all along, as desperate as teams get to want to take a quarterback, there's no outside of cam Ward, and then there's noise about shudor Sander, whether you like him or don't you like his personality. The disinformation, and you know it, attempts to smear is probably too strong a word, but cloud the evaluations, perhaps for purposes to trade up, to be able to get into a spot to get him. But they're not guys that you're considering saying all right, they're coming right in and we're turning everything around immediately, which always to me says, all right, let me trade back for the team that is desperate to get that guy in camp, Get a couple more picks, and build the infrastructure, because how many times do we see good young quarterbacks come in and there's nothing around them, so they suffer, They have a bad offensive line, even if they have some nice skill position playing. Oh wait, I'm talking about the Bears. Look what I did there. But for Jamis Winston, look veteran guy, curious locker room. He seems like an affable chap that everybody gets along with. But you know this is a nice little band age. You're not expecting him to come in and win a ton of games. As you say, he won for you, one for me, one for you, one for me.
At least it's interesting. Yes, if you look, you look, Hey we lost thirty four to thirty one. Winston had three touchdowns and three picks and one picks. So wait, are you talking about the banging. It's not like saying, hey, we lost seventeen thirteen. Our quarterback was seven for twenty one with an interception. Like I meant, at least you'll lose fun if you lose with Jameis Winston.
No, that's true, and he's gonna be great with quotes he and Brian Dable. That'll be fun to watch. Let's see the reaction after a game ending interception. Now we're this kid at where Jane's kid at the bigger.
Part of this. And we talked about this, I think three weeks ago. So now welcome to everybody to the conversation. If you listen to the show, hey, you're in. You're in with us, and you understand, you know you're you're an insider. But now watch how this gets picked up because we said three weeks ago, hey wait a minute, Russell Wilson his career might be over. Yeah, okay, because the Giants held the key to everything. They held the key to the rest of his career. If the Giants weren't going to sign him, where is he going to go? Because two teams need a quarterback, right Pittsburgh and the Giants down to Cleveland need a quarterback. Sure, we'll get to them in a second.
And they've got a Super Bowl champion on the staff.
And he did. He did visit the Browns. Give me a guy that just won the Super Bowl, got it. But the Giants held the key. If they didn't sign Russell Wilson, who is going to you know, he's not going back to Pittsburgh and we you know, and even today the door officially got closed on that like like like he was he was still had a chance to go back. They would have signed him all ready if they wanted him, but they didn't. So if the Giants didn't sign Russell Wilson, where was he going to go? And the Giants didn't seem like they were that interested. Because again, the Giants could have had Russell Wilson for a long time, especially knowing that Rogers may not pick them. You know, you got to get somebody going into the season because you could get stuck, right, you could be the team going in where hey, we picked third, we may to have that quarterback and maybe too early to grab a guy in the second round and give it the starting job. He might need a year, might need a Jordan Love year or whatever it is to get going and get ready. So we understand that. So we have to have somebody, and knowing full well the Giants had that impetus and they still didn't sign Russell Wilson. What did that tell you? We told you three weeks ago his career might be over. Now where's the landing spot. Where's the landing spot? Because yes, he went to go visit the Browns, But are the Browns really gonna sign him. They just traded for Kenny Pickett, so they have the backup quarterback who can play until their number one overall pick is ready, because they're gonna take a quarterback at number two. I mean, they've been seemed to be locked in with cam Ward, but you never know. Now the Titans might do something. They might take a quarterback. But if they go quarterback at one, sure as hell. The Browns are going quarterback at two because this is where you get a quarterback. You have the problem with de Sean Watson's salary. You're not getting a quarterback anywhere else, right, So here's your chance to get the second best quarterback on the board, and you get him at number two. Don't have to worry about any type of situation salary wise, because hey, we can't afford guys because we're paying Jameis Winston. No. Here, it is built