Nightmare: trapped in a porta loo

Published Dec 9, 2024, 6:00 PM
  • The Buck-Up Live in Melbourne
  • Cold water swimming
  • What happened at the Presets?
  • Work husband vs home husband
  • Text from mum




Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning.

Imagine, if you will, that you are in a place of great beauty. Some teenage boys.

Walk past you, they yell out, they bitch tits. The world you see is a place of paradox of beauty and cruelty. It will cut you off at the knees then gift.

You a pair of easies.

And that, my.

Friends, is why you always always need a buck up.

Please walk into the night, Kay lay Brook and Nivella.

I'm gonna walk down the stairs under my overall the too tart, and so are my knees. But you can imagine it was amazing.

Hello, Hello Natesalfa, I didn't know when we did our live show. Hello live audience, first time ever.

And Hello Sasha French. No need what, No, don't worry.

Every week in the studio I get a personal lap dance by Kate every time. Every week we've done thirty something episodes. Every week you find a new way to move your boobs. I'm always impressed. And you pulled something out today. You did I mean the move.

There's always something you're supposed to love dancing. I mean I just pointed it out. Now, what a cracking show.

A cracking show I had to prepare for it this morning, because you know, Sasha and I've got a morning ritual Saturday morning. Oh the freezer, Yeah, we used to get in the freezer, but the freezer has unfortunately shut down minus one hundred and forty degrees the cryo therapy use me cooker already one minute in.

I don't think that's cool. Core snakes.

Just because it's cold doesn't mean it's not coolballers, duets. Let me give a ship off footballers. All right, that's how I turned if your health advice, health adviser, anyway, move on, Really, that'll cut, that'll be cut. That'll that'll be cut.

Harry On and my children are here, Oh are they No, they're not.

Used to me anyway, so why aren't they here? No, one of them. It was too it's too hard to organize care.

It's enough that I put my hungover husband and then he drove and I had to be very patient in the car. Yeah what very because he was hungover and trying to drop me off on the wrong corner.

I walked off. Admittedly, it's what Keyla's car. How stupid.

I hate the dummerst thing in the world. Carl too smart, You know what I also hate when the car beeper goes off because my growth they think my groceries are a kid.

Yeah, they're too heavy for the seat and.

It's like it's a bag of potatoes, you stupid rab four.

Anyhow, I've got an old Mercedes and it's always freaking out, and you know it freaks out in his voice like anytime there's a.

Car passing, there's a person. You have not done this, put some corner to my engine. It's such as it's for three.

It took me three minutes to say your favorite world.

You know what my girlfriend Carla said to me. So when we did it, we.

Did a show at south By Southwest, which was our first ever live show, which gave us the ill devised idea to do today. And Carlos said, and that was when we discovered who does he look like? No need to say it, but if he had a little Charlie Chaplin massage.

Right anyway, But Karla said, when I.

Got home from Sydney, the Dabbler Dabbler that's his houseband, Cody said, how was it? And my first question to him was, be honest, do I look like it was? And then he said it was a version of I wouldn't say, like, no.

It wasn't a full A classic dabbler response, of course it is half a yeah, very half fast. Where's my husband? You'll find his full last.

Oh, and I want to call out the bark, the horny b the comments under the fuck up Instagram pick of Cody, it is nothing but first trappin'. There are rare so annoyed.

No, he's hot, he's hot. You were annoyed.

Annoyed, you were me. I'm allowed horny buckheads jumping in her girl the boys all girls?

Yeah good, maybe maybe maybe maybe the lady is for turning.

I would also say I would go into the city with Pete any day over you driving, because I don't. I can't remember where we went. And after the event, you said, I've got the best park. And I'll tell you this, Nathan, this is something that no one ever does. And get idiots because this is what you do. You literally just pulled your car up onto some grass under a Bolti bridge.

Oh yeah, under the Balti Baulty bridge.

