Why you've been hearing about Project 2025

Published Jul 18, 2024, 7:00 PM

You’ve likely heard of Project 2025. It is a set of conservative policy recommendations for former President Donald Trump if he becomes the next President.

Trump says he is not directly involved in it, and he has publicly tried to distance himself from it. However, Democrats have consistently attacked Trump’s ties to the plan. President Joe Biden has labelled it “biggest attack on our system of government  that has ever been proposed in the history of this country.” In today's deep dive, we explain everything you need to know about the plan.

Hosts: Billi FitzSimons and Zara Seidler
Producer: Orla Maher

Links to previous shows:
An attempted assassination attempt: What we know
The string of lawsuits against Andrew Tate
The criminal allegations facing one of Australia's biggest unions
Should prisoners be allowed to read the news?

Already and this is the Daily not this is the DAILI ohs oh, now it makes sense. Good morning, and welcome to the Daily OS. It is Friday, the nineteenth of July.

I'm Billy, I'm Zara.

You've likely heard of Project twenty twenty five. It is a set of conservative policy recommendations for former President Donald Trump if he does become the next president. Now, Trump says he is not directly involved in it, and he has publicly tried to distance himself from it. However, Democrats have consistently attacked Trump's ties to the plan. Biden has labeled it quote the biggest attack on our system of government that has ever been proposed in the history of this country, and he has also pointed to the fact that some of Trump's top advisors have been involved in today's deep dive, we are going to explain exactly what you need to know about Project twenty twenty five. But for Sarah, what is making headlines today.

Federal Labour has announced its cut ties with the CFMEU, Australia's Peak construction Union. It means a labor party will no longer accept donations from the union, which is now facing multiple investigations into alleged corruption. After a recent nine Network investigation, Labour's National secretary, Paul Ericson confirmed on Wednesday that the ALP was suspending all affiliations with the union. A Labor statement said, and I quote, the number one job of any union and its officials is to look after its members. The reported behavior is the complete opposite of this. We didn't explain on what is happening with the CFMU and Labor earlier this week, and we'll throw that link in today's show.


Australia's unemployment rate remains steady at four percent in June, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics. This refers to the percentage of people who were looking for work but couldn't find any. The seasonally adjusted rate increased slightly to four point one percent last month, and that number removes the influence of calendar specific patterns on employment like fruit picking jobs in the summer. There were fourteen point four million people employed in Australia in June, up fifty thousand from May.

Uber Eats has issued a warning about a new scam targeting WhatsApp users an email's customers from the food delivery platform said that hackers have been sending users a message offering them rewards to join a promotional team. Uber Eats said, if you receive these messages, we strongly advise you not to engage or click any links.

And today's good news, Lily Gladstone and Kaylee Reese have made history becoming the first Indigenous women to be nominated for an Acting Emmy. Gladstone was nominated for Under the Breach and Reese for True Detective Night Country. The Bear also broke records with its twenty three nominations, the most comedy series has ever received in a single year. The twenty twenty four Emmys will be held in September, eight months after union strikes delayed the Train twenty three ceremony to January.

Billy, I really feel like Project twenty twenty five popped up out of nowhere, I mean to me at least, but is now everywhere. I'm seeing it every time I look at my phone, every time I turn on the news. Can you just take it back a step and just explain what the context to this Project twenty twenty five actually is.

Well, explain where some people might have seen it around. So I've personally been seeing it a lot in the Democrats ads, Joe Biden's ads when they are critiquing Donald Trump are talking about Project twenty twenty five a lot. Yeah, when I first saw it, it was just like a three second clip of Joe Biden saying Project training twenty five. Look it up. It was giving conspiracy theories, and so it really required a fact check, deep dive I think by the Daily Ohs. And now I'm seeing it much more in mainstream media. You know, the ABC's Four Corners did a deep dive into it this week. The New York Times have done several explainers on it, So I think it's time for The Daily also to do it.

I think so too.

So, without further ado, what the hell is Project twenty twenty five.

So, basically, it is a set of conservative policy recommendations for the next Republican president in the US, who they believe will be Donald Trump. And it's basically just an outline of proposals and I think that's the key word here, proposals for what Donald Trump could do if he does become the next president at the election later this year.