in. You got him in the draft. So the Browns are going quarterback at two. The Browns are not gonna bring in a guy to be the rival and to beat out and keep that number two guy on the bench, which is what Russell Wilson would be. He would be a threat to do that. Kenny Pickett is a threat to play just until until Shadoor Sanders or cam Ward is ready. Like Nick, no bones about. He understands, Hey, I have a chance to maybe flash a little bit here. Look good in the preseason. Maybe I'll start the first couple of games. And if I start the first couple of games, maybe I play well enough eventually, I know that I'm gonna give the job to somebody else, but I keep my name out there for the other thirty teams in the NF or the other twenties in the twenty nine. Team's gonna have been traded a couple of times. So that works, right. It works for Kenny Pickett. That's your quarterback room, Kenny Pickett and either cam wardor Shaud or Sanders. It doesn't work with Russell Wilson, one of these guys, because one of these guys is gonna play gonna player. Wilson's not gonna sign there and it's not gonna be a serious thing. So I don't know how much Russell Wilson with the Browns was just hey, sure, we'll meet with you because we never know. But in the end, where you find me the landing spot for Russell Wilson where he can start, there is none. There's no landing spot for Wilson where he can start. So yeah, and he's not if he goes somewhere to back up. That's not what future Hall of Famous quarterbacks do. And that's who Russell Wilson is. He's a future Hall of famoush quarterback. They don't sitting on the sidelines for a year and back up somebody else. So really, again, understand we may have seen Wilson play his last down in the NFL. That is a very very big possibility.
Just always remember there's a lot of injury possibility that's out there as we get back to work. Did we get into our OTAs and into camp and everything else. So Russell's just got to keep doing the high knees and keep the arm loose. Kenny Pickett isn't exactly breaking the bank. So if Miles Garrett with his new contract and you look at that roster in Cleveland and think you want to be competitive this year, then perhaps cam Ward gets a mulligan and you do bring in a guy like Russell. Wilson bought all of that to say right now. Yeah, I mean, there's there's no dance chair that's obvious for him, and nor should there be. I didn't think he was terribly exciting in the games that they won. Just because the offense moves slightly better with him than it did with Justin Fields when he was with the Steelers didn't mean that he was necessarily the right fit. Because we saw how it fizzled down the stretch. Now you bring in DK Metcalf, a guy he used to work with who all you want to do is throw the ball deep. Now it looks like Russell Wilson I could play. I can play quarterback for that team, right, Like they asked Tennis Leary and draft day, can you coach this team?
I can coach this team. Can you quarterback this team?
I just need to throw it deep to either Pickens or to DK.
Yeah, I can do that.
Let's go.
But yeah, Jamis Winston gets the gig, and we're still looking at Hall of Fame ish quarter on the outs waiting for someone to turn an ankle or a knee. We love times, but you know, and and the.
Thing is, it's stuck for Russell Wilson because what does he do? Does he do the whole? Hey, maybe I got one more run in me, And and I try and wait and be that desperate guy that hey, if some if somebody is injured, I'll wait like that, does he really do that? And then if he goes unsigned, he retires in the off season or something like that, like so weird. When you're a certain caliberer quarterback, it's that's hard to do.
Yeah, but you haven't been that caliber for a couple of years.
But he still thinks he is.
But that's but that's why you don't hang him up, because you still think with the right opportunity, right right, But the.
League is telling you. The league is telling you there's no opportunity for The league is telling you you are done. Nobody wants you. You're The league is saying you're done.
Yeah, but we we've seen uh doors open and chaos rain uh to where guys suddenly get a call. Hell, the Vikings are potentially bringing uh bringing Ryan Tannehill in. That's one of the jobs that he's still be in the offing. He didn't play it all last year.
Wait till the team, wait till the team trades for will Levis before getting Russell book Man.
Between Shanahan, O'Connell, Stefanski, there's a bunch of guys that think they're Wizards and can fix all the wrong that is there with will Levis.
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Now it's Steve to.
Say, don't even joke about that. It's one W after another.
Here you just.
Eaten w's at the update, Tesk, I'm eating WS.