She just want nobody does, just goes. She goes. It's so brave that they wouldn't dare give you a ticket. And I walked it to your car and there was.

No ticket and you just parked.

Under audacious audacious And my husband, who's very morally correct nerd ah, yes, the main landing was real anyway. He's one of those people right anyway. He always says to me, darling, if everybody drove like that, and I say, but Darling, they don't, meaning that Katie can anyway. So we were at the pool this morning, which is what we've swapped the cryo chamber with.

You still haven't explained properly, honestly, why did this lady who run get shut down.

Because she was at the back of our corner up now, she was at the back of our what was it, Sasha speed bike?

Yeah, that's enough swing behind a spinning class.


And the woman sold the class, No, she sold the lease and Anna wanted to stay at the back with her hyperbaric chamber fantastic and her leg vibrating theory, her red light therapy and her cry, you've never told me about the league. I've never done that, Sash, it's done.

What is it? We don't need to hear about it.

But apparently put your legs in something and they inflate and they pulse up and down, which I think I would lie particularly.

Do you remember when they first banned sun beds in this country, so you can no longer go to get a tan. Yeah, but then this like black market of sun beds kicked off in Melbourne and so all the gigs that I used to go out with had a next to be like her name's Stacey, Text this number. It's in her backyard in reservoir and yeah, you'd like text some random warmon and go to a backyard for a late Well.

So our mate Ash Williams one that's bored one because they're all going cheap.

Yeah, so he's got one still, he's.

A perman tent and I tried to tan anyway, So this morning what happened was, so we're going to this I can't be bother telling this story.

I tell it, but you know what happened, So.

We we actually don't.

Sasha and I've been going getting in the cryo chamber.

Yes, but Hughsey, my mate, Hughsy, our mate Hughsy is what's known as a later dopter, right, so he's just started doing cold water swimming in the bay and then tries to tell me the benefits of it, and I'm like, mate, for eight years, I've been minus one hundred and forty degrees anyway. But I said to him during the week, the bay is not cold enough now hard to imagine in Melbourne.

And he goes, no, it's not.

I said, you can come on Sunday morning with me and Sash to the cold pools.

It was his birthday.

I said, old shout if your birthday, so we got all present anyway, So he gets it.

He gets in the pool with us. So there's four pools and one's minus no, one's.

Five degrees, one's ten degrees ones, whatever, one's hot, right, the hot one's the best.

I'll tell you that for nothing anyway.

So he turns up this morning, Sasha and I are a bit rusty from last night, and he starts, we're.

In the pool.

You're supposed to do four minutes. Sash can't do four minutes. We've realized for eight years we've been kidding ourselves with cryotherapy. Sorry, Anna, but your joint was bogus, because yeah, the full immertion in cold water, it's unbelievable. It's hard anyway, So hugh'ses in the sas She's like, she's a tiny little thing, so tiny, can't even see her behind there anyway. So hugh'ss in the pool with us, sash. She's like really suffering, tiny little thing.

She's gone rabbit right, She's got her hands like this.

We've been going several weeks to this cold pool. She goes so cold, he goes your.

Your hands aren't even in the water. He's a pool bully, a cold water pool bully. Anyway.

The reason that I had to do that is I've had to step up my physical regimen because my husband's having a birthday next week. And for some reason, on the invite, I said, barbecue, that's a bit boring. Let's make it a pool party.

I did. I did see that?

And did you think?

Yeah, you know I love you, but I'm so thrilled I can't come.

Yes, I know, you think what am I thinking? Do you do? You know what I've gone so mental? I went and bought a bikini.

I mean, I say a bikini, but it looks reminiscent of someone who's gone to boating, camping, fishing because they're planning to go off road with Russell Cooit. And that's just the top, and then there's the bottom. But still anywhere the pressures on anyway, some stepping things up.

Can I just say during a story, not that I wasn't paying attention.

I was very distracted. Also, this angle's week.