Okay, so it's not the Republican Party's formal proposals, right, Who's actually behind Project twenty twenty five.

No, so it was organized by the Heritage Foundation, which is a right wing policy advocacy group, okay, with the support of more than one hundred conservative organizations, and a Project twenty twenty five has been worked on by hundreds of conservative policy advisors. So this is not directly Trump or the Republican Party. It's a think take called the Heritage Foundation.

Well, they're getting good traction, yes.

But some people listening may not have heard of them. I personally hadn't heard of them before this. They have actually helped shape the policies of Republican presidents in the US since Ronald Reagan, who was the president in the US in the eighties, and Reagan really put this group on the map. I was actually looking at Reagan's official website run by his foundation before and it very clearly states that the Heritage Foundation was his favorite think tank and that he really embodied their ideas and principles. And what I found a really interesting stat is that throughout his presidency, the Heritage Foundation made two thousand recommendations to Reagan, and he adopted two thirds of those two thousand recommendations. Wow.

So they have had and certainly seemed to still have a lot of influence over the Republican presidents of the day exactly.

So all of this is to say that they aren't a new group. And actually, when Trump was elected in twenty sixteen, by twenty eighteen, the Heritage Foundation said that of the three hundred policy recommendations they had made to the Trump administration at the time, he had adopted two thirds of them as well. So not only have they had this ongoing influence over Republican presidents in the US, they also have historically had influence over Trump's policies.

The policies that they're putting forward aren't Trump's policies, right, or at least in a formal sense. They're not his policy agenda.

No, they're not his formal policy agenda. And also he has tried to somewhat distance himself from it.

I do want to get to that because I think that that's the most interesting part of this kind of entire scenario and this entire story. But I think we need to just go through exactly what the policies included in this Project twenty twenty.

Five actually are.

So can you just take us through at a high level, what they are.

Yeah, start really broad and then we can get into a few different examples. So at a really top level, it wants to undo quote the damage the left has wrought, so referencing the Biden administration, and they want to do that through making really big policy changes from those adopted by the Baden administration in areas like immigration, abortion, defense, tax, and education policies. Now, Project twenty twenty five has four main pillars, but we're just going to focus on the first one, which is the policy agenda. Disclaimer, it is a nine hundred page document, so obviously we can't.

Go through all of the ten hours later, yes.

But we're just going to go through a couple that I think we're interesting. So firstly, on immigration, they use extremely conservative language. The group wants to increase funding for a ball on the US Mexico border, and of course that is one of Trump's key policy areas, that wall, and they say that the border should be sealed. That's a quote on abortion. It is very against abortion. For example, it states, quote from the moment of conception, every human being possesses inherent dignity and worth, and it states that all quote health activities should be rooted in a deep respect for innocent human life from day one until natural death. And it wants to see abortion pills pulled from the market and greater restrictions imposed on abortion across the US. It also talks about quote identity politics, and it states that quote radical actors are promoting harmful identity politics, by which they mean trans people and quote bases a person's worth on their race, sex, or other identities. They say this quote dressns Americans fundamental liberties as well as the health and well being of children and adults alike, and is called for a policy that quote protects children's minds and bodies and respects parents' basic right to direct the upbringing, education, and care of their children. So when we talk about their education policy, that is really what they're focused on, is identity politics. Now, on climate change, the group says that while it supports creating a better environmental tomorrow, the government needs to quote stop the war on oil and natural gas, and so it wants to slash funding for renewable energy completely. And so, you know this big transition that is kind of happening in the world away from fossil fuels and towards renewable energy. It is completely against that.


So some fairly significant policy proposals laid out there. I mean when I listen to them laid out that way, they do sound not overly different to what Donald Trump has said over and over again over the years. But what has he said about this specific project.

Well, Trump claims that he quote knows nothing about Project twenty twenty five. Okay, So in a since deleted post on his true social network, he actually said, quote, I know nothing about Project twenty twenty five. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they're saying, and some of the things they're saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. He continued with that quote, saying anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them. But there are a few things to point out. The first is that Summer, his closest policy advisors, are involved in Project twenty twenty at five and have worked on this nine hundred page document. So, just to give you an example, Russell T. Vaught is Trump's former director of the Office of Management and Budget when Trump was president in twenty seventeen to twenty twenty one, and he authored one of the plan's chapters. There is also Stephen Miller. He is a former Trump advisor who is also expected to return if Trump does win in November. And he has also been associated with a legal team on Project twenty twenty five's advisory board. And that's just for examples. There are a whole list of other people who are close to Trump and who are also heavily involved in Project twenty twenty five.