That remains one of the honest bits of sideline behavior we have ever seen captured on show. New York Giants did sign quarterback Jamis Winston. The Saints sine wide receiver Brandon Cooks. The Chargers signed tight end Tyler Conklin. Free agent quarterback Aaron Rodgers visited the Steelers. Former defensive end Kenneth Simms passed away at the age of sixty five. He was drafted number one overall by New England in nineteen eighty two from the University of Texas and former heavyweight boxing champ George Foreman has died at the age of seventy six. He originally won the title in nineteen seventy three, and then at an advanced age again in nineteen ninety four. This is a guy who not only was an Olympic gold medalist. Eventually as a pro, he was forty and oh with wins over Joe Frazier and Ken Norton, and then suffered his first loss in the famed Rummel and the Jungle in Zaire to Muhammad Ali in nineteen seventy four.
His win loss record was.
Up to sixty nine and two when he was in his early forties, fighting again and Fody Vander Holyfield for the title and lost a twelve round decision. But it wasn't over there, because he actually won the titles again with a shocking knockout of Michael Moore in the tenth round at nearly the age of forty six in nineteen ninety four. Foreman's final pro record was seventy six and five again, George Foreman passing away at the age of seventy six.
You say seventy six and five, and I think wasn't that Nick Saban's record at Alabama.
Seemingly there was a stat that somebody in the SEC network pointed out that even if you threw out Nick Sabans wins and losses from the national title seasons, he would still have a dominant record. Just completely ignore those seasons and he was still awesome. Well, let's get to the college hoops, because the first round of the NCAA Men's Tournament ends tonight. We have four late games going on it's halftime Connecticut, he is leading thirty two to twenty six over Oklahoma as the Sooners are shooting twenty nine percent from the floor. Great start for the Oregon Ducks, up eighteen to two on Liberty after five and a half minutes. Liberty with one basket and four turnovers so far. Bryant is a head of two seed Michigan State early It's nineteen seventeen, about seven minutes left in the first half, Spartan shooting only thirty three percent from the floor, and Illinois late first half is ahead of Xavier thirty seven thirty three. Easy victories in the first round for Florida and Maryland. For Iowa State and Duke Arizona advanced easily. Tonight Kentucky a winner, but Memphis is out lost today seventy eight seventy to twelve seed Colorado State. Marquette is out, losing to ten seed New Mexico seventy five sixty six. Ole miss took Carara North Carolina, holding on at the end seventy one sixty four. Baylor started the day with a win of seventy five SI seventy two over Mississippi State. Victories for Alabama and for Saint Mary's and in the NBA. Among the winners Houston a victory at Miami one two ninety eight, Fred van Vliet thirty seven points and guys. The first round of the NCAA Women's Tournament is going on. This is a national tournament game. Duke a winner eighty six to twenty five against Lehigh.
Did they play Syracuse Men's Day?
Lehigh didn't have double digit scoring in any of the four quarters eighty six to twenty five the final as the Mountain Hawks of Lehigh finished with nine baskets and thirty turnovers in the forty minute game.
Back to You, Thank You, Steve.
Spread was only twenty nine in that one.
That's an easy w The Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon live the tirach dot Com Studios coming up next the first two days of the nca Tournament nearly in the books. We celebrate two of the greatest days in the sports calendar the best way we know how, with the greatest radio game known to mankind, True TV or Not TV coming up next Fox.
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven pm Pacific.