It's so that you're not sitting there. I did just hear the audience mean role was hoping came came the baby baby. We had a message.

We had a.

Message from a buckhead asking me if the baby any more than baby?

Hello, baby around.

With the youngest buckhead.


The baby's name, Sylvie.

How old Sylvie's really new? Isn't she?


Well done? That is awful.

I just have a question, did you buy a ticket for the baby? Because if it didn't, I'm so sorry, But I'm gonna have to ask you to leave. But ever.

And we will as his standard with our children. Loving society heckled you on the way out, so I just take it with love.

Who was the comedian that bullied the pregnant arch Barker, Well, none of that on the buck up.

Yeah, but I don't think it was a little baby.

I think like a little baby, that's easy, but it's I think this was like this kid was like nine months.

It's tricky at that point. Yeah, you wouldn't know.

I don't know, no, because I'm what the childless man? I mean, what a polite way to say?

Do you want to comment on that?

Is that your story?

We've got to go up to the that kicks in its passive aggressive.

What would this live show be if he wasn't negging me in some way, shape or form.

That's a buck.

It's a buck. That's a bar, it's a back, it's a buck.

That's the buck.

She's got one job.

I wanted to talk to about my big night out. It was now. It was three weeks ago now, and I don't think I'm good yet, like I've genuinely still it was well, it wasn't and that's the bad part about it. Look, we were me and my little crew. We went to the presets.

Love my papal preced I love my paper.

The presets had a role in anyone around my life. Gorgeous age about forty or ish presets big, you know, all throughout twenties, presets all the time.

I just saw them at that party in Byrn's amazing right.

They got me through coming. I came out to presets songs. Literally, I have my big first breakup with presets songs in my twenties. Yeah, it was like breakup is yeah, this boy's in love. And so a bunch of forty year olds decided a couple of months ago that we're going to be cool and we were going to go back to a new seven till ten thirty Music Festival had a finished on the that means so seated, no.

Hall. It was in this.

I was at the State Library. Likely my card got me in. It's it was it was it again? Sorry? Oh yes, thank you? Yes, the Botanic gut did you go?


So it was in the botanic gardens. That's good, We've got our news. So we went to those gardens. It was making us laugh so much because the messages building up to it. We're all about babysitting, who's getting a kid at what time? And this this this. I knew something was up when we arrived because there was so many people parking, were driving in to see the presets, babysitters booked and then I know my ten year old nephew, Nikolay and amsterdamists hope, Nick, I'm never right. Let's just say that we thought it would be really cool and maybe organized to have some help of the things that we used to have that would help. Oh yes, yes, yes, when we were young, when you run out of energy.

Yes, yes, yes, a chemical romance.

You're and surely your scientist husband is handy.

He knows exactly what to do at what time to make it.

Coffee, one for Dr Fauci, one for my husband.

Yeah, she said, doctor Fauci, that's an automatic call. Apparently not there we go, so we organized that. Okay, so that happened. There were so many texts. Someone had drive quite far, nerve lacking, no one knew names. It was like a letter boxes and it was so inside.

Yes, yeah, And then we arrived at the pre can I just ask, so I know what category we're talking?

We're talking?

I mean I'm not an arc, No neither buckwe yeah, okay, yeah, right, I hang on, just give us that Canada. How much it costs?

Oh like a pang? It was like school.

I think it was like, oh, I think it was cheaper if we got ten.

Yeah right, really okay, like panicle.

We got ten.

And then.

I got so nervous and my body is very sensitive to nerves, Kate, and we're right. It was like two of our friends were coming straight from work like it's our friend.

Yeah. Yeah, And everyone arrived sort of harried. Yeah, you know, yeah, a.

Friend of mine was going to meet with the girls from school, the mums, all the other mums. All the mums were going to meet up somewhere. Times have changed. All these people were eating oh yes, in the vans, like there were actually people eating chips and hot dogs.