So if Trump has said that he a knows nothing about this or claims to know nothing about this, but b find some of these policies to be ridiculous and abysmal, that's a very strong quote in my mind. What is his policy platform?

So Trump's policy platform is called Agender forty seven, got.

Less of a ring to it.

Yeah, they are twenty of his core promises if he were to become president again, and that number forty seven comes from if he was elected again, he would be the forty seventh president of the United States.

And so what does that Agenda forty seven actually outline?

Well, firstly, Agenda forty seven is relatively short, particularly when you compare it to a nine hundred page document.

Anything short in comparison.

Yes, it basically is a list of twenty promises that are just explained in one sentence. They're all in capitals, which Trump, Baris and bratal.


There are some similarities to Project twenty twenty five, but there are also some differences.

Okay, So let's go through the similarities first.

Okay, So one of Trump's immigration policies is to quote seal the border and stop the migrant invasion, and that similar language to what I talked about before with Project twenty twenty five, which states that the border should be quote sealed. There's also similarity on electric vehicles, so, for example, Trump also wants to quote cancel the electric vehicle mandate, which is also similar to Project twin twenty five, which says to quote end federal mandates and subsidies of electric vehicles.

I imagine that would be an interesting dinner time conversation for the owner of the biggest electric car manufacturer in the world.

But there you go.

There are though, also some things that Trump mentions that Project twenty twenty five doesn't. So, for example, Trump says that one of his twenty key policy areas is to quote keep men out of women's sport, which isn't explicitly in Project twenty twenty five, but does have some similarities to what we were talking about before with identity politics. And he also plans to introduce quote large tax cuts for workers and no tax on tips, which I also couldn't find explicitly stated in Project twenty twenty five. All that to say, there are some differences, there are also a lot of similarities. I think both broadly have the same kind of architecture, they are very conservative agenda. But there are some differences there.

Okay, so some clear similarities obviously, that is in stark difference to the Democrats and to President Joe Biden, who is of course campaigning for reelection. We started this podcast by saying that the Democrats have included mention of Project twenty twenty five in so many ads. What have we actually heard from President Joe Biden about this project?

Well, Biden continues to accuse Trump of having deep ties with Project twenty twenty five. He says that it is quote run and paid for by Trump people. At a campaign rally over the weekend in Michigan, Biden warned American voters that Project twenty twenty five is quote the biggest attack on our system of government and our personal freedom that has ever been proposed in the history of this country. I've also heard Kamala Harris talk about it a lot, saying it poses a big threat to democracy in the US. So they are going very hard, and despite the fact that Trump is trying to since himself, the Democrats are trying to link them as much as they can.

I don't remember a bigger week in American politics outside of an actual election week, and I think that this is just beginning, and we are likely to see more and more of this sort of conversation as we get closer to November.

And before we go Zara, I just want to mention all of the different podcasts because there are a whole range of different topics that we have covered on the podcast this week in case you want to go back and listen. So on Monday, we did an explainer on that attempted assassination on Donald Trump and what it could mean for the future of his campaign and for the US election in November. On Tuesdays, Are You and I looked at the string of lawsuits against Andrew Tait, the controversial influencer who is also a self proclaimed misogynist.

On Wednesday, we shifted to talk about the biggest story dominating Australian politics this week, which is about one of Australia's biggest unions and the labor parties.

So that was a story about the CFMAU.

Today we had a fascinating chat with Joe Friedman, who runs a newspaper dedicated to serving prisoners in Australia.

That was a fascinating chat.

Rounding off with today another chat about US politics and one to take us through on the weekend.

We'll put a link to all of those episodes in the show notes. Thank you so much for listening to this episode of The Daily Os and we will be back again on Monday.

My name is Lily Madden and I'm a proud Arunda Bungelung Caalcuttin woman from Gadighl Country.

The Daily oz acknowledges that this podcast is recorded on the lands of the Gadighl people and pays respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island and nations. We pay our respects to the first peoples of these countries, both past and present.

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