Fox Sports Radio The Jason Smith Show with My best friend Mike Harmon. Nearing the end of Day two of the NCAA Tournament, and it's a happy Friday. So no better way to celebrate two of the greatest days in the sports calendar than another edition of the greatest radio game ever, even better than the Magic Johnson Twitter games because Magic Johnson stoppedweeting for a while. He did. We scared True TV or Not TV the only week, oh plus week plus we watch True TV the other fifty one weeks of the year. I got some crazy as shows on it, so so you understand the channel you watch when you're watching college basketball. We play True TV or Not TV. Often imitated, never duplicated. I give you a show with a title and a description. You tell me if it is a real show or made up entirely by me. So real show on True TV, made up by me playing as myself. Mike Harmon, Steve Desag, Sir Roki Sasaki, Frostburg, Yes, and Snell Tyshirt got to listen to the whole week? Why we call him Snell? It's a whole thing. Here we go, Birthday Suit and Ties. Birthday Suit and Ties a documentary show about couples and their wedding guests who get married and have their reception completely In the nude. Birthday Suit and Ties documentary show about couples their wedding guests get married and have their reception completely In the nude, Mike.
Harmon goes back to didn't George coustande At some point just start saying I want to look good naked.
Buck naked?
Right, the buck naker naked show, alternate profession. I'm gonna say no, but I can get on board with this, Okay, all right, it's not naked and afraid.
Yeah yeah, well, hey we had Armageddon and Deep Impact at the same time, right, yeah, sure, this as well.
Okay, no, all right, sir Rokie.
I'm gonna say it is a show, but not on tru TV.
Okay, all right, schnell Ty shirt Yo, Birthday Suit and Tiz.
I'm trying to figure out what's for dinner.
Hold on, I gotta say this might be one of his alternate programming options for old snell Ty shirt.
This is I think this is Alex tischert trying to do something completely irreverent and opposite of what's actually going on on the air.
I think it's his effort to be Andy Kauffman.
Well yeah, but it's kind of coming across like this is how Keanu Reeves would do it.
He's just gonna put a needle on a record pretty soon.
Sure, all right? Birthday Suit and Ties?
Hey wait, hold on, Steve, will you call me out? Ishnell answer? We get paid by the minute?
Here was ah yeah, birthdays Yeah, there we go. Birthday Sudent Ties is not a true TV shows that a true TV show.
Would have had a couple more jobs for pixelators. Ghost Lusters, ghost Luster hell Yeah.
Part reality, part docu show about people who have fallen in love with ghosts. Ghost Lusters, part reality, part DOCU show about people who have fallen in love with ghosts.
And then been plenty of psychic shows through the years. I'm in, let's go.
I'll say no, though you'll say no, it's not a show on true TV.
No, okay, but you think people have fallen in love with ghosts?
Maybe vice?
Okay? All right? I mean if there's the movie ghost I mean, but Patrick Swayze.
Was I think that goes to it's not exactly a strange.
I mean, I don't know if there's pottery on the show or not. I'm not quite sure.
There's also Sam Donald on the Jets Bench.
Maybe that's the season premiere as Sam Donald seOne goes all right, sir Rokie Sasaki, what do you got?
Did did I stutter?
Coudn't do? What you say?
Not a show?
Not a show? All right? Schnell Yo, what do you got is ghost Lusters? A show?
I don't like ghosts?
No Lusters? Yeah? So you you you ain't afraid of no ghosts? Is that what you're saying? I don't like ghosts, So you don't like ghosts? So it's not a show just because you don't like ghosts. Legs are cool, Okay, he's just being that guy. So ghost Lusters part reality, part docky show about people will fall in love with ghosts is not a show.
I have a Boson who's made money of the book series checking out graveyards and corn it out and stuff. You could probably get him in a production company together.
That could easily be a show. That could easily be a.
Show subculture absolutely.
Or a movie on pay per view. Ghost Lusters, well that is well Pard twelve sure coming up next, we got a big story out of the NFL. The brocalypse is here. Fox's to go in a row still fifteen minutes.
Left to go in the second half, a lot of anger, a lot of the sloppy play in these late games except for Oregon the Ducks taking care of business.