Times have changed, but you want it. I was going to be cool and.

Young, sucking a lollipop.

No, and so I had my panadole.

Mm hmm was it rapid release?

No? No, it was so slow that Cody took another panadole. Wait until the other.

Scientists. He went full of vans.

He got the good stuff from behind the chemist, you know, to show his idea. And look, something didn't feel right very quickly. And we were trying to enjoy the precocts and they were phenomenal. If they're listening to you, recoon, they make them listen. They're still so good after all these years. And I I got I had to go to the portaloo and no, hang and terrible. I said, I can't wait to take about the precincts. It gets better. So I'm going to.

Tell you you've lost the crown.

I want to tell you. I'm going to tell you what I text the crew because we had a group message going safety.

Oh of course, so everyone knows where everyone is, all right?

If you had a hold dog all that sunscreen. I want to tell you the message I sent the group and you can try and figure out what I was trying to say. And I was very affected at the top.

Oh fantastic, very effective. Took a text from mum.

I'm in the portaloo, which is an experience in itself.

It's always You've never feel more precarious in life than in a.

Do you know what I was thinking on the night. I don't know if anyone here went to Falls Festival. Falls Festival used to just dig a hole for the don't know if it's for the girls as well.

They used to dig a hole and have a composting toil.

And then everyone went and just use a hole and then you threw.

How do you get out of the hole?

No, you ship on the open hole.

This is from the open hole. Yes, are you listening? Husband, do what.

You need to do and then you pull.

Then you'd get like, yeah, that's like at Meredith they've got composting toilets in they're actually amazing. This was the one where you use your foot your yeah, and then you know that someone's gonna tip it over.

Yeah, Kenny's going to rock up. So I'm in the portloo and this is I was. I was busy, and this is the message I sent the entire group while you were busy, because you're gonna know why, Okay, all right, I have explosive diabetes. I have explosive diabetes. Oh my goodness, So that passed. Why remember why these boys in love came on? The absolute banger? I know? And then I just what was it?


You still have the diabetes through all of that, I honestly have the diabetes for about three or four songs. Three or four songs, yes, which is a lot. Was only an hour and a.

Bit, how mom said another one.

I don't worry about me. I just want to have to go sit at the back.

Why shame diabetes?

I was scared.

Oh yeah, you had you needed access or arius, you know, so I where do people respond? By the way, diabetes?

The dabbler didn't respond. He was two cooked.

He couldn't.

Our other friend, wrote Lowell. Another friend wrote, of course you did nothing from the dad now that as usual, and so I wrote it out. It was a lovely time and thank you Precepts for taking his back. That's the bar that's a bar up. So we're saying to ourselves, what fun games should we play on the buck up line.

Oh yes, and we had to have a little surprise for you.

Thought, well, why don't we get the husband's up and let's maybe test to see.

You because you're always intrigued by the partners, like you're like, who's.

That lucky fucking guy? That's not funny. Why are they laughing anyway? So you just want to put another piece in the puzzle, I know.

But the bad news is that, you know what I'm going to say, the dabbler.

Yeah, he didn't reply.

He's not in the country, so that's annoying. But we did bring a replacement dabla.

Oh yeah, get the dad, bring out the dabbler, and then also dabbler.

First, here's the dabbler. There's the dablar. I mean, we've gone all out, haven't we.

He's really that's a seventy five dollars joke by the way, So.

All right, but also is there some flesh and blood.

Oh my god, Peter Alan Lewis can up be paid kiss her first?

Because he's nervous and he's hungover. It's a perfect storm.

And he may have, through nerves experience some diabetes.

No, so oh no, it's going to be me versus Pete. So we've got to welcome to the stage. We've got to welcome to the stage. Such a French brost sash of French. I think she's left, Hello.

Sasha, French sash. What's supposed to happen?

Look, she's just like made like a dabbler and stop, I hear she is. I wasn't saying anything bad.