Now before we get to the big NFL story, because it looks like the brocalypses here. You heard Steve Disager mentioned it a couple seconds ago. We talked about it a lot last hour and really gave you a big thing on George Foreman in the life and career he had. Foreman heavyweight Champion passed away at the age of seventy six, and you know we kind of had a fun little joke, like, you know, a lot of people only know him as the grill guy, like the people that only know John Madden as the guy the video game game. No, he was a coach in the NFL. Really he really he was. Okay, right, but looking this up and then a big shout out to Kirk Kretchmaar, who is our affiliate director, said, hey, look up the money Foreman made in boxing compared to what he made as a grill entrepreneur. And yes, in the seventies when you were boxed, this is the heyday of George Forman. You're not making nearly as much money in boxing as you were now or the later pay per view events going on. But according to what I've been able to find, like Foreman made about seventy five million dollars from boxing in his career. Okay, now, that's pretty good, right for a guy that fought in the seventies and eight, you know, and then retired and then came back in the nineties, Like, that's still pretty good for boxing when you know you're not you're not fighting that much, you took all that time off, that's still pretty good. But then he goes and becomes the grill entrepreneur, and after being famous for this in the nineties, he sells his business and in the end he made two hundred million dollars just off of his grill company, just off of the George Foreman grill, Like that's what he made. He sold the business for one hundred and thirty eight million dollars. At the height he was, he was clearing four and a half million dollars a month just on grill sales because he had a great deal. He was getting like forty percent of all the grid. Everything he sold was like, oh my goodness. So he fought and he made seventy five million dollars in his entire boxing career. Then he goes afterwards, yea, I'm going to start a grill company and boom, there you go two hundred million dollars. He was worth about three hundred million little over three hundred million dollars at the time his death earlier today.
Company creates the the venue and then starts going around looking for pitchmen, and it's been widely reported that they wanted Hogan because he would have been at the height of his popularity and he wanted more so George foreman, your next man up, let's go, let's make it work. And those numbers are absurd. Look, get the the boxing number, try and try to corroborate it. Seventy five million for a guy that fought in the seventies seems high. So I'm trying to figure it out. And I guess at the height of the pay per view all you needed was two or three really big pay paydays to get you to that number, right.
But it's also about all the money he made. This is not just in the in the fights that he fought. This is hey, appearances he made as a boxer, like being able to do whatever, you know, appearances he made, whatever money he made as a pitch man, whatever, endorsements like, that's all because he was That was all part of his boxing career at that point.
Yeah, that's the question of how do we parse that out, because you know, part of me is like, as a pugilist, what were his painting look at eighty one talking about times in the seventy six wins for his seventy six years on this earth, that's pretty damn good.
Yeah, Yeah, not to mention the three hundred million.
Dollars in a sense, Uh, just for all the George's and everybody else that he left behind in a legacy see Larger than Life. Uh, and look spawned that whole industry. We talked about it a little bit last hour when you talk about you know, late night infomercials and everything else, the George Foreman grill became the standard, right because of his boxing history. He wasn't just relegated to late night TV. He was showing up on all the morning shows, hanging out and having a burger with Regis and Kathy Lee and all of those kind of appearances to where you had just references and spawning an entire industry. Hell, he's probably should have been getting money off of everything going on with Shark Tank all these years, based on the success of the foodm and Grill.
And he was fun. He was a fun guy. He was a fun guy away from the ring. Not many boxers are like that, right, Like boxers are boxes are serious dudes. Right When you you gotta be serious for that long, it's it's hard to really be a fun guy. But he showed up and did all his all his endorsements, all his appearances. He was fun. He left. He was he liked to have a good time like he was. He was so personable and now you know that's half the battle too. Hey, I like George Forman, and not only that, he's kind of fun and yeah, give me more, let me have more at George Ford, give me more at George Foreman. Like that's that's like that, that's you know, part of your you know, part of your whole aura and and who you are. And like I said, you don't see many boxes you walk around and go, hey, what a great dude. That is really easy going. He's just like to hang out and have fun and laugh and be a practical joker. That's that's That's not a lot of dudes. But that was George Forman.
But that's the beauty of it. He's in your circle and he's a good time and then if things go south, he's he's got your back. With that that reach that I talked about last hour, Ane, Yeah.
It wasn't the the ninety eight inch reach.
Seventy eight in reach, right, so one of those of the old Michael Jordan poster, the wingspan uh poster. I mean think about that for for George Foreman, that's how you win go seventy six and five with sixty eight career knockouts. But I mean just a legend. And again we we'd think about the pitch man, and that's how a lot of folks. You go to any thrift store, you're going to run into a George Foreman grill or three.
You go Mount Rushmore, a pitch man there and.
Ron Billy Mays, Sure, sure, shack.
The fact that I just rattled three guys.
Off shack for N one, Shack for N one, show up to the opening of an envelope?
True? No, wait, now shack for N one or for the general like which is general?
Yeah, I mean all the pizzas and he's on the CEO for them.
What's the heat board? But what's the one he does the heat like icy icy high? Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, Oh Man.
George Foreman, George Foreman, that brought us, you know, shack saying okay, next up.
Sure, sure exit, how about a Fresco exit swalling dome. Jason Smith, Mike Carmon locked the tirack dot Com studios. I love more on George Fork We got to get into when we were kings. Uh coming up in a bit as well. But uh, as I mentioned, we talked about this for the last couple of years, and now it looks like the Brocolypse is here. According to NFL Network, who boy NFL Network in the news a lot today or in the rumored news a lot today? Uh, brock Party lining up to live in the neighborhood of a fifty five to sixty million dollars a year deal with the forty nine Ers. Now, first, I want to go way back to last year when I said the Broclips has cut. This is your last chance in the off season. And I don't know how many forty nine Ers fans. No, we just franchised and we don't need to extend them. Yeah, you don't do that to your quarterback. If you want to keep them, you're gonna have to sign him in the off season. Ta dah. Here's where we are. And already we're seeing numbers thrown around fifty five sixty million dollars. Whether this is from brock Perty's camp, whether this is what it's going to take to sign him. But now the Brocolypse is here, fifty five to sixty million for brock Party. And I'll be the first guy to tell you I don't pay him that I don't. It's difficult because the forty nine ers are sort of stuck because, yeah, they've been living the last few years with Perty on his rookie deal. It's a bad rookie deal, being mister irrelevant. But they were able to go in. They went all in for the Super Bowl, and what happened didn't happen, So they had to jettison a lot of contracts. And now what are you gonna do when you're paying brock Purty. Right, you already say goodbye to Deebo, Samuel Brandon Ayuka is injured last year and other players you had to let go. The forty nine ers era is over, and now you got to pay your quarterback. Brock Purty is a good quarterback, right, he's good? But is he a Is he a sixty million dollars a year quarter No, Dak Prescott's not. And that's what he got brock Purty. I can't pay him sixty million dollars a year. You know what kind of deal he deserves it. I'm being this and I say deserve, I mean this is what he's earned. Brock Purty, on his best day over the course of the last three years, did not put up a season like Sam Darnold put up this year with the Vikings. He just didn't. He just didn't this year, twenty touchdowns. It was a very pedestrian like season. And I think what you saw from brock Purty is that when he doesn't have all kinds of all pro weapons at his disposal, Christian McCaffrey in his prime, Deebo Samuel in his prime before he's fallen off, Brandon Ayuk in his prime, George Kittle in his prime, Trent Williams the best left tackle in the game when he's got all those guys around him. Yeah, he's okay, right, Hey, wow, look at brock Purty. Yeah, if brock Purdy had shown up on a different team, I brock Purty had shown up on the Jets, is he really this guy? Of course not. Brock Purdy is a guy that plays well because you had all kinds of great talent around him. Now, last year, what happened when Christian McCaffrey was hurt and Brandon Ayuk was hurt and Deebo Samuel is not the same All of a sudden, his production got to be league average and a little bit less. But he works in that system, right, so I'm gonna be fair here. He works in that system with San Francisco, and there's something to be said for that, because life without a quarterback is miserable. So I would do this. I would say, Okay, Brock, here's what we're gonna do for you, because it's very similar. And you know, for three now, perty did get to a Super Bowl and we're on a load, absolutely loaded team. But if I want to compare him to Sam Darnold, that's what I would do for Brock. Party. Here we go three years and one