What are we doing?

All right, we've got a quiz quiz.

The quizz is about Kate, and who knows Kate best?

Oh, yes, well it won't be the dabbler.

Pressures on Pete.

Oh my darling.

Okay, let me just preface this Sash by reminding you what Peter alan Laws said to me once.

He said, Darling, you know listening is not my thing. So so.

I actually i'd be very interested to know what's gonna happen.

Okay, you're gonna buzz in with your names if you know the answer to the.

Questions, darling, can you remember just practice pete?

Yeah, so scared to talk? Scared that's the work of I know, is that?

Are you scared to talk because of me? No?

No, No, he's.

Just nervous because he's like a proper person. Okay.

Question number one, if Kate was a stripper, what would her name be?

Nay, okay, it was okay, I do remember the word flaps?

No, no, no.

This On the episode, Kate talked about going to a strip club one night, and.

Then it was no him going to a strip club?

Did you know that that we know that you need that club? You went to a strip club? Was long time ago.

It was actually here's his bucks night where he didn't even have the decency to go to a second location. He started at two o'clock in the afternoon at the streets and he said, whatever you want, no, my friend. No, I was seven months pregnant with.

Our third child. I walked him out.

To the taxi like a fib and lay Danny.

I didn't love him at four.

And sometimes I still say to that.

And sometimes I say to.

Him, I've never felt the same way about you since that night.

Women men have got bombs. But we've got this and that.

Anyway, Peter bucked up at the side of that.

I'm gonna I'm gonna let Pete have a guess. How about you think of the ugliest stripper name you can think of. No, no, I'm not saying that's your name. I just want to hear from it. I've never been to the strippers, so I don't.

Know what have you ever been.

Really, maybe I should have married you.

Like a candy. Candy by the way, in three hours time at home, Kate's gonna go who the candy?

He fell? I have heard you talk about it before though. On the buck up mate.

On the this was an accidental striper name. Yeah, anyway, we've lost interest.

Amber drip Lips.

It was just a made up name. It was my name, it was.

Her name Ambers in.

No imagine if she had a doppel Ginger. Okay, Question two?

Question two, Okay, Name three supplements that Kate takes Pete.

Okay, So we've got we've got the mud, take a ship. What's it called? Sodian chi leogit she legit.

I got slash one as well. It's bitumen from Nepal. It's really terrible.

Yeah, you see her, do it?

Not for me?

You takema Okay, that's a supplement.

Good on.

That's a pre biotic, not to be confused with a probiotic. I mean, if we had time, I'd explain to you the difference.

The third one is or they won't? You won all, by the way.

The third one is what is the one that makes your tongue blue?


That's well, we don't name it because it's I think it's dangerous, to be honest.

Kate's on myth and she goes and gets spray paint from Bunnings and here we are there you.

Go, all right, that's three. I don't know you got one more one? Oh oh, that's a good one.


What was Kate doing that caused five firemen to turn up at the front door?

Buzz buzz Pete having a sauna?

Yes, yes, and who had turned it on for me before he left?

Yeah, which I was. I was so relieved because if he hadn't, it would been like, what did you do? You got to meet the fireman?

I really did already give it up for Pete.

We love it, Thank you, jar.

It's your new favorite.

What is it? Secrets from Old longer.

I still haven't made a sting. It's only like ten episodes ago that we.

Front out of their secret.

I'm genuinely in our thirty one how many episodes sash thirty five? For what?

For us?


Yeah, for us, it's like a lot.

We're actually brand new in terms of we're like Selvie.

At the at the podcast awards that we hosted and lost. The worst part was the people that one loved them, but they didn't even rock up.

No, they didn't come the fuck. But they've been doing it for a long time. I think they're wildly succeeds.

Okay, but when we were then we're talking to proper like legit podcasters and I'm like, oh, you know, and we've done like thirty four apps and they're like, oh, we did our three thousandth for last week.

Yeah that full on us one day.

Oh okay, So Secrets to Living old Okay, Bernardo Lo Polo a guy, Yes, Bernardo Bernardo all hang on uh.

Puerto Rican.

Well, it says he born in Brazil, grew up in America.

Brazilian Brazilian Portuguese speaks Portuguese. Okay, okay, all right, yeah, yeah, he lived.

For one hundred and fourteen.

I can't amber.

Okay, one hundred and fourteen.

Oh, is he ripped?

He's ripped? I rip he's ripped. Okay, he ripped at one hundred and fourteen.

But Quita.

Really on his one hundred and tenth birthday, he asked him the top five that he thinks of the reason he has lived to one hundred ten at.

The torn Does his brazilianness have something to do with that?

Not really, I think he's quite generic. Let's have a listen, all right.

If people ask me what do you do to say so young, I say, well, you've heard the set. You are what you eat.

So what's Bernando's secret? Five foods? Garlic, honey, cinnamon, chocolate, and olive oil.

Oh very quickly, Oh yes, honey me your take. You are very good.

Honey's magical. Do you know balvo? All right? No, you don't.

Think wear present cooker. Honey is magical.

If I said that, you.

Would gay bash me. You would actually swing a punch. Honey is magical.

You know they have found honey like.

In the trees.

No, what was it that curiosity?

The pyramids?

They found honey. They found honey in the Pyramids.

That's like I'm going to say, two thousand years old and you can still eat it.

I don't. That's all. That's all. That's so Nick, that's all.

And both was so big, but it's it's a non perishable food.

Thank you.

Yeah, sorry, I didn't know. I was in a room of nerves, all right.

Anyway, go on.

By the way, he knows my dream. My dream is to get nick curios on the buck up and just to go, let's cook it up and just have a whole hour of other things. He has to say, Oh, you know who else we.

Could get on? What's his name? Was the basketball player? Yeh, Bogt.

Why what's he's doing?

He's cook as well. He's full on. He's one of me. I love him. And you know what else? He is courageous. I mean, I don't want to say there's sheep here, but.

Yeah, Boget's full on cinnamon. I don't remember cinnamon challenge. Do you remember that when people would just swallow let's.

Do content two years too late?

I never tried it, did you ever? Try to know?

How do you feel about garlic? You love garlic? Because some garlic lovers are.

End Oh you know we should get on Costa from the ABC. Yeah, just to stand in the.

Cost Garlic is the pick me girl, like the garlic.

Just know need you to know, pungent personality.

Garlic just wants you to know what's in it. And it annoys me, like it's overbearing.

Okay, Avocados that pick me, spread me on anything.

Olive oil I like because I'm smashing the olive.

Finally, the son of an Italian likes something on that list.

I'm smashed on that. Yeah, we love it oli And finally chocolate. I think that is probably finally, after all these weeks, the best answer. But you know what it is, he's going to say, like.

Yeah, he's going to say seventy perteen.

And then those monsters Banado, you're dead.

I knew it was good.

I could hear, I can feel it.

Those people, would you like some TuS linked?

True? And then you know what else? They say? The worst people are silver.

I'm so sorry, Oh sorry, did you say? Oh no?

But just generally I'm not being It's not nice anyway.

You know, she's going to go through her life without ever hearing.


But it's so she's a tiny little she's new to earth. And I wanted to think it's just people wearing overalls and.

Screaming at her. Oh does she?

Goodness, mate, how does she feel about the intro?

I think she'd enjoy it. She loves it? Yeah, helps the milk come in people, I've just got to tell you that they always go.

And the great thing about it is you only need one square. That's yeah true. I wonder why.

I wonder why they're squares.

I've been losing weight on the each ship diet. I guess what. You really don't want to eat much of it?


That one cube of seventy cocoas all I needed?

Yeah, that's right, A little sometimes only have a half square.

I love it with a glass of bread wine.