hundred and ten million, and I'll guarantee it all for you. We'll go three and one ten and I'll guarantee every say no money, do here about three and one ten and that's what you get because party Is Purty is good. He works with this. But sixty million dot, come on, man, bro show me something Brock Purty's really really done where you can say, wow, this guy needs sixty million dollars in league for three years. Okay, he had one really good year. He threw thirty one touchdowns. Again loaded when the team was absolutely loaded, not loaded this year. Not nearly the same guy. And the thing about him is he's shown you this year. He's not one of those top elite top six quarterbacks in the NFL, the list we've given you of the guys that are so good, that are the best of the best, because not only are they great, but they make everybody around them better. It doesn't matter the weapons they have, they make them all better. Brock Purty does and do that right, But he's again I want to be fair, and it's not like I'm saying the guy stinks. But if Sam Donald coming off a forty four thousand yard, thirty five touchdown year and the Vikings go fourteen and three, if he gets three and one ten, okay, that's kind of the nutt. That's where I would go for brock Pertysi. You have all of it, but three and one ten, And I'm not going to go further that because what if brock Party falls off a cliff? What if you see that? Boy? Really we're struggling because well, you know, McCaffrey has hurt again, and now Brandon ayukuz not to whatever you want to say. Everything else is happening and he's not the same guy. Well okay, well, at least we only have two more years on this deal before you get out of it. But three years and one ten, that's what I would do for brock Purty.
Well, I mean, you look at your guys, Sam Donald, you had six years of whatever you thought of Sam Donald, right, a couple of years played extensive football. Decide you know what the coefficient is ahead of being the Jets quarterback and how that affects your algorithm as you decide what to pay a guy and how much that time detracts from him or he should get bonus points for surviving it. All of that to say, brock Purty had the twenty twenty three season, he was still a top ten in terms of quarterback raiding guy. You know, it's a look, if we're gonna use that, sometimes that becomes the be all to end all for folks. Right of what was his quarterback rating, I'm kind of there's noise to it because then you go to the QBR, the one that they made up over at the four letter, so you can go to that, but still top ten if you exclude the guys that only played one or two games, including Jimmy Garoppolo and guys like that. But you had a crumbled offensive line, you had a bad receiving corps and you're missing McCaffrey. You missed a bunch of your defenders. Now you bring in Robert solid defense will be better. Maybe these guys have a better year of health. And brock Purty still completed sixty six percent of his past attempts to guys that were coming off of you know, being shot, or were were youngsters like Jennings. I think there's still an upside for him. You know, his short run. Does he get sixty million dollars? No, But if that's the market, that's the market or fifty million or whatever that number is.
I don't know.
That's Sam Donald's uh, the necessarily the right comp either because he had a loaded team around him. Are you gonna penalize him?
No? But that's what I'm saying. Okay, he's good when he's got when he's got loaded people around him, and that's the that's the year that that Sam Darnald had, So okay, that's what I so, all right, Then you're good when you have You're really good when you have really good people around you. That's that's kind of the buddy he had the other six years before that.
Brock Perty's at three years with a great season and last year was still pretty good. I mean, if we're gonna tell me how great Matt Stafford is with twenty and twelve, why are we gonna tell you? Tell you brock Perty sucks?
How about that?
How about that bought? How about that?
Take that? Okay? Well, what the hell are you talking about?
Okay? Where were the forty nine ers this year? Where did Matt Stafford have the rams within one play of beating the Eagles? Right? Really, that's the argument you want to go with. Really how Brady was with his twenty and twelve, But that's the argument we want to go with, right we're talking about? What that's what I want to go with is that when everybody was there, brock Party couldn't get the forty nine ers near the playoffs and Matt Stafford, with a good last half of the year, had that within a play of beating the Eagles who won the Super Bowl in the playoffs. Yeah, I think you want a different, different comparison there