Yes, Oh, it's more than enough.

For the revers stroll that's in it.

And our final segment.

Is so, I guess what we've got?

So he went fossicking through the anals of time.

I scrolled back many a year because we've got a Linn.

Classic milk because you know, his mom has dried up on us.

She's she's onto it. She's a smart woman, Linb, and so's mine. They're smart women anyway.

Thank you for everyone who sends these.

In because I have traitors in my family and my life that have been getting in lind'sier deeper jobbers, and now she's pulled right back. But for the last few years, my mother Lynn, because they're her and Giuseppe are retired out there in Greensboro.


Mum spends her days often going through old photo albums and then sending all of us the random all the time. We have no idea who the people are.

Are not any of you.

No, no, no, no, no us. It's all of our life, classic mother, their life, prey, classic mother, so striving. They're at the front of a church this photo. Yeah, a lot of family. My mom is one of ten.

Oh are they all there? It's her?

Everyone's there? Okay, are you there? No? This is pre you pre anyone Okay? And my mom's text message, okay, all right, Lynn, How cool I look? Her father looks like you? How cool was I? Your father is so young? That's my father. He's behind me. Don't know if the priest was a good one or a sleez Probably a pedophile, so hard a cody. She's back.

She's back.

Probably a pedophile.

Probably, I mean, she's she's lived through some stuff.

He's the photo of Giuseppe looking like me. That's the photo.

What at the front, that's that's my dad. Dad doesn't look like you.

Mom said I did. He did.

She's been telling him that for forty years.

And you know what, that's the one she doesn't know just by looking at him.

We know. Oh, we know. Yeah, all right, we're done.

No text, You're a good one.

I know I've got one, but I don't want to follow up. Oh this is gorgeous. So this is from Tina. You know what happens.

Sometimes we get texts from mums and then the people because we're all scared of our mums. Then they go, please don't use it on the pod. We're so terrified, but we've got four permissions.

It's a text.

From sorry, sorry about tomorrow, Tina. But after two days out, I would rather relax at home. I have tomato, lettuce and cheese. I am happy to grab rolls, et cetera. I could even mum classic coming up. Take some pea and ham soup out of the freezer. Two other Luke Patrick is in Saint Vincent's. He has pneumonia and food in his lungs. That has to be surgically removed.

It's a test. How do you get food in your rob I don't know, and then she wants it there? That's so mother.

Why do all moms and phone calls and text messages with just a random health update about someone else.

And it's always negative?

And that my friends, thank you so much, Thank you so much for coming.

Thank you everybody. We've loved it. Have we forgotten anything?

No, that's it.

Do we have to thank someone?

Sash and Comedy Republics.

Loved it, and also thank you for hopping on board us.

Thank you. When we first started, we just we hadn't we still don't know what we're doing.

No, because when you don't.

Know why we're doing it either because.

We love it and it's fun. But also when I was talking for a long time, people like podcasts, you should do on podcast but people were like, what's it going to be about? What's it going to be about? And it was so hard to explain what it's about. We're about elevating what we feel, having a good laugh, being resilient, escape, escapeape, and an antidote to sometimes the oppressive world that we live in.

And all of you went why the flosh and thank.

You, and we've loved her, love it, I love you.

Wait for our falling out.

We going to have such a falling out, were a couple of weeks. Let's just nick it up and just like we're having a weak All the audio just a montage the word for an hour.

And a half. My mother's Jamaican.

Okay, don't say it, don't thank you so much for coming. You will see it outside.

The buck Up podcast is hosted by me Kate Langbrook and him Nath Valvo.

It's produced by the brilliant Sasha French. Audio and sound by the magnificent Yack Lawrence you might call him Jack. And Dom Evans. Oh we're lucky.

The Buck Up with Kate Langbroek and Nath Valvo

Bye bye misery! In a world that seems to be lurching from one existential disaster to another, The B